The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 8, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Mr. Tan Xueli Tortured to Death after Six Days in Yongchuan Prison

  • Ms. Lu Huiping Tortured to Death in 2000

  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the 3rd Prison in Anhui Province -- Part 1

  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the 3rd  Prison in Anhui Province -- Part 2

  • The Persecution of Shanghai Practitioner Ms. You Xiuyun

  • Mr. Tan Xueli Tortured to Death after Six Days in Yongchuan Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Tan Xueli lived in the Sixth Group, Eleventh Section, Zhonghe Commune, Qunli town, Pengxi County, Suining City, Sichuan Province. He used to spend all his money on doctors, but was never cured. After practicing Falun Gong, however, his illnesses went away.

    In May 2000 (a busy season to harvest and plant rice), he was arrested by local CCP officials, leaving his grain in the field. His kind-hearted friends helped him harvest the rice, but officials extorted one thousand yuan each from them because Mr. Tan practiced Falun Gong.

    On the evening of July 24, 2005, Mr. Tan Xueli was again arrested. He was sentenced to prison, and sent to Yongchuan Prison in Chongqing City on June 13, 2006. He was tortured to death on June 19, 2006, only six days after being admitted to the prison. His body was covered with wounds, the details of which are yet to be investigated.

    Ms. Lu Huiping Tortured to Death in 2000

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lu Huiping was an employee of Huimin County Cotton Textile Factory in Shandong Province. She started to practice Falun Gong in 1996. On the afternoon of November 14, 2000, she was reported to be passing out truth clarifying materials when arrested at around 1:00 p.m.

    Her daughter's wedding was scheduled on November 21, 2000, so her family paid 8,000 yuan to bail her out, and promised to send her back after the wedding. During the two whole days she was detained in the County Police Department, Ms. Lu Huiping was tortured severely, causing her mind to be unclear, after which she suffered a mental collapse.

    She died on November 23, 2000, at the age of 51.

    The policemen in the Huimin County Department have cruelly tortured Falun Gong practitioners since July 20, 1999. In April 2000, while they interrogated practitioner Mr. Liu Fengmin, the Political Security Office head Liu Dianting (male), two deputy heads Fan Zhaohe (male), and Li Jiaxin (male) had stepped on his wrists while he was wearing handcuffs, causing deep cuts in his flesh, and then slapped his face with a wooden board. In July 2000, they beat practitioner Cheng (gender unknown) with a leather boot. On April 5, 2000, Detention Center deputy head Li Zhong (male) first poured cold water on the bodies of around nine detained female Falun Gong practitioners, and then poured boiling hot water onto them, instantly causing one practitioner from Madian Town to have bloody blisters on her face. One day in July 2000, guards stripped three Falun Gong practitioners, including Mr. Su Huazhang, Mr. Ma Guofu, and others, holding them down to the floor, and beating them cruelly, which caused their buttocks to be covered with bruises. They also encouraged prisoners to beat Falun Gong practitioners, insulting them with scoundrel means, such as holding their penis', etc. The Chengguan Town Police Department deputy head Li Heping (male) has been extorting money from practitioners as well.

    The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the 3rd Prison in Anhui Province -- Part 1

    Since Suzhou was chosen in 2000 as the "Base to "Reform" Falun Gong practitioners" for the labor camp system of Anhui Province, all recently sentenced Falun Gong practitioners have been imprisoned there, with male practitioners held in the 3rd Prison (a.k.a. Suzhou Prison) and female practitioners held right next door at the Anhui Province Prison for Women. The strictest supervisory methods are applied to Falun Gong practitioners. The "unreformed" and "not-yet-thoroughly reformed" Falun Gong practitioners are separated from each other.

    This being the case, although Falun Gong practitioners suffer persecution and inhuman torture, outsiders know little about their anguish, because they aren't allowed to see their families, make phone calls, or mention the persecution in their letters. In this article we present what little information we've been able to obtain to illustrate the evilness of the Chinese Communist Party.

    Ruthlessly Persecuting Practitioners Who Hunger Strike

    Mr. Fang Yingzhou from Zongyang, Anqing is a 35-year-old med-school graduate. He was detained in Suzhou Prison from late October to early November in 2005. While he was there he was held in solitary confinement. Because he refused to wear a prison uniform he was severely beaten by corrections officers and criminals, and they shocked him with an electric baton. Several inmates used force to put the uniform on him by order of the guards. Then they tied him up and handcuffed him in a small, solitary cell. In order to uphold Falun Gong's dignity and oppose the persecution he felt it necessary to employ the most tragic method, a hunger strike, in the cruel environment of the jail.

    Not only did the evildoers have no sympathy or compassion at all in light of his sacrifice, but they instead considered his actions "anti-government" and "anti-law," and said he was "resisting being reformed." The corrections officers have a policy that if the criminals successfully terminate a Falun Gong practitioner's hunger strike they receive a "reward" (according to confidential prison "trading regulations," it usually costs an inmate 1,000 yuan to buy a reward; with three rewards a convict's sentence can be reduced.) Driven by this policy, and encouraged by the evil party's guidelines, which guarantee, "no one shall be held responsible for beating Falun Gong practitioners to death," the inmates madly and recklessly persecuted the practitioners with inhuman methods, caring nothing for the consequences.

    In less than one week Fang Yingzhou's body became deformed. Every morning and afternoon he could be seen on his way to the prison hospital to be force-fed. He painfully walked in very small steps with great effort, his heavy handcuffs and leg-irons dragging noisily on the ground. People who haven't personally suffered the persecution can hardly imagine the cruelty of the prison hospital. When he came back he always held his chest with both arms; there was always blood at the corner of his mouth and purple bruises on the backs of his ears. His expression was always one of extreme pain. Seeing him like this, everyone knew that he had again gone through a deadly test. Apart from being force-fed porridge twice a day, he was also subjected to torture by the other inmates. He nearly choked to death every time he was force-fed.

    Other Falun Gong practitioners who've been tortured in Suzhou Prison while on hunger strike include Dai Zhifeng from Suixi County in North An'hui, Wangjian from Hefei City, Cao Xiongbin from An'qing City, Li Che from Fuyang City and Ji Guangjie from Hefei City. The first three have been released and the last two are still detained.

    One Hundred Days of Torture

    In 2004 prison officials launched a so-called "hundred-day hard strike" campaign, torturing practitioners to force them to give up Falun Gong. The following practitioners have all been subjected to this "hard strike" campaign: Dai Zhifeng from Suixi County in North An'hui, Wangjian, Zhu Fangming from Hefei City, Chen Xiangqu from Wuhu and Xu Chun from Huainan City, who is still being detained. The persecutors shocked them with electric batons, hung them up for long periods of time, put them in solitary confinement, subjected them to extended periods of sleep deprivation, threatened them with death, etc., but their faith in Falun Gong proved unshakable. During the 2005 "hard strike and forced reform" campaign Falun Gong practitioner Xu Chun let go of his fear of life and death, disintegrating the evil and withstanding intense persecution for six months.

    During the campaign, the persecutors hung Xu Chun by his wrists from an iron gate, with only his toes touching the floor and his ankles fettered with an iron chain. Except for limited time to use the restroom, he was hung like this 24 hours a day. During mealtimes only one of his hands was freed to allow him to eat. He spent between three and four months hung like this. In their attempts to force him to give up his belief quicker, the police dragged him to the "strict control" team every day after 6 p.m. and shocked him with several batons simultaneously. The criminals called this "charging electricity." An ordinary person would either be frightened or shocked into unconsciousness, but Xuchun had no fear at all. After torturing him with electric batons one guard said to the criminals, "This guy really has a way of resisting the torture. Why doesn't he feel the pain?" They shocked him for more than a week without achieving anything, and had to give up this torture, but bloodstains could be seen at the corner of his mouth and on his neck and shoes. Handcuffed and dragging a pair of iron fetters weighing dozens of kilograms, Xu Chun could be seen moving slowly up and down the fifth floor with great difficulty, being helped by the inmates before and after he was subjected to the electric shocks. Seeing this one could imagine that he must have suffered severe torture.

    After mid-October Xu Chun was transferred to the "strict control" cell. He was given only a small bun weighing as little as 50g (less than 2 ounces) for each meal. During the day the persecutors forced him to run around and shout slogans. Sometimes they forced him to sit in the sun for hours. They kept trying to figure out new ways to wear him down. They forced him to stand outside from 6 10 p.m., almost sixteen hours a day. Since there wasn't any shade during the sunny days, he couldn't open his eyes in the strong light. Sweat poured from his body, his legs shaking. If the weather changed, he had to stand in strong winds or heavy rain, shivering in the cold. He used to be strong and tall, but he was tortured so severely that he became as "thin as a bamboo pole." He blacked out several times, falling to the ground, and was taken to the Emergency Room at the hospital for treatment. Finally the persecutors had to return him to the regular team.

    (To be continued)

    The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in the 3rd Prison in Anhui Province -- Part 2

    University Student Suffers Nervous Breakdown from Savage Torture

    Mr. Wu Jianghai, a student at a Hefei City University, comes from Wuhu City, Anhui Province. He was illegally arrested and sent to the 3rd Prison in Anhui Province for clarifying the truth of Falun Gong. He renounced Falun Gong after brainwashing and barbaric torture in 2004, after which he lived in tremendous anguish. He wrote a "solemn announcement" soon afterwards to nullify his renouncing Falun Gong. The officials abused and mistreated him for three or four months afterward. He endured all kinds of torture including electric baton shocks, sleep deprivation, and solitary confinement in the freezing winter while not being given any food. The officials temporarily gave up their abuses because they ran out of torture methods.

    Another round of torture started a few months later. This time the mistreatment was even crueler than before. After several months of inhuman abuse, he again wrote a guarantee statement [renouncing Falun Gong]. After he was sent back to the group, he again suffered from tremendous anguish and guilt. The inmates assigned to monitor him verbally and physically assaulted him continuously. The guards ordered the inmates to handcuff him to a metal gate while beating and kicking him and shocking him with electric batons. They also didn't let him sleep. Mr. Wu eventually suffered a nervous breakdown.

    Despite his condition, the guards sent Mr. Wu to the Strictly Controlled Group. They handcuffed and shackled him, and chained him to a metal pole near a wall. They assigned several inmates to monitor him day and night. Because he had serious injuries, he was later taken to the prison clinic to receive IV infusions. People who saw his delirious state of mind felt sorry for him.

    Another two practitioners also became mentally disordered from being tortured. Xie Yexiang is still being detained, and Tian Laisheng from Tongling was released. Their current situations are unknown.

    Electric Shock and Sleep Deprivation Changed a Brawny Man from the North Into a Mere Skeleton

    Practitioner Mr. Ji Huinian was a volunteer assistant at the Huainan practice site. He was tortured and force-fed many times after he was sent to the 3rd Prison in Anhui Province. For several days and nights, the inmates refused to let him sleep, and stabbed his arms and legs with a steel awl. They beat him until his chest collapsed, and you could feel his caved-in rib. He was taken to the prison clinic. The doctor prescribed an IV infusion, injections, and medications for him, but didn't reveal the diagnosis.

    Mr. Du Shanwei was once a brawny man from the North, standing five feet, seven inches tall. He was an officer at the Suixi County Police Department in Huaibei City, but was "illegally sentenced" to eight years in prison for appealing for Falun Gong while wearing a police uniform. During the violent attempts to "reform" him, the guards shocked him with electric batons. They also refused to allow him to sleep, handcuffed and shackled him, and forced him repeatedly to trot from the ground floor to the fifth floor and back. They shocked him with electric batons when he refused to cooperate with them. Then the inmates beat and kicked him all the way up and down the stairs. The flesh on his heels and the backs of his feet were scraped raw and exposed the bones. These areas quickly became infected, and the infection lasted for several months. In 2005, he was forced to stand for long periods of time, shocked with electric batons, and deprived of sleep. This once robust, tall man is now skin and bones and walks with wobbly steps. The tortures he had to endure lasted about seven months.

    Mr. Li Lin lived in Hefei City and graduated from the Computer Department at Wuhan University. He worked at an import-export company in Wuhan City and had attended one of Teacher's classes. He was sent to prison for "clarifying the truth," and his family was broken up. The officials pressured his family to "reform" him, and they shocked him with electric batons. They tortured him for several months until he looked deformed.

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Yu was born in Hefei City. His wife, a Singapore citizen, is also a practitioner. He could have stayed abroad to avoid persecution, but he went back to China and was betrayed by a "collaborator." He was sent to the 3rd Prison in Anhui Province. The Anhui Province 610 Office regards him as a major target. Tang Chuanyou, a ward head at the reform base, political instructor Xia Liangmin, deputy ward head Liu Jiazhong, group head Huang Qijun, political instructor Yao Song, and Zhao Jishun, the current deputy political instructor and the former deputy political instructor at a clothing factory, each carried an electric baton and shocked him repeatedly for a very long time. They also ordered the inmates to torture him, including depriving him of sleep.

    Practitioner Mr. Cao Xiongbin from Anqing held several hunger strikes during which time the prison doctor beat him. The inmates call him "animal doctor." These beatings resulted in critical injuries. He was detained in solitary confinement several times and was hung on a metal door many times and handcuffed to a bed. Almost all of his hair turned white.

    Practitioner Mr. Li Ce from Fuyang City was brutally beaten for holding a hunger strike. The inmates crushed the first knuckle of his right index finger with a wooden stool. His finger is now bent and deformed.

    Practitioner Mr. Huang Zhisong from Anqing City was shocked with electric batons on numerous parts of his body. He was deprived of sleep for many days. When he nodded off, the inmates beat him. He was hung on a metal gate while the inmates beat him. His hair fell out and he was tense from living under such tremendous pressure. The guards ordered inmates to attack Falun Gong and curse him in front of everyone at a large group meeting.

    Practitioner Mr. Xie Jiaqi is in his 60s. He is suffering from numerous illnesses, and the guards would not let him sleep. They shocked him with electric batons and forced him to "reform." He lives in great anguish from having betrayed his faith in Falun Gong.

    Practitioner Mr. Ji Guangjie from Hefei City suffers from serious high blood pressure, 240 over 180 or greater, and he also has myopia. The guards ordered him to take medications. He refused, and they tied him to an operating table and pinched his nose to force medications into his mouth. He almost suffocated.

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Manyi comes from Bozhou City. The guards shocked him with three electric batons simultaneously. They then handcuffed him to a metal railing in the hallway in the rain and in sweltering heat. They later sent him to solitary confinement.

    Practitioner Mr. Fei Zhangjin comes from Dangtu County in Maanshan City. When the guards demanded that he "reform," he refused. Several guards shocked him with three electric batons. Collaborator Wu Li from Feixi in Hefei City, who was later released, hit him with a wooden club about 3.2 feet long. They hit him so hard that the cracking noise could be heard from far away. They tortured him for more than twenty days, until he was extremely weak. The officials held his hand and pressed his fingerprints on a guarantee statement before they released him.

    Practitioner Mr. Hu Wenkui comes from Hefei City. The inmates poured boiling water on his feet, causing severe burns that had not yet healed after nearly one year of hospitalization. He suffered physically and mentally. He looks swollen and deformed from taking steroid medications. Specially assigned people are watching him. He is forbidden to go downstairs on his own.

    Practitioner Mr. Zhang Wushun is a doctor from Hefei City. He was detained in solitary confinement and shocked with electric batons many times. The guards kicked him.

    Practitioner Mr. Huang Jinli lives in Hefei City. He was hung up by his handcuffed wrists for writing a solemn announcement to nullify his denunciation of Falun Gong. The guards shocked his neck, head, and other parts of his body with electric batons.

    The Persecution of Ms. You Xiuyun from Shanghai

    Ms. You Xiuyun recovered from many diseases after she began practicing Falun Gong. However, after the persecution started in July of 1999, Ms. You was "illegally detained" many times because she insisted in her belief of Falun Gong and would not give in. In 2003 she was sentenced to a three-year term in a forced labor camp. While she was serving her sentence, her husband passed away because he could not bear the mental pressure of the situation. She was released from jail on May 6, 2005, but again arrested on the afternoon of May 24. More details follow:

    Ms. You Xiuyun, 58 years old, lives at 89 Longshui South Road, room 104. At the end of 1997 she was diagnosed with cancer. She went to see famous doctors and went through surgery and chemotherapy treatment, but it was all in vain.

    At the end of April 1999, she was lucky enough to join a Falun Gong exercise class and within less than a month, all of her illnesses disappeared without any further medical treatment. Since then, a previously hopeless family started to have a new life. Her husband also benefited from Falun Gong a great deal. His illness stabilized and his confidence that Falun Gong could cure illnesses increased.

    On July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin started to insanely persecute Falun Gong. Ms. You Xiuyun went to Beijing in order to explain to the government the truth about Falun Gong based upon her actual experiences and compassionate heart. Unfortunately, she was taken into custody, sent back to Shanghai, and then detained for 30 days. Since then, representatives from the local Longhua police department, the street security, and neighborhood spies constantly come to her house, trying to force her to stop practicing Falun Gong.

    On May 7, 2003, police came to her house, searched it, and confiscated some of her property. They then illegally arrested her. After that, Ms. You was sent to prison for nine months. She was tortured in prison and her weight dropped to only 35 kilograms. She was then detained for three years in Songjiang City's Sijing Women's Forced Labor Camp. She was strictly controlled by a single person for a long time. She was not even allowed to go to the restroom unattended. In order to attack her mentally, the guards brainwashed her, while using the hard labor to weaken her body and mind. They then manipulated a drug addict to attack her physically, which caused her body and mind to suffer from severe persecution.

    Even more hateful is that in March 2004, Sijing Women's Forced Labor Camp sent a letter to her husband. In the letter, they lied about her having breast cancer and threatened her family to force her not to practice Falun Gong anymore by deceiving them into believing that she would be released on bail after she quit practicing. Her husband didn't realize that was a lie, and it concerned him very much. So, in spite of his sickness, he went to the cancer hospital to ask for his wife's patient records, and he then went to the police department and the street security department to get more information. Even though he was worried and tired, he went everywhere he could think of to find out information about his wife. Unfortunately, on the night of April 2 he had a stroke. He was sent to intensive care for emergency treatment, but he was already in a coma. On the afternoon of April 4, he passed away. This year he would have been 54 years old.

    This lies and deception on the part of CCP officials directly led to the death of Mrs. You Xiuyun's husband. Her family was broken apart and her children were faced with some very serious burdens.

    On May 6, 2005, when Ms. You was finally released, the local police station, street security, and neighborhood spies still kept a close watch on her. They even assigned people to watch her door. She totally lost her rights as a regular citizen. This kind of conduct breaks Chinese laws. Around 4:00 p.m. on the afternoon of May 24, 2005, police officer Xu Zhihua from Longhua Cetention Center and police officer Wang Weixing from  Xuhui District Police Department lead some other people to once again break into Ms. You's house, illegally confiscate her belonging and arrest her. Now she is being detained in the Xuhui Detention Center, which is located at 15389 Lane, Longwu Rd.