The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- September 12, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Falun Gong Practitioners Suffer Persecution in Huanan County, Heilongjiang Province Between January and August of 2005

  • Four Older Falun Gong Practitioners Pass Away as a Result of Persecution

  • Six Falun Gong Practitioners from Jilin, Liaoning and Sichuan Provinces Died as a Result of the Persecution

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - August 18, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - September 7, 2005

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Suffer Persecution in Huanan County, Heilongjiang Province Between January and August of 2005

    Li Jun, head of the National Security Division at the Huanan County Police Station in Heilongjiang Province, and his subordinates Wang Jinfeng and Chen Yujun, among others, have been constantly and illegally arresting and sending Falun Gong practitioners to prisons and forced labor camps for several years.

    With compassion, Falun Gong practitioners have repeatedly clarified the truth to them, and Li Jun himself nearly lost his life twice in car accidents. Those incidents were warnings of karmic retribution, and afterwards the police were not so vicious in their treatment of Falun Gong practitioners. Unfortunately, the recently appointed director, Liu Dequan, instituted a "hundred-day action" by the police department, and issued new quotas and guidelines for treating criminals and solving cases, resulting in Li Jun and his subordinates persecuting Falun Gong practitioners even more intensely. During January and August 2005, eleven Falun Gong practitioners and their family members were illegally arrested and subjected to extortion. Along with Li Jun, deputy director Lu Guang, who was primarily responsible for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, defamed and slandered Falun Gong openly on TV and threatened to intensify the persecution.

    On January 14, 2005, police officers Li Jun, Wang Jinfeng, Chen Yujun and Huang Xiaodong illegally broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioners Liu Shuxian and Zhang Youjin and ransacked it. They took every item related to Falun Gong and arrested the couple and their guest, Falun Gong practitioner Yan Xifa. The older mother, who is over eighty, was left without care. The practitioners were later released after being rescued by family members and fellow practitioners.

    Falun Gong practitioner Li Cheng was arrested in June. Li Cheng was handicapped before he learned Falun Gong, and he had brain tumors and a bleeding thalamus, with symptoms similar to those of cerebral thrombosis. He couldn't take care of himself and he was in coma for a while. A CT scan of his head at the Jia City Hospital revealed six brain tumors, and doctors predicted that he wouldn't live for more than a year and a half. After Li Chen learned Falun Gong and began practicing in 1996, he recovered his health and returned to a normal life.

    One of the persecutors was ordered to pretend to be a Falun Gong practitioner, and acted as if he wanted to befriend Li Chen. After gaining Li's trust, he implemented the arrest. Li Chen was detained for almost three months. He was recently released. Li was originally sent to a forced labor camp in Jiamusi City, but was refused due to poor health.

    During June and August, the criminal officials and police successively arrested Falun Gong practitioners Wang Zhen, Wang Hongyan, Liu Chunjing, Zuo Guijuan, Liu Guangyou and family members Liu Shuchi and Liu Yue.

    Liu Shuchi is the wife of Wang Zhen, and she's not a practitioner. She was, however, arrested along with Wang Zhen and sentenced to imprisonment in a forced labor camp.

    Wang Zhen was sent to a forced labor camp in Jiamusi, but he wasn't accepted due to poor health and was released.

    Liu Yue is the daughter of Liu Guangyou, but she wasn't a practitioner. She operated a clinic in their home. Li Jun made up a reason and ransacked the house, claiming to look for bogus medicine, and found some Falun Gong books. To protect her loved ones from persecution, she claimed they were hers, and as a result she was arrested and sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp. The persecutors arrested her father Liu Guangyou again, and he's now detained in the Huanan County Detention Center.

    Wang Hongyan is disabled and has a humpback. She said, "Before I learned Falun Gong, I never experienced sleeping while lying flat, and it was terrible for me, trying to go to sleep every night." After Wang Hongyan learned Falun Gong and took up practition, her health improved and she began to look younger. She heard that Falun Gong practitioner Li Dezhen's living conditions were poor, and she did as much as she could for the family, bringing them rice and noodles. She was followed by a persecutor, and was illegally arrested and sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp. Li Dezhen was illegally detained at Jiamusi. The 7.7 Mu (1/15 of a hectare, 7200 sq. ft.) of land that Li Dezhen worked on for a living was forcibly taken from him and sold by Huanan Town official Chen Yongbo and Happy Village Secretary Li Zhongyou, and Li Jun received 3000 yuan from the sale. Li Jun also got 2600 yuan that Li Dezhen had earned working in Beijing when the police illegally searched him.

    Zuo Guijuan has been released and Liu Chunjing is still being held at the Huanan County Detention Center.

    Police Station of Huanan County
    Li Jun National Security Division 86-454-6239981, 86-13946435900 (Cell)
    Wang Jinfeng National Security Division 86-454-6224708, 86-13836697678 (Cell)
    Chen Yujun National Security Division 86-454-6224708, 86-454-6281715
    Liu Dequan Director 86-454-6235990, 86-13224541111 (Cell)
    Lu Guang Deputy Director 86-454-6235995
    Dong Hui Deputy Director 86-454-6236659
    Xu Zhixiang Deputy Director 86-454-6236559
    Yu Hongjun Deputy Director 86-454-6223896
    Wu Binjie Deputy Politics Secretary 86-454-6239935
    Huang Yonghong National Security Division 86-454-6228109
    Wang Zhanying Criminal Investigation Division 86-454-6225219

    Chinese version available at

    Four Older Falun Gong Practitioners Pass Away as a Result of Persecution

    Ms. Chen Songnan, 72, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. She was the widow of Song Shiyun, former Deputy President of the Southwest Finance and Economics University. Before learning Falun Gong, she had many illnesses, and she weighed only 77 lbs. After stared practicing Falun Gong, all of her diseases disappeared and her body weight increased to 110 lbs. In December 2003, she was illegally arrested by police from Guanghua Police Station in Chengdu City, and detained in a brainwashing class by the Qingyang District 610 Office. Since she persisted in practicing Falun Gong and refused to compromise, she was persecuted to death. The detailed information cannot yet be verified.

    Guanghua Police Station: 86-28-87370431, police officer Liu Jingtao: 86-13908079276 (Cell)

    Ms. Gao Zhongqin, 73, was from Nongan County, Jilin Province. Before practicing Falun Gong, she suffered from migraines, neuralgia, hepatitis, adnexitis, nephritis, and was subjected to the torment of these diseases for decades. In April 1998, she fortunately learned about Falun Gong, and started diligently practice Falun Gong. During this period, Teacher purified her body. Afterwards, she experienced great health. Moreover, after she practiced the standing stance wheel-holding position for more than ten days, her deafness, which had lasted for years, was suddenly healed. She could even hear whispers. All of her family members and neighbors witnessed the miracle of Falun Gong. But the good times did not last long. After July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin and his gang launched the persecution of Falun Gong. Out of fear, Gao Zhongqin didn't dare to practice the exercises or read Falun  Gong books. As a result, all of her diseases came back. Especially when fellow practitioners nearby were persecuted by the evil, her fear grew. She passed away on December 20, 2002 after medical treatment proved to be insufficient.

    Ms. Tu Aimei, 65, was a teacher in Wanping Primary School. She learned Falun Gong in 1997. In the middle of May 2005, she passed away as a result of long-term persecution by Jiang's gang.

    Mr. Anchen, 68, lived in Lunan District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. After practicing Falun Gong in 1998, he regained his health. After the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, seized with terror, he was hurt greatly both mentally and physically, resulting in the recurrence of his old diseases. He passed away in July 2003.

    Chinese version available at

    Six Falun Gong Practitioners from Jilin, Liaoning and Sichuan Provinces Died as a Result of the Persecution

    Mr. Jia Hongxin, sixty-six years old, was an officer of the Jilin Province Ganan County Art and Physical Education Department. He started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. Before he started practicing Falun Gong, Mr. Jia had suffered a stroke and a brain hemorrhage. He had internal bleeding of the cerebellum for two weeks due to a serious motorcycle accident, which left him mentally disoriented and without the full use of the right side of his body, but he quickly recovered after practicing Falun Gong. He was even able to take part-time jobs after he retired. After the Chinese government started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, however, the police frequently went to Jia Hongxin's home and harassed him. They also repeatedly made illegal searches of his home several times a day, taking anything they wanted. In May 2000, Jia Hongxin went to the police department to apply for a retirement I.D. card. Instead, he was illegally detained for fifteen days after the police falsely accused him of having written the cover page of an anonymous letter in support of Falun Gong. One July evening that year, Zhao Yanhai from the Administration and Security Section of the police department and four other police officers surrounded Mr. Jia's home and accused him of sending letters. Incidents of this nature began to occur regularly, but Jia Hongxin wouldn't cooperate with the police harassment, and he was forced to move out of his home to avoid persecution. In 2003, when Mr. Jian returned to sell his home, seven policemen, including Yang Xiufeng, were dispatched to search his home again. After being repeatedly threatened and hounded, Jia Hongxin suffered a relapse of his former illness, and he passed away on May 23, 2004.

    Ms. Lin Yongqin was seventy-three years old, and she was a Falun Gong practitioner from Jilin Province, Lishu County. After her daughter Dai Chunhua was tortured to death on March 9, 2002 at the Siping City Jail in Jilin Province, local policemen often went to Ms. Lin's home to harass her, which caused her illnesses to return. Ms. Lin Yongqin passed away in December 2004.

    Ms. Cui Shufan was sixty-nine years old, and she was a Falun Gong practitioner from Jilin Province, Lishu County. She started practicing Falun Gong in October 1997, and she benefited both physically and emotionally. Many of her illness disappeared. After July 20, 1999, Ms. Cui was frequently harassed and mentally tortured by policemen from the local police department, and she was unable to study Falun Gong and practice the exercises regularly. Because of this, her old illnesses returned, and Ms. Cui passed away on April 22, 2004.

    Mr. Yan Haihe was fifty-four years old, and he was an employee at Jilin Province, Lishu County Teacher's College. He and his wife learned about Falun Gong together in 1996. His wife was illegally detained in a forced labor camp twice since 2001, for a total of four years, because she refused to give up Falun Gong. Mr. Yan took care of their thirteen-year-old child, who is still in school, by himself. He was frequently harassed at his home by policemen and his employer, and he died on May 7, 2004.

    Mr. Ding Yongtao was an eighty-four-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning Province, Dalian City. Before he started practicing Falun Gong, he suffered from chronic atrophy of the cerebellum, hypertension, brain aneurysm, heart ischemia, mal-absorption in the stomach and intestines, and constipation. He relied on medication to keep him alive and was cared by family members. Mr. Ding started practicing Falun Gong in 1998. After seven days, his digestive system became normal, he no longer needed his cane, and when he went to the hospital for a physical examination, every test indicated that his physical functions were within normal parameters. After July 20, 1999, Mr. Ding lost the environment to continue practicing Falun Gong and his physical condition became worse and worse. He passed away on November 15, 2004.

    Ms. Xiao Jizhen was eighty-one years old. She lived in Chuanxing Town of Xichang City, Sichuan Province. In March 2001, her eldest daughter went out to clarify the truth, and she was arrested and sent to jail. Knowing what had happened to her daughter put tremendous mental pressure on Xiao Xuizhen. In addition, national security officers went to her home and harassed her, and illegally sent her daughter to Zizhongnanmusi Forced Labor Camp, where she was tortured until she suffered a mental collapse. Personnel from the forced labor camp notified her family to take her back home when she was in critical condition. Xiao Jizhen was in extreme grief when she saw her daughter's condition. She tripped and fell at home on April 10, 2004, and passed way on April 14, 2002.

    Chinese version available at

    Summary of Other Articles and News - August 18, 2005

    1. Practitioners in Dehui City Resist Persecution in Court

    On August 16, 2005, the Dehui City Court of Jilin Province started the trial against Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Ma Chunli and Mr. Zhu Guoyou. Ms. Ma Chunli was on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and endured long-term cruel torture. She is on life-sustaining medication. The court officials ignored her critical condition and had her carried to the courthouse to sentence her. When Mr. Zhu Guoyou and Ms. Ma Chunli shouted, "Falun Gong is good!" the court session was called to a close.

    2. Cases of Practitioners Being Abused in Hong'an County, Hubei Province

    The Hong'an County State Security Office Head Yao Xuejun (male) and his collaborators cruelly tortures Falun Gong practitioners. Mr. Yang Caiyin, an excellent teacher, was dismissed from his job due to his steadfast faith. He was arrested multiple times, tortured in detention centers, and forced to serve in the forced labor camp. He died after suffering five years of brutal abuse.

    Practitioner Ms. Xiong Guimei's home was ransacked. She was arrested, threatened and had money extorted from her. She does not have a stable environment in which she can practice Falun Gong. She has been bedridden four years, cannot tend to her daily needs, and her life is in danger.

    3. Practitioner Ms. Deng Yi from the Haizhu District in Guangzhou City Arrested and Taken to Brainwashing Center; Family Denied Visits

    Practitioner Ms. Deng Yi from the Haizhu District walked out of a brainwashing session in mid-July of 2004. Less than half a year later, she was arrested again on January 7, 2005 by officials from the Haizhu District 610 Office, the Jiangnanzhong Street Neighborhood Administration, and the police station. They imprisoned her in a brainwashing center called the "Guangzhou City Legal Education School" located in the Chatou Area. Ms. Deng has been on hunger strikes many times. Starting in mid-June of 2005, the authorities have strictly prevented her family from visiting her.

    4. Tongliang City Government Employee Ms. Yang Qin Arrested

    On the morning of August 7, 2005, practitioner Ms. Yang Qin, an employee of the Tongliang City Government, was reported for passing out truth clarifying materials in the Tongliang City Education Department and was arrested by the city 610 Office. Ms. Yang had been arrested and detained three times previously. Before practicing Falun Gong in 1996, she used to have chronic headaches, toothaches and a bone spur. Her entire body became swollen and she experienced muscle hardening. Falun Gong gave her a new life.

    Summary of Other Articles and News - September 7, 2005

    Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Ding Shumei and Ms. Liu Yuanling Tortured at the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Hebei Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Ding Shumei, a 44-year-old elementary school teacher from Zhazishi Street, Xuanhua District, Zhangjiakou City went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong on March 2, 2000. She was illegally detained for one month. In October 2001 she was sentenced to three years of forced labor and sent to the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp in Tangshan City. On August 10, 2005, the persecutors tried to send her to a labor camp, but many labor camps refused to take her. After arriving in Baoding City, Hebei Province, the local police paid a large amount of money to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp officials so that they would take Ding Shumei. She has been on hunger strike for more than 10 days and her life is in danger.

    Since August 1, Shi Jiangxia, head of Division 2 (a division that holds only Falun Gong practitioners) and political head Li Yanji at the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp tortured Falun Gong practitioner Liu Yuanling. They didn't allow her to eat, stripped her naked, cut her hair, shocked her with electric batons, beat and kicked her, and otherwise insulted her. They also took Liu Yuanling's clothes and quilts. On the morning of August 7, perpetrators Li Yanji, Tian Zhili, Fan Miaolu and Yan Yurong beat Liu Yuanling. On the morning of August 10, Li Xuejun, the political head of Division 2, dragged Liu Yuanling out and forced her to run, in the name of "running" and "training." Liu Yuanling refused to follow Li Xuejun's orders. The perpetrators told Yan Yurong to ferociously kick Liu Yuanling's back and stomp on her feet. Liu Yuanling was tortured for more than ten days, yet she still remained determined in her Falun Gong practice.

    Lawless Police in Xuyong County and Gulin County in Sichuan Province

    On August 18 and August 19, police cars parked at a thoroughfare on their way from Gulin County to Xuyong County.

    A group of police officers broke into Falun Gong practitioner Wan Mingjun's home, ignoring the fact that a member of Wan Mingjun's family was critically ill and bedridden. They ransacked the home, illegally arrested Wan Mingjun, and took a computer and some Falun Gong materials to the Xuyong Police Department. On August 19, the police arrested Wan Mingjun's daughter, who is not a Falun Gong practitioner. On August 22, Wan Mingjun's wife passed away. Gulin County police officials reluctantly let Wan Mingjun go home for ten days to take care of the funeral, but first they extorted a 5,000 yuan "deposit" from Wan Mingjun's adult children and forced them to write a guarantee statement. During the funeral, the police constantly monitored Wan Mingjun.

    At around 9:00 p.m. on August 23 two police cars from Xuyong County and Gulin County drove to the family dormitory, which is affiliated with the Xuyong County Agriculture Bureau. They ransacked the home of Falun Gong practitioner Zhu Xiangling, took her to the police department and interrogated her for about one hour.