The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- March 2, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Zhongba Forced Labor Camp Officials in Guizhou Province Torture Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Belated News: Mr. Li Xianming Tortured to Death on the Same Day He Was Arrested

  • Yunfu City Court Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Ruan Guihuan in Guangdong Province

  • Ms. Zhu Yuezhen, 75, Sentenced to Three-Year Prison Term

  • More Details Regarding the Torture Death of 31-year-old Falun Gong Practitioner Chang Shuai

  • Mr. Fan Zhongzhuang Was Abducted and Persecuted

  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Hongzehu Prison in Jiangsu Province

  • The Unlawful Arrest of Ms. Huang Yuhua in Guangdong Province

  • Additional Persecution News from China - February 18, 2006

  • Zhongba Forced Labor Camp Officials in Guizhou Province Torture Falun Gong Practitioners

    The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has used a wide variety of methods to persecute Falun Gong practitioners since the persecution began on July 20, 1999. What is exposed here is only part of the crimes committed by the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou Province.

    1. A Falun Gong practitioner with a last name of Zhou, 28 years old, was illegally detained at the Zhongba Women's Forced Labor Camp, in Guizhou Province. Police team leader Gu Xingying said that supervisors were coming for an inspection so he blocked all detainees inside the iron door, not allowing them to go out. Only Zhou was locked up in the guard office on the first floor for an "intensive assault." After a while, three men went into the office on the first floor from outside. After about forty or fifty minutes, the three men walked out laughing. The first asked the second, "Wasn't that fun?" The second replied, "Not when she tried to resist." The third said, "We raped her, but nobody will dare to do anything to us.

    The "inspection" finished after these people left. Later, another two supervisors came to do an inspection. Zhou was locked up in the "intensive assault unit" on the third floor. Gu Xingying brought in two people from the outside again. They had inmates handcuff Zhou's hands and feet to the metal bed, and proceeded to rape her.

    After these two rapes, Gu Xingying asked inmates to clean up the crime scene. These inmates were shocked and expressed that if they had not seen it with their own eyes, they would not have believed that even the CCP could resort to this.

    2. Falun Gong Practitioner Xu Niangniang is the mother of Ran Jiangchun. Gu Xingying instigated inmates to put their hands into the vagina of Xu Niangniang. They also tied four toothbrushes together, pushed it into her vagina, and twisted it back and forth.

    3. Zhou Guoqing from Guiyang City, a Falun Gong practitioner, was a worker in a sewing factory. During detention, policemen placed two bricks on their sides on the ground. He was forced to put his feet on the two bricks and keep his face towards the sky. This led to him to become ill.

    4. Falun Gong practitioner Wang Tianhen was beaten to the point where he had a bowl-sized blood blister on his back.

    5. Falun Gong practitioner Chen Zaixian, a doctor, was physically abused to the point where his private areas were injured and oozing pus.

    6. Falun Gong practitioner Duan Huayan, an accountant in her 40's, is from Liuzhi Special District, Guizhou Province. Policeman Gu Xingying had inmates tear her pants into pieces because she went to get a pair of shoes that she'd left outside to dry.

    7. Falun Gong practitioner Yang Zaiying from Zunyi City, Guizhou Province was physically abused to the point where she had problems standing on her own.

    8. Falun Gong practitioner Wu Dongxian is from Yuping County, Guizhou Province. His feet were beaten until they were inflamed and swollen. Gu Xingying told the other detainees that it was due to muscular atrophy. Gu continued persecuting him until Wu Dongxian died.

    9. Falun Gong practitioner Han Min, 28, died as a result of the persecution. Policeman Gu Xingying falsely blamed her death on breast cancer, and her husband has no avenue to find justice for her.

    At the "newcomer team" of Zhouba Women's Forced Labor Camp, Falun Gong practitioners were also exposed to forced brainwashing, punishment by being forced to stand for several days and nights, sleep deprivation, forced feeding, forced injections, being forced to write "the five statements," being subjected to solitary confinement, being hung up and beaten, being tied up, electric baton shocks, having their fingers pierced with needles, wearing instruments of torture, and other methods.

    Belated News: Mr. Li Xianming Tortured to Death on the Same Day He Was Arrested

    On the evening of April 6, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Xianming from Shehong, Suining in Sichuan Province was illegally arrested in front of the county government hostel. National Security Bureau agents staged the arrest and pushed him into a small, unmarked car. They took him to the county detention center, where they savagely tortured him. The guards injected him later with a poisonous substance. He died the day of his arrest, on the evening of April 6, 2005.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ren Qun, who was arrested at the same time with Li Xianming is still being detained. The police are blocking information, and the details about his condition are unknown. We ask practitioners inside and outside China to make phone calls to clarify the truth and support Ren Qun.

    Yunfu City Court Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Ruan Guihuan in Guangdong Province

    CCP officials in Yunfu City, Guangdong Province planned the illegal trial of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Ruan Guihuan, which took place on the morning of February 16, 2006 at the Yuncheng District Court. Ruan Guihuan had been illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor in September 2002 for delivering Falun Gong truth clarification materials, and was released in August or September 2004. A year later, on September 29, 2005, Ruan Guihuan was again illegally arrested on orders from the Yunfu City 610 Office and the police system.

    The trial was originally planned to open on the afternoon of January 10, but CCP officials hastily changed the date that same morning.

    On September 29, 2005, the police also arrested another five practitioners: Ou Zhini, the wife of Ruan Guihuan, Lai Jiawen, Li Shaozhen, Yang Hailian and Chen Shuishi. Practitioners Ou Zhini, Chen Shuishi and Yang Hailian were released after the practitioners' families repeatedly urged the Yunfu City 610 Office to release them. Lai Jiawen and Li Shaozhen were each sentenced to two years of forced labor and are now being held at the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp.

    The severe persecution against Falun Gong on orders from CCP officials and police in Yunfu City is a major problem in Guangdong Province. Since 1999, a few hundred practitioners have been held at brainwashing classes and custody centers, dozens of practitioners were sent to labor camps, and about ten practitioners were sentenced to prison.

    In April 2004, officers from Yunfu Police Department and from the Guandong Province Department of Public Security arrested practitioners Xu Shuhua, Mai Yuefa, Lin Jinghong, Li Meihua and Chen Jiequn and sentenced each of these practitioners to three or four-and-a-half years in prison. Practitioner Chen Jianguo from Luoding was sentenced to one year of forced labor. He was stripped naked at the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp. Several guards simultaneously shocked him with electric batons. His term was extended by nine months because he refused to "reform." Practitioner Zhong Qirong from Luoding went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He was beaten until he lost consciousness and was subsequently cast aside in a vegetable field. In June 2003 he was sentenced to two years of forced labor and his term was extended by several months because he persisted in his belief.

    Practitioner Lai Zhenxian, a former official from the Yunfu City Agriculture Bureau, was arrested in February 2003. He was tortured with bamboo and sticks using a method called "squished finger" (1) at the Yunfu Detention Center. He was later sentenced to three years of forced labor and has been held at the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp to present. It was learned that his term will be extended, as he has refused to "reform." Lai Zhenxian's wife Li Shaozhen was sentenced to two years of forced labor in September 2005. Only Lai Zhenxian's older father and his daughter are left home. The Communist regime broke up his once happy family.


    (1) Squished finger - The guards and prisoners put hard objects (wooden sticks, metal rods, etc.) between the practitioner's fingers, and then twist the fingers, press down, or heavily strike the practitioner's hand with a fist while holding the tips of the fingers tight. The fingers are injured instantly, causing extreme pain. This torture has permanently injured some Falun Gong practitioners' fingers. The resulting wounds penetrate to the bone and the practitioner's hands are mutilated into a mass of flesh and blood.

    Ms. Zhu Yuezhen, 75, Sentenced to Three-Year Prison Term

    Mrs. Zhu Yuezhen, 75, was arrested on December 1, 2005, when she was clarifying the truth in the Tianqiao District, Jinan City, Shandong Province. She was put in the Jinan City Detention Center.

    She was tried in court on January 18, 2006. She defended herself in a dignified manner, and the prosecutors, chief justice and the National Security Police officials were embarrassed by her compelling and righteous justification. However, she was still sentenced to three years of imprisonment one week later.

    Shocked by her imprisonment, Mrs. Zhu's husband was hospitalized after vomiting blood on January 16, 2006, and passed away the day after the sentencing. Her granddaughter, with whom she lived, is missing.

    Mrs. Zhu used to have dozens of illnesses, such as rheumatoid arthritis and gastric ulcers, and lived in great pain. In March 1995 she began to practice Falun Gong. After a week she no longer felt any pain, and all of her illnesses were gone six months later. She regained her good health and felt like a young person.

    Because of her personal experience, Mrs. Zhu tried to tell people to remember, "Falun Gong is good," and to do only good things. Under the CCP's tyranny, however, Mrs. Zhu experienced vituperation, abduction, and periodic arrests by the enforcement authorities, including the 610 Office, local police, and the neighborhood committee.

    On September 27, 2004, Mrs. Zhu was arrested when she clarified the truth in Erxian Village, Zhonggong Town, Jinan City. She was taken to the "Legal Training Center of Jinan City," which is actually the 610 Office brainwashing center, where she continued to clarify the truth, sing Falun Gong songs and proclaim that Falun Gong is good. Eleven days later, she walked out of the brainwashing center.

    Mrs. Zhu was arrested again on May 4, 2005, when she clarified truth in the Jinan City greenhouse. She kept telling the truth to the police officials when she was detained in the police department.

    On September 21 and 22, 2005, she clarified the truth in the Science and Technology Museum, Shandong Province, where an exhibit was hosted to smear Falun Gong. Although she was taken to the police station, she managed to walk out on same day.

    More Details Regarding the Torture Death of 31-year-old Falun Gong Practitioner Chang Shuai

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chang Shuai was born on January 22, 1974, and is a native of Changchun City, Jilin Province. For his belief in Falun Gong he had to do hard labor in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City. During his time in the camp his former illnesses returned, and he was in poor health. In March 2005, the police went to harass him again, which led to the deterioration of his physical condition. He died on March 7, 2005.

    After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Chang Shuai went to Beijing several times to clarify the truth of Falun Gong, and was arrested and imprisoned each time. Police savagely beat him in a Beijing detention center. A scar on his neck seemed be from a burn with a hot piece of metal.

    Inside the labor camp, Chang Shuai refused to write the three statements. He held several hunger strikes to protest the persecution. He also protested the torture that the Communist regime ordered through the police against Falun Gong practitioners. One report states how former prison guard Zhao at the 2nd Group of the labor camp, together with former prison guard Wang Tao from Group 6, frequently beat and kicked practitioners Chang Shuai, Wang Engou, Wang Xiantao, Li Zhiguo, Liu Changpeng and Ma Xiaodong, and also prison inmates. They were especially cruel with Chang Shuai. The vicious hoodlums removed Chang's clothes and used electrical batons to shock him for over thirty minutes. They did not stop until the electric batons ran out of battery power.

    In the summer of 2001, the camp held a "Celebration Conference," propagating lies about Falun Gong. The labor camp heads were afraid that Falun Gong practitioners would stand up and expose the lies, hence they talked to the practitioners before the conference. Practitioner Chang Shuai clearly stated that the practitioners could help maintain order at the conference, but would not allow lies and slander against Falun Gong. Guard Wang Tao from Group 1 felt that he lost face before his leaders, so he fiercely berated Chang Shuai. He then dragged Chang inside the washroom and violently beat him. When his hands were tired he used the electric baton to beat Chang. When he was tired out he ordered some inmates to beat Mr. Chang. His wild, violent and inhuman behavior even frightened all of the inmates in the entire group. The abusers used a variety of methods to torture Chang Shuai for the entire afternoon.

    After several years of imprisonment, Chang Shuai's health was extremely weakened and he was released on medical parole. Mr. Chang continued to clarify the truth to people, and was arrested several more times. At the last arrest he was already in poor health. Under his family's strong and reasonable arguments, Chang was not forcibly detained this time. He died on May 7, 2005. He was only 31 years old.

    Mr. Fan Zhongzhuang Was Abducted and Persecuted

    Mr. Fang Zhongzhuang is a practitioner from Jinyun County, Zhejiang Province. On August 9, 2005, he was illegally arrested by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police and persecuted until he was comatose and a doctor stated that he was dying. Mr. Fang is still bedridden to this day and depends on others to take care of him. He has been in a forced labor camp twice and suffered four and a half years of brutal persecution in Shiliping Forced Labor Camp.

    These pictures, taken in Lishui City Center Hospital, are evidence of his arrest and persecution.

    Mr. Fan Zhongzhuang, 59, lived in Blk. 212-2 Daqiao South Road, Wuyun Town, Jinyun County. He had poor health in the past, but after practicing Falun Gong he became healthy. He was sentenced to forced labor for a year and a half because he went to appeal and wrote several letters to the leaders in the central government about the situation of Falun Gong. He was once hung from an iron door for fifteen hours. He was handcuffed on a door for six days and tied on a "tiger-bench" for three days at the first labor camp. When he was sentenced to three years of forced labor the second time, he was held for 38 months. Most of his time was spent in solitary confinement. The labor camp authorities also extended his sentence.

    On August 9, 2005, the police raided his home, arrested him, and took him to Jinyun Detention Center. His family went to the police department and asked them what kind of crime Mr. Fan had committed. The police answered, "He exercised at home and sent out truth clarification material. We heard all that outside your door!"

    Mr. Fan was interrogated for five consecutive days. Later the CCP police intensified the persecution. They handcuffed him and brutally tortured him. On August 27, 2005, he was sent to Lishui Center Hospital. He was in a coma, had a compound fracture of the cervical spine, and injuries and wounds covered his entire body. The doctor stated that he was dying.

    Mr. Fan woke up two weeks later in the hospital, but was unable to talk for two months. He is still bedridden and depends on others to take care of him but is improving steadily. The physician is amazed at his recovery. Those responsible for his condition sent out rumors that he tried to commit suicide by jumping out of a building. The perpetrators from the police department fabricated accusations against him and sentenced him to two years of forced labor. At the present time, he is regarded as being under "house detention." Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Mr. Fan has been sentenced three times to forced labor.

    Mr. Shi Biao from Wuyun Town, Jinyun County, was 35 years old. In September 2001, the County 610 Office arrested him and took him to a brainwashing center. He was beaten severely and covered with bruises. He also suffered severe internal injuries. He passed away on December 17, 2003, due to his severe injuries.

    Jinyun County government
    Address: 154 Fuxing jie, Wuyun County, Zhejiang Province 321400
    Phone: 86-578-3131083
    Fax: 86-578-313133134

    Shiliping Forced Labor Camp, Longyou County, Zhejiang Province 324402
    Phone: 86-570-7066002

    The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Hongzehu Prison in Jiangsu Province

    Hongzehu Prison is one of the two prisons where male Falun Gong practitioners are detained and persecuted in Jiangsu Province (the other one is Suzhou Prison). The prison personnel there have committed outrageous crimes during the past six years. Among them are prison detention officers Tang Jinchao (Chief of the Transformation Through Education Section), Tong Yingxian, Cao (in charge of brainwashing and persecuting practitioners in the Transformation Through Education Section), and Zhang Guanjun (political instructor of the squadron where practitioners are detained). These officers are the most vicious persecutors of Falun Gong practitioners.

    1. Torture Methods Commonly Used on Falun Gong Practitioners by the Guards of Hongzehu Prison

    In an attempt to crush practitioners' righteous beliefs in Falun Gong, guards concentrate on squat-training during the "prison entrance education" of newly detained practitioners. For squat-training, practitioners are forced to squat when entering the prison police office, during roll call, while eating, while passing through the warning line and listening to prison official's speeches, etc.

    To achieve their goal of "transforming" the practitioners and forcing them to give up the practice of Falun Gong, the detention officers have developed a set of commonly used methods: First they try threats, bullying and deception. When these fail, they resort to forced brainwashing. They put practitioners with the new prisoners to perform forced labor for a while. Meanwhile they visit the practitioners' families, ostensibly out of concern for them, trying to discover the practitioners' weaknesses. Then they conduct personal conversations with practitioners, looking for their attachments. During the forced brainwashing, prison officials lock practitioners in the brainwashing center and organize rounds of attacks, sometimes using harsh language and evil looks, other times appearing warm and caring. During brainwashing the practitioners are forced to listen to vicious lies defaming and slandering Falun Gong. The process usually lasts several ten-hour days, with few breaks. The prison officials also utilize those who've been "transformed" and who have deviated from genuine Falun Gong teachings to help "transform" the practitioners and carry out intensified brainwashing. If a practitioner refuses to give in and "transform," then the officers lock him up in a dark cell with the windows sealed and the beds removed, and recruit a dozen inmates to watch him around the clock in four man shifts. The purpose is to create an atmosphere of terror, and to mentally torture the practitioner. If they still fail to achieve their goal, they send the practitioner to the labor unit with the harshest working conditions to increase their physical suffering. To summarize, the prison officials use violence, deception, feigned concern, and all kinds of despicable tactics without any restraint.

    While the prison officials carry out the inhuman persecution against practitioners who refuse to "transform," they also continue to persecute those who have. On one hand they try to brainwash practitioners with lies and slander, and on the other hand they increase the practitioners' workloads. They try to destroy the practitioners mentally and physically while simultaneously making the maximum profit.

    For those practitioners who resist the persecution, prison officials escalate their torture and monitoring. They don't allow the practitioners to talk or walk with each other, make phone calls, write their families, or even use the toilet. They closely monitor these practitioners in the washroom.

    2. Persecution Cases

    During October and November 2001, practitioner Tang Xueyong refused to obey the guard's orders and was subjected to inhuman torture for more than forty days. Prison officer Tang Jinchao (then the deputy political instructor of the tenth ward) and Zhang Guanjun (former political instructor of the squadron in the tenth ward) instigated inmate Wang Gang and others to carry out violent physical and psychological persecution against Tang Xueyong. They forced him to get up early and go to bed late. The team had counts early in the morning and late at night, and before meals on the playground. The guards told inmates to carry Tang Xueyong by his arms and kick the backs of his knees so that they hit the cement. When Tang Xueyong was able to stand again, the inmates kicked him from behind. They did this dozens of times, until inmate Wang Gang ordered them to stop. Every day during each of the five counts they repeated the torture. Soon Tang Xueyong's knees were covered with bloody open wounds. They wouldn't allow Tang Xueyong to use the toilet or sit. Tang's lower legs swelled to the same size as his upper legs. Because Tang Xueyong stuck to the principles of Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance and refused to comply with the evil, the Hongzehu Prison guards and inmates tortured him. For propaganda purposes however, prison officials claim they "educate, influence and save" Falun Gong practitioners.

    Like Tang Xueyong, practitioner Tang Xuebin refused to cooperate with the persecutors, so he was strapped to a wooden board for many days by prison officers Tang Jinchao and Zhang Guanjun of the so-called "strict discipline team." He couldn't move his arms or legs and wasn't allowed to use the toilet. Practitioner Ni Haibin also refused to cooperate with the brainwashing and was locked up in the first ward's sewing unit and forced to perform hard labor. He was sent to the strict discipline team and tortured three times. In March and April 2004, Ni Haibin went on a hunger strike in the strict discipline team and was tortured to the verge of death before being sent to the hospital. Even in the hospital prison officials continued to threaten and brainwash him.

    In summer 2004 practitioner Chen Zhanguo was tortured to the brink of a mental collapse because he persisted in doing the Falun Gong exercises. The guards spread lies that he had mental illness and transferred him to Nantong Mental Hospital, where he was forcibly injected with drugs that cause damage to the nervous system. Practitioner Li Rongsheng was tortured until he couldn't walk or take care of himself. Still prison officials refused to release him. In fall 2003 officers from the tenth ward fed practitioners rotten and mildewed rice for more than a month. When practitioner Li Rongsheng protested, the guards said, "Others eat it, why won't you?" Gradually, more and more practitioners became clear on the matter and refused to comply with this ill treatment. The prison officials feared that people might find out about it, so they blocked all contact with the outside world, preventing people from knowing the true situation.

    3. A List of Evil Persecutors

    Prison policemen Tang Jinchao (Chief of the Transform Through Education Section), Tong Yingxian, Cao (in charge of brainwashing and persecuting practitioners in the Transformation Through Education Section), and Zhang Guanjun (political instructor of the squadron) are the ones who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners most ferociously. Sun Yun (current political instructor of the squadron detaining Falun Gong practitioners) and Wang Fei (squadron captain) follow Tang Jinchao closely in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

    Phone number of Hongzehu Prison: 86-527-6471101

    The Unlawful Arrest of Ms. Huang Yuhua in Guangdong Province

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    Mr. Huang Yuhua, 43, is a resident of Changjiang Village, Dong District, Zhongshan City, Guangdong Province. On the afternoon of January 27, 2006, she posted a couplet reading "Falun Gong and Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance are Good - The World Knows Falun Gong is Good" on her door.

    On the afternoon of February 9, 2006, some police officers from Zhongshan Police Department National Security Group, Dong District Police Department National Security Group, Changjiang Police Station and Shaxi Town Police Department came to the dorm where Ms. Huang lives and arrested her and then took her to the local detention center.

    Dong District Police Department chief, Mai Xibo: 86-760-8333621
    Dong District Police Department deputy chief, Zheng Yaoxiong (in charge of the national security group): 86-760-8387822
    Changjiang Police Station: 86-760-8315114
    Dong District Police Department's National Security Group: 86-760-8315211, 86-760-8683203
    Local Police Station: 86-760-8381632
    Shaxi Town Police Station: 86-760-3385955, 86-760-3385966
    Shaxi Town Police Station: chief Hu Naiquan, political commissioner Li Weiqing, deputy chief Zheng Runsheng and Ruan Qide

    Additional Persecution News from China - February 18, 2006

    1. [Beijing City] Ms. Zhan Aiping and Her Son, Xu Chong, Arrested at Their Home

    During the 2006 Chinese New Year holiday season (around January 29), Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Zhan Aiping and her son Xu Chong were arrested from their home. The police from the Shuangyushu Station in Haidian District have now detained them in the Qinghe Detention Center located in Haidian District.

    Shuangyushu Police Station: 86-10-62550406.

    2. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Two Falun Gong Practitioners from Changyi City Arrested

    At around 5:30 p.m. on February 15, 2006, Changyi City 610 Office agents arrested two practitioners from Zhangling Township, Changyi City (under Weifang City), in Mr. Zhang Zonggui's house. One was Mr. Zhang Zonggui's wife. The other was Mr. Fang Xide's wife. Practitioner Mr. Zhang Zonggui escaped arrest when the police ransacked his house.

    3. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Liu Shuying's Young Daughters Hunger Striking to Protest the Persecution

    Ever since practitioners from Dachang County, Langfang City, went to rescue fellow practitioners in Xianghe County on February 5, 2006, practitioner Ms. Liu Shuying's family of four, including her two young daughters (both under 18, the younger one aged 12), have all been detained. They are all on hunger strikes. The two young daughters, restrained to their beds, are also being given intravenous injections against their wills.

    Relevant phone numbers:
    Dachang County 610 Office Head Wang Fuhong (male): 86-316-8822149 (Office)
    Dachang County 610 Office Deputy Head Wang Lizhong (male): 86-13084554001 (Cell), 86-316-8822149 (Office)
    610 Officer Lang Weiguo (male): 86-13932676336 (Cell)
    Dachang County Police Department Deputy Head Han Wenhua (male): 86-13932613666 (Cell) , 86-316-8822429, 86-316-8822529 (Office)
    Political Security Office Head Liu Chunguang (male) of Dachang County Police Department: 86-316-8822429, ext-6531 (Office)

    4. [Xinbin County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Ma Lian'ge and Mr. Liu Kejun Arrested at Home

    At around 8:00 a.m. on February 14, 2006, practitioners Mr. Ma Lian'ge and Mr. Liu Kejun were arrested at their homes in Xiaodianzi Village, Pingdingshan Town, Xinbin County, Fushun City. They are detained in Fushun City, but the exact location is unknown.

    5. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhao Guangjie and Ms. Luan Xiufang Arrested

    On February 12, 2006, practitioner Mr. Zhao Guangjie from Changle County, Weifang City, was arrested. On February 14, 2006, practitioner Ms. Luan Xiufang was arrested by policemen from the Weifang City Development District Department when clarifying the truth in Nanhu Village in the Development District.

    6. [Fucheng County, Hebei Province] Ms. Chang Fengzhen Detained in Beijing City

    On November 24, 2005, practitioner Ms. Chang Fengzhen from Fucheng County, Hebei Province, was arrested and detained while vegetable shopping on the street. She had just been released from detention in October 2005. On January 17, 2006, she was transferred to the Beijing City Forced Labor Camp Distribution Center and is now locked in the Ninth Ward of the Center located on Tuanhe Street in the Daxing District.

    7. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Luo Zhaolan Arrested by Guangyuan City 610 Officers

    At around noon on February 14, 2006, practitioner Ms. Luo Zhaolan, an employee of 103 Factory located in Dianzi Street, Xindu District, Chengdu City, was arrested at her home by police sent by the Guangyuan City 610 Office.

    8. [Shandong Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Being Persecuted Further

    According to practitioners released from the provincial prison, all of them had to be approved by the Shandong Province 610 Office and have a discussion before being actually released. If the provincial 610 officers believed that the practitioners did not meet the "transformation" requirements, they would not be released even if their terms had ended. These practitioners would be picked up by their local 610 Offices to be tortured in brainwashing centers.

    9. [Weifang City Shandong Province] Ms. Wang Meiqin and Others Arrested and Detained

    At around 11:00 a.m. on August 31, 2005, policeman Cao Jinqing and four other officers stormed into a practitioner's house and arrested practitioners Ms. Wang Meiqin, Ms. Ge Junmei, Ms. Qi Guiyu, Mrs. Pang Yufang and her husband, Mr. Chen Shougui (at his work place). They were detained for one month in the Changyi City Detention Center. Mrs. Pang Yufang was released. Mr. Chen Shougui, Ms. Ge Junmei, and Ms. Wang Meiqin were sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Qi Guiyu's whereabouts are unknown.

    10. [Jilin Province] Ms. Xiong Xiuhua Shocked with Electric Baton in Jilin Women's Prison

    In December 2005, I saw guards Wei Dan and Ye Jiong (both female) shock Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xiong Xiuhua with an electric baton. Ms. Xiong Xiuhua was shouting "Falun Dafa is good" for twenty minutes until she passed out. After she woke up, her head felt numb, her whole body felt numb, and she was incontinent. She could not eat for two days after this brutal torture, but the guards said she was on a hunger strike to protest and extended her term for twenty days. Others said that it was her third time being shocked with electric batons.

    11. [Tianjin City] Ms. Chen Xuerong and Her Younger Sister Arrested

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Chen Xuerong, 60, and her younger sister were both arrested when passing out truth clarifying materials at Nankai University located in Tianjin City. Their 89-year-old mother, a cancer patient, was left at home alone.

    12. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Recent Persecution Facts on Mr. Yang Jianpo

    Practitioner Mr. Yang Jianpo is now detained in the Langfang City Detention Center. On February 13 or 14, the police from Guangyang District Department in Langfang City sent Mr. Yang to the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp in Tangshan City but he did not pass the physical and was refused admittance. He was sent to the Shijiazhuang City Forced Labor Camp the next day and was rejected again. The police from Guangyang District Department and the Beimenwai Station still have not released him. He is still in the detention center.

    Back on February 20, 2004, Mr. Yang Jianpo was sent to the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp in Tangshan City. He went on hunger strike for more than 100 days to protest, and went from a weight of 190 down to 90 pounds. He was released when he was so weak that he could not sit up and was dying.

    13. [Yunnan Province] Mr. He Jingchun, Mr. Wu Mingcai, and Mr. Yang Peizhi Sentenced to Prison

    On May 28, 2005, twelve practitioners were arrested when they were having a small sharing conference in Dong County, Simao Prefecture, Yunnan Province. They all escaped at midnight, but two days later, Mr. He Jingchun, Mr. Wu Mingcai, and Mr. Yang Peizhi were re-arrested, detained, and fined more than 5,000 yuan. Mr. He Jingchun and Mr. Wu Mingcai were each sentenced to three years in prison and Mr. Yang Peizhi to seven years.

    14. [Shanghai City] Mr. Chen Haigang Forced to Leave Home

    Practitioner Mr. Chen Haigang from the Nanhui District was arrested on December 16, 2005, and detained until January 13, 2006, in the Nanhui District Detention Center. Due to lack of evidence to detain him, he was transferred to a brainwashing center located at the "Legal Education School." He escaped from the center on the morning of January 21, 2006, but he could not return home. He became homeless to avoid being arrested at home where his grandmother (over 80 years old) and eight-year-old son need him very much.

    15. [Xinbin County, Liaoning Province] Ms. Chi Xiuhua Sentenced to Prison

    In June 2005, after practitioner Ms. Chi Xiuhua from Xinbin County, Fushun City, was arrested, she was sentenced to three and a half years in prison. She is in the Liaoning Province Women's Prison. Ms. Chi's husband died a long time ago, and her middle-school-aged daughter, Ma Yu, lives at home alone.

    16. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Practitioners Still Being Tortured in Hubei Women's Forced Labor Camp

    One practitioner detained in Hubei Province Women's Forced Labor Camp was recently beaten until her leg was fractured. Other practitioners have been cruelly tortured by having their private parts poked with a toothbrush and other despicable acts.

    17. [Hebei Province] Mr. Li Jun's Life is in Danger in Baoding City Prison

    Ever since the facts of practitioner Mr. Li Jun's detention in Baoding Prison were exposed on Minghui net (Chinese version of (see on September 30, 2005, his family has not received any letters from him and do not know if he received the more-than 500 yuan they mailed to him. They are worried if he is still alive.

    Eighteenth Ward head: 86-312-59230 or 86-13832224075 (Cell)
    Political director Wang Jian (male) of the Eighteenth Ward: 86-312-5923590 or 86-13832224082 (Cell)
    Section head where Li Jun is detained in the Eighteenth Ward: 86-312-5923082

    18. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Mr. Su Shiyuan Arrested

    On January 13, 2006, practitioner Mr. Su Shiyuan from the Huaiyin District in Jinan City was arrested when passing out the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. We have heard he is detained in Zibo City and may soon be sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp.

    19. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Qiu Qinghau and Mr. Zheng Shoujun Arrested

    At around 9:00 p.m. on February 16, 2006, practitioners Ms. Qiu Qinghua and Mr. Zheng Shoujun, both from Liaozhong County, were arrested. The police from Panjiapu Station arrested them on their way to pass out "truth clarifying" materials in Panjiapu Township. Their small truck was taken as well.

    Persons involved in the persecution:
    Political Security Section head Li Wei (male) of Liaozhong County Police Department: 86-13604909119 (Cell), 86-24-87820003 (Office)
    Political Security Section police officers Zhi Yong and Ding Guoqiang (both male)
    Panjiapu Township Police Station head Zhu Dezhen (male): 86-13898890033 (Cell), 86-24-97971419, 86-24-87893455, 86-24-87971410 (Cell)

    20. [Guangdong Province] Mr. Wang Zishan Locked in Brainwashing Center after Three Years of Forced Labor

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Zishan was sent to Sanshui Forced Labor Camp twice. His second term of three years beginning 2003 has expired, but he is still detained under an extended term. He is also facing the prospect of being locked in a brainwashing center.

    21. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Seventy-Year-Old Ms. Shi Zhimin Tells Her Own Story about Being Mistreated

    According to Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shi Zhimin:

    "I heard that my friend and fellow practitioner Ms. Wang Shaoqiu was arrested without reason, so I went to the Xianghe County Police Department in Hebei Province to inquire about her case, but the police dragged me onto their vehicle. I tried very hard to get out of the vehicle, so they threw me very hard onto the vehicle, hit my head, and knocked me unconscious. They sent me to the Guangyang District Police Department, handcuffed me to a prisoner's chair, and did not allow me to eat, sleep, talk, or use the toilet. I tried to clarify the truth to them, but State Security Agent Gao Chenggang (male) beat me, causing my mouth to bleed and loosening my teeth. (I am still having difficulty eating.) They poured boiling hot water on my face, resulting in blisters on my mouth and burns on my chest that are very painful. They also covered my head with my coat and almost suffocated me. They spit on me, cursed me, and left me in the freezing entrance hall. They said many times that they wanted to kill me and that they did not care that I was over 70 years old. They would not have left me alone even if I was over 80 years old."

    "I was sent to the Langfang City Detention Center on the afternoon of February 6, 2006. I went on a hunger strike on February 12, 2006, and passed out. Neither the intravenous injections given to me in the detention center nor in the hospital worked, so they sent me home when I was still unconscious on February 13, 2006. I still feel blurry-headed sometimes."

    "Although I returned home, my fellow practitioners Mr. Yang Jianpo, Mr. Shi Yongping, Ms. Wang Fenhai, and others are still detained."

    "By an old lady who believes in Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance,"

    Shi Zhimin

    February 16, 2006

    22. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Ms. Cheng Zhenzhi and Others Arrested

    On the afternoon of February 10, 2006, at around 4:00 p.m., practitioners Ms. Cheng Zhenzhi and Ms. Shufen (last name unknown) from Yitang Street in Shijiazhung City were arrested when clarifying the truth. The police detained them in the Shigang Police Station. At around 1:00 p.m. the next day, eight or nine policemen from the Shjiazhung City Department, State Security Agents from the Xinhua District Police Department, and Shigang Station officers ransacked those two practitioners' homes in Yitang. These two practitioners have been detained in the Shijiazhuang City Second Detention Center located in Zhaolingpu since February 13, 2006.

    23. [Langfang City, Hebei Province] Police Harass Mr. Zhang Lizhi's Family

    On February 6, 2006, practitioner Mr. Zhang Lizhi escaped illegal arrest. Ever since then, State Security Agents of the Developing District Police Department have harassed his parents by going to their family-owned restaurant and preventing their business from functioning normally. They threatened the old couple that if they could not find Mr. Zhang Lizhi, the couple would be interrogated. The police tried to force them to find their son within three days, otherwise they would need to prepare themselves to be at the police department every day.

    Mr. Zhang Lizhi's parents suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease. Under such stress and threats, plus being worried about their son's safety, Mr. Zhang's parents are not clearheaded and cannot take care of their family business at all.

    24. [Lianyungang City, Jiangsu Province] Practitioner Ms. Niu Jinhua, an Employee of the Lianyungang City Traditional Medicine Hospital, Arrested before January 29, 2006

    25. [Beijing City] Retired Mr. Duan Lunhuai and His Wife, Wang Xiuzhen, Arrested

    Practitioners Mr. Duan Lunhuai, 67, and his wife Wang Xiuzhen, 62, are both retired from the 208 Research Institute of the Space and Aero-plane Ministry. They live in the Second Family Housing, Jingouhe Street, Haidian District. During the New Year holiday, they were arrested when passing out truth clarifying materials and are detained in the Haidian District Second Detention Center.

    26. [Beijing City] Ms. Zhang Lianying Is Dying in Beijing Forced Labor Camp Distribution Center

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianying was arrested in June 2005 from her home in the Dongzhimen Area, Beijing City. She has been detained in the Tenth Group of Beijing Forced Labor Camp Distribution Center ever since. She is dying due to long-term hunger strikes.

    Ms. Zhang Lianying, formerly an accountant, worked for the Guangda Corp. She has been arrested many times in the past several years and released every time after going on hunger strikes. Her one-year-old infant needs her at home now.

    27. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Disabled Practitioner Mr. Liu Guoliang Arrested

    Practitioner Mr. Liu Guoliang is blind and lives in the Jiapigou Area, Huadian City, Jilin Province. He was arrested when posting Falun Gong truth clarifying materials on the evening of February 12, 2006. Officer Zhang Haijun (male) from Jiapigou Station made the arrest. The next morning, officers Zhang Haijun and two other policemen ransacked Mr. Liu Guoliang's home and threatened his elderly parents. The police deceived his parents by telling them that Mr. Liu would be home in a few days, but in fact, they sent Mr. Liu to be detained in the Huadian City Detention Center. Mr. Liu Guoliang has been on a hunger strike for four days to protest the illegal arrest.

    Policeman Zhang Haijun, lives with his father-in-law Ling Chengyi: 86-432-6742055 (Home)

    28. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Mr. Lu Qiqi and Ms. Tian Lin Still Locked in Jiang'an Brainwashing Center

    According to information sources, practitioners Mr. Lu Qiqi and Ms. Tian Lin are still locked in the Jiang'an Brainwashing Center. Mr. Lu Qiqi was sent here directly after his forced labor term more than one year ago. The Jiang'an District 610 Office workers said they plan to send him back to forced labor camp soon. Ms. Tian Lin was sentenced to eight years in prison but is on parole because she is giving birth. She was arrested out of town and tortured until she was very weak. Her family tried to bail her out on medical parole, but the 610 Office head refused.