The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- March 4, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Ms. Wang Shupei in Critical Condition; Prison Authorities Refuse to Release Her

  • The Huanqu County Police Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Mr. Gao Delong from Liaoning Province Passed Away Due to Persecution

  • Ms. Di Shuzhen from Changtu County, Liaoning Province Passed Away After Four Years of Suffering Resulting from Savage Police Beatings

  • Ms. Li Yancai from Nanle County in Henan Province Dies as a Result of Persecution

  • The Cases of Persecution of Practitioners in Xinhua Forced Labor Camp, Mianyang, Sichuan Province

  • Mr. Xin Minduo and His Wife Bao Juncen Sent to Jail Based on False Accusations

  • The Police in Zhulu County Harass Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Mr. Shou Libin Suffers a Nervous Breakdown in the Henan Province Third Labor Camp

  • The Evidence of Persecution of Practitioners in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan - Belated News

  • Additional Persecution News from China - February 14, 2006

  • Ms. Wang Shupei in Critical Condition; Prison Authorities Refuse to Release Her

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Shupei, who is being held at the Shandong Province Women's Prison, suddenly started hemorrhaging recently and is often unconscious. She had begun her menopause two years ago and used to suffer from a terminal illness. Her family's request for medical parole was denied.

    Ms. Wang Shupei is 46 years old and lived in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province. She was illegally arrested in late February 2004 for practicing Falun Gong. While being held in violation of the law at the Zhaoyuan City Brainwashing Center, she refused to "reform" and was sent to the Zhaoyuan City Detention Center. She was sentenced to six years in prison, where she held a hunger strike for more than 20 days to resist the persecution. While she was very weak, local 610 Office agents sent her to a prison, but the prison authorities refused to accept her. In mid-April 2004, 610 Office agents again sent her to the Shandong Province Women's Prison.

    Her family went to visit her and the prison authorities said, "Her physical exam results came back normal, except for coronary heart disease."

    On February 6, 2006, her family went back for another visit and saw that Ms. Wang was in poor physical condition. Her face was pale and she could barely walk. They learned that she had started hemorrhaging two years into menopause. Her family requested that the prison release her immediately but the authorities refused and said, "Her condition doesn't qualify her for a medical parole."

    Several days later her family received a phone call from the prison. They told her family to bring money and to convince Ms. Wang to cooperate with medical treatment. Ms. Wang had divorced a few years earlier and had lived with her daughter. Her daughter was living with relatives and does not have any income. She could not afford the medical bill. Her family was anxious and again petitioned to have her released so they could take care of her at home. The prison authorities again said she did not qualify for medical parole and that she refused to cooperate with medical treatment, and they refused to release her. They also said that they would not take any responsibility if anything happened to her.

    Ms. Wang's family talked with her and learned that the prison authorities sent her to a hospital after she had lost consciousness from excessive blood loss. They administered a drug, which caused unbelievable pain after she came to, and her head felt as if it was going to split open. She could not endure such pain and she did not believe in or accept this "treatment," which nearly killed her.

    Originally, Ms. Wang Shupei started practicing Falun Gong because she was diagnosed with a terminal illness and could not afford medical treatment. All of her symptoms disappeared soon after she started practicing, and she quickly recovered. All of the symptoms she is currently experiencing are the result of abuse and mistreatment under the persecution. Her family calls for kind-hearted people to pay attention to the dangerous situation that entraps Ms. Wang, and they ask the prison authorities to release her immediately.

    Ms. Wang Shupei is now held at the following hospital:

    Huanqu County Police Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

    Huanqu is a small county in the mountainous area of Yuncheng, south of Shanxi Province. One of the three biggest copper mines in China, Zhongtiaoshan Nonferrous Metals, is located alongside the river there. Its employees are from all over the country. Many local people and mine employees have acknowledged the goodness of Falun Gong and have become practitioners.

    The Political Security Section of Huanqu Police Station and the Zhongtiaoshan Branch of Yuncheng City Police Station have been following Jiang Zemin's regime, blindly persecuting Falun Gong practitioners over the last almost seven years. Practitioners have been forced to fill out forms and sign the "three letters" (letter of guarantee, letter renouncing Falun Gong, and letter of repentance). The police put more than 30 practitioners in jail, sent them to brainwashing centers, or fined them. The following are the situations of some of the persecuted practitioners.

    Ms. Lu Yali is in her forties. She went to the home of Chen Ping, the chief of the political security section of Huanqu Police Station and clarified the truth to him, and his wife. Chen Ping secretly sent his staff to unlawfully search Lu Yali's home and detained her at the detention center of the County Military Police for more than one month. Lu's family had to give Chen Ping 5,000 yuan, which he accepted.

    Once when Lu Yali clarified the truth to students at a square, she was followed by county 610 Office police and arrested at a supermarket. Upon learning this, Chen Ping (promoted to deputy police chief due to his active participation in the persecution) sent two people to search Lu's home that very night. Lu tried to clarify the truth to the staff, but they would not listen. Because one videotape of the Falun Gong exercises was found at Lu's home, Lu's family had to give Chen and Li packs of cigarettes worth several hundred yuan, and paid for a huge dinner for the department staff.

    Lu Yali was forced to divorce her husband and lost her job. Now she supports herself with part-time jobs.

    Ms. Zhang Xiufang, who is in her fifties, is a retired teacher. She taught in the company school. She has been unlawfully sent to a forced labor camp twice for a combined total of five years. She was held at detention centers more than four times and forced to walk around the streets wearing a board around her neck with humiliating words written on it. Her husband Li Zhanjiang is also a practitioner and has been detained twice. Their home has been unlawfully searched many times.

    Mr. Zhang Yanwen, 54, is a retired employee of the company's copper factory. In 2000, Zhang Yanwen went to Beijing to appeal. He was detained and tortured in Beijing, and later transferred to his hometown by Zhongtiaoshan Police. He was not released until his family paid 2000 yuan to policemen Zuo Xiangchen and Gao Hongyan. Afterwards, his freedom was restricted. In order to go anywhere, he was required to have permission from his group leader, director of the department, director of the general office of the factory, police station branch, State Security Department, police station, and so on. When the Zhongtiaoshan Police Branch was arresting practitioners in 2001, policeman Yang Hui hired seven "cleaning workers" to rotate in a 24 hour watch of the practitioners living in the No. 5 residence building at the smelting factory.

    Mr. Song Yulin, who is in his fifties, is an employee of the electrical factory of the company. He was sent to a forced labor camp once, and his wife, who is also a practitioner, was sent there twice.

    Ms. Qin Zengmian, a practitioner in her forties, lives at Xijinggou Village, Huanqu County. She was sent to a forced labor camp twice and sentenced to a two-year imprisonment.

    Mr. Wang Zhida, who is in his forties, is an employee of the company. He was unlawfully searched, detained, and fined. He paid a "deposit" of 3,000 yuan, which has never been returned.

    Mr. Bai Xinyan, in his thirties, is an employee of the smelter factory of the company. In mid-June, 2005, Bai Xinyan was arrested by the police and his home was searched. A computer, printer, copy machine, and other valuables were taken away. The police asked his family for 5,000 yuan to release him, but a few days later, he was arrested again and sentenced to imprisonment in a forced labor camp for three years.

    Mr. Zhang Fuxiang, a practitioner in his forties, is an employee at the smelter factory. In late June 2005, Zhang Fuxiang was arrested by the police and his home was searched. The police took his computer, printer, and other valuables away, and he was sent to a forced labor camp for three years.

    Ms. Wang Qiaozhen, who is in her forties, is an employee of the company. In 2005, she was sent to a forced labor camp for a year and a half. In July 2005, the police searched the homes of more than ten practitioners at the company. Some received a big fine, and others were forced to write a letter of guarantee.

    Currently the 610 Office policemen of Zhongtiaoshan Police Branch patrol the streets day and night in order to monitor practitioners. They also follow practitioners near their homes. Besides that, the police search all the buses coming in or out of Huanqu County to find practitioners or Falun Gong materials.

    Huanqu Police Meet With Karmic Retribution

    It is a crime to persecute Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. In spite of the danger of being arrested, being beaten, being sent to forced labor camp, or even death, practitioners have tried to clarify the truth to people, officials, and police, hoping they would understand and not follow Jiang's regime in persecuting Falun Gong. Over the years, some of them still actively take part in the persecution, and in turn, bring negative consequences to themselves and their families. There is more than one of such cases in Huanqu County.

    Li Sanding, male, was a former political commissar of the police and head of the local 610 Office. After the staged "self-immolation" at Tiananmen Square happened, Li Sandong directed the company's TV station to broadcast interviews with practitioners who had wrong understandings to try to destroy practitioners' righteous and steadfast beliefs. One day Li Sanding's nose kept bleeding and would not stop. Later Li Sanding was demoted to be the head of the security division.

    Zhang Qingquan, head of the 610 Office at the company's copper factory, persecuted practitioners severely. One day in 1999 when he was walking down the street, Zhang's foot was strangely sucked under the rear wheel of a slowly running bus, which resulted in a broken foot.

    Zuo Xiangchen, male, was an office head at the company's security section and a member of the 610 Office, and he participated actively in the persecution. One day Zuo was driving a car and killed a person on the street. The victim's family sued him, asking for compensation of 100,000 yuan. After bribing concerned parties, Zuo was freed from criminal responsibility, but was demoted from his position.

    Gao Hongyan, male, is a policeman at Bizigou Police Branch. Following Jiang's regime, Gao Hongyan persecuted practitioners severely. In 2000, Gao suddenly felt tremendous pain in his legs and had to use a crutch to walk.

    Mr. Gao Delong from Liaoning Province Passed Away Due to Persecution

    Mr. Gao Delong, 67 years old, lived in 2 Shegouci, Anshan, Liaoning Province. Since practicing Falun Gong in 1997, he became healthy and recovered from several severe illnesses that had bothered him for many years, such as chronic colitis, tracheitis, hypotension, and heart disease. After July 20, 1999, local governmental officials forced him to write repentance statement to give up practicing and attend brainwashing sessions. He was often called to attend such "meetings." The police substation and local resident committee forced him to give up his Falun Gong books and study literature from Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Local officials and police often went to his home to harass him and put heavy pressure on him. His old illnesses recurred and he passed away on January 8, 2006.

    Mr. Gao Delong

    Ms. Di Shuzhen from Changtu County, Liaoning Province Passed Away After Four Years of Suffering Resulting from Savage Police Beatings

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Di Shuzhen from Bianjia Village, Daxing Township, Changtu County, Tieling City, Liaoning Province was severely injured and lost consciousness after Jinjia Town Police Department thugs Feng Bolin and Hou Wenge cruelly beat her on the evening of February 3, 2002. They struck her with metal bars and wooden sticks. She later lost her eyesight and could not take care of herself. She passed away on February 19, 2006.

    Ms. Di Shuzhen was 47 years old. She was close to illiterate but amazingly could read through Zhuan Falun after she started practicing Falun Gong. Her back pain left without a trace. She went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong in October 1999, was unconstitutionally detained, and had a large sum of money extorted from her. On the evening of February 3, 2002, she was chased and savagely beaten by Feng Bolin, deputy head of the Jinjia Town Police Department, Hou Wenge, and others from the same police department. They savagely beat her until she lost consciousness. They thought she had died and hastily drove away.

    Ms. Di came to and slowly crawled home. Her family rushed her to the No. 1 People's Hospital in Changtu County on a tricycle. An x-ray revealed that four of her left ribs were broken, causing a severe hemorrhage of her lung. The doctor surgically drew half a washbasin of blood and fluid from her chest. She was hospitalized for 11 days and incurred more than 6,000 yuan in medical expenses. They discharged her early because she couldn't afford the costs.

    On May 20, 2002, agents from the Jinjia Police Department again detained Ms. Di, who had not yet recovered and sent her to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. The labor camp refused to accept her because of her frail condition and sent her home.

    The injuries left Ms. Di with frequent headaches and dizzy spells. She could not do any physical work and had frequent episodes of brief unconsciousness and went into convulsions. Her condition worsened in 2005. She didn't improve after receiving treatment at a local hospital. Her headaches became unbearable and she lost sight in both eyes. She could not take care of herself.

    She passed away on February 19, 2006. In the past few years, her family had spent 20,000 yuan on medical bills and police extortion money. They are drowning in debt. Her husband had earlier appealed at the Jinjia Town Police Department and was beaten twice.

    Ms. Li Yancai from Nanle County in Henan Province Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Yancai from Nanle County, Puyang City, Henan Province was arrested for the third time and had her home ransacked sometime prior to July 20, 2003. On May 13, 2002, she went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. She was illegally detained for several months. She was able to leave the detention center at the end of 2002. Her second arrest occurred in April 2003, when she was illegally taken from her home.

    Ms. Li, 41, first went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong at the end of 2001. Because of this, she was twice illegally detained in the Nanle County Detention Center for a total of 13 months. She developed serious health problems because of her extended detention, such as an inability to walk because both of her legs were swollen, and the inability to eat or take care of herself. She was only allowed to return home after her health had deteriorated to this point.

    In April 2003, when Ms. Li was still trying to recover, the authorities came to her home again to arrest her. She was arrested for a third time sometime before July 20, 2003, when the officials also illegally ransacked her home. Police officers, including Su Yinhuai (male) from the County Police Department's Public Security Division, later sentenced her to two years of forced labor.

    While she was held at the forced labor camp, Ms. Li was forced to work for over 10 hours a day. She was tortured until her breasts developed large lumps, both of her legs swelled up, and she was no longer able to take care of herself, at which point she was finally released for medical treatment. After she returned home, agents repeatedly came to her home to harass and threaten her. As a result, her symptoms worsened and on November 22, 2005 Ms. Li Yancai passed away.

    The Police Department of Nanle County in Henan Province:

    Office phone number: 86-393-6226710
    Operator: 86-393-6221316; 86-393-6222551
    Chengguan Police Station: 86-393-6296726
    The CCP Political and Judicial Committee: 86-393-6221141

    The Cases of Persecution of Practitioners in Xinhua Forced Labor Camp, Mianyang, Sichuan Province

    Xinhua Labor Camp in Mianyang City, Sichuan Province is an evil place especially designed for persecuting male practitioners from Sichuan Province. Since July 20, 1999, countless Falun Gong practitioners have been persecuted at the camp. They have endured many different tortures such as serious beatings, being bound by a police rope, shocked by electric batons, beaten by spiked batons, sitting on the tiger bench, standing facing the wall for long periods of time, being hung up, two practitioners shackled together, wearing cotton coats in the summer, being forced to do long-term labor without sleep, being force fed, being forced to take drugs, being injected with unknown drugs, being locked in a small cell, having a dirty cloth stuffed into one's mouth, not being permitted to talk, not being permitted to move, and having one's forced labor sentence illegally extended.

    In 2003, at the so-called exposure and criticizing meeting organized by the authorities, seven practitioners, including Mr. Wei Lang, Mr. Li Ming and Mr. Li Hong, shouted, "Falun Dafa is good!" For this, the police tortured them with some of the above methods. A practitioner (unknown name, unknown address) died due to a beating in the bathroom in the Mianyang City Hospital. The police lied to his family, saying that he died from illness. Mr. Zhao Haitao could not walk due to the torture. Because Mr. Li Ming tore down a painting that slandered Falun Gong from the wall, he was cruelly tortured with many different methods, and his sentence was extended for several months.

    In 2004, the police guards extorted money from practitioner Wang Huaifu's family, saying that Wang Huaifu would therefore be released earlier. However, Mr. Wang Huaifu, nearly 60, refused to write the application letter for reducing the labor term, so guard Pu Jing beat Mr. Wang's chest severely. Practitioners Mr. Wei Fengming and Mr. Gu Zhiguan did not write the three "guarantee statements," so the squadron leader, Fu Weidong, badly beat them, forced them to stand for long periods of time, and prohibited them from sleeping. When practitioners Mr. Xian Jianxiong and Mr. Zhang Yao refused to drink the so-called "heatstroke medicine", nearly 20 prisoners pressed Mr. Xian Jianxiong down on the dining table, pried his mouth open with a chopstick and force fed him. After Mr. Zhao Yao protested with a hunger strike for over 10 days, the policemen force fed him with food and drugs, shocked him with electric batons, severely beat him, tied him up with police rope, and locked him in a small cell.

    Because practitioner Mr. Jing Changxu wrote down some facts in a so-called "idea report," squadron leader Li Changjun, deputy group leader Zhang Xiaogang, and Shen Rui cursed at him, threatened him, and tortured him. One day, prisoner Sun Lechang reported that Mr. Jing Changxu talked to somebody, so they forced him to stand in the same position for long periods of time. Guards Li Changjun and Zhang Xiaogang called over 10 security guards to come in and hold Mr. Jing Changxu down so they could shock him with electric batons. They also knocked him down on the ground, stepped on his back, tied his legs up with police rope, and forced him to take off his clothes and wear only a single layer for several hours in the chilly winter. Even now Mr. Jing still has the marks on his face where he was shocked and carries bruises on his neck and his chest.

    When practitioner Mr. Ma Zhigang finished his labor term and was about to go home, the police officers asked him, "Is Falun Gong good? Will you practice it after you go home?" Mr. Ma replied, "Falun Dafa is good. I will practice it after I go home!" The police then prohibited him from leaving the prison and tortured him for two more months.

    Practitioner Mr. Tiao Xu, originally from Anyue County, Sichuan Province, was persecuted for three years. He was on a hunger strike for 15 and a half days in the detention center and then was sent to the hospital in the labor camp. He was badly beaten, forced-fed food and drugs, and injected with an unknown drug. Later, he was detained in a specially-monitored squadron. When he refused to wear the labor uniform, guards Li Changjun and Zhang Xiaogang called over 10 guards and a few prisoners to help. They shocked his whole body for long time, severely beat him, tied him up with police rope and tortured him until he was at his last gasp. At the meeting that night, police guard Li Changjun instructed over 10 prisoners to force him to put on the labor uniform and beat him. When Mr. Tian Xu shouted, "Falun Dafa is good," a guard stuffed his mouth with a cloth and dragged him out to torture him.

    The cases mentioned above are just a fraction of what goes on. In Xinhua Forced Labor Camp, many Falun Gong practitioners have been cruelly tortured until they are on the verge of death.

    Mr. Xin Minduo and His Wife Bao Juncen Sent to Jail Based on False Accusations

    On August 3, 2005, Mr. Xin Minduo and his wife Bao Juncen were arrested and ended up suffering inhumane torture while awaiting sentencing. On September 12, 2005, Xinglongtai District Court sentenced Mr. Xin to 13 years in prison and Ms. Bao to 12 years. They both appealed their sentences. Mr. Xin's sentence was not changed. Ms. Bao's case was put aside for more than two months while police and prosecutors gathered "information" that would ensure that the original sentence would be upheld.

    Mr. Xin and Ms. Bao both worked at the Liaoning Oil Field in Panjin city. Mr. Xin used to work in the Physical Exploration Department. Ms. Bao worked in the Oil Field Central Hospital. As Falun Gong practitioners they tried to become better people and to follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance in their daily lives. However, on August 3, 2005, four policemen jumped out of a van and arrested Mr. Xin while he was walking down the street. The policemen threw Mr. Xin on the ground, held his arms and legs, stepped on his head, kicked him, punched him, took his keys, and told onlookers that they were arresting a robber. Ms. Bao was arrested while she was visiting a neighbor. The police lied again and told onlookers that they were arresting people who had participated in pyramid schemes.

    The couple was tortured in the detention center. They were beaten, force-fed, and tied to a bed, with their four limbs stretched out, for 12 days. The couple went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention and they were in critical condition. By September 12, 2005, Mr. Min and Ms. Bao were too weak to walk and had to be carried into and out of the court. When their family appealed the sentences, the National Security Office and the Xinglongtai District Procurator handled their cases separately.

    Ms. Bao's case was sent from the City Court to the Xinglongtai District Court and then to the Xinglongtai District National Security Office. At first the officers said they would set her free. Then suddenly they said, "Appeal? Her term will not be reduced for one single day, and we will ensure that happens no matter what."

    Ms. Bao's case stayed at the National Security Office for several days and then with the Xinglongtai District Procuratorate for several days. Authorities claimed that the frequent transfers were necessary for the case to be sorted out, and neither office was responsible for holding her for so long without a trial. After two and a half months, Ms. Bao's case began in the Xinglongtai District Court on January 26, 2006.

    Ms. Bao was accused of the following "crimes:"

    1. Ms. Bao went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong in 1999.
    2. Ms. Bao published two solemn declarations online.
    3. The handwriting in a letter to the general public matched Ms. Bao's handwriting.
    4. Ms. Bao had been previously arrested, once in 1999, and detained for more than three months. The deposition stated that she had been "detained seven times".

    The Police in Zhulu County Harass Falun Gong Practitioners

    Policemen from Zhulu County, Hebei Province are still harassing Falun Gong practitioners and their families, causing some practitioners to leave home to avoid being arrested. Some of their family members have also been the victims of extortion.

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shan Zhihong from Zhulu County is a retired employee from the bus station. On February 12, 2006, CCP Political Security Officers of Zulu County Police Department arrested him from his home inside the bus station's employee family housing. Policeman Guo from Dongxiaozhuang Station was also one of the arresting officers.

    On the morning of January 9, 2006, Zhulu County Police Department Deputy Head Wang Yucheng directed Dong Fei of the Political Security Division and seven or eight policemen from the Traffic Department and Wujiagou Town Station to drive two vehicles and storm into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lili (last name unknown). They ransacked the house while no one was home and took Falun Gong materials, more than one thousand yuan in cash, one cell phone, two copy machines, one TV, one stereo, and other valuables. Ms. Lili escaped with her two-year-old son, but her husband was threatened by policemen to help find her. Ms. Lili is now forced to stay away from home.

    On the morning of January 10, 2006, policeman Dong Fei from the County Political Security Division, Head of Wujiagou Town Station Chen Junlu and others suddenly stormed into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Yuhua's home, took all of her Falun Gong materials, and tried to arrest the elderly Ms. Chen. Ms. Chen's children stopped the illegal arrest, but were extorted out of two thousand yuan in cash without being given a receipt. Policemen from Wujiagou Town Station quickly grabbed the money. Dong Fei was upset because he did not get a share. Later when he saw that Ms. Chen had passed out, he became afraid of being held responsible and left without arresting her.

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Quanxin is a retired principal from Zhangjiapu Town. The Zhulu County Education Bureau has been withholding his retirement salary for two years just because he practices Falun Gong. His entire family is dependent on his retirement income and has lived a very hard life. Mr. Zhang's wife went to the bureau to request payment of his salary. The Deputy Education Bureau Head Wanf Dalei said that those two years of withheld salary were fines and that he would not be paid back. Only if she wrote the statements slandering Falun Gong would his current salary be paid. The elderly lady refused this unreasonable condition. Recently, instructed by CCP Wupu Town Secretary Shen Zhihong, CCP officials Wang Jianbin and others have gone to harass Mr. Zhang Quanxin at home continuously, causing the couple to live under intense pressure.

    Mr. Shou Libin Suffers a Nervous Breakdown in the Henan Province Third Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Shou Libin lives in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province. He suffered a nervous breakdown on January 27, 2005 while being detained in the Henan Province Third Labor Camp.

    On the afternoon of January 23, 2005, a drug-addicted prisoner slandered Ms. Shou Libin in an attempt to cover up his own drug use. Mr. Shou was detained in the Second Section of the Third Ward. The Second Section Head Zhao Zhimin is the uncle of that drug-addicted prisoner. He did not open an investigation, but cuffed Mr. Shou to a thick tree trunk in front of the First Section Workshop. The tree is very big, and Mr. Shou could not move his body at all. He was cuffed very tightly around the trunk, and was left there to freeze all afternoon until past dinnertime.

    On the evening of January 23, 2005, guards brutally beat Mr. Shou in a room next to the First Section, trying to force him to say that he tried to escape. Guard Men Guanglu said, "Let's loosen the ropes so that his wrists won't be injured." Zhao Zhimin answered, "It is okay to injure his wrists." In the next several days, Mr. Shou lost his personal freedom, and was even cuffed to the bed while he slept. He also suffered from frostbite.

    When Mr. Shou was seen again on January 27, 2005, around breakfast time, he was suffering from a nervous breakdown and could not take care of himself.

    At first the Camp Administration tried to deny that Mr. Shou was having a nervous breakdown, so the Third Ward Head Shi Baolong and Zhao Zhimin took Mr. Shou to Xuchang City Mental Hospital. They shocked him there with electric batons, hoping that his condition would be cured. In February 2005, Department of Justice personnel diagnosed Mr. Shou as having had a nervous breakdown. The Henan Province Third Labor Camp refused to release Mr. Shou, fearing their crimes would be exposed. In order to hide their responsibility for torturing Mr. Shou to the point of having a nervous breakdown, Shi Baolong spread the fabricated rumor that Mr. Shou's family had a history of mental illness.

    The Evidence of Persecution of Practitioners in Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture of Yunnan - Belated News

    Over six years ago Jiang Zemin and the Communist Party launched the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20, 1999. During this time, practitioners from Chuxiong have exposed the persecution, clarified the facts, and established home-based Falun Gong materials production sites everywhere in the urban district. A banner with "Falun Dafa is Great" was hung on the highest peak of West Mountain at the Gao Ding Temple. Agents of the Chinese Communist Party illegally arrested the practitioners and searched their families' properties. The following is a brief summary of the persecution the practitioners in the Chuxiong area have had to endure.

    Ms. Liu Zhiping was arrested in June 2004 because she clarified the facts at work. She was unconstitutionally sentenced to one-and-a-half years in a forced labor camp and hasn't yet been released.

    Mr. Dong Guozhao was deceived into showing up at a police department after distributing truth-clarifying material. The incident happened on January 18, 2005. The authorities sentenced him to three years in a forced labor camp.

    Ms. Zhu Lan was arrested on January 18, 2005 for writing a letter to the provincial communist regime reflecting on the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in the Chuxiong area. The authorities sentenced her to six years in prison.

    Tang Rui was a coordinator who was arrested on trumped-up charges on January 18, 2005 and "illegally sentenced" to two years of incarceration.

    Wan Guoliang was arrested on March 26, 2005 and sentenced to four years of imprisonment for clarifying the facts and disseminating truth-clarifying materials.

    Deng Lihua was arrested on December 2004 and sentenced to four years of incarceration for disseminating truth-clarifying materials.

    Ms. Liao Liqing was arrested on January 24, 2005 and sentenced to one-and-a half years, in addition to her previous sentence of three years of probation, amounting to four-and-a-half years in total. This happened because she clarified the truth to people.

    Hou Fayong was arrested on February 26, 2005 and was illegally sentenced to four years of imprisonment for handing out truth clarification materials.

    Other practitioners arrested for clarifying the facts included Shi Shaowei and his wife Cai Shufen, Huang Ping, Wu Baoyuan, and others. Most of the above-named practitioners have been sentenced to forced labor for the second or the third time.

    Ms. Wang Meiling and her daughter Hong Yizhao left home in a hurry in 2001 to prevent being sent to a brainwashing center. They had been homeless for over a year-and-a-half when they were arrested. The arrest happened on July 14, 2004, on Kunming Street, as they were handing out truth clarification materials. Both were sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp. Her daughter was released after three years and sent back to the Chuxiong Songshulin School to work. Communist regime agents from the 610 Office didn't sanction her re-employment as a teacher at the school and assigned her a janitorial position instead. So far she has not seen a single paycheck. Her mother, Ms. Wang Meiling, is still imprisoned in the forced labor camp. When the labor camp guards forced her to watch a video slandering Falun Gong, she shouted, "Falun Dafa is great!"

    Ms. Wang used a loudspeaker to shout, "Falun Dafa is great! Teacher is great!" when Teacher and Falun Gong were slandered. She was arrested in 2002 and sentenced to a forced labor camp for two years.

    Police and local officials searched the following families in 2002: Li Qiongzhen, Ren Benhui, Bai Peichun, Zhang Guofen, Ms. Xu Lijuan. Each was illegally sentenced to forced labor for one year, two years or two and a half years. After Ms. Xu Lijuan had endured three years of forced labor and returned home, she was fired from her government staff position.

    Additional Persecution News from China - February 14, 2006

    1. [Sanhe City, Hebei Province] Ms. Tang Suhua on a Hunger Strike to Appeal Her Illegal Detention

    Ms. Tang Suhua from Sanhe City, Hebei Province was arrested on February 4, 2006. The police from the Huangzhuang Town Police Substation took her to the Sanhe Detention Center, where she remains. It is said that Ms. Tang Suhua has been on hunger strike at the detention center to appeal against the illegal detention. Her family went to the detention center several times, but the police forbid them from seeing her.

    2. [Funing County, Jiangsu Province] Ms. Wang Yuying And Ms. Miao Ping Arrested by the Police

    In June 2005, the Funing County 610 Office of Jiangsu Province and the police arrested Ms. Wang Yuying and Ms. Miao Ping from their home. They remain in "illegal detention" at the Yancheng Detention Center and the Funing Detention Center.

    3. [Bazhong City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Yang Bozhang Was Arrested

    On January 25, 2006, Mr. Yang Bozhang from the Bazhou District of Bazhong City, Sichuan Province, was reported when he was clarifying the truth near the Bazhong City Broadcasting Bureau. The police later arrested him and searched his home.

    4. [Fuxin City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Ju Yingli Was Arrested by Heping Police for Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong on February 12, 2006

    5. [Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Cheng Yulan Illegally Sentenced to a Forced Labor after Being Arrested

    On January 6, 2006, two policemen of the Jiaozhou City 610 Office, together with several other policemen from Jiaoxi Town, broke into Ms. Cheng Yulan's home and arrested her. The police also took away her computer and copy machine.

    After being tortured for a month in the detention center, Ms. Cheng Yulan was sentenced to one and a half years in the forced labor by the 610 Office.

    Currently there are 17 practitioners from the Jiaozhou District, who have been sentenced to forced labor camps:

    Mr. Han Daxue, a resident of Magezhuang Village of Jiaoxi Town, Jiaozhou City, sentenced to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City

    Ms. He Shuqin, from Jiaozhou Design Institute, sentenced to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City

    Mr. Xu Yanzhong, a resident of Zhaojiayuan Village, Jiaozhou City, sentenced to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City

    Mr. Liu Zhaohong, a resident of Jiaozhou Irrigation Bureau, sentenced to Huaibei Forced Labor Camp

    Mr. Sun Jianwu, from Ligezhuang Town, Jiaozhou City, sentenced to Huaibei Forced Labor Camp

    Ms. Gao Fen, a resident of Gaojiaaibo, Jiaozhou City, sentenced to Dashan Forced Labor Camp in Qingdao City

    Ms. Qin Guifeng, from Magezhuang Village of Jiaoxi Town, illegally sentenced to forced labor camp

    Ms. Ji Xiuling, a resident of Beisanlihe, Nanguang, Jiaozhou City, sentenced to forced labor camp

    Ms. Li Xia, from Haojiazhuang Village, Ducun Town, Jiaozhou City, sentenced to forced labor camp

    Ms. Cheng Yulan, a resident of Ximen Village, Jiaoxi Town, Jiaozhou City, sentenced to forced labor camp

    Mr. Gao Qiping, from Ducun Town, Jiaozhou, sentenced to forced labor camp

    Mr. Zhang Hongliang, a resident of Jiaozhou City, sentenced to Huaibei Forced Labor Camp

    Mr. Sun Zhiping, from Jiaozhou City, sentenced to forced labor camp

    Mr. Wang Mingjiang, a resident of Jiaozhou City, sentenced to forced labor camp

    Mr. Wang Xushan, from Jiaozhou City, sentenced to forced labor camp

    Mr. Wang Yubao, a resident of Jiaozhou City, sentenced to forced labor camp

    Mr. Wang Zhenhai, from Jiaozhou City, sentenced to forced labor camp

    6. [China] The Evil Communist Party Used Education Materials to Poison Students

    There is content defaming Falun Gong and Master in the compulsory teaching materials reviewed by the National Middle and Primary School Teaching Materials Committee in 2003. The offending contents are on page 54, in the second part of "Moral Character," Grade 7, lesson 15, entitled "Resisting temptation, preventing violations and offences."

    7. [Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province] Mr. Cong Shaoguo Arrested from Home

    At around 6: 30 p.m. on February 11, 2006, Mr. Cong Shaoguo, 45, from Wujiazi Village, Bawu Town, Gongzhuling City, Jilin Province, was arrested from home. Five policemen from the National Security Team of Gongzhuling City Police Department found him reading Falun Gong books at the time. His home was searched and two cases of "truth-clarifying" materials, a set of DVDs of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, and several Falun Gong books were confiscated. Currently Mr. Cong is being held at the detention center.

    8. [Henan Province] Ms. Wu Yan Arrested Again After Being Twice Sentenced to Forced Labor

    Ms. Wu Yan from Henan Province was sentenced twice to forced labor. On November 22, 2005, she was the arrested for the third time by the Haidian 610 Office for giving out the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. In December, she was transferred to Beijing City Police Department.

    9. [Suizhong County, Liaoning Province] More Information about Mr. Liu Wanli's Illegal Forced Labor Sentence

    The Suizhong Court secretly and illegally tried Mr. Liu Wanli on January 20, 2006, without even notifying his family. The appeal has to be filed within 10 days. However, within this period of time, the court blocked the news, preventing him from seeing anyone. His family knew nothing about this until February 10.

    Wang You, the presiding judge of the No. 1 Criminal Court of Suizhong Court: 86-24-6122743

    10. [Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia] Mr. Wei Jianxin Will Be Sent to the Lamasong Detention Center

    Mr. Wei Jianxin had been missing for five days when his family phoned Yu Zhe, a staff member in the detention center. They found out that Mr. Wei Jianxin was on his way to Lamasong Detention Center, where he would be jailed for seven days.

    11. [Beijing] Ms. Zheng Yunyun Is Missing

    Ms. Zheng Yunyun, a practitioner from Beijing, 55 years old, who resides at Xuanwu District, Beijing City, went missing on December 29, 2005.

    12. [Chongyang County, Hubei Province] Ms. Wang Miyun Arrested after Being Reported

    Ms. Wang Miyun from Chongyang County, Hubei Province, over 50 years old, used to be very sick. Ever since she started practicing Falun Gong in 1997, her illnesses were cured. In December 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested by the local police and jailed for over three months. The police did not release her until her family paid 5,000 yuan. In 2002, when she was walking over the Chongyang Bridge, the police arrested her again. Later she escaped through the skylight of the bathroom. She has been homeless ever since.

    On January 25, 2006, she was reported to the police. Subsequently, five policemen smashed open Ms. Wang Miyun's door and arrested her. Refusing to let her put on her shoes, the police put her in the police vehicle.

    13. [Fengtai District, Beijing City] Mr. Zhang Yongqi Sentenced to Eight Years Imprisonment

    Mr. Zhang Yongqi, about 40, from the Fengtai District in Beijing City was arrested by the police on February 26, 2005, and sent to the Fangshan Detention Center from his friends' home. According to his family, Mr. Zhang was sentenced to eight years imprisonment in January 2006. His family members have not been allowed to visit him since he was arrested.

    14. [Henan Province] Slanderous Materials on the Bulletin Board of the Zhengzhou Light Industrial Institute

    Yin Yanyan, area policeman: 86-371-63767110, 86-371-63763110

    15. [Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province] Over a Dozen Practitioners Arrested

    The Public Security Division of the Nanchang City's Jiangling Group arrested over a dozen practitioners. Their homes were searched and they were detained. In order to prevent the practitioners from doing the exercises, the police handcuffed the practitioners' hands and feet and deliberately extended their detention time. Some of them have been jailed for over half a year.

    16. [Miyun, Beijing] Ms. Wang Shuhua Arrested

    On February 11, 2006, Ms. Wang Shuhua from Beijing, over 50 years old and a resident of Jingziyu Village, Mujiayu, Miyun, was arrested and sent to the Miyun Detention Center, where she has been tortured.

    17. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Zhang Minghong May Have Been Arrested by the Police

    Ms. Zhang Minghong, from Chengdu, is 41 years old. At around 1:00 p.m. on February 10, 2006, she went missing after she clarified the truth near Shenxianshu Park in Chengdu City.

    18. [Yingcheng City, Hubei Province] Mr. Yang Wenming Arrested for Clarifying the Truth

    After 3:00 p.m. on February 8, 2006, Mr. Yang Wenming of Dongmafang went to clarify the truth at Langjun Tiger Mountain in Yingcheng City. When he was giving out truth-clarification materials to the driver of a three-wheeled vehicle, three plainclothes policemen started to follow him. The three officers beat Mr. Yang Wenming immediately. Later, the police arrested him and sent him to Langjun Police Substation of Yingcheng City. That same day, he was sent to the Yingcheng City No. 2 Detention Center. On February 10, five local practitioners went to the No. 2 Detention Center to ask for the release of Mr. Yang Wenmin. The No. 2 Detention Center refused to allow them to see him.

    19. [Hubei Province] Practitioners Arrested for Carrying Truth-Clarifying Materials

    At around 10:00 a.m. on February 11, 2006, a practitioner from Yunmeng County, Hubei Province, was in a bus on his way back to Wuhan. He had some truth-clarifying materials with him. When the bus arrived at Dongxihu Duoluokou, the traffic police stopped it. They searched his bag and found the truth-clarifying DVDs and Falun Gong brochures. They told the bus driver to stop the bus at the Duoluokou Traffic Police Station. The police detained the practitioner in a room on the second floor. When he tried to leave, the police stopped him. The practitioner then jumped down from a second floor window and injured his lower back. The police caught him and arrested him after he had walked a short distance. Afterwards, his family brought him home.

    20. [Guangdong Province] Maoming City Police Department and Maogang District Police Department Broke into a Residence

    On February 10, 2006, Mr. Pan Mingsheng from Miliaxu, Qijing Town, was away at work. Police from Maoming City Police Department and Maogang District Police Department broke into his home. They searched his home illegally and took away a large amount of truth-clarifying materials.

    21. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] The Shuangshan Police Substation Arrested a Female Practitioner

    On February 12, 2006, police from the Shuangshan Police Substation in the Lishan District of Anshan City arrested a female practitioner. Her current whereabouts are unknown.

    22. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Contact Information Concerning the Arrests of Ms. Jiang Licui and Zhang Guangyun

    Around 2:30 p.m. on February 11, 2006, Zhaoyuan 610 Office agents arrested Ms. Jiang Licui and Zhang Guangyun after they were reported for clarifying the truth. The number of the police vehicle that arrested the practitioners was 1682.