The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- February 28, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Wang Xiuxia Died as a Result of Torture at Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison

  • Guiyang Police Illegally Arrest Practitioner Mr. Wu Shizhong

  • 74-Year-Old Ms. Fan Defang Prosecuted in Dadukou District, Chongqing City

  • Liaoning Province: Panjin City National Security Police Use Perjury to Heavily Sentence Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Police from Chishui City, Guizhou Province Arrest Practitioners to Extort Money and Goods

  • Shenyang Women's Prison Brutally Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Five Practitioners from Xinjiang, Liaoning and Hebei Provinces and Beijing Persecuted to Death

  • Additional Persecution News from China - February 8, 2006 (13 Reports)

  • Ms. Wang Xiuxia Died as a Result of Torture at Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison

     After nearly four years of brutal torture at the Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison, Ms. Wang Xiuxia, a Falun Gong practitioner from Shenyang, Liaoning Province, passed away on January 24, 2006 at age 41. While detained, she was beaten, forced to sleep on cement floors, soaked with a dozen buckets of cold water, and forced to work overtime performing slave labor. In December 2005, when she was emaciated, swollen in many places, and near death, the prison released her to her family. She died soon afterwards.

    Ms. Wang Xiuxia was born on April 12, 1965. She worked for the administrative division of the Shenyang Railroad Bureau. After the persecution started in July 1999, she was dismissed from work because she refused to give up practicing Falun Gong.

    On February 6, 2002, Ms. Wang was arrested by police from Shenyang Municipal Police Department, Huping Branch, of Hebei Substation while distributing Falun Gong truth-clarification materials. Policeman Cai, about 40 years old, with two women managers of the Heping District Yuping Second Community, and a few others raided her home. The police used a cleaver to shred her wardrobe, walked all over her bed with their shoes on, and left her home in a mess.

    Later, Ms. Wang was illegally sentenced to four years in prison. Initially she was detained at the Shenyang Ankang Hospital (a.k.a. Shenyang Municipal Drug Rehabilitation Center), and was subsequently sent to the Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison (formerly located at Shenyang Dabei Prison, moved to Shenyang Prison District in October 2003). Ms. Wang was detained in the Second Team, and given the number 2164.

    Because Ms. Wang refused to give up her faith, she was brutally tortured at the prison both mentally and physically. Only a few details are known because the prison has not let information out to the public. Because Wang refused to write a repentance statement, she was brutally beaten. Several prison guards held her hand to force her to write the statement, and her hand was injured. The guards did not allow her to talk to anyone else. Every day she was forced to perform slave labor for more than ten hours. She was forced to sleep on ice-cold cement floors, with only a thin blanket. As a result, her kidneys and other organs developed problems, and her legs and feet became swollen. The prison guards also poured more than a dozen basins of cold water on her.

    In July 2005, when her family members visited her in the prison, they found her to be extremely thin and frail. Two female prison guards were present to watch Ms. Wang. Ms. Wang only said she could not eat anything. The family members saw that her feet were swollen. Ms. Wang's health deteriorated after that. Her family requested that the prison release her so that she could receive medical treatment. In order to evade responsibility, the prison sent her home in December 2005. At that time, Ms. Wang was extremely emaciated and close to death. Her stomach was very swollen, all her front teeth were gone, her feet and legs were swollen, she was nearly unconscious, and many punctures from needles were found on her chest.

    Her family took her to the Shenyang Municipal Chest Hospital (a.k.a. Shenyang Tenth People's Hospital). She was diagnosed with tuberculosis in both lungs, pleurisy in her left lung, heart failure, and low blood iron, at a level that was life threatening. Ms. Wang passed away on January 24, 2006.

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    Guiyang Police Illegally Arrest Practitioner Mr. Wu Shizhong

    Guiyang City Police and staff of the local 610 Office arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu Shizhong on November 15, 2005. They put him into a brainwashing center and sent him to a detention center half a month later. The Guiyang City Police Department sent a notice of detention and arrest of Mr. Wu Shizhong on November 29 and December 21, respectively. In the past two months, Mr. Wu Shizhong's family members have been prevented from visiting him.

    Mr. Wu Shizhong and his son Mr. Tie Wu, a computer engineer residing in Massachusetts, USA

    Mr. Wu Shizhong, born in 1948, was the former Prosecutor of the Procuratorate in Qianxi'nanzhou (the most recent autonomous state in China) in Guizhou Province. He has been living in Guiyang City since his retirement. On November 15, 2005, when Mr. Wu Shizhong was taking a trip away from home, he was abducted by police officers Yao Jun and Li Liejun from the Xilu Police Station of Guiyang City, and by the Director of the local 610 Office Li Ming. Later, Mr. Wu was put into the notorious local Lannigou Brainwashing Center. Half a month later he was transferred to the Yunyan District Detention Center in Guiyang City. He was sentenced to detention on November 29, 2005 and officially arrested on December 21, 2005. His family members have been prevented from visiting him.

    Mr. Wu Shizhong started to practice Falun Gong because he was suffering from many types of chronic diseases. After practicing Falun Gong, the illnesses that tormented him for many years all disappeared and he became very healthy. When the CCP started to persecute Falun Gong, Mr. Wu Shizhong went to the provincial appeals office to clarify the truth. Because of this, he was held by the police and interrogated for one night.

    Mr. Wu Shizhong's son is a software engineer living in Massachusetts, USA.

    Chinese version available at

    74-Year-Old Ms. Fan Defang Prosecuted in Dadukou District, Chongqing City

     Police arrested Ms. Fan Defang, a 74-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Chongqing City, and practitioner Ms. Yuan Suxian on January 28, 2005. Ms. Yuan Suxian was tortured to death, and Ms. Fan Defang was illegally prosecuted.

    Ms. Fan Defang is a retiree from Chongqing City Construction, Ltd. She lived in Room 2, Building 6, Unit One, Complex 2, the Laodong Community, the Xiejiawan Region, Jiulingpo District. On January 28, 2005, Ms. Fan and Ms. Yuan, another retiree's family member, went to the Tiaodengchang region in the Dadukou District to visit a relative. On their way, they picked up several Falun Gong truth clarification flyers off the ground and gave them to passers-by. Agents from the Tiaodengchang Police Station in the Dadukou District arrested them and ransacked their homes. The police didn't find any truth clarification material at Ms. Fan's home. The two practitioners were sent to the Daduokou District Detention Center.

    Ms. Fan was bedridden the entire time she remained in the detention center. On July 30, 2005, jailers in the detention center tortured Ms. Yuan Suxian to death. To hush up the crime, staff from the detention center gave her family a little over 5,000 yuan as compensation for her death. At the same time, they were worried that Ms. Fan would die in the detention center, so they told her family to take her home with the caveat that she would be tried later.

    After the evildoers tortured Ms. Yuan Suxian to death, they delivered a court notice to Ms. Fan Defang on February 8, 2006. The court notice, dated January 20, 2006, stated that the prosecutor would be Wang Wenge and that Ms. Fan Defang would be tried around February 18. Absurdly enough, the notice specified that Ms. Yuan Suxian, who had already been tortured to death, was the witness who initially brought an accusation against Ms. Fan Defang. The notice also stated that [the already deceased] Ms. Yuan Suxian's case would be tried later, as an independent case.

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    Liaoning Province: Panjin City National Security Police Use Perjury to Heavily Sentence Falun Gong Practitioners

     On September 12, 2005, Panjin City's Xinglongtai Court held a secret hearing to levy criminal charges against Mr. Xin Minduo and his wife for their belief in Falun Gong. The couple are Falun Gong practitioners from Panjin City, Liaoning Province. Three days later, on the afternoon of September 15, the court handed 13 year and 12 year prison terms to Mr. Xin and his wife, respectively. Their family members did not find out about this until September 20, 2005, from a private source. At the same time, practitioners Hu Zhehui and Hou Yunfei were also illegally sentenced to 15 and 14 years in prison, respectively. The court did not even bother to inform their families.

    There is no evidence of their "crime." The evildoing Communist regime's practice prevailed, as usual: arrest first, then fabricate "evidence."

    Mr. Xin Minduo and his wife denied all charges. They appealed to the city intermediate court. Officials there believe that the cases were not clear and lacked evidence. The intermediate court dismissed the district court's verdict and sent the case back to the district court. The district court relayed the case to the district prosecutors office, which in turn handed the files back to the original investigators - the district National Security Police. The district National Security Police continued to fabricate "evidence" but their "evidence" later proved invalid in the court.

    The National Security police have been arresting Falun Gong practitioners without due cause. They continue to make up so-called evidence. On December 12, 2005, the Xinglongtai District Court tried Mr. Xin and his wife for the second time. During the previous court debate, policemen Xu Hao, Zhang Runqiu and Song Bo sat in the front row. This time only one sat in the front row; Xu Hao arrived late and sat in the back. Both families and lawyers were permitted to attend this hearing. District representative Pei Guangyan and prosecutor Wang Jianbo charged that Xin Minduo made three master discs in his rented apartment. But the verdict says that in 2003, during a body search, the police found three floppy discs. Agents from the district National Security Police had then said, "We body-searched him and found three discs that later were identified as master discs."

    Floppy discs are not the same as master discs. They are two different kinds of things. This is how they made up false evidence to frame innocent people.

    Xin Minduo objected in the court, "I did not have any disc with me at the time. They found and robbed me of 1,200 yuan in cash and of my cell phone. Now these had become "discs." They also charged me with making these discs at my apartment, but that time I was living with my parents! I did not rent a place! All these things can be easily verified. These rumors of making three master discs are totally absurd."

    In addition to Yuan Yinghua, National Security Police also claimed to have five other witnesses, but none of them appeared in court. Only "written testimony" was presented. The court denied the defendants' request to summon the witnesses. The testimonies from Lu Shengan, Wang Dali and Zhang Zhigang were basically the same: when the police came to Room 26-2-402, Qinghua Residence in 2003, six to seven people ran away. The police only arrested Xin Minduo. That's all.

    When intermediate court chief justice Li Huizeng asked Xin, "What were you doing in Room 402?" Xin answered, "Visiting a friend." Li asked, "Who?" Answer, "Liu." According to landlord Huang Lirong, one renter's name is Li Gang, who is in his 50's, speaks with a southern accent, and is a businessman with a wife and children. But this evidence has nothing to do with Xin Minduo. The other three people could only testify that Xin was arrested in Room 402. All the evidence together could not prove that they found three master discs, or that Xin made these discs. The police had completely fabricated those accusations.

    The prosecutor also claimed that in 2005, Xin Minduo made 1,100 CD's and other Falun Gong materials in Room 15-1-302 at the Tianan Residence. No evidence or witness was available to be presented at the first court hearing. The court officials had only some pictures showing the building complex where Xin's apartment was, a sofa, a chest and door. One picture showed a small pile of CD's on a yellow floor. Xin said, "These were not taken at my house." The evidence was denied in the court. The pictures demonstrated that the charges and evidence were not compatible and therefore unrelated.

    In this court debate, the district National Security Police added some 20 photos showing all kinds of things. All the photos had a note with Xin's name on them. After reviewing the photos, Xin Minduo said, "In this photo album, only the first page is about my home, let's just use this page. The others are not related to me. You can bring as many photos as you want, but they are not related to me. I never had these 1,100 CD's and the flyers at my house." The prosecutor said, "These CD's are all related to Falun Gong; some are the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party." Xin objected, "The CD's contents don't match what is in my computer. These testimonies show no seal or signature, so these are groundless fabrications. When you searched my house, my family and I were barred from my house. Your list includes things that we never had. Furthermore, you took many things from me without giving me a receipt, including a refrigerator, a washing machine, over 10,000 yuan in cash for which you later issued a receipt in the amount of 4,700 yuan. You even took my bank deposit note! How can you explain this kind of behavior by the 'law enforcement' people? Is this list valid?"

    Prosecutor Wang Jianbo was in total panic and struggled to find the right words to say. All the prosecutor's charges were completely refuted by Xin and his lawyer, one by one. Finally, Xin Minduo said, "I am innocent."

    Following the December 12 court hearing, on December 15, the court decided to uphold the original verdict. On December 16, the court delivered the verdict to Xin Minduo. They stalled until December 19 to inform Xin's lawyer. The lawyer immediately told Xin's family the crazy verdict. Xin's family members told the lawyer that they would appeal again.

    After the lawyer prepared the appeals documents and visited Xin in the detention center on December 26, he found out that the verdict was issued on December 16. After Xin Minduo waited for several days and did not see his lawyer, he finally wrote the appeals himself. Xin had been illegally detained for almost six months by that time, and was very weak from the persecution. The lawyer submitted the formal appeal documents after the December 26 visit.

    But under the control of the city Communist Party Political and Legal Committee and the 610 Office, the Xinglongtai Court in Panjin City did not pay any attention to the evidence, the facts or the law. The court also disregarded the defense lawyer's position. They stubbornly insisted on upholding the guilty verdict. On January 26, 2006, in a secret court debate, the court decided to uphold the guilty verdict.

    Now let's look at the case against Xin Minduo's wife, Bao. The verdict states that in 2005, some 1,100 CD's and Falun Gong flyers were found in the Xin's residence.

    Initially, Bao's case and that of her husband's were heard as one. This time, for unknown reasons, their cases were treated separately. On November 10, the intermediate court returned the case to the district, and on November 18, the case was referred back to the National Security Police. During this time, Bao's family members questioned police agent Xu Hao if the case was still with him. Xu Hao said angrily, "I have no need to tell you. You are looking for the officials everywhere. Sooner or later we will arrest you all!"

    That is how it happened that even the accused couple's family members lost their rights to inquire. When the family came to the prosecutor's office, they were told the case was returned to the police, to gather additional evidence. The case was bounced back and forth. Two months later the family still didn't know who was proceeding with the case.

    In addition to Xin's lawyer, nine other lawyers and a number of people also participated in a December 12 court hearing. All were witnesses to the judge and prosecutor's perjury. Despite all these contradictions, the intermediate court still upheld the verdict of 13 years.

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    Police from Chishui City, Guizhou Province Arrest Practitioners to Extort Money and Goods

     From late November to early December 2005, Wang Bin, male, the chief of the National Security Group of Chishui City in Guizhou Province, led police to ransack Falun Gong practitioners' homes in Chishui City and arrest them. The practitioners whose homes were illegally searched include: Ms. Li Longyu, Ms. Li Zhengying, Ms. Yang Chaokai, Ms. Li Liumei, Mr. Dai Qiming, Mr. Feng Zhaoming, Ms. Ming Fengli, Ms. Zhang Erniang, Ms. Zhao Niangniang, Mr. Wang Chaogui, Mr. Chen Guisheng and Ms. Zhao Jiazhen.

    The confiscated goods include Falun Gong books, magazines, pictures, hand-copied Falun Gong lectures, music tapes, CDs, DVDs, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party, cash and certificates. After the houses were illegal searched, they looked horrible. Even the ceiling of practitioner Mr. Feng Zhaoming's house was damaged.

    Practitioners Ms. Li Yulong, Ms. Li Zhengying, Ms. Yang Zhaokai and Ms. Li Liumei were illegally held in the Chishui City Detention Center for one month. Because they refused to give in, they were all taken to and held in the Women's Division of the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp of Guizhou Province.

    Practitioner Mr. Dai Qiming was taken to the Zhongba Forced Labor Camp in November 2001, but was sent back because of hypertension and sentenced to two years of "outside monitoring." In 2005, he was detained for one month and again sentenced to three years of outside monitoring. The rest of the practitioners' families were threatened by police and were forced to hand over money to the police in order to have their loved ones set free.

    Reportedly, Mr. Feng Zhaoming was fined 5000 yuan; Ms. Zhao Niangniang 7000 yuan; Ms. Ming Fengli 3000 yuan; Mr. Chen Guisheng and his wife 10,000 yuan; and Mr. Wang Chaogui handed over 5,000 yuan to avoid being arrested.

    The police first arrest practitioners and then threaten their family members. Once the chief of the National Security Group Wang Bin learns that someone is a Falun Gong practitioner, he always sends police to monitor the person. If a practitioner needs to go somewhere, he or she is forced to ask for permission from the police. Since July 20, 1999, practitioners' homes have been illegally ransacked. Practitioners have been illegally fined, subjected to illegal extortion and illegal detention, and have been beaten, yelled at and subjected to humiliation.

    Those practitioners from Chishui City who have been illegally held for forced labor include: Mr. Jia Chaoqin, Mr. Xie Xianyun, Ms. Mu Liangyao, Ms. Chen Xianying, Ms. Chen Qiniang, Ms. Lu Chunling, Ms. Luo Lianying, Ms. Huang Jialan, Mr. Dai Qiyuan, Mr. Huang Shunwui, Ms. Huang Shunlan, Mr. Li Yaping, Mr. Wang Zexuan, Ms. Li Longyu, Mr. Liu Jinmao, Mr. Wang Daigui, Mr. Chen Tingyuan, Mr. Li Zhengrong, Ms. Li Zhengying, Mr. Li Xianghui, Mr. Guan Shengcai, Mr. Dai Qiming, Ms. Yang Chaokai, Ms. Li Liumei, and other practitioners whose names are unknown.

    The police carried out inhumane torture of those practitioners who were arrested. For example, practitioners were subjected to brainwashing, deprived of sleep, forced to stand up for extended periods of time, forced to take cold showers in the winter, and hung up and beaten. The injuries due to beatings remain visible six months later.

    In a county level city with a total population of more than 200,000, 24 practitioners in the central district of the city are being illegally held for forced labor. The number of practitioners from whom fines and goods have been extorted and who have been persecuted through other means is countless

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    Shenyang Women's Prison Brutally Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

    Falun Gong practitioner Liu Mei was tortured until her cerebellum atrophied, and she was in an advanced stage of tuberculosis. She was detained at the handicapped & senior's unit of Shenyang Women's Prison. Sun Linghua was tortured to mental collapse and was also detained at the handicapped & senior's unit.

    Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Aili's hands and feet were tied and she was hung upside down over a bed. She was hung for seven days and her right hand could not do anything after this. Not only were Zhao Aili's teeth knocked out, but also her arms were tightly tied and she was shackled to a bed for five days. She could not do anything after her arms were shackled. A criminal named Shi Ziuli knocked out her teeth, and other criminals by the names of Liu Yan and Hou Yan helped him to shackle her. An Rui, a staff member of the unit, instigated this. Li Liming was also tortured.

    Li Lijuan got kickbacks from the kitchen and supermarket, and she shared them with staff member An Rui. What An Rui ate and used were all provided by Liu. An Rui violated the law while executing the law, and she conspired with and instigated Liu Lijuan to join her in crime. Liu is the head criminal inmate. For example, all her clothes are cleaned by other criminals, and the others always serve her. Liu Lijuan was the most vicious of those who persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.

    Unauthorized pooling and covertly unauthorized pooling of funds were very serious in Shenyang Women's Prison. For example, the prisoners endured ultra-stressful and burdensome work for fourteen and fifteen hours a day. There was no compensation and everyone had to buy everything by oneself. For example, those imprisoned had to purchase their own bedding, badges, photo IDs, and the newspapers they were forced to read. Everybody would have to take a share of the cost. After entering the prison one has to pay a physical exam fee of 150 yuan, and after being assigned to the workshop one has to pay extra 150 yuan for other exams. Besides this, the prices of merchandise in the prison store are four or five times higher than outside.

    Everyone was given rice four times a week, and steamed bread once every week. Every meal was boiled cabbage with clear water. Some days, cabbage and carrots were the only dishes served. A fried dish was never served. Sanitation in the dining hall for over two thousand persons was very poor. Rotten vegetables and worms were found in the food. It was inedible. The corn bread was sour and one felt nauseous after eating it. Many got various illnesses because of lack of nutrition, poor sanitation and intense overtime workload. Those in extreme poverty could not have a chance to see their family all year round. Everyone in the prison was allocated seven yuan monthly but in the end, nobody got a penny of that money. For example Chen Xiaoli (a non-practitioner) was a person in extreme poverty. At the end of 2004 she developed acute appendicitis. The operation cost more than 1500 yuan. Afterwards section head of the Third Team Guo Naijuan told Chen Xiali that if she did not pay the operation fee, then she would never have her prison term reduced (she would never be allowed to leave). She was desperate and hanged herself on her birthday. When the seasons changed, we could not find time to wash our blankets, as we were busy with intense work every day, without any time to ourselves.

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    Five Practitioners from Xinjiang, Liaoning and Hebei Provinces and Beijing Persecuted to Death

     Mr. Guo Jingtai, a Falun Gong practitioner, was a teacher in the affiliated school of Shihezi Tonglian Company of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region. From January 2003 to November 2003, he was brutally persecuted several times by members of the 610 Office. He was mentally traumatized and developed an illness due to the severe persecution. He died on July 19, 2005.

    Mr. Li Shaozhong was a Falun Gong practitioner in his sixties from Miyun County in Beijing. After being arrested in February 2001, he was sent to the Tuanhe Labor Camp in May 2001, where he was severely persecuted. At the end of the same year, he was sent back home. About ten days later, he passed away. The details of his persecution have yet to be investigated.

    Mr. Cui Fenglin, 49 years old, was a worker in the branch factory of the Jinzhou Heavy Machinery Plant in Dalian City, Liaoning Province. He started practicing Falun Gong in June 1995 and went twice to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong and clarify the truth. He was detained and sentenced to one and a half years in the Dalian Labor Camp. He was subjected to inhuman treatment there, punitively force-fed several times and persecuted by collaborators. He was extremely weak at the time of his release. In mid-January 2005, he started to vomit anything he ate and he could not defecate. He passed away on December 13, 2005.

    Ms. Gao Yanhua, 50 years old, was from Han Village, Songlindian County, Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. She used to suffer from high blood pressure before she started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. After she started the practice, the disease was cured. On April 25, 1999, she went to Beijing to clarify the truth. After she came back, the authorities forced her to pay a fine of 200 yuan, and she was forced to attend brainwashing sessions. The harassment and persecution she suffered made it difficult for her to read Falun Gong books and do the exercises. She suffered a relapse and died on May 2, 2001.

    Mr. Qi Boguang, 69 years old, was a retiree from the Liaohe Oil Field. He lived in the family compound of the Xinglongtai Oil Field in Panjing City. He suffered from an incurable illness before he started practicing Falun Gong in 1997. He recovered after he practiced regularly. The persecution of Falun Gong put him under intense pressure and fear. Thus, he gave up his practice. He suffered a heavy blow when his wife was reported to the police for clarifying the truth. His life then became one of fear and depression till his death from a heart attack in September 2005.

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    Additional Persecution News from China - February 8, 2006 (13 Reports)

    1. [Xing'anmeng League, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region] Two Falun Gong Practitioners Have Been on a Hunger Strike for Over Ten Days

    The local police have detained and tortured Falun Gong practitioners Ma Xiuqin and Ma Xiuping from Yiershi Town, Xing'anmeng League, for over a month. They have been on a hunger strike for over ten days to protest being tortured.

    2. [Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province] The Muscles in Yi Fuquan's Arm Atrophied As a Result of Torture at the Tailai Prison

    Practitioner Yi Fuquan from Shuangcheng City is being held at the No. 2 Team, No. 8 Ward, Tailai Prison, Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province. The muscles in his left arm have atrophied due to the torture and he hasn't been able to work for a long time. His family members requested to bail him out for hospitalization but personnel from the prison refused. The family asked for Yi Fuquan's medical exam results numerous times but the prison personnel would not release the information. At present, the family is taking legal action against the prison.

    3. [Heze City, Shandong Province] Zhao Jihua Arrested and Detained for Clarifying the Truth about Falun Gong to People

    Practitioner Ms. Zhao Jihua from Dalian City is in her 40's. She went back to her hometown in Chengwu County, Heze City, Shandong Province before the Chinese New Year. The police arrested her there, because she clarified the truth about Falun Gong. She is presently being held at the Chengwu County Detention Center. Ms. Zhao Jihua has been on a hunger strike since her arrest. She has already lost several teeth due to torture.

    4. [Langfang City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Shi Yongping Arrested and His Home Ransacked

    At around 9:00 p.m. on February 5, 2006, more than a dozen officers from the Beishijiawu Township Police Station and personnel from the Township government searched practitioner Shi Yongping's home.On the afternoon of February 6, Shi Yongping was transferred from the Township Police Station to the Langfang City Detention Center where more than 20 practitioners are being held. Other practitioners are being held at their local police stations.

    5. [Langfang City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Yang Jianpo and Others Held in a Detention Center

    Since February 7, 2006, some practitioners including Yang Jianpo, Shi Zhimin, Shi Yongping and Wang Fenghai have been held at the Langfang City Detention Center. Now all the detained practitioners held there are on a hunger strike.

    6. [Pizhou City, Jiangsu Province] Two Practitioners Sentenced

    Practitioner Wong Hongwu was sentenced to two years of forced labor and Sha Guiqiang to four years.

    7. [Tianjin] The Police Arrest Practitioner Zhang Guangfu

    On February 6, 2006, personnel from the Wuqing District Police Station arrested practitioner Zhang Guangfu from the Wuqing District, Tianjin, who has lived in exile for over five years.

    8. [Xiangtan City, Hunan Province] How the "610 Office" Persecutes Xie Wangming

    On June 30, 2005, personnel from Xiangtan City National Security Team arrested Mr. Xie Wangming, 42 years old, a practitioner from the Hedong Anti-Violence Patrol Team of the Xiangtan City Police Department, Hunan Province, and put him into the City Sanjiaoping Detention Center. In December 2005 he was sentenced to one year in prison. The "610 Office" thought this to be too short a sentence, so they forced Huang Yuhong (a non-practitioner), younger brother of practitioner Ms. Huang Duohong who is living in exile to provide evidence. They intended to escalate his persecution.

    9. [Beijing] Practitioner Tian Xiaoli Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials

    At 9:30 p.m. on January 19, 2006, practitioner Tian Xiaoli from Beijing was arrested and taken to the Xuanwu District Police Department for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials.

    10. [Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province] Practitioner Luo Xiu Arrested and Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor

    On January 27, 2006, officers Wang Chenglong and Zhong Li from the Hongyan Police Department of the Liupanshui Mining Group, Guizhou Province, joined Kong Lingwen and Zhai Meixia from the "610 Office." Together they instigated some policemen, including Zhang Baoling to arrest Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Luo Xiu. She is a retired employee from the LMP Construction Department. The arresting officers were Wang Chenglong and Zhong Li from the Hongyan Police Department in Liupanshui City, Guizhou Province. Kong Lingwen and Zhai Meixia from the LMP Group's "610 Office" also participated. These people urged several other police officers to conduct the arrest, including officer Zhang Baoling. At present, Luo Xiu is being held at the Guiyang City's Zhongba Forced Labor Camp. Luo Xiu's relative tried to reason with the police, but the policemen threatened that they would charge the relative with violating public security and detain her. Her husband apologized, so the police did not arrest the relative.

    In addition, practitioner Ms. Wu Xiuyun was fined 20,000 Yuan and sent to a forced labor camp for a year and nine months.

    11. [Beijing] Sun Wei and Deng Jiaxiu Sentenced to Forced Labor

    Practitioner Sun Wei from the Haidian District was arrested during the 2005 "Two Conferences" (The People's Congress and the People's Political Consultation Conference) for clarifying the truth. Sun was transferred from the Tuanhe Prison Dispatch Center to the Tangshan City Forced Labor Camp for a term of two and a half years.

    In April 2005, someone reported practitioner Ms. Deng Jiaxiu from the Haidian District and she was arrested in front of a Residential Committee office. She was then sentenced to two years of forced labor, to be served in the Beijing Women's Forced Labor Camp.

    12. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Practitioner Du Jie Arrested

    Practitioner Mr. Du Jie from Chengdu City was an employee of the Chengdu City Vent Factory. He was fired for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong. Officer Feng Fawu from the Chenghua District Police Department or from the Erxianqiao Police Station in Chengdu City has arrested Du Jie several times. Mr. Du was once held in the Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp.

    During December 2005, a resident in the Balizhuang Residential complex in Chengdu City reported him to the police, leading to his arrest. Before this, Feng Fawu and Hao Wuyuan from the 1st Section of the "610 Office," Chenghua District Police Department, searched for him everywhere. Mr. Du rented a home in the Balizhuang Residential complex with his brother. He was arrested over a month ago, but his whereabouts are unknown.

    Chenghua District Police Department: 86-28-8326102, 86406411

    13. [Mudanjiang City, Heilongjiang Province] Song Yan Sentenced to 11 Years of in Prison

    Song Yan from Mudanjiang City was arrested in November 2004 and sentenced to 11 years in prison. Currently, Song Yan is being held at the 9th Ward in the Mudanjiang City Prison.

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