The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- September 17, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Mr. Jiang Chenggang from Guizhou Province Tortured to Death

  • Parents Sentenced to Labor Camp - Two Daughters Forced to Discontinue Their Schooling

  • The Sufferings of a Family in Sichuan Province

  • Ms. Gao Yan Exposes Brutal Persecution after Leaving Labor Camp

  • Experiences of Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiaodong from Lanzhou, Gansu Province, Who Died in Detention in 2003

  • Five Falun Gong Practitioners Die Due to Persecution
  • Brief News from China - September 4, 2005

  • Brief News from China - September 5, 2005

  • Mr. Jiang Chenggang from Guizhou Province Tortured to Death

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jiang Chenggang from Xingren County, Guizhou Province, who firmly practiced Falun Gong, was abused by CCP officials for a long time. He endured numerous forms of torture in the labor camp and died on October 18, 2004.

    Jiang Chenggang

    Jiang Chenggang was 63 years old and an employee of the Xingren County Grain Management Bureau. He used to smoke and drink heavily, and had many diseases. After practicing Falun Gong in April 1997, he got rid of all his bad habits, and his numerous illnesses disappeared. He followed the principles of "Truthfulness, Benevolence, and Forbearance," and was strict with himself but tolerant towards others.

    After July 20, 1999, when the evil persecution of Falun Gong started, Jiang Chenggang kept practicing and clarifying the truth to people. He went to Beijing to appeal at the beginning of 2000, was blocked at Guiyang City by officials, and was singled out as a target in the persecution. Soon after he was arrested and taken to Zhongba Labor Camp for two years by the CCP 610 Office, he was inhumanely tortured and drugged with an unknown substance. Even after being released to go home, he still had dizziness, a blurry mind, memory loss, and drooled involuntarily.

    After being released from the labor camp in September 2001, Jiang Chenggang kept practicing and clarifying the truth by passing out flyers and posting banners. In September 2003, he was arrested by the Southwest Prefecture 610 Office and forced to go through brainwashing in Xingyi. He escaped the brainwashing center one month later, and had to become destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested from home. He could not return home, where police were staked out, waiting for him to return home. His family was harassed constantly.

    After about a year, Jiang Chenggang had no permanent living place, no food, or clothing supplies. His health was damaged in the labor camp, but got worse during this homeless period. He passed away on October 18, 2004.

    Parents Sentenced to Labor Camp - Two Daughters Forced to Discontinue Their Schooling

    Falun Gong practitioners Cao Zhenqi and his wife from Changyi City, Shandong Province, have been sentenced to a labor camp for three years after being illegally arrested by police from the 610 Office. This has forced their two daughters to discontinue their studies in middle school, and their lives are now very difficult.

    On May 19, 2005, Chen Xiaodong, chief of the Changyi City 610 Office, together with Ma Fusheng, director of Zhangling Township Police Station, directed six police cars and several police officers to surround Cao Zhenqi's residence. Afterwards they smashed the windows and the security door. They then forced their way into the house, and arrested Cao Zhenqi and his wife. In addition, they ransacked the house twice.

    After Mr. and Mrs. Cao were arrested and detained, their two daughters, who were studying in middle school, immediately found themselves in a predicament. No one would prepare food for them, and they also couldn't afford the school tuition. As a result, they have discontinued their studies. Cao Zhenqi's parents are in their sixties and suffer from hypertension. When placed under duress, they feel dizzy and sometimes lose consciousness. Facing the grievous situation resulting from the persecution, how can they avoid anxiety? They can hardly shoulder the two children's' livelihoods, much less pay their tuition.

    Chu Mengmeng, one of the two daughters, is Cao Zhenqi's stepdaughter. Her mother remarried Cao Zhenqi after her father died. Facing such a dilemma, she has returned to her grandmother's home to alleviate the burden on her step-grandparents. Her grandmother is over 70 years old, weak and prone to illness. She has lost the ability to work, and can only sigh in despair to her granddaughter. Chu Mengmeng hoped to continue her studies, but dependence on her grandmother only allows for minimal living expenses. Going to school is simply impossible for her.

    In this way a perfectly good family was forced into a hopeless situation. The two children cannot go to school, cannot go back to their own home, and cannot find jobs since they have not passed the age requirement for child labor. Such situations are innumerable in China. Countless Falun Gong practitioners' families have been torn apart, and family members are killed due to their beliefs.

    Phone number of Zhangling Township Police Station: 86-536-7772005

    The Sufferings of a Family in Sichuan Province

    Ms. Sun Fenghua and her husband Xu Weidong are Falun Gong practitioners from Sichuan Province. Like countless families in China who practice Falun Gong, they have suffered persecution in recent years.

    In April 2002, Ms. Su was arrested for the second time and detained at the Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp. She was not allowed to sleep for 55 consecutive days. Her husband Xu Weidong was sentenced to ten years in prison, and is detained in Guangyuan Prison. At the age of 15, their son was detained and is now homeless.

    Mr. Xu began the practice of Falun Gong in 1998. In 2000, he went to appeal in Beijing, and was escorted back to his hometown in Heilongjiang province and detained for 15 days. After going back to Sichuan province, his boss tried to force him to write a guarantee letter to renounce Falun Gong. Mr. Xu, however, refused to do so and as a result, he was not allowed to continue working. Mr. Xu and his wife had to rely on selling vegetables for a living. The police officers harassed them constantly. One night, at around midnight, a group of police officers surrounded, broke into and illegally searched their home. To avoid further harassment, the family of three was forced to leave home. Their son at that time was only 14 years old and lost the opportunity to go to school.

    1) 15-year-old Son Detained and Homeless

    In April 2001, Ms. Sun was arrested while at the home of a fellow practitioner in Yongning Township, Wenjiang District, Sichuan Province. Two police officers used spiked clubs to brutally beat her legs and arms until there were dark blue bruises all over. The officers also hit her feet with the clubs until she lost consciousness. In the evening, Ms. Sun and another practitioner were sent to Wenjiang County and detained. After ten minutes of detention, the police officers interrogated her and asked if she recognized the people on a photo. Ms. Sun said no and was then transferred to the Tianfu Township. There, a police officer pulled her hair, knocked her down to the ground, and kicked and punched her. Then, she was sent to the detention center and detained for more than 40 days.

    On April 30, 2002, at around 4 am, Ms. Sun and her son were arrested and brought to the Wenjia Police Station. At daybreak, Chengdu police officers interrogated them. One policewoman said, "Just say you will not practice Falun Gong anymore, and you'll be released. Otherwise, your son will also be punished."

    In the evening, Ms. Sun was sent to a detention center in Chengdu City, while her son was sent to Panzhihua City, located 600 km south of Chengdu. At the detention center, Ms. Sun was injected with some kind of fluid everyday. As a result, her hands could not take any more injections.

    At the age of 15, Ms. Sun's son was detained for 10 days before being released. Afterwards, he had to take care of himself. Although he suffered much, Ms. Sun's son was able to overcome the hardships.

    2) Deprived of sleep for 55 days at the Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp

    On June 10, 2002, after being illegally sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp, Ms. Sun was transferred to the Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp. Anyone who clarifies the truth of Falun Gong there is tortured. Once, after a practitioner shouted, "Falun Dafa Is Good," two men stuffed her mouth with rags and handcuffed her with her arms encircling a big tree. Determined practitioners are forced to work and march under the baking sun, and are not allowed to talk to each other. If practitioners refuse to cooperate, the guards forced criminal detainees to drag them along the ground. One day, Ms. Sun was dragged to cell No. 9.

    Many determined practitioners have been locked in solitary confinement in cell No. 9. After a few days in the cell, guards forced Ms. Sun to stand up all night. She was also monitored by three criminal detainees. For 24 hours a day, she was not allowed to sleep, and the standing caused her legs to swell up. When she asked to sit down, the guards told her, "If you want to sit down, you have to write the guarantee statements to give up Falun Gong." After the guards left, Ms. Sun asked the criminal detainees who monitored her to let her sit down. However, they said, "They arranged this. If we allow you to sit down, we'll be reprimanded and our term will be extended."

    After standing for several days and nights, Ms. Sun could not support herself anymore. She fell down and lost consciousness several times. During the day, she was forced to stand in the small room. In the evening, she was forced to stand in the courtyard for the whole night. Sometimes, the monitors would beat her. She became so weak that she could not even carry a small bowl of water. Ms. Sun was also not allowed to bath. As a result, her hair became all tangled up and she smelled very bad.

    Each morning after breakfast, the criminal detainees carried a big bucket of water and forced everyone to drink a cup of water. Otherwise, they would be force-fed. Practitioner Ms. Jiang Xianfeng refused to drink and was force-fed until her face turned pale. One practitioner could not hold her bladder and urinated into her washing bowl. A criminal detainee saw the scene, and went up stairs and beat the practitioner until she lost consciousness.

    In 2003, although it was Chinese New Year's Day, Ms. Sun was still forced to sit still for the whole night. Criminals took turns monitoring her. Some of them were kindhearted and allowed her to sleep for a while. At around 4 a.m. on the first day of Chinese New Year, Ms. Sun was finally allowed to go upstairs to sleep. Until that day, she had not slept for 55 days and her body was in great pain. Although she was allowed to sleep, she had to get up at 6 am.

    3). Mr. Xu Weidong Suffers in Guangyuan Prison

    During her detention, Ms. Sun did not know what happened to her son or husband. Only after she was released on January 5, 2005 did she learn about her husband's 10-year prison sentence.

    In order to survive, Ms. Sun found a job and started working, even though she was still in pain. After receiving her first month's salary, Ms. Sun went to visit her husband at Guangyuan Prison. The prison guards claimed that her resident registration identification card was fake and did not allow her to see her husband. They only allowed her a phone call. At work, because she gave out cards to her coworkers that had "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" written on them, she was fired.

    With orders from the Sichuan Province Forced Labor Camp Bureau, practitioners imprisoned at Guangyuan Prison are suffering another round of persecution. On April 12, 2005, practitioner Ming Chengjun was beaten. Practitioner Lin Jun was beaten by prison guard Deng Peixin. On May 11, 2005, prison guards Tang Bin, Wang Yijian and others beat practitioners Ming Chengjun, Zhang Rui and others. They were also forced to do hard labor for a long period of time. On May 12, the guards forced practitioners to wear the prison uniform, and on May 13, to do hard labor. Mr. Xu Weidong refused to cooperate and as a result, guard Wang Bin handcuffed him and let him get drenched in the rain for two hours. Prison guards Chen Liang, Wang Bin, Zhou Guangyong, and He Tao stripped off Mr. Xu Weidong's clothes, handcuffed him to a steel door, and forced him to wear the prison uniform. Then they coerced criminal detainees Ma Shiying and Su Xiaoping to drag Mr. Xu to the sports field for roll call. Mr. Wei Yi, a 63-year-old practitioner from Xichang City, was forced to sift sand under the baking sun for a long period of time. Two to three criminal detainees monitor one practitioner 24 hours a day at the prison.

    Ms. Gao Yan Exposes Brutal Persecution after Leaving Labor Camp

    After she left the Sichuan Province Women's Labor Camp, practitioner Ms. Gao Yan wrote a letter to the Minghui Website (the Chinese version of Clearwisdom) on June 15, exposing the savage tortures against Falun Gong practitioners. She was sent to labor camps and mental hospitals numerous times and was cruelly tortured, but she remained determined in her belief. We publish her letter here to help further the efforts of practitioners around the world to end the persecution.

    To the Minghui Website:

    Falun Gong practitioners detained at the Sichuan Province Women's Labor Camp send greetings to Master! We thank Falun Gong practitioners around the world for their concern and help. We thank international organizations and people of conscience for paying attention to the persecution of Falun Gong currently taking place here.

    My name is Gao Yan, and I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Longchang County, Sichuan Province. I started to practice Falun Gong on November 16, 1998. After April 25, 1999, the local police and personnel from the 610 Office often harassed me, ransacked my home and extorted money from me. I was sent to a mental hospital three times and held for 130 days. I was held at a detention center twice for 170 days. I was held at a Transport Center twice and was sent to a labor camp twice and held for one year and three years, respectively. The 610 Office members extorted 25,000 yuan from me and charged me more than 5,000 yuan for expenses incurred at the mental hospital, a total of over 30,000 yuan. My husband and I divorced during the persecution. During the past six years I was physically and mentally devastated. I want to present my firsthand experience for the world to see. I ask the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong to investigate my persecution at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party and bring the perpetrators to justice. I also hope that international organizations will learn the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong happening in China.

    After April 25, 1999, a fellow practitioner and I planned to appeal to the county Party Committee and clarify the truth about Falun Gong. Officials from the county Anti-Pornography Committee arrested us and held us in isolation for a few hours. They threatened to execute me and tried to force me to hand over my Falun Gong books.

    Between September 10, 1999, and January 5, 2000, Song Dewen, the head of the Police Section at my work unit, approached me at work, along with my superior, and threatened me. They also threatened to deny my son, Tong Yuanjie, the right to attend a top-tier middle school. They withheld my salary and fired me. They also threatened my husband, and as a result he often beat me.

    On January 5, 2000, several officers from No. 1 Police Station in Changlong County threatened me at work and told me to write a "guarantee statement" to promise that I would never appeal. I firmly refused. One male police officer waved a pair of handcuffs before my eyes, and female police officer Qian Lanying kept intimidating me. I clarified the truth to them. They brought the head of my husband's work unit and told me to relinquish my home and office keys. I thought, "My life belongs to Falun Gong. I trust Teacher with everything I have." I had no fear. They took me to a detention center and ordered me to sign an arrest warrant and submit my fingerprints. I said, "Why are you detaining me? Why is the column 'reason for arrest' empty on the arrest warrant?" One official said, "I haven't figured out what to charge you with." I was held at the detention center. My husband was then out of town on an errand, and my son was only 14 years old.

    Between January 5 and March 27, 2000, officials from the county's 610 Office and my husband came to me many times. My husband pressured me to give up Falun Gong, and he also beat me. My son and other family members tried to persuade me to give up Falun Gong. Ruan Changan, the former assistant at the Longchang County Falun Gong practice site, betrayed Falun Gong. He wrote me a letter and tried to deceive me. I firmly believed in Teacher and persisted in my faith. Before the Chinese New Year, they brought in my husband and told him to promise for me in my presence that I would no longer practice Falun Gong. They told me to not say anything. I knew it was a ploy, and I firmly refused to cooperate with them.

    At the detention center I clarified the truth to the inmates on a daily basis, and soon they learned about and believed in Falun Gong. A girl told me her mother also practiced Falun Gong. Someone said, "If I had known I would receive karmic retribution for doing bad things, I would never have done them." Some inmates studied the Falun Gong books and did the exercises with me. One day the head of the detention center patrolled the cells. He ordered for me to be shackled for a week for doing the Falun Gong exercises.

    On March 27, 2000, the police, my work place superiors, and personnel from the county 610 Office went to my husband and then came to me. They told me, "Your work unit paid 4,800 yuan to bail you out. We are here to take you to a hospital for a routine examination." I refused to go, and my husband also didn't like the idea. They put me in a car and drove me from the detention center directly to a mental hospital, where I was force-fed drugs and injected with large doses of steroids. Three days later my husband came to the hospital. The doctor told him that the 610 Office dictated that no one was allowed to see me and that the doctor and nurses had to monitor my every move. They stopped my husband outside the ward. Other patients heard that he was looking for me and told me about it. My body was so severely swollen that I was shaky and dizzy and could not stand still. I held onto the window frame and called out for my husband. He came in and looked past me because he couldn't recognize me. When I told him, "I'm Gao Yan," he was shocked. He couldn't believe his eyes because just a few days before I was young and slim. He cried.

    When Liang Cheng from the 610 Office came to see me, someone asked, "Why did you send Gao Yan to a mental hospital?" Liang Cheng answered, "We simply have to destroy her will." I said, "I'm rock-solid. You can't destroy me."

    In late May my husband was injured in a motor accident, and the 610 Office agreed to let me go home to take care of him. My husband was still on crutches when he and my superior from work filled out the paperwork for me to be released from the hospital. I had been tortured at the hospital for more than 60 days and was charged over 1,000 yuan in "hospital fees."

    On July 15, 2000, several fellow practitioners and I went to Beijing to appeal. The police, my superior from work, and county 610 Office personnel arrested us at a Beijing train station. We were forced to take a train back the same day. Police officer Qian Lanying extorted about 2,000 yuan from us on the train. We held a group hunger strike to protest the persecution on the train. When we arrived in Longchang County, I was sent back to the same mental hospital. Practitioners Lan Zhujiang, Yu Bin and Wang Youbi were detained along with me. We continued the hunger strike that lasted 13 days. The 610 Office extorted a 5,000-yuan "escorting fee" from each of our families. They interrogated us many times. On July 31, persons from the 610 Office lied and told us we would be released on August 1, which did not happen.

    On September 8, the 610 Office people put me in a special car and drove me to Sichuan Province Women's Labor Camp in Zizhong. They hoped the collaborators would convince me to give up Falun Gong. I said, "They [the collaborators] betrayed Teacher and Falun Gong." The perpetrators from the 610 Office were disappointed. They sent me to a detention center for the second time without even issuing an arrest warrant. I was charged over 1,000 yuan in "hospital fees" once again.

    In mid-December my work unit gave me some money and then fired me. When the 610 Office people learned that I had some money, they set a 20,000-yuan bail, which had to be paid before they would let me go through the employment procedures. My mother and husband borrowed money from many people. In the end I had permission to go to my work unit to take care of the paperwork.

    After I clarified the truth to him, my husband realized that the people from the 610 Office were violating the law and persecuting me. He went to a lawyer friend and asked him to file a lawsuit for me, but the friend refused. He said, "I wouldn't dare to fight for your wife, no matter how much you paid me. Whoever defends Falun Gong loses his practice. It's stated in a 'red-tag' document from the central government."

    On January 19, 2001, my husband went to work for a while and then came home. He told me he wanted a divorce. He cried. He was a Party member, our son was about to take the college entrance exam, and the 610 Office personnel were forcing him to pressure me into giving up Falun Gong, saying that otherwise, our son would not be allowed to take the test. He beat me, and his parents and sister said, "Break her legs if she tries to practice Falun Gong." I calmly clarified the truth to him and was understanding and accepting toward him. I thought I would be OK with it if he chose to divorce me. Officials at the county Civil Administration Bureau said to me, "The Chinese New Year is almost here. Why are you getting a divorce? You would need to get a certificate from the Street Party Committee for us to process it." Because we couldn't get a divorce at the Civil Administration Bureau, my husband suggested that we write a divorce agreement. I said, "OK. I know the '610 Office' has ransacked our home so many times and they harass you everyday; you've had enough. Maybe you'll have some peace after I leave, but you should know right from wrong!"

    In the afternoon on January 20, Ye Lin, Liang Cheng and others from the 610 Office came to my home to arrest me. My husband was very angry and said to them, "I always believed it when the news and TV programs said the police shed their blood and made sacrifices to protect the people and the country, but now my eyes are opened. You are the worst!" Ye Lin immediately explained, "It's an order from our superiors; we are just following orders, and we can't do anything about it." They took me away. I saw the document that illegally sentenced me to one year of forced labor was dated December 4, 2000, which means it was written before my family paid the 20,000-yuan bail.

    On January 20, 2001, I was assigned to a team at the labor camp. Right after we got up in the morning, the guards forced us to raise our arms above our heads and stand against the wall for the whole day. We stood this way for three days. Many practitioners fainted; their faces were pallid; their hands and feet were swollen; and some even cried. Han Guangrong was really thirsty but was not given any water, so she drank a little water dripping from the inmates' underwear hanging on a line. Guard Zhou beat practitioner Luo Meng and forced her to stand beside a courtyard wall. The guards often shocked us with electric batons and arbitrarily extended our sentences. After the false self-immolation incident took place in Tiananmen Square, the guards and inmates constantly tortured us. Once, when guards Zhang Xiaofang and Liao Xiaolin shocked practitioners Peng Shiqiong and Han Guangrong, I saw the bolts of blue light flashing across Peng Shiqiong's face, accompanied by cracking sounds. Peng Shiqiong said, "We have Teacher and Falun Gong. There is nothing to be afraid of."

    In early April 2001, my husband brought his lawyer friend Liu, a court judge, and a woman secretary. They held a trial in the labor camp and announced our divorce. The judge said to me, "Gao Yan, your husband Tong Kaihua paid a 600-yuan litigation fee. You have to agree to divorce, whether you want to or not." My husband cried so hard his eyes were red and swollen. He didn't want a divorce but had no choice. He said, "What can I do? Our son has to go to college, and my parents are old and can't go through all this with us. They often phone me and blame me for making them suffer, so divorce is the only option for me." I said, "Don't cry. I respect your decision." The judge immediately said, "Now divide your property." I said, "Just give it all to him. It's not easy for him to take care of our son." The legal documents and certificate soon arrived in the mail.

    On January 9, 2002, I was released from the labor camp and lived with my mother in Neijiang.

    On May 13, I returned to Longchang County and rented a room in a fellow practitioner's home. On June 20 the police ransacked my mother's home in Neijiang, arrested me, and sent me directly to a transport center without any due process of law. I went on a second hunger strike at the transport center. The guards at the center handcuffed me to a metal gate. Four days later I was sent to a mental hospital for the third time. I was hogtied on a metal bed from early morning until 8 p.m. or 10 p.m. I received injections and IV infusions while I was tied up. I have a receipt from the No. 2 Mental Hospital in Neijiang. One 400-yuan charge was labeled "protective medication fee." The discharge date is July 17. Another receipt has the official stamp of the Political and Administration Section at Sichuan Province Women's Labor Camp, also dated July 17. The Longchang County 610 Office sent me directly to the labor camp from the mental hospital.

    The labor camp hospital gave me a physical exam and refused to take me. The personnel from the 610 Office put pressure on the labor camp authorities, who eventually took me after charging the 610 Office 500 yuan. I had been on a hunger strike for over 20 days by then. I had lost control of my legs because of the large amount of drugs I had been given and also because I had been tied up for days. An inmate carried me on his back to Division 8. Luo Wei, the head of Division 8 said to me, "The police paid us 500 yuan, but the labor camp administration only charged you 200 yuan, so you have a 300-yuan credit." Later, when I asked a guard about the 300 yuan, he told me, "It's gone." Three years later my mother told me that the 610 Office had somehow robbed her of the money.

    My landlord was arrested for renting to me. He was held at the transport center and was released after being fined 5,000 yuan. Another fellow practitioner was sentenced to three years of forced labor for introducing me to my landlord.

    On August 21, 2002, I was transferred to Team 8, which specialized in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Right after I entered the gate, I saw several practitioners handcuffed to trees with their hands behind them. They had tape covering their mouths. All of the practitioners at Team 8 were forced to watch Falun Gong-slandering VCDs, and several practitioners were handcuffed to the trees for shouting things like, "Falun Dafa is great!"

    During the 16th Party Congress, the guards took turns sitting outside our cell and escalated the persecution. They beat us, force-fed us water, tied and hung us up, stripped off our pants and underwear, and a group of guards savagely beat us. They didn't allow us to go to the restroom and forced us to drink urine. They didn't allow us to sleep or take a shower for a very long time and forced us to stand for long periods of time. They handcuffed us and shocked us with electric batons.

    Once we heard that people from Australia had come to the labor camp to find out if a reputed water dungeon really existed. It was noontime, and we were being forced to stand as usual. We heard group head Li saying, "They voluntarily stand like this." Peng Shiqiong and Luo Meng immediately said, "No, we don't want to stand like this." The inmates jumped up and brutally beat Peng Shiqiong, Luo Meng and me. I accidentally crashed into the railing when they were beating Luo Meng and was immediately taken to the hospital. I later saw charges for the emergency treatment in my account. When I was in the ER, Peng Shiqiong and Luo Meng were hung from trees in the courtyard until I returned to the labor camp. Before dawn we were sent to a small room. Peng Shiqiong had one hand cuffed to a back window; Luo Meng had both hands cuffed to a front window, and I stood by the wall. We were not allowed to sleep for 15 days and nights. I lost count of the number of times I fainted. I came to only when the inmates kicked my face with their hard boots or stepped on my ears. My head was covered with bumps, and I felt as if my skull was shrouded in a sheet of blood.

    Once the group heads ordered us to read a Falun Gong-slandering book. When we refused to read the book, the inmates beat us until we were on the brink of death. Inmate Chen Qi hung and tied practitioner Tao Yuqin to the bed. Tao Yuqin soon started sweating profusely and her face was pallid. Team head Li looked at her eyes with a flashlight to see if her pupils were dilated. They let her down when she had but a breath left. Cell heads Deng Ailing, Li Hong and Chen Qi are very cruel and they had no scruples when torturing people. When they force-fed us water, we almost choked to death. Team head Li screamed, "I'll cause you so much pain that you'll drown in your own blood." Guards Yang and Jiang often threatened us with electric batons.

    Luo Meng, Peng Shiqiong, Wang Huiying and I were held in a small room. Wang Huiying also refused to read the Falun Gong-slandering book. They crossed her legs and tied them up for many days. She had to relieve herself in her clothing. It was winter and she had to sit on the floor, and the flesh on her buttocks started to rot. The labor camp doctor, Chen, came daily to change the dressing for Peng Shiqiong and Wang Huiying.

    Before the 2003 Chinese New Year, Hai, the Longchang County Party Committee secretary, and Ye Lin, from the 610 Office, came to the forced labor camp to give me "New Year's greetings" on behalf of the Longchang County Party Committee and the county police department. Ye Lin asked right after we met, "Gao Yan, what's that big bump on your face?" I told him that Team head Li had hit me. Ye Lin introduced me to secretary Hai. I clarified the truth to Hai and told him, "It's because of your predestined relationship with Falun Gong that we are having this conversation. Make sure you read the book Zhuan Falun. It's a good book, and you'll regret it for the rest of your life if you don't read it. I'm taking a big risk by telling you this, because I cherish your life." The guards and the inmates from my cell were watching me the whole time. They made me go back to Team 8 when they heard me clarifying the truth to Hai. After I returned to the team, the inmates took turns beating me. They beat me three times and didn't stop each time until I collapsed. They also refused to let me go to the restroom or sleep.

    The labor camp authorities issued a two-week deadline for Team 8 to "reform" Falun Gong practitioners who remained determined. Painful screams could be heard from all the cells day and night. Collaborators Yao Jianhua, Qiao Jianqun and Huang Xuefen encouraged the inmates to beat us and wrote "repentance statements" for us without our consent. Collaborator Wang Dong choked practitioner Jiang Xianfeng's neck with his hands and he grabbed her hair. Several other perpetrators joined in and pressed Jiang Xianfeng's finger on the repentance statement. Huang Xuefang wrote a statement for me and read it to me. I said, "You are shameless!" She said, "If you don't give us your fingerprint, we'll make you." I said, "Why don't you cut my finger off so you can get as many fingerprints as you want?" Once, Wang Dabi, Li Ruiying and several others tried to reform me by force. Li Ruiying grabbed my hair and banged my head against a wall, and Wang Dabi kicked me with his boots. When they sent me back to the small room, the inmates were shocked and said, "Even the collaborators beat people!" Li Ruiying ordered the inmates to force me to stand. The team heads extended my sentence by 45 days because I refused to be reformed.

    In 2004, the team heads assigned us work quotas. Detainees in Team 8 mostly did knitting. Determined Falun Gong practitioners had to knit more than 0.9 kg of yarn per month. We got up at 5:00 a.m. If we finished our assigned work, we could go to sleep at midnight after the guards finish checking the cells. Elderly practitioners who couldn't finish the assigned work quota could sleep for only three to four hours a day. My eyesight deteriorated drastically from the nearly 20 hours of work a day. Practitioner Liu Fengxia and I suffered from severe neck pain. The doctor said the muscles and tendons in our necks were stressed from our heads being lowered too long.

    Determined practitioners had the worst food in the labor camp. We were not allowed to buy food such as instant noodles from the canteen. My whole body was swollen from malnutrition by the time I left the labor camp.

    My sentence expired on June 13, 2005, but officials from Longchang County picked me up on June 15, and I was held for two extra days.

    Aside from the perpetrators mentioned in the letter, some others also took part in the persecution against me. I expose their names below:

    Chen Jiamin, Longchang County 610 Office
    Cai, officer from the Gaosishan Police Station in Neijiang City
    Wang Youfen, doctor at the No. 2 Mental Hospital in Neijiang City
    Huang, doctor at No. 2 Mental Hospital in Neijiang City
    Li Xia, Sichuan Province Women's Labor Camp
    Kang Feng, Sichuan Province Women's Labor Camp
    Liu Ping, Sichuan Province Women's Labor Camp
    Yin Dan, Sichuan Province Women's Labor Camp

    Zeng Guirong, inmate

    Tong Zife, inmate
    Chen Jia, inmate
    Mai Zonglian, inmate
    Liang Quan, inmate
    Zeng Qimei, inmate
    Lu Juan, inmate
    Zhang Shangyi, inmate
    Song Li, inmate
    Cai Huarong, collaborator
    Wan Qing, collaborator
    Lin, collaborator

    Experiences of Practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiaodong from Lanzhou, Gansu Province, Who Died in Detention in 2003

    Mr. Zhang Xiaodong was from Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu Province. After graduating from college, he joined the Gansu Aluminum Company. He started to practice Falun Gong in December 1998. He loved reading Zhuan Falun and read it over and over again. He spent a lot of time studying the Falun Gong books and he had many profound understandings.

    Since July 20 1999, the media controlled by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started its propaganda campaign against Falun Gong. Even in this environment filled with lies, slander and stress, Mr. Zhang didn't get lost at all. He immediately decided to go to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. During the National Day holiday in 1999, he went to Tiananmen Square. He shouted, "Falun Dafa is great!" Several police officers illegally arrested him and detained him in Beijing for seven days. After that, he was taken back to Lanzhou and detained for a few more days.

    Mr. Zhang then went back to work. He continued to clarify the truth to people. Initially he distributed truth-clarification materials and hung banners that read "Falun Dafa is great" in the suburbs. He often left for the suburbs at night and came back in the morning. Meanwhile, he explained the facts of Falun Gong to each and every one of his coworkers.

    In 2000, Zhang Xiaodong submitted a statement of his intention to quit the CCP to his company's Standing CCP Committee. Many people couldn't understand his action. He said, "I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I have to quit the CCP because the CCP is brutally persecuting Falun Gong. Therefore, I can't allow myself to be a member of the CCP."

    His employer refused to pay him his full salary because he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. He only got 200 yuan as his monthly income. Mr. Zhang still tried to minimize his living expenses so he could buy Falun Gong books for others.

    Someone snuck into the local practitioners' group, claiming he was interested in learning how to practice Falun Gong. Mr. Zhang introduced Falun Gong to him. A few days later, this person led police to Mr. Zhang's home and they took Mr. Zhang away. Mr. Zhang quietly recited "Falun Dafa is good" and "Eliminate the evil" on the way to the police substation. When a policeman tried to kick Mr. Zhang, he always ended up kicking the floor even though he aimed at Mr. Zhang's leg! That night, two officers were assigned to stay with Mr. Zhang to monitor him. The room next door was an interrogation room with modern equipment. On one side there was a locked door to get outside the building and another locked door to get out of the yard. There was a reception room beside the yard door. It should have been very difficult to escape.

     When the two officers went to sleep, Zhang Xiaodong took the chance to leave the room. He quickly went out of the building. When he reached the yard door, he simply asked the person in the reception room to open the door for him. The receptionist opened the door for him without asking questions. He then left. The police couldn't figure out how he was able to escape.

    After that, Mr. Zhang traveled between a few townships to clarify the truth and help people know the wonderfulness of Falun Gong even though he barely had enough money to feed himself. Meanwhile, the police were looking for him. They deceived and tricked Zhang Xiaodong's family, who don't practice Falun Gong. His family helped the police find Mr. Zhang, and the police took him away.

    His family eagerly waited for Mr. Zhang Xiaodong to return. However, Mr. Zhang was illegally sentenced to six years of imprisonment. During his last two years in prison, Mr. Zhang suffered all kinds of torture and abuse. On October 24, 2003, Mr. Zhang died in the No. 1 Detention Center (the Xiguoyuan Detention Center) at Lanzhou. He was extremely thin and looked like a skeleton.

    Five Falun Gong Practitioners Die Due to Persecution

    Mr. Wang Shize was born on April 2, 1946. He was a resident of Bazhou District, Bazhong City, Sichuan Province. He was a self-employed handicraft worker. Mr. Wang began to practice Falun Gong in 1997. After the persecution started in July 1999, he remained firm in his practice. On April 4, 2001, the persecutors illegally sentenced him to two years of forced labor and detained him in Bazhou District Detention Center. Because he refused to give up his practice and did not cooperate with the persecutors in the detention center, the police beat him many times. On January 29, 2002, staff member He from the State Security Team of Bazhou District Police Department kicked Mr. Wang's head and body several times with his leather shoes. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Wang Shize passed away. Later the perpetrators lied about the incident, claiming that Mr. Wang died of a stroke when he was using the restroom. They also had the nerve to ask Mr. Wang's family members for the funeral expenses.

    Mr. Jin Liang was in his 40s. He was an employee of Huzhou City Police in Sichuan Province. In 1996, Mr. Jin began to practice Falun Gong while living in Yichang City, Hubei Province. He returned to Sichuan Province in 1998. After July 20, 1999, Mr. Jin went to appeal and clarify the truth about Falun Gong. For this, he was persecuted by staff from the local police station. While in Luzhou Detention Center, the leader among the inmates beat him. In 2000, Mr. Jin organized the local practitioners to study the Falun Gong books together. He also went to appeal again to clarify the truth. As a result, staff at the local police station persecuted him again. Mr. Jin was forced to leave his home, and he went to Chengdu City. Around 2002, he suffered from some kind of illness and passed away shortly afterward.

    Xu Fengshu was a 73-year-old resident of Xinfa Village, Qingshan Town, Yushu City, Jilin Province. Because Xu's two daughters also practiced Falun Gong, the persecutors illegally arrested them. The police harassed Xu at her home frequently, which seriously harmed her mental health. In July 2004, Xu was diagnosed with cancer. Xu passed away on March 16, 2005.

    Ms. Wang Donglan, 60, lived on Donggongyuan Street, Xinfu District, Fushun City, Liaoning Province. She suffered from diabetes and lost her eyesight. In the fall of 1998, she began to practice Falun Gong, after which her condition improved. She became a happy person. After July 20, 1999, her husband (also a practitioner) went to Beijing to appeal. The persecutors illegally detained him, fined him, and ransacked their home. Persecutors from the community center, local police station, and their work units went to their home and harassed them many times, which aggravated her condition. Ms. Wang passed away on April 14, 2001.

    Ms. Wang Fengqin, 62, was a retired teacher in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. In 2000, she went to Beijing twice to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong and to clarify the truth. The police arrested her many times and tortured her brutally. As a result, she became emaciated. In 2001, Ms. Wang was released for medical treatment. She passed away in July 2005.

    Brief News from China - September 4, 2005

    1. [Xuchang City, Henan Province] Mr. Wang Feiyuan Illegally Sentenced to Three Years in Prison

    Mr. Wang Feiyuan is from Xuchang City, Henan Province. On February 24, 2004, he was arrested in Xuchang City and detained in Xuchang Detention Center. He was sentenced to three years in prison. In July 2004, he was sent to the Henan No.5 Jail.

    2. [Tianjin City] Ms. Han Zhijin and Ms. Wang Binghui Detained

    Ms. Han Zhijin is over 50 years old. On August 27, 2005, she was arrested and her home was ransacked by the police because she was distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials. She is being detained in the Jinghai District Detention Center.

    Ms. Wang Binghui is 59 years old. On September 2, 2005, she was arrested and the police ransacked her home for distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials on Tiantai Road in the Hebei District. Currently she is being detained in the Hebei District Detention Center.

    3. [Yuncheng City, Shanxi Province] Ms. Jin Xiu and Other Practitioners Arrested

    In the evening on August 19, 2005, Ms. Jin Xiu, Ms. Liu Liru, Mr. and Mrs. Ran, and two other practitioners were arrested by police from the Xicheng and Zhongcheng Police Stations in the Yanhu District of Yuncheng City.

    4. [Beijing] Ms. Li Yan Detained in Changping Detention Center

    Ms. Li Yan is 31 years old. On August 14, 2005, she was arrested in the Tiantongyuan area of the Changping District in Beijing while she was distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials. She is being detained in Changping Detention Center and is on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention.

    5. [Longchang County, Sichuan Province] Mr. Ye Jianguo and Mr. Huang Arrested by 610 Officers

    In the beginning of June in 2005, Mr. Ye Jianguo and Mr. Huang were arrested by personnel from the Longchang County 610 Office.

    6. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Wang Shuling from Zhaozhou County, Tuogu Town, Detained

    Ms. Wang Shuling, 45 years old, is from Yilin Village, Tuogu Town, Zhaozhou County, Daqing City. She went to the Wanlong Town Police Station in Shuangcheng City on August 29, 2005, to make arrangements to have her sister Wang Shuzhi released from Heilongjiang Women's Prison. At the police station, she was arrested by Liu Guocheng, the director of Shuangzhou City's Wanlong Town Police Station. (Telephone number: 86-459-59957555) She was detained in the Shuangcheng City No.1 Detention Center.

    7. [Shanghai] Mr. Tang Yonggan Detained in Xuhui District Detention Center

    Mr. Tang Yonggan was arrested by plainclothes police while he was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in the Huajing area. He was detained in the Xuhui District Detention Center. Telephone number of the Xuhui District Police Department: 86-21-64868911.

    8. [Hubei Province] Ms. Fan Junxia and Ms. Zhan Junmei Detained in Provincial Women's Forced Labor Camp

    In July 2005, Ms. Fan Junxia and Ms. Zhan Junmei were arrested by the local police while they were distributing Falun Gong truth clarification materials. They were illegally sentenced to one and half years of forced labor without their families being notified. Currently they are being detained in Hubei Province Women's Forced Labor Camp.

    Hubei Province Women's Forced Labor Camp

    1 Mahute Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan City, Hubei Province, Zip Code 430061

    Yu Ping'an, director: 86-27-88422101
    Mao Jing, commissar: 86-27-88422100

    9. [Liang Town, Beijing City] Mr. Qin Sheng Illegally Sentenced to Forced Labor for Two Years

    At the end of June, Mr. Qin Sheng was arrested by Fangshan District police and sentenced to two years of forced labor.

    10. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Mr. Liu Jiangsheng Detained in Laishang Detention Center

    Mr. Liu Jiangsheng, 40 years old, is from Canzhuang Village, Canzhuang Town, Zhaoyuan City. At around 9 p.m. on August 19, 2005, when he was off duty from the Jiaojia gold mine, the security guard found out that he had Falun Gong truth clarification materials on him and detained him. The next day, people from Laizhou City 610 office transferred Mr. Liu to the Laizhou Detention Center. His family was not allowed to visit him.

    Brief News from China - September 5, 2005

    1. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Jiang Guiyun Cruelly Tortured at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jiang Guiyun from Dalian City was arrested in January 2005 by police from the Fumin Road Police Station in Malanzi, Sha District. Ms. Jiang was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in Shenyang City, where she is currently being held at Squadron 1, Group 1.

    Jiang Guiyun has been on hunger strike for almost five months to protest the persecution. Her weight has dropped from 60 kg [132 lbs] to 45 kg [99 lbs] and her life is in danger.

    Li is the head of Division 1, and the group head is Zhang Lan

    Division 1: 86-24-89210406

    2. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mr. Yang Lixin Force-fed

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Lixin, 42 years old, was a cadre at the Panjin City Petroleum Company, (also called the Panjin City Petrochemical Company). In November 2002, he was released on parole from the No. 3 Prison in Shenyang City after holding a three-month hunger strike. On August 4, 2005, he was arrested for the second time, and was sent to a solitary confinement cell at the First Prison in Shenyang City. He has been on hunger strike up until now, and the guards recently started to force-feed him. They force-fed him five times with concentrated salt solution along with other things, greatly impairing Yang Lixin's health.

    According to a reliable source, officers from the Procuratorate went to the prison and said, "If he doesn't "reform" [give up Falun Gong], let him die here in the prison." We would greatly appreciate the international community to intervene in this matter. Thank you.

    Related information

    Shenyang Prison
    7 Yuxin Road, Yuhong District, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province
    Zip code: 110145

    Shenyang Prison City main switchboard: 86-24-89296556, 86-24-89296438

    3. [Tianjin City] Practitioner Ms. Li Shufeng Abducted and Held at the Banqiao Women's Forced Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Li Shufeng, and her sister Li Shumin, were held at the Banqiao Women's Forced Labor Camp in 2001.

    Ms. Li Shumin was tortured to death.

    Li Shufeng is 52 years old. She was very determined to keep her beliefs during her illegal detention at the labor camp. In late June 2004 her blood pressure was high and the labor camp authorities released her on medical parole. In early 2005, when she had partially recovered, the labor camp authorities tried to detain her again. Li Shufeng decided to leave home to avoid arrest and then work odd jobs. Her parents and parents-in-law are old and sick and need care. Her son was also recently discharged from the hospital after being treated for severe hepatitis. Her husband doesn't have a stable job, and her family is struggling. Her mother was traumatized by the death of Li Shumin and suffered a nervous breakdown. Li Shufeng needs to take care of all of this.

    In early August 2005 Li Shufeng disappeared for a few days. Her family later learned that she had been arrested at an underground supermarket where she worked. Those who arrested her were from the Banqiao Women's Forced Labor Camp. Her family went to the labor camp and asked for her, but the labor camp authorities not only refused to release her, but they didn't even let her family meet with her. Her family left some clothes for Li Shufeng, and they don't know anything about her current condition.

    4. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Guo Lirong Arrested and Her Home Ransacked by Police

    On September 1, 2005, more than 20 officers from the Chenghua Police Department in Chengdu City broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Guo Lirong, located in the Qianfeng Neighborhood District in Chengdu City. They took all of her Falun Gong books, a laptop computer, a mobile phone and other things, and arrested Guo Lirong for the second time. Guo Lirong's parents, who are both 80 years old, witnessed the arrest of their daughter by police for the second time.

    In the past seven years of persecution, Guo Lirong has been fired by her employer, the Qianfeng Water Heater Company, detained many times, sent to labor camps twice, and compelled to go into exile.


    Tang Xiaodong, head of the 610 Office
    Address: Fuqing Road Office, Chengdu City, China
    Zip code: 610051

    Liu Zhengguang, head of the Comprehensive Administration Office for the Qianfeng Company
    Wu Xiaofan, secretary

    Address: Comprehensive Administration Office of Qianfeng Company, No 2, Division 2, Fuqing Road, Chengdu City, China
    Zip code: 610051

    5. [Sichuan Province] Practitioner Yuan Yuju Sent to the Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp

    It has been verified that Falun Gong practitioner Yuan Yuju, a US citizen and a reporter for the NTDTV television station living in Hong Kong, was sent to Nanmusi Women's Labor Camp in Zizhong, Sichuan Province. Yuan Yuju is the mother of Liang Zhen. On September 1, Yuan Yuju's husband went to Luzhou City Police Department Custody Center to visit his wife and was told that she had been transferred without notifying her family. Her family later wrote to Nanmusi Women's Labor Camp and received confirmation that Yuan Yuju was held there. The labor camp authorities emphasized that the first month of detention is the "forced reform period" during which family visits are not allowed.

    The National Security Division at the Luzhou City Police Department refused to give the Forced Labor Notice to Yuan Yuju's family, because her husband refused to sign it, therefore making it impossible for Yuan Yuju's family to appeal for an administrative review.

    Lee Cheuk-yan, Cheung Man-kwong of the Hong Kong Legislative Council and Wang Kwong Wah of the District Legislative Council, signed a petition calling for the release of Yuan Yuju. This petition has been sent to the governor of Sichuan Province and the Mayor of Luzhou City.

    The Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp is known for its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. It has held several thousand Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioner Zhu Yinfang from Chengdu City was beaten to death for doing a movement from the Falun Gong exercises. Guards Zhang Xiaofang and others are known for their cruel abuse of Falun Gong practitioners. After the earlier atrocities at the labor camp were exposed, the perpetrators have resorted to more concealed and insidious methods of persecution.

    Phone calls are very effective to suppress the persecution; many Falun Gong practitioners from Sichuan Province are held at this labor camp. The perpetrators at the labor camp are now emphasizing that they are using "humanitarian means" to brainwash practitioners, but in fact they are using mental and physical torture to achieve their goals as usual. Several days ago it was learned that practitioner Lu Yanfei from Suining, Sichuan Province, was at the brink of death from torture.

    Nanmusi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Zizhong, Sichuan Province: 86-832-5212050, 86-832-5213690

    Administrative Division: 86-832-5212053

    6. [Hegang, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Jiang Yunjing on Hunger Strike at Mudanjiang Prison since August 1

    According to a reliable source, 39-year-old practitioner Jiang Yunjing from Hegang is being held at the Mudanjiang Prison. He has been on a hunger strike since August 1, 2005. We learned about this on September 3, 2005.

    Practitioner Pang Shixing was held at Ward 9 of the Mudanjiang Prison. Deputy division head Pei Shenglie and the team head violently beat and kicked him because he copied down a poem from "Hong Yin." Guards Wu Xuejun, Shi Zhiqiang and Yu Fugang violently beat practitioner Huang Guodong, held at Ward 8 of Mudanjiang Prison.

    7. [Ningxiang County, Hunan Province] Huang Liqiang Arrested and a Truth-Clarifying Materials Production Site at Her Home Damaged

    At around 11:00 p.m. on August 30, 2005, more than ten policemen from the Yutan Town Police Station in Ningxiang County and the County Police Department broke into the home of 43-year-old practitioner Ms. Huang Liqiang and ransacked it. They confiscated truth-clarifying materials and a computer, a printer-scanner-fax combo and other equipment. They arrested Huang Liqiang and put her into the County Detention Center.

    Huang Liqiang's husband, Mr. Li, and her son and daughter, were interrogated a whole day in the police department. Police forced them to talk about the practitioners who had contacted Huang Liqiang. Their intention is to persecute more practitioners.

    (Country code: 86, Area code: 731)

    Huang Liqiang's home: 7238151

    Ningxiang County Police Department and Yutan Police Station: 7882119, 7881447, 7899428, 7895999

    Ningxiang County 610 Office, Head Li Shiqiang: 7891610

    8. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Gong Yufeng Held at the Daguang Detention Center

    During the morning of August 24, 2005, personnel from the Weixing Road Police Station arrested practitioners Ms. Gong Yufeng and Wang Lanyi, employees from the Changchun City No. 28 Factory. Police ransacked their homes later on and found two books, Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and The Truth About Jiang Zemin. Wang Lanyi was released that night, but Gong Yufeng is being held at the Daguang Detention Center.

    9. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Three Practitioners Arrested

    Mr. Fan Jiahua, 61 years old, is a retiree from the Wuhou Police Station. At 8:00 p.m. on August 6, 2005, he was arrested at the Air Force Logistics Division Yard when distributing truth-clarifying materials. After 9:00 p.m. police ransacked his home.

    In June 2005, personnel from the Longchang County 610 Office arrested practitioners Mr. Ye Jiangui, 38 years old, and Ms. Guo Guofen, and sentenced them to one year of forced labor at the Zizhong City Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp. Ye Jiangui is being held at the County Detention Center.

    10. [Yangzhou City, Jiangsu Province] Li Ming Sentenced to Three and a Half Years of Imprisonment

    At the end of 2004, practitioner Li Ming from Yangzhou City was arrested and held at the City Detention Center for six months. They sentenced her to three and a half years of imprisonment in July 2005.

    In August 2005, practitioner She Guolin from Yangzhou City was sentenced to three years of forced labor.

    11. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Yang Chunhua Arrested Again

    Practitioner Ms. Yang Chunhua from Pulandian, Tiexi District, Dalian City, in her 50s, has been arrested five times during the past six years for practicing Falun Gong. She was held at the Longshan Forced Labor Camp after her the fifth arrest and was tortured into severe emaciation. Police didn't notify her family to pick her up until she was near-death.

    Through studying the Falun Gong books and doing the exercises, Yang Chuhua gradually recovered. At about 12:00 p.m. on August 31, 2005, police from Pulandian pried the steel door open and broke down the wooden door to Yang Chunhua's home. They took the half-dressed Yang Chunhua to a brainwashing class at a hotel in Dalian City.

    It is said that Yang Chunhua started a hunger strike to protest as soon as she had arrived.

    12. [Beijing] Li Dekui Held at the Qinghe Detention Center for Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials

    On August 19, 2005, 610 Office personnel followed and arrested practitioner Mr. Li Dekui from Beijing's Haidian District when Li was distributing truth-clarifying materials. Though he was found to suffer from high blood pressure and heart disease at a routine check-up during admission, police sent him into the Qinghe Detention Center.

    13. [Donggang City, Liaoning Province] Sun Juan Arrested When Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong

    Personnel from the Qianyang Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Sun Juan when she was clarifying the truth of Falun Gong in the Leida District of Yushu Village, Qianyang Town. She's currently being held at the Donggang City Detention Center.

    14. [Tailai City, Heilongjiang Province] Zhang Kuiwu and Lu Yuping Suffer Cruel Tortures in the Tailai Prison

    Practitioner Mr. Zhang Kuiwu was held at the No.11 Section of the Tailai Prison in Heilongjiang Province. Because he did the Falun Gong exercises, prisoners beat him with sticks.

    Practitioner Mr. Lu Yuping was held at the Tailai Prison in Heilongjiang Province. He was transferred to the "intensified monitoring team" because he denounced membership in the Chinese Communist Party. He was tortured with the "Big Hang Up."

    The name of the prisoner who tortured him is Ming Huanquan.

    Policemen who torture practitioners in the Tailai Prison: Zhang Weijia and Li Gang.

    15. [Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province] Liang Miaoxia Arrested

    On August 7, 2005, police in the Duanzhou District, Zhaoqing City, arrested practitioner Ms. Liang Miaoxia, the daughter of the publisher of Yangcheng Evening. She is being currently held at the Duanzhou District Detention Center in Zhaoqing City.

    Liang Miaoxia insisted on clarifying the truth and doing the exercises. Her righteous actions made the local police panic, so they aggravated their persecution of her. The police denied any family visits. They handcuffed her and threatened to sentence her heavily.

    16. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Wang Enguo Tortured in Tiebei City's No.2 Prison

    At the beginning of March 2005, personnel from the No. 4 National Security Team of the Changchun City Police Department held practitioner Mr. Wang Enguo in the basement of the Jincheng Sub Police Department. He was prohibited from sleeping. Brutal torture left a long wound on his head and caused him to be mentally unstable. Now he has been transferred to Room 204 of the Tiebei City No. 2 Detention Center for further torture. The vicious police do not allow him to speak. Wang Enguo has been on hunger strikes three times. His weight plummeted from 90 kg to 60 kg. Currently he is on a hunger strike again.

    17. [Heilongjiang Province] Falun Gong practitioners Detained at the Suihua Forced Labor Camp

    Currently, some practitioners are still detained at the Suihua Forced Labor Camp, including Xiu Zongchen (Daqing City), Yu Shuang (Daqing City), Zhan Yinge (Daqing City), Zhang Bin (Daqing City), Pu Xinjun (Daqing City), Wang Liqiang (Daqing City), Zhang Bin (Daqing City), Li Shaotie (Fujin City), Jiang Chengjiu (Qitaihe City), Yu Mingsheng (Qitaihe City), Xie with white hair (Qitaihe City), Liu Ruichen (Qitaihe City), Li Xingping (Lanfeng Village Qitaihe City), Kou Junjiang (Qitaihe City), Zhang Haifeng (Harbin City), Li Dekui (Lanxi City), Qin Yunfeng (Lanxi City), Li Kai (Suiling City), Chai Shuguo (Tieli City), Ren Shouzi (Jixi City), Sun Fengli (Hegang City), Liu Xiang (Qing'an City), Zong Chuntao (Wangkui City), Li Jiahong (Jiangchuan Farm) and Liu Fangming (Shagang City).

    Note: Some of the above practitioners are still suffering severe persecution; some may not be clear minded. The details are unknown.

    18. [Hongjiang City, Hunan Province] Xue Baoyu Sentenced to One Year of Forced Labor for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong

    Practitioner Xue Baoyu works at the Hongjiang City File Bureau. On June 30, 2005, when Xue clarified the truth to the bureau head, Yang Zhubin, Yang conducted a body search and reported this to the police department. On July 1, police officers Yi Zhongxian, Duan Jianguo, Shu Changgen and Yu Yuejun, as well as Xiang Qinghua from the 610 Office, searched Xue Baoyu's house and confiscated all of the Falun Gong books and truth-clarifying materials there. Then they sent Xue Baoyu to a detention center.

    Xue Baoyu was sentenced to one year of forced labor at the Zhuzhou City Baimalong Forced Labor Camp on August 9.

    The following are some individuals who personally persecuted Xue Baoyu (Country code: 86, Area code: 745. Do not dial area code before a cell phone number).

    Yang Zhubin, Hongjiang City File Bureau head: 13874462818 (Cell), 7212390 (Home)
    Yi Shaodong, former chief of the Political and Security Section of the Hongjiang City Police Department. (Now he has been promoted to the Huaihua City National Security Department). He was one of the chief criminals persecuting practitioners in Hongjiang City: 13907454876 (Cell)
    Yi Zhongxian, chief of the Political and Security Section of the Hongjiang City Police Department, one of the chief criminals persecuting practitioners in the city: 13974503398 (Cell)
    Liang Zhisheng, the commissar and associate head of the Hongjiang City Police Department, one of the chief criminals persecuting practitioners: 13907454576 (Cell)
    Duan Jianguo, a policeman: 13874400189 (Cell), 13874400189 (Cell)
    Zhou Jijun, a policeman: 13874579777 (Cell), 13874579777 (Cell)
    Shu Changgen, a secret agent from the Hongjiang City National Security Department: 6669359
    Yu Yuejun, one of the chief criminals. Because of actively and brutally persecuting practitioners, he was promoted to head of the 610 Office and later was promoted to associate secretary of the Political and Judiciary Committee: 13907454018 (Cell)
    Zeng Qingwen, former head of the 610 Office, one of the chief criminals: 13807456218 (Cell)
    Xiang Qinghua, used to be a driver, was assigned as deputy head of the 610 Office for actively persecuting practitioners
    Bao Lina, policewoman of Hongjiang City Police Department, 13974543399 (Cell)

    19. [Gucheng County, Hebei Province] Practitioners Liu Yuping and Jiang Yuting Arrested When Hanging Up Truth-Clarifying Banners

    Ms. Liu Yuping and Mr. Jiang Yuting are practitioners from Gucheng County, Hengshui Area, Hebei Province. During the night of August 30, 2005, while hanging up truth-clarifying banners, policemen arrested them and put them into the Gucheng County Detention Center.