The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 6, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • The 610 Office of Weifang Chemical Fiber Factory in Shandong Province Established a Private Prison to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Practitioner Wang Jianguo's Family Appeals for Wang's Death Case and Voices Grievance

  • "Why Does My Mom Not Speak? Where Is My Daddy?"

  • Remembering a Few Incidents from an Early Appeal in Beijing

  • Police Illegally Arrest Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Shao Changzhi from Dandong City, Liaoning Province

  • The 610 Office of Weifang Chemical Fiber Factory in Shandong Province Established a Private Prison to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

    After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, the leaders of Weifang Chemical Fiber Factory in Shandong Province followed the Jiang regime's genocidal policy towards Falun Gong practitioners by actively cooperating with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to persecute Falun Gong. They use all kinds of propaganda methods such as TV, radio, newspaper and blackboard newspapers to defame Falun Gong's founder and to damage Falun Gong's reputation. They also established a private prison to illegally detain Falun Gong practitioners, and to torture and brainwash them. They do not only persecute Falun Gong practitioners at the factory but also arrest them and take them to the nearby prison for torture and brainwashing.

    The CCP uses state-controlled defamation against Falun Gong, the same method used during the Great Cultural Revolution. It does not allow any other voice, and thus many people do not have a chance to know the truth. In order to clarify the truth and save those kind-hearted people who are deceived by the lies, Falun Gong practitioners at Weifang Chemical Fiber Factory continuously speak out the truth about Falun Gong. They continue to be persecuted severely for their actions. Thirty-three practitioners have been arrested and fined thousands to tens of thousands of yuan, and are sent to brainwashing classes. Eight of them have been sent to labor camps. Three practitioners have been fired. Some have been illegally detained in the private prison for over forty days.

    The CCP is persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, yet at the same time they are trying to cover up the persecution. Although on the surface it looks like the persecution is relaxing, it has in fact become more intensive. After the chief of the factory 610 Office, Zhang Zhiquan, retired, the new chief, Liu Jinzhi, intensified the persecution. He is actively working with the Hanting District 610 Office and the local police bureau to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. As a result, Falun Gong practitioner Wang Lanying was sent to Wangchun Labor Camp in 2004, Zhang Yujie was sent to the Weifang 610 Office brainwashing classes in June 2005, and Du Dianpeng was sent to the Weifang 610 Office brainwashing classes in November 2005.

    In January 2006 a couple named Li Chunmin and Ding Jieyu were reported while riding a bus, and were said to be carrying Falun Gong truth clarification material on their trip to visit a relative. They were arrested by the Qingdao City police. The Weifang Chemical Fiber Factory's 610 Office, along with Liu Jinzhi and the Hanting District Police Bureau, sent the couple to the Weifang 610 Office brainwashing classes for persecution. They also ransacked their home and fined them 20,000 yuan.

    In March 2006 Falun Gong practitioner Tian Zhenghui was reported while he was clarifying the truth to others. He was sent to Weifang 610 Office brainwashing classes by Liu Jinzhi. He has still not been released.

    By April 2006, more and more people had learned the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. However, Weifang Chemical Fiber Factory's Communist Committee, Discipline Committee, lead by Liu Jinzhi, put two questions to defame Falun Gong on the "Company Culture" exam. They threatened workers with fines and firing if they do not provide the answers they wanted. Some workers said that even though they did not give the answers they wanted, in their hearts, while they were writing, they were chanting "Falun Dafa is good." Some gave in under the pressure, but they declared on the Internet afterwards that their words under pressure were null and void.

    Practitioner Wang Jianguo's Family Appeals for Wang's Death Case and Voices Grievance

    Wang Jianguo, a Falun Gong practitioner from Jilin City was arrested by the police from the Nanjing Police Station of Chuanying District, Jilin City on March 2, 2006. Tan Xinqiang was the head perpetrator in the arrest. Forty days later, Wang Jianguo, only thirty years old, was tortured to death by the people of the First Detention Center in Jilin City. The tragedy broke the hearts of Wang's family. In addition, they were very worried about Wang's wife, Zhao Qiumei, who was also arrested at the same time as Wang Jianguo. She is now being held in the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp. Wang's family appealed to upper levels of the police system. However, the police department told them freely, "Do you think we can possibly help you? How can we punish our insiders?"

    Wang Jianguo's grandma holding Wang's photo

    The couplet reads, "Tortured to Death in 40 Days: Persecuted for Conducting Himself as A Good Person - It is Simply Unbearable. The Gray Haired Elders Had to See Off a Black Haired Young Man - Who Understands Our Grievance and Sadness!"

    Wang's family went to the Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp on May 29, 2006 in the morning. Because they didn't have a chance to meet the director of the labor camp, they talked to the instructor of the Fifth Group about Wang Jianguo's death and requested that the labor camp release Jianguo's wife Zhao Qiumei in order to handle Jianguo's funeral. Also, it will be Qiumei's last chance to view her husband's body. The instructor promised that Qiumei may go back home, but only briefly to take a look. However, he still had to get permission from upper levels who would have to discuss the case.

    As of today, Jianguo's body is still in the Autopsy Center in Jilin City. Jilin City Police Department urged numerous times that the body should be cremated, and tried to force Jianguo's family to sign the consent form for the cremation so as to destroy the evidence. The policemen who murdered Jianguo came to destroy the funeral display and very rudely denied any responsibility. The appeals of Jianguo's family ended up in vain, and such injustice shocked many people. The incident had a great impact among the local people. They all complained about the injustice. Jianguo's family and all his relatives jointly resisted and protested the evil policemen's wicked conduct.

    The staff members of Heizuizi Women Forced Labor Camp tried very hard to conceal Jianguo's tragic death from Qiumei.

    Jianguo's family went to the Appeals Office at the Jilin Provincial CCP Committee at around 3:00 p.m. on May 29, 2006. The receptionist simply stamped a seal on the appeal form and told them to go back to the local authorities in order to resolve the issue.

    Jianguo's family then went to the Appeals Office of the People's Congress at Jilin Province. A female official did the same thing to them.

    Jianguo's family went to Jilin Province Police Department. A male official who came out to meet them said, "We are unable to handle this case. Because you came from far away, I will simply chat with you privately. Don't take it as an official reply to your inquiries. Think about it, we belong to the provincial level police department. You want to sue your local police department. We all belong to the same system. Do you think we can possibly help you? How can we punish our insiders?"

    "Why Does My Mom Not Speak? Where Is My Daddy?"

    There are two rooms in a home in the Shangjie District, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. In one of the rooms lies a woman in a vegetative state, and in the other room hangs a portrait of the woman's deceased brother. A little girl about four years old asked her grandfather, "Why does my mom not speak? Where is my daddy?" The elderly man could only cry.

    When Mr. Quan Peijun was arrested on January 11, 2001, his wife was two months pregnant. Then, in August, his wife was diagnosed with dystocia (expected difficult labor or birth), and the hospital twice issued a critical notice about her. Mr. Quan's mother was already over seventy years old and looked forward to her son's return. Mr. Quan's parents in-law petitioned his employers and the forced labor camp officials for his return. They showed the related people the hospital's notice of his wife being close to death and pleaded with them to permit Mr. Quan to go see his dying wife. The forced labor camp authorities rejected Mr. Quan's request to go home to see his suffering wife. A policeman even broke the left thumb of Mr. Quan's father in-law when the two older people were resting at a cool and shady site in front of the Baimiao Forced Labor Camp entrance. Their petition was ignored. The broken thumb caused him to suffer intolerable pain. The older couple could do nothing but return home.

    Mr. Quan's wife couldn't endure the shock and went into a vegetative state. She couldn't speak or move, and couldn't use the toilet on her own. The pressure also made Mr. Quan's younger brother in-law sick. He died without treatment due to lack of money. Quan Peijun's older brother, Mr. Quan Peijian, was also illegally locked up and persecuted because he refused to give up Falun Gong. Even though the family was in such dire circumstances, Ma Shujun from the Political and Security Section of the Shangjie District Police Department still harassed them.

    Mr. Quan has been illegally imprisoned for over five years. His daughter is now over four years old. She often asked her grandfather, "Where is my daddy?" "Why does my mom not speak to me?" The elderly man could only cry. The two older grandparents have no means of making a living and thus live a hard life. They sought advice from lawyers who said, "They [the authorities] are violating the law while they know the law. Go ask them to release your son-in-law." They petitioned the 610 Office agents to release Mr. Quan. Li Meng from the 610 Office said, "He must write a guarantee of giving up Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance to get free."

    Mr. Quan was an employee of the Transportation Department of the China Changcheng Aluminum Company. Since he practiced Falun Gong, he was conscientious in work. He showed loving care for his over seventy year-old mother, and also meticulously took care of his sick wife. He was reported as he distributed Falun Gong truth clarification materials near the Shangjie District Post Office on January 11, 2001. After he was detained about twenty days in the Shangjie District Police Department, he was sent to the Baimiao Forced Labor Camp and was locked up there for one year. The persons who persecuted Falun Gong in the Shangjie District were Zhang Deying, Zhang Hongwei, 610 Office head Shi Fuqin, and Wei Jingfeng, who was the deputy chief of the police department.

    Under orders and participation of He Xianglong and Han Hongtao, the heads of the 3rd Group of Baimiao Forced Labor Camp, a dozen people kicked and punched Mr. Quan, whose arms and legs were bound up. They then shocked him on the head, neck, ears, mouth and chest simultaneously, using eight electric batons. Burn wounds covered his body. He was also subjected to the tiger bench torture as well as to force-feeding with hot chili pepper water, and many other tortures.

    Mr. Quan was not released at the end of his one-year-term in the forced labor camp. Instead he was transferred to the so-called "Law/Legal Education School" (the Wanqing Resort Brainwashing Center) in the western suburb of Zhengzhou City, where he was subjected to brainwashing and "reform." He was locked up there for eight months. Li Guogan, Transportation Department CCP Secretary of the Aluminum Company refused to accept him back at work.

    Soon afterwards, Mr. Quan was again sentenced to one year of forced labor. After that term expired it was extended by six months. Mr. Quan's family had traveled there and attempted to see him before the end of his term in August 2004. The Baimiao Forced Labor Camp authorities banned the family from seeing their loved one and cheated Mr. Quan's family. They said that they didn't need to come see Mr. Quan, and that they would release him as soon as his term was over.

    When his family went to the labor camp to take Mr. Quan back at the end of August, the authorities there told the family that the people from the Shangjie District Political Judiciary Committee and people from the Transportation Department of the Aluminum Company had already taken Mr. Quan back. His family then went back to the Shangjie District Political and Judiciary Committee and asked for his release. Li Meng from the Political and Judiciary Committee said that Mr. Quan was held in a brainwashing facility at the Wanqing Resort in Zhengzhou City. Mr. Quan had by now been a prisoner of conscience for more than five years.


    Numerous Falun Gong practitioners have been illegally locked up and fined in the Shangjie District in Zhengzhou City. The practitioners who are now still incarcerated are Quan Peijian, Quan Peijun, Xing Fusheng, and 47-year-old Ms. Wang Qiuju. She was arrested for going to Beijing in August 2005 to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. She was sent to the Shibalihe Women's Forced Labor Camp for a one-year term by agents from the Shangjie District 610 Office in Zhengzhou City. The guards at the labor camp prohibited Ms. Wang from standing or sitting. They forced her to do a half squat. They tortured her all day long. For refusing to write the so-called three statements and shouting, "Falun Dafa is good!" she was additionally persecuted by having her term extended. Ms. Wang's two children often cried for missing their mother.

    The authorities of the Shangjie District Political and Judiciary Committee, and those from the 610 Office assigned the persecution tasks of long-term monitoring of Falun Gong practitioners to the Street Administration Office and the Residential Committee. They required the Street Office and the Residential Committee to assign people to tail, monitor, and report local practitioners' whereabouts. These actions seriously endangered practitioners' and their families' freedom and brought a lot of inconvenience into their lives and to their studies. They are even at risk of being arrested at any time.

    Remembering a Few Incidents from an Early Appeal in Beijing

    Location 1: In the Police Car at Beijing's Tiananmen Square

    After Falun Gong was banned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on July 20, 1999, in order to clarify the truth to the government and to restore Master Li's and Falun Gong's reputation, I went to Beijing to protest. When I went to Tiananmen Square to appeal, a police car arrived, its windows covered with curtains. Six practitioners were already inside. Four were senior practitioners and two were young girls about 17 or 18 years old.

    Later, a young policeman arrived. He forced an attractive young girl onto a seat, and in front of everyone in the car, he molested her. When the girl tried to fend him off, the officer slapped her face. Some of the practitioners condemned the officer's vile behavior and stopped him. The police car quickly arrived at the West Side Branch of Beijing Police Station.

    Hundreds of practitioners had been taken to the backyard of the Beijing's Western Side Branch Station. The backyard was full of practitioners, some older and some mere children. These practitioners sat under the baking sun and constantly recited Master Li's poems from Hong Yin. In the afternoon, police cars came and took us to different detention centers.

    Location 2: Miyun County Detention Center in Beijing

    Along with several other practitioners, I was sent to Miyun County Detention Center. At first, we were all marked with numbers on our bodies because no one would tell the police his or her name and address. They took our pictures and then we were taken away, one by one, to what seemed like an old office building. While passing by a hallway, I saw a door that was half open and inside the room a policeman was sitting on a chair. A lady in her 30s was sitting on the floor with her hands handcuffed behind her back. Right by her side, a five-year-old girl was sitting on her knees on the floor, and both of her little hands were handcuffed behind her back. The police even persecuted such a young child!

    I was taken to a room and they interrogated me. They asked for my name and work unit. I did not answer them. They then used electric batons on my head, my face, and my neck, over and over again. When one electric baton ran out of power, they changed to a bigger one with higher power. They also kicked my head with their hard leather shoes. Later, they detained me in a cell. They took away all my personal belongings, even my belt.

    The cell was filled with people. I found out that they were all practitioners. Some of them had just arrived and others had been there for several days. Some had even been detained there for months. We all refused to tell the police our names and addresses.

    In the morning, everyone got up and did the exercises and recited the sentences from Falun Gong books. After breakfast, people constantly came from outside to investigate who was in the cells, looking for people they knew. Eventually I was recognized by someone from my work unit and was then taken away.

    After the harvesting of organs from living Falun Gong practitioners in the CCP's concentration camps was exposed, I became very worried about those practitioners who had been detained for a long time. They did not tell their names and no one from their work units came to identify them and take them away. Where are you, my fellow practitioners?

    Police Illegally Arrest Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Shao Changzhi from Dandong City, Liaoning Province

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shao Changzhi, 57, from Dandong City, Liaoning Province lived in the family members' residential complex for employees at the Badaogou Petroleum Company in Yuanbao District, Dandong City. Four officers from the Badao Police Department searched Shao Changzhi's home at around 3:00 p.m. on June 11, 2006. They took Shao Changzhi to the Badao Police Department where they deprived her of sleep and interrogated her. The police sent Shao Changzhi to a detention center the next day where she has since been held.