News and Events from around the World -- September 11, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Toronto, Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners Continue Peaceful Appeal During Hu Jintao's Visit

  • Bo Xilai Facing Lawsuit in New York - Plaintiffs Demand Arrest, Conviction and Expulsion

  • Italy: Falun Dafa Becomes More Popular on the Island of Sardinia

  • Toronto, Canada: Falun Gong Practitioners Continue Peaceful Appeal During Hu Jintao's Visit

    Hu Jintao arrived in Toronto at 10:30 a.m. on September 10, 2005 continuing his visit in Canada. Outside the Toronto Intercontinental Hotel where Hu stayed, more than 500 Falun Gong practitioners from across Canada and parts of the US continued their peaceful appeal for an end to the persecution.

    Falun Gong practitioners continue their peaceful appeal for an end to the persecution

    Falun Gong practitioners peacefully appeal outside the Toronto Intercontinental Hotel

    Falun Gong practitioners' peaceful appeal

    Falun Gong practitioners held up banners reading "Hu Jintao, the time that God and people give to you is limited" at all routes of where Hu Jintao's motorcade would pass by. The same message could be seen on seven highways from the airport to the hotel. Outside the hotel, there were peaceful practitioners and over a hundred banners bearing messages calling for and end to the persecution.

    Canadian mainstream media continue focusing on Falun Gong issues

    CCP's persecution of Falun Gong has become the focus of Canadian mainstream media these past few days. At 11:20 a.m. on September 9, 2005, Canadian TV Station veteran reporter Roger Smith, in front of numerous international media, asked Hu Jintao how he responded regarding Falun Gong practitioners who displayed photos depicting the persecution and torture, pro-democratic activists and intellectuals outside Parliament Hill. Hu Jintao sidestepped the question.

    At 11:20 a.m. on September 9, 2005, in front of many international media, Canadian TV Station veteran reporter Roger Smith asked Hu Jintao how he responds regarding Falun Gong practitioners displaying photos depicting persecution and torture and abuses, pro-democratic activists and intellectuals outside Parliament Hill.

    "Just as I mentioned in my comments, ... I did raise the issue of Falun Gong." Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin said in his reply to Roger Smith's question, "We believe that both economic development and better governance requires not only openness and transparency, but an understanding of the importance of human rights."

    During Prime Minister Martin's meeting with Hu Jintao, human rights issues were placed on the very top of the agenda. This is the second time that Canadian Prime Minister publicly raised the issue of Falun Gong with Chinese leaders. The mainstream media extensively covered this in their reports next day, causing strong reactions in Canada. The mainstream media including CBC, CTV, Globe and Mail, Toronto Star, Canadian Press reported in prominent position that Canadian Prime Minister publicly raised questions about China's human rights including Falun Gong.

    * Hu Jintao enters his hotel via an inconspicuous road

    On September 10, 2005 at 11:20 a.m., Hu Jintao's motorcade entered the Toronto Intercontinental Hotel's parking garage from an inconspicuous road behind the hotel. The Toronto Chinese' "Welcome" group who began beating drums and performing Yangkou dance at the main entrance from 7:00 a.m. did not have a chance to see the person they wanted to meet.

    Hu Jintao's motorcade enters the hotel via an inconspicuous road behind the Toronto Intercontinental Hotel, Falun Gong practitioners are welcoming him there.

    Bo Xilai Facing Lawsuit in New York - Plaintiffs Demand Arrest, Conviction and Expulsion

    On September 8, 2005, the directors of the International Advocates for Justice and the Human Rights Law Projects filed a criminal lawsuit against Bo Xilai, charging him with torture.

    The lawsuit states that defendant Bo Xilai, when head of Liaoning Province, planned, instigated, ordered, authorized and incited police and other security personnel to abuse the plaintiffs and other similar victims. He also directed, controlled or instigated these personnel to carry out the abuse.

    The lawsuit further pointed out that Bo Xilai's aforementioned actions took place in an environment of nationwide persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Police and security personnel in Liaoning Province and in China took part in this large-scale and systemic persecution. Their lawless behaviors include murder, arbitrary detention, forced labor, brutal and savage abuse and torture in complete disregard for the law.

    Attorney Han Shuhui, director of the International Advocates for Justice, said this case affects the interest of the US and of US Falun Gong practitioners who were persecuted by Jiang Zemin and personnel from the 610 Office. Jiang and 610 Office personnel tried to eradiate Falun Gong from the US by spreading lies to the legislative and administrative departments in the US.

    Attorney Han Shuhui pointed out that the Chinese Communist Party launched a vicious and slanderous propaganda campaign against Falun Gong in the media, on the Internet and via China Central Television satellite programs, which poisoned the minds of hundreds of thousands of Chinese people living in the US. After the 911 terrorist attack, right away, the CCP described Falun Gong practitioners as terrorists and incited hatred against Falun Gong, using similar methods the Nazis used when they incited hatred against the Jews.

    Attorney Terri Marsh said, "Defendant Bo Xilai is criminally responsible for his actions and those committed by his subordinates in Liaoning Province. It is a matter of principle to hold Bo responsible for his crimes within the parameters of law."

    Based on the defendant's violations of Falun Gong practitioners' human rights and civil rights in China, the plaintiffs asked the South District Public Prosecutor's Office in New York to:

    Take immediate actions to thoroughly investigate the alleged, aforementioned crimes of accused defendant Bo Xilai;

    Issue an arrest warrant and detain the defendant so he cannot leave USA territory until his crimes in violation of US laws are investigated and he is officially convicted;

    Notify the US customs and Immigration Bureau (Homeland Security) of Bo Xilai's actions, his alleged crimes and illegal behavior, and of the tortures he participated in, which violate international laws on freedom of belief. Bo Xilai is a declared criminal in the US and should be expelled according to US law.

    Immediately start a criminal lawsuit against Bo Xilai, as federal laws state that lawsuits may be filed against individuals who personally participated in the act of torture in a foreign country or who have instigated others to participate in similar crimes.

    Italy: Falun Dafa Becomes More Popular on the Island of Sardinia

    At the end of July and the beginning of August, some practitioners from Switzerland and Italy went to the island of Sardinia to promote Falun Gong. A young practitioner from Switzerland who went to Sardinia one year ago helped to make this journey happen.

    Practicing Falun Gong and Setting up Truth-clarification Posters in the park

    Sardinia is only slightly smaller than Sicily and is a famous holiday place in Italy. Every year, its unique natural scenery and popular beaches attract many tourists from all over the world.

    Practitioners demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises in the park every morning. Many people who were doing various exercises in the park would stop and come to see our poster display boards. They were watching us doing the exercises. Some people also took leaflets.

    Truth-clarification at a tourist attraction

    We held Falun Gong information days in the cities of Olbia, Sassari and Nuoro. We also went to many famous places with lots of tourists and distributed leaflets. While we were demonstrating the exercises in the square, many tourists and local citizens stopped to watch us, read the poster boards and take leaflets. A lot of people could not understand why the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. But more people asked us where they could learn the exercises.

    One middle-aged gentleman told us he had seen a documentary program regarding the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners by the CCP on the television. He felt furious and shocked. He has been thinking of finding out more about these exercises and now he saw us here holding the information day. He was so happy. We told him about Zhuan Falun, the main text of Falun Gong practice, and that he can read this another Falun Gong book online.

    There was also a journalist called Catalina who works for a daily newspaper called Sardinia Island United Newspaper which is issued throughout the island. Catalina reported the stories of Falun Gong practitioners and revealed the truth of the persecution by the CCP using a whole page spread. We were happy that more people on Sardinia Island could learn about Falun Gong.

    Sardinia Island United Newspaper reports on Falun Gong