The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- January 7, 2007

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Zhao Wenlan, 68, from Hebei Province Illegally Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Force-Fed Drugs in the 2nd Forced Labor Camp of Shandong Province

  • The Persecution at the Women's Forced Labor Camp of Shanxi Province

  • Ms. Zhao Wenlan, 68, from Hebei Province Illegally Sentenced to 10 Years in Prison

    Due to her beliefs in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and because she clarified the facts about Falun Gong, Ms. Zhao Wenlan, a 68 year-old practitioner from Zhangbei County, Hebei Province, has been arrested and illegally detained on multiple occasions over the past seven years. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison in 2004 and is currently detained at Shijiazhuang Women's Prison.

    On July 20, 1999, Zhao Wenlan went to Beijing to appeal when Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong. However, she was stopped mid-way to her destination and deported to the detention center in her hometown by local police. The detention center extorted 260 yuan from her.

    On October 31 of the same year, the local police arrested her again without giving any reason. Her home was searched and her belongings, including the video and audio tapes of Mastrer Li's lectures as well as Falun Gong books, were taken away. Zhao Wenlan was allowed to go home on February 3, 2000 while waiting for the court trial. Two days later, Li Shanghong from the Political Security Section and other policemen went to her home to harass her. In order to avoid further harassment, she left her home and went to her daughter's residence. On February 18, she went to Beijing to clarify the truth about Falun Gong again and was arrested by Beijing City police. She was brought back by local police the next day and detained at the detention center. On the same night, the local police extorted 2,000 yuan from her family, claiming that it was to cover the expenses of bringing Zhao Wenlan back to her hometown.

    As there were four other practitioners from Zhangbei County who followed Zhao Wenlan to Beijing, Li Shanghong, Head of the Politics and Security Department of the Police Station, accused Ms. Zhao of instigating the group to appeal. He swore at Zhao and beat her, knocking out one of her teeth with his fist. It was winter time. Li Shanghong forced Zhao Wenlan to get down on her knees on the cold cement floor and shocked her with an electric baton for over one hour. Her face and mouth were burned from the shocks. Pus dripped from the wounds, and her mouth was swollen, preventing her from eating. Zhao Wenlan was also tortured with the handcuffed behind the back method for nine days.

    In the handcuffed behind the back torture method, the victim's shoulders are pulled down heavily by handcuffs at the back. After a while, the handcuffs cut into the flesh and the hands turn purple. It is very painful, and the victim cannot perform daily functions, nor are they able to sleep. While Zhao Wenlan was back-cuffed, she was still forced to attend military training, and her daily meal consisted of rough corn flour buns. To protest the prolonged detention, Zhao Wenlan went on a hunger strike and she was sent to the county hospital by former deputy director of the local police station, Guo Shili and his staff to be force-fed. The rubber tube for force feeding was not taken out afterwards. Instead, it was left in her nose to be used the next day while she was still handcuffed. The pain was inconceivable.

    On April 29, 2000, the Forced Labor "Re-education" Management Committee of Zhangjiakou City illegally sentenced Zhao Wenlan to two years in a forced labor camp. In October of the same year, she was allowed to go home on bail, awaiting the court trial. In exchange for allowing Ms. Zhao to go home, Li Dianxian, former Party Secretary of Politics and Law, the county 610 Office, and the local police together extorted 7000 yuan from Zhao Wenlan, but her family could only afford 1,000 yuan. Her family paid the money but received no receipts. After Zhao Wenlan went home, Li Shanghong from the Department of Politics and Security, his staff and people from the street committee monitored her and harassed her from time to time.

    In order to avoid further persecution, Zhao Wenlan left her home for her daughter's place. Li Shanghong and his staff went to search for her at her daughter's residence and all her relatives' homes. They tried to arrest her. The last time they went to her daughter's home, they destroyed the door, broke in and arrested her son-in-law because Zhao Wenlan was not home. Her son-in-law was illegally detained for several days and released after the family paid some money. Afterwards, her daughter and her son-in-law were harassed from time to time so that they could not go home and continue their jobs as taxi drivers. They had to leave their home, and Zhao Wenlan was forced into a homeless situation once again.

    Zhao Wenlan later worked as a street vendor, selling everyday goods to support herself. In July 2002, she was reported to the police by Geng Rui while she was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to her customers. Li Shanghong and his staff arrested her and sent her to the police station. Zhao Wenlan went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution but was force-fed for 11 to 12 days by Guo Shilin, former deputy director of the police station, Fan Yanbing, the director of the detention center, and several armed policemen. Zhao Wenlan suffered from high blood pressure and symptoms of heart disease. She was on the brink of death. The police were afraid of being responsible for her death, so they told Zhao Wenlan's family to take her home. This time, she had been illegally detained for over 40 days.

    After returning home, Zhao Wenlan and her family were harassed very often. On August 12 of the same year, Jiang Chuan and Yuan Ping from the Zhangbei County Court went to her home to deliver a copy of a legal document informing her of an illegal court trial and possible sentence.

    On August 13, Li Shanghong, Sun Baolin, Liu Yanhui and others from the Department of Politics and Security went to Zhao Wenlan's home to harass her again. She had to leave her home once more during the Moon Festival of 2002. Since then, she lived in Dongyaozi, a suburban area of Zhangjiakou City. On May 19, 2003, the policemen arrested Zhao Wenlan and detained her at the Qiaodong District Police Station of Zhangjiakou City, claiming that they were checking people's I.D. in that area. Wang Chunli, the director of the police station took 500 yuan from Zhao Wenlan, a bank book worth 1,170 yuan, and her clothes and bedding. He never returned them to her.

    Later, Zhao Wenlan was transferred to Zhangjiakou Detention Center. Afraid of being responsible for her death, the police allowed her to go home on bail to wait for the court trial which was to take place on June 19, 2003. They told her family to take her home.

    Staff from the People's Court of Zhangjiakou City, Zhangbei County Police Station and the local court went to Zhao Wenlan's home to harass her many times after she had returned home. Later, they hired a taxi to arrest Zhao Wenlan again. On August 12, they refused her bail and once again, detained her at Zhangjiakou City Detention Center.

    As her health was very poor, Zhao Wenlan appeared in court with the help of others. She was illegally sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment by the People's Court of Zhangjiakou City on March 15, 2004. Later she was sent to Mancheng Prison in Baoding City, Hebei Province. The prison refused to accept her because she was too old and her health was poor. However, the police from Zhangjiakou forced the prison to accept her. Then they framed additional so-called "evidence" to worsen the persecution towards Zhao Wenlan in the Mancheng Prison in Baoding City.

    In early 2006, Zhao Wenlan was transferred to Shijiazhuang Women's Prison. There is no personal freedom at all and the prisoners are forced to work hard every day, packing chopsticks or sewing buttons on shirts. Zhao Wenlan's body has been tortured to the point that she is now very weak and is suffering from high blood pressure. Lately, at the strong request of her family, the prison stopped forcing Zhao Wenlan to work. However, they continue to force-feed her with unknown medicines. Family visits have been kept under police watch.

    Falun Gong Practitioners Force-Fed Drugs in the 2nd Forced Labor Camp of Shandong Province

    There are about 300 Falun Gong practitioners currently held in the 2nd (Wangcun) Forced Labor Camp in Wangcun Town, Zibo City, Shandong Province. The guards at the camp routinely use inhuman measures in their attempts to force practitioners to give up their beliefs.

    The guards tortured practitioner Liu Quanyi by shocking him with electric batons. They kept him handcuffed for five days and nights. The guards ordered him to sit on a hard stool or stand for seventeen to eighteen hours each day. When Mr. Liu refused to give up Falun Gong, they transferred him to the 8th Group. Zheng Wanxin, the group leader, handcuffed him for eleven straight days and nights and then put him in solitary confinement. The guards also forced him to sit on a stool the entire time he was in isolation. One of the guards told him, "If you refuse to be 'transformed,' we will send you to the Qilu Hospital to have your organs harvested."

    Jing Xusheng, head guard of the 7th Group, and some guards from the Education Section used several electric batons to shock practitioner Liu Ruping on the mouth, feet, and inner sides of his legs simultaneously. Both of Mr. Liu's feet were blistered and terribly burned.

    Four or five guards in the 7th Group beat practitioner Liang Chunyong, forcing him to sit or stand for seventeen to eighteen hours each day.

    The guards twisted practitioner Wu Fengyi's arms behind his back and handcuffed him, preventing him from eating. They then force-fed him with a mixture of harmful drugs and later sent him to Basan Hospital. Labor camp guard Song Nan ordered inmates to viciously beat Mr. Wu and threatened him, saying, "As long as you're alive, you won't be allowed to leave the labor camp." Mr. Wu still refused to give up Falun Gong. They then sent him to a mental hospital, but he was later released.

    A large number of practitioners have died or become permanently disabled as a result of the inhuman torture in the 2nd Forced Labor Camp of Shandong Province.

    The Persecution at the Women's Forced Labor Camp of Shanxi Province

    The notorious Women's Forced Labor Camp in Shanxi Province is located in the north suburban area of Xian City. Practitioners from all over the province have been brutally persecuted since the first practitioner was illegally detained there over seven years ago, in October 1999. Director Zhang Zhuoqin, Prosecutor Secretary Zhao Xiaoyang and Education Counseler Li Zhen have expended great effort in directing evil guards to follow the gang of Jiang Zemin and Luo Gan (Communist Party National leaders) in using the evil tools learned from Masanjia Forced Labor Camp to torture practitioners.

    The first floor of the North Building of the Women's Forced Labor Camp in Shanxi Province is the so-called "Education Team," which is the dark room used to transform practitioners. The second floor is the second team, and the third floor is the third team. These two teams mainly focus on forced labor. People have to work from 7:30 a.m. till 2 a.m. or 3 a.m.. Extending the forced labor to finish tasks is the main torture tool.

    To reach the goal of "transforming" practitioners, under orders from Zhang Zhuqing and Zhao Xiaoyang, the education team, led by Li Zhen, apply all kinds of torture, threats and beating. They also feign kindness and deceive practitioners. Practitioner Ms. Xu Mingxia refused to be "transformed." She was cuffed in the hallway for 59 days during the cold winter.

    Practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiuying, in her 60's, refused to hand copy the so-called "regulations." Li Zhen hit her on her mouth with his fist. Her mouth was swollen for a long time. Later, both of her wrists were cuffed in the hallway and she was forbidden to use the bathroom.

    Practitioner Zhou Yating, from Hu County, refused to be "transformed." Evil guards Li Zhen and Bai Xiao called her into the office and pinched her face, shoulders and back with 2.5 inch needles, which were used to sew mats. After the wounds healed, there were many round spots. Drug addict Zhang Fan, from Yulin, took a leather belt and tightened it around Zhou Yating's neck while she was sound sleeping. Zhou awakened and shouted for help, which saved her life. It is very common to be beaten or cursed daily. When Ms. Zhou Yating held a hunger strike to protest, she was violently force-fed multiple times.

    Practitioner Yu Qinzhen, from Zhousi, is in her 60's. She refused to be "transformed," thus she was locked up. She was not allowed to wash or go to the bathroom. After a long time, her hair stuck together onto her bed sheets and her clothes started to smell. She refused to have her picture taken. The drug addicts pulled her hair and pushed her down with force. Anyone could beat or curse her.

    Practitioner Fan Shuilain from Fufeng was determined to resist "transformation" based on her solid faith in Falun Gong. The guards specified that those who were to be "transformed" be given a white drug powder, which was added into their meal bowls. After eating lots of white powder, one will become depressed.

    Practitioner Ms. Liu Jin, from Xian, used to be a College English teacher. She was determined in cultivation and righteously criticized the so-called "transformation." She was violently beaten. At the beginning, she was beaten after lunch. Later, they beat her violently, bruising her all over her body. After these attacks, they did not allow her to sit. They punished her by forcing her to stand, beating and cursing her at will.

    Practitioner Wang Xinlian, from Hanzhong, is in her 60's. The guards always wanted to "transform" her. Team leader Wang Li forced her to read books attacking Falun Gong. She refused, and wrote "Falun Dafa is good!" on the front page of the book. She was cuffed to the leg of a bed for 7 days. She was not allowed to use the bathroom or sit on any benches.

    Practitioner Ms. Luo Changyun, from Ankang, is a high school English teacher. In November 2005, Li Zhen tried to "transform" her with force. When an inspection group from outside the labor camp stopped by, Ms. Luo shouted "Excuse me!" and passed from a window the appeal letter she wrote. Guard Li Zhen was outraged and insisted in "transforming" her. They asked her husband and older sister to come from Ankang. Once they met, they brought out divorce papers and gave Ms. Luo an ultimatum between "transforming" or getting divorced. She was very determined that she would practice Falun Gong under any circumstance and refused to be "transformed." There was nothing Li Zhen could do.

    On February 12, 2004, the labor camp transfered all practitioners who refused to be "transformed" into single rooms on the second floor of the South Building, and tried to forcibly "transform" them. After more than 10 days, and trying all kinds of approaches, they still could not shake the faith of practitioners. They locked up practitioner Wei Xinrong, in her 30's, a former official of Mian County Food Department, downstairs for more than one month. No matter how they threatened or forced her, Wei refused to be "transformed." Finally, the labor camp sent two guards, together with the team leader Liu Sijia. They sent Wei Xinrong to Dayanta Mental Hospital and gave her an injection of unknown drugs. Afterwards, for several days, she became numb and sleepy.

    Ms. Wei Xinrong was tortured until she was only skin and bones and she could not walk evenly. She was still forced to do lots of work. Even drug addicts said that she looked like a different person from when she first came.