The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 4, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Supplemental Information about the Persecution of Practitioner Mr. Zhou Jiangang in Qinduankou Prison

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Zhu Aizhen and Others Persecuted at Brainwashing Center in Xi'an

  • Practitioner Liu Xiuli from Jilin City Suffered Persecution

  • Arrest and Subsequent Release of Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Liping's Attorney in Hegang City

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Nanchang City in March 2006 Were Severely Tortured

  • Thugs Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu from Weihai City 610 Office Brutally Injure Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Supplemental Information about the Persecution of Practitioner Mr. Zhou Jiangang in Qinduankou Prison

    A few days ago, after a report was published on the Clearwisdom website about practitioner Mr. Zhou Jiangang being brutally persecuted in Qinduankou Prison in Hubei Province, the prison and the guards were in a panic. Xiao Wenhua, the person immediately responsible, was terrified. Mr. Zhou has two broken bones in his neck and is paralyzed. However, we still need practitioners' help to further expose the evil's crimes and strengthen the effort to clarify the truth and rescue our fellow practitioners. Following is more information about Mr. Zhou Jiangang's situation.

    On March 10, 2006, after Mr. Zhou Jiangang and Feng Zhen were arrested and sent to the Strictly Supervised Team, Xiao Wenhua from the Prison Political Section and Qin Ling, the assistant instructor from the Strictly Supervised Team, were on the scene. Xiao Wenhua ordered the criminals in the Strictly Supervised Team to "teach them a lesson" (referring to Zhou Jiangang and Feng Zhen). Wang Chonghua from the No. 11 Team especially asked, "Where should I hit them? What will happen if the beating causes a problem?" Xiao Wenhua said ruthlessly, "Except the kidney, feel free to strike them anywhere on their bodies." The criminals then rushed toward the practitioners to beat them. Those mainly responsible for the beating were Wang Chonghua, Zhu Yong, and Li Min.

    According to eyewitnesses, on that day, Mr. Zhou's head and face were swollen like a water bucket. From the beginning to the end, Mr. Zhou was very firm and would not cooperate with the guards and their orders.

    Abuse and physical punishment are rampant at the prison. The guards on duty usually participate. On April 25, after Mr. Zhou Jiangang's beating, he was first sent to the No. 4 Hospital. Because they could not treat him, he was then transferred to Tongji Hospital. Even though he was at the hospital only a few days, the hospital charged more than 300,000 yuan. Qinduankou Prison wanted to perform an operation on his neck by removing the broken bones. However, both Mr. Zhou and his family refused to give permission. To date, the prison has not performed the procedure. After a few days in a coma, Mr. Zhou began to regain consciousness. When he could speak, he exposed details of his persecution. At first, Li Guozhou, the team lead from the Strictly Supervised Team, was suspended from his position. Other guards and those who beat up Mr. Zhou are very anxious.

    I hope practitioners in the Wuhan area will reveal more of Xiao Wenhua's evil deeds. In the meantime, please help Mr. Zhou Jiangang's family to maintain righteous minds and protect Mr. Zhou's safety. Also, help his family to demand that the prison:

    If the prison cannot agree to these three basic requests, the family should never agree to the prison's intention to transfer Mr. Zhou to Hongshan Prison. Hongshan Prison is administered by the legal system and has very bad executive management. On the other hand, the prison wants to create difficulty for his medical treatment and follow-up report.

    Qinduankou Prison in Wuhan City, Hubei Province:Address: Mail Box 51183 Wuhan City, Zip 430051

    Operator: 86-27-84613744, 86-27-84657035, 86-27-84657252

    Prison: 86-27-84613642

    Head of the Prison Kong Jinxi: 86-27-84657626 (Home)

    Commissars Deng Kailiang and Yang Changchu: 86-27-84657289 (Home) (Yang Changchu has been transferred to Hongshan Prison)

    Secretary of the Discipline Committee Gao Xunting: 86-27-84613611 (Office)

    Dean of the Political Department He Chunyun: 86-27-84613605 (Office)

    Prison Political Section 86-27-84613655

    Head of the Prison Political Section Hu Maohua: 86-27-84613655 (Office)

    Assistant section heads of the Prison Political Section Zhang Yingsong, Liu Wei, and Pan Li: 86-27-84613655 (Office)

    Leader of the Prison Xiao Yuntong: 86-27-84657306 (Home)

    Political Department Tong Zhiqun: 86-27-84613641 (Office)Section head of Education Song Qisong

    Instructor at the No. 3 Team Chen Chuanhong

    Police guard Zheng Mao, the instructor at the No. 4 branch of Qinduankou Prison

    Lian Jinwen, the assistant instructor

    The No. 17 branch of the No. 4Prison section (Detains practitioners):86-27-84657400 (Office)

    June 10, 2006

    Chinese version available at

    Falun Gong Practitioner Zhu Aizhen and Others Persecuted at Brainwashing Center in Xi'an

    Zhu Aizhen and several other Falun Gong practitioners who were detained by the Xi'an City Lianhu District Police Department on April 25, 2006, are being illegal imprisoned and persecuted at the brainwashing center located at Shaanxi Workers Hospital. Currently the physical condition of Zhu Aizhen and the others are extremely weak, and they have become emaciated. The police even shamelessly said, "We haven't done anything to Zhu Aizhen and the others except deprive them of sleep.

    The Xi'an brainwashing center is located in the Shaanxi Workers Hospital. The practitioners detained by police in Xi'an City generally are first sent to the Workers Hospital to be brainwashed. It is essentially a detention center without a sign. The illegal imprisonment can be of unlimited length and follows no legal procedures. If a Falun Gong practitioner holds a hunger strike, he is immediately delivered to Xi'an Ankang Hospital and force fed. If he eats again, he is returned to the Workers Hospital.

    The Shaanxi Workers Hospital is not only a brainwashing center, but also a dark den of evildoers who secretly interrogate and apply brutal tortures. Some Falun Gong practitioners' heads were covered with black plastic bags or black cloths. In some rooms there are torture tools such as the iron chair where Falun Gong practitioners' wrists and ankles are tightly affixed. The several police participating in the illegal interrogation eat, live, and rest inside the room, while continuously applying the torture methods and carrying out the interrogation. The Shaanxi Workers Hospital very likely is one of the secret dens of evildoers of the Xi'an 610 Office, Xi'an Municipal Police Department and Xi'an National Security Bureau.

    As of now, the Falun Gong practitioners known to have been recently imprisoned at the Shaanxi Workers Hospital and suffered persecution at Xi'an Ankang Hospital include Sun Shulan, Wang Jinyun and others.

    June 9, 2006

    Chinese version available at

    Practitioner Liu Xiuli from Jilin City Suffered Persecution

    Ms. Liu Xiuli, a farmer from Suxiangsanshe Village, Erdao Township, Fengman District, Jilin City has been threatened, arrested, and extorted several times by local police all because she will not give up practicing Falun Gong.

    On September 17, 1999, the chief of Erdao Township Police Station and policeman Xu Zhenfeng tricked her by saying they just wanted to talk to her and took her to the police station and arrested her. At around 7 p.m., police sent Falun Gong practitioners Liu Xiuli, Wang Ziguang (who died from persecution), Su Changlin, Yang Wenjun and others to brainwashing classes for further persecution. Liu Jun and Liu Xiuli were detained in Jilin City Detention Center for half month after the brainwashing class.

    On December 30, 1999, at around 7 p.m., the supervisor of Erdao Township whose family name is Liu, Deputy Supervisor Ma Chunde and others, with a total of over ten people, broke into Liu Xiuli's home and asked her whether she still practices Falun Gong. She replied that she still practices. They arrested Ms. Liu Xiuli illegally and detained her at the Jilin City Detention Center. At the time it was only eight days away from Ms. Liu's daughter's wedding.

    In October 2000, Ms. Liu Xiuli went to Beijing to appeal, seeking justice for Falun Gong. She held a banner at Tiananmen Square with the words "Falun Dafa is Good". She was pushed down onto the ground by police right away and was beaten. Her head bleed because of the beating.

    She was later sent to a police station, where police forced her to stand in the baking sun. Because she refused to say her name and address, police used needles to poke at her stomach, and used electronic batons to shock her mouth and face.

    She successfully escaped from the detention center and returned home. Chief of Erdao County Police Station, policeman Xu Zhenfeng and another four or five policeman put her into the Third Jilin City Detention Center, and detained her for 38 days. She was sentenced to three years in a labor camp.

    On September 22, 2003, policeman Xu Zhenfeng and other two policemen ransacked her home. The next day, they climbed the walls and broke into her home, and ransacked her home again while no body was there.

    On October 23, 2003 at 6 a.m., policeman Xu Zhenfeng, Li Jianping, Wang Zhongguo, and several other policemen broke into her home again. At that time only Liu Xiuli and her younger daughter were at home. The policeman started to beat her without reason. Xu Zhenfeng said, "We have orders from our superiors that  it  is not a crime to beat Falun Gong practitioners to death; we can just accuse you of having committed suicide" Several policemen took turns beating her; even her younger daughter was beaten. They dragged Ms. Liu for over ten meters and then put her in a police vehicle. During the trip, policeman Xu Zhenfeng continued beating Ms. Liu's badly on her chest and heart area. She later escaped.

    Ms. Liu was sent twice to brainwashing classes by police. One time it happened at 11 p.m. While looking for her, Deputy County Supervisor whose family name is Zhuang, and policeman Xu Zhenfeng and another policeman broke into her home and took Ms. Liu's husband when they could not find her.

    The following day, Deputy County director Ma Chunde and over ten other policemen tried to arrest Ms. Liu Xiuli. Ms. Liu's daughter and Ms Liu's brother-in-law tried to stop them. Six or seven policemen beat Ms Liu's brother-in-law very badly (a deaf-mute), and arrested him. He was beaten so badly that his internal organs were damaged. But later the policemen defamed Falun Gong saying, "Falun Gong kills people". The police station even used this to arrest Ms. Liu's family and sent them to a brainwashing class, and extorted 2000 yuan from them.

    June 19, 2006

    Chinese version available at

    Arrest and Subsequent Release of Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Liping's Attorney in Hegang City

    The officials at the Xiangyang District Court in Hegang City commenced an illegal trial on June 13, 2006 against five Falun Gong practitioners: Shang Xiping, Liu Liping, Yang Yongying, Hu Guijie, and Zhao Guiyou. Two of them sought help from lawyers, while the other three defended themselves. Practitioner Liu Liping's attorney submitted a "not guilty" plea for her. The practitioners denied all fabricated criminal charges. The practitioners further exposed in court that the police had violated the law in handling the case; that the police had resorted to severe tortures, to several consecutive days' of sleep deprivation, and other cruel means to extort a confession under torture. This led to the prosecuting side losing the momentum it had before. The trial lasted from 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and ended without a verdict. The court officials stated a verdict would be announced after deliberations.

    Prior to this trial, the police had arrested Liu Liping's attorney. In the process, this is what took place:

    On May 26, 2006, Wang Jidong, a person from the Xiangyang District Court in Hegang City who was handling Liu Liping's case, called her family members and told them that she asked them to find an attorney for her.

    On May 27, Liu Liping's sister Liu Lijuan went to Hegang City with an attorney who met Liu Liping on May 28. Liu Liping told him of all the severe tortures she had experienced inside the detention center. The attorney was moved to tears and indicated that he was greatly shocked. He had not imagined that Falun Gong practitioners had been treated so badly.

    Liu Liping told her attorney and her family member of several incidents that the persecutors had subjected her to: Yang Zengxian, deputy chief of Xiangyang District Police Department and Zhang Shujun, chief of the National Security Group of the police department, confiscated the 3,714 Yuan in her possession when they arrested her. Then she was taken to a detention center. As the detention center officials forbade the family members to bring things to the practitioners, Liu repeatedly requested the detention center director to ask Xiangyang District Police Department agents to return her money to her. The police department made two returns, 500 Yuan and 700 Yuan. The police refused to return the remaining 2,500 Yuan. Yang Zengxian said, "The money is gone and cannot be returned. I spent it for accommodations costs."

    With Liu Liping's request on May 28, Liu Lijuan's husband and the attorney went to Xiangyang District Police Department to ask for the return of the 2,500 Yuan. Yang Zengxian acknowledged the confiscation incident but said, "The money just cannot be returned." Later he said that it was Zhang Shujun who handled all the money.

    Liu Lijuan's husband and the attorney then went to see Zhang Shujun. Zhang said, "We did not return this money to Liu Liping, since we were afraid that the others would spend the money very quickly." When he was asked why the money had not been put on the list of Liu Liping's personal belongings and questioned if this was normal, Zhang said, "Not putting the money on the list of Liu's withheld belongings was for Liu Liping's sake." If it was for the sake of Liu Liping, now that her family member and attorney were here, it was time to return the money. Zhang replied, "No. I need to talk about this with the upper management."

    Liu Lijuan's husband told Zhang that Liu Liping had been subjected to extremely inhumane treatment inside the detention center and she would not let those who had tortured her escape the punishment of the law. The family would file lawsuits against these individuals and investigate the case to the end. Official Zhang Shujun became very worried, indicating that he was not aware of this issue and had not been involved in the persecution.

    Liu Lijuan and the attorney prepared to go to Harbin City at 9 p.m. of the same day. When the attorney went out at 7:00 p.m. to buy things, six riot policemen from Xiangyang District Police Department arrested him. Two of them were in plain clothes and the other four in police uniforms. They gave no reasons for the arrest, showed no ID and revealed nothing about their identities. They dragged the attorney forcibly into a police vehicle.

    Liu Liping's attorney said, "I am a lawyer. I have a proper license and am handling the case according to the law." One police officer said, "I do not care if you are acting according to the law or not. Who wants to see your ID? What is the use?" The attorney explained his side of the issue repeatedly, but it did not work. The attorney questioned the police why they had arrested him. The police said, "We just want to find troubles for the lawyer. Do you know the law?" The attorney was taken to the Anti-Riot Team of Xiangyang District Police Department.

    After Liu Lijuan learned that the lawyer had been arrested she called Zhang Shujun to ask about the case. Zhang replied that he knew nothing about it. Liu Lijuan again called Yang Zengxian and he replied, "I was not involved in the case and it has nothing to do with me."

    Liu Lijuan questioned him, "On what basis did you have the attorney arrested? This is a crime. I want to file a lawsuit!" She also told him that she had found another lawyer from Beijing who would come tomorrow.

    Subsequently, Liu Liping's husband called the attorney in Beijing. The attorney from Beijing told the police by phone that he had enough experience for what the police had done, as well as the ability to bring them to justice. Liu Lijuan also explicitly told them, as soon as the attorney Beijing would arrive, their actions would be certainly exposed. The police became a little scared, hinting that their police department head had ordered them to make the arrest. Being worried that something bad would happen and they might lose their jobs, they hurriedly called the police department head, which suggests that all these things were done by orders of the police department head.

    The police quickly reversed their attitude. They told the family that they should not worry; the attorney would soon be released, and that the police department head had already called them. Ten minutes later the arrested attorney returned.

    After the court hearings on June 13, 2006, Liu Lijuan called Zhang Shujun again to ask for the return of 2,500 Yuan, which they had illegally withheld. Zhang's attitude was very good this time and he said, "There is no need for Liu Liping's husband to come to get the money. The money will be put onto Liu Liping's bank card in the detention center." He also asked where Liu Liping's husband was and whether he had gone back home. Liu Lijuan said that Liu Liping's husband would not go back home until he had confirmed that the money had indeed been put into the account.

    Yang Zengxian and Zhang Shujun knew that Liu Liping's husband had gotten two attorneys for Liu Liping. By the time the court proceedings ended, past 5:00 p.m., Liu Liping's husband and the two attorneys became aware there were at least three plainclothes police officers keeping them under surveillance and following them.

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    Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Nanchang City in March 2006 Were Severely Tortured

    Police from Daishan Police Station and from Qingyunpu District Police Department broke into a materials center where four Falun Gong practitioners, Huang Liqiong, Zhang Shujun, Chen Wen and Chen Xiangyang, were working and arrested them. They were sent to Daishan 510 Hotel in Qingyunpu District to be persecuted.

    Ms. Huang Liqiong, 68, was a senior engineer at the Earthquake Bureau in Jiangxi Province before she retired. Police persecuted her by hanging her up by one hand with both feet off the ground and they didn't allow her to close her eyes or use the toilet for twenty four hours. Currently she is being illegally detained in the No. 1-8 Cell of the 1st Detention Center in Nanchang City. On April 20, the perpetrators issued a so-called "arrest warrant" for her. Ms Huang Liqiong began practicing Falun Gong in 1998 and soon recovered from many kinds of diseases from which she suffered. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong twice. She was illegally detained by the persecutors from the evil Party four times.

    The director of Daishan Police Station, its deputy director, the team leader in Qingyunpu District Police Department, Zhang Jun, and policeman Deng Xiangyang ordered the lookout patrols to persecute Zhang Shujun. Each of them pulled one of her legs apart 180 degrees, then they fiercely pushed and pulled them apart and shook them back and forth. Her lower back was broken due to the violent shaking. She was persecuted for six consecutive hours, and was not allowed to close her eyes for even one second during the torture. If she did, the police ordered the lookout patrols to brutally beat her again. Policeman Deng Xiangyang pounded her toes using the stool legs. Her toes were crushed and covered with blood. Falun Gong practitioner Chen Wen was subjected to the same kind of torture.

    Perpetrators who participated in the persecution also included Hu Xiaojun and Zhu Li from Qingyunpu District Police Department, and Chief Li.

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    Thugs Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu from Weihai City 610 Office Brutally Injure Falun Gong Practitioners

    Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu are "thugs" from the 610 Office in Cuihuan District, Weihai City, Shandong Province. They have brutally persecuted Falun Gong practitioners and committed numerous heartless crimes since Jiang's regime first started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999.

    Liu Jie is about 37 years old, less than 165 cm (5'5"), and a college graduate. He is the head of the First Section of Cuihuan District Police Department, Weihai City. He is a good talker and usually does not beat and scold practitioners directly. However, he does a lot of harmful things indirectly against the practice of Falun Gong and practitioners. People call him the "smiley tiger ."

    Liu Jinhu was born in 1971. He is about 175 cm (~5'9"), thin, with a dark facial complexion. Unlike Mr. Liu Jie, he does usually beat practitioners.

    The political security section, under Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu's control, often tortures practitioners who are illegally imprisoned, using various methods to force them to give up their practice. They deprive practitioners of sleep for four consecutive days (sometimes up to eleven) to force them to give up their beliefs under the tremendous physical and mental pain. They even order practitioners to follow the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) requirements and write criticisms and slandering words against Falun Gong and Teacher.

    In the brainwashing and detention centers that imprison practitioners, Liu Jie often deceives practitioners with bureaucratic actions, such as pouring glasses of water for practitioners. Liu Jie does not directly torture practitioners, however he reads slanderous statements against Falun Gong, which Falun Gong practitioners had been coerced into writing, and forces other practitioners to listen. Liu once asked a practitioner to step on Teacher's pictures, which he had placed on the ground. Once Liu saw the practitioner refusing to step on it he said, "You won't do it, so I will."

    Liu Jinhu, on the other hand, beats practitioners. He kicks, beats, and uses foul language continuously. He acts arrogantly but is actually very fearful. He worries that overseas practitioners will call his family and friends, so he does not readily give out his personal information.

    One time Liu Jinhu, in order to illegally arrest a practitioner who was in her 60s and lives on the fifth floor, climbed from the old lady's neighbor's home to her window to arrest her. One can see how loyal and to what lengths he was willing to go for the CCP.

    In the brainwashing center of the 610 Office, one time Liu Jinhu repeatedly beat a practitioner until the practitioner fell down. He asked the practitioner to get up and then beat the practitioner again until the practitioner could no longer stand. The practitioner said, "I won't get up. You are just going to beat me again." Liu said with a scoundrel attitude, "Who beat you? Who saw it?"

    One time, over ten practitioners were cuffed to a steel bar in a detention center. As the practitioners were talking to each other, Liu Jinhu rushed in with a leather briefcase and fiercely hit practitioners' heads with it and yelled, "Remember, my name is Liu Jinhu and when I come in, nobody talks, otherwise he gets beat up."

    Liu Jinhu's crime of violating practitioners' basic rights is not limited to what is written in this article. In order to make practitioners give up the practice, Liu beats and scolds practitioners or even prohibits them from using the toilet. These sorts of abuses happen all the time.

    Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu often kidnap practitioners, take them to a detention center, and then torture them. Inside the detention center, there are iron chairs in and outside of the interrogation room. They handcuff practitioners who refuse to give up Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, and hold them down on an iron chair. They use a steel bar to immobilize practitioners' legs so they cannot move and have to stay in that position for many consecutive days. Some practitioners compromise because they cannot withstand the pain.

    Practitioner Ms. Tian Li was tortured by the iron chair, and because it was so painful, she moved on the iron chair and caused the chair to fall. As a result, Tian broke her neck and was paralyzed. Tian was arrested by Liu Jie on May 22, 2002, and passed away on Feb 21, 2005. She lived in excruciating pain during the last three years before her death. Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu are directly responsible for Tian's death.

    Besides forcing local practitioners to give up their practice, Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu often send practitioners they arrest to Wangcun, and other forced labor camps to be further persecuted. Recently there were many practitioners arrested for no reason. Ms. Yao Shuyun was arrested on May 30, 2006, in Zhang Village while she was clarifying the truth. Her personal property was also confiscated. Ms. Li Guangzhen was arrested at home on June 9, 2006, and her possessions were confiscated. After being imprisoned by Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu, Ms. Yao and Ms. Li are now in the Weihai City Detention Center. Ms. He Shuxia was arrested on April 30, 2006. Liu Jie and Liu Jinhu quickly sentenced her for two years and sent her to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp.

    The gangs in the political security section in Cuihuan District, Weihai City, take persecuting practitioners as their profession and regard destructing human virtue as fun. They commit all bad actions possible during the CCP's persecution against Falun Gong. We hope people can help us stop these crimes.

    Liu Jie's parents address: There are two 3-story buildings west of Nantou Rd. His parents live in the west unit in the building located in the north.

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