The Facts of the Persecution -- September 16, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yan Fuqin Has Died As a Result of Forced Labor in Tianjin

  • The Persecution and Death of Mr. Li Guoshun, a Falun Gong Practitioner from Fujian Province

  • More Details on How Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Xiaodong Was Tortured to Death

  • More Information About the Torture Death of Ms. Lin Feng at Longquanyi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Chengdu City

  • Falun Gong Practitioners from Six Areas Including Shandong Province, Henan Province and Hebei Province Died in Persecution

  • Brief News from China - August 28, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - August 27, 2005

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yan Fuqin Has Died As a Result of Forced Labor in Tianjin

    Ms. Yan Fuqin, a Falun Gong practitioner from Tianjin who was arrested and sentenced to forced labor in September of 2004, died one year later from the forced labor in Tianjin City.

    Ms. Yan, 56 years old, lived in the Liulin Building, Apartment #29, Hexi District, Tianjin City. When she was posting truth clarification materials on September 28, 2004 in Zhujiang Garden with two other fellow practitioners, she was reported to police and was arrested. Ms. Yan was soon sentenced to forced labor in the Second Team, Banqiao Woman's Forced Labor Camp of Tianjin City. The living conditions were terrible in the labor camp, and only very little water was provide for washing or showering. Ms. Yan suffered from scabies all over her body. Even under such poor health conditions, she was still forced to do hard labor until she developed late-stage breast cancer. Ms. Yan was released in July 2005 for medical care. After painful surgery, Yan Fuqin died on the morning of September 4, 2005.

    In the short two months before her death, Ms. Yan still continuously experienced harassment and threats by the staff of the forced labor camp, the local police station, and the neighborhood committee.

    Banqiao Woman's Forced Labor Center is an evil center in Tianjin City to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Thousands of practitioners have been persecuted there, and dozens were tortured until they became injured, disabled, mentally disordered, and some were even killed

    Tianjin Banqiao Woman Forced Labor Camp, Tianjin City 300270

    Gatehouse: 86-22-63251823
    Office: 86-22-63251619
    Instruction Branch: 86-22-63251069
    Factory office: 86-22-63251479
    Director of the labor camp: Hao Demin, 86-22-63252203 (Office), 86-13803060179 (Cell)
    Head of the Second Team: Liu Junying, Xia Chunli: 86-22-63251423(Office)
    Head of the First Team, Guo Ling: 86-13012282063 (Cell); Gao Huachao: 86-22-63251415 (Office)

    Responsible personnel in the Tianjin Dagang 610 Office:
    Head, Zhou Xuanping; Liu Hengqi: 86-13802043848 (Cell)
    Deputy Head, Li Quanxin: 86-22-63390890, 86-13920299105 (Cell)
    Police Station: 86-22-23353922
    Political and Security Section : 86-22-23353922 ex. 21950,
    Director, Yao Jiawang
    Deputy Director, Wang Dashui.

    The Persecution and Death of Mr. Li Guoshun, a Falun Gong Practitioner from Fujian Province

    Li Guoshun, a Falun Gong practitioner from Baisha Town, Xinluo District, Longyan City, Fujian province, was arrested on August 23, 2004 while he was distributing truth clarifying materials. Li Guoshun protested the persecution by starting a hunger strike. He was persecuted to death on October 14. The local officials and police intentionally delayed his treatment and tried very hard to shift the responsibility and cover up their criminal acts.

    1. The labor camp refused to allow him to go home for treatment. When Li Guoshun first started the hunger strike, his mother requested twice to take him home for treatment but was refused.
    2. The prison hospital did not adopt any treatment. According to the labor camp's regulations, people from the labor camp should be sent to the local hospital because they are able to give better treatment than the prison hospital. But the labor camp intentionally sent Li Guoshun to the prison hospital, which has very poor medical treatments. The hospital did not perform any treatment on him and let his situation continue to develop. Their purpose was to let him die. After he was sent to the prison hospital, his mother called the hospital several times and no one knew Li Guoshun's situation. When he was sent to the No. 2 Hospital, Li Guoshun suffered from blood vessel cirrhosis (i.e., the hardening of blood vessels). The doctor immediately said that it would not be like that if the prison hospital had adopted some treatment earlier. It shows that Li Guoshun did not get any treatment at all. The police dared not to provide his family his illness case history in the prison hospital and the No. 2 Hospital. It is obvious that they are worried that people will find out later what really happened. They are afraid to let others know what they did and they purposely tried to cover it up.
    3. On the afternoon of October 3, 2004, Li Guoshun was sent to the Longyan No. 2 Hospital from Minxi Prison Hospital. The No. 2 Hospital immediately wrote a notice of him being critically ill. However, he didn't get any effective treatment. From October 3 to 6, Li Guoshun's treatment was delayed for over two days. On October 4, the patient paid four different treatment fees, totally over 1000 yuan. The overall expenses added up to be over 3,000 yuan. All the expenses were charged to the patient, and the labor camp refused to take on any of the medical expenses. After the No. 2 Hospital sent out the notice, Li's mother went to the labor camp and asked for help from the leaders there, and they had no choice but to try to save him, much too late.

    After Li Guoshun died as a result of persecution, Jian Zhanyue, the team leader of the special case group, claimed that Li Guoshun's death served him right. Li Qingming, the assistant director of the police station, threatened Li Guoshun's family and relatives several times. The local authorities cremated Li Guoshun's body without a signature of agreement from any of his relatives.

    More Details on How Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Xiaodong Was Tortured to Death

    In Gansu Province, Lanzhou City, at the Xiguoyuan Detention Center, the police continually persecute and torture Falun Gong practitioners. Suffering from this kind of inhumane frenzy, Falun Gong practitioners Liu Lanshong, Wan Guifu, Zhang Fengyun, Zhang Xiaodong and others were tortured to death. Other Falun Gong practitioners resorted to hunger strikes to protest the persecution and were force-fed by the police in the detention center. The so-called "food" used in force feeding was chosen on a whim by the police before they began the torture. If they wanted the victim to live, they would use powdered milk. If they wanted the person to die, they would use concentrated salt water mixed with benzene. The practitioner generally would die of thirst. The process would also make the practitioner's tongue become stiff and prevent them from saying anything. During the force-feeding process, the police continuously beat the practitioners, and repeatedly use the force-feeding tube to rub and irritate the practitioners' nasal cavity, throat and esophagus while the practitioners are still conscious. Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Xiaodong was tortured and subsequently died this way.

    On October 16, 2003, four Falun Gong practitioners, Bai Sanyuan, Zhang Xiaodong, Yang Xuegui and Wang Yunbo illegally confined inside Lanzhou City First Detention Center (also known as Xiguoyuan Detention Center), were together sending forth-righteous thoughts one day. Wang Yunbo said, "We are all innocent! We should righteously walk away from the prison gate. This place is too dirty; it's a place for criminals, not a place for practitioners like us to live in." So after saying that, they casually walked towards the front gate. The prison guards stopped them and they were sent back. Their hands were cuffed and their feet were shackled to prevent them from walking away again. Zhang Xiaodong and Bai Sanyuan protested, "You cannot use the torture instrument on us. We are law abiding, good citizens, Falun Dafa is good!"

    The prison guard dragged Bai Sanyen and Zhang Xiaodong, who were both handcuffed and shackled, from the medical division to the tough discipline division (the thirteenth division). Zhang Xiaodong was locked up in cell number six and Bai Sanyen in cell number seven.

    Zhang Xiaodong and others resorted to a hunger strike to protest the inhumane treatment. They asked for the handcuffs and foot shackles to be removed. On the sixth day of the hunger strike, on October 21, 2003, the prison guards resorted to force-feeding torture with the intention of injuring the practitioners. The division heads, Liu Wei and Liu Runqing, led this operation. Chief Zhao Guanhu initiated the torture, Xu Yue Ting and Zhao Binfong picked the substance used for the force-feeding, and the criminal doctor Kwan Xiaoman performed the force-feeding. The chosen food used in force-feeding was concentrated salt solution mixed in benzene. The prison guards also instigated other prison inmates to mercilessly beat Falun Gong practitioners in the detention center.

    Zhang Xiaodong was beaten to death on October 23. The police transferred his remains on the 24th to Kongtai Hospital. Kongtai Hospital plotted with the police and concocted a fake medical record claiming Zhang Xiaodong died of natural causes. The detention center also forced a group of convicts to act as witnesses and to fabricate false evidence.

    The detention center then dismissed all eyewitnesses inside cell number six and all personnel involved and responsible in the persecution and torture of Zhang Xiaodong. They forced all prison inmates to lie and aid in covering up their crimes and atrocities.

    Falun Gong practitioner Bai Sanyen was sent to Kongtai Hospital for emergency rescue. Luckily, the resuscitation was successful and he lived.

    September 1, 2005

    More Information About the Torture Death of Ms. Lin Feng at Longquanyi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Chengdu City

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lin Feng from Nanchong City, Sichuan Province, was illegally arrested, her home was ransacked, and she was detained in a forced labor camp on January 31, 2003. She was injected with unknown drugs and tortured until she was close to death at Longquanyi Women's Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Lin Feng died on July 26, 2005. She was only 36 years old.

    Falun Gong practitioner Lin Feng from Nanchong City, Sichuan Province

    Lin Feng lived in the Ninth Group, the Fourth Village, Wufeng Town, Shunqing Section, Nanchong City. On January 31, 2003, when Lin Feng was sending truth-clarifying materials and clarifying the truth at Mashibu, Shunqing Section, she was arrested by the Beicheng Street Deputy Office of Changzheng Road, Shunqing Section, and police officer Du from the National Security Bureau. She was sent to the National Security Bureau of Shunqing Section and was brutally beaten by the police. The police also ransacked her home and took away her Falun Gong books and materials.

    After Lin Feng was detained, the Shunqing Section Court sentenced her to three years at the forced labor camp. She was sent to the Longquanyi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Chengdu City in February of 2003 and was detained for more than two years. Lin Feng persisted in her practice of Falun Gong at the forced labor camp and often shouted loudly, "Falun Dafa is good! Zhen-Shan-Ren [Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance] is good!" She also protested the persecution by going on a hunger strike.

    During her detention, the perpetrators injected unknown drugs into Ms. Lin and caused her to go into a coma. After she woke up, she saw a lot of empty bottles that were used for injections. Because of the persecution, Lin Feng's whole body was swollen and she could not even walk. Very clear purple marks were all over her body (sign of extravagated blood). Her life was in great danger.

    The hospital examination drew the conclusion that Lin Feng had kidney necrosis and that her life was in danger. But it wasn't until May 18, 2005, that the forced labor camp sent her back to Nanchong City and informed her family to pick her up. At that time, the National Security Police threatened her husband and forced him to sign the letter to pick her up (to absolve the authorities of any liability in Ms. Lin's death). Then the police sent her directly to the Nephrosis Department of the Northern Sichuan Medical College in Nanchong City for medical rescue. They also sent the National Security Police and the 610 Office police to monitor her 24 hours a day.

    At that time Li Feng was in a coma. After she woke up, she insisted, "I am not sick. It's the evil that persecuted me like this. This is not the place I should stay. I must get out." About one week later, she left the hospital and went back home to recuperate. The National Security Bureau and the 610 Office then sent Party Secretary Chen Jufang, Village Chief Chen and team leader Wang of the Fourth Village, Wufeng Town to help the police monitor her. They did not allow Lin Feng to go out, to have contact with any other people, and they were especially careful to not allow their persecution of Lin Feng to be leaked to the outside.

    When Lin Feng was out of the coma, she exposed how Chengdu Longquanyi Women's Forced Labor Camp is a den of evil. Practitioners who create truth-clarifying materials were persecuted the most brutally there. The perpetrators dragged the Falun Gong practitioners in circles on the ground. Their clothes were torn and shredded. The practitioners were bruised, lacerated and they lost consciousness, with their blood all over the ground. The wicked authorities even told Ms. Lin's family, "We used all sorts of torture methods on her, but she still refused to give in. She is too stubborn."

    Party Secretary Chen Jufang of the Fourth Village, Wufeng Town, coordinated the brutal persecution of Ms. Lin Feng. He even torments her middle school-aged son, Lei Yu. Chen personally told Lin Feng's mother, "Your grandson (Lei Yu) cannot go to school anymore because his mother is a political offender. I will go to the school and tell the teacher not to register him."

    Under the extremely brutal persecution, Falun Gong practitioner Lin Feng passed away on the morning of July 26, 2005.

    Falun Gong Practitioners from Six Areas Including Shandong Province, Henan Province and Hebei Province Died in  Persecution

    Ms. Pan Peihua, 55 years old, was an accountant from Jinan No. 2 Machine-Tool Factory in Shandong Province before she died. In September 2001, Ms. Pan went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong with her co-workers. She was arrested on the way and was illegally detained in a detention center in Jinan City. She refused to write the so-called "Statement of Repentance." Her family members were forced to put up 5,000 yuan as a "guarantee" to get her home. Ms. Pan was monitored at home and the police often came to her house to harass her. Her husband was deceived by the Chinese Communist Party's anti-Falun Gong propaganda. He often beat Pan Peihua. He tied her to a chair when he went to work. He forced her to agree to a divorce. At the end of October 2001, her parents received a phone call from her husband, who said that Ms. Pan committed suicide. Her parents were not allowed to see the body and were denied the right to attend the funeral. Two of her daughters were allowed to attend the funeral. The whole funeral was controlled by the police. The actual cause of Ms. Pan's death is unknown.

    Mr. Wang Zhenhuai, 67 years old, was a senior engineer at Xinyang Chemical General Factory in Henan Province before retirement. After retirement, he went back to his hometown in Qi County, Henan Province. The police found a Falun Gong book at his home and arrested Mr. Wang, detaining him for a month. Even his seventy-year-old illiterate wife was sent to a brainwashing class because of his having the book. During this time, they were forced to show up at a local office whenever they were called. They were under great pressure to stop practicing Falun Gong. In the latter part of 2004, Wang Zhenhuai heard that police rampantly searched and arrested Falun Gong practitioners in Qi County. He was scared and stopped reading Falun Gong books. The sickness that he had ten years ago returned. Wang Zhenhuai passed away on November 27, 2004 in regret and pain.

    Mr. Zhao Tiezhen, 54 years old, came from XilangYue Village, Tiangongying Township, Xinji City, Hebei Province. He was in poor health after an operation in 1995 for a brain tumor, but became healthy after he started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, policeman went to his house to harass him many times. Mr. Zhao died on October 28, 2004 as a result of severe physical and mental persecution.

    Ms. Zhang Guilan, 77 years old, came from Shengyang City, Liaoning Province. She suffered from high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach disease, tracheitis and inflamed kidneys before practicing Falun Gong. After practicing Falun Gong for a while, all her diseases disappeared. After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, her son, who was brainwashed by the CCP's anti-Falun Gong propaganda, prevented her from practicing. Ms. Zhang died on September 24, 2001 as a result of her former illnesses returning.

    Ms. Bi Suhua, 68 years old, lived in Lanxi County, Helongjiang Province. After the persecution started, police from the local police station and the County Police Bureau came to her house several times to harass her, and to confiscate her property. Her daughter was arrested several times. These traumatic events deeply affected Ms. Bi and she passed away on July 9, 2005.

    Ms. Bai Guizhen, 74 years old, was a peasant in Changfeng Village, Duimiancheng County, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. She suffered from several diseases such as rheumatic heart disease, back pain and leg pain. Ms. Bai got rid of these diseases after practicing Falun Gong in 1996, and became healthy. After the persecution started, she went to Beijing to appeal. Ms. Bai was apprehended and interrogated by Beijing police and she refused to give them her name. She was released after a 5-day hunger strike. From that time on, policemen Sun Jihua, Liu Chengjiang, and others, often went to her house to harass and threaten her. Her daughter was abducted because of practicing Falun Gong. Her daughter was persecuted so badly that she became emaciated. Ms. Bai could not bear the relentless persecution any more, and died at 7 o'clock on August 22, 2005.

    Brief News from China - August 28, 2005

    1. [Baoding City, Hebei Province] Ms. Qi Caifen Arrested

    After 4 p.m. on August 23, 2005, the police arrested Ms. Qi Caifen, a retired employee of Hebei University in Baoding City, Hebei Province. She was on her way home after shopping at the Fuyuan Supermarket. Her whereabouts are unknown.

    Relevant telephone numbers:
    Hebei University Party committee office, office of the hief: 86-312-5079432, office of the deputy chief: 86-312-5079434,
    Office of the chief principal: 86-312-5079709
    The Baoding City National Security Bureau director general, Ding Yaping: 86-312-
    3135050 (Office), 86-312-3115958 (Home), 86-13903225266 (Cell)

    2. [Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Xia Meifen Arrested at Home

    On the night of August 10, 2005, Ms. Xia Meifen from Beizhaizi Village, Qishan Town, Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province was cooking at home. About seven to eight policemen from Qishan Town Police Station and the 610 Office suddenly rushed in, pulled and dragged her into a car and searched her home.

    3. [Jiaozhou City, Shandong Province] Ms. Gao Siping and Others Arrested

    At around 10 a.m. on August 18, 2005, more than ten policemen from the Jiaozhou 610 Office and the Nandu Village Police Station suddenly broke into Ms. Gao Ruifen's home in Nandu Village. They arrested her and Gao Siping. Their whereabouts are unclear.

    The Nandu Village Police Station in Jiaozhou: 86-532-85230025

    4. [Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang Province] Ms. Zheng Yingchun of Fuyuan Town Arrested

    Ms. Zheng Yingchun of Fuyuan Town, Fuyuan County is over 40 years old. On August 25, 2005, police officer Zhang Sidong and others from the political protection section of the Fuyuan County Public Security Bureau arrested her at her home. She is now being held at the Fuyuan County Detention Center.

    Relevant telephone numbers:
    Chief of the political protection section, the Fuyuan County Public Security Bureau
    Zhang Sidong: 86-454-2135110-5972 (Office) 86-454-2131008 (Home)
    The Politics and Judiciary Committee secretary (610 Office), Bu Yanqing: 86-454-
    2132859, 86-454-2131861 (Home) 86-13349545333 (Cell)

    5. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Chi Xiuhua of Xinbin County Arrested

    In mid-June 2005, Ms. Chi Xiuhua of Xinbin County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province was arrested in the Xinbin County general merchandise building. She was sent to the Luotaishan Village brainwashing center in Fushun for further persecution.

    Relevant telephone number:
    The Politics and Judiciary Committee secretary, Song Junlin: 86-413-5080010,86-
    413-5086001 (Home), 86-13941345007 (Cell)
    The Director general, Wang Yunfei: 86-413-5080201 (Office)
    The Head of the national protection unit, Zhao Yazhong: 86-413-5080216 (Office)

    6. [Shaanxi Province] The Police from Xi'an Jiaotong University Arrest Mr. Yang Huaiyong

    Mr. Yang Huaiyong, who only has one arm, lives in Village No. 1 of the family living quarter of Xi'an Jiaotong University. On August 20, 2005, four to five police officers and plainclothes policemen talked him into opening his door. Then they forcibly arrested him.

    The Xi'an Jiaotong University 610 Office: 86-29-82665007
    The National protection unit of Beilin Sub-bureau in Xi'an City, Li Zhian: 86-29-87420844
    The Party committee office of Xi'an Jiaotong University: 86-29-82668231
    Office of the principal: 86-29-82668234

    7. [Linjiang City, Jilin Province] The Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp Detained Mr. Xu Dongcheng beyond His Term

    Mr. Xu Dongcheng from Linjiang City, Jilin Province became homeless in order to avoid persecution. In August 2002, when he was destitute, the local police followed and arrested him. They sent to the 5th team of the 2nd brigade in the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun for three years of forced labor. He has been persecuted and tormented while in the labor camp. His term was due to end on August 19, but because he firmly practices Falun Gong, he is still being held.

    8. [Jiujiang, Jiangxi] The Police Arrest Ms. Xiang Shuirong

    On the afternoon of August 26, 2005, policemen from Jiujiang arrested Ms. Xiang Shuirong, Ms. Gao Meili and Zhu.

    9. [Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wei Shoutang of the Bu Village Coal Mine Arrested

    On August 22, 2005, Mr. Wei Shoutang of the Bu Village Coal Mine, Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province was reported for clarifying the truth on his way home from work. The Diao Town Police Station arrested him. His whereabouts are unknown.

    Relevant telephone number:
    Diao Town Police Station: 86-531-83511006
    Office of manager: 86-531-83511328
    610 Office: 86-531-83212281

    Summary of Other Articles and News - August 27, 2005

    Mr. Zhang Wentao Abducted and Sentenced by the Zhaodong Municipal 610 Office, His Wife Ms. Sun Xiujuan has Been Forced Away from Home

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Wentao from Zhaodong City, Heilongjiang Province, was abducted on November 23, 2004 by the Zhaodong Municipal 610 Office and sentenced to three years. His wife Ms. Sun Xiujuan was harassed many times by the authorities because of her practice of Falun Gong. On May 12, 2005, she was deceived into going to the city's lockup, to visit her husband Mr. Zhang. The wicked police asked her to sign a document, but she refused. Then the police illegally locked her up in the women's prison. Later on, because Ms. Sun was not well, she was released. After she returned home, Ms. Sun was forced to leave home and move from place to place to avoid rearrest.


    Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Guiqin from Laixi City, Shandong Province, Illegally Sentenced to Labor Camp

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Guiqin from Laixi City, Shandong Province, is 57 years old. On the evening of May 12, 2005, she was abducted by four police officers. On the morning of May 13, officers from the Sunshou Local Police Station and the village cadres ransacked her home. Ms. Zhang's children demanded their mother's release. The local police said they would release her in a few days. However in July, without notifying her family members, they illegally imprisoned Ms. Zhang in the Zibo Wang Village Labor Camp.

    Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Teng Shijun Abducted

    Mr. Teng from Tumen City, Jilin Province, is 37 years old. When he was sixteen years old, he suddenly developed Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS). His four limbs became weak and he could not do heavy labor. Later on, he started to practice Falun Gong, and returned to health. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, because Mr. Teng persisted in the practice, he was dismissed from his workplace. Mr. Teng was illegally arrested, imprisoned and subjected to brainwashing many times. He was once tortured by the labor camp to near death before he was released. The unlawful personnel from Tumen City often harassed his family. In October 2004, Mr. Teng escaped from the brainwashing class with righteous thoughts. Since then, he has been homeless and destitute. On August 16, 2005, Teng Shijun was arrested once again. He is currently imprisoned and being persecuted in Tumen Prison.