The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- November 28, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • The Suffering of 6-Year-Old Wu Rong Ever Since His Birth

  • Ms. Zhang Yuzhen from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Sentenced to Forced Labor after Six Years of Illegal Imprisonment

  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Guangzhou City Brainwashing Center

  • The Persecution of Ms. He Xiaoqiong from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province

  • The Suffering of 6-Year-Old Wu Rong Ever Since His Birth

     Wu Rong, 6 years old, is from Changzhou City, Jiangsu Province. He lives with his mother Zhang Wuying, who is a Falun Gong practitioner. His father Wu Dianhui, born in September 1972, was also a Falun Gong practitioner. Wu Dianhui was persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) for a long time and passed away on February 11, 2006.

    Reference article:


    Wu Dianhui, Wu Rong's Father (died in February 2006)

    Wu Rong's parents were teachers at Changzhou City Teachers College, which was merged with the Changzhou Institute of Technology in 2003. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, his parents were brutally persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party because they practiced Falun Gong.

    The former President of the Changzhou City Teachers College, Li Minmin, conspired with the Changzhou City National Security Bureau, the Changzhou City 610 Office, the Changzhou City Police Department and the Human Resource Department of the Changzhou City Education Committee to actively persecute Wu Dianhui and his wife. When Wu Rong's mother was still pregnant with him, Li Minmin terminated Wu Dianhui and his wife's teaching positions. Wu Dianhui was assigned to chop trees, clean the restroom and pick up trash in the general affairs office of the school, while Zhang Wuying was forced to work in the copy room. Her work unit officials threatened that they would let her inhale toxic air during her pregnancy to harm the baby. Zhang Wuying worked in the copy room for four years, including her pregnancy and breast-feeding period.

    The school also refused to pay the 100,000 yuan home loan compensation, to which they were entitled based on the Talent Introduction Agreements. The school also delayed to report his employment information to higher level authorities and did not pay their salary. Instead, every month the school lent them 600 yuan as a "temporary loan to cover living expenses." In order to monitor them and limit their freedom, Li Minin conspired with the Changzhou City Police Department to illegally deprive them of the freedom to rent a room outside the school. They forced the couple to live in the school dormitory.

    When Zhang Wuying was pregnant, the police from the local police station tortured her by repeatedly forcing her to stand all night. Zhang Wuying was also beaten by plainclothes police when she went to the State Council's appeals office to appeal for Falun Gong. When she was four months pregnant, the president of the Changzhou City Teachers College and the leader of the Changzhou City Education Committee sent her husband to the Changzhou City Military 121 Mental Hospital for torture. While Zhang Wuying was pregnant, the doctors and nurses tied her limbs to the bed and gave her forced injections.

    Before Wu Rong was born, his parents were frequently illegally detained by the Changzhou City authorities. Just two months before his birth, when his mother really needed care, his father Wu Dianhui was illegally detained for one month by the Changzhou City Police Department. When Wu Rong was born, his parents had only ten yuan left, due to the persecution. Thanks to fellow practitioners' help, they able to survive during these few years, but they have suffered a great deal of hardship.

    When Wu Rong was born at the gynecological hospital, Li Minmin sent some staff from the school to monitor his parents. When Wu Rong left the hospital to go home, they did not allow anyone to visit the newborn baby and his mother. Fifty-six days after Wu Rong was born, his parents took him back to his hometown in Shandong Province. Six months after that, they went back to Changzhou City again. During the trip, they were chased by the police from Changzhou City and arrested by the police from Shandong Province. Each time little Wu Rong was badly frightened. During the arrest when they traveled back to Changzhou City, Wu Rong's head and legs were hurt by the door of the police vehicle. Wu Dianhui and wife exposed the crimes of the police in the front of the surrounding people, but the police fabricated a new charge against them.

    On May 1, 2001, on Wu Dianhui's way back home after visiting his classmates, he was secretly arrested and taken to the Fangqiang Farm, Dafeng City, Jiangsu Province by police from Changzhou City. He was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor. During this sentence, the police used electric batons to beat him, constrained him in a small room, forced him to stand for a long period of time and forced him to do extensive labor. The police in the forced labor camp also did not allow Zhang Wuying and Wu Rong to visit him. The Changzhou City Police Department also incited the Changzhou City Teachers College to illegally constrain their freedom and persecute them financially.

    In April 2002, when Wu Rong was one and a half years old, his mother was arrested at her workplace and taken to a brainwashing center at the Haihe Hotel for forty days. The pitiful Wu Rong cried all day and night, but his parents were not able to take care of him.

    On New Year's Day of 2003, Wu Dianhui's forced labor term expired and he was released after suffering brutal torture in the forced labor camp. Soon after that, he became seriously ill at home because his body was extremely weak from extensive torture. He passed away on February 11, 2006.

    When Wu Rong's father passed away, Wu Rong was only five and a half years old. He witnessed and experienced so much persecution and misfortune in his childhood. The worst is having his father taken away from him at such a young age.

    Wu Rong now studies in Class #1 of the first grade at Changzhou Sanjing Elementary School. He lives a difficult life with his mother. His mother not only needs to pay the expensive home loan every month, but also needs to pay the expenses for her husband's medical treatment and her child's education.

    Chinese version available at

    Ms. Zhang Yuzhen from Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province Sentenced to Forced Labor after Six Years of Illegal Imprisonment

     Ms. Zhang Yuzhen, 39, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Lidu Township, Jinxian of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province. In October 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested and sentenced illegally to six years of imprisonment and detained in the Jiangxi Women's Prison. On November 10, 2006, when her term was completed, the authorities, including Yu Xiaodong (prison chief), Li Hui (deputy prison chief) and Zhong Yanhua (prison policewoman) from the prison, Wang (secretary) and Zhao (director) from the Jinxian County's 610 Office, and Tao (captain) and Mao (political instructor) from the Lidu Police Station secretly transferred Zhang Yuzhen to the Jiangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp for a three-year forced labor term.

    During Ms. Zhang's detention at the Jiangxi Women's Forced Labor Camp, the authorities deployed all kinds of inhuman torture methods to try to force her to give up her practice of Falun Gong. The torture included locking her in a solitary cell, beating her while she was hung up, burning her with cigarettes, exposing her to the scorching sun for long periods of time, typing her up with rope for long periods of time, and keeping her in handcuffs and shackles for long periods. These tortures caused severe damage to both her physical and mental health.

    In September 2005, policewoman Zhong Yanhua once again hung Zhang Yuzhen from a metal window frame with both hands cuffed behind her back for several hours. This torture paralyzed Zhang Yuzhen's hands and left her unable to take care of herself.

    Chinese version available at

    The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Guangzhou City Brainwashing Center

     The Guangzhou City Legal Education School is located at 56 Xizhou North Road, Chuotou Area, Shijing Town. The school was established in April, 2001. It is actually a brainwashing center where Falun Gong practitioners are subjected to persecution.

    Use of Torture to Extract the Three Statements

    Policemen Lai Jianfeng and Yang Yongcheng directed guards to subject practitioners to various forms of abuse. At first, practitioners were only allowed to sleep for two or three hours a day. After several days or even weeks, some practitioners were tortured until they were lethargic and unable to think clearly. They tortured practitioners in the middle of the night. They ordered guards to restrain practitioners' hands and feet when they wanted to do the Falun Gong exercises. When the practitioners were most vulnerable both physically and spiritually, they were tied up with their feet crossed, and a rope looped around the neck tied to the rope binding their legs together. Soon the practitioners would feel terrible pain in their lower back, neck, legs, and feet. Practitioners that have been tortured like this include Mr. Wang Keng, Mr. Wang Hongfa, Ms. Deng Yi, Mr. Li Jianzhong, Ms. Wu Xiuhua, Ms. Chen Xuexing, and Ms. Zhang Li. Screams of pain were frequently heard in the middle of the night.

    Mr. Li Jianzhong insisted on doing the Falun Gong exercises and did not write the so-called "three statements". He was not allowed to sleep at night, and a week later, he was in terrible shape both physically and mentally. Mr. Li Jianzhong's feet swelled up after he was forced to stand for several days. A guard surnamed Long had some guards bind Mr. Li's legs together with tape, so that he could not bend over or squat down. Mr. Li was forced to stand, and it was all he could do not to tip over. Mr. Li was tortured for more than two weeks.

    Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Wang Hongfa and Ms. Deng Yi were illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor. After their terms ended, they were taken to the brainwashing center. Ms. Deng did not write the "three statements" and went on a hunger strike. The policemen had her force-fed by some helpers. Yang Yong pried Ms. Deng's teeth apart with chopsticks and metal spoons. Yang Yong also instructed others to pinch Ms. Deng's nose and cheeks and hold down her limbs. By the time they were done, Ms. Deng was bleeding profusely from the mouth. After her mouth was forced open, she was brutally forced-fed. Ms. Deng went on hunger strike for three or four months and was force-fed many times. Her teeth came loose, and she also nearly suffocated numerous times. She has a five-year-old son who needs her care, but he was forced to go back to their hometown of Wuhan to be looked after by his grandparents.

    There are some elderly practitioners including Ms. Liang Xuefang, Ms. Chen Xuexing, Ms. Chen Xueqing, Ms. Chen Aiyu, Ms. Lin Xiujin, and Ms. Xu Saiying, who all are over 60. They were also taken to the brainwashing center. Ms. Li Suzhen is over 70 years old and has trouble walking. She needs some assistance if she walks across an uneven road. Nevertheless, she was also taken to the brainwashing center.

    Falun Gong practitioners who were taken to the brainwashing center from 2005 to 2006 include:
    Male practitioners: Pan Xiefei, Si Lei, Li Jianzhong, Fan Wei, Wang Keng, Li Qiongguang, Wang Hongfa, Zhou Mintong, Zhao Jin'an, and Feng Huang.
    Female practitioners: Zhao Ruiyu, Li Xia, Yan Jin, Qin Cairong, Liang Xuefang, Liang Xueying, Li Hongxia, Yuan Ming, Lin Xiujin, Lu Huimin, Fan Haiqin, Chen Aiyu, Huang Minzhuang, Yu Ruijun, Zhang Li, Deng Yi, Chen Xuexing, Chen Xueqing, Lu Xianming, Wu Biyun, Li Qing, Li Suzhen, Li Xiulin, Zhang Xiaoyun, Chen Huiling, Si Bing, Wu Xiuhua, and Xu Saiying.

    The Persecution of Ms. He Xiaoqiong from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. He Xiaoqiong, 59, is retired from the Technical School of the Mining Business Bureau of Panzhihua City. On April 24, 2000, Ms. He Xiaoqiong went to Beijing to appeal for fair treatment of Falun Gong and for the release of all Falun Gong practitioners who were being detained. She was illegally arrested by the Beijing police when she was practicing the Falun Gong exercises at Tiananmen Square. Later, Ms. He was brought to the Beijing branch office of the Panzhihua government and was detained there for seven days. Her working unit sent someone to bring her back, and she was detained at the Panzhihua Detention Center for twenty-five days.

    When Ms. He Xiaoqiong was in the detention center, her family, including her three daughters, searched high and low to borrow money. They gave altogether 7,000 yuan to the police officers who later agreed to release her.

    On May 25, 2000, when Ms. He Xiaoqiong went back home, she was again fined 200 yuan by the Baoding 610 Office. Later, the Baoding 610 Office, the Xiqu 610 Office, the Police Bureau at Geliping, the local government, and the leaders from her work unit, as well as other people, constantly threatened, harassed and monitored Ms. He Xiaoqiong and her family. In 2000 and 2001, the police ransacked her house twice. On July 19, 2002, the Yunnan Province Police Station, the Lijing Area Police Station, and the Huaping County Police Station, together with Baoding Police Station, sent a group of policemen to Ms. He Xiaoqiong's home. They ransacked her house and took her away, detaining her at the Huaping Police Station for two days. Ms. He Xiaoqiong clarified the truth to the head of the Huaping Police Station and was then released.

    Chinese version available at