The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- November 7, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Wang Zhankun from Hailar District, Hulunbeir County, Inner Mongolia, is Tortured to the Brink of Death

  • Police in Huadian City, Jilin Province Arrested and Sentenced Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Couple Practitioners Arrested in Hebei Province

  • Atrocities Committed by Guards in Xishanping Labor Camp, Chongqing City

  • Mr. Wang Zhankun from Hailar District, Hulunbeir County, Inner Mongolia, is Tortured to the Brink of Death

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zhankun from Hailar District, Hulunbeir County of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, was arrested on October 9, 2006, and has now been tortured to the brink of death. According to the doctor, his liver and kidneys have failed, and his corneas looked jaundiced. If he does not receive medical treatment, his life is in peril. We are calling for all practitioners in China and overseas to make phone calls and send letters to urgently rescue Mr. Wang Zhankun.

    At about 4:00 p.m. on October 9, 2006, while Mr. Wang was clarifying the truth face to face to the owner of the Ling Dian Bar in San Dao Street in the Hailar District, the owner instructed two or three of his staff members to hold him down on the floor while the owner reported him to the Hulun Police Station. Mr. Wang was then arrested.

    Mr. Wang had with him only one copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and several truth-clarifying booklets. Zhang Xuzeng, 610 Office deputy head from the National Security Team, and policeman Xuan Wei, both of whom were directly involved in this case, searched his home that day. They were quite rude but failed to find anything. On October 10, Mr. Wang's family went to the National Security Team to request his release. The policemen threatened that they would send him again to forced labor or sentence him since he had been previously sentenced. Mr. Wang had twice been sentenced to forced labor for going to Beijing to appeal and spreading truth-clarifying materials. He was released in April of this year.

    Wang Zhankun started a protest hunger strike on October 10 and stayed on it until October 26. During these 16 days, the officers attempted many times to violently force-feed him. He resisted firmly. Unfortunately, this led to him being unable to walk or look after himself. The officials finally sent him to the police hospital when he was already at the brink of death. They notified his family on October 28, 2006. Rushing to the hospital, Mr. Wang's wife was agonizingly aware that her husband's physical changes made him difficult to recognize. He was skeleton-like and in a coma. His mouth was full of pus and blood. He was handcuffed and could not speak. His shackled feet were swollen. He was chained to the bed and appeared to be at death's door.

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    Police in Huadian City, Jilin Province Arrested and Sentenced Falun Gong Practitioners

    According to information provided recently, several people, including Li Lanqing, Luo Gan, and Zhang Mouqing, went to Huadian City via Jilin City, bringing the local police force with them. They have been given quotas and the task of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners to prevent cable TV programs from being tapped. They drew on the entire local police force and street guards in Huadian City and at the same time employed many unemployed residents to guard all the cable TV poles. Their orders were, "Rather wrongly arrest than mistakenly release," "This 'crackdown on crime' will end with many arrests and sentences," and "Once caught, they can't be released."

    Government officials arrested practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaodong's mother and practitioners Ms. Zhao Haiying, Mr. Xu Yanjun, Ms. Hu Zhongjing, and Ms. Song Guifen. They also harassed many other practitioners.

    Practitioner Wang Xiaodong's Mother Arrested; Mr. Wang Xiaodong Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison

    On October 10, 2006, around 12:40 p.m., five neighborhood police officers from the Qixin Street Police Station of Huadian City arrived at Mr. Wang's mother's temporary job site and told her, "We want to fix your temporary identification card." She didn't want to go with them, because she knew that they were lying. They said, "You must come with us," and took her to the Qixin Street Police Station. The police lied to the local residents, saying that she was involved in tapping into the cable television program.

    At the police station they told Mr. Wang's mother, "You were involved in cable TV tapping." She said, "You fabricate charges against innocent people, and you use despicable tricks. I don't know anything about cable TV tapping. You said you brought me here to fix my ID, and now you try to frame me with cable TV tapping. I am nearly 70 years old and can barely read a few words. You have already harmed my two sons [her eldest son, Wang Xiaohu, was sentenced to seven years in prison, and her second son, Wang Xiaodong, detained in Huadian Detention Center for seven months, recently was secretly sentenced to seven years in prison] and now you want to harm me." The police were not able to continue any further with their argument.

    Later on, they sent her to Huadian City Police Department. She was locked in the interrogation room on the first floor. The room has an iron chair and other various other instruments of torture. One person who claimed to be from the city bureau said, "Li Lanqin from the Central Government is even here to assume personal command. You must speak. You went to White Mountain to meet an old man. You were involved in cable TV tapping, we have photographed you. You must speak no matter what." Mr. Wang's mother answered, "Everyday I stay at home and cook three meals for others. How could I leave home? You are simply fabricating charges. You harmed both of my sons and now you are trying to harm me. You show me the photo." The officer didn't take out any photo and said fiercely, "Today I must fix you!" She said, "If you dare, you can cut off my head, since you have already harmed my sons." As she spoke, her body started to twitch and tremble. She was so enraged that she couldn't even stand up properly. The officer then said, "What are you pretending for? I will let you pretend." He was about to hit her, but he walked out when he noticed her condition. Then other police officers took turns questioning her. In the end, when they saw that she was really not well, they phoned Chen Baozhi, the deputy chief of the police department, about what to do. At 6:00 p.m. on October 11, they released Mr. Wang's mother, who by then had already become very weak.

    After October 1, the police announced the "Crackdown On Crime." After being illegally detained for seven months, practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaodong was then sent to court. Prior to that, the police pieced together some materials and fabricated some evidence and told the public that Mr. Wang Xiaodong did certain things and that there were more than 20 witnesses. But when the hearing actually took place, there was not even one witness in court, and there was no testimony given. Only the personnel from the court, the Procuratorate, the 610 Office, and Huadian City Police Department were present. Mr. Wang Xiaodong's mother said, "I want to plead for my son." The officer answered, "No pleading is allowed." She then asked, "Shouldn't the witnesses be at the hearing? Why are there no witnesses attending the hearing?" Yu Jinji and those who follow him, sneered at Wang Xiaodong's mother. One of them said [inexact quote], "Yes, we arranged it this way. What can you do about it?" Then they pushed her out.

    Later, a person with inside information disclosed that Mr. Wang Xiaodong was secretly sentenced to seven years in prison. The court has still not notified Mr. Wang's family and relatives of the verdict. (Mr. Wang was detained for more than seven months with no evidence of a crime found. Yu Jinji and those who follow him had been trying to make up a case against Wang Xiaodong and give him a heavy sentence.) After Yu Jinji's deviousness was exposed to his family and the public, he threatened, "Someone even wrote [letters that clarified the truth] to my family. [Practitioner] Xu Yanjun has one more year to complete his sentence, but I will add three more years to his sentence!"

    Ms. Zhao Haiying Was Arrested, No One to Look After Her 14-Year-Old Daughter

    Around 2 or 3 o'clock on October 10, 2006, the police from the Qixin Street Police Station of Huadian District arrested practitioner Ms. Zhao Haiying from her home, and took her daughter's computer and a bag of other things. They left her 14-year-old daughter, who is a grade one junior middle school student at the Huadian No. 3 Middle School, alone at home. Later, the police arrested Ms. Zhao's parents. They were released after being detained for one night.

    Ms. Zhao Haiying was renting her place to 10 students, cooking for them, and looking after them. She has lost this source of income, because there is no one to take care of the rental house and the work she used to do. This is a great economic loss. There is no one to take care of her daughter. She can't go to school and cries all the time.

    Ms. Hu Zhongjing Was Arrested on the Road

    On the afternoon of October 10, 2006, several policemen arrested practitioner Ms. Hu Zhongjing while she was walking down the road. Her bag, which contained a mobile phone, cash, keys and other things, was confiscated. They then entered her house with the key they had just stolen. They took away several Falun Gong books. Ms. Hu's 16-year-old daughter was at home and quite frightened. An officer threatened her, "Do you know that your mother practices Falun Gong? Bring out the other things that she has!" The daughter asked, "How did you get our key?" The policeman answered, "We arrested your mother, and we found this key when we searched her." The daughter said, "My mother is a good person, the best person. Why did you arrest her?" The policeman said, "Your mother practices Falun Gong, and she was involved in politics." The daughter said, "It is not against the law to practice Falun Gong, and Falun Gong practitioners do not kill or commit crimes." The policeman said, "Practicing Falun Gong is a much more serious crime than murder and arson. It is even more serious than being an anti-revolutionary." The daughter said, "I want my mother. How could I live without my mother?" (The girl's father has been living in another part of the country.) The policeman said, "If your mother misses you she will stop practicing [Falun Gong]."

    Later on, the police lied about their "achievements." They told the public that they found a large amount of Falun Gong materials at Ms. Hu Zhongjing's home.

    Ms. Hu used to teach in a school at Jiapi Gully. The school dismissed her in 2000 after she was sent to a forced labor camp. While she was in the labor camp, she couldn't resist the intense CCP brainwashing. After she realized that she had been deceived by CCP's lies, she started to practice Falun Gong again.

    Police from the 610 Office Broke into Her House, but Ms. Song Guifen Escaped

    On October 10, 2006, at six o'clock in the evening, a group of people that claimed from Jilin City Police Department, Huadian City610 Office, and the Public Order Group forced their way into Ms. Song Guifen's home in order to arrest her. She and her family righteously and successfully resisted the attempt.

    At noon on October 12, policemen from the Qixin Street Police Station forced their way into the mobile phone shop owned by Ms. Song's family and tried to arrest her again. She managed to escape.

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    Couple Practitioners Arrested in Hebei Province

    On September 27, Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Wang Jiangen and his wife, Ms. Sun Guilan, from Wei County, Hebei Province, were arrested.

    The couple lived in the Wei County seat. Their meager income came from Mr. Wang's renting out his three-wheeled motorcycle. In order to help stop the CCP's persecution, Mr. Wang told the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution to the people he met. In the summer of 2006, a plainclothes police officer rented the motorcycle, and Mr. Wang clarified the truth to him. The officer pretended to be sympathetic and understanding and obtained Mr. Wang's personal information by taking advantage of his trust.

    A few days days later, several police officers stopped Mr. Wang's motorcycle on the street. One of them said with a smirk, "Do you recognize me?" Mr. Wang looked at the officer and realized that he was the person to whom he had clarified the truth several days earlier. They took Mr. Wang to the police station, locked him in the interrogation room, and beat him mercilessly. They then forced him to return home and ransacked his house. They also arrested his wife and held her separately. She clarified the truth to the police, and they released her later that afternoon. Ten days later, they released Mr. Wang.

    Afterwards, the police continually harassed the couple in their own home. To avoid this harassment, they stayed in their hometown for several weeks. They later returned to their home in Wei County. On September 27, 2006, at about 8:00 p.m., a group of people from the 610 Office and the political security section of the police department entered the Wangs' home and arrested them. They held Mr. Wang at the county detention center, but they bound his wife and sent her to be jailed in Zhangjiakou City. Reports indicate they will be imprisoned far from their home and sentenced to three years of forced labor.

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    Atrocities Committed by Guards in the Xishanping Labor Camp in Chongqing City

    Below are crimes committed by guards in the Second Section, Seventh Ward of Xishanping Forced Labor Camp in the Beipei District, Chongqing City, in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.

    1. Planned "Transformation"

    In February 2006, a plan was put in place to achieve the "transformation" of detained Falun Gong practitioners in the Second Section, Seventh Ward of the Xishanping Forced Labor Camp. Section Head Lei Kejin (male) transferred practitioners Mr. Gu Xianglin, Mr. Wu Qun, and Mr. Kang Hong from the strictly controlled Third Group to the strictly controlled Second Group, so that only practitioner Mr. Bai Tianshi was left in the Third Group.

    After breakfast on February 15, 2006, cell leader Fu Yaqiang (male, a drug addict) had the cell gate closed and threatened Mr. Bai Tianshi, "Are you going to write the Three Statements today?" Mr. Bai replied, "No." Fu shouted, "If you do not write them, you will suffer today!" Several other drug addict prisoners picked up Mr. Bai, and tied his ankles to the bed posts, draping him backwards with his buttocks resting on a stool. Fu shouted again, "Are you going to write them?" Mr. Bai replied, No!" Fu said, "Since you refuse to write, I will have you experience the 'native airplane!'"

    Fu Yaqiang and Gou Changhua (male, also a prisoner) pressed down hard on Mr.Bai's knees. Enduring a great amount of pain, Mr. Bai said to them, "Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. You should not do this, because whoever mistreats good people will be met with karmic retribution." Those prisoners refused to listen. They were tired of pressing down with their hands, so Fu and Gou stood on top of Mr. Bai's thighs. Mr. Bai could not bear such extreme pain and was covered with sweat. Two other prisoners, Huang Xiaodong and Fan Shuanshuan, were holding Mr. Bai's shoulders to prevent him from moving. Fan said many times, "If you write the Three Statements, we will stop torturing you." Fu shouted while he stood on Mr. Bai's thigh, "If you refuse to write them, we will torture you to death, and at most it would be counted as a suicide." He jumped on top of Mr. Bai's thigh, causing even more severe pain.

    The torture lasted until lunch. After lunch, the prisoners were very tired and wanted to take a nap. They put Mr. Bai down and forced him to sit up straight, not allowing him to fall asleep. Huang Xiaodong soaked his feet in cold water and poured a cup of cold water down his collar. It was still winter, and snow was falling outside. Huang Xiaodong also brought a chopstick and forced Mr. Bai to hold it between his knees, with the tip of the chopstick pointed at his chin. If Mr. Bai fell asleep, the chopstick would poke his chin. Huang Xiaodong threatened, "The chopstick is not allowed to be tilted or fall on the floor, otherwise you have to suffer more."

    At 2:00 p.m., after those prisoners took a nap, they dragged Mr. Bai Tianshi near the bed and tortured him in the same position as they did that morning. They also had two prisoners stand on his thighs. Mr. Bai still refused to write the Three Statements, so Huang Xiaodong poked Mr. Bai's feet and the backs of his hands with a needle. The torture lasted until 6:00 p.m. As the result of this day-long inhuman torture, Mr. Bai could not stand up and his legs became numb. Two people had to help him just to use the toilet.

    The camp administration ordered prisoners to force the "transformation" of detained practitioners. On the night of February 15, 2006, prisoners forced Mr. Bai to sit up straight on a small stool with his back against the wall and both legs straight out in front of him. Huang Xiaodong brought another pan of cold water, soaked Mr. Bai's feet in the water, and poured a cup of cold water down Mr. Bai's collar. Prisoners beat Mr. Bai violently, and Huang Xiaodong poked Mr. Bai with a needle all over his body. Another prisoner named Fan punched Mr. Bai's ankles with a wooden rice shovel, causing a great deal of pain. The torture lasted until midnight. The prisoners were too tired to keep going. Mr. Bai could not move and was carried onto the bed by four prisoners.

    The next day, the camp administrators intentionally assigned a drug addict prisoner named Liu Dong from another cell, who did not participate in the torture, to persuade Mr. Bai to write the three statements to avoid further torture. He talked for a whole morning to Mr. Bai, who ended up writing the three statements. A short while later, the camp administration reduced Fu Yaqiang's term by six days and three days for each of the other prisoners who participated.

    2. Prisoners Pushed Mr. Gu Xianglin's Head into a Chamber Pot

    In August 2006, practitioner Mr. Gu Xianglin, who was detained in the Strictly Controlled Group, was washing the chamber pot in the bathroom. Prisoners Huang Xiaodong and Gou Changhua said that he did not wash it clean enough and immersed Mr. Gu's head in the water inside the pot repeatedly for several minutes. Mr. Gu still refused to give in and refused to write the Three Statements, often being beaten or cursed by prisoners. He was tortured severely. He was released in September 2006, and his current situation is unclear.

    3. Mr. Li Dongming's Head Injured

    In October 2005, practitioner Mr. Li Dongming refused to write a paper to defame Falun Gong. Prisoners Yu Ning and Jiang Zeng brutally beat him, punching his chest and kicking his body. Mr. Li fell down to the floor and could not move, and his upper body was covered with bruises. His eyesight and hearing were severely damaged. He could no longer stand steadily, and his reflexes also became dull and slow.

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