The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- March 5, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Persecutors from the Yantai 610 Office Sent He Xiuling to the Mortuary While She Was Still Alive

  • A Prison Monitor's Repentance

  • Tortures I Suffered at the Changchun Women's Forced Labor Camp

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Weishan Grossly Abused at Wuhan Prison

  • Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Women's Prison in Liaoning Province

  • The Criminal Record of Policeman Yang Yinghai of Yantai City, Shandong Province

  • Beijing Falun Gong Practitioner Piao Lihua Suffers Persecution

  • 15-Year-Old Liu Jie Dies Due to Persecution

  • Additional Persecution News from China - February 3, 2006 (20 Reports)

  • Additional Persecution News from China - February 12, 2006 (17 Reports)

  • Persecutors from the Yantai 610 Office Sent He Xiuling to the Mortuary While She Was Still Alive

    In 2003, while my wife He Xiuling was producing Falun Gong truth-clarification materials in Wendeng City, policemen from the Yantai City 610 Office arrested her. She was imprisoned at the Zhifu District Detention Center for a long time, where she suffered brutal torture. At 7:30 a.m. on March 11, 2004, persecutors from the Yantai 610 Office, the Zhifu District Detention Center, and Liuhuangding Hospital sent He Xiuling to the mortuary, even though she was still breathing. Her lower body was completely naked and frozen. After they were informed of her death, her family members arrived at the mortuary around 11 o'clock, and discovered tears flowing from her eyes.

    I thought she was still alive, so I immediately went looking for a doctor. Because of the lies and propaganda spread by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), the doctor totally disregarded my assertions, not wanting to listen to a steadfast Falun Gong practitioner who believes in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." At the insistence of He Xiuling's relatives, however, the doctor arrived at the mortuary with electrocardiogram instrument around 11:30 a.m. Examination with the device revealed that He Xiuling's heart was still beating. After the electrocardiogram had produced more than 10 centimeters of test paper, the doctor ripped up the test results and fled.

    While discussing the arrangements for handling her body with medical examiners from Shandong Province Police Department and the Shandong Province Public Prosecutor, we raised the issue of the electrocardiogram test results, which had showed that her heart was still beating. All the examiners denied the accuracy of the test results, trying to help the hospital shirk their responsibility.

    Zhang Futian from the detention center, who processed the transfer of the body, agreed in writing to the following terms while my wife's body was stored at the Yantai City Funeral Home:

    1. While He Xiuling's body was stored there, her family members could view it at any time. Police and detention officials would not be allowed to interfere with their visitation rights for any reason.
    2. Before any medical examinations were conducted, her family was to be informed. Medical examinations performed without the family's consent and presence would be considered invalid.
    3. Her body could not be cremated without the family's consent.

    At around 8:30 a.m. on February 9, 2006, a relative and I went to see He Xiuling's body. A worker at the Yantai City Funeral Home told us, "I don't know the person who made this agreement with you. If you want to see the body, you'll have to find the policeman in charge of this case, and get his permission."

    My relative and I went to the detention center, but the security guard wouldn't let us in. I explained the situation to the guard and showed him the agreement. He told me that Zhang Futian had left the detention center. I asked him, "Who should I look for now?" He called someone in the management office, who told him that the only one with the authority to help me was the director of the center, but he wasn't there either. We tried, but couldn't get in contact with him. The only thing we could do was go back home. After we got there, I called the current director, Ding Xianfeng, again. He told me that he didn't know anything about the agreement. He said he would ask his boss about it and have an answer for me by February 13.

    At 8:30 a.m. on February 13, I went to the detention center to find Ding Xianfeng. He told me that he couldn't make a decision and advised me to go to the 610 Office. At around 10:00 a.m. I arrived at the Zhifu District Police Station. I explained the whole story to the director of 610 Office, Li Wenguang. He asked me to talk to his boss, Gao. I explained the situation to Gao and showed him the agreement, but he told me that he still had to check with his bosses. He also told me that the agreement was useless because it was given as a personal favor from Zhang Futian.

    I told him, "That's okay. Even if Zhang Futian isn't here anymore, you must still investigate it. He would never dare to sign the agreement without consent from his superiors." I waited for the whole morning for an answer and nothing happened. Finally I had to go home.

    I want to draw people's attention to the fact that He Xiuling was tortured to death. Where is her body? Does it still exist? We have no hope or confidence that the evil CCP can give us justice in this or any other matter, now or in the future.

    A Prison Monitor's Repentance

    I am a drug user, dealer and thief. I am incarcerated in the Douyun Prison in Guizhou Province. I have been jailed in Xinjiang, Yunnan and Sichuan Provinces. Many years of prison life taught me how phony the prison political instructors are, and how they lie and deceive people. The more they try to reform the criminals, the worse the criminals will get and damage society even more after they are released. As long as one's sentence can get reduced and living condition have a little improvement, the criminals will do all kinds of bad things that a person with moral standards and a conscience can never imagine. The reason criminals dare to do those bad things is because the government supports them!

    The prison policy says that a criminal who has been locked up for three years or more is qualified to monitor Falun Gong practitioners and be involved in their reform. Political instructor Jiang Fengming, Education section chief Wang Huachuan and some 610 Office agents told us in a meeting that if we wanted to get our sentences reduced, and if we don't want to do the heavy labor, then we should try all kinds of methods to torture Falun Gong practitioners, both physically and mentally. We should try our best to crush their wills. If we beat them to death, it will be counted as death from natural causes or suicide, especially for those solid practitioners. We should not have fear, for we have the support from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), and we should just go ahead and do it.

    On September 10, 2002, Falun Gong practitioner Yi Siheng was transferred to our hospital ward from the Second Prison Ward. I was assigned to monitor him. I took him to ward chief Liu Shuhuang's office. He was told to greet the chief in a prisoner's way, but he refused to do so. He also said that Falun Gong practitioners are not criminals. The ward chief verbally abused his Master and Falun Gong. Yi Siheng tried to talk to them. They cannot "reform" Yi, so the prison affairs section chiefs Shen Zhijiang and Wang Huachuan decided to put him into solitary. Their reasons were that Yi refused to admit guilt, disobeyed the prison instructor, and blamed the leaders of the country. They ordered five criminals to install metal hooks at each corner of the bed and then they held Yi against the bed, with his feet locked. They tied his feet and hands onto the hooks, and then burned his eyes with a powerful light bulb. He was locked onto the bed and could not move. The chiefs asked us to wait outside and ignored all his requests. They asked us not to release him, even if he needs to use the bathroom. They tried to make him realize that prison is a powerful tool in the hands of the CCP. They won't release him until he admits that he is guilty.

    Yi had by then been on a hunger strike for five days. The prison doctors force-fed him. Since he refused to take any food, they injected some medicine, which made him unconscious. Even locked onto the bed, Yi still tried to tell the guards and criminals who were monitoring him that Falun Gong teaches people to be good, and how the practitioners are being persecuted. His clarifying the truth won our sympathy. The cruel torture made him very weak and gravely ill. Since he still refused to declare himself guilty, the prison authorities had to release him from the solitary cell and had two criminals monitor him. When we mentioned the lies from TV or newspaper, he always convinced us with Falun Gong's teaching of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," and the solid examples of other Falun Gong practitioners who were also in this prison. Wherever he was, he always asked the criminals to behave well, and consider their family and society. He also told them that he hopes they can find a good job after being released and won't do any bad things. He asked them to remember that "Falun Dafa is good. Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance are good."

    We were forced to watch CCTV's news and the "Focal Point" program. One Saturday night in November, "Focal Point" slandered Falun Gong again. Yi stood up and told all the criminals what "Focal Point" said are all lies, and none of them is true. Somebody reported him to the instructor, so the instructor decreed that no one was allowed to talk to him. He was watched wherever he went, even in the bathroom. He told the instructor that he wouldn't obey those rules or accept their arrangement, because dissenting from those is a basic human right. For this reason, he was locked in solitary again and didn't get released until the Chinese New Year. On the morning of Chinese New Year, he talked about Falun Gong to people again, so Liu Shuhuang and another guard locked him in the solitary cell again. He held another a hunger strike for one month to protest, which made him too weak to walk.

    On March 5, 2003, the prison got all the Falun Gong practitioners together and tried to "reform" all of them. Yi was carried out from the solitary cell. Two criminals held him. Jiang Fengming, Wang Huachuan, Shen Zhijiang, Zheng Jiajun, and guards from each prison ward took turns on the stage presenting speeches, attacking Falun Gong and Master Li Hongzhi. Yi spoke loudly, "Those are all lies. I won't read or listen anything that slanders my Master and Falun Gong."

    Wang Huachuan ordered criminals to put Yi into the solitary cell. He locked Yi's hands onto the bed. Zheng Jiajun locked his feet with heavy shackles. They took away all the bedding during that cold March. He was wearing only very thin clothes. I was there every day when the prison doctor came to force-feed him. I saw that he was already dying. He was too weak to open his eyes. His feet and shoes were soaked with blood. Even so, he refused to give in. He was locked up until twenty days later, when he had no pulse.

    Five days after he was released from his fetters, when he was a little better, Wang Huachuan and Zheng Jiajun ordered us (criminal prisoners) to hold his head still and read "reform" propaganda directly into his ears via a big loudspeaker. Since he refused to listen, guard Kong Fanxun carried him to a dark, damp cell and locked him onto the bed. They locked the door and sealed the gap under the door. Then they placed two big speakers next to his ears. Wang Huachuan and Liu Shuhuang ordered eight criminals take turns reading him reform propaganda, playing the "Same Song" and other CCP music during the break. Criminals asked him every six hours whether or not he would reform.

    When I arrived, the loud noise almost deafened my ears. I felt that I could not stay for one more second. So, I asked him if he is guilty and if he would reform. Yi was very calm and answered, "Falun Gong didn't commit a crime. I will never reform. Please, don't help the evildoers to do these bad things, for the sake of your own future." His words touched me, so I suggested to other criminals not to torture him so brutally. This three-day-long noise torture did not make him give in. The hunger strike and the sleeplessness made him very weak. He was not taken out of the cell until he was actually dying.

    His ears did not recover until six months later. I felt very guilty. But he still cared about my life and my family. He also asked me to obey the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and to be a good person.

    After one month of brutal brainwashing and reform efforts, the prison decided to hold a so-called "expose and help" conference. Some practitioners who gave in under the high pressure gave talks at the conference. They tried to force Yi to listen to the talks, but they were also afraid that Yi would shout, "Falun Dafa is good." So, Wang Huachuan and Liu Shuhuang ordered eight criminals to watch Yi. If he shouted, then they would cover him with a blanket and beat him into unconsciousness, so that Yi won't mess up the conference. One night before the conference, Liu Shuhuang ordered criminals to close the windows and doors tightly so that Yi wouldn't hear any information about the arrangement. Also, criminals and Liu Shuhuang kept pressuring Yi with all kind of methods.

    On March 11, 2004, Jiang Fengming, Wang Huachuan, Zuo Shengli, Zheng Jiajun, Zhong Shan and Wang Shijun put up a lot of posters to viciously slander Master Li Hongzhi and Falun Gong in the hallway and bathroom of the Fourth Ward, which was built for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. The Fourth Ward is for all the newcomers and for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. They tried to use colorful photos with text to brainwash all the newcomers and raise their hatred towards Falun Gong. Falun Gong practitioners started a group hunger strike, asking to talk to guards and make them remove and destroy all the posters. Yi was one of them. He told Zuo Shengli and Zhong Shan, "You are violating the International Human Rights Pact and will have to take unquestionable responsibility." Zuo and Zhong said, "Why don't you talk to the CCP and Jiang Zemin. If they say okay, we will remove those posters."

    To protest this, Yi went on a hunger strike. The prison authorities wanted to end this hunger strike as soon as possible, so they tried to destroy Yi's will by force-feeding him. They pulled and pushed the force-feeding tube back and forth, making him bleed. Once, pushing too hard, the 1-cm diameter plastic tube even broke while inserted. They also fed him a large amount of dirty water, in which small bugs were visible.

    In order to learn more tricks to persecute Falun Gong, the prison sent Zhong Shan to the Baoding Prison in Hebei, to the Beijing Prison and other prisons where Falun Gong practitioners are incarcerated, and sent Wang Shijun to the Yuzhou Prison in Chongqing to learn their tricks. When they returned after one month, the prison held a clandestine conference to discuss how to reform and monitor Falun Gong practitioners. They ordered the guards and criminals to torture Falun Gong practitioners physically and deprive them of their basic physical rights, such as forbidding practitioners to use the bathroom. The guards and criminals will get rewarded (including sentence reductions and financial rewards) each time they "reform" one Falun Gong practitioner.

    Wang Shijun said that the buildings in Yuzhou Prison are French style. There are more than 300 Falun Gong practitioners and they are being watched very closely, even when eating or using the bathroom. They cannot have any contact with outsiders. Twelve criminals monitor one practitioner, and a guard is in charge of each of these groups. The guards will give a 5,000-10,000 yuan reward for every "reformation," and the criminals will get their sentences reduced. The new building in Douyun Prison is almost finished. Then we will have more than 1,000 prison cells, which will be as good as the ones Yuzhou Prison has. He also said that information disclosed about persecuting Falun Gong must be kept secret, or the inmates will not receive the sentence reductions and other incentives promised to them.

    In the hot month of July, Yi was still on a hunger strike. He was too weak and lost his bowel and bladder control, but guards refused to change his beddings and clothes. They also poured hot food and soup onto his bed. This one-year-long hunger strike made him very thin and very weak, but there was no way for him to stop the hunger strike. The prison didn't allow him to wash his face, brush his teeth, shave or change clothes. His beard was six inches long.

    They tried all kinds of tactics to make him give in, but all failed. Yi insisted that he would be on a hunger strike until they remove those vicious, slanderous posters. By the time I was released from the prison, Yi had been on the hunger strike for 22 months, and his health was in great danger.

    According to a guard who was involved in the reform work but later left, the Douyun Prison chief Hou Lide is Luo Gan's classmate. Luo Gan recognized Douyun Prison as the only "national level civilized prison" in Guizhou Province. For every Falun Gong practitioner jailed there, the government gives twenty thousand yuan to the prison as a "management fee."

    After I was released, I read and heard a lot of truth-clarifying information about Falun Gong. I rethought all the experiences I had in the prison and I realized how bad the communist regime had deceived me. I felt pained in my heart, so I decided to write about what I saw in the prison as my repentance. I also want to tell those guards and criminal monitors, "Please don't help the evildoers do bad things any longer. It is a heavenly principle that good is rewarded and evil is punished. A person will have to take all the responsibility for what he has done."

    Finally, I would like to greet Master Li with my sincere heart, and apologize to all the Falun Gong practitioners in Douyun Prison and send my deep regrets. I learned a lot of principles from Falun Gong practitioners and understand how to be a good person. I will tell all my family and friends that in this world, only Falun Gong can change one's mindset and raise humanity's moral standards.

    "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" should be our basic human principle.

    Tortures I Suffered at the Changchun Women's Forced Labor Camp

    I am a Falun Gong practitioner in Nongan County. More than one year ago, local police arrested me at my home and sent me to the Changchun Women's Labor Camp (the Heizuizi Labor Camp). In this place, guards shocked me with electrical batons, slapped my face with a board made with bamboo, hit my hip with a mop handle, and made me stand for 16 days and nights until I lost consciousness. They compelled me to give up my belief, again and again.

    Background information:

    On March 26 of 2004, policeman Gao Peng from the 1st Division of Changchun City Police Department intruded into my home. He was with Politics and Law Section head Yu Hongquan and Li from the Nongan County Police Department. They searched the house, looking for Falun Gong material. Afterwards, policeman Li blindfolded me and took me to the Nongan County Politics and Law Department. At 2:00 a.m. they sent me to a detention center. The detention center refused to accept me because I had previously been ill with hepatitis B, meaning no public facility was permitted to accept me. During a physical examination at the China-Japan Friendship Hospital, though, policeman Du Laosan spoke with a physician. Two weeks later officials sent me to the Changchun Women's Labor Camp.

    Tortures: Forced to stand for 16 days and nights and beaten on the face with a bamboo board

    Police sent me to division one. Guard Zhang Xiaohui, who was just transferred from division two, urged two collaborators, Changchun resident Chen Guizhi and Yushu resident Guan Xiang, to watch me constantly and never leave my side. They forced me to listen to them reading Wang Zhigang's anti-Falun Gong book. On the fifth day, when they saw I still would not give up Falun Gong, with encouragement from the guards, "collaborator" Jia Shimin (a resident from Huandian) dragged me to a restroom. Along with Sun Xianhua, Guan Xiang, Chen Guizhi, five or six people pulled down my pants and hit my hip with mop handles. I almost lost consciousness, felt nauseated and vomited. I could no longer keep my head straight and lost my ability to think rationally. They brought a notebook and pen and forced me to write something against my will.

    After they beat me, division head Yan said hypocritically, "I do not know what happened." Guard Zhang Xiaohui said viciously, "I have abused you, so what?" Many people were then suffering from the brutal beating. When I took a cold shower I noticed many practitioners whose hips were bruised because they refused to write anything against their will. Some of their injuries were bandaged.

    On September 23, I wrote a statement to void any writings that were done under pressure and against my will. Then I experienced another round of more severe mistreatment under the persecution. Guard Wang Xiuli ordered me to go to the guards' office, where supervisor Li viciously slapped my face twice. Wang Xiuli shocked me with an electrical baton. My heart felt extremely uncomfortable from the electrical shock.

    I held on for more than 40 days. On October 8, they began to deprive me of sleep, day and night. Six or seven people took two-hour shifts monitoring me. They also forbade my family members from visiting me. Furthermore, they made me read books that were against Falun Gong. After continuous standing for seven days and nights, I once again wrote something against my conscience.

    Two days later, I once again made a statement affirming my belief in Falun Gong. They forced me to stand up continuously days and nights, not allowing me to sleep. Then I stood up eight or nine more days, 16 days altogether on the two occasions. My legs felt numb and uncomfortable, then I no longer had any feeling in them. The two swollen calves became as thick as thighs. I could not even put on my pants. On the 16th day, I got dizzy and could not hold my body still and fell down forward.

    They continued torturing me, ignoring my plight. With urging from the police, a collaborator named Ma Xiuqin viciously beat me. I got a bump on my head and bruises all over my face. The following day Ma Xiuqin and others each held a 7cm wide and 25cm long bamboo board. They torn open my collar, hit my neck, and then hit my face and hands. My hands became swollen. They stopped lashing me when the swelling became too severe.

    A newly transferred guard named Wei Dan who was in charge of this abuse from behind the scenes asked sarcastically, "What happened to your hands? Do you want to continue the standing? The batons upstairs have been fully charged!" Now I was in extreme physical pain and experienced mental horror from the torture. I once again wrote something against my conscience.

    This happened over a year ago. My hip still has some hard spots, and my legs are still swollen. When I press my leg with a finger, the indentation remains for quite a while.

    I often saw many steadfast practitioners in the Changchun Women's Labor Camp being beaten so hard that they could not walk normally and relied on other people's help to walk. Some Falun Gong practitioners' faces were burned and beaten from the electrical batons and their faces became disfigured. Some faces were bandaged, showing only the eyes. Some people's mouths were taped shut with clear tape. Some practitioners' four limbs were tied onto a "death bed" in four directions. There was nothing on the bed, only a bucket under the bed. The practitioners' four limbs took on different colors from the stretching.

    I found many inch-long scars on the back of practitioner Li Zhizhen, a Changchun City resident in her 30s.

    The vicious people did not even show any leniency for elderly practitioners. One day, as an elderly practitioner walked a little slower, someone suddenly kicked her down.

    Liu Shulan, in her 50s, was beaten and shocked so severely she lost feeling in her back. She could not keep her slippers on her feet, and looked like a completely different person. The labor camp guard sneered at her, saying she looked like a 70-year-old. Even so, they still forced her to work, to make money for them.

    Being enslaved: Being forced to process craftwork for export.

    The Changchun Women's Labor Camp not only persecutes and abuses practitioners and other detainees, they also enslave them. Even though many people here had several infectious diseases like lung disease, liver disease, scabies and other illnesses, they were still often forced to get up at 5:00 a.m. to work and could not go back to their cells until 8:00 p.m.

    When I was in detention, the labor camp detainees assembled craftwork for a private company, the Changchun Craftwork Factory, to export items to Japan, Russia and other countries. We were making plastic birds, butterflies and other craftworks with goose feathers. During assembly we needed to glue, paint and affix colorful plastic pieces to these items. These chemical products emitted a strong order. Some chemical products were already past their expiration date, but out of consideration for extra profit, the factory and labor camp kept using them. Many people coughed from these irritating chemicals. Falun Gong practitioners often had to work overtime, till 10:00 p.m. Some were permitted a mere two hours of sleep and had to work the rest of the time. When I was there, I made labels for ham products.

    Crimes committed by the Changchun Women's Labor Camp are countless, and are currently continuing.

    Thousands of Falun Gong practitioners are still held in Chinese prisons, labor camps and detention centers, suffering from all kinds of inhuman persecution. I call upon the international community and all righteous people to keep a close watch on the continuing state terrorism in China, and request the Chinese Communist regime to stop persecuting Falun Gong, release all detained practitioners, honor justice, abide by the rule of law and restore Falun Gong's reputation.

    Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Weishan Grossly Abused at Wuhan Prison

    On January 31, 2006, personnel from Wuhan Women's Prison and from the Xiangfan City 610 Office secretly transported Falun Gong practitioner Liu Weishan back to Xiangfan City. Liu Weishan had by then already been tortured and tormented to the point of mental collapse. She was secretly locked up in Ward 3 of the 364 Hospital's Surgical Ward in Xiangfan City and was monitored around the clock.

    Liu Weishan persisted in cultivating Falun Gong, resulting in an unconstitutional four-year prison sentence that began in October 2002. Months later, Wuhan Women's Prison abusers tortured her until she suffered a mental collapse. She is still held captive today. Below is a short record of the persecution Liu Weishan has been subjected to:

    Ms. Liu Weishan, 49 years old, was a teacher at a school affiliated with the Hanjiang Machinery Factory in Xiangfan City, Hubei Province. The company is now known as the Aerospace Life-Support Equipment Company. Because Liu Weishan refused to renounce Falun Gong, lawless officials arrested and detained her on several occasions.

    On September 14, 2002, the police arrested Liu Weishan for the 7th time as she was distributing truth-clarifying materials and incarcerated her in the Xiangfan City's No.1 Detention Center. Liu Wenshan went on a hunger strike to protest. She was cruelly force-fed as a form of persecution for 40 days. The criminals beat her daily.

    On October 13, 2002, although Liu Weishan had become extremely frail and weak from persecution, CCP (Chinese Communist Party) officials covertly sentenced her to four years in prison. On October 14 she was locked up in the Wuhan Women's Prison.

    The methods used to persecute Falun Gong practitioners at Wuhan Women's Prison were extremely vicious and cruel. For example, the warden often incited the prisoners to torture Falun Gong practitioners. Prison Ward 2 police officer Li Feng had once locked up Falun Gong practitioners who refused to give in at a deserted solitary cell in the middle team. She handcuffed the practitioners behind the back and left them unattended for a few days. The practitioners were also deprived of their rights to eat and sleep. When the practitioners went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution, the prison guards would use spoiled leftovers to force-feed them

    Subjected to the prison guards' sadistic persecution, one PH.D. student from Beijing University was tortured until she suffered a mental collapse.

    Xiangfan practitioner Song Yulian was abused and mistreated until she died.

    Although Liu Weishan had merely been held at the prison for only a few months, she was already tortured so severely that she suffered a mental collapse. Nonetheless, the prison authorities refused to let her go. Instead, they took Liu Weishan to the prison clinic every two to three days for intravenous infusions and also used rope to tie her to metal stanchions. Liu Weishan was by this time emaciated, and they had shaved her hair.

    Liu Weishan is still suffering from the effects of gross abuse and mental trauma. She has no control over her limbs, lost her ability to speak and lost all ability to take care of her daily needs. Currently she is secretly locked up in Ward 3 of the Surgical Department at the 364 Hospital in Xiangfan City. She is also under 24-hour surveillance and monitored by two criminals.

    Exposing the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Women's Prison in Liaoning Province

    I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning Province. The Chinese Communist regime has persecuted me many times. I was incarcerated in a women's prison in Liaoning for three years. During those three years I was forced to take unidentified drugs and was otherwise severely tortured. I witnessed the persecution of other Falun Gong practitioners in prison. The policemen poked elderly practitioner Zhao Huiqin's face, hands and other parts of the body with sewing needles; practitioner Bai Xiuquan was forced to remain standing in a fixed position for a prolonged period of time; a guard and a criminal named Xu Ying tied practitioner Zhang Shujuan onto a bed and forced her to bend down, although her legs were disabled and could not bend without great pain.

    Since I did not study the Fa well and had many attachments, I gave up on cultivation for a six-month period. With fellow practitioners' help I finally returned to cultivation, but I developed a certain mindset for doing things and didn't calm down to read the Fa. Also, since I had a strong desire of trying to make up for my mistakes, the evil took advantage of my loopholes again in 2002 and I ended up in a detention center. I started a hunger strike to protest the torture, but I was badly beaten. Several people monitored me and did not allow me to sleep. Later, I was illegally sentenced to three years of incarceration and locked up at Liaoning Province Women's Prison in Shenyang City.

    I was forced to take unidentified drugs and tortured nearly to death

    I lost consciousness as soon as I arrived at the prison. My blood pressure was always 240 to 280. Prison chief Jin Zhengyue asked some criminals to get some drugs for me. I felt very dizzy and sleepy after taking the drugs. Jin Zhengyue ordered two criminals to watch me. Criminal Xu Ying was a murder suspect. The criminals kept me from sleeping and forced me to write a guarantee statement. Xu Ying tortured me in a violent way, while another criminal tormented me in a phony nice way. They also said, "We are not going to beat you or curse you, but we can still torture you to death."

    The unidentified drugs made me muddle-headed. I thought they would let me go to sleep once I wrote the letter, so I wrote the so-called guarantee letter. A few days later I asked them to stop giving me drugs, but they still forced me to take them. They pried my mouth open each time and checked if I had actually swallowed the drugs. Later, I learned how to spit out the drugs when they were not looking, but Xu Ying found out two months later. They forced me to take drugs again, but I resisted. They could do nothing about it. But, I still felt very tired during my imprisonment, as if I was poisoned somehow.

    After I wrote the guarantee letter I felt very bad and cried every day. The persecution only worsened. They ordered me to write another two letters to renounce Falun Gong. I refused to do so, so they told all the criminals to get up early every morning to read books to me slandering Falun Gong. I refused to listen and said all those books were lies. Then the murder-suspect criminals beat and kicked me. The cell head also beat me occasionally, just because I refused to write the letters.

    I was physically very weak those days and heard disturbing noises in my head. I didn't have righteous thoughts, and the evildoers forced me to write the letter. I told them that I did not know what to say, so they highlighted some slanderous words from their books and ordered me to copy out the contents for the letter. I refused, but they forced me to do it.

    After doing that I felt very dizzy and my life felt very dark. I asked myself why I did it and why I could not resist. I tried to find an opportunity to tell them that my "reformation" is not real, and that I did as they wished only because I was forced to. Next the evildoers told me to take a test filled with slanderous questions attacking Falun Gong. This time I resisted and told them in public that I had not been reformed and that I was forced to write those things. So, the evildoers tortured me again in all kinds of ways. They beat me and deprived me of sleep.

    Once they asked a criminal named Chen Qi from Shenyang City to read the slanderous book to me and told me to share my thoughts about it. Criminal Bai Shenghua, who is from Benxi and sentenced to life imprisonment, slapped me. I cried and told them not to persecute Falun Gong and me anymore, otherwise they will suffer karmic retribution.

    Since I refused to be reformed, they would not let me go to sleep at night and they forced me to do labor in the daytime. Criminals Xu Ying and Bai Shenghua yelled at me every time I closed my eyes, keeping me from falling asleep. They even threatened that they would take turns watching me at night so that I could never go to sleep. They forced me to keep walking between machines. If I slowed down, they cursed me.

    Whenever I thought of Master's teachings, I felt solid.

    When they were out of tricks, head guard Jin Zhengyue ordered the criminals to keep me under 24-hour surveillance. They prevented me from using the bathroom. In the summer of 2003 I had kidney and intestinal problems, so I had to go to the bathroom quite often. Xu Ying beat me when I went to the toilet five times one night. She also told the chief Jin Zhengyue that I went to the bathroom nine times. Jin kicked and slapped me in her office.

    A few months later my husband came to visit me. Jin talked to him privately and compelled him to convince me to transform. I stopped him as soon as he started. I also told him all the details of the torture I had experienced. Finally I told my husband, "If you try to make me give up, you will be just like them who are nothing but evildoers. I will never give up!" My husband became quiet.

    After my husband left I made a solemn declaration that all the things I had written or said in prison that were against Falun Gong principles are invalid, and that I will forever follow Master to cultivate.

    In August 2004, guard Xu Honghua and chief Miao Yan took me to their office and said that if I rewrite the three letters, my sentence would be reduced. I refused to do so. I told them that I cannot sell out Falun Gong for a comfortable life at home.

    I was released in 2005 when my sentence was over. I was very weak then, due to the torture. After reading the Fa and doing the exercises, I recovered with Master's help.

    Actual eyewitness of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in the prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Huiqi was poked with needles on the face, palms and other parts of her body

    In December 2002 I saw an old lady in my cell when I came back from the daily labor assignment. She had just arrived and was standing in front of the bed. Her name is Zhao Huiqin, a practitioner from Dashiqiao, Yingkou City. At night, chief Jin Zhengyue ordered two criminals to watch Zhao Huiqin and attempted to force her to write the guarantee letter. She refused, so they didn't let her sleep. They also took off her clothes and forced her to bend down, wearing only thin clothes.

    Zhao was forced to do labor the next day, and at night was forced to bend down with thin clothes on again without sleep. The criminals E Guixiang and Fan Xiuli started beating Zhao after 3 o'clock in the morning.

    The third night, E Guixiang and Fan Xiuli still would not let Zhao sleep and forced her to write the letter. When she refused, Xu Ying kicked Zhao and Fan Xiuli punched her in the face, making it swollen and black.

    Fan Xiuli also used needles to poke Zhao's face, palm and body. She also ordered others to insert dirty toilet paper into Zhao's mouth. Due to some people's strong opposition, she didn't do it. The next day E Guixiang and Fan Xiuli wrote the letters for Zhao and forced Zhao to sign her name. After that I often saw her crying.

    Practitioner Bai Xiujuan was tortured with forced standing for a long time

    One night on my way to the bathroom I saw a women standing in the room. Since I had kidney problems, I went to the bathroom several times that night. I saw her standing there every time. I told myself that she must be a practitioner who had been forced to stand there for refusing to write the guarantee letters. Several days later I saw that she always closed her eyes when working and seemed to be very tired. She could not even walk straight. I learned later that she is practitioner Bai Xiujuan.

    The criminal Chen Qi tortured Bai incessantly. She would not let Bai buy any necessary items from the prison canteen. When her family came to visit, guards inquired if Bai would write the letters and told her she could not see her family if she refused. Bai still refused to do so, which led to her husband divorcing her.

    In May of the second year of her incarceration, they started torturing Bai Xiujuan again. They often beat her, so Bai started a hunger strike to protest the torture. A few days later they took Bai to a hospital and force-fed her. I saw several people carrying Bai to the hospital. I also heard from the people who went to the hospital with Bai that her hands, legs and feet were tied up so that she could not move at all. A few days later I heard that they carried Bai back to the prison, and that she was dying. Even in such a state, Bai still refused to write the letters.

    The persecution of Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Shujuan

    One day in the spring of 2003 I saw a newcomer in the cell after I returned from my working shift. She is Zhang Shujuan. The first day chief Jin Zhengyue asked criminal inmate Zhang Yuqin (sentenced to 15 years) and the murderer Liu Weibin (from Shenyang and sentenced to death with two years pending) to torture Zhang Shujuan.

    The second night, these two criminals would not let Zhang sleep. They took off her clothes and forced her to bend down. Since Zhang had leg problems and could not bend down, they forced her to bend down and tied Zhang to the bed frame.

    It was extremely cruel. I saw them, and they covered my head with clothing. I heard Zhang crying. I also heard the criminals saying, "Write the guarantee letter if you cannot stand this!" Zhang refused. She was not released until the next morning, when everyone went to work.

    The next night they resumed their abuse of Zhang Shujuan. They forced her to stand up and removed her clothes. A few days later they still had not reached their goal, so they took Zhang to a small room so that nobody could see when they beat her. Back at work, some guards took her to a corner. They did not want others to witness that Zhang's face was disfigured from the beating. She was also completely blinded.

    The torture lasted for a long time. Later they locked Zhang in a solitary cell. At the 2005 Spring Festival, Zhang was still in the solitary cell. She was released once but jailed in there again seven days later.

    When Zhang's family came to visit, the prison would not let them see Zhang. They did not permit her to buy anything while in prison. She was still being incarcerated and tortured when I was released in 2005.

    The Criminal Record of Policeman Yang Yinghai of Yantai City, Shandong Province

    Yang Yinghai has been a police officer at the National Security Group of the Police Sub-department in Muping District, Yantai City, Shandong Province, since 2003. In persecuting Falun Gong practitioners, he has ignored China's constitution and laws.

    According to incomplete statistics, in the past two and a half years, over 40 practitioners have been arrested, and their homes were illegally ransacked. Several practitioners' homes were ransacked multiple times, and their Falun Gong books, recorders, VCDs, cell phones, telephones, computers and daily utilities were confiscated. The police also extorted money from several practitioners and severely assaulted one practitioner. Around 15 practitioners have been "illegally sentenced," and one has been sentenced to seven years in prison.

    In the fall of 2004, Yang Yinghai forced several teenage students, who also practice Falun Gong, from Dajiao High School in the Muping District to write a guarantee statement to stop practicing Falun Gong. Afterwards, he arrested and detained these young practitioners' family members who practice Falun Gong. Four were illegally sentenced to prison and one was forced to become homeless in order to avoid further persecution.

    A practitioner over 50 years old was persecuted by the local 610 Office in Muping. He was also fired from his workplace in 2002 because he practices Falun Gong. This caused his family great financial hardship.

    In August of 2005, abiding by China's present legal practices, this practitioner went to give a statement in Muping District Court to ask for legal assistance. The judge, however, ordered him to withdraw his case. When the practitioner refused to do so, the police from the Muping National Security Group showed up in court, illegally arrested him, and sent him to a brainwashing center. The practitioner was later released because he had high blood pressure.

    Recently, Yang Yinghai led a few police officers to try to arrest this practitioner again. With support from other practitioners, however, the police officers' persecution attempt failed.

    On August 15, 2005, six practitioners, including Sun Houlian, Sun Houxian, and Wang Dejiang, were arrested from Gaoling Town. Wang Dejiang was critically injured from the beatings. Sun Houlian and Sun Houxian were illegally sentenced to prison.

    In early September 2005, 60-year-old practitioner Mr. Qiu, from a village in Gaoling Town, Muping District, was arrested at home. At the detention center, because he continued to practice Falun Gong and went on a hunger strike to protest the unjust persecution, he was sentenced to prison.

    Practitioner Ms. He Lingdi from the Muping District and another female practitioner over 50 years ago were secretly arrested. For almost a month, their whereabouts were unknown. They have been sentenced to prison.

    Due to Yang Yinghai's illegal conduct, more than a dozen families have been destroyed, many practitioners have been forced to leave home and become homeless, and innocent children of Falun Gong practitioners are threatened. He should be investigated by the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong.

    Beijing Falun Gong Practitioner Piao Lihua Suffers Persecution

    On December 21, 2005, local police from the Moshiko and Baijao stations arrested yet another practitioner. She is Piao Lihua from Beijing's Shijingshan District. The arrest happened at her parents' house in Moshiko. Ms. Piao was later sentenced to two years of forced labor, and is now being held at the Shijingshan Police Department's Detention Center.

    Ms. Piao went on a protest hunger strike. On the sixth day of the hunger strike, over a dozen police arrived. They held her down and inserted a feeding tube through her nose, and force-fed her with milk. After the tube was removed, there was blood all over the place. Ms. Piao went on hunger strikes on February 16 and 17. As many as 17-18 police officers came and force-fed her again. They pushed her down and forced the food into her mouth. Some of the food entered her trachea, choking her and almost killing her. After the force-feeding, her face swelled up. However, Ms. Piao never stopped clarifying the truth to the people around her.

    Ms. Piao was locked up with older Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Guo Yulan, who was arrested on December 20, 2005. Ms. Guo was a former employee at the Beijing Steel Corporation and lives in the western area of Moshiko. She was sentenced to two and a half years of forced labor. Ms. Guo is currently on a protest hunger strike.

    According to police department regulations, a sentenced person should be transferred to a proper place (e.g. jail or forced labor camp) within 50 days after he/she arrives at the center. However, Ms. Piao and Ms. Guo were at the center for more than 60 days. They used righteous thoughts and actions to resist the persecution.

    We hope that everyone will pay attention to Ms. Piao and Ms. Guo's plight and help to secure their release. At the same time, we hope that Falun Gong practitioners in the Beijing area will expose the police's evil acts, clarify the truth, send righteous thoughts to eliminate evil factors in other dimensions, and rescue Piao Lihua and Guo Yulan.

    Detailed information about Ms. Piao Lihua's was posted on the web in a related article: /emh/articles/2006/2/15/69976.html

    15-Year-Old Liu Jie Dies Due to Persecution

    Around 2:00 p.m. on December 30, 2005, a fifteen-year-old girl passed away in a hospital corridor. Her mother's cries mingled with the moans of bystanders.

    The young girl named Liu Jie lived in Fenghua Village, Huanan Country, Huadian City, Jilin Province. She was born to a family of farmers on June 23, 1990. In May 2004 she became ill with a disease that caused her face to turn pale and her body to become swollen. Doctor Li Chunlin diagnosed her with lupus erythematosus. She was treated at the hospital for twenty-seven days and then she was brought home. However, seventeen days later, her condition worsened and she was taken back to the hospital on July 19, 2004. This time she had also contracted an acute respiratory tract infection. It seemed like one disaster was happening after another.

    Her family had to spend almost 60,000 yuan to have Liu Jie hospitalized a total of three times. In order to save some money, she went home when she felt a little better and went back for a check-up after two weeks.

    Just when mother and daughter were most desperate, a friend brought them the book Zhuan Falun. On August 23, 2004, the girl entered the path of cultivation in Falun Gong. Liu Jie persisted in practicing Falun Gong every day. After only ten days, her symptoms completely disappeared and her health returned to normal.

    Having experienced Falun Gong's power first hand, Liu Jie had great faith in Falun Gong and started on her path of returning to her original, true self. Her health became so good that she could go back to school. She cherished her blessings and studied very diligently. Her relatives, friends, teachers, classmates and neighbors all liked her.

    For one year and three months, Liu Jie's health continued to be good. Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. On November 22, 2005, several Falun Gong practitioners, including Zhao Jinling, from the nearby villages, Yongsheng Village and Laisheng Village, were detained and persecuted by CCP thugs. Liu Jie's mother became very scared.

    Fearing that her daughter would be implicated and persecuted as well, Liu Jie's mother took away the book that saved her daughter's life, hid it, and would not allow her to read the book and study Falun Gong any longer. This resulted in a reoccurrence of Liu Jie's symptoms, and on December 30, 2005, the young girl passed away suddenly in a hospital corridor.

    Additional Persecution News from China - February 3, 2006 (20 Reports)

    1. [Sanmenxia City, Henan Province] Over 20 Practitioners Arrested by Shan County 610 Office

    In January 2006, staff from the 610 Office of Shan County, Sanmenxia City, Henan Province arrested over 20 Falun Gong practitioners and took them to the Shan County Police Department. It is alleged that one female practitioner fell from the building and died while being persecuted. This story needs to be further investigated.

    2. [Xinglong County, Hebei Province] 17 Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested

    At 8:00 p.m. on January 20, 2006, seventeen Falun Gong practitioners from Xinglong County, Hebei Province were arrested and their homes ransacked. The local truth-clarification materials production site was destroyed. These practitioners are still detained.

    Insiders allege that more than twenty days before the raid, Beijing City Police Department, Beijing Railway Police Department and the local police department jointly ordered over 200 police officers to closely follow and monitor practitioners in Xinglong County. On the night of January 20, the date of the raid, this activity concluded.

    3. [Yueyang County, Hunan Province] Falun Gong Practitioner He Genliang Sentenced to a Three-Year Term

    Falun Gong practitioner He Genliang from Huangshajie Town, Yueyang County, Hunan Province was arrested in mid-March 2005 and sentenced to three years in prison. He is now detained at Team No. 2, Ward No. 1 of Jin City Prison in Hunan Province.

    4. [Yushu City, Jilin Province ] Falun Gong Practitioner Jiao Shoutong On Hunger Strike at Yushu City Detention Center

    Falun Gong practitioner Jiao Shoutong from Qingshan Township, Yushu City, Jilin Province is detained at Yushu City Detention Center and is holding a hunger strike to protest the persecution.

    5. [Jilin Province] Jilin's 2nd Prison Refuses to Release Ms. Lu Shulin, Who Is in Dire Health Condition

    Falun Gong practitioner Lu Shulin from Yushu City, Jilin Province is in a dire health condition. Jilin City Central Hospital advised that her condition meets the criteria for being bailed out for medical treatment. Medical assessment indicated the following -- sickness level 3, severe hypertension, and highly irregular heartbeat was noted. Her family requested her to be released on medical parole many times, but the prison has refused.

    6. [Wucheng County, Shandong Province] Four Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested by Police

    Falun Gong practitioner Huo Peimin and three other practitioners, names unknown, from Wucheng Town, Wucheng County, Shandong Province were arrested by Wucheng County police around January 20, 2006.

    7. [Anshan, Liaoning Province] Recent Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Sun Yongheng

    Anshan Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Sun Yongheng was arrested at the end of November 2001 for appealing for Falun Gong in Beijing. Mr. Sun was sentenced to five years in prison, and is currently detained at the 1st Prison of Shenyang Prison City. On November 8, 2005, Mr. Sun was put in confinement for practicing Falun Gong movements openly. He was tortured and his life was in danger. His family asked to bail him out on medical parole, but the prison refused. Sun Yongheng's current health situation is unknown.

    Shenyang No. 1 Prison manager, Mou Jiali, phone number: 86-24-89296100

    8. [Hunan Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Fu Weijia and Zhao Qunshan Detained in Forced Labor Camp

    Falun Gong Practitioner Fu Weijia was taken to Zhuzhou Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Hunan Province. Zhao Qunshan was arrested at the same time and taken to Xinkaipu Forced Labor Camp in Changsha.

    9. [Laiyuan County, Hebei Province] Liu Zhilin Detained in Detention Center

    Liu Zhilin, a staff member of Laiyuan County, Hebei Province's hospital was arrested because he sent notice of filing a claim against the Chinese Communist Party for persecuting Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners to the National People's Congress, the High Court and High Procuratorate on January 1, 2006. He was taken to the County Detention Center on January 8, 2006.

    10. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Detained at Zhengzhou City No. 1 Detention Center for Over Four Months

    Falun Gong practitioner Xiao Wang was arrested by police of Zhengzhou City in mid-September of 2005. He is still detained at the Zhengzhou City's 1st Detention Center.

    11. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Chen Zhenping Persecuted

    Personnel from the Jinshui District Public Security Sub-bureau 610 Office and the local police station continue to persecute Falun Gong practitioner Chen Zhenping and her family.

    12. [Guizhou] Falun Gong Practitioner Moqi Tortured in Ward No. 4 of Duyun Prison

    Zhong Shan (supervisor of Wards No. 4 in Duyun Prison), Miao Yu (prisoner), Yan Lin (prisoner) and Yan Guangjun (prisoner, from Liupanshui City, Guizhou) beat Falun Gong practitioner Moqi, threw him on the ground , pulled both arms behind his back and tied Moqi up. They beat Moqi with high voltage electric batons. Prisoner Miao Yu kneed and beat Moqi's back and waist viciously. Moqi fainted and both arms became numb.

    13. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Wang Chun Arrested

    Police arrested Falun Gong practitioner Wang Chun of Wanghua District, Fushun City in late January 2006.

    14. [Shandong Province] Persecution of Rushan Falun Gong Practitioner Chou Baoye by Wangcun Village Forced Labor Camp

    On March 21, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Chou Baoye was arrested and sentenced to three years of forced labor. At Team No. 1 of Wangcun Village Forced Labor Camp, Chou Baoye was forced into backbreaking labor and monitored by guards around the clock. Guards listened in to Chou Baoye's phone conversations with his family and did not give any privacy during family visits. He also has to ask permission to use the toilet.

    Besides working daily more than ten hours outdoors, Chou Baoye is subjected to brainwashing, forced to acknowledge fabricated mistakes, and sing songs that praise the CCP. Chou Baoye is worn out, weak and pale from the torment. His lost a lot of weight and his health is deteriorating.

    Team No. 1 of Wangcun Village Forced Labor Camp holds Falun Gong practitioners in isolation cells and treats them inhumanly. They force practitioners to tell their families that they are treated well and that they are content.

    15. [Inner Mongolia] Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Yinghua Detained at Tumuji Forced Labor Camp

    Police from the Hailaer Railway Police Department arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yinghua when she visited her hometown in Inner Mongolia on December 27, 2005. She is now detained at the 7th Group of Tumuji Forced Labor Camp in Inner Mongolia.

    16. [Beining City, Liaoning Province] Wu Guiqing Arrested

    On the morning of January 28, 2006, Beining City police arrested Qingduizi Town Falun Gong practitioner Wu Guiqing at home.

    17. [Henan Province] Xu Yuling Arrested

    On January 12, 2006, the 610 Office arrested Falun Gong practitioner Xu Yuling from the Zhongyuan Oil Field when Xu was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong.

    18. [Yueyang City, Hunan Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Zhu Musong Arrested

    At around 5:15 p.m. on February 1, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Zhu Musong of Fengshu Village, Beigang Township, Yueyang City, Hunan Province was arrested while taking a walk. According to a witness, Qi Guangyi, the deputy team leader of the National Security unit from Yueyang City 610 Office, holds direct responsibility for the arrest.

    19. [Fusong County, Jilin Province] Dong's Father and Son Arrested by Wanliang Police Officers

    At 9:00 a.m. on January 26, 2006, director general of Wanliang Public Security Sub-bureau in Fusong County, Jilin Province Du Huanli, Liu Maoguo, Wu Rongli, Zhang Lianqiang and three other people broke into Dong Enhao's home and ransacked it. Dong Enhao is a villager of Beishan Village. They arrested Dong Enhao and his father Dong Hua.

    20. [Shanghai] Shao Hongzhen Arrested

    Falun Gong practitioner Shao Hongzhen from Minhang District, Shanghai and others were arrested prior to the Chinese New Year.

    Additional Persecution News from China - February 12, 2006 (17 Reports)

    1. [Honghu City, Hubei Province] Practitioners Gong Bin and Tang Fangqiong Arrested

    Practitioners Gong Bin and Tang Fangqiong's (husband and wife) live in Honghu City, Hubei Province. The local 610 Office and police ransacked their home on September 7, 2005. They confiscated Falun Gong books, truth-clarifying materials, a computer, printer and 10,000 yuan, and took the couple to the Honghu No. 1 Detention Center. Therefore, this practice site was destroyed. Prior to this, the city's police department has been following, stalking and monitoring them around the clock. Their phone was also tapped.

    After they were held for a month, the National Security Squad extorted 40,000 yuan from their family members, threatening to detain them indefinitely. The relatives could only come up with 30,000 yuan and by the end of the year, only Gong Bin was released. Tang Fangqiong is still being held at Honghu Detention Center. She is very sick and according to sources, they will put her on trial in mid-February.

    2. [Heze City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Liu Weibin Detained for Over a Month

    3. [Guangzhou, Guangdong Province] Additional Information Regarding Recent Arrests of Practitioners in Guangzhou

    Practitioners Mo Yanzheng, Ms. Zhou Guichan and Ms. Shen Yali were arrested.

    Ms. Shen Yali lives in the dormitory of Guangzhou Shipyard, Wuyi New Village, Haizhu District, Guangzhou. On January 9, 2006, police officers and neighborhood committee staff stormed into her house to arrest her and take her to the Haizhu District Detention Center. Fifteen days later, she was taken to the brainwashing center at Guangzhou School of Legal System on Zengchuo Road. During her detention, the police refused family visits for her.

    4. [Jiaohe City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Mr. Ma Changcai Arrested

    On the early morning of December 14, 2005, Li Man, CCP Secretary of Yanjiang, Songjiang Township, Jiaohe City, Jilin Province, along with a dozen police officers, came to the home of Mr. Ma Changcai to arrest him. However, Mr. Ma was not there. The police broke the doors and windows of his home and confiscated equipment valued at over 20,000 yuan. Mr. Ma's wife and child were traumatized by the incident. The child was shivering from the chilly wind coming through the shattered door and windows.

    On December 16, 2005, Mr. Ma Chang Cai was arrested.

    Main perpetrator Li Man's phone number: 86-432-7195168

    5. [Puyang City, Henan Province] Two Practitioners Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials, and Three Homes Ransacked

    On February 10, 2005, three practitioners from Xingyuan Village, Jindegu Township, Nanle County, Puyang City, Henan Province, were distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials, when they were spotted by some special agents. One practitioner was arrested. On the same day, a group of police officers stormed in the home of these three practitioners to ransack it and arrest the wife (also a practitioner) of one of the practitioners, who had already been arrested. Mr. Zhang Huanxuan and his wife have been transferred to Nanle County Detention Center. At around 3:00 p.m. on February 11, the director of the village's security office, police officers from Jindegu Township, and the county's police department ransacked the homes of the three practitioners who had distributed materials.

    Participating police officers included Ding Guozhu and Yao Jinfeng from Jindegu Township Police Station and Yuan Jingchao and Li Guoqiang from the county's police department.

    6. [Yingcheng City, Hunan Province] Practitioner Mr. Yang Wenming Arrested for Telling the Truth about Falun Gong on a Bus

    Mr. Yang Wenming from Hubei Shuanghuan Technology Company in Yingcheng City, Hubei Province was arrested by Langjun police for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong on February 8, 2006. He was detained at the No. 2 Detention Center of Yingcheng City.

    7. [Boli County, Heilongjiang Province] Dozens of Practitioners Arrested In Boli County

    On December 20, 2005, at least 26 practitioners were arrested in Boli County, Heilongjiang Province.

    As far as we know, Liu Xianjuan is detained at Harbin Detox Center. Dong Shusen was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp. Li Li, Lv Yuhong, Tian Xiaoyi, Ding, Zhu, Kong have all been sentenced to one year of forced labor.

    8. [Beijing] Falun Gong Practitioners Ma Hongjun and Du Xiaojun Sentenced to Long Prison Terms

    Beijing practitioner Mr. Ma Hongjun, 30, a former employee of the police department, was one of those who learned Falun Gong soon after it was brought to the public. After July 20, 1999, when the persecution started, he refused to renounce his faith, although his employer put pressure on him. He resigned from his job. His wife, also a practitioner, resigned from her job. They moved to avoid interferences so that they could continue with truth clarification work. In the summer of 2002, both were arrested almost at the same time. Both of them have endured torture and abuse. Mr. Ma Hongjun was sentenced to an 8-year prison term, and is detained in prison with Li Chang. Mrs. Du Xiaojun was sentenced to 7and a half years at Daxing Women's Prison.

    9. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Ms. Yan Xiuzhen Jailed in Xinjin Brainwashing Center for Five Months

    Practitioner Yan Xiuzhen was imprisoned at Xinjin Brainwashing Center for five months, starting on June 28, 2005. The Office of Comprehensive Management (formerly the 610 Office) in Chuanhua has only two practitioners in the Xinjin Brainwashing Center and yet, it provided an additional 10,000 yuan recently to the brainwashing center so they can continue to persecute Yan Xiuzhen.

    10. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Mr. Wang Hongge Sick Because of Torture Suffered at Siping Prison

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongge from Changchun City became very sick after being detained at Siping Prison, Jilin Province. According to reliable sources, he was hospitalized. However, his relatives were not able to see him.

    11. [Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioners Gao Xunhong and Zhou Yingqi Sentenced to Wanjia Forced Labor Camp Secretly before the Lunar New Year

    12. [Xiangcheng, Henan Province] Police Harass Practitioner Niu Xiuyun

    In late January, shortly before the Lunar New Year 2006, Ma Zhefeng, head of the National Security Group of Xiangcheng Police Department, along with a group of police officers, drove to Feng Xiaozhuang Village, Renlou Administration Zone, Dingji Township. They attempted to arrest Ms. Niu Xiuyun, who is in her 60s., and accused her of distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials. Ms. Niu's husband and the villagers would not let Ms. Niu be arrested. Finally, the police had Ms. Niu's husband promise to come to the National Security Group to bring money and talk about the situation the next day.

    The next day, Ms. Niu's husband went to the police station. They asked him for 5,000 yuan. The husband had to use connections to decrease the fine to 400 yuan. The police then agreed not to arrest Ms. Niu.

    Prior to this, police from Dingji Township staff from the county's police department went to Ms. Niu's home many times to harass her.

    During the past few years, practitioners Feng Lei and Feng Jimei, who live in the same village, have also been arrested by the county's national security squad and taken to a detention center. They were fined, beaten, and taken to a forced labor camp.

    13. [Yueyang, Hubei Province] Practitioner Zhu Musong Detained at Yueyang City's 1st Detention Center

    Practitioner Zhu Musong is detained at Yueyang City No. 1 Detention Center. The police refused visits from his wife.

    14. [Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province] Practitioner Jiang Chenghui Arrested for Clarifying the Truth About Falun Gong

    Mr. Jiang Chenghui of Harbin City, an employee of Yanfu Hospital, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, was arrested in September 2005, while talking to people about Falun Gong. The head of the hospital reported him to the police. Mr. Jiang will be put on trial.

    15. [Rizhao, Shandong Province] At least Seven to Eight Practitioners Detained at Rizhao

    Detention Center

    Currently, at least seven to eight practitioners are detained at Rizhao Detention Center. Most of them were arrested around May 2005. They have been held for over eight months now and have been put on trial in November, 2005 by Donggang District Courthouse. No judgment was made.

    16. [Longkou City, Shandong Province] Tang Zulong and Xie Yunlan Arrested

    On January 29, 2006, the first day of the lunar new year, police officer Wang Qi and Tian Jun stormed into practitioners Mr. Tang Zulong and Xie Yunlan's (husband and wife) home and arrested them. They are now being held at Longkou City Detention Center.

    17. [Sichuan Province] CCP uses TV Series to Slander Falun Gong

    A television drama "Inside and Outside of Duyuna," a part of the TV Series "Ji Xiaolan II," was broadcasted during the new year holidays in Sichuan Province, and it maligned Falun Gong. They took advantage of the popularity of "Ji Xiaolan" to make the second section to malign Falun Gong.