The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- August 28, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • An Urgent Call to Rescue 16-Year-Old Ms. Sun Yanpei

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Niu Guilan from Changle County, Shandong Province Dies Unjustly

  • More than One Hundred Practitioners from Qiqihar Arrested and Persecuted During the Past Three Months

  • Hebei Province's Fourth Prison Abuses Falun Gong Practitioners Inhumanely

  • Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Persecuted in Lanzhou Prison

  • Brief News from China - August 11, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - August 17, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - August 19, 2005

  • An Urgent Call to Rescue 16-Year-Old Ms. Sun Yanpei

    The Zhaoyuan City Public Security Bureau in Shandong Province Declares, "We Must Also Arrest Children"

    When we read the news on that 16-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Sun Yanpei had been arrested and sent to a forced brainwashing center in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province, we started calling the Zhaoyuan City Public Security Bureau in Shandong Province. We were shocked when they told us, "We must also arrest children who practice Falun Gong because the government bans Falun Gong."

    We made phone calls to the Zhaoyuan City Public Security Bureau on the morning of August 15, 2005. The following staff members/offices took our calls: the Bureau Chief, Mr. Cai Ping (86-535-8213899), people on duty at the Bureau Office (86-535-8213885) and staff members of the State Security Team. All of them claimed that they were unaware of the arrest.

    We called the Captain of the State Security Team at 86-13506458909 and asked him, "Why must you arrest a 16-year-old girl?" He was silent for a while before he hung up on me.

    We called again the next day on August 16. When we asked them the same question, the man on duty answered, "I am not sure. Hold on for a minute." Then he gave the phone to a woman. The woman replied, "There is a good reason why we arrested her. We must also arrest children who practice Falun Gong because the government bans Falun Gong." Then she hung up on us. When we called the office again, no one answered the call.

    Apparently the police knew they had done something wrong because they tried to seal the information after they made the arrest. Then after we exposed the scandal, they refused to admit they had done something wrong. Moreover, they continue to imprison the young girl. We suggest that fellow practitioners in Zhaoyuan City thoroughly expose the facts of the persecution against Ms. Sun Yanpei, as well as the policemen involved in the persecution. It would be helpful if people could distribute the facts to every corner of the city. If people could obtain the involved policemen's home addresses, please post the flyers containing their wrongdoing on their doors and their neighbors' doors. Keep doing so until they release Ms. Sun unconditionally.

    Meanwhile, we suggest that Falun Gong practitioners inside and outside of China keep sending strong righteous thoughts to transfer all the pain the authorities have caused Ms. Sun Yanpei to all of the involved policemen.

    Brief Background about Sun Yanpei

    Ms. Sun Yanpei is a young Falun Gong practitioner in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province. She is 16 and a student at Zhaoyuan First High School in Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province. Her parents are both Falun Gong practitioners. Her father Mr. Sun Guo is currently incarcerated in the Shandong Province Prison and her mother Ms. Teng Yingfen has been homeless for four years in order to avoid being captured and tortured. Ms. Sun has been left at home without her parents' care. On August 12, 2005, the staff members from the local 610 Office arrested her at her school and sent her to a local forced brainwashing center. Ms. Sun has been on a hunger strike as a way to peacefully protest the persecution against her. Her health and life are at serious risk.

    Relevant Telephone Numbers

    The Secretary of Zhaoyuan City Committee Wang Shiliang (male): 86-535-8232868
    The Zhaoyuan City Mayor, Zhang Wei (male): 86-535-8211771 (Office)
    The Deputy Secretary of the Zhaoyuan City Committee in charge of political and legal affairs, Jiang Zhongqing (male): 86-535-8210955 (Office) 86-535-8236878 (Home)
    The Secretary of the Zhaoyuan City Political and Legal Committee, Xu Linhong (male): 86-535-8216988 (Home) 86-13808910011 (Cell)
    The Chief of the Zhaoyuan City Public Security Bureau, Cai Ping (male): 86-535-8213899 (Office) 86-13705358566 (Cell)

    Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Niu Guilan from Changle County, Shandong Province Dies Unjustly

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Niu Guilan is from Changle County, Shandong Province. She was illegally detained over ten times and persecuted because she believes in Falun Gong. The severe persecution caused her health to deteriorate. Ms. Niu passed away on July 18, 2005.

    Ms. Niu Guilan was an employee at the Auto Town Hospital of Changle County, Shandong Province. She learned Falun Gong in 1997. Before she started practicing, Ms. Niu had diabetes, high blood pressure, and other physical problems. After she practiced Falun Gong for several months, all her diseases disappeared. She became very healthy and saved the country and her work unit from incurring huge expenses for her medical treatments. After she started practicing Falun Gong, Ms. Niu Guilan strictly followed the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. She was greatly admired by her co-workers in her work unit. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, former Auto Town Party Committee Secretary Yu Limin, current Secretary Gao Lide, as well as leaders in the hospital brutally persecuted Ms. Niu Guilan and another Falun Gong practitioner.

    From July 20, 1999 to the end of 2001, Ms. Niu Guilan was illegally detained over ten times.

    The following is a summary of the persecution she suffered:

    Under the high pressure and brutal persecution implemented by the CCP, Ms. Niu Guilan was forced to give up practicing Falun Gong. Her health regressed to its former state and her illnesses returned. Specifically, after 2002 she often went into shock and was not very clear-minded. Her health continued to deteriorate. With the help of fellow Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Niu resumed the practice in 2004 but was again forced by CCP in April 2005 to quit. At the same time, she published her Solemn Declaration and declared that all her words and actions that did not comply to the standard of Falun Gong were invalid. Due to the CCP's longstanding policy of terror, Ms. Niu's children were very frightened by the persecution. They tried to stop their mother from practicing Falun Gong and sent her to the Changle County Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital many times. Eventually, Ms. Niu Guilan passed away on July 18, 2005.

    More than One Hundred Practitioners from Qiqihar Arrested and Persecuted During the Past Three Months

    Since March 2005, more than 100 practitioners from Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province have been unlawfully arrested, and almost everyone has been persecuted with various torture methods such as the "Big hang up" (1). Two practitioners have been persecuted to death, many have been injured badly and disabled and are no longer able to work. Most of the persecuted practitioners are elderly. Some of them have been detained for several months and fined 3,000 - 5,000 yuan before they were released. At present, twenty-three practitioners are still detained at the No. 1 and No. 2 Detention Centers. They have all been physically tortured, some have broken bones and others have bleeding head wounds.

    Before July 20 of this year, a special "work group" in charge of persecuting Falun Gong in Heilongjiang Province visited most of the area jails. Whenever a jail was visited by this special work group, the practitioners there were severely persecuted. Twenty-three practitioners detained at the detention center were directly persecuted by this special work group. Six of the practitioners did not cooperative with the persecutors during violent interrogation sessions. The persecutors could not finalize their cases, so they began again the process of collecting "evidence" using violence against the practitioners. An elderly practitioner, Ms. Liu, was tortured with the "big hang up" again. Her hands were cuffed behind her back and she was hung up three times with only her toes touching the ground.

    Qiqihar City has been rampantly persecuting practitioners over the last several years. A lot of practitioners were unlawfully sentenced and sent to forced labor camps. At every department of all detention centers, forced labor camps, jails, and police stations, collecting "evidence" using violence, and forced brainwashing are commonly employed.

    Tailai Prison is one of the biggest prisons in Qiqihar City. Many Falun Gong practitioners are detained there. In order to reach the quota of "transformation" of Falun Gong practitioners, the persecutors have tried all means to brutally torture practitioners. Besides that, they block all information, disapprove of practitioners meeting with family members, and appoint inmates to monitor the practitioners. When practitioners refuse to cooperate with the persecutors by not writing "transformation" declarations, the persecutors beat them severely. Practitioner Ms. Zheng Lianqing, who was detained at Team 3, Division 5, has been tortured fifteen times. Ms. Zheng's head was fractured by the division director, Wang Zhiling, and Zhang Weijia. On the coldest days of winter, Zheng Lianqing was hung outside for several hours. This disabled her hands, and she can no longer conduct daily activities. Practitioner Ms. Lu Yuping is detained at Division 1 and has been suffering greatly because she refuses to renounce Falun Gong. Every time she practices the Falun Gong exercises, she receives a serious beating. The physical torture usually happens in the water house. Several times, Lu Yuping woke up long after having fallen unconscious, and she was almost killed once. Practitioner Mr. Liu Yinquan had to be sent to the hospital because of the torture, and he is now in critical condition.

    Heilongjiang Province has always been at the forefront of the persecution of Falun Gong since the persecution began in 1999. The persecutors have tried all means and spent large sums of money, materials, and human resources to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Many practitioners are still unlawfully detained at the infamous Shuanghe Forced Labor Camp, the Fuyu Forced Labor Camp, Tailai Prison, Daqing Prison, Harbin Prison, Wanjia Forced Labor Camp and others. The torture methods used by the persecutors are brutal and shocking. A large number of practitioners have been unlawfully sentenced and sent to forced labor camps, and some practitioners have been tortured to death.

    Prison Management Bureau of Heilongjiang Province
    Address: Harbin City
    Phone: 0451-6316442, 6342238, 6342139. The bureau head answers the phone himself on Wednesdays.

    (1) "Big hang up" - There are two forms of this torture: 1) With both hands cuffed behind the back and only the toes touching the ground, one is hung by a rope that is tied to a metal window frame. 2) One hand of a practitioner is cuffed to one bunk bed and the other hand to another bed, and the two beds are pulled in the opposite directions. It is excruciatingly painful as the body is pulled.

    Hebei Province's Fourth Prison Abuses Falun Gong Practitioners Inhumanely

    The Fourth Prison of Hebei Province claims to be a model prison, but in reality it is an extraordinarily dark place, and it is one of the largest institutions that persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. Education Division prison guard Zhang Zhonglin is the person in charge who carries out forced brainwashing of practitioners. He is so ruthless that even other prison guards believe that Zhang Zhonglin is a wicked person.

    Torture and cursing are a part of everyday life, and prisoners who were convicted of murder, rape, and robbery are the accomplices of the prison guards. The prison guards order them to monitor Falun Gong practitioners closely and arbitrarily abuse them. The Education Division's "Task Force," organized to persecute Falun Gong practitioners, was made up of prisoners who have been convicted of felonies. The prison guards and the prisoners work together trying to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief, by severely abusing and torturing them. If they succeed, the prison guards receive a bonus and the prisoners receive reduced prison terms. Some prisoners were asked to help but later quit because they couldn't handle the cruelty and the bloodiness. They would rather serve their full sentences then perform those inhuman deeds. Consequently, the Education Division had to look for the most hardened and wicked prisoners to help.

    The "Task Force" tortured Falun Gong practitioners by a method known as "Enduring Eagle," which is really prolonged sleep deprivation. The prison guards and the prisoners took turns watching Falun Gong practitioners to make sure they didn't fall asleep. They used a dry towel to rub practitioners' eyeballs if they fell asleep. They turned the benches upside down and forced Falun Gong practitioners to sit on the legs of the benches with their legs crossed. The entire body weight must be on the bench legs and no movement was allowed, or else the practitioners would face torture. Food was provided initially, but rationed soon after; then it was prohibited for practitioners to eat, drink and use the bathroom. Every day the practitioners were questioned and tortured and subjected to brainwashing with fake news clips. According to prisoners, people subjected to this torture would begin to discharge blood after 4 days, and experience mental collapse 5 days later.

    The political head of the Third Team of the Fifth Prison Ward ordered prisoners Li Hua and Shi Chunsheng to take charge of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Zhengqing. The two prisoners abused Mr. Guo frequently. One day after returning from working in the field, Shi pushed Mr. Guo to the ground. Guo Zhengqing's right leg was seriously injured, and his right foot was deformed. He couldn't move and was carried back to his cell by others. Shi Chunsheng was delighted to see this. That evening, Guo Zhengqing went to the bathroom four times. Twice he went to the bathroom by sitting on the floor and moving inch by inch. The other two times, he crawled to the bathroom. Whenever Guo Zhengqing spoke, Li Hua would smack him with a foot long composite plank until the plank was covered with blood. Li Hua exclaimed, "It is the order of the division chief not to let Guo Zhengqing speak."

    In March of 2003, the "Task Force" used the "Enduring Eagle" torture on Guo Zhengqing, and he was not allowed to sleep for eight consecutive days and nights. Together with other prisoners, Third Team political head Liu Rufeng brutally tortured Mr. Guo for three nights. Mr. Guo lost consciousness numerous times, and his face and limbs were deformed by the eighth day. Now Guo Zhengqing is disabled from the brutal torture, and his right leg is numb all the time.

    In the Fourth Prison Ward, Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Weijin was forced to wear shackles while working in the field; in the Sixth Prison Ward, Falun Gong practitioner Wang Shujun's head was covered with wounds due to severe torture; in the Twelfth Prison Ward, Falun Gong practitioner Liu Weiji wrote a letter to the prison warden to report the evil acts of the "Transformation Class." The retaliation by his prison section was ruthless. He was tortured mercilessly in vulnerable areas such as acupuncture points and muscle tendons. Later Liu Weiji was put under "Strict Control," and was watched around the clock.

    On February 28, 2003 in the Fifth Prison Ward, prison guards confined Falun Gong practitioner Liu Huimin to the reception room with the windows and door closed. Every day he was forced to sit on a bench for a long time and no movement was allowed. Zhang Dongsheng and Zheng Xiangqian, two former Falun Gong practitioners who betrayed Falun Gong (collaborators), tried to brainwash him. Failing in their efforts, the two even asked prison guards to persecute Mr. Liu. Four prison guards threatened and intimidated him for two weeks, but they failed to "transform" him. They locked Liu Huimin in the stage studio, applied the "Enduring Eagle" torture and tortured him in other ways as well. Mr. Liu was not allowed to use the bathroom, not allowed to eat or drink, and not allowed to wear warm pants in winter. He had to wash his soiled pants and wear them wet. He also had to sit on the legs of a bench and not fall asleep. The prison guards used a dry towel to rub his eyeballs if he became sleepy. Prison guards Zhang Zhonglin and other thugs tortured Liu Huimin brutally. Mr. Liu's ribs were broken; and he almost died after a heavy punch to his testicles. Mr. Liu also lost his memory.

    A prisoner recalled later that one evening, prison guard Zhang Zhonglin and his accomplices punched and kicked Liu Huimin frantically in a dim, small room. Mr. Liu was beaten down, and when he sat back up, he was beaten down again, and again until the prison guards were tired. The next morning, the guards found that Liu Huimin's coat and pants were soaked with blood and wanted to wash them. Mr. Liu refused. Zhang Zhonglin instructed a prisoner to punch Mr. Liu on his genitals. Liu Huimin instantly fell to the ground and was sweating all over his entire body. The thugs forcefully removed his clothes and took him to his cell. The next day he was forced to work in the field.

    Falun Gong practitioner Liu Huimin was a First Lieutenant in the armed forces. He was forced to leave the army in November 1999 because he practiced Falun Gong. In July 2000, the county police department illegally detained more than 40 Falun Gong practitioners who were working in the fields. In August 2, Liu Huimin went to the county appeals office to request the release of detained Falun Gong practitioners and to ask that the good name of Falun Gong and Master Li be reinstated. Because of that, Mr. Liu was illegally sentenced to five years in prison and was imprisoned in Hebei's Fourth Prison (Shijiazhuang Northern Suburban Prison).

    Over the last few years, the Hebei Province Fourth Prison "Education Division" committed massive crimes against Falun Gong practitioners. They put Falun Gong practitioners in solitary confinement in the reception room or studio, and used "Enduring Eagle," a torture method recommended by the Provincial 610 Office, to forcefully "transform" Falun Gong practitioners. They have used different kinds of deadly tortures against practitioners, and some of the practitioners have almost lost their lives. The so-called "Group Study" was really a forced brainwashing class. In the class, slanderous propaganda and the fake video clips were played repeatedly. The brutality of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is worse than the Cultural Revolution.

    A few practitioners betrayed Falun Gong and even helped the evil to persecute practitioners after being brainwashed by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) propaganda. Most of the people, however, are clear-headed. Some of the kind-natured prisoners understood the truth of the persecution after seeing the madness of the evil. Under the influence of Falun Gong practitioners' righteous thoughts, righteous actions and compassion, some of the prisoners have awakened, and two of them have begun to practice Falun Gong.

    Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Persecuted in Lanzhou Prison

    In the past few years, more than one hundred Falun Gong practitioners have been unlawfully detained in Lanzhou Prison. The majority of them were transferred to other prisons after a period of time, but about 30 male practitioners are currently suffering from lengthy persecution in Lanzhou Prison. Female Falun Gong practitioners are now detained in the women's prison. Below are some of the incidents that the male practitioners suffered under the persecution at Lanzhou Prison.

    Persecution facts of Falun Gong practitioners with known names:

    Mr. Li Wenming, 30 years old, was sentenced to 20 years in prison. He is now being persecuted severely in the No. Three Ward and is said to be on a hunger strike.

    Mr. Wang Youjiang, 30 years old, was sentenced to 10 years. Due to torture, he now has a stiff back and needs a cane to walk. He is extremely weak and severely mentally traumatized.

    Mr. Du Xin, over 30 years old, was sentenced to four years in prison. He was dragged to the "self-examination room" and brutally beaten by prisoners Cao Feng, Wei and others. They took him to the "Team," and forced him to write guarantees to promise to obey the prison regulations. After several months of forced labor Mr. Du was transferred to the Dingxi Prison for further abuse.

    Mr. He Jianzhong, 40 years old, was sentenced to seven years in prison. He suffered torture in the confinement room, where he was forced to wear handcuffs, shackles and a prison uniform. After Mr. He stepped out of the confinement room he could not walk, and had to depend on someone or a cane for help. His hair has turned completely white.

    Mr. Gao Feng is over 30 years old. He was sentenced to four years in prison for practicing the Falun Gong exercises. He was hung up on "the single bar" many times, handcuffed on an electric pole, and handcuffed in general for long periods of time. Mr. Gao constantly protested the illegal detention with hunger strikes. He was tortured with force-feeding and drug injections. Guards Wang Changlin, Liu Bincheng and others beat Mr. Gao cruelly with electric batons. The skin on his mouth, face, neck and head was swollen, blistered and festering from the beatings. Prisoner He Congshan often brutally beat Gao Feng. The prison police and the prisoners often conducted body and bed searches on him.

    Mr. Guang Ziping, over 20 years old, was sentenced to a total of five five-year prison terms. He was brutally beaten by the police in the prison's Ward One. Mr. Guang was handcuffed to a metal door for a long time and he conducted a hunger strike in protest. Later, because he didn't cooperate with the forced labor, guard Yang Dongqiang dragged him to the confinement room by force. His back and limbs were scratched and his clothing was in disarray from the dragging. Mr. Guang was put into handcuffs and shackles, forced to wear the prison uniform, immobilized on a metal chair and force-fed for over twenty days. Furthermore, he was forced to write a guarantee note saying that he would participate in heavy labor after being released from the chair.

    Mr. Jing Fashui, over 30 years old, was given a three-year sentence. The prison guards Wang Mingzhong, Liu Runyun, Wang Weihong, Kong and others forced him to watch Falun Gong-slandering videos repeatedly. They also forced him to write a guarantee statement in exchange for their promise that they would reduce his sentence. Mr. Jing was subjected to forced labor and made to write a guarantee statement monthly.

    Mr. Wang Xiaodong, over 30 years old, was sentenced to eight years in prison. He did not cooperate with any of the persecutors' requests. He refused to wear the prison uniform, didn't "report," didn't say "here," didn't count off during the head count, didn't cooperate when ordered to squat, didn't shave his head and didn't answer the "exam" questions. Instead, Mr. Wang requested to practice the exercises. Guard He Liqing beat him savagely many times. Guards Wang Changlin, Zhao and others sent prisoners Zhao Hui, Cao Feng, Ma Ling and He Congshan to force him to wear the prison uniform and shave his head. They shaved his head, resulting in more than a dozen bloody cuts. During the day Mr. Wang was handcuffed onto a metal door; at night he was handcuffed to the bed frame. Prisoners Zhao Hui and Cao Feng beat Wang Xiaodong many times. Later, when he was locked in the confinement room, the guards and prisoners in the confinement room cruelly beat him. After he protested with a hunger strike, Mr. Wang was sent to a prison in the Jinchang District.

    Mr. Mao Libing's sentence term is unknown. While he was incarcerated in a detention center and persecuted to the point of being extremely weak, the perpetrators sent him to Lanzhou Prison. Mr. Mao's family has no money. Knowing this, the police set him up. They sent him to a hospital and spent several thousand yuan to treat him. Then they used this incident as bait and forced him to write material against Falun Gong, "reformation" notices and words to thank the Chinese Communist Party for "saving him."

    There are many people detained in Lanzhou Prison who have illnesses, but the prison authorities do not provide them with medical help. Their only purpose for "helping" Mr. Mao was to force him to go against his conscience.

    Persecution information about Falun Gong practitioners whose names we do not know at present:

    In the team for newcomers, a Falun Gong practitioner who refused to cooperate with the persecutors shouted, "Falun Gong will last forever!" The guards and a group of prisoners escorted him out with his head down. The practitioner called out all the way along, which shocked the evildoers and inspired the prisoners throughout the prison wards who heard him and praised him.

    In the Ninth Prison Ward, a Falun Gong practitioner went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The guards and prisoners beat him ruthlessly, subjected him to sleep deprivation, force-fed him, and later forced him to perform heavy manual labor sewing footballs.

    In the Eighth Prison Ward, a Falun Gong practitioner didn't cooperate with the guards when he first arrived, and suffered severe beatings. This practitioner was later forced to perform difficult physical labor, polishing precious gemstones. Every day the team needed to get up at 6:00 a.m. and they did not get off work until 11:00 p.m. This kind of labor is quite intense. In addition, because of the guards' viciousness, prisoners were frequently tortured and locked in solitary confinement. The environment is so vicious that some ordinary prisoners committed suicide to escape, while many others attempted to escape. Once, as a prisoner was being beaten to death by the guards, he called out "Save me!" The guards taunted him, saying, "We'll beat you to death; the maximum punishment we would ever get would be a three-year sentence with a fourth year on probation."

    In Prison Ward One, the head, Yang Dong, deceived a Falun Gong practitioner by enticing him with a reduction in sentence and promising him a home visit as bait to force him to write a guarantee note and accept being "reformed".

    In the Eleventh Prison Ward, the guards and prisoners cruelly beat an older Falun Gong practitioner and forbade him from sleeping. After several weeks of continuous monitoring and daily viewing of a video that slandered Falun Gong, he was eventually forced to write a guarantee statement to reform. He was in extremely weak health, and was still forced to do manual labor, living in extreme fear every moment.

    In the Eighth Prison Ward, prison guard Liu Youren abused Falun Gong practitioners during training who didn't cooperate with the prison drills and did not call "password" on cue. The guards forcibly dragged the practitioners to an office and beat them ruthlessly with electric batons. Later, practitioners in another prison team prepared to discuss this unjust torture with Liu, who was scared of the power of righteous thoughts; therefore, he disappeared. At night, the prison held a secret meeting, fearing that this news would encourage the other Falun Gong practitioners. They decided to scatter the majority of the Falun Gong practitioners into different wards.

    Once, when a detention center escorted eight practitioners to the prison, the prison guards started to confiscate a Falun Gong practitioner's book. Because the practitioner refused to release it, the prison guards beat him without remorse. The other Falun Gong practitioners then shouted, "Don't hit him!" Because there were people from other prison wards and prisoners who were visiting the doctor in the yard, many people were watching. One of the guards was scared of the attention and hurriedly called out, "Don't shout!" Later, he returned two of the Falun Gong practitioners and an older, weak Falun Gong practitioner to the detention center; the rest were kept in the prison.

    The incidents listed above represent just a small fraction of the atrocities committed in the Lanzhou Prison. Similar incidents are happening daily during this persecution of Falun Gong. Further details of these situations and the precise figures of how many practitioners have been grossly abused and traumatized are not yet known.

    Brief News from China - August 11, 2005

    1. [Suining, Sichuan Province] Jiang Wanyun and Other Practitioners Detained at a Brainwashing Center

    Ms. Jiang Wanyun, Ms. Chen Jiaxiu, Ms. Guo Xiuqiong, Ms. Wang Fayun and Ms. Duan Qiongying were forcibly taken to a brainwashing center to be "transformed" around July 14, 2005.

    2. [Wendeng City, Shandong Province] Sun Wenping and Bi Jinfeng Arrested by 610 Office Personnel

    Ms. Sun Wenping and Ms. Bi Jinfeng from Kouzi Town, Wendeng City were arrested by 610 Office personnel on July 29, 2005.

    3. [Guangzhou] Chajiao Middle School Teacher Wang Keng Arrested

    Mr. Wang Keng is a teacher from Chajiao Middle School in Guangzhou. He clarified the facts at his workplace on August 8, 2005. On the evening of August 10, personnel from the 610 Office of Fangcun arrested and tortured him at a brainwashing center.

    4. [Dong'e County, Shandong Province] Si Guirong Illegally Arrested by 610 Office Personnel

    On July 30, 2005, the local police from Gaoji Township Police Station ransacked Ms. Si Guirong's house in Chenji Village and forcibly arrested Si Guirong. They were led by cadres from Chenji Village, Gaoji Township, Dong'e County, Shandong Province. The police first tried to extort 400 yuan from Si Guirong. After Si refused to pay, they lowered the sum to 200 yuan. Si Guirong firmly resisted their extortion and the police were unable to make her comply. On August 1, Si Guirong was released.

    On August 5, Gaoji local police arrested Si Guirong once more and tortured her at Dong'e County Detention Center, where she is still detained.

    5. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ma Xueqing Imprisoned in Yaojia Detention Center

    Ms. Ma Xueqing from Dalian was monitored and tracked while going to work early in the morning on July 28, 2005. She was arrested and her house was ransacked. She is presently imprisoned at Dalian Yaojia Detention Center. The main perpetrators are officials from Chunhai local police station and Zhongshan Police Department. The responsible persons are Li Zhenyong and Sun Gang. Telephone: 86-411-82718680.

    6. [Beijing] Ji Guixia Arrested Again by Pinggu District 610 Office Personnel

    Ms. Ji Guixia is from Zhangzuo Village, Kaoshanji Township, Pinggu District in Beijing. She had suffered from epilepsy for many years. After practicing Falun Gong, her illness was gone. After the persecution started on July 20, 1999, Mr. Ji was arrested many times for practicing Falun Gong. In August 2005, Pinggu District 610 Office personnel arrested her again.

    Relevant Units and Personnel:

    Vice Squad of Pinggu District Police Station, Zhang Yijun. Tel: 86-10-69967905
    Team Members of Pinggu District Police Department National Security Group: Wang Xiaohua, Zhang Daming, Zhang Peihua - Tel: 86-10-69962880
    Beijing Pinggu District Police Department - Tel: 86-10-69961271
    National Security Group - Tel: 86-10-69962880
    Detention Center - Tel: 86-10-69961219

    7. [Hengyang, Hunan Province] Luo Youmei Arrested and Imprisoned in a Detention Center

    On the afternoon of August 4, 2005, Hunan Hengyang City National Security Group police officer Zhou Zhuwen led seven people to Ms. Luo Youmei's home to arrest her and her husband, who does not practice Falun Gong. They illegally ransacked the couple's home. Ms. Luo's husband was later sent home on the afternoon of August 8. Currently, Luo Youmei is imprisoned at the Hengyang City Second Detention Center.

    8. [Fushun, Liaoning Province] Wanghua District Teacher Wang Jinglan Arrested

    On the morning of July 21, 2005, Wanghua District Political and Judiciary Committee arrested Ms. Wang Jinglan at her home. Currently, she is imprisoned at the Fushun Luotai Mountain Village Brainwashing Center.

    Summary of Other Articles and News - August 17, 2005

    Facts of the Persecution: The Persecutions Suffered by a Falun Gong Practitioner at Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp

    In November 2002, the guards at Jiamusi Forced Labor Camp beat and kicked Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhou Yongliang and didn't allow him to use the restroom. One day in June 2003, the guards used Mr. Zhou Yongliang, who was emaciated, as a punching bag, hitting him while wearing boxing gloves. On one occasion they handcuffed Zhou Yongliang to a bed and forced him to sit on a stool. They allowed him to sleep for only two to three hours each day and tortured him until he lost consciousness. While Zhou Yongliang was sitting on the stool, the criminal inmates burned his face with cigarette lighters, leaving several scars. Besides burning him with the lighter, they pinched his nose and ears with pliers and pulled out his moustache, one hair at a time, causing him great pain.

    Summary of Other Articles and News - August 19, 2005

    Perpetrators from the Changshou National Security Bureau in Chongqing have recently abducted Falun Gong practitioners

    On the evening of June 30, 2005, perpetrators from the Changshou National Security Bureau and from many police departments in Chongqing ransacked Falun Gong practitioners' homes. On July 1, Falun Gong practitioner Wang Gaizhi and her husband, as well as employees from the Chuanwei Factory were abducted, as were the following practitioners: Chen Zhongrong from Taiping Township, Duzhou Town, practitioner Kong Fanhui from Xingfulu Village, practitioner Zhang Xiuyun from Gelan Town, and practitioner Guo Yunqing from Fengcheng Town. Practitioner Zhang Xiuyun escaped with the power of righteous thoughts one month into her detention. Practitioner Wang Gaizhi and Kong Fanhui were sentenced to 18 months of forced labor. Wang Gaizhi's husband, Zhang Benli, was held for 28 days. Practitioner Cheng Jianbo received an unlawful arrest warrant on July 20.

    Recent persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Wulumuqi City

    On the morning of August 9, 2005, Wulumuqi City government enforcers arranged numerous arrests of Falun Gong practitioners. The city government also assigned quotas to the district governments. We have recently learned that Falun Gong practitioner Liu Hong from the Xinshi District was arrested and sent to a brainwashing class. Since June 12, the perpetrators from Xinshi District abducted practitioners Liu Zhongxiang, Liu Xiaoru and his wife, and numerous other Falun Gong practitioners. They also ransacked the practitioners' homes. Yang Tao, head of the National Security Bureau at the Xinshi District Police Department was among the perpetrators who tortured the practitioners. It is also learned that the court is planning to try Falun Gong practitioners in violation of the Chinese Constitution and hand out heavy prison sentences before October 1, 2005.

    Repeated persecution of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Du Kesong from Wendeng City

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Du Kesong, 69 years old, lived in Wendeng City, Shandong Province. Over the past six years he was repeatedly persecuted. The main perpetrators are Wang Yongjian, Xiang Hongping, Li Yinglin, Sun Guohai and other personnel from the Wendeng City 610 Office and the police department. Mr. Du was twice illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor for a total of six years, was detained four times, and held four times under security detention. The perpetrators fined him 2,000 yuan and his home was ransacked three times. Du Kesong was ruthlessly persecuted only because he refused to give up his belief in Truth-Compassion-Forbearance. Even after Mr. Du was released on medical bail due to high blood pressure, the police still repeatedly harassed and persecuted him, which greatly traumatized him. His family lost a total of 30,000 yuan as a direct result of the persecution over the past six years.

    Police officers in Xianghe County, Hebei Province abduct a practitioner and extort large amounts of money from his family

    Mr. Zhang Yuhui, 38 years old, lived in Wangjiabai Village, Anping Town, Xianghe County, Hebei Province. He did some bad things early in his life. After he learned Falun Gong in 1995, he conducted himself according to Truth-Compassion- Forbearance and became a good person. Since the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20, 1999, the perpetrators harassed and threatened Zhang Yuhui many times, especially on so-called sensitive dates. As a result, Zhang Yuhui was compelled to leave home.

    On April 7, 2004, Zhang Yuhui was abducted by perpetrators from the Xianghe County Police Department and National Security Bureau and was sent to a detention center where he was incarcerated under criminal detention for one month. He was later sent to the Langfang City Brainwashing Class. Mr. Zhang's family was threatened after his abduction, and the perpetrators tried to extort 60,000 yuan from his family. After his family made some connections, the perpetrators lowered the amount to 40,000 yuan. Zhang Yuhui's family borrowed lots of money and was barely able to pool the extortion amount. They hoped the money would be returned later.

    Zhang Yuhui was released after about a month of persecution. He had to work different jobs the following year to pay back the debt. In May 2005, personnel from the Xianghe County Police Department National Security Bureau told Zhang Yuhui, "We confiscated your money and will not return one yuan."