News and Events from around the World -- October 7, 2006

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Li Jianbo and His Wife Liu Xiuyun Imprisoned – Their Eight-Year-Old Daughter Is Heartbroken

  • The Arrest of a 65-Year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner from Manzhuang Town, Taian City, Shandong Province

  • Dalian City Police Arrest Mr. Zhang Guoyu Again; His Family Can Find No Refuge from the Persecution

  • 57-Year-Old Woman is Left Paralyzed from Torture in a Chongching City Mental Hospital

  • The Officials of Huaneng Electric Power Plant in Dezhou City, Shandong Province Relentlessly Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Mr. Li Jianbo and His Wife Liu Xiuyun Imprisoned – Their Eight-Year-Old Daughter Is Heartbroken

    For refusing to renounce Falun Gong, practitioners Mr. Li Jianbo and his wife Liu Xiuyun from Rizho City, Shandong Province, have been sentenced to prison for eight and four years, respectively. Their eight-year-old daughter cries every day, wishing to see her parents.

    At around 2:40 p.m. on May 28, 2005, Mr. Li Jianbo's boss at the Rizhao City Branch of People's Bank called him, deceiving him into going to his office on Saturday. 610 Office agents took away his house key as soon as he arrived, saying that they would search his house since he still practiced Falun Gong. Then four to five policemen opened his door. Ms. Liu Xiuyun and their daughter Mengyuan were studying at home. The frightened child broke down crying after seeing so many policemen ransacking their home like thieves, even taking her things. They arrested Ms. Liu Xiuyun, who is an employee of the Rizhao City Branch of the China Industrial and Commerce Bank. Mr. Li Jianbo and his wife Liu Xiuyun were both detained for 19 days. On June 17, 2005, the Rizhao City 610 Office took Mr. Li into custody and detained him at the Rizhao City Detention Center for 14 months. During this time period, Mr. Li Jianbo clarified the truth to the guards, urging them to withdraw from the Chinese Communist Party and its related organizations. He was beaten until his head bled, and he still has a long scar on his head today. He was not allowed visitors. He was sentenced to eight years in prison, and sent to Taian Prison on July 14, 2006. He was allowed to see his family only once before going to prison.

    On June 17, 2005, Ms. Liu Xiuyun was released after being illegally fined 10,000 yuan, but she was not allowed to go back to work. After five months, on October 28, 2005, her employer deceived her, saying that she could return to work, but actually the 610 Office's vehicle was waiting for her. They claimed that Ms. Liu Xiuyun had given her husband a small slip of paper, and they detained her at the Rizhao City Detention Center for one year. They fine her another 10,000 yuan, sentenced her to four years in prison, and are about to send her to Jinan Prison.

    Their eight-year-old daughter cries every day, wishing to be reunited with her parents. She sometimes does not want to go to school. She lives with her grandparents, who are both almost 70 years old, and do not have the ability to take good care of her.

    The Arrest of a 65-Year-Old Falun Gong Practitioner from Manzhuang Town, Taian City in Shandong Province

    On September 18, 2006, Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Jianguo’s home was ransacked. He is from Beiliu Village, Manzhuang Township, Daiwu District, Taian City in Shandong Province. Following this incident, he and his middle son were both detained at Shilihe Detention Center in Shengzhuang Town, Daiyue District. His son was released the same day. Police officers from the township police station participated in ransacking Zhang Jianguo’s home. Further details are yet to be investigated.

    Since the Jiang Zemin regime started illegally persecuting Falun Gong, Jiang Jianguo’s family has been harassed by the evil continuously. In July 1999, his eldest son Zhang Jinshan was assigned to work at Shandong Huaning Group (located at Ningyang County in Taian City) after he graduated from university. He was under around-the-clock surveillance, and had to live there without a valid identity. Later, after experiencing other forms of persecution, he finally had to quit. Upon returning to his hometown, he was watched by the person in charge of social order from the Manzhang Township Police Station. At that time, Zhang’s identity card was confiscated and he was requested to submit his pictures. After that, he could no longer live a normal life. In March 2000, Mr. Jiang's eldest son went to Taian to look for a job. He went to a fellow practitioner’s home. He was charged with illegal gathering, and ended up being arrested by policemen from Nanguan Police Station in Taian City. He was detained for 15 days at Sanhe Detention Center in Taian City. In October 2000, he was illegally detained again for 30 days for going to Beijing to lawfully appeal to the government. After 30 days, he was picked up by police from Manzhuang Township Police Station and sent back to Manzhuang City. The police chief Yao Genfu demanded 4,000 yuan from his father as a fine. Zhang told him that he hadn’t paid off a debt for tuition fees for his eldest son and had no money. Then Yao lowered the fine to 2,000 yuan and stated it would be acceptable if he issued a credit note to Yao. Zhang Jianguo said, "I cannot pay to get him back, as I am so poor. You know that." Later, his eldest son was released and helped him with cultivating the land. In December 2000, his eldest son went to Beijing and ended up being illegally detained at the Taian City Donghu Detention Center. Later, he was sent to the Zibo City Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province, where he was detained for three years. The people who were directly responsible for his detention are Liu Baozhen (who was transferred out) from the Politics and Security Department in Daiyue District and Yao Genfu.

    In 2003, when his eldest son’s prison term was up, Mr. Jiang went to Manzhuang Township Police Station to submit a release certificate. However, because he refused to cooperate with the evil and agree to finger printing, he was beaten up by the police.

    Before the CCP held the 16th People’s Congress, authorities from Daiyue District went to his home to question Mr. Jiang and demand an oral confession from him. They attempted to send him to a brainwashing center or forced labor camp for detention, but they failed. Between March and April of 2006, people from Daiyue District Police Bureau, the Township Police Station and the person in charge of the village went to Zhang Jianguo’s home. Under the pretense of helping him to look for a job, they went to his home three times to try to find out from his father where he was. His parents told them: "My eldest son didn’t do anything wrong. Believing in Truth, Compassion, Forbearance and trying to be a good person, what’s wrong with that? Now he is out of town somewhere doing some temporary work to support himself. If you really want to find a job for him, you should find it first, and then when he comes back home, I’ll let him know. In these few years, he has changed jobs quite a few times. As to where he is right now, we don’t know either." Zhang Jianguo’s vehicle was illegally searched between May and June 2006 by the Township 610 Office. The search was led by Guo Shixing.

    Zhang Jianguo is the backbone in his family, as his wife is unable to work. His eldest son graduated seven to eight years ago, and his loan is not yet paid off. Currently Zhang Jianguo is illegally detained, and it is now harvesting season.

    Dalian City Police Arrest Mr. Zhang Guoyu Again; His Family Can Find No Refuge from the Persecution

    On September 12, 2006, the policemen from Dalian City National Security Group, the National Security Team of Ganjingzi District Police Department, Jiaojinshan Police Station in Ganjingzi District, Navy Square Police Station in Zhongshan District, broke into Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Guoyu's workplace. They arrested and detained him at the fifth prison in Yaojia Detention Center in Dalian City. Zhang Guoyu is now on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention.

    For the past few years, Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Guoyu and his wife Shen Lian have been persecuted repeatedly. They were once sentenced to forced labor camp for two years, and were dismissed by their company for no reason. They suffered physical and psychological abuse on a daily basis.

    Zhang Guoyu and Shen Lian were employed by the Dalian Branch of China Netcom Group. They both cultivated according to Falun Gong teachings and became excellent workers that displayed good character. They were repeatedly recognized for their good work.

    After the persecution of Falun Gong began, in 2001, Zhang Guoyu and Shen Lian went to Beijing to appeal to higher authorities for Falun Gong, but were detained and sentenced to forced labor for two years. During that time, nobody took care of their seven-year-old son, and thus a happy family was torn apart.

    Under Jiang Zemin's policy of "destroy them physically, ruin their reputations, and bankrupt them financially" against Falun Gong, the China Netcom Group dismissed Zhang Guoyu and Shen Lian, and placed both of them on probation for two years. On September 13, 2004, because they went to the higher authorities and appealed for Falun Gong, the company gave them low scores in work performance evaluation and ranked them at the bottom of the company. Because of this illegal decision, Zhang Guoyu and his wife appealed to the Labor Arbitration Department in the High and New Technology Area and to the Zhongshan District Court and Dalian Intermediate Court, but did not receive any responses.

    In these several years, Zhang Guoyu and his wife suffered great mental pressure every day and experienced inhuman torture and persecution. Zhang Guoyu went to a new department to work and within only one week, on September 12, 2006, he was arrested by policemen again from the Dalian City National Security Team, Navy Square Police Station in Zhongshan Branch, and Jiaojinshan Police Station in Ganjingzi Branch, and was detained in the fifth prison in Yaojia Detention Center. The department responsible was the National Security Team in Ganjingzi Branch of Dalian City Social Security Bureau.

    In 2001, Shen Lian suffered a mental collapse and was taken to the hospital. Seeing her husband detained illegally, she is devastated and cries every day.

    Xuanxuan, the son of Zhang Guoyu, misses his father very much. He wrote on a piece of paper: "There is nothing wrong with believing in Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. Give my father Zhang Guoyu back to me."

    Written by 7-year-old son of Zhang Guoyu, Xuanxuan

    57-Year-Old Woman is Left Paralyzed from Torture in a Chongching City Mental Hospital

    Falun Gong practitioner Wei Hua from the Jiulongpo Area in Chongqing City was illegally arrested and forced to stay in a mental hospital by the local Chinese Communist Party secretary Yu Fulin and others, under the pretext that she had a mental disorder. In the hospital, Ms. Wei was tortured until the left side of her body was paralyzed. She is now emaciated, has difficulty speaking, and is incontinent. She is in great pain and her health condition is precarious.

    Ms. Wei Hua, 57 years old, lives in the 2nd Unit of the 45th Building, Wenhua 2nd Village, Xiejiawan, Chongqing City. She is retired as a staff worker at a Xiejiawan department store. Ms. Wei started to practice Falun Gong in 1996, and benefited greatly both in body and mind. However, for her persistence in practicing her belief, Ms. Wei was sent to a forced labor camp for two years. From 2001 to 2003, she was subjected to brainwashing and persecution in the Maojiashan Women's Forced Labor Camp in Chongqing.

    Wei Hua always clarified the truth of Falun Gong to the police and related authorities and reprimanded them for their crimes of persecuting Falun Gong. During the period of time when she was persecuted in the brainwashing class, Wei Hua went on a hunger strike to protest against the persecution and did not cooperate in any way with the brainwashing attempts.

    On October 18, 2005 , the secretary of the neighborhood security office in Xiejiawan, Yu Fulin, and Yang Zhixue from the brainwashing center, forced Ms. Wei's husband, Liao Linfu, to sign an agreement to send Ms. Wei to a mental hospital. They used the pretext that she had a mental disorder, even though she was perfectly healthy. Those involved in this case included Yu Fulin, Yang the head of the department, Du Zhaojun, the director of the neighborhood committee, workers in the Xiejiawan department and two public health workers. When she was sent to the Shipingqiao branch of the Jiulongpo Mental Hospital (formerly named the Employee Hospital of Mine Machinery Department), Yu Fulin said to the doctor, "She is a Falun Gong practitioner. She was detained in the forced labor camp for a year and a half."

    After that, Liao Linfu went to visit his wife many times. She always looked very normal, so he asked to bring her home. However he was refused by the authorities. On October 22, 2005, Liao Linfu once again went to the hospital, and saw that Ms. Wei's mind and body both were very normal. He felt relieved and went out of town to work.

    Unexpectedly, only three days later, on October 25, the hospital suddenly informed Wei Hua's family of her critical health condition and urged the family to pick her up as soon as possible. Ms. Wei's fourth sister went to the hospital that night, saw that Ms. Wei was not fully conscious, and could not recognize anyone. She was also unable to speak, was in and out of consciousness, had been vomiting, had diarrhea, a fever, was breathing with an oxygen tank, and was connected to a catheter. The Chongqing 120 hospital refused to take her, thus the family could only take her home.

    Later, the family went to the hospital and asked for the prescription that the doctor had given Ms. Wei, in order to understand what had happened to her. However, the family were refused rudely by the the head nurse. The persons in charge of her case who gave the diagnosis and treatment were head of the department, Yang, and Dr. Liu. Facing the family's questions, the head nurse answered, "When you picked her up that day she was perfectly fine." These people committed the crime, nonetheless they denied it.

    Now Wei Hua's left half of her body is paralyzed, she has difficulty in speaking, and her left hand is clenched like a fist. She incontinent, is emaciated, and because she has been lying in bed for so long, her bedsore has festered into a hole. She has suffered these extremely painful conditions for ten months.

    The Officials of Huaneng Electric Power Plant in Dezhou City, Shandong Province Relentlessly Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

    The Huaneng Electric Power Plant in Dezhou, Shandong Province is one of the main thermal-electricity power plants of Huaneng International. It is also one of the most vicious and severe places in persecuting Falun Gong. Huaneng International is a centralized enterprise directly reporting to the State Council and is listed on the New York Stock Exchange. Since July 20, 1999, when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong, the leadership at the Huaneng Electric Power Plant declared that they would actively cooperate with the CCP's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Below are some facts about the frenzied persecution of Falun Gong practitioner Che Qicong, his family and other Falun Gong practitioners.

    In July 1999, Yu Lianchun, a retired employee, and Zhu Yonggang, an employee of the Huaneng Electric went to Beijing to appeal to the government on behalf of Falun Gong practitioners and were arrested. They were taken back and held under house arrest at the plant's guest house. In the mean time, Che Qicong was suspended from work for practicing Falun Gong. They suspended his work duty for a long time and kept him under house arrest. Guo Liang and Gao Zhenzhi, both CCP members, forced him to write a guarantee statement to give up the practice. The plant wouldn't release anyone who practiced Falun Gong, not even retired employees. They sent a roster of their employed Falun Gong practitioners to Dezhou City Police Department. It created difficulties for the children of these employees to study abroad, join military services, or find employment.

    In October 1999, Yu Lianchun took her daughter Tan Zhen with her to Beijing to appeal and was arrested. They were taken to the dormitory for unmarried employees in the plant and kept under surveillance.

    Che Qicong made a declaration to nullify and void the guarantee statement he made earlier and thus encountered more persecution. Plant authorities sent his declaration to the Hexi Police Station in Decheng District. Consequently, policemen Ping Guoqi, Ji Jiajun, and Zhang Zongming arrested him and ransacked his home.

    Afterwards, Yu Lianchun and Che Qicong were placed under surveillance. Plant authorities sent civilian guards to monitor and watch his front door. Anyone coming or going would be followed. They restricted his personal freedom for more than three months.

    In the early part of 2000, along with the local police, plant personnel arrested Yu Lianchun and took her to the First Women's Forced Labor Camp at Jinan City, Shandong Province. Because she refused to give up her belief in Falun Gong, Ms. Yu was persecuted to death at the end of that year.

    In June 2000, Che Qicong went to Beijing to seek justice and was detained for more than one month. He was then sent back and held at the plant dormitory for unmarried employees. Che Qicong declared that he would continue to practice Falun Gong. Police thus sent him to a detention center. Che Qicong went on a hunger strike and became critically ill, so they sent him back to the dormitory, but kept him under continual surveillance.

    In October 2000, with the police guarding them, the plant sent Chen Qicong and Yu Lianchun to the city brainwashing center. Two days later, they sent Che Qicong to the notorious Zibo Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province. He was then sentenced illegally to three years of forced labor. In the meantime, the plant made false statements to slander Che Qicong and fired him. During his illegal imprisonment in the labor camp, the plant continued to keep surveillance on Mr. Che's family. They harassed them, made intimidating phone calls, and followed them everywhere they went.

    In December 2000, Tan Zhen, Yu Lianchun's daughter, went to Beijing to appeal for the second time. On the eve of Chinese New Year, plant personnel took her to a forced labor camp. While Tan Zhen was in the labor camp, her mother died from persecution. The plant personnel did not allow Tan Zhen to see her mother before she died. Afterwards, they forcefully took Tan Zhen to a forced labor camp.

    In April 2003, Che Qicong's father Che Xianqi and his mother Hu Qinlan went to Jinan to take care of their elderly mother. Dezhou police spread a rumor that they went to Beijing to appeal. Police drove to Jinan to arrest this elderly couple and detained them at the Dezhou City Detention Center. Policemen Zhang Zongming and Liu Dawei from the Dezhou Branch Bureau took their house key and ransacked their home. In the meantime, the plant investigated other Falun Gong practitioners. Several were arrested and sent to the detention center or the brainwashing center. They also extorted large sums of money from them. Even with a nursing baby, Che Guoping, Che Qicong's sister, was arrested and taken to a brainwashing center. They ransacked her home and extorted a large sum of money from her.

    Che Qicong's parents were sentenced to three years of forced labor. Wangcun Forced Labor Camp refused to take Che Xianqi because of his high blood pressure. Due to Hu Qinlan's poor health and high fever, the 610 Office gave her an injection and took her to the Jinan First Women's Forced Labor Camp.

    In May 2003, Che Qicong returned home after finishing his forced labor term and found that his parents had been sent for forced labor. Led by Zhang Qi, the plant continues to carry out their persecution policy towards Falun Gong. They made Che Qicong write a guarantee statement as the condition for him to return to work. Later, he was demoted and sent to work at a repair shop.

    In April 2004, Li Jingzeng and Yu Xiuhong from Hexi Police Station (now called Development District Police Department) broke into Che Qicong's home. Meanwhile, the police ransacked the homes of Che Guoping, Che Qicong's sister, and her mother-in-law. Once again they extorted money from them. They arrested Che Qicong, Che Xianqi, and Che Guoping and detained them for more than one month. Afterwards, they sent Che Qicong and his father Che Xianqi to a forced labor camp. The forced labor camp again refused to accept Che Xianqi because of his high blood pressure. This was the second time Che Qicong was sent to a forced labor camp illegally. He was released in March 2006.

    By this time, Che Qicong's mother Hu Qinlan was also out of the forced labor camp. The family finally reunited after so much suffering. Che Qicong asked to return to work, but the personnel at the plant demanded that he write an application to resume working there. Che Qicong has resisted the imposed persecution with righteous thoughts, even though he still has not been given his job back.

    The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners at the Huaneng Electric Power Plant continues. People involved in the persecution include police from the Police Branch Bureau at Dezhou Trade Development Section: Lu Yingjie, Li Haiyang, and someone with the surname Qi.

    Huaneng International, Dezhou Electric Power Plant:

    Address: 10 Huaxing Rd, Dezhou City, Shandong Province, 253024
    Telephone: 534-2432731, 534-242461060
    CCP Office: 534-242432013
    Fax: 86-534-2467016, 534-242460214