The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- March 1, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Ms. Li Xiumin Diagnosed With Tumor; Calling for Her Immediate Release on Medical Parole

  • Falun Gong Practitioners in Yunfu City, Guangdong Province Unconstitutionally Tried in Court

  • The Persecution Reports from Yang'ai Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou Province

  • Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Guards Laugh While Torturing Practitioners

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yuan Yinying Arrested

  • Additional Persecution News from China - February 10, 2006 (25 Reports)

  • Ms. Li Xiumin Diagnosed With Tumor; Calling for Her Immediate Release on Medical Parole

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Xiumin has been illegally detained in Squadron 2, Group 4 of Shijiazhuang City Labor Camp for more than 18 months. She has recently been diagnosed with breast hyperplasia and an uterine tumor, a medical condition in all likelihood caused by maltreatment under the persecution. The uterine tumor measures about 1.2 inches in diameter. The doctor urged her to immediately undergo surgery. She also suffers from retinitis and once had symptoms of low blood pressure. Her family is truly concerned for her. Definitive diagnoses are needed to find out whether the tumors in her breast and uterus are benign or malignant, and her life could be in danger if she misses the best time window for treatment. Retinitis can result in loss of eyesight if left untreated. We urgently call for the release of Li Xiumin on medical parole. Following is her story:

    Li Xiumin, in her late 40s, used to work at Hebei University of Science and Technology. She started practicing Falun Gong in October 1995, quickly recovered from numerous illnesses and her mind became purified. She had a happy family and a good job. After the brutal persecution against Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, however, she was unlawfully fired and detained for appealing for Falun Gong. Her husband crumbled under pressure and divorced her. Communist regime officials unconstitutionally sentenced her to forced labor for participating in group-Falun Gong exercises. She was savagely beaten, forced to stand for long periods of time, barbarically force-fed and subjected to brainwashing at the labor camp. After her return home she was soon arrested again and has been held in a forced labor camp since then.

    During the past seven years of persecution by Jiang's group, Li Xiumin has been held at labor camp(s) five times and is physically and mentally devastated. She used to suffer from severe rheumatoid arthritis, stomach problems and low blood pressure, among other illnesses. She became depressed after long-term detention and brainwashing at the labor camp. The camp authorities forbade' her to do Falun Gong exercises. The camp food is of poor quality. Relapses of her old illnesses in addition to new symptoms could take her life.

    Falun Gong Practitioners in Yunfu City, Guangdong Province Unconstitutionally Tried in Court

    At 8:15 a.m. on February 16, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners Ou Suhong and Ruan Guihuan from Yunfu City, Guangdong Province were tried in illegal court proceedings. Public prosecutor Xie Yueke listed so-called charges and evidence and requested the judge to levy heavy sentences.

    Ou Suhong and Ruan Guihuan defended their innocence, as did their lawyers. A lawyer from the Gangyi Attorneys' Office in Yunfu City defended Ruan Guihuan and stated that the evidence is insufficient and the amount of [Falun Gong truth clarification] materials [Ruan Guihuan had with her] was not enough to incriminate her. The lawyer asked the public prosecutor to present the evidence. The public prosecutor merely had a book of photos.

    The trial lasted from 8:15 a.m. until past 10:00 a.m. The unlawful verdict was not handed down until one week later. Ruan Guihuan's family asked the head of the district court that they be permitted to defend her in court but the head court officials denied their right, citing "disruptive argument" and lack of time.

    610 Office agents arrested Ruan Guihuan in the street on September 29, 2005. Her home was ransacked and her computer, printer and some truth clarification materials were confiscated.

    Ou Suhong was arrested in October 2005 when distributing truth clarification materials.

    Since the trial began, more than 300 police officers, plainclothes police, National Security Bureau agents dressed in civilian clothes in about 40 police cars from Yunfu City filled the area surrounding of the court. National Security Bureau agents walked back and forth, and plainclothes police officers on motorcycles talking on walkie-talkies zoomed in and out of the crowd. There were also some people holding video cameras and appeared as if they were taping. The persecutors showed unprecedented alarm. People said, "They've already arrested the practitioners and yet they sent so many officers, as if enforcing martial law. Are they afraid the practitioners might escape?"

    Other than the practitioners' families who were permitted to audit the trial, no others were allowed in the courtroom, which was heavily guarded by "610 Office" agents. Women police officers videotaped the trial. The practitioners' families had to register their ID cards upon entering the courtroom, and even had to repeatedly ask officials for permission to sit in on the trial. Other Falun Gong practitioners were denied entry. Practitioner Chen Shuishi took her ID card and tried to get an audit permit. Zhang Weiqiang from the "610 Office" ordered people to shove her out. Several people put her in a vehicle and took her to the Yuncheng Police Department. They interrogated Chen Shuishi and demanded to know who told her to audit the trial. She was not released until the trial had concluded. '

    In September 2004, Chen Shuishi's husband Lai Jiawen audited the trial of five Falun Gong practitioners including the one of Xu Shuhua. After the trial they sent him directly to Sanshui brainwashing center where he was held for more than six months. He contracted hepatitis there. His condition improved after he returned home in April 2005. He was arrested again on September 29, 2005 and was sentenced to two years of forced labor. He suffered a relapse of hepatitis, which is causing pain in his liver and stomach. The Sanshui Labor Camp officials are ignoring his illness.

    Another Falun Gong practitioner also tried to audit the trial but was pushed outside.

    Persecution Reports from Yang'ai Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou Province

    Most of the illegally held women Falun Gong practitioners from Guizhou Province are being held in the Yang'ai Forced Labor Camp. Below is a report on some of their cases of persecution.

    Case 1. Ms. Wei Lizhu, a practitioner from Chongqing City, is jailed in the 8th Group (the group for female practitioners) of Yang'ai Forced Labor Camp in Guizhou Province. One day, when Ms. Wei was using the bathroom, she was dragged out and beaten. Her trousers were stained by urine and her entire body was beaten black and blue.

    Case 2. Ms. Jiang He is a practitioner in her 60s. Everyday the guard forced her to carry a piece of stone weighing over 85 pounds. She carried the stone in a basket for several months. She had to carry the stone everyday and was not allowed to put it down to take a rest.

    Case 3. Practitioner Ms. He Tianfen (currently held in prison) was hung up and beaten for an entire night in the Second Detention Center of Zunyi City in 2003. She was then illegally sentenced to six years of imprisonment. She was taken to Yang'ai Forced Labor Camp where six to seven guards brutally kicked and beat her. She suffered from severe internal injuries.

    Case 4. Ms. Wei Yalan, a practitioner from Anshun City in Guizhou Province, was illegally sentenced to five years of imprisonment and is now being held in the 8th Group of Yang'ai Forced Labor Camp, where she is forced to work in the gauze bag workshop amidst heavy dust. They have sealed up the windows and refused to let the workers breathe fresh air.

    Case 5. Practitioner Ms. Wang Shanchun is currently being held in the Yang'ai Forced Labor Camp where she is being tortured. When Ms. Wang was held in Anshun City, she was handcuffed to the torture bed for 33 days. The wound on her back that resulted from repeated beatings started to rot and grow maggots. She was restrained on the torture bed with both handcuffs and shackles, and the guards brutally force-fed her. She was forced to urinate and defecate in her clothes.

    Case 6. At an assembly session, Practitioner Ms. Ma Xianqin was retrieving her shoes, which she had put out to dry under the sun. Because of this, she was brutally beaten by the guards.

    Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Guards Laugh While Torturing Practitioners

    I am a Falun Gong practitioner just released from Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. The guards there have done so much to persecute Falun Gong and Falun Gong practitioners. The persecution is so cruel and countless that it is impossible to list it all.

    Due to my firm refusal to be brainwashed and "transformed," the police tortured me with electric batons, hanging with cuffs, slapping my face, stretching my limbs, and used all kinds of torture methods on me. Same as many persistent practitioners, I was on a long term hunger strike to resist the persecution. The authorities were unable to achieve their goal.

    In December, 2002, after a few months of being on a hunger strike, guard Zhang Chunguang forced me to squat for 10 days, tied and hung me up in his office for two nights. This is called the '"Big Hang 'Up" (handcuff both hands and tied to the heater pipe, with both legs above the ground.). In the corridor, they tied up my waist for a few hours, handcuffed both of my hands on my back, and tied both of my legs in the double lotus position for several hours continuously. As the time period was very long, my bones and muscles became excruciatingly painful - so painful that I screamed out loudly and lost consciousness. Policeman Zhang Chunguang shocked me with an electric baton so severely that my heart was twisting, both of my legs trembled, and I was dizzy. The pain was so bad that it seemed my heart had torn apart, while the police was laughing wholeheartedly.

    In the past few years, Masanjia Forced Labor Camp has used all vicious methods to help Jiang's gang to persecute Falun Gong. Not only did they try to destroy Falun Gong practitioners physically, they have also bullied, threatened, and tortured Falun Gong practitioners mentally. Every day, they broadcast propaganda about murders, suicide, self-immolation and show all kinds of videos used to frame practitioners. They force practitioners to write self-criticism essays about their "feelings." They require collaborators to persuade steadfast practitioners to change their minds. Some practitioners were persecuted to the point of mental disorder. They have constantly changed methods to persecute Falun Gong practitioners.

    At the end of 2003, guards asked practitioners to practice other types of qigong, such as Taiji, since Falun Gong was not allowed. They would punish those who did not comply. Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Chunmei insisted on practicing Falun Gong. Because of this, she was tied to a chair and not allowed to sleep. A few people watched her, and on some occasions she was not even allowed to go to the toilet.

    In November 2003, I refused to practice Taiji, and policeman Zhang Chunguang did not allow me to sleep for a whole month. More than ten collaborators took turns watching me. They did not let me to close my eyes a bit. I was sent back to the prison cell after my head was spinning and I was vomiting all day long. I lost a lot of hair and weight, my face became very skinny, and my body was extremely weak and fragile.

    In December of 2003, policemen from Dailin, Shenyang, Jinzhou and Huludao Cities had formed a "Help and Educate Unit" to start another wave of persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. They used electric batons, tied up practitioners' feet, slapped faces, hit practitioners' heads with books, forced practitioners to squat motionless for long periods of time, and many other methods of torture. ''Policemen continuously hitting practitioners' heads with books for hours caused many bloody bumps.

    The severe torture could not move Falun Gong practitioners who have righteous thoughts and belief. In 2004, a large number of steadfast Falun Gong practitioners used the law to protect their own right and interests. They wrote letters to 'expose the corruption of the police to reject the persecution. The guards tried hard to maintain close surveillance over 100 steadfast Falun Gong practitioners. They did not allow family members to visit practitioners. Under the close surveillance, they forced practitioners sit on small benches (no conversation allowed), fed practitioners with coarse food grain, and locked up practitioners in small cells. The steadfast practitioners' health deteriorated seriously. Many practitioners' blood pressure only had 30 to 40 mmHg, which resulted in constant dizziness. They had to send practitioners to hospitals frequently - each visit cost 200 to 300 yuan (which practitioners were forced to pay for). This is to achieve the goal of persecution.

    In order to resist the persecution, many practitioners were on hunger strike to protest. Some practitioners' hunger strikes lasted as long as eight months. Guards did not allow families visit and cheated families for money. Practitioners' families had all paid different amounts - some as high as three thousand yuan. Many practitioners' families did not know what the purpose was for these payments.

    Masanjia guards were very cruel when force feeding Falun Gong practitioners on hunger strikes. They asked police from outside to beat up Falun Gong practitioners. Some practitioners' mouths were torn, some lost their hearing, many were locked up in small cells, others were forced fed and lost their lives.

    On April 7, 2005, more than 20 policemen forced fed Falun Gong practitioner Li Baojie. Policemen sat on Li Baojie's chest, legs and shoulders, some pressed Li Baojie's head and some pulled his hair. The prison doctor, Cao Yujie, used a large fork to open Li Baojie's mouth, which rendered Li Baojie unable to breath. Li Baojie died of suffocation on April 8, 2005.

    The 1st Group's leader Li Mingyu and deputy leader Xie Chengdong kicked and punched 50-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Xu Qingyan, whose face was distorted from the punching. All her teeth were loosened, and he could not eat any food. They did not let her use the toilet. As a result, Xu Qingyan suffered from uterine cancer. The beating caused chest pain, and she gasped for breath rapidly. Policemen swore and abused her, and she was not allowed to go home until her life was in danger.

    Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yuan Yinying Arrested

    Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of

    On the evening of January 12, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners from Jieyang City, Guangdong Province Ms. Yuan Yinying, Mr. Huang Jianmin, and Mr. Lin Yanping were all detained and tortured by police.

    Ms. Yuan Yinying was beaten badly, causing high blood pressure and headaches. On February 18, police officers announced that they are arresting Ms. Yuan Yinying instead of releasing her after one month of detention. Ms. Yuan Yinying refused to sign her name on the arrest document, so the police forced her family members to sign for her.

    Mr. Lin Yanping has also been detained more than one month in the Jieyang City Detention Center.

    Additional Persecution News from China - February 10, 2006 (25 Reports)

    1. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Wang Lei Has Been On Hunger Strike for Two Months at Baimiao Forced Labor Camp to Protest the Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Wang Lei from Zhoukou is on a hunger strike at Zhengzhou Baimiao Forced Labor Camp since December 5, 2005. It has been two months, and Wang Lei suffers cruel torture. Wang Lei is in a dire situation.

    Six more Falun Gong practitioners are detained at Henan Province Zhengzhou City Baimiao Forced Labor Camp. For those who refuse to write the so-called three statements, labor camp staff deprives them of their sleep, does not provide food and disallows family visits. Prisoners were ordered to beat Falun Gong practitioners, besides subjecting practitioners to psychological threats and other torture methods.

    Zhengzhou Baimiao Forced Labor Camp
    Address: Baimiao Forced Labor Camp, Number 62, Wenhua Road, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, China, 450002
    Telephone: 86-371-3843465, 3836958, 3810938, 3837029

    2. [Beijing] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Liu Lin Detained at Tongzhou Detention Center for More Than a Year

    Liu Lin is a Falun Gong practitioner from Nongan County, Jilin Province (she is the sister of Liu Chengjun, who was tortured to death). She was arrested on December 19, 2004 while sending righteous thoughts and spreading truth clarifying materials near Beijing. Liu Lin is still detained at Qiaozhuang Detention Center, Tongzhou District, Beijing City. Although she has been held for more than a year, the center will not release her.

    Beijing City's Tongzhou District Police Department
    Hao XX, telephone: 86-10-81591328
    Qiaozhuang Detention Center telephone: 86-10-81584764

    3. [Dalian, Liaoning Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yu Meihua's Home Ransacked

    Between January 23 and 25, 2006, Dalian Police Department ransacked Falun Gong practitioner Yu Meihua's home. She lives at Gongren Village, Xigang District. They confiscated some Falun Gong books. Yu Meihua was not home at the time. Therefore policemen arrested Yu Meihua's husband Mr. Ma, a non-practitioner and her sister Yuping. Mr. Ma was later released. Yuping was also released after she became ill. Yu Meihua's whereabouts is unknown.

    4. [Beijing City] Twenty Falun Gong Practitioners Detained at Fengtai District Detention Center

    It is said that twenty Falun Gong practitioners are detained at Beijing City Fengtai District Detention Center. They were arrested before the Chinese Lunar New Year. It is suspected that these practitioners were sentenced to forced labor or prison terms.

    5. [Shijiazhuang, Hebei Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Continue Hunger Strike at Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp

    It has been confirmed that Falun Gong practitioners at Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp are on a hunger strike, protesting the persecution, since before the Chinese New Year. The labor camp staff is keeping this information secret. They are afraid that outsiders will find out. There are practitioners in group No. 4 and No. 5 who suffer great physical discomfort. Staff members from the labor camp are force feeding the practitioners through intravenous feedings. They refuse to release anyone. Among those practitioners, Liu Yulan, a practitioner from Tangshan in her 50's, has been mentally traumatized.

    6. [Hebei Province] Baoding City Government Plans to Sentence Falun Gong Practitioners Zhang Rongjie, Liu Yongwang, Zhi Zhanmin and Wei Haiwu Next Week

    7. [Yunnan Province] Yunnan Court Proceedings will Begin on February 10, 2006 Against Wang , Zhao Yongmei, and Others - a Total of Nine Falun Gong Practitioners

    8. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Province Government is in the Process of Opening Court Proceedings Against Falun Gong Practitioners Ou Yunjie, Cui Luning, Sun Hong and Yu Huirong

    9. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Jinshui District Court Opened Court Proceedings Against Falun Gong Practitioners

    On February 7, 2006, Zhengzhou City Jinshui District Court began court proceedings against Falun Gong practitioner Sun Sulan (Zhoukou), Geng Yunhua (Zhoukou), Li Liansi (Sanmenxia), Ma Sujing (Sanmenxia), Zhang Hongbing (Xinshi town, Jingshan County, Hubei Province), Zhang Xiuzhen (Zhoukou), Wang Changxi (Zhoukou), Wang Jingjing (Zhoukou), Qiu Chunlian, a total of nine Falun Gong practitioners. Officials from the 610 Office and Political and Judiciary Committee attended court and interfered with the proceedings. Zhengzhou Falun Gong practitioners cooperated and stopped the evil from succeeding.

    10. [Guizhou] Many Falun Gong Practitioners from Anshun City Arrested and Sentenced to Prison

    Persecution facts regarding Falun Gong practitioners who were arrested two years ago by authorities from Guizhou Province Anshun City:

    Li Ruping from Baiyun District was detained. Guiyang was sentenced to a six-year prison term. An unnamed practitioner was sentenced to a seven-year prison term. Guizhou Province Business Vocational School lecturer Cheng Hualiang was recently sentenced to three years in prison. A master degree graduate, and Luo Yunzhi from the Guiyang Post and Telecommunications Agency were sentenced to five years in prison.

    All these Falun Gong practitioners refused to accept the term and demanded an appeal.

    11. [Shandong Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Sun Yanxia from Shengli Oil Field Arrested and Taken to Brainwashing Center

    In the afternoon of December 26, 2005, the team leader of the Shengli Extraction Shandong Factory safety guard team ordered Ms. Sun Yanxia to be on gate house duty. In reality she was sent there to be arrested by policemen from the Binbei Police Department branch. Police ransacked her home that night, and threatened her mother. Presently, Sun Yanxia is detained at the Shengcai Brainwashing Center. She was not allowed to be with her family on Chinese New Year.

    12. [Changsha, Hunan Province] Chen Wenqing and Zeng Guang Arrested While Distributing Truth Clarifying Materials

    On the afternoon of January 21, 2006, Falun Gong practitioners Chen Wenqing and Zeng Guang from Changsha were arrested while distributing truth clarifying materials at Dongtang, Changsha City. Policemen later ransacked Chen Wenqing and Zeng Guang's homes. They are currently detained at Changsha City Detention Center.

    Government units responsible for the persecution:
    Changsha City Yuhua District Police Department Branch:
    Operator: 86-731-5677110 (Transfer to National Guard Team etc.)
    National Guard Team: 86-731-5013720
    Individuals involved in the persecution: Li Gang, Liu Yuping
    Staff from Zuojiatang Police Station participated in the arresting, ransacking and questioning of practitioners. The police station chairman's telephone number: 86-731-5792110
    Changsha City Detention Center telephone numbers: 86-731-4074801, 4074802, 4074803, 4074830, 4074900, 4074928, 4074980, etc.

    13. [Beijing] Falun Gong Practitioners Ma Zhanquan and Tian Shurong Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

    Ma Zhanquan and Tian Shurong were sentenced to three-year prison terms. Tian Shurong is detained at Beijing DaXing Women's Prison, Badachu. Ma Zhanquan is detained at a prison in Tianjin.

    14. [Baoding, Hebei Province] Li Huiru is in Critical Condition from Torture

    Falun Gong practitioner Li Huiru was taken home after her life was in critical condition from the torture. Baoding City Han Village Bei Road Police Station Director Yao Yuhong continues to harass Li Huiru at home. Yao intends to take Li Huiru to forced labor camp after her health improves.

    Baoding City Han Village Bei Road Police Station Chairman: Zhao Xiangrui, director: Yao Yuhong. Telephone: 86-312-3135145

    15. [Liaoning Province] Uncovering the Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

    Since April 1, 2005, Masanjia Forced Labor Camp has separated Falun Gong practitioners into three groups. The first floor became group #1 (firm practitioners), the second floor became group #2 (relatively firm practitioners), and the third floor became group #3 ("transformed" practitioners). Group #1 practitioners are not allowed to go outside, and are fed raw food. They are held in small cells most of the time.

    Xiang Kuili, the group leader from group #2 instructed Liu Chunli (a policeman who teaches law) to wrap newspaper around an iron club and beat practitioners with it. Practitioners' faces were swollen and they could no longer stand up. They also silenced the practitioners, so word of the beatings would not leak to the outside.

    Falun Gong practitioner Liu Guifang did not cooperate, so she was dragged out of the cell and her face was slapped. She was then tied up and hung from a heating pipe. Her heart disease recurred and she could no longer walk down the stairs. Video-tapes are played daily that malign Falun Gong, with the volume turned up extremely loud, to hide the evil deeds. Policemen Zhang Xiurong, Ma Xiaodan, group leader Liu and their local 610 Office collaborated and took practitioners who had finished their terms to a brainwashing center.

    16. [Jiaohe City, Jilin Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Huihai Arrested

    Mr. Liu Huihai, 43, lives at Minzhu Village, Qianjin Township, Jiaohe City. Local police arrested him on the morning of February 8, 2006, and took him to Jilin Detention Center the next day.

    Local police sentenced Liu Huihai to two years in a forced labor camp in 2002, because he was distributing truth clarifying materials. Guards and prisoners tortured him because he would not renounce his practice. He went on a several month hunger strike to protest the persecution. He was released eight months later.

    In October 2005, he was telling the truth of the persecution on the train ride between Jiaohe to Jilin. He was reported by a solider and arrested by the Jiaohe 610 Office. While the Jiaohe 610 Office ransacked his home, Liu Huihai was able to escape, though the handcuffs were still on his wrists.

    17. [Changyi City, Shandong Province] Falun Gong Practitioners Recently Sentenced to Forced Labor Camp

    In December 2005, Falun Gong practitioners' taken to forced labor camp by Changyi City authorities were Yang Shuping and Shi Jianmei. Both were sentenced to eighteen month prison terms.

    Four Falun Gong practitioners at Beimeng Township were persecuted. Wang Liqing, Zhu Sue, Zhu Huizhen, and Li Jianfen were sentenced to eighteen months in a forced labor camp. Wu Congliang was sentenced a second time to three years of forced labor.

    Cangjie Township practitioners who were persecuted include Mr. Wang Xiaozeng, who is in his 60's. He was sentenced a second time to two years forced labor. His wife Wang Cuilan was sentenced to a year of forced labor.

    18. [Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Surnamed Niu Arrested at Xuzhou Railroad Station

    19. [Qiqihaer City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Dozen Falun Gong Practitioners from Longsha District Arrested

    Around January 22, 2006, Longsha District, Qiqihaer City authorities arrested several dozen Falun Gong practitioners (between 32-50 people). An elderly practitioner in her 80's was brutally beaten. Police demanded that they provide names of other practitioners.

    20. [Shenyang, Liaoning Province] Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Refuses Family Visits for Falun Gong Practitioner Yu Chunxiang

    On January 31, 2006, the third day after the Chinese New Year, Dalian Falun Gong practitioner Yu Chunxiang's husband brought his son to see his mother Yu Chunxiang. He was on his winter break, and had traveled from quite far to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City to visit her. She had been taken to the forced labor camp because she practices Falun Gong. Masanjia Forced Labor Camp staff forbid any family visits. Yu Chunxiang's mother-in-law, in her 80s, was deeply saddened that her kindhearted daughter-in-law had been arrested and sentenced to forced labor. She passed away close to the 2005 Chinese New Year.

    21. [Dalian City, Liaoning] Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Wei Arrested and Parents Harassed

    On the evening of December 17, 2005, group leader Wang Zhengbin from the Dalian City Zhongshan District Tianjin Street Police, local policeman Little Xu and three policemen broke into Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Wei's parents' home. Zhang Wei was arrested in October 2005. They kicked Zhang Wei's elderly parents out of the home and told them to rent a place somewhere else. They also forced Zhang Wei's parents' guest to show the identification card, searched the bags and wanted to take him/her to the police station. They confiscated all Falun Gong books. The police reported the incident to Dalian City National Guard branch office the following day. On December 21, they came again to Zhang Wei's parents' home and harassed and threatened the older couple. They would not let this older couple live in peace and quiet.

    22. [Liaoyuan City, Jilin Province] Staff from Liaoyuan City 610 Office and Security Office Monitor and Follow Falun Gong Practitioners

    Reliable reports say that staff from the Jilin Province Liaoyuan City 610 Office and the Security Office have monitored Falun Gong practitioners' home telephones and cellular phones for quite some time. Several practitioners were arrested. Wang Fengmei was taken to a forced labor camp. Liu Xinli was sentenced to a nine-year prison term. Gao Zhihong was sentenced to a three-year prison term.

    23. [Beijing] Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Guiying Arrested

    24. [Beijing] Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Fang and Wife Liu Xia Arrested on the Evening of January 14, 2006

    25. [Hebei Province] Rongcheng County 610 Office and National Guard Policemen Arrested a Falun Gong Practitioner

    Hebei Province Rongcheng County 610 Office and National Guards harassed Falun Gong practitioners at their homes before Chinese Lunar New Year 2006. They arrested one practitioner and detained him for about two months. They released him after they had extorted a fine. There are posters that say, "Find Falun Gong Practitioners! Reward for who Reports them!" at Rongcheng County bus stops and on the buses.