The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- November 15, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Falun Gong Practitioners Poisoned in Weifang Detention Center in Shandong Province

  • Further Information on Ms. Cheng Guilan's Death as a Result of Persecution by in Forced Labor Camp

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Poisoned in Weifang Detention Center in Shandong Province

    Since March 2006, Weifang Detention Center in Shandong Province has used a savage method (injecting poison intravenously) to torture Falun Gong practitioners who hunger strike to protest their illegal detention. At this point, at least four Falun Gong practitioners are known to have been injected with poison.

    The perpetrators used an iron chair or a cross, cuffed the Falun Gong practitioner to it, and then injected a poisonous solution intravenously. After the injection, the Falun Gong practitioner's kidney functions would shut down with no urine output that day. A prison doctor Kang once asked a Falun Gong practitioner: "Do you have urine output today?" The practitioner asked him, "What did you inject me with?"

    He answered, "Nutrition."

    With a guilty conscience he added, "I will do whatever the officials ask me to do."

    After being injected with this poisonous material, the practitioner immediately felt dizzy with blurred vision. His feet and hands began swelling the next day and getting worse by the day. He had generalized muscle aches with worsening edema, and he became covered with blisters all over his body accompanied by extreme itchiness. After the skin was scratched open it formed layers of scars, leaving black or brown discoloration. One month after the injection, his nails began to fall off and he experienced hair loss. In the end he lost almost all of his hair.

    Further Information on Ms. Cheng Guilan's Death in 2002 as a Result of Persecution in Forced Labor Camp

    ( Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Cheng Guilan from Beidao District, Tianshui City, Gansu Province, was over 60 years old and a senior engineer. One night in October 2002, she was sent to the 2nd Forced Labor Camp in Anning District, Lanzhou City of Gansu Province. Within 48 hours, she was secretly tortured to death by the guards in the forced labor camp.

    In October 2002, on the second morning after Ms. Cheng was sent into the labor camp, people saw that she wore clean and tidy white clothes. She looked very young even with her gray hair, and she was very energetic.

    During lunch time on the third day, people witnessed that Ms. Cheng could not raise her rice bowl. He Li, the prisoner who was asked to monitor her, was feeding her. The female guard Wang Yonghong violently shouted, "He Li, is she your mother? You've never even cared for your mother as you care for her! Use your energy when giving drugs to torture her!"

    On that night, people heard Ms. Cheng's painful cries, and later her voice became weaker and weaker. In the end, no voice could be heard. Later, a vehicle came, and Ms. Cheng was secretly taken away. She was never seen again after that.

    Several days later, the drug addict prisoner Yu Guishuang was very nervous. She said, "I will be transferred to another labor camp. I'm unable to continue to live in this world. I've said the wrong thing."

    In fact, Ms. Cheng was secretly tortured to death by the guards in the forced labor camp within just 48 hours. In order to cover up their crimes, the labor camp lied by saying that Ms. Cheng's life had been in danger when she was brought there. They asked Yu Guishuang to give false evidence. Unexpectedly, Yu Guishuang told the truth, and said, "When she was sent here, she was very healthy."

    Seeing their crimes exposed, the guards started to pressure her.

    Ms. Cheng Guilan's body was sent back to Tianshui, and was then cremated without compensation to her family.