The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 31, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Exposing the Atrocities at the Shanghai Women's Prison

  • Eight Falun Gong Practitioners from Liaoning, Beijing, Shandong and Heilongjiang as a Result of Persecution

  • Updated Information on the Persecution Death of Practitioner Ms. Yuan Zexiu from Laizhou City, Shandong Province

  • Mr. Xu Jishan's Family Files Charges Against Daqing City Prison for Attempted Cover-up of the Cause of His Death

  • Policemen from Shaluhe Town, Yongji County, Changchun City Recently Arrested Many Practitioners Including My Mother

  • Practitioner Ms. Su Kezhen from Jingmen City, Hubei Province, Tortured Until She Was Unconscious for Three Days, Remains Seriously Ill

  • Supplemental Facts Regarding the Second Arrest of Ms. Gao Rongrong

  • Brief News from China - July 9, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - July 20, 2005

  • Exposing the Atrocities at Shanghai Women Prison

    The Shanghai Women Prison is located near Sheshan. Conditions there are like in a concentration camp. The prison holds many Falun Gong practitioners. The prison's eastern wall, where the offices are located, is decorated with beautiful rose-patterned bricks, and flowerpots can be seen inside the office windows. Electric wires make up the western wall.

    Shanghai Women's Prison started detaining Falun Gong practitioners in March 2001. It established a group specializing in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Special Division 5 was established on July 20, 2002.

    The guards from the Shanghai Women's Prison often go to Shanghai Women's Labor Camp, located at Qingdong Farm in the Qingpu District, to study methods of persecution. The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners therefore has grown more devious and cruel. The frequently used means of abuse and torture are as follows:

    The perpetrators deceive the practitioners with faked kindness in order to have them "reform." If the practitioners see through their pretense and refuse to renounce their belief in Falun Gong, the perpetrators resort to violence. As for determined practitioners, they extend the practitioners' sentences, detain them in solitary confinement, shock them with electric batons and force them to do slave labor so as to aggravate the mental and physical persecution.

    Each practitioner is "sandwiched" by a few inmates. The guards handpick these inmates, choosing those who are capable of the basest cruelties. They are rewarded with points or sentence reductions if they force the practitioners to "reform." They verbally abuse the practitioners with venomous words, force the practitioners to hand copy prison policies until late at night, and to sit and stand still for long periods of time. They forbid the practitioners to talk to each other or leave the cell. They limit restroom and water use. They beat the practitioners until their faces are swollen. They torture some so severely, that even their legs were broken from the abuse they endured.

    Practitioners are treated worse than prisoners on death row. The guards tell the inmates to do things to the practitioners that they themselves are not allowed to do. They award the inmates with points if they succeed. If they fail, the inmates themselves are held responsible for the consequences. The only purpose for all of these gross mistreatments is to force the practitioners to give up their belief.

    Below are a few specific cases of persecution:

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Xi Jiao, around 25 years of age, lived in the New Pudong District and was illegally sentenced to three years in prison. Her husband was illegally held at Tilanqiao Prison. She was mentally traumatized in early 2003 due to savage torture. It was heard she was being forced to take anti-psychotic drugs against her will. She later disappeared.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Manyu, around 36 years of age, lived at Xincun Road, the Putuo District. She was arrested in late 2000 and was illegally sentenced to four years in prison. She was first held at Division 4 of the Shanghai Women's Prison and was detained in solitary confinement many times, but she held firm in her belief in Teacher and Falun Gong. The windowless, solitary confinement cell is three sq. meters (about 32 square feet) in size, with a toilet. The detainee is not allowed to take a shower, even in the heat of summer. The inmates often beat and kick the practitioners. Ms. Yang held two hunger strikes in protest and it was learned that her legs were fractured. She was released on medical parole and was treated at the No. 6 People's Hospital in Shanghai. In early 2004, Ms. Yang was transferred to Special Division 5. Her family visited her once and saw that her face was black and blue and severely swollen. Because she wrote a Falun Gong article on paper, a "collaborator" reported her. The guards fabricated charges against Ms. Yang and extended her sentence by eight months.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lou Xiashu is in her 60s. She lives in suburban Shanghai and was awarded the title of "March 8th Red Flag Holder" for her outstanding work performance. Ms. Lou was sentenced to three years in prison and was deceived into giving up Falun Gong in late 2002. In early 2003 she realized her mistake and published an announcement to annul the "reform." She said she was framed and persecuted for practicing Falun Gong. Lou Xiashu was issued a warning for collecting persecution evidence. Ms. Lou was not allowed to sleep at night and was instead forced to copy the prison code of conduct. The inmates forced her to clean the restroom daily and the prison authorities threatened her family with sentence extensions. Lou Xiashu did not give in this time. She left the prison in an open and dignified manner.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ling Xiaoyun, around 46 years of age, lived on West Yanan Road. She was sentenced to three years in prison and was directly sent to a solitary confinement cell. Ms. Ling and was deprived of all personal freedom and was held there for several months. Group head Zhang Jiamei secretly ordered the inmates to give her a dirty bucket that served as the toilet. They put caustic soap in her underwear, then forced her to wear it. They forced her to stand, sit and copy self-criticizing statements and tortured her this way daily until past 3:00 a.m. They didn't allow Ms. Ling to drink water or take a shower in the 36 degrees C (97 degrees F) heat. She suffered several heat strokes and was treated at a clinic. The torture escalated every time Ms. Ling returned from treatment. Once, she collapsed at 3:00 a.m. and her head fell back. An inmate falsely claimed that Lou Xiashu had hit her. The guard returned Lou Xiashu to solitary confinement.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Feng, in her 30s, has a Master's degree. She was a teacher at Shanghai Industry & Commerce Foreign Language College and was illegally sentenced to three years in prison for practicing Falun Gong. In 2001, Ms. Li was sent to the Shanghai Women's Prison. She persisted in her belief and told the guards that the government-produced videotapes about Falun Gong were "full of lies." Li Feng refused to cooperate with the guards and as a result, group head Qiu Minying didn't let her sit down. She forced other detainees in the same cell to stand with her in order to turn them against Ms. Li. The perpetrators also refused to let Li Feng take a shower or use the restroom. The inmates who are supposed to empty the metal toilet bucket purposely left it full, and as a result Falun Gong practitioners couldn't relieve themselves and had to eat less to reduce the number of toilet visits. The perpetrators often beat and cursed the practitioners. Li Feng opposed the persecution and refused to cooperate with the perpetrators. Division head Hou Ruiqin said at a division meeting that Li Feng is against reform, and he threatened Li Feng with a sentence extension. Despite physical torture and mental torment, Li Feng left the prison in an open and dignified manner, which shocked the perpetrators and won the admiration of many.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Song Weijue, around 46 years of age, lived in the Putuo District. She was sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison and was sent to Shanghai Women's Prison in 2001. Because she refused to cooperate with the perpetrators, they held her in solitary confinement for over one month and deprived her of all personal freedom. She was later sent to Special Division 5, where the head of the division forced her to stand and sit for long periods of time and had her copy the prison code of conduct. Ms. Song went on several hunger strikes to protest the persecution. In 2002 she was deceived into admitting her "mistakes" but in 2003 realized it was a trap and wrote an announcement restating her belief in Falun Gong. The perpetrators were furious and retaliated against her. They didn't allow Song Weijue to sleep and threatened her with a sentence extension. She was very weak from long-term torture, yet the perpetrators still forced her to clean out the toilets with large metal buckets.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Song Jinhua, in her 20s, is a senior at the University of Shanghai for Science and Technology. She was illegally sentenced to four years in prison and was sent to the Shanghai Women's Prison in late 2002. Because Ms. Song refused to "reform," for a while the inmates dragged her to the fifth floor every morning. Group heads Zhang Jiamei and Qiu Minying shocked her with electric batons and injured her arms, head and neck. Zhang Jiamei wrote Teacher's name on the floor and ordered Song Jinhua to walk over it. She refused, and the inmates dragged her over Teacher's name while the guards shouted, "Come and look at what kind of a Falun Gong practitioner she is!"

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shen Zuying, around 60 years of age, lived in Shanghai. She was sentenced to four years in prison. In late 2001, Ms. Shen was sent to the Shanghai Women's Prison. After she was sent to Special Division 5 in 2002, Ms. Shen remained determined in her belief, no matter what methods the perpetrators used to "reform" her. Shen Zuying stopped the perpetrators when they cursed Falun Gong. Because she persisted in following "Truth, Compassion, Forbearance," she was deprived of all personal freedom. They forced Ms. Shen to sit, stand, and to make hand-copies of the code of conduct. They forbade her to leave the room and forced her to do slave labor. The inmates who monitored Ms. Shen kept talking to her constantly so she couldn't sleep. They gave her less than 1/3 of a basin of water for her to bathe with, and after a while she developed a skin disease. The perpetrators often verbally abused Ms. Shen from morning to night. Shen Zuying left the prison in 2004 in an open and dignified manner.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Weiling, around 45 years of age, lived on Wuyi Road, Changning. She was sentenced to eight years in prison and was sent to Shanghai Women's Prison in 2001. She was detained in a solitary confinement cell many times because she persisted in her belief in Falun Gong and refused to do slave labor. Her mother, Yu Peiying, in her late 60s, was sentenced to three years in prison and was held at Division 1. Yu Peiying had been detained in a labor camp for two years prior to receiving the prison sentence. She was brutally tortured in detention.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dai Zhiying, around 47 years of age, lived on Xincun Road, the Putuo District, and was sentenced to eight years in prison. In 2001, Ms. Dai was sent to Shanghai Women's Prison. Because she had received Teacher's personal instruction, she had a certain degree of influence among Falun Gong practitioners. The perpetrators used various methods to brainwash her. She was deceived by the persecutors in 2002 but quickly realized the trap and wrote a solemn announcement reaffirming her determination to practice Falun Gong. The perpetrators detained Ms. Dai in solitary confinement and didn't allow her to take a shower in the summer heat. They didn't allow her to sleep and forced her to sit for long periods of time. Seeing that they couldn't destroy her belief in Falun Gong, the perpetrators transferred Dai Zhiying to Division 3, where she was forced to do heavy manual labor.

    Eight Falun Gong Practitioners from Liaoning, Beijing, Shandong and Heilongjiang Dies as a Result of Persecution

    Mr. Cai Yong, twenty-nine years old, was a Falun Gong practitioner from Sunwo County, Heilongjiang Province. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong many times. Mr. Cai would often safely escape from jail with righteous thoughts after being detained. In the beginning of 2001, Cai Yong was arrested for writing truth clarification materials and was illegally sentenced to three years in a labor camp. Later, he was also sentenced to a nine-year term because he continued cultivating Falun Gong. In Suihua Labor Camp, Mr. Cai was persecuted in many ways. For example, he was forced to stand outside in the middle of winter without clothing. His body and mind were badly damaged from the ongoing torture and he caught severe pulmonary tuberculosis after being released. Mr. Cai passed away at the end of 2004.

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chen Dianjun was a retired manager in his 60s who worked at the Dalian Marketplace in Liaoning Province. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong during the Chinese Communist Party's 16th National Conference and was illegally arrested. The authorities extorted money from him in the form of fines. Mr. Chen passed away at home soon after being released.

    Sixty-three-year-old Mr. Wang Changguang was a Falun Gong practitioner from Pinggu District, Beijing City. He stepped out to appeal for Falun Gong several times in 2000 and was illegally imprisoned twice in a detention center. He was persecuted for an extended period before passing away on September 11, 2001.

    Seventy-four-year-old Mr. Chan Zhongxiang was a retired soldier from Dade Village, Shuiquan Town, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. He had no family and lived in the town's senior citizen's shelter. He suffered ill health before practicing Falun Gong. After practicing Falun Gong, he became healthy and he looked like a different person. Mr. Chan went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in February of 2000 and was illegally taken to Shuangcheng Detention Center. Mr. Chan was detained and persecuted there for over a month and was released only after he could barely walk. Upon his return to the senior citizen home, Mr. Chan was often persecuted and threatened by the town officials, the local police, the dean of the shelter home and other residents. His activities were constantly monitored and his freedom was restricted. Mr. Chan was required to report to the shelter president each time he wanted to go outside. In the beginning of 2001, he was persecuted for two months at the town's brainwashing class. There, Mr. Chan was denied the use of the restroom. In addition, there was no heat in his room and he was not given a quilt in the winter. The town confiscated his soldier's pension for an extended period. Being persecuted for such a long period, Chan Zhongxiang passed away on April 7, 2005.

    Fifty-year-old Ms. Yu Shuxia was a Falun Gong practitioner from Zengshou Village, Tuanjie County, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. In the winter of 2000, she was illegally taken away by officials from Tuanjie County and was imprisoned in Shuangcheng Detention Center for 15 days. Frightened, Ms. Yu fell ill upon returning home. Later, the doctor diagnosed her as suffering from uremia. An officer from the county police station went to her home to harass her on two occasions. Upon seeing that she was really sick and being afraid to take responsibility for her precarious physical condition, the officer extorted 1,000 yuan from her. The village sent a guard to prevent Ms. Yu from going to Beijing to appeal for justice. Being harassed for a long period and under extreme mental pressure, Yu Shuxia's condition worsened and she passed away in March of 2001.

    Ms. Liu Yulan, forty-nine years old, lived in Yongjun Village, Jincheng County, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. She started practicing Falun Gong during the 1998 Spring Festival. Through her cultivation, a lung tumor six centimeters in diameter completely disappeared. In less than three months, Ms. Liu's health was restored and she planted seedlings in the rice paddy field like a young person. After July 20, 1999, some government officials confiscated Ms. Liu's Falun Gong books and she was not allowed to practice Falun Gong. The tumor returned and she passed away on January 30, 2000.

    Ms. Wang Zuoying, around thirty-three years old, was from Youfang Village, Jingzhi County, Anqiu City, Shandong Province. She started to practice Falun Gong before July 20, 1999, and benefited tremendously both physically and mentally . Beginning on July 20, 1999, Jiang Zemin and the Chinese Communist Party colluded against human nature to persecute kind people who persisted in their faith in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. In September of 2000 610 Office director Luo Gan personally went to Anqiu City to plot the persecution of Falun Gong. In the morning hours one day in September 2000, perpetrators from Anqiu City illegally broke into Ms. Wang's home and threatened her: "You are given a half-day to consider this: Either you write a paper promising you will never practice Falun Gong or you will be taken to a labor camp." Ms. Wang decided to leave her home and was involved in a car accident. Two days after the accident, on September 18, 2000, she passed away.

    Fifty-three-year-old Mr. Li Guobiao was a Falun Gong practitioner from Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province. After practicing Falun Gong, he recovered from high blood pressure. In 2002, Mr. Li was illegally harassed for extended periods by the local police station and the neighborhood association, which brought about mental collapse. Later, Mr. Li passed away.

    Updated Information on the Persecution Death of Practitioner Ms. Yuan Zexiu from Laizhou City, Shandong Province

    Ms. Yuan Zexiu was 58 years old and lived in Yidao Village, Yidao Town, Laizhou City, Shandong Province. She was twice arrested by police and sent to the notorious Dianzi Brainwashing Class in Laizhou City. Her family paid the police 5,000 yuan in extortion money to have her released. They later learned that police officers Jia Dianliang, Yang Dianxin and Liu Bin had divided the money among themselves. Ms. Yuan was beaten numerous times by police officers in the Yidao Station. The police hit her on the head and knocked out many of her teeth. Once she was beaten unconscious by officer Jia Dianliang.

    In May 2004, Ms. Yuan was arrested and detained for more than 50 days in the Laizhou City Detention Center for passing out truth-clarifying material. She was sentenced to forced labor and sent to the Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. The camp rejected her because she had high blood pressure, and she was released.

    After Yuan Zexiu was released, State Security Agent Wang Yongguang and Liu Weibin ransacked her home and confiscated her CD player. The police from the Yidao Station continued to harass and threaten her at home. As a result of such relentless persecution, Ms. Yuan deteriorated mentally and physically, and she could not study the Fa or do the Falun Gong exercises. She became extremely frail and died on January 24, 2005.

    Mr. Xu Jishan's Family Files Charges Against Daqing City Prison for Attempted Cover-up of the Cause of His Death

    After Daqing practitioner Mr. Xu Jishan was tortured to death, the Daqing City Prison tried to cover up the truth of his murder. At first, prison officers said that Xu Jishan died of a heart attack. In order to support this lie, they implied that Mr. Xu had asked for help while taking a bath. To shut him up, his monitors then inserted a water hose into his mouth, but this resulted in his death. When his family members pointed out their suspicions, Li Fengjiang, the chief of Division Seven, changed the cause of death by blaming two criminal detainees who, he claimed, had seen that Mr. Xu had scabies and had tried to treat it, but Mr. Xu wouldn't let them, so they accidentally beat him to death. Li also said that five prison officials were willing to settle the matter privately by giving Xu Jishan's family members 150,000 yuan. Mr. Xu's family refused the settlement and filed charges against the prison through the Daqing Procuratorate.

    The Procuratorate has begun to investigate this case. On June 14, an autopsy was performed at Longnan Hospital and samples have been sent to Harbin, the capital city, for examination. They are waiting for the results. Coagulated blood was found under Mr. Xu's skin, there was swelling on his head, water in his lungs, and the remains of rice in his windpipe.

    Daqing City Prison, afraid that more of the truth will be revealed, vainly urged Mr. Xu's family to cremate his body. Then they tried everything to set up barriers, such as refusing to allow Mr. Xu's family to order a CT scan before the autopsy. When they went to the hospital for a memorial ceremony, Li Fengjiang made three phone calls to stop them, so they had to return home.

    Policemen from Shaluhe Town, Yongji County, Changchun City Recently Arrested Many Practitioners Including My Mother

    In the early morning of July 13, 2005, policemen jumped over the wall, broke into my house and arrested my mom. When a family member and I went to the town government to ask for my mom, we saw that other local practitioners were detained there too.

    At around 3:30 a.m. on July 13, before daylight, I was awakened by two people who were carrying cell phones (the cell phones would light up). At first I thought they were from the electric department. I thought they had come to fix the electrical lines and needed our help, so I tried to turn on the light. They said they weren't there about the electricity. They told me that they came from the police department and were seeking my parents. There were two more policemen outside the door and they asked me to open the main door. I knew that they must have jumped over the wall and broke into my house. They looked for the key everywhere with the cell phone's light and I was forced to open the door.

    At that time, my dad and my mom also came out. The policemen talked to my dad and mom in the eastern room of the house while I went to the western room to send forth righteous thoughts. After a while, my dad came over and I asked, "Where is Mom?" My dad replied, "The policemen took her away."

    Later, my grandma, my dad and I sent forth righteous thoughts together for a while. My grandma and I decided to go to the town government to look for my mom. My dad went to notify other practitioners to send forth righteous thoughts together.

    It was about 4 o'clock when my grandma and I arrived at the county government. When we got there, I saw that there was a group of people standing in front of the building. They all were from the local governments and the local police stations. Later, I understood that they had planned this beforehand. All the local village governments had received the order to arrest local practitioners. When I arrived at the town government, I met practitioner, Li Yingjie's husband, Mr. Gao. He said that his wife was also arrested and they were detained in a conference room on the west side of the third floor.

    I rushed into the town government's building. They recognized that I was the son of Lian Jinhua and tried to prohibit me from getting in. They finally could not stop me. I went up to the third floor and went to the conference room. I saw my mom and the other practitioners sitting there. I said to the two policemen who were inside the room, "How could you arrest my mom? What's wrong with cultivating Falun Gong? What kind of laws did they violate by practicing 'Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance'? Why don't you guys show me the law on paper? This illegal persecution has made my family lose tens of thousands of yuan."

    I took my mom outside of the conference room. When we walked down the stairs on the second floor, a group of people came over. One policeman dragged my mom by the arm and wouldn't let go. I told my mom, "Let's go home. Nothing will happen." They said, "No, you cannot go." Two policemen then dragged me downstairs but I held on to the stair railing and did not let go. My mom said, "You go home. I am fine." While I went downstairs, I said, "If you are not afraid of receiving retribution, go ahead and arrest them." One policeman replied in a low voice, "I believe this, too." I said, "During the Cultural Revolution, the Red Guards were so rampant. But after the Cultural Revolution, what became of them? I will go to the county government and the provincial government to sue you."

    I calmed down and thought it over for a while. I felt that I could not defeat the evil with ordinary people's methods. I should understand this from the Fa's point of view. I remembered that Master said, "Just by having your heart unaffected you will be able to handle all situations." ("Eliminate Your Last Attachment(s)" from Essentials for Further Advancement II) So I calmed down to send forth righteous thoughts.

    One policeman (badge # 206279) said bad words and did not show respect for Master Li. Another policeman also slandered Falun Gong practitioners. They said that if I was not so young, they would have beaten me and sent me to a brainwashing center.

    When I went downstairs, I saw that many local government officials, the town leaders and the policemen were all busy making phone calls and asking for updates on the local arrest situation and whether the practitioners had written the five "guarantee statememts". They also said that this arrest campaign should extend to the whole county. There were four practitioners from my town who were caught. Another big passenger bus with tag # Jiling B51973 Jinling-Shaluhe brought some women practitioners with several local government officials and the local policemen to the Kouqian Town Brainwashing Center. When they got on the bus, I heard a policeman say fiercely, "The way that I 'transform' them is to slap them around."

    Almost all the towns in the Shaluhe jurisdiction participated in the arrest of Falun Gong practitioners. As far as we know, there are four practitioners from Shaluhe Town who were captured in this arrest. They are practitioners Chen Baixiang, Xu Feng, Li Yingjie and my mom, Lian Jinhua.

    Practitioner Ms. Su Kezhen from Jingmen City, Hubei Province, Tortured Until She Was Unconscious for Three Days, Remains Seriously Ill

    Ms. Su Kezhen is from Jingmen City, Hubei Province. She is a retired worker in her fifties. She suffered various diseases for many years until she began practicing Falun Gong in 1998, after which she completely regained her health. However, during the brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners, Su Kezhen has been arrested and subjected to cruel torture many times. Ms. Su was tortured repeatedly until she fell unconscious and was carried home by her family.

    In early December 2004, Ms. Su Kezhen went to the Jingmen City First Detention Center, where she had been repeatedly detained, to clarify the truth to the police and to ask them to release all the innocent practitioners detained there. The police not only ignored her request but also attempted to arrest Ms. Su. As a result, Ms. Su was forced to leave home for many days in the cold winter to avoid further persecution. As soon as she returned home, the police, who had waited for her outside her house, arrested her. Su Kezhen was taken to the Wuhan Women Prison. About 160 female practitioners are presently detained there.

    During her detention at the Wuhan Women's Prison, Ms. Su went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal arrest and persecution. She consequently suffered various tortures. Several of her teeth were broken as a result of severe beatings. Her hands were so severely swollen from being handcuffed that the handcuffs could no longer be fastened. The police then tightened the handcuffs on her swollen wrists using wires. In addition, they hung her up by her arms from time to time and then let her fall to the ground.

    After ten days of such brutal torture, Ms. Su's life was in great danger. When her family visited her in prison, they saw that she was bruised all over and was unconscious. She was barely breathing. Her family requested that the police release her, but they refused. They wanted to wait until she was dead. Her family had to rent an apartment nearby and fight with the police every day in order to secure her release. As a result of their emphatic and persistent requests, the police finally let her family take her home.

    Ms. Su was black and blue all over. She could not control her bowels. She was too weak to breathe properly. Her family cared for her intensively. They put Q-tips soaked with water on her dried lips. After remaining unconscious for three days, Ms. Su miraculously regained consciousness.

    Even after Su Kezhen had been tortured to such an extent, the authorities in the Jingmen 610 Office frequently sent police officers to harass her. They called her constantly, causing tremendous mental pressure for her family. On June 21, 2005, a group of people from Wuhan Women's Prison, along with officials from the Jingmen City 610 Office, came to Ms. Su's home. They attempted to take her to Wuhan, saying that her "medical leave" would soon end. Seeing that she had difficulty walking, against her will they took her to the Jingmen Second Hospital for a physical examination. The results showed that her blood pressure was 190/120 and that she had edema and kidney failure. Fearing that she would die on the way to Wuhan, the authorities ordered her family to take her home again.

    The address of Wuhan Women Prison: #81 Baofeng Rd, Wuhan City

    Supplemental Facts Regarding the Second Arrest of Ms. Gao Rongrong

    At 3:00 in the morning on March 6, 2005, the State Security Division of the Shenyang City Police Department conspired with the State Security Team of the Tiexi Section Police Office of Shenyang City and arrested Ms. Gao Rongrong. The officials include Chief Ma of the State Security Division of the Shenyang City Police Department (around 40 to 50 years old), team member Liu Bo, whose office is located at Malu Bay, Heping Section, Chief Zhang (40 to 50 years old), Chief Li Shuwen of the State Security Team of the Tiexi Section Police Office, Commissar Feng Deli, Deputy Chief Wang Anyu, team member Yang Hai, Zheng Zhiguo, Li Qiang and others. Another person, whose name is unknown, participated in the arrest of Mr. Sun Shiyou, who had assisted in rescuing Gao Rongrong when she was in the hospital recovering from horrendous torture. On March 5, this person broke into Mr. Sun's room through a window in his fifth floor apartment, took him to the Criminal Police Office located on the first floor of the Tiexi Section Police Office Building and viciously beat him.

    After Ms. Gao was arrested, she was sent to the brainwashing center at Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp. Shi Fengyou and Guan Yuping are the directors of the education section and are in charge of the brainwashing. After the brainwashing session, Ms. Gao was transferred to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. Ms. Gao started a hunger strike to protest the persecution immediately after she was arrested. The Masanjia Forced Labor Camp sent her to the Liaoning Province Prison Hospital.

    According to Ms. Gao's family, her arms didn't even show punctures marks from a needle, indicating that they made no attempt to help her.

    The police in the Masanjia Labor Camp are afraid of being called by practitioners from the outside. One practitioner was on a hunger strike while being held in the prison. After her family and fellow practitioners called the labor camp, the police started to show concern for that practitioner and their malicious actions were greatly restrained. The head of the Masanjia Labor Camp was named Wang. A new head named Zhang took this position at the end of May. He is over 40 years old. He frequently works with Su Jing, the head of the Second Female Cellblock, to persuade practitioners who are on hunger strikes to eat. Other personnel include the Political Commissars of the Second Female Cellblock, Wang Naimin, the Deputy Head of the Second Female Cellblock and the Deputy Chief of the First Team, Xie Chengdong (male, 43 years old), and Zhao Laixi.

    Phone numbers for the responsible parties:

    The Shenyang City 610 Office: 86-24-23106009
    The 610 Office of the Political and Judiciary Committee, Tiexi Section, Shenyang City: 86-24-25842329
    The Political and Judiciary Committee, Tiexi Section, Shenyang City: 86-24-25842336 (Deputy Secretary, Li Jian), 86-24-25626206 (Secretary Peng Hongbin), 86-24-25878045
    The Tiexi Section Police Office, Shenyang City, Address: 42 North Xinghua Street, zip code 110021
    Telephone, 86-24-25637115, 86-24-25739288, Appeals telephone, 86-24-25612950
    Secretary Section: 86-24-25850469, Politics and Security Section: 86-24-25850233

    The State Security Team of the Tiexi Police Office
    Chief: Li Shuwen (this person is extremely evil, continuously and voluntarily persecutes Falun Gong practitioners)
    Vice Chief: Wang Anyu
    Commissar: Feng Deli, telephone, 86-24-25850233
    Team member: Yang Hai, Liu Bo (very malicious), 86-24-25835312 (Home), Li Qiang, 86-24-25715378 (Home)
    Shenyang City Police Department: Duty Room, 86-24-23832677, the Inquiry Reception Room, 86-24-23832902, the Discipline Committee Reception Room, 86-24-22825491, Accusation and Appeals Section, 86-24-22833119
    The Chief of Shenhe District State Security Division, Zhao Hongtao: 86-24-24850789, 86-13904024113 (Cell)
    His wife, Luo Jing, a staff of the Shenhe District 610 Office: 86-24-24846859, 86-24-24847639

    The Shenyang Legal Enforcement Department, address: North Heping Avenue, Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, zip code 110014
    Chief: Zheng Chaoquan
    Deputy chief: Zhang Xiansheng
    Head of the Labor Management Division, Li Rongchen: 86-24-22852378, 86-24-22855022, 86-24-22825808
    Head of the Labor Management Division, Liu Bo: 86-13804006266 (Cell), 86-24-22855027 (Office)
    Head of the Labor Management Division, Ji: 86-24-22855027 (Office)
    Secretary section: 86-24-22824660

    The Political and Judiciary Committee of Shengyang City: 86-24-22718747, Party Secretary: Zhang Jianhua, Committee office: Mr. Hu
    Shenyang Procuratorate: 86-24-86524378, 86-24-86525455, 86-24-86524677, 86-24-86547450, 86-24-86548260, Secretary Section, 86-24-86538108

    The Brainwashing Center of Shenyang Zhangshi Forced Labor Camp, publicly called "the Shenyang Law Education School, " address: Zhangshi Village (second stage of Zhangshi Development Section), Yuhong Section, Shenyang City, zip code 110027
    Office: 86-24-25363870
    Cheng Diankun, Political Commissar, 86-24-25363870, 86-13700027456 (Cell)
    Guan Feng, Deputy Dean, 86-24-25363747 (Office)
    Li Cai, Director of Administration Section: 86-24-25811657, 86-24-25811634, 86-24-25361754
    Shi Fengyou, Deputy Director, in charge of the brainwashing center: 86-24-25344180 (Home), 86-13309888036 or 86-13309888053 (Cell)
    Police Officer of the Brainwash Center, Chen Qing, Liu Hongtao, Zhang Hongda, Wu Liguo, and others
    Administration Section: 86-24-25811657, 86-24-25811634

    Brief News from China - July 9, 2005

    1. [Yongji County, Jilin Province] Ms. Guo Yingjie Illegally Sentenced to Six Years in Prison

    On February 3, 2005, Ms. Guo Yingjie from Yongji County in Jilin Province was taken to the Jilin City No. 3 Detention Center by the Jilin City State Security Division. She was later transferred to the Jilin City No. 1 Detention Center. Ms. Guo went on a hunger strike to protest the unlawful torture. Failing to come up with any evidence, the State Security Division transferred her case to the Yongji County Police Department. On June 8, 2005, the Yongji County Court sentenced Ms. Guo to six years in prison. She remains in custody at the Jilin City No. 1 Detention Center.

    2. [Xinyu City, Jiangxi Province] Gao Yuqing and Wang Shi from Liangshan Town Arrested

    This morning, Gao Yuqing from Liangshan Town in Xinyu City was taken away from work by the Xishanling Police Station in Liangshan Town to an undisclosed location. The police confiscated a copy of Zhuan Falun from Gao Yuqing's home. In addition, Wang Shi from Liangshan Town in Xinyu City was taken away by two officials from the work unit.

    Relevant telephone numbers:

    Police Division of Liangshan Community, Xinyu City Police Department: 86-79-6721029
    Liangshan Security Division of Xinyu City Police Department: 86-79-6915756, 86-79-6915366
    Xishanling Police Station in Liangshan Town: 86-79-6915856
    Liangshan Police Affairs Bureau of Xinyu City Police Department: 86-79-6915995, 86-79-6915110

    3. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Su Weirong and Others Arrested

    Ms. Su Weirong is a retired employee from the First Main Terminal of the Public Transportation Company. At the end of May 2005, she received a notice from the company's Party committee instructing her to go to the company to claim her retirement benefits. As soon as she arrived at the company, she was dragged into a police car, which the Party committee and the Longzhou Road Neighborhood 610 Office had arranged to be on location. Ms. Su was taken to the Longzhou Road Police Station for brainwashing. She has been secretly transferred to the courtyard of the Jinjiang District Crowd Control Division on Erhuan Road.

    Ms. Huang Fen from the Nuclear Dynamics Design Institute in Chengdu fell into the same trap and was sent to a brainwashing center in Xinjin.

    Ms. Luo Suyun was arrested by officers who broke into her home under the pretense of collecting water usage fees. Ms. Zhu Yulian and Chen Shikun have also endured other aspects of the persecution.

    Around 4:30 p.m. on June 29, 2005, Ms. Liu Ying was dragged into a car by three plainclothes special agents from the 610 Office and the local residential committee. Her whereabouts are unknown.

    4. [Sichuan Province] Mr. Meng Hualong Arrested

    Mr. Meng Hualong, an employee of the Fireproof Materials Factory in Deyang City, is about 50 years old. On July 2, 2005, he was turned in to the police while clarifying the truth at the factory's farm market. He was arrested by Feng Qi of the Deyang City 610 Office and two officers from Gongnongqiao Police Station.

    Relevant telephone numbers:

    Country code: 86, area code: 838
    Deyang City Police Department: 2203029
    Jingyang Police Department in Deyang City: 2207263
    Office the chief of the Jingyang Police Department: 2203760
    Administrative office of the Jingyang Police Department: 2202727

    5. [Shanyang, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Xue Zhen Arrested

    On May 6, 2005, Ms. Xue Zhen from Shanyang County posted a leaflet to expose the evil persecution and to make the truth available to the public. She was arrested by the county police department.

    6. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] Police Arrest Thirteen Falun Gong Practitioners

    On the evening of June 26, 2005, Mr. Zhao Liming from Zujiazhuang, which is under the jurisdiction of the Gucheng Street Neighborhood Administration Office in Shouguang City, was turned in to the police while clarifying the truth. He was arrested and taken to the Beiluo Police Station on Shibei Road that same night. He was transferred to the Shouguang City Detention Center and detained on criminal charges. Around 9:00 a.m. on July 27, officers led by Li Tongzhong, director of the Shouguang City 610 Office, searched Mr. Zhao's home.

    Around 10:00 a.m. on June 27, 2005, six plainclothes officers from the Shouguang City 610 Office took Ms. Zhang Wenying from Dali Village, which is under the jurisdiction of the Sunji Street Neighborhood Administration Office, to the Shouguang City Police Department. The officers did not present any IDs. Ms. Zhang was subsequently sent to a brainwashing center in Weifang City. More details are not available.

    In addition, Ms. Liu Fengxiang, from Sha'a Village in the jurisdiction of the Shengcheng Street Neighborhood Administration Office, was unlawfully held in the Shouguang City Detention Center for a month. On June 25, she left there by holding righteous thoughts in her mind after fifteen days on a hunger strike.

    Relevant telephone numbers:

    Country code: 86, area code: 536
    Shouguang City 610 Office: 5260610
    Li Tongzhong, Director of the Shouguang City 610 Office: 5108099 (Home), 86-13864681566 (Cell)
    Office of the Shouguang City Anti-[slanderous word deleted] Team: 5298766
    Zhang Shaohua, Team Leader: 5298766 (Office), 5252561 (Home), 86-13953641786 (Cell)
    Liu Tongzheng, Deputy Team Leader: 5298766 (Office), 5252561 (Home), 86-13953641786 (Cell)
    Dong Xuming, Political Director of the team: 5298766 (office), 5298317 (Home), 86-13853616289 (Cell)

    7. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Chu Chunli Arrested

    Ms. Chu Chunli from Dalian City was arrested by several police officers while at work in a supermarket on July 4 or 5, 2005.

    8. [Xinjiang] Ms. Chen Dongxia and Ms. Li Xiaoping from Miquan City, Wuchang Area, Arrested

    At noon one day in late August 2003, Ms. Chen Dongxia and Ms. Li Xiaoping were arrested after being turned in to the police while distributing letters persuading people to strive to be good. They were detained in the family quarters of the Miquan Police Department. Ms. Li went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal custody. Officers from the State Security Division sent her to a hospital, and she was injected with psychotropic drugs, under the influence of which she volunteered to lead the police to her home to arrest her husband Mr. Liu Zhanjiang and conduct a search. Ms. Li was subsequently sentenced to three years of forced labor and held in the Urumqi Women's Forced Labor Camp. Mr. Liu was sentenced to two years of forced labor and held in the Changji Forced Labor Camp in nearby Wujiaqu City.

    Ms. Chen Dongxia, in her fifties, had been sent to detention centers and the forced labor camp several times. She suffered a comminuted fracture in her lower back as a result of torture soon after she was sent to the labor camp. She was later released on parole. In November 2004, Ms. Chen was placed under arrest again.

    9. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Si Bing Arrested Again

    Around 10:00 a.m. on July 2, 2005, Mr. Si Bing from Guangzhou City was arrested by officers from the 610 Office again. He was sent to a brainwashing center in the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp.

    10. [Suizhong County, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Jiangwei Sent to Forced Labor Camp for the Third Time

    On the morning of July 4, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Jiangwei was arrested at work without any cause. On July 5, Suizhong County officials from the 610 Office, the Political and Judiciary Committee, the police department and the State Security Division, sent him to the Huludao Forced Labor Camp for three years.

    Telephone numbers of individuals responsible for the persecution:

    Country code: 86, area code: 429
    Tian Shuhuai, Suizhong County Deputy Party Secretary in charge of the persecution of Falun Gong
    Shi Minxin, Party Secretary of the Suizhong County Political and Judiciary Committee: 6123475 (Office), 3160826 (Office), 86-13909897826 (Cell)
    Shang Ergui, Deputy Party Secretary of the Suizhong County Political and Judiciary Committee and director the 610 Office: 6131710 (Office), 6125589 (home), 86-13130960038 (Cell)
    Wang Limin, Deputy Police Chief of Suizhong County in charge of the persecution: 6127518 (Office), 6128682 (Home)
    Li Changhua, head of the State Security Division of the county police department: 86-13700196626 (Cell), 6122876 (Office)

    Summary of Other Articles and News - July 20, 2005

    Ms. Pi Fenghua from Lishu County, Jilin Province Almost Disabled from Torture

    Ms. Pi Fenghua from Siping City, Lishu County, Jilin Province was arrested on July 2, 2005, together with her husband Li Qin. She was first held at a custody center. About three days later Ms. Pi was sent to a detention center. Currently, she is almost disabled from being tortured. The guards are afraid of the torture being exposed and have not allowed Pi Fenghua to meet with her daughter. Pi Fenghua's daughter is currently not being cared for because her father is also detained.

    Authorities at Division 1 at the Heilongjiang Women's Prison Still Brutally Torture Falun Gong Practitioners

    The persecution at Division 1 of the Heilongjiang Women's Prison is still very severe. During 2004, several Falun Gong practitioners were hung up seven times until the handcuffs cut into their wrists and they lost consciousness. Practitioners Liu Xuewei and Yu Xiuying were verbally abused when holding a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Liu Xuewei was brutally force-fed.

    When Falun Gong practitioners sit in the double crossed-legged (full lotus) position, erect their palms in front of their chests or do the Falun Gong exercises, the inmates are ordered to shove, push, stomp on them, kick or pinch them. They also verbally abuse the practitioners with the most vulgar language, and spread rumors about the practitioners.

    Practitioners Chen Weijun, Yu Xiuying, Gao Xiuzhen, Gao Guizhen, Zhang Jing, Guan Shuling, Xu Jingfeng, Zhang Xiaobo, Zhang Linwen, Zhang Liping, Zhang Shufen, Yao Yuming, Liu Xuewei, Fan Guoxia, Xu Jiayu and others were severely tortured. Practitioner Wang Juyan was detained in solitary confinement and placed under strict surveillance. The practitioners held at the ward for sick prisoners and at the ward for prisoners working at the packaging workshop are not allowed to sleep and are forced to wear torture implements.

    Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Shengquan Sentenced to Three-and-a-half Years in Prison

    On the morning of October 11, 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Shengquan from Chongqing was abducted while he was distributing truth clarification flyers in Sansheng Town, Beibei District, Chongqing and Liuyin Town in Chongqing. He was held at the Beibei Detention Center on Dujia Street, Wenxingwan Qiaotou. Several months later, Zhang Shengquan was tortured so savagely that he could not remember his home address. His wife went to visit him but was not allowed to meet with him. In June 2005, Zhang Shengquan was illegally sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison. In a letter to his family he said he could be sent to Yongchuan Prison in July. In August 2001, Zhang Shengquan was sentenced to forced labor for distributing "truth clarification" flyers in Chongqing. He was brutally tortured at the Xishanping Forced Labor Camp. One of his teeth was knocked out and his face was deformed from the beatings.

    More Facts about the Persecution of Mr. Yan Shubin at Beixing Farm in Heilongjiang Province

    Yan Shubin, a laid-off worker from Beixing Farm, Heilongjiang Province started practicing Falun Gong with his wife in August 2003 because he suffered from severe colon disease. After the persecution began in July 1999, to avoid persecution, Yan Shubin and his wife left their home and went to Weihai in May 2004. At around 10:00 p.m. on May 18, 2005, Yan Shubin was arrested. In June, perpetrators from the Beixing Farm 610 Office sent Yan Shubin back to Beixing, incarcerated him at the Hongxinglong Bureau Detention Center and forced him to work. On July 1 Yan Shubin was sent back to the farm and held at Beixing Custody Center. He was released after holding a six-day hunger strike but was placed under daily monitoring. Two police officers currently live in his home.