News and Events from around the World -- August 30, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Austria: Exhibition of Paintings by Falun Gong Practitioners in Amstetten City Hall

  • Czech Republic: Tour of Moravian Cities and Towns Exposes the Persecution in China

  • Austria: Exhibition of Paintings by Falun Gong Practitioners in Amstetten City Hall

    From May 26-28, the international "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" Art Exhibition was held in the Amstetten City Hall. The exhibition was advertised in many regional newspapers, a well-known national daily newspaper and also by a regional television station.

    On Friday evening, there was a private exhibition. Three speakers offered their support for Falun Gong with long and touching speeches, and members of the European Falun Gong Choir sang a song entitled, "Coming for You," which lent a pleasant ambiance to the event. The first speaker was Mr. Alfred Brandhofer, a member of the Society for Endangered People, who first spoke about the many different groups of people of this world who are threatened with extinction, providing many examples. In summary, he said that the threat to these groups couldn't be compared to the inhuman persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. He wrote a thank-you note to the ARS CARA Association [Austrian Association for Art and Cultural Exchange in China] in the guest book: "Pictures that awaken the conscience are depressing, but the others represent hope. Thank you ARS CARA that you have taken on these human rights violations as your special concern!"

    A Falun Gong practitioner guides visitors through the exhibition

    The second speaker, a member of Amnesty International and also a Christian chaplain, Mr. Franz Sieder, gave an impressive and deeply stirring speech. He said, "The intent of this exhibition is that we are deeply affected by the misery the people in China have to suffer. The art not only speaks to our mind, but also to our heart, which is why we are so much more deeply touched by the pictures than if we heard about this inhumanity in China over the radio or if we would read about it in the newspaper. All of us are in danger of becoming indifferent because of the many problems happening throughout the world. We all are in danger of becoming apathetic. We especially are in danger when we can't find a way to help. If we are by ourselves we are inclined to become resigned to the situation and feel it more convenient to let the world deal with its problems, but without our input."

    Chaplain Sieder

    Mr. Markus Brandstetter, the township representative, gave the opening and closing speeches of the event. He also showed his deep shock about the extent of the cruelty of this persecution and thanked the organizers for brining the exhibition to Amstetten. He wished the exhibition great success.

    All those who viewed the exhibition were deeply moved. Most everyone went from picture to picture and read all the descriptions in detail. Some were deeply shocked after viewing the inhuman torture re-creations. They approached practitioners to hear more about the reasons for the persecution. A child who had come to the exhibition with her mother almost cried. She asked her mother, "Why do people do things like this?" The woman took her daughter in her arms and told her about the situation of Falun Gong in China.

    Many people couldn't understand the inhumanity of the persecution and that something like this still happens today. They also could not understand why no one has really heard about this in Austria.

    An elementary school teacher was deeply taken aback that the Austrian media had not reported about this situation. He wrote the following in the guest book: "Deeply touching exhibition. It brings to the forefront that humans can become enemies and torturers of humans. All want to do business with the people in China, that is, they want to make money. This is totally immoral. Where is the moral courage to stand up for one's beliefs? Please, show these pictures on TV and over the Internet, to wake up the conscience of many people!" He bought an introductory book about Falun Gong and wished the exhibition much success.

    Many more visitors expressed their sympathy and support with their commentaries in the guest book:

    "Fortunately, there is a person who does not only see economic benefits, but also that which is hidden."

    "I hope that this exhibition will achieve [the effect] that more and more people will awaken and realize that truth and peace will win in the long-term."

    Originally published in German at:

    Czech Republic: Tour of Moravian Cities and Towns Exposes the Persecution in China

    From August 7-10, a group of Falun Gong practitioners organized a tour across Moravia to let people know of the ongoing terror of illegal organ harvesting in China. They visited the areas of Roznov pod Radhostem, Havirov, Frydek-Mistek and Sumperk. Everywhere they went, the practitioners displayed banners and posters about Falun Gong and the persecution, exposing the horrors of the persecution and the latest news about organs being taken from unwilling Falun Gong prisoners of conscience. They handed out fliers and talked to people, telling everyone about the petition addressed to the Czech Prime Minister and President.

    The purpose of this petition is to request an immediate investigation into the allegations of organ harvesting in Chinese prisons, prison hospitals and labor camps, to be carried out by international organizations.

    Most of the passersby were shocked upon seeing the information, and without any doubt they expressed sympathy for the persecuted practitioners. Many were horrified when reading the banners and some asked for detailed information and signed the petition to support Falun Gong. Many enjoyed watching the Falun Gong exercises and were interested in learning them, and some even bought Dafa books.

    In some places, the practitioners had not even hung up the banners when people gathered around, wanting to sign the petition. In some cities there were lines of people eager to sign the petition. Throughout the tour, almost one thousand people signed the petition in support of the investigation.

    The media were also interested in the current situation in China. In Roznov pod Radhostem, local cable TV reporters came by to make a live report, disregarding the heavy rain. This turned out to be a very attractive report. The reporters interviewed the practitioners, videotaped the beauty of the Falun Gong exercises and the contrasting banners showing the terror of the persecution. The report was transmitted that day in many regional towns. Through the news broadcast, the wider public came to know about the situation in China.