The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- November 29, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Zhao Caihua from Liaoning Province Is Once Again Sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

  • Ms. Fu Rufen in Tongnan County, Chongqing City Is Again Arrested, Beaten, and Sentenced to Forced Labor

  • How Ms. Niu Mengling, 32, Died as a Result of the Persecution

  • Ms. Zhao Caihua from Liaoning Province Is Once Again Sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

    Ms. Zhao Caihua, a Falun Gong practitioner, worked at the Zinc Company of Longgang District, Huludao City, Liaoning Province. On October 18, 2006, when she was distributing Falun Gong truth-clarification materials, East Street Police Station in Longgang District arrested and detained her at the city custodial center. After Zhao Caihua's 15-day detention ended on November 2, she was sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for further persecution.

    Masanjia refused to take her because she failed the physical examination, but the police strongly insisted on confining her there. After going through some trouble, Masanjia Forced Labor Camp illegally accepted Zhao Caihua.

    Zhao Caihua, age 34, was an accountant at Huludao's Zinc Company. She went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong on May 13, 2000 and was illegally arrested and detained for a month. On May 10, 2002, on her way home, the Longgang Branch Police Department arrested her and sent her to the Xingcheng Brainwashing Center. Ma Qingbo, the team leader of the National Security Group, Longgang District Police Department, took that chance to ransack her home. They took away all the Falun Gong books at Zhao Caihua's place, and used that as an excuse to sentence Zhao to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for three years.

    At Masanjia, Zhao Caihua didn't cooperate with the evil's demands, and she refused to work. The guards hung her up for two days and one night with her toes barely touching the floor. They also forced her to cross her legs together for over ten hours. The heavy torture caused her to spit up blood. She wrote a letter to Masanjia's director, which led her to being confined in a small room. In November's cold weather, she was allowed to only wore thin clothes. When she came back from the small room, she shook badly, and both her legs had swollen up. Several days passed, and she still couldn't stop shivering.

    By the end of 2002, Zhao Caihua had been twice confined in the general building for persecution, and they attempted to conduct a "forceful transformation" on her.

    At the end of April 2003, she started a hunger strike. One month later, when she started to eat, she couldn't take the food in. They gave her an intravenous infusion. She was emaciated and could not even walk. Later, she was released to go home.

    Zhao Caihua experienced 16 months of torment in Masanjia. When she came out, she weighed only 66 pounds. On April 28, 2004, Ma Qingbo, the team leader of the National Security Group, claimed that someone had reported her to the authorities. Then, he and his followers ransacked Zhao Caihua's home, but they didn't find anything to take.

    Ms. Fu Rufen in Tongnan County, Chongqing City Is Again Arrested, Beaten, and Sentenced to Forced Labor

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Fu Rufen in Tongnan County, Chongqing City persisted in practicing Falun Gong and being a good person. She was arrested twice after July 20, 1999, and was "illegally imprisoned" for 725 days, including once being imprisoned in a labor camp. On September 22, 2006, after being arrested again, she was severely beaten and injured by police officer Luo Yonghong. She is currently being held in Maojiashan Women's Forced Labor Camp.

    Fu Rufen, 57 years old and a village doctor, was a Women's Association chairperson in her village. She lived in the 2nd Village, Shouqiao Rural Area, Xiaoduo Town, Tongnan County, Chongqing City. She began to practice Falun Gong in 1996. When the persecution began on July 20, 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal and was twice imprisoned in Tongnan County. On January 10, 2006, she was arrested and taken to the Maojiashan Women's Force Labor Camp in Chongqing City for one year. She was imprisoned there for another nine months due to her refusal to give up her faith. She was kicked on her breast, physically beaten, and verbally abused. She was hung up by her handcuffs and forced to do slave labor. Later, when she was back home, she again suffered from constant harassment and fear of possible arrest by Chen Jianfu and Chen Hengyou, the head and deputy head of a police station in the Shouqiao Rural Area. Ms. Fu was thus compelled to leave her home to avoid arrest and was homeless for over a year.

    On September 22, 2006, Ms. Fu, Zhang Hua, and Ding Hongmei went to Banzhu Township, Tongnan County to clarify the truth. They visited Zhang Jifang, from whom Ms. Fu had learned medical care when she was young, at his home. A group of police officers from a station in Xiaodu Town, Tongnan County, arrived at Zhang's house and arrested Ms. Fu, Zhang Hua, and Ding Hongmei. Later, a group of officers went to Zhang Jifang's house again and forced Zhang to write a statement guaranteeing not to be in contact with any Falun Gong practitioner. According to one source, when Fu, Zhang Hua and Ding Hongmei called a motorcycle to go to Zhang Jifang's house, they clarified the truth to the driver, who then reported them to the police.

    Ms. Fu was imprisoned in The Second Police Station Tongnan County. During the trial, Luo Yonghong from the National Security Group asked Ms. Fu her name. She refused to tell because she was afraid that doing so would get her family into trouble, so Luo shut the door and handcuffed Fu's right hand. Luo pulled the handcuff with one hand and relentlessly hit Ms. Fu's sensitive parts such as the top of her head, forehead, face, and ears with the other hand. Luo beat her and swore at her, saying, "I'll beat you to death." Ms. Fu was beaten so hard that she became dizzy, saw stars and heard buzzing in her ears. Luo kicked her relentlessly as well. Luo tried to force her to reveal Zhang Hua's address. Ms. Fu said that she had never known it, so Luo beat her again several times as he did before. Policeman Zhou Chuxiong, who was doing paperwork in the same room, glanced the other way and continued with his task.

    Ms. Fu was cruelly tortured for three days in the police station. She was transferred to the county detention center and imprisoned there for five days. She suffered from constant dizziness and memory loss. On September 30, she informed the deputy head of the detention center about her headache, and as a result she was beaten. Ms. Fu then requested an electroencephalogram. In less than two hours, Gao Xiang from the National Security Group came and said that they would take her to the hospital for an examination. Instead, they brought her directly to the Chongqing City Maojiashan Women's Forced Labor Camp and imprisoned her there for one and a half years. After being imprisoned in the labor camp, Fu Rufen's health did not improve. She told the police about what had happened to her at Tongnan County Second Police Station, where Luo Yonghong from the National Security Group had cruelly beaten her in order to extract a confession when she had requested an electroencephalogram. The police recorded what she said and said they would send her to the hospital for an exam on the condition that Ms. Fu pay all the expenses. The electroencephalogram cost over 400 yuan.

    Ms. Fu's fourth eldest sister, Fu Ruhuan, was cruelly beaten by Li Hengyi from the National Security Group on February 21, 2003, and then imprisoned for over 40 days. She is permanently disabled and cannot care for herself. She is mentally sluggish and has become a heavy financial burden for her family.

    Practitioner Zhang Hua, who was arrested along with Fu Rufen, has resisted the persecution. At the end of September, while she was still wearing an oxygen mask, the authorities moved her on a stretcher and secretly sentenced her to ten years. Since October 12, she has been at Yongchuan Prison.

    It is unknown where Ms. Ding Hongmei is imprisoned.

    How Ms. Niu Mengling, 32, Died as a Result of the Persecution

    On December 26, 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Niu Mengling from Shihezi City in Xinjiang Province died as a result of the persecution by police from the National Security Group. After Ms. Niu was killed, the police made up a story saying Ms. Niu committed suicide. The police tried to force her family to sign a paper in order to cover up the truth of Ms. Niu's death. The following is how Niu Mengling died.

    Ms. Niu Mengling, 32, used to work at the East Electrical Factory in Shihezi City of Xinjiang. She was illegally arrested when she went to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in Beijing. She was taken away and sent to the Wulabo Women's Forced Labor in Xinjiang. Ms. Niu was illegally sentenced to two years of re-education through forced labor and the sentence was illegally extended for an additional nine months. Ms. Niu was later fired from work by the East Electrical Factory.

    After Niu Mengling was released from the forced labor camp, she was immediately taken away by labor camp accomplices and brought to a brainwashing session. Eventually, Ms. Niu was forced to leave home in order to avoid further persecution. In January 2004, Niu Mengling was once again illegally arrested and detained at a detention center where she was tortured. As a result, she suffered from internal bleeding in the stomach. She was granted medical bail and went home to receive treatment.

    On November 26, 2004, officers from the 610 Office arrived at Ms. Niu's home in two cars. They forbade Ms. Niu, who had just picked up her daughter from school, to leave the house. The police took illegal possession of the home. At that time, Niu Mengling had already asked another practitioner to come to her home. In order to protect the practitioner, Ms. Niu went to her brother-in-law's house with the excuse that she needed to ask her brother-in-law to take care of her daughter. Niu Mengling then asked her brother-in-law to call and inform the practitioner that the police were coming. The police followed her to her brother-in-law's house and threatened them outside the house. Policeman Cao Cundong broke down the door. Ms. Niu rushed into the kitchen and yelled at the practitioner to leave when she saw him passing by the road outside the kitchen. The practitioner was able to escape and returned home safely.

    Ms. Niu and Policeman Cao Cundong were the only two present in the kitchen. A witness saw Niu Mengling jumping from the kitchen window on the sixth floor. She fell to the ground. Her nose was bleeding and she lost consciousness immediately. Ms. Niu was sent to the Shihezi City People's Hospital for emergency treatment. This proved unsuccessful and she died.

    Policeman Cao Cundong and head of the squadron Song Li took Niu's brother-in-law to the police station. They forced, threatened and harassed him to sign a statement saying, "Niu Mengling jumped from the window out of her own will, and it had nothing to do with the police." They threatened Ms. Niu's brother-in-law that if he did not sign the paper, he would be detained. Ms. Niu's brother-in-law was afraid of the harassment and was forced to sign the statement for the police. The head of the 610 Office, Cheng Keqiang deceived and harassed Niu Mengling's parents and forced them to agree to cremate Ms Niu's body immediately in order to eliminate the evidence of the crime. Niu Mengling's family members are very regretful that they succumbed to the pressure and agreed to cremate the body.

    The police made up stories afterwards: Ms. Niu's husband, Wu Shengmin (also a practitioner) escaped from prison and went home; Niu jumped from the window when she saw that her husband was being arrested by the police. However, Ms. Niu had also prepared and stored food for winter. She was preparing to establish a childcare center. How could she possibly have chosen to commit suicide?

    Niu Mengling's husband, Wu Shengmin, was arrested by the Shihezi City National Security Group in January 2004 for his persistence in practicing Falun Gong. He was illegally sentenced to eight years in prison and was detained at the Beiye Prison in Shihezi City. He was never able to return home. It was when the police realized that Ms. Niu could not be resuscitated when they let Mr. Wu visit her while his hands were still handcuffed. Wu Shengmin is currently still detained in Shihezi Prison.

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