The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- December 1, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. He Qing Tortured for 100 Days Straight in Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp, Hebei Province

  • Ms. Wang Yamin Suffers Mental Disorder from Persecution in Donghai County, Jiangsu Province

  • Expose the Cruel Acts of Persecution in the Women's Prison of Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

  • A Partial Description of the Persecution in Qianjin Prison, Beijing City

  • Ms. Wang Yulin from Jilin City Escaped after Being Arrested

  • Ms. He Qing Tortured for 100 Days Straight in Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp, Hebei Province

    Ms. He Qing is from Shenze County, Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province. Becuase of practicing Falun Gong, she was sentenced to two years of forced labor in May 2002. She was once tortured around the clock for 100 days at Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp.

    Ms. He was subjected to brainwashing in the labor camp's Fourth Ward for nine straight days. The guards forced her to stand against a wall while they beat her palms and legs with a broom. They also threatened her, saying "As long as you are alive, the brainwashing will continue. If we beat you to death, it will be considered a suicide, and no one will care."

    The guards later took her to the Fifth Ward, where they deprived her of sleep and used other brainwashing methods on her as well. After about 20 days, they kept her handcuffed to a bed frame day and night, stretching her arms as far apart as they would go. If she began to fall asleep, the weight of her entire body would pull on her shoulder muscles, causing excruciating pain. The guards used this torture method to deprive her of sleep. Another brainwashing method they used was to force her to write out or recite Mao's "Three Articles" until 2:00 a.m. each night. They later locked her in solitary confinement, covering the doors and windows with paper. The guards handcuffed her to two bed frames so that her body was suspended between them, with only her toes touching the ground. She was tortured like this for 24 hours a day, except when she ate or used the toilet. Finally, her abdomen, legs, and feet swelled so severely that she could not walk or stand. At this point, the guards switched to a different torture method: the death bed. They handcuffed her on each side so that she could sit in only one position. This caused her muscles to atrophy, and she was unable to move her legs normally. The guards did not release her from the death bed until her shoulder had become totally paralyzed. The sleep deprivation, however, continued. The guards forced her to walk around in the cell and there was no place for her to sit. If she stopped walking, she would fall asleep. If she sat down, she could not get up. She would fall down while walking and fell asleep even while standing. When this happened, the guards woke her by poking her, smearing chili powder on sensitive areas, or beating her. The torture continued around the clock for 100 straight days.

    Ms. Wang Yamin Suffers Mental Disorder from Persecution in Donghai County, Jiangsu Province

    On March 24, 2006, practitioner Ms. Wang Yamin, from Donghai County, Jiangsu Province, was sent to Nantong Prison. At that time, she had already lost her memory and did not remember who sent her to Nantong Prison or how she was transferred from Nantong Prison to the Nanjing Mental Hospital.

    On October 24, 2005, Wang Yamin was arrested while at work by the State Security Group of Donghai County. She was questioned and tortured for eight days and nights. After that, she was persecuted by Donghai County People's Procuratorate, the People's Court, Lianyungang People's Court, and the People's Procuratorate. As a result, Ms. Wang Yamin became mentally disordered. She is currently detained on the Mental Disorder Section of Pukou Prison in Nanjing City.

    From what was learned later, Zhou Hongbin, Bao Zenghong, and six other staff members from the State Security Group of Donghai County tortured Ms. Wang with electronic batons and unknown drugs to force her to give up her beliefs. In her half year in the detention center, the deputy Party secretary of the center, Wang Fang, also tortured her severely. As a result of the physical and mental torture, Wang Yamin's health became extremely poor. She was unable to eat, and some symptoms of mental disorder, such as unusually slow reactions, started to show. Because she was unable to eat by herself, the wardens at the detention center force fed her out of fear of being blamed for her death. Ms. Wang developed illusions that the smell of medicine was in her bed, in her bowl, on her body, and everywhere. In order to hide what they had done to her, Wang Fang, along with the Donghai County 610 Office and the State Security Group, made Lianyungang People's Court speed up the sentencing process so that Wang Yamin could be sent elsewhere as soon as possible.

    On March 24, 2006, Ms. Wang Yamin, who was at that time suffering from severe mental disorder, was hurriedly sent to Nantong Prison. According to a warden from Pukou Prison in Nanjing City, Ms. Wang Yamin was on the verge of death when she was sent to Pukou Prison. She was suffering from a mental disorder and a low white blood cell count, plus she was very weak.

    After half of a year of treatment, Ms. Wang Yamin is regaining her health, but she is still on medication.

    Ms. Wang's family members went to Beijing twice to protest the evil conduct of the Donghai County police but have never gotten a clear response. The Donghai County police even stated: "Our director Yang said that, because Wang Yamin's husband embarrassed us, we would take revenge on Wang Yamin."

    Expose the Cruel Acts of Persecution in the Women's Prison of Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province

    (Note: The following is a Falun Gong practitioner's true story. The whole story was written on two small pieces of cloth and smuggled out by another practitioner, who was released, in order expose these vicious crimes to the public. The woman is still in Harbin Women's Jail. She has been "illegally detained" for nine years).

    On the afternoon of the second day of the lunar Chinese New Year in 2003, I visited a fellow practitioner. However I was illegally arrested by a police officer who was hiding in the area. Once the police were sure that I was a Falun Gong practitioner, I was handcuffed with the icy cold handcuffs. Later they pushed me into the police car and put a black hood over my head and face to secretly take me to 1 Hongxia Street in Daoli District, Harbin City. I had no idea what this dark place was before, but quickly learned that it is a place for interrogating and torturing Falun Gong practitioners.

    I was taken to a room on the second floor. Once in the room, they chained me on the iron chair. They used many means to torture me, first punching my head, temples, etc., and repeatedly slapping my face. Later they used an electric baton to shock my hands and body, to the point that my hands were swollen and numb with steam-like burns. Later they took my coat off and tied me up on the iron chair with a rope that was so tight it almost suffocated me, causing my heart to race. I could hardly breathe. Then they held up my shirt, exposing my whole upper body, and used the electric baton to shock me until lines of blood appeared on my chest and back. They tortured me with electric shocks until midnight. They put the black hood on me again, afraid that if I saw where this was taking place, I would expose the whole thing later. By this point I had fallen unconscious from the torture. I was taken to the first floor hall where seven or eight strong young policemen were sitting there waiting for me. They tied me up on the iron chair, cursing me all the while. They first used the electric baton to shock me, then pulled my hair and poured hot mustard oil into my nose. The burning sensation almost caused me to pass out, but at the same time they kept pouring cold water on me, so from time to time I was awake, then passed out again. I was soaking wet, shivering and convulsing. On and off I heard them say to each other, "It's about two o'clock, let's go to sleep." Only then did they stop beating me.

    I had to wear the wet clothes for a day and night. I changed into dry clothes in that dark evil place where I underwent inhuman torture. I tremble whenever I recall it. On the second night I was sent to the 2nd Detention Center of Harbin City.

    In order to resist this persecution, I started a hunger strike to protest. It lasted for seven months (208 days). They used every tactic to torture me. (Practitioner Ms. Liu Limei was tortured the same way, but because she choked on the mustard oil, it got into her lungs, causing her lungs to gradually deteriorate. She died in June 2003).

    For the first several days, they did not let me have my possessions, and I was only allowed to sleep on the ice-cold bed board. I was also not allowed to use a blanket and could only cover myself with a jacket. Another prisoner saw that I was too cold to sleep and gave me a blanket, but the jail assistant Zhao Fengxia saw it. She cursed this kind-hearted prisoner and told her to take the blanket away. I slept on the cold bed board for many days until my family members sent a care package and then I could sleep with a blanket.

    Even though I had bedding, sleep became more cruel than the previous three months of torture. To sleep, each of us only had a space on the board about the size of a fist, so we could only sleep on our sides. There was no space between us: head to head, one person's chest touched the next person's back, one arm under the body, the whole body stiff--just like a corpse, and no one can turn over. One blanket coverd five people. We were only allowed to turn one or two times, all at once. I was right in the middle. I could not move or breathe, and I was sweating all over, wet from head to toe. This kind of sleep is even more painful than sitting and there is no way to fall asleep. I was too weak to withstand this pain, and it has caused a great deal of suffering.

    Under the command of the jail police officer Zhao Fengxia, criminal inmates always curse and beat me. Even when I was very weak, they still forced me to squat on my heels until I was faint. They also forced me to lay in the bathroom on the ice-cold concrete with my face on the dirty bathroom floor.

    I never cooperated during forced feedings. I always threw up, which made them very angry, and they tried to prevent me from vomiting. One time Zhang Ke used a container to catch the vomit, then force fed me with it. It was so vicious. Another time they tried to feed me with urine, but they were afraid that urine would poison me, so they did not do it. Sometimes I became extremely dehydrated, had no blood pressure, and went in and out of consciousness. I was given an intravenous drip, but I wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom during the procedure. It took five to six hours to finish three to four bottles of liquid. Several times I could not hold it, and my cotton pants were soaking wet with urine. I was not allowed to change and had to sleep in my wet pants.

    Because of the long hunger strike, my physical condition was really bad. I often had heart problems and my heart beat sped up. They force fed me some medicine, completely damaging my teeth. My lower back and legs were also injured seriously. This led to other painful symptoms, including sciatica and lower back pain.

    A Partial Description of the Persecution in Qianjin Prison, Beijing City

    Falun Gong practitioners are imprisoned in three prison districts of the Qianjin Prison in Beijing: the First, Ninth and Twelfth Prison Districts. There are approximately 150 practitioners imprisoned there. In January 2006, after several practitioners in the Twelfth Prison District were found to be distributing Master Li's articles or reported to the authorities after communicating "sensitive information," they were confined in a "small cell." Many other practitioners stood up to protest and intervene with the warden by clarifying the truth. On March 9, an entire squad of armed guards was stationed in the prison hall. Every prison door was guarded. Seven practitioners were taken away: Guan Zhisheng, Wang Weiyu, Wang Yi, Zhang Jian, Huang Jian, Qin Wei, and Wu Jun. It was later verified that these seven practitioners were taken to the Eighth Prison District and interrogated in isolation. On March 11, Ma Ang, Ma Jin, Tang Jizhang (whose arms and legs are disabled) and several other practitioners were again thrown into a small cell. Their hands and legs were all cuffed together while in the small cell.

    The following is a description of the persecution of several practitioners during imprisonment, interrogation, or other times in the prison and forced labor camp.

    Mr. Pang You, a Beijing resident, was illegally sentenced to eight years of imprisonment and is currently in Qianjin Prison. In 2000, he was imprisoned in the 7th Branch Prison in Hangu because Qianjin Prison had not been built yet. During his term of confinement, his hands and legs were cuffed and chained together with metal chains. He could barely walk with a bent back and it was even harder to go to the washroom. At the same time, he was forced to stay awake for several days in a row. Whenever he dozed off he was awakened or had cold water poured on him. During the day, he had chains secured to his neck and was dragged around in the courtyard. Due to such circumstances, he began a hunger strike. The prison guards made him wear metal clothes to secure his entire body, legs. and arms while they force-fed him. At the same time, they beat his legs with electric batons.

    Mr. Gao Lijun, a resident of the Shunyi District of Beijing, was sentenced to seven years of and is currently in Qianjin Prison. In 2001, he was sent to Hangu Prison, where he had to stand for prolonged periods, often for more than a dozen hours at a time, under the scorching sun. His legs swelled from the torture.

    Mr. Wang Weiyu, a doctoral student at Tsinghua University from Tai'an City, Shandong Province, was sentenced to eight years and is currently in Qianjin Prison. Previously, he was imprisoned in an unknown place in Daxing City for six months and twelve days. During this period, he suffered a myriad of torture and humiliation. He was interrogated and forced to submit to the authorities' demands. The guards used electric batons with ten thousand volts to shock Mr. Wang all over his body, until almost every part of his body had been shocked. They pressed an electric baton onto his body and held the switch until the power was used up and then used another baton to shock him again. In this way, they used three batons to shock him continuously. They also used police batons to hit his head to the extent that they bent some of the batons. Some guards also jumped up, bringing their elbows down on his head. Mr. Wang's wife was forced to live in exile and contact with her has been lost. She has not returned home to date.

    Mr. Xu Huaquan from Hubei Province, a Masters graduate from Beijing University, was sentenced to eight years and is in Qianjin Prison. After being arrested by policemen from the Haidian Police Station, he suffered brutal torture. Five or six officers pinned him down and burned the left side of his chest with lighters. A palm-sized scar is still visible and his nipple was destroyed. While in Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp, he was stripped of his clothes and forced to stand under the scorching sun, causing heat bumps to form all over his body. According to his own testimony, he has seen other practitioners tied to a bed so that they were suspended in mid-air and then chopsticks were inserted into their mouths and cold water poured down their throats.

    Mr. Jiang Hai, a resident of the Yanqing District in Beijing, was sentenced to nine years of and is currently in Qianjin Prison. During the interrogation process, he was shocked with electric batons by the guards. According to his own testimony, with the exception of his eyes, no part of his face was left unhurt. His wife, also a practitioner, was sentenced to two years of forced labor. She died in April 2005, just three months after being released.

    Mr. Zhang Yanbin, a military officer from Beijing, wassentenced to eight years and is currently in Qianjin Prison. He was held in a small cell. As he refused to submit, he suffered inhuman torture. He had to stand for more than 20 hours each day and slept very little at night. He had to stay up until 3 or 4 a.m. and get up by 5 a.m. He was even awakened many times in between. He was tortured until he became half-conscious. Sometimes, at the instigation of the guards (otherwise they would not dare to do so for fear of accumulating demerit points that go against decreasing their prison sentences), criminal inmates would grab his arms and legs while pushing his buttocks to the ground. Sometimes, two criminals pinned down his legs and torso while another criminal used a toothbrush to rub his private parts.

    Qianjin Prison has implemented a policy of strict supervision of Falun Gong practitioners. Besides having surveillance in every room in the prison, the primary method used is to have each practitioner monitored by a criminal inmate, also known as a "prison monitor." There are four main guards who have severely persecuted practitioners: instructor Chen Jun (police chief), instructor Meng Fanguo, team leader Chen Hongbin, and team leader Zhang Honghai.

    Ms. Wang Yulin from Jilin City Escaped after Being Arrested

    [Note: The following is a shortened version of a longer and more detailed article that appeared on the website (Chinese version of]

    At around 7:00 p.m. on November 13, 2006, five police officers from the Paoziyan Station in Longtan District, Jilin City, Jilin Province, stormed into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yulin's home. They dragged her into the police vehicle without letting her put on pants over her pajamas. Ms. Wang's husband, Mr. Han Yunyou, and their relative, Ms. Jiang Li, (both practitioners) were also arrested.

    The officers took the three practitioners to the police station. A heavy-set policeman in his 40s hit Ms. Wang in the face with a book. Ms. Jiang escaped from the second floor. The officers increased the monitoring on Ms. Wang and her husband, and they handcuffed them to two beds. Ms. Wang also managed to escape a little later. Mr. Han's situation is unknown.