The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- November 9, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Mr. Zhang Yan Was Picked Up by Authorities While Traveling on Business in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province

  • Officials Refuse to Release Mr. Liu Guihan, Who is Now in Ill Health after Illegal Arrest, Detention and Sentencing to Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp

  • Mr. Zhang Yan Is Illegally Arrested While Traveling on Business in Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province

    Mr. Zhang Yan was the manager of the human resouce department in Shunfeng Suyun Company Ltd. (a Hong Kong based company) in Liaoning Province. On October 23 in the afternoon he was identified in the Shenzhen airport and illegally arrested by the police.

    Practitioner Mr. Zhang lives on Xiaoxi Road in Shenhe District, Shenyang City. In 2002 he was forced from his home. Based on his graduate degree and his long term experience in labor financial management, on October 16, 2006, he was hired by the Shunfeng Suyun Company in Liaoning Province as the personnel manager in the northeast branch. On his first day of work he was sent to the Shenzhen headquarters for training. On October 23 when the Sunfeng Beijing office held a budget meeting, he flew to Beijing to join the meeting. Security checked his ID in the Shenzhen airport and found him listed as a "homeless Falun Gong practitioner." He was detained right away.

    Mr. Zhang used to have what was considered a perfect family: an honorable wife, a wonderful child, and a great job with a high income. However, since July 20, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party began its ban of Falun Gong, this family has suffered many hardships. This couple (both of them are practitioners) have been "illegally detained" and lost their jobs. The child has suffered from the loss of her parent's care. The police constantly knocked on their door to disturb, harass, or arrest them. The 12-year-old daughter has bravely endured such horror and worry, never knowing when her mother or father would be taken away unexpectedly.

    In early 2002, Mr. Zhang and his wife were forced to leave their daughter with their relatives, and both left their home.

    In order to provide for their daughter to be able to go to school and to contribute to the family's expenses, Mr. Zhang always worked hard. On October 16, 2006, he was hired by Shunfeng Suyun Company Ltd. in Liaoning Province and arrested one week later.

    Officials Refuse to Release Mr. Liu Guihan, Who is in Ill Health in Forced Labor Camp

    Mr. Liu Guihan from Shunyi District, Beijing City was transferred to and detained in the First Group of the Assignment and Relocation Depot in Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp on the same day that he was sentenced.

    Mr. Liu Guihan, 65, became a practitioner in January 1994 at the First Falun Gong class in Tianjin City. He is a retired clerk from the Beijing Transportation and Freight Company. He was a dedicated worker and a highly regarded specialist in his profession. He was invited back numerous times to lecture at the technical training school after he retired.

    On the evening of May 7, 2006, seven policemen illegally arrested Mr. Liu in Bolian Tiandi Market. A few hours later, Shan Xiong, Xi Lei, and several other policemen ransacked his home and seized all his Falun Gong books and other personal property. The police have never given any oral or written notification about Liu Guihan to his family.

    On August 16, 2006, Shunyi District Police Department sentenced Mr.. Liu Guihan to two years of forced labor. At that time, he had already been detained for more than three months, exceeding the time limit of detention by nearly two-and-a-half months. The duration was nearly double the lawful felony detention time limit. The police even tried to fake the paperwork by altering the date on the "forced labor decision" to June 7, 2006. They tried to cover up their crime of illegal detention.

    On August 17, Mr. Liu's family received notification of his sentencing. They immediately objected, pointing out that the police had violated the law on numerous points, and they refused to sign the "decision" document. They filed an appeal on the same day.

    At this time, Mr. Liu suffered symptoms of severe high blood pressure, yet the Assignment and Relocation Depot refused to release this nearly 70-year-old senior because he did not sign a Guarantee Statement to renounce his faith in Falun Gong. Beijing City Police recently arrested a group of elderly Falun Gong practitioners and sentenced them to a forced labor camp. The Depot police claimed that they would only release them after they signed Guarantee Statements. They tried to use this pressure tactic to force these senior practitioners to give up their faith in Falun Gong.

    Appendix: Appeal from Liu Guihan's family

    We are the family members of Mr. Liu Guihan; we live at 32-2-203 in the Jianxin Beiqv residential complex of Shunyi District, Beijing. Mr.. Liu Guihan is a Falun Gong practitioner.

    On the evening of May 7, 2006, around 7 p.m., Liu Guihan did not return after he left home. Around 10 p.m. a group of people suddenly broke in and started searching and ransacking our home. There were about seven people. Among them were Shan Xiong and Xi Lei from Shunyi District Police Department State Security department and the Guangming Police Station and Liu Ziqing from the Resident's Committee of the Jianxin Beiqv. We did not know the names of the others in the group. These people left around 11:30 p.m. From that point on we never heard anything about Liu Guihan. As family members we did not receive any documentation or verbal notification regarding his abduction and detention.

    After three months had passed, Liu was still being detained, just as if he had been formally arrested on felony charges.

    During this period we tried to find out about him from every available source. We finally learned that he was detained in Shunyi Nihe Detention Center. We sent money and clothes many times to the detention center and they accepted all of them, acknowledging that Liu Guihan was detained there.

    In the middle of July, we suddenly received an anonymous phone call. The caller said, "The old man is too stubborn. If he would only admit he was wrong for just a little bit then everything will be fine."

    On August 13 we received another unidentified phone call, "In another week or towards the end of the month, Liu Guihan will be released." We were all very elated that we finally had something to look forward to.

    Liu Guihan's brother and sister were also Falun Gong practitioners. They had also been brutally persecuted. His second sister, Ms. Liu Guifu, was twice sentenced to forced labor for a total of four years. She is still detained at the Daxing Tiantanghe Women's Forced Labor Camp. His third brother was sentenced to forced labor for two years. His first sister was arrested and detained twice. She was savagely beaten and electrically shocked. She was paralyzed and disabled.

    At 8 a.m. in the morning on August 16 we received a phone call from Shunyi District Police Department, asking Liu Guihan's son Liu Wei, to go to the Bureau. We all thought that we would be asked to bring Liu Guihan home, so three family members went to the Bureau. After we arrived in Legality Section, a man named Ma Haoyue met with us. He claimed that Liu Guihan had been sentenced to two years of forced labor and asked Liu Wei to sign the decision document. But the Labor Re-education Notification document was dated June 7, 2006, more than two months before we were ever notified. We raised our objection and told them that many things the responsible organizations had done were illegal. We refused to sign the document. The man claimed that the decision was handed down by the Beijing City Labor Re-education Bureau. If we did not agree with the decision, we needed to appeal to them. He then brought the meeting to an end in a hurry.

    We have sent our appeal to many involved organizations with a sliver of hope. We ask that Liu Guihan receive a fair judgment.

    Liu Guihan did not violate any law, and he did not commit any action to endanger people or society. All documents, books, and personal property seized should be disclosed in public and let the people be the judge.

    Eveerything the deputies of the various involved organizations did was unlawful. There was no legal justification for anything. The abduction, detention, and illegal overtime detention without any legal justification were further covered up with a falsified Labor Re-education Notification date of June 7.

    We appeal for the unconditional release Liu Guihan.

    Appeal party: Liu Guihan's family

    Appeal date: August 17, 2006.