News and Events Around the World -- September 21, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Promoting Falun Dafa at New Jersey Mid-Autumn Fair

  • Promoting Falun Dafa at New Jersey Mid-Autumn Fair

    Chinese organizations in New Jersey organized the second "Mid-Autumn Fair" in Edison City on September 17, 2005. Over one hundred Chinese organizations and business booked the booths, and Chinese performance groups performed on the stage. Thousands of Chinese and Americans visited the fair. The Falun Gong practitioners believed this was a good chance to clarify truth to Chinese people so they used booth space, stage performances, and direct communication with officials to clarify the truth.

    Falun Gong tent

    Minghui School tent

    The practitioners prepared five hundred lanterns to give out to visitors. Many Chinese visitors signed their names to support the petition to end the persecution. Practitioners passed out numerous truth-clarification flyers. The Minghui School at Bridgewater is now open to public and it had a booth to introduce the specialty of this Chinese language school.

    Dance "Heavenly Phenomenon"

    A performance group which included some Falun Gong practitioners came from New York to participate at the Fair. They performed "Clean Lotus in a Muddy World" and "Heavenly Phenomenon" dances. The audience was pleasantly surprised seeing the elegant costumes, pretty movements and clean styles.

    Falun Gong practitioners have participated and volunteered at the Chinese New Year Festival and Mid-Autumn Fairs for many years, and their contributions were well recognized. But this year, some organizers at first attempted to bar the Falun Gong group because of pressure from the Chinese Consulate. The practitioners communicated with the organizers to clarify the truth and encourage them to make the right decision after learning the truth. The efforts had a good result.

    Clarifying truth to a Senator (right)

    Many elected government officials visited the fair, including the Mayor of Edison City, City Council Members, and State Senators. Senator Mr. Jon Corzine, who is running for New Jersey Governor, also came to the fair. Practitioners talked to him, gave him the most recent materials about the persecution in China, and asked him to help to end the persecution in China.