The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- August 11, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Practitioners Beaten to Death at Harbin Prison and Tailai Prison

  • Additional Information on the Death of Practitioner Ms. Liu Jie in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province in 2003

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Decai and His Daughter Persecuted - A Happy Family is Shattered

  • Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Heilongjiang and Sichuan Provinces Die as a Result of the Persecution
  • Brief News from China - July 27, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - August 3, 2005

  • Practitioners Beaten to Death at Harbin Prison and Tailai Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Dayuan, whose only crime was that he believed in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," had his arms, breastbone, and legs broken at Harbin's Third Prison in Heilongjiang Province. Later, Mr. Wang was beaten to death at this "model prison."

    Since CCP started persecuting Falun Gong practitioners in 1999, Chen Shuhai, the head of the 610 Office of the Third Prison, has often incited criminals to beat and curse Falun Gong practitioners that were illegally imprisoned there. As a result, Falun Gong practitioners were persecuted in all kinds of ways.

    On April 4, 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Wang Dayuan (former lecturer of the Computing Department of Harbin Industrial University) was beaten to death at this prison. That day, the prison guards enticed four prisoners with shortened jail terms to coerce them to beat Mr. Wang Dayuan. First they broke his arms, then his breastbone. Then they pushed his broken breastbone inside his chest, and subsequently broke Mr. Wang's legs. Even after all this, the vicious prisoners did not stop torturing Mr. Wang. They forced him to crawl, and beat him while he was crawling. Eventually Wang Dayuan stopped breathing.

    In 2004, because of the nonstop worldwide exposure of the crimes perpetrated at the Third Prison in Harbin City, a Human Rights Organization affiliated with the United Nations planned to conduct an investigation there. After hearing this, the prison authorities used the excuse of maintenance operations and tried all possible means to stop the investigation. Later, due to all kinds of pressure, the Provincial Prison Judicial Bureau ordered the Third Prison of Harbin City to secretly send more than 20 Falun Gong practitioners to Tailai Prison on July 1, 2004. Additionally more than 20 other practitioners were transferred to the Daqing Prison. The remaining Falun Gong practitioners were transferred to the Mudanjiang Prison. Only after all this clean-up was done, was the UN Human Rights Organization allowed to investigate there. The investigation result was predictable.

    After these Falun Gong practitioners were transferred to other prisons, they were still subjected to all kinds of inhumane tortures. The most outrageous behavior happened in the Tailai Prison. The prison guards forced Falun Gong practitioners to work extended hours, as long as 14 hours per day (from 5:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.). Falun Gong practitioners were not even allowed enough time to eat. The daily chores assigned to practitioners were as huge as a mountain. If they weren't able to finish the work in time, they were handcuffed and shackled, beaten, cursed at, and even tortured. Under this persecution, many Falun Gong practitioners suffered tremendously, both mentally and physically.

    At one time the prison authorities found Falun Gong practitioners practicing the exercises. The guards hung the practitioners by their waists, letting their heads, hands and legs drop down. Their entire bodies were hung in a very painful way. Even then, the guards didn't stop cursing and beating the practitioners, and made them suffer even more pain all over their bodies. The practitioners were tortured to unconsciousness or even death.

    When a family member of a practitioner came to visit him, the prison guards forced that family member to help brainwash the practitioner. However the practitioner was not moved. As a result, the prison guards set up an iron board under the baking sun, and forcibly tied the practitioner to the board. When the practitioner was nearly roasted, they threw him into cold water. This torture was repeated several times, until the practitioner lost consciousness.

    The living conditions in the prison are extremely bad. The main daily meals for Falun Gong practitioners consist of corn cereal and cakes that are hard to swallow. The soup is full of bugs, and the vegetable soup consists of a few leaves in a thin broth, with a lot of sand in it. The food sent by the practitioners' families to help them out is confiscated by the guards, who use all kinds of excuses.

    Starting May 15 2005, Falun Gong practitioners' family members have not been allowed to visit them at the Tailai Prison. The outgoing or incoming letters of Falun Gong practitioners are confiscated. The reason is that on May 15, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Pan Hongguang was beaten to death. People heard Pan Hongguang moaning for a long time after he was beaten. When someone shouted "They have beaten him to death," suddenly it became silent all around. Later, all the prison guards started to use all possible means to block the news, in order to cover the crime they had committed.

    Head of Tailai Prison: Zhang Zhicheng, 86-452-8229203, 86-452-8239203
    Service Section: 86-452-8225443
    Office of the Tailai Prison: 86-452-8237949
    Police of No. 8 Zone: Yang Hongxiu, Ji Jingping, Chen Bingjiang
    Postal code of Tailai Prison Heilongjiang Province: 162401

    Additional Information on the Death of Practitioner Ms. Liu Jie in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province in 2003

    At around noon on February 6, 2003, Ms. Liu Jie and her husband, Mr. He Weidong, were driving southbound on Beida Street in their minivan. While they waited for a traffic light at the intersection of Shizi Street, two policemen from a police car parked by the roadside approached them. Without showing any identification, they asked for and took away Mr. He's driver's license, telling him, "You have to come to the police station with us. Someone has reported you." The police also wanted to take the two passengers in their van to the station, but eventually let them go. Mr. He had no choice but to drive to the station. Three policemen came from inside the station. The one named Xiang Junqiu told Mr. He, "Someone reported you for distributing Falun Gong fliers." Then he asked Yang Baolan and another policeman to search Mr. He's van, but they did not find anything.

    Then policemen Zhang Guofu, Dong Huiqun, and Liu Guochen arrived. Zhang found a few cards containing the words "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" in the car. He then interrogated the couple one at a time. Zhang had Mr. He searched, but nothing incriminating was found. They then drove the couple's van and took them to the police department. In the meantime, Dong Huiqun, Liu Guochen and another policeman from the Dongfeng Police Station searched the couple's home. Their son, Ms. Liu's paralyzed father-in-law and elderly, ailing mother-in-law were at home at the time. All through the arrest and the search, not a single policeman showed any identification or warrant.

    At around 5:00 p.m., Dong Huiqun and another policeman detained the couple's car at the police station, and took them in handcuffs to the jail on Route120 of the Federal Highway. They put Ms. Liu Jie in cell #6 and Mr. He Weidong in cell #3, and ordered their family members to pay 200 yuan for meals. The next day they moved Mr. He to another cell and extorted another 200 yuan from the family. At around 9:00 a.m., they notified their family and ordered them to post 1,000 yuan as bond for Mr. He's release.

    After his release, Mr. He asked for his minivan back, which was their family's only

    means of support. The police said that the van had been confiscated. Despite Mr. He's repeated requests to get his minivan back, Zhang Guofu refused. The entire process of the arrest of the couple, and Mr. He's release were without any legal documentation. There were no receipts for the money they paid, and there was no legal document justifying the confiscation of their van. Zhang Guofu ordered all of this done through word of mouth.

    At around 8:00 p.m. on February 17, 2003, a black passenger vehicle stopped in front of the gate of the family quarters building of the Bureau of Industry and Commerce. A man who claimed to be from the Second Jail told the guard at the gate that he was looking for Mr. He Weidong. The guard told him, "He is not home. The elders at his home are not well. Can I help you?" The man said, "I am here because of Ms. Liu Jie. Why don't I leave you my telephone number? Please ask him to call me when he gets home." Mr. He called the jail when he got home. A man named Liu Qingyu answered the phone, and told Mr. He, "Ms. Liu Jie went on a hunger strike for a whole week. We tried everything to help her. We forced fed her but it did not go well. We took her to the hospital but they were not able to save her. It happened at around 3 o'clock this afternoon." Mr. He said, "If it happened around 3:00 p.m., why did you wait till 8:00 p.m. to notify me?" Liu said, "We were too busy. People from the attorney general's office were here this afternoon. Your family members can come to the jail at 8:00 tomorrow morning."

    The next day thirty to forty of Ms. Liu Jie's family members and relatives went to the jail. People there would not let them see Ms. Liu's body. They asked Liu Qingyu, "Liu Jie did not commit any crime for which she deserved to die. Why did you torture her to death?" Liu Qingyu said, "Liu Jie went on a hunger strike for a week. The first time we force-fed her, she threw up as soon as she went back to her cell. We took her out and force fed her again." He paused for a moment, and continued, "Liu said she would drink it herself, but she choked and died." Liu Jie's family demanded to have an autopsy. Liu Qingyu consented, but Zhang Guofu later rejected the idea.

    On February 19, at around 9:00-10:00 a.m., Liu Qingyu and another policeman went to Ms. Liu's parents' home to deliver the death certificate which said that Ms. Liu died of illness. He threatened her parents that if they did not let them cremate the body immediately, they would follow the public health code of Heilongjiang Province and treat it as an unclaimed body. Ms. Liu's father said, "It is not that we don't want to take her body. It is that you people won't give it to us. You won't even let us see it, so how can you say that it is unclaimed. You people killed her, and now you are pressuring us." Liu Qingyu was speechless and left.

    On February 20, Zhang Guofu and Zhang Dazhi, from the district attorney's office, and two other people came to Ms. Liu's parents' home. They wanted her family to accept the fabricated cause of death so they could rush through the processing. Ms. Liu's father said, "The cause of my daughter's death is not clear. She was not ill before she was jailed. A perfectly healthy person died within 11 days in your jail. Isn't this plainly the result of persecution? How can you insist that she died of an illness? I absolutely cannot sign my name. I cannot go along with your fabrication."

    At around 4:00 p.m. that afternoon, Ms. Liu's family members again went to take up the matter with the people at the detention center. They said, "We were not allowed to see Liu Jie even once in the 11 days of her detention. Now four days after she died in jail, you won't let us see her body. Which of the codes in our existing laws stipulate that?" They repeatedly requested to have their own medical examiner do an autopsy, and to discuss the confiscated minivan and the paid fees.

    Later, Zhang Guofu agreed to return the minivan and the money, but would not agree to the autopsy. He pressured the family not to request an autopsy, and said he would give them three thousand yuan if they would consent to an immediate cremation. Ms. Liu's family did not consent, and the two sides could not come to an agreement. Finally Zhang said rudely, "If you consent, we will let you see the body, but no autopsy. Otherwise we will just go ahead and cremate the body whether you consent to it or not." The family was left with no choice and they were anxious to see their daughter, so they reluctantly consented. Finally they saw their daughter's body at the cremation site, four days after her death. They saw that her neck was all red, her mouth wide open and her eyes almost closed. It was extremely traumatic.

    Ms. Liu Jie was killed for no reason, leaving her paralyzed father-in-law, her frail and ailing mother-in-law, and her young son with no one to take care of them. No one dared to tell her parents-in-law what really happened. The mother-in-law asked, "How come Ms. Liu has not come home yet?" They had to lie and say that she was sentenced to a prison term. The distress of the news caused the elderly lady to lose her eyesight. They sent her to a hospice in Haerbin to recuperate. A year later, she found out the truth by accident and could not stop crying.

    Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Decai and His Daughter Persecuted - A Happy Family is Shattered
    Two Recent Persecution Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners from Dehui City, Jilin Province

    Recently, two persecution cases of Falun Gong practitioners occurred in Dehui City, Jilin Province.

    1. Practitioner Mr. Liu Decai and his Daughter were Persecuted, Causing their Family to Break Up.

    Mr. Liu Decai was an official in a company. Before practicing Falun Gong, he suffered many illnesses. After practicing Falun Gong, Mr. Liu's health fully recovered in a few months. Everyone in his family witnessed the miracle of Falun Gong, and were very happy. Mr. Liu's wife also started practicing Falun Gong. After a period of practice, Mr. Liu's wife recovered from the heart disease she had suffered from for many years. After witnessing Falun Gong's miracle, Mr. Liu's daughter, Liu Fang, also started her practice.

    After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, the family's practice environment was destroyed. Mr. Liu was subjected to body searches by the police of the Dehui City Police Department, even in the hallway to his own home. His civil rights were severely violated.

    Around March 2004, officers from the Dehui City Police Department knocked on the door of Mr. Liu Decai's home. At that time, only Mr. Liu's wife was at home. When she saw the group of suspicious people on her doorstep looking like bandits, she was so scared that she suffered a heart attack. She then became bedridden, and medical treatment had no effect. She passed away in April 2004.

    Ms. Liu Fang, 34, works for a certain company in Dehui City. On June 23, 2005, Liu Fang found a flyer entitled "The Truth about Falun Gong" on the train she was taking from Changchun City back to Dehui City. After she read it, she passed it on to another passenger. A police officer saw her and reported her to the 610 Office immediately. Ms. Liu Fang was subsequently arrested.

    Officer Mao from the National Security Branch of the Dehui City Police Department has arrested many Falun Gong practitioners. He and other evil persons took the opportunity to search Ms. Liu Fang's home, and they confiscated Falun Gong books and other goods. Liu Fang was interrogated, tortured, and coerced for a confession after she was arrested. Currently, she is detained in the Dehui City Detention Center.

    A good family was persecuted, and now only Mr. Liu Decai remains. He was forced to become homeless to avoid being arrested at home.

    2. Exposing the Evil Deeds of the Dehui City Police

    On June 24, 2005, Zhao Zhen, the deputy head of the Guojia Town Police Station, led eight or nine evil persons, including Bi Guoquan, and rushed into Practitioner Li Bocheng's home. They attempted to bully Mr. Li's wife, Wang Xuezhu, into signing a document. Both Mr. Li Bocheng and his wife refused to sign. Then Zhao Zhen and the others arrested Li Bocheng and Wang Xuezhu and searched their home. When they searched Mr. Li's home, Zhao Zhen and Bi Guoquan sent everyone outside. Besides a computer, printer and CD writer, they also took 1900 yuan in cash from a drawer under the bed and 350 yuan from a jacket pocket. Afterwards, the couple was illegally detained. Currently, Wang Xuezhu is incarcerated in a forced labor camp.

    Mr. Li Bocheng's relatives went to see Zhao Zhen and requested the return of the money, computer and other personal property. Zhao Zhen denied taking the money and lied, saying that he'd only found about 100 yuan in cash.

    Four Falun Gong Practitioners from Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Heilongjiang and Sichuan Provinces Die as a Result of the Persecution

    Ms. Ma Yufen, 30, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Xilin Haote City, Inner Mongolia. In 2000, she went to Beijing to clarify the truth and appeal for Falun Gong on several occasions. Due to her family members' fear of the Communist Party's persecution, they maintained tight control over Ma Yufen's movements. Ms. Ma overcame these obstacles, but on the way to Beijing to clarify the truth, without a single yuan and wearing only thin clothes, she froze to death on the snowy plains in October 2000.

    Mr. Peng Dong, 29, was a college graduate from Hantai District, Hanzhong City, Shanxi Province, and a worker in the local silk industry. Because he was a Falun Gong practitioner, he was illegally sent to Zaozihe Forced Labor Camp for two and a half years, where he suffered from brutal tortures. In 2002, because he refused to submit to the evil's demands, Mr. Peng was sent to the isolation room and very heavily tortured. He was tied to the "dead person's bed" for many days. In 2003, after being released from the labor camp, he was sent to brainwashing classes. Under brutal torture, Mr. Peng compromised with the authorities. One night in June 2005, while he was sleeping, his breathing suddenly became abnormal, and he passed away several minutes later. His family members tried in vain to take him to the hospital for emergency rescue. Peng Dong had already solemnly declared that everything he wrote against Falun Gong and against his conscience under the pressure of the persecution is void.

    Mr. Zhang Cangwen, 64, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, and was the former factory supervisor of a metal forging and stamping factory. After practicing Falun Gong, he recovered from many diseases. On May 13, 2005, more than 20 policemen from the Yangliu Village Police station under the Jinjiang Public Security Bureau Division of Chengdu City broke into his home and ransacked the place. Mr. Zhang's wife He Jianqing, daughter Zhang Weihua and son-in-law Zhou Jingdong were arrested. His daughter underwent a hunger strike for more than 20 days to protest the illegal arrests and she was on the brink of death before she was released on June 6 and sent home. However, three policemen were stationed at her home to monitor her. On June 7, Ms. Zhang was arrested again and sent to a brainwashing class where her mother was, and they both suffered persecution. Between June 7 and June 9, policemen from the Yangliu Village Police Station and the No. 1 Section of the Jinjiang District Police Bureau subjected Mr. Zhang Cangwen to barbarous interrogation methods and psychological threats. In order to further persecute his daughter, Zhang Weihua, Zhang Cangwen was ordered to bring food to her on June 9. However, before meeting his wife, he suffered a brain hemorrhage and passed away.

    Ms. Tong Guizhen, 67, was a practitioner from Changxing Town, Boli County, Heilongjiang Province. She recovered from heart disease, among several other ailments after she began practicing Falun Gong in 1995. She gradually was able to do physical work. After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, two policemen, Cong Yuming and Hu Haibo, from the Changxing Town Police station, constantly harassed Ms. Tong at home. They used walking sticks to hammer her door and windows violently at midnight, often waking her from sleep in this shocking manner. After being severely frightened several times in the middle of the night, Tong Guizhen's heart disease recurred and she passed away in 2002.

    Brief News from China - July 27, 2005

    1. [Shihezi City, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Liu Huijuan Sentenced to Three Years of Imprisonment

    On December 5, 2004, personnel from the Shihezi City National Security Team arrested practitioner Ms. Liu Huijuan because they suspected that she distributed Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials at a supermarket. Later, Liu Huijuan was sentenced to three years of imprisonment.

    2. [Jilin City, Jilin Province] She Zhilin Arrested for Clarifying the Truth at a Market

    On July 23, 2005, police arrested practitioner Mr. Shi Zhilin, a farmer from Xiawazi Village, Erdao Township, Fengman District, Jilin City, Jilin Province when he was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong at a market.

    3. [Shanhaiguan City, Hebei Province] Police Arrest Practitioner Niu Yingjun

    On July 12, 2005, when practitioner Ms. Niu Yingjun from Shanhaiguan City was working, a few policemen suddenly arrived and asked her to go with them to the police department. Niu Yingjun refused. A moment later, more policemen came and they forcibly took Niu Yingjun away. It was heard that personnel from the Qinhuangdao City 610 Office ransacked her home. They confiscated a computer, some truth-clarifying materials and copies of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. They issued an arrest warrant for Niu Yingjun. Now she has been sent to Qinhuangdao City for detention.

    4. [Xiangtan County, Hunan Province] Police Arrest the Luo Xiangjiang and His Wife Liu Fangping

    On June 26, 2005, personnel from the Xiangtan County Police Department and from the Shitan Police Station arrested Mr. Luo Xiangjiang and his wife Mrs. Liu Fangping from Xiangtan County, Hunan Province. They are being held at the County Detention Center. Their 14-year-old son was left at home.

    On the morning of June 26, 2005, when practitioner Liu Fangping was working at the Shitan Wankeyuan Supermarket of Shitan in Xiangtan County, about seven police officers headed by political head Chen from a local police station took Liu Fangping to the Shitan Police Station. Luo Xiangjiang was also taken there when having lunch at his parents-in-law's home. In the afternoon, more than ten policemen arrived in several police cars and forcibly took Liu back home. They forced her to open the door, and then they ransacked the couple's home. Employees of the County Cement Factory and Wankeyuan Supermarket witnessed everything.

    5. [Hengshui City, Hebei Province] Ma Rong Has Been Detained for Two Months

    Police arrested practitioner Ms. Ma Rong from her home in the downtown area of Jing County, Hengshui City, Hebei Province and put her into the Hengshui Detention Center two months ago. The police extorted over 20,000 yuan from her family, but she has not yet been released.

    6. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Duan Xinyue Has Been on a Hunger Strike for Over Five Days in a Detention Center

    Recently, personnel from Yongnian County Police Department arrested practitioner Duan Xinyue from Jize County, Handan City, Hebei Province and put him/her into a detention center. Duan Xinyue has been on a hunger strike for five days. Personnel from the Political and Security Section of the Yongnian Police Department always harrassed practitioners Zhao Chuanjie and Liu Haifeng, thus the two practitioners have to live in away from their homes to avoid being persecuted.

    Some related phone numbers (Country code: 86, area code: 310. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers):
    Wang Baoshi, chief: 6816888 (office), 6822404 Ext. 222, 13963104169 (cell), 7023587 (home)
    Chen Jushan, Political and Security Section chief: 6822404 Ext. 5832 (office), 13803200503 (cell)
    Internal phone number: 6822404 Ext. 229610

    7. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Personnel in the No. 1 Division of the Fushun Police Department Who Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners

    Just after 5:00 a.m. on March 15, 2005, more than ten officers from the No. 1 Division of the Fushun City Police Department broke into a home and forcibly apprehended Mrs. Gai Xiuqin and Mr. Lu Guanglin (a married couple), Ms. Lin Guilan, Lu Yan, and Ms. Chen Guifeng. They confiscated all machines, papers, and 20,000 yuan in cash. Four policemen took turns beating Lu Yan. They hung Lu Yuan by her handcuffed wrists and shocked her with electric batons until she lost conciousness. Lu Yan was beaten so brutally that her hands were swollen and she had difficulty walking. On March 22, Lu Guanglin was sent to the Fushun City No. 1 Detention Center. The four other practitioners were sent to Fushun City Second Detention Center. The case has been handed over to the Shuncheng People's Court.

    Practitioners Ms. Jia Naizhi, He Lizhong, and Ms. Liu Chengyan are being held at the No. 2 Detention Center. The Shenyang City Prison refused to admit the three practitioners because of their poor health and sent them back. The detention center authorities said they didn't have the authority to release those practitioners. Now Jia Naizhi has been tortured to an extremely dangerous state. She vomits anything she eats and relies on injections to survive.

    One of the persons responsible for the persecution in the No. 1 Division of Fushun Police Department: Zheng Guanyong.

    8. [Chongqing] Mi Xiaozheng Held at Hebei Province Brainwashing Center

    Practitioner Ms. Mi Xiaozheng, about 26 years old, is a student from the class of 1998 at the Architecture and City Layout School on Campus B of Chongqing University. She was an excellent student and has been awarded several scholarships. Because she practiced Falun Gong, she was suspended from school in 2000. The school also threatened that she could not go back to school unless she gave up Falun Gong. Mi had to return to her hometown, Shijiazhuang City. For clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in her hometown in 2003, Ms. Mi Xiaozheng was sent to the capital brainwashing center in Hebei Province.

    It was reported that Mi Xiaozheng was recently sent to the brainwashing center again. She is staging a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention and is extremely weak.

    9. [Yishui County, Shandong Province] Kong Xianzhen and Xu Qingfang Sent to the Yishui County Detention Center

    On the night of July 19, 2005, personnel from the Yangquan Management District at Yishui Town arrested practitioners Kong Xianzhen and Xu Qingfang from Xujiawa Village, Yishui Town, Yishui County, Shandong Province while they walked on the street at Tangjiazhuangzi Village. At 9:30 a.m. the following day, Wang Jianjun, an officer for the General Administration Office for Yishui Town, led a group of people and broke into the two practitioners' houses. They claimed they were policemen and forcibly searched the houses without a search warrant, but found nothing. The two practitioners are currently incarcerated at the Yishui County Detention Center.

    10. [Zhangqiu City, Shandong Province] Police Arrest Liu Haijun for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong 

    On July 21, 2005 when Liu Haijun, a practitioner from Zhangqiu City, was clarifying the truth, policemen from the Zaoyuan Town Police Station arrested him/her. They ransacked his house and ruthlessly and repeatedly beat Liu Haijun. He is currently being incarcerated at the Zhangqiu City Detention Center.

    Zaoyuan Town Police Station: 86-531-83651006

    Summary of Other Articles and News - August 3, 2005

    Facts of the Persecution

    Police Officers in Jiangbei District, Chongqing Abduct Falun Gong Practitioners

    On the evening of July 11, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Deng Chaoyu, a retired employee from the Dongfeng Ship Industrial Company in Chongqing was abducted by police officers and was held at the Shimahe Police Station in Jiangbei District for one night. On July 12, the police abducted practitioners Ms. Yang and Ms. Mei, and ransacked their homes.

    A Scene at the Home of Practitioner Mr. Pu Xiangji

    On July 19, 2005, officers from the Dehui City National Security Bureau in Dehui City, Jilin Province, along with 17 other perpetrators broke into the home of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pu Xiangji. They struck him to the ground and violently kicked his face, then put him in a police car and took him directly to Changchun City to be further abused and persecuted. They also ransacked his home.

    Falun Gong Practitioner Xiao Yinxue from Wuhan City Escaped from a Brainwashing Class

    Falun Gong practitioner Xiao Yingxue from the Qiaokou District, Wuhan City was abducted on June 9 and sent to the Etouwan Brainwashing Class in the Qiaokou District. Xiao Yingxue held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. The persecutors savagely beat her until they broke her nose and she bled profusely. Because Xiao Yingxue had been holding a hunger strike, the perpetrators pried her mouth open with bamboo sticks, and blood gushed from her mouth. On June 19 she was sent to the No. 1 Hospital in Wuhan City. She fainted several times at the hospital. On June 20, Xiao Yingxue escaped from the Etouwan Brainwashing Class in the Qiaokou District.