The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 30, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Mr. Pu Fanwei Is on the Brink of Death from Torture at Daqing City Prison

  • Atrocities at Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp: Burning Fingernails, Using People as Punching Bags, Violent Beatings

  • Financial Persecution of Practitioners in Panjin City

  • Greed of the Xinji Police

  • The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp, Sichuan Province

  • Manipulated by the 610 Office, Shiyan City Court Sentences Ms. He Jiao to Prison

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - July 23, 2005

  • Mr. Pu Fanwei Is on the Brink of Death from Torture at Daqing City Prison

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Pu Fanwei is being held in Group 8 of the No. 4 Prison Ward at Daqing Prison. He has been on a hunger strike for over 30 days in protest of the persecution. His current blood pressure is 40 mmHg / 70 mmHg. Mr. Pu is emaciated and is receiving IV infusions at the prison. He is in critical condition.

    The guards at the Daqing Prison brutally persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Guard Guo Chuntang screamed, "What's the big deal if we kill a couple of detainees here at Daqing Prison?" Guard Li Fengjiang once said in public, "For Falun Gong practitioners, it's either "reform" or cremation." Jiang Shuchen, Deputy Prison Director, saw Falun Gong practitioners being dragged out of solitary confinement cells and force-fed and told the guards, "Why feed him milk powder and corn porridge? Just give him water."

    The main perpetrator, Chu Zhongxin, the deputy head of Division 4, said during a roll call, "Tie them [Falun Gong practitioners] up if they don't follow orders." He ordered guard Li Jinhao and eight criminal inmates to beat practitioner Wu Chunwen. After beating him, they tied Wu Chunwen to a railing. In the evening, guard Li Jinhao got drunk, sat in front of the practitioners and started cursing. Wu Chunwen tried to stop him. Guard Li Jinhao boxed Mr. Wu's ears until his eardrums ruptured and he lost his hearing.

    Falun Gong practitioner Wang Hongde, an employee of the Xinhua Electricity Plant in Datong District, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province was released after he was tortured to the brink of death. He passed away on May 14, 2005, 14 days after his release.

    Contact information for those responsible for the persecution at Daqing Prison:

    Daqing Prison:
    Address: Hongweixing Street, Ranghulu District, Daqing City, Zip code: 163159

    Daqing Prison Hospital:
    Gao Qing, Director: 86-459-5059828 (Office), 86-459-6852986 (Home), 86-13804696394 (Cell)

    Huang Zhiwei, Deputy Director: 86-459-5059828 (Office), 86-13091685087 (Cell)

    Tang Yongfu, Prison Director: 86-459-5056688 (Office), 86-459-5105087 (Home), 86-13303690588 (Cell)
    Chen Qingfa, Political Director: 86-459-5058588 (Office), 86-459-4686358 (Home), 86-13329491288 (Cell)
    Wang Jiaren, Deputy Prison Director: 86-459-5050616 (Office), 86-459-4687616 (Home), 86-13303691339 (Cell)
    Zhang Yajun, Deputy Prison Director: 86-459-5059122 (Office), 86-459-6388889 (Home), 86-13359825633 (Cell)
    Jiang Shuchen, Deputy Prison Director: 86-459-5059808 (Office), 86-459-6783122 (Home), 86-13936711131 (Cell)
    Wang Yingjie, Deputy Prison Director: 86-459-5059919 (Office), 86-459-6363870 (Home), 86-13329393777 (Cell)
    Tan Ronglai, Head of Politics Division: 86-459-5050618 (Office), 86-459-6133365 (Home), 86-13304694188 (Cell)
    Xu Zhi, Deputy Head of Politics Division: 86-459-5059918 (Office), 86-13936702596 (Cell)
    Ma Wenyu, Deputy Head of Politics Division, 86-459-5050613 (Office), 86-459-4621138(Home), 86-13936999985 (Cell)
    Cheng Junchang, Head of No. 4 Prison Ward: 86-459-5059834 (Office), 86-459-6868664 (Home), 86-13019070892 (Cell)
    Guan Jian, Deputy Head of No. 4 Prison Ward: 86-459-5059834 (Office), 86-459-6366453(Home), 86-13091699957 (Cell)
    Chu Zhongxin, Deputy Head of No. 4 Prison Ward: 86-459-5059834 (Office), 86-459-4686728 (Home), 86-13936729603 (Cell)
    Li Weinan, Political Director of No. 4 Prison Ward: 86-459-5059834 (Office), 86-459-4623917 (Home), 86-13199066767 (Cell)

    Atrocities at Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp: Burning Fingernails, Using People as Punching Bags, Violent Beatings
    Falun Gong Practitioners Zhang Xiangfu and Others Tortured There

    The CCP arrested Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiangfu from Fangzheng County, Heilonagjiang Province four times because he persisted in practicing Falun Gong. At the Fangzheng Detention Center he was forced to carry a stick on his back. At Tiananmen Square, a police officer pushed him to the ground, stepped on his head and beat him until his face became deformed. At the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp the guards burned his hands until they turned black and his fingernails fell off. The back of his hands were scorched. He was also forced to sit in a metal chair for 15 days straight. The perpetrators also invented a torture. They installed handles on needles and shot them at the practitioners like darts. The needles stuck deep in the flesh and caused excruciating pain.

    Mr. Zhang Xiangfu started practicing Falun Gong in July 1998 and benefited tremendously from the practice. He was arrested for the first time on September 15, 1999, shortly after the persecution began. Chou Yongsheng, head of the Political and Security Section from the Fangzheng County Police Department led people to arrest him at home and sent him to the No. 2 Detention Center in Fangzheng County. They released him on October 8, after extorting over 200 yuan as a food fee. During detention, Mr. Zhang was forced to carry "The Stick" for doing Falun Gong exercises. "The Stick" is similar to a handcuff, except the part that connects the two rings is not an iron chain but a steel bar. Mr. Zhang was handcuffed behind his back for three days. His hands were severely swollen as a result. While kept in this position, he could not eat, relieve himself or even sleep. After three days, the perpetrators cuffed Mr. Zhang's hands in front of his body for about one week.

    On October 18, 1999, at around 9:00 p.m., Chou Yongsheng led a group to break into Mr. Zhang Xiangfu's home and asked him, "Do you still practice Falun Gong?" Mr. Zhang said, "Yes." They then took him to the Shahezi Police Department and handcuffed him to a torture chair for a whole night. The next day the perpetrators sent him to the Fangzheng County Custody Center where they held him for over one year. Mr. Zhang held several hunger strikes during detention and was force-fed. They pried his mouth open and inserted a thick tube through his mouth into his stomach. His mouth was severely scraped and he vomited and almost choked. His throat made loud noises that could be heard from far away. The inmates also beat and kicked Mr. Zhang.

    Brutal persecution in Beijing

    In 2001, Mr. Zhang Xiangfu went to Beijing to peacefully appeal for Falun Gong. On July 1 the police savagely beat him in Tiananmen Square when he was doing the Falun Gong exercises. The police struck him to the ground and hit his head with police batons. They stepped on his head, gagged him and beat him until his head became deformed. They took him to the Tiananmen Police Station where they demanded to know his address. He refused to reveal his address because if he did, he would be sent back to his local region and his family and acquaintances would be punished. The perpetrators again beat his head before sending him to a small building at the Yanshan Police Department. About five men in security officer's uniforms started beating him in the afternoon and didn't stop until the next morning. The perpetrators pinned him to the ground, beat him and kicked him. They put an electric fan in his face and handcuffed him to a metal chair. The next morning, about three perpetrators beat him and banged his head against the wall. They also hit his head and face. Mr. Zhang's face was bloody and swollen. The beating lasted late into the afternoon, when the perpetrators kicked his chest with both feet and elbowed him. They yanked out clumps of his hair and kept kicking his legs with their hard police boots.

    After 48 hours of torture, Mr. Zhang was sent to the No. 2 Detention Center of the Yanshan Police Department where inmates often beat him. Mr. Zhang protested the persecution, so the perpetrators handcuffed him to a metal fence so high that he felt as if he was being torn in two. At the same time he was wearing shackles. Around 1:00 a.m. the head of the detention center let him down and put him in a chair. He ordered Mr. Zhang to stretch out his arms and handcuffed him to a railing for three days.

    Mr. Zhang showed symptoms of severe illnesses and was sent to a hospital where he was diagnosed with hypertrophy of the heart. The doctor said Mr. Zhang had cancer. They at first planned to take him back to the Yanshan Police Department, but two police officers threw him out of the car soon after they left the hospital. Mr. Zhang's clothes had been taken away at the custody center. Although it was August, he was wearing a sweater and short sweatpants. The patrolling police mistook him for a panhandler and sent him to a shelter. He was later sent home.

    After he returned home, the police arrested Mr. Zhang and sent him to the police department. He was later detained at the No. 2 Detention Center in Fangzheng County. The next day Chou Yongsheng and Li Kun interrogated him. Li Kun whipped Mr. Zhang with a cattle prod until his arms and back were swollen and covered with bruises. They sent him to the No. 1 Detention Center and handcuffed him to a chair. Two guards almost broke his arms by violently pushing them backwards and upwards. Ten minutes later the guards sent Mr. Zhang back to the No. 2 Detention Center where he was held for the next seven months. He was released after holding a hunger strike.

    On June 17, 2002 a group led by Chou Yongsheng arrested Mr. Zhang when he was distributing flyers in Tianmen Township in Fangzheng County. He was detained for three months and then sentenced to three years of forced labor. On September 12 he was sent to the Group Drill Division at the Wanjia Forced Labor Camp. Five days later he was sent to Division 5 of the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp.

    Tortured at Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp

    Division 5 at the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp was established for the express purpose of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. It is also called a Special Control Group. The perpetrators at this division are hardcore criminals who invented many torture methods. On arriving, two inmates dragged Mr. Zhang to a room and tortured him.

    They used one of the cruelest torture methods on him. They pushed his shoulders and legs until they almost dislocated the bones. Then they pushed him to the ground and asserted brute force on him to cause internal injuries. After a while they took him to another room where they forced him to squat on a brick. They whacked his back with a long wooden stool. They beat and kicked him if he made the slightest movement or if his feet left the surface of the brick.


    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Tiecheng was tortured until his knees were injured and he couldn't stand up. He couldn't climb the stairs and the inmates beat him and didn't let him eat breakfast. Division head Yang Yu handcuffed him to a bed and shocked him with electric batons for a long time. Because he had difficulty standing, for three days and nights, his whole body weight was shifted to his hands. Two inmates monitored him. One day when inmate Zhao Shuang was on duty, he shocked Mr. Huang's body including his private parts and poured cold water over him. The inmates who monitored him didn't let him sleep. A group of inmates hit his chest and face until his lips bled profusely. They poured lots of cold water on him and then opened the window to expose him to the freezing temperatures. They hung him up by his hands and took turns shaking his arms once in a while when he lost feelings in them. Due to the savage torture he could not eat and vomited everything. After he was let down he passed out and vomited bile. He was diagnosed with liver damage at the clinic. The perpetrators are continuing to persecute him.


    Some inmates burned the practitioners' hands with cigarette lighters. Mr. Zhang Xiangfu's nails turned black from the burnings. His fingernails fell off and pus seeped out. The backs of his hands were also black from the burning. The practitioners were forced to squat until l1:30 p.m. and were forced to squat after they got up at 5:00 a.m. the next morning. The perpetrators swung at the practitioners' heads with heavy rubber clubs tied to strings. Mr. Zhang felt like his head was going to split open. The perpetrators often beat practitioners like this and each practitioner was beaten countless times.

    The inmates also tied metal nails with wires and hit the practitioners' heads with them. The practitioners experienced great pain in their heads, which became swollen from the beatings. The inmates often hit the practitioners' backs with the legs of a stool, causing internal organ damage and bone fractures. They couldn't sleep at night because they experienced great pain whenever they moved. Inmate Yang Xiaodong kicked the practitioners with brute force until his shoes broke. The perpetrators also stabbed the practitioners' backs, heads and other parts of their bodies.

    The perpetrators in Division 5 of the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp tortured the practitioners with a method called "tightening the string." An inmate grabbed the tip of a practitioner's fingertip. Then another inmate inserted a toothbrush between the two fingers and forcibly rubbed the practitioners' fingers together until the flesh was rubbed off and the bone exposed. Some practitioners have had many fingers injured from this torture. The inmates also poured bottles of water down the practitioners' necks.

    The perpetrators in Division 5 persecute the practitioners from 5:00 a.m. until past 11:30 p.m. daily. One day Zhao Shuang, the head of Division 5 called the practitioners out and shocked them one by one with electric batons. The guards struck Mr. Zhang Xiangfu's head with police batons filled with lead. A bump instantly rose up and his head hurt as if it was splitting open. Then they shocked his head with electric batons. They forced the practitioners to squat until 1:00 a.m. Once, the perpetrators put the electric batons inside Mr. Zhang's clothes and shocked him. Pan, a guard at Division 5, shocked Mr. Zhang's face with electric batons until fluid seeped out of his face. Guard Zhao Shuang kicked Mr. Zhang's ears until they bled. Guard Pan also threw a rat on Mr. Zhang's head while the inmates violently struck his head with rubber clubs.

    On November 15, 2002, Falun Gong practitioners were detained in solitary confinement. The bunks were wet and cold. The perpetrators didn't provide any quilt or bedding. One day Zhao Shuang went to the solitary confinement cells and stripped off the practitioners' coats. He ordered the inmates to open the windows to expose the practitioners to the freezing wind. Ten days later Mr. Zhang developed a serious case of scabies and was transferred back to Division 2. After one year of detention in Division 2 he was transferred to Division 1. During the time he was held in Division 1 he was forced to peel 17.5 kg of onions each day, as did other practitioners. Tears gushed from their eyes because of the odors emanating from the onions. The practitioners were not allowed to sleep until they were done with the assigned workload. They often worked until 11:30 p.m. One university student named Shi Kuangyuan lost his eyesight due to the persecution during this period.

    One year later Mr. Zhang was transferred back to Division 5. Guard Zhao Shuang brutally beat a Falun Gong practitioner. Falun Gong practitioners protested against the torture, and a dozen inmates beat practitioners Mr. Zhang, Gong Wenyi and Yang Wenjie until their noses and mouths bled and the blood spilled onto their clothes. Yang Wenjie and Gong Wenyi were injured from the beating. All three practitioners were detained in solitary confinement and handcuffed to a railing. Seven days later Mr. Zhang was sent back to Division 5 where he was forced to sit on a metal chair for 15 days. His feet and legs became swollen and his buttocks festered. He was also forced to do slave labor. Gong Wenyi and Yang Wenjie were sent to other divisions where they were forced to sit in torture chairs.

    Soon, guard Zhao Shuang ordered a few inmates to strike Zhang Xiangfu to the ground and hit his head with police batons; they stepped on his head, gagged and beat him until his head became deformed, while guard Zhao Shuang shocked his head with electric batons. One day, Wang Kai, the political head of Division 5 ordered three inmates including Li Chunlong to torture him until his nose bled, and Li Chunlong pinched Mr. Zhang's genitals. Practitioner Mr. Yang Wenjie was held in Division 5 and was also brutally tortured. The perpetrators shocked Mr. Yang with electric batons until he became incontinent. Zhao Shuang also publicly slapped Mr. Yang's face.

    The perpetrators in Division 5 also forced the practitioners to do intensive labor. The head inmate beat the practitioners and forbade them to sleep until 3:00 a.m. if they didn't meet their quota. Once he violently hit Mr. Zhang's head until blood came out of his ears. The practitioners get up at 5:00 a.m. and sleep only two hours a day. A lot of practitioners are on the brink of a mental breakdown due to sleep deprivation. The authorities from Division 5 accepted work from four factories. Mr. Zhang was often forced to stay up until 3:00 a.m. because he couldn't finish the heavy workload.

    Head inmate Dong Hebin often beat the practitioners. One day he hit Mr. Zhang's back with a ring of keys. Mr. Zhang asked, "Why did you hit me?" Dong Hebin screamed, "So what if I hit you?" He beat and kicked Mr. Zhang until his nose bled. the blood spilled onto his clothes and his face became swollen. He kicked Mr. Zhang's sides until he couldn't breathe. Later Mr. Zhang realized two of his ribs were broken. Dong Hebin also beat practitioner Mr. Zhou Feihong because he tried to pull the perpetrators away.

    Practitioner Mr. Shi Zuosheng shouted, "Falun Dafa is great," when he got up in the morning, so the division head cuffed him to a metal chair. He was wearing only a sweatshirt and sweatpants in late January. The perpetrators didn't allow him to wear any more clothes, but they still handcuffed him in a chair for one day and one night. Zhao Shuang shocked Mr. Shi's private parts with an electric baton while shocking his other body parts with another electric baton for a very long time. One day when division head Qiang entered the solitary confinement cell; he ordered the inmates to bang Mr. Shi's head against the wall and told the inmates, "Do that until he dies!" One inmate violently kicked Mr. Shi's head until his shoes broke. Mr. Shi protested the persecution so Zhao Shuang tied him to a bed for seven days. He was weak when he was let down and vomited.

    The gross abuses due to the persecution at the Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp far exceed those described here. We will expose them further.

    Financial Persecution of Practitioners in Panjin City

    Since the persecution began on July 20, 1999 Falun Gong practitioners in Panjin City, Liaoning Province have suffered severe financial persecution in addition to physical and spiritual persecution. According to the statistics from Xinglongtai District and Dawa County, Falun Gong practitioners in these two areas suffered a direct loss of 1,343,000 yuan, 443,000 yuan of which were in the form of illegal fines, 320,000 in the form of money extorted by police, and 580,000 in the form of suspended salaries.

    As part of this evil persecution, some Falun Gong practitioners lost their income as a result of detention and not being able to go home. Many practitioners suffered indirect financial losses after being dismissed or laid off from work, transferred to another work unit or not being able to conduct business. Many families of practitioners who have had money extorted from them by corrupt authorities dare not publicize it, making it very difficult to estimate the total loss suffered by practitioners and their families.

    The following lists some of the crimes committed by the Panjin City Public Security Bureau:

    Illegally "Fining" Falun Gong Practitioners

    One elderly Falun Gong practitioner was arrested and detained by Xinglongtai District Public Security Bureau. He went on hunger strike to protest. The police asked his family to hand over 20,000 yuan for a "security deposit." In less than half a year Liu Jingyu, the assistant team leader of the police force, sent this practitioner's family a confiscation notice. The security deposit was now considered a fine.

    Dong Hanwei, the policeman of the Yushuxiang Police Station in Dawa County, "fined" practitioners a surprisingly high amount of money, from 5,000 yuan to 15,000 yuan each. Each new person was fined more than the last. One practitioner was fined 25,000 yuan two times. The police also harassed practitioners during the Spring Festival. They took practitioners away from home every two to three days if they did not pay.

    Police Fill Their Wallets during the Persecution of Falun Gong

    Xinglongtai District Public Security Bureau was among the most severe in the financial persecution. Zhang Runqiu, a former policeman of the National Security Team, asked practitioners' family members for money when arresting practitioners. Moreover, he negotiated with their family members for additional amounts of money for his boss.

    Families handed over money to the 610 Office and police to lessen the persecution of their loved ones. Many families handed in 20,000 yuan each time. Some paid even more, yet did not dare to make it public for fear of further recriminations.

    Robbing Practitioners

    Liu Huanzhang, the chief policeman of Xinli Police Station in Dawa County, extorted Falun Gong practitioners without going through any procedure. When practitioners asked for their money back from him, he denied knowing about it, refused to return the money and did not even give them a receipt.

    The chief and the assistant chief of Lujiaxiang Police station in Panshan County arrested Falun Gong practitioners on the street and took away 4,000 yuan found on the practitioners. When the practitioners were released from the detention center, they asked the policemen to return the money. The policemen said that they did not know anything about the money. Later on one of the assistant chiefs left his position as he was scared of the publicity of this matter, as the chief had shifted the responsibility to him.

    Greed of the Xinji Police

    Ever since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, the Xinji Police in Hebei Province have taken the law into their own hands. Officers ransacked homes of Falun Gong practitioners, confiscated valuables, and kept the cash found on the premises without issuing legal papers. When confronted about the articles taken, they simply deny taking them.

    "We don't issue receipts on anything confiscated from Falun Gong practitioners. It's no use asking us. The money will not be returned anyway. If we had given you a receipt, what would happen if you exposed us on the Internet?" That was their reply.

    The behavior of the Xinji police is no better than that of highway robbers.

    The following are a few examples:

    Han Guangze, 60, lived in Shuangliushu Village, Xinji Town

    In late 2004, Geng Chao and Jia Lichao, the two team leaders of Xinji State Security arrested Han for appealing in Beijing. When they brought him back to the village, they demanded money from him for his release. Han replied that he had no money. After searching and finding no money on him, they were exasperated and said, "Would you like to lose an arm or a leg?" Han was sentenced to two years' forced labor, for not having any money with him.

    Wang Yongjun, mid 50s, employee in a chemical factory, lived on 8th Avenue, Xinji Town

    One day in early 2005, Wang was trying to explain to his boss the truth behind the persecution of Falun Gong. Upon learning that Wang practices Falun Gong, the boss reported him to the authorities. Police officer Geng Chao came and put Wang under arrest. They demanded money from Wang. When Wang said he had no money, the next day, a few officers ransacked Wang's home and took away everything of value.

    Wang Tongjian of Tianjiazhuang

    In 2002, after arresting Wang Tongjian, Xinji Town police went to Wang's home. They took away a television set and a motorcycle, but did not enter them in the book. Later on his family had to pay 800 yuan to the police to get the motorcycle back. The transaction was not recorded either.

    Wang Tongyi and his wife

    On April 13, 2005, officers from Xinji Town Police Station made an illegal arrest of Wang Tongyi and his wife, brother and sister-in-law. They confiscated 10,000 yuan in cash, a computer, and a mobile phone, but did not give any receipt for the items taken.

    Feng Jianhua and his wife Zhang Xiaohui of Tianjiazhuang

    On April 10, 2003, officers from Xinji Town Police Station arrested Feng Jianhua and his wife Zhang Xiaohui of Tianjiazhuang on Falun Gong related issues. They confiscated a television set, a VCD set, two mobile phones, a bicycle and a helmet, a TV antenna, a chest set as well as over 38,900 yuan in cash. (The money was pooled by friends and relatives to buy a rental car for a business). After ransacking the house, the officers went to Wang's wife Zhang Xiaohui's Boutique shop and took away over 7,000 yuan worth of clothes. No receipts were given for any of the items taken.

    Two days later, the family was called in the office, only to find out that the police wanted more money before they would return the rental car, which they held for over twenty days. Finally, after much ado, the family managed to raise a further 3,000 yuan. They also found someone with connections to take the officers out to dinner, and present them with valuable gifts and the money. The transaction was all carried out behind closed doors. As for Feng Jianghua, he was sentenced to three years of hard labor.

    After Feng's arrest, three elderly parents and a child were left at home financially crippled, and with nobody to look after them. The money taken away from them was never seen again.

    Li Yude of Tianjiazhuang, Xinji Town

    Li was arrested in 2004. The police took 8,000 yuan from him. When Li's family demanded to have it back, Zhao Shuhua, the chief officer denied taking it. "We didn't take any money from him." He then added, "We don't give receipts for articles confiscated from Falun Gong practitioners. It's no use asking us, we won't return them anyway." Then he added, "You see, if we'd given you a receipt, what would happen if you exposed the matter on the Internet?"

    The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp, Sichuan Province

    Over 100 Falun Gong practitioners are detained in the Nanmusi Forced Labor Camp in Sichuan Province and are suffering severe persecution.

    1. Forced Labor

    The Falun Gong practitioners are forced to do work such as knitting flowers, screening pig hair, making drug bags and making dolls. The Camp authorities profit from this work. They have to work for sixteen hours a day or even longer. Some of them cannot finish the high quota even though they try their best. Failure to finish the quota results in an extension of work time and punishment at the policemen's will.

    Wang Jihong, a Falun Gong practitioner who was not able to finish the quota, was forced to work for two days without sleep.

    2. Spiritual Persecution

    Those practitioners who have refused to "transform", have declared their words or deeds under pressure null and void, or have asked for unconditional release, are periodically asked to take exams with answers that insult Falun Gong and defame Teacher. Those who refuse to take such exams or do not supply the desired answers, are tortured by being confined in a solitary compartment, locked up in a small cell(1) or sent to a disciplinary unit.

    3. "Personal cangues"

    Each Falun Gong practitioner detained there was targeted by two or three "personal cangues" - the criminals designated by the police to forcefully control the practitioner's behavior. The practitioners who do not give in are usually attacked verbally or beaten. They have to stand facing the wall for long periods of time and are deprived of sleep or not allowed to wash their faces or take a shower. Even relieving their bowels is forbidden. Some are persecuted by electric baton shocking or being hung up with their hands cuffed behind their backs. One practitioner who refused to be transformed was forbidden to take a bath for one month in the hot summer and was not allowed to relieve himself. Furthermore, the criminals and the police berated and jeered him.

    In November 2004, criminal inmate Qing Xiurong brutally beat Tong Guiqin. In April 2005, convicted drug addict Song Limei beat Tong into a coma.

    4. Conceal the persecution

    When they commit these forms of persecution, in order to keep it a secret, they usually close the door, stuff the practitioners' mouths with dirty socks, or commit the violence deep into the night. The practitioners have experienced all kinds of torture, such as sleeping on a steel bed, being hung up in the air and being beaten and handcuffed behind the back. Some of them are tortured to the state of mental disorder. Tong Guiqin and Luo Min, only in their forties, were tortured to the point where the hair on their heads turned white. Lu Yanfei, the People's Representative of Suining City was persecuted so severely that his body became deformed and he was emaciated because of the torture. The director of the county office, Zhu Yuehui is still locked up in a small cell.

    Recently, the camp authorities provided three classes of food for the detainees. However, the determined Falun Gong practitioners were deprived of all freedom and had the worst food.

    The practitioners who protest the brutal persecution by going on hunger strikes are force-fed highly concentrated salt solutions, using a tube. Then they cruelly step on the practitioners' stomachs. Sometimes the solutions are fed into the lungs, which cause them to become inflamed and to fester. Some fellow practitioners have been persecuted to death's door by this torture. When they were on the verge of death, within several days, the jail physician took a brief look at them and then the practitioners were sent back home. Some practitioners passed away. Huang Yufang was killed this way.

    We urge virtuous people all over the world to speak out and protest the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.

    (1) A small cell is a room of less than three-square meters. It has no window, no bed, no water, and no toilet. The practitioner is locked in a small cell for months, having to eat, sleep, and excrete in the same small area. Since the height of the room is less than 1.5 meters, the practitioner cannot stand straight. To exacerbate the agony, the guards often handcuff the practitioners to the small cell door so that the pain prevents them from being able to sleep.

    Manipulated by the 610 Office, Shiyan City Court Sentences Ms. He Jiao to Prison

    According to reliable sources, the Shiyan City Intermediate Court of Hubei Province secretly sentenced Ms. He Jiao, a young teacher at the Shiyan City Experimental High School, to three years imprisonment at her second trial, maintaining the same sentence made by the District Court of Maojian District, Shiyan City. The court officials admitted that the case has already been decided by "upper level" authorities and the court and the procuratorate "just followed the routine procedure." The city 610 office manipulated the case from the beginning to the end, ordering the court to sentence Ms. He Jiao to three years of imprisonment.

    Ms. He Jiao is now locked up in the first detention center of Shiyan City. It is probable that she will be sent to Wuhan City for further persecution.

    On January 4, 2005, Ms. He Jiao showed a Falun Gong video "Walk Forward in the Wind and Rain," to a class of junior high school students where she was employed. On January 6, the National Security Team from the Maojian Police Station abducted her. On May 11, the District Court of Maojian District, Shiyan City, Hubei Province held a show trial on Ms. He and sentenced her to three years of imprisonment.

    After Ms. He Jiao was abducted, her husband became destitute and homeless in order to avoid being illegally arrested at home. Their nine-year-old daughter had to live with her uncle's family in the countryside. Upon hearing the news, He Jiao's mother immediately fell ill with increased high blood pressure and a nearly collapsed spirit. She was unable to get out of bed for days.

    Those responsible for this injustice:

    Lan Guanheng, vice secretary of Shiyan City Communist Party
    Mi Kehong, secretary of the Shiyan City Committee on Politics and Law
    Ji Qunfeng, Vice Mayor of Shiyan City and in-charge for persecuting Falun Gong: 86-719-8688666 (office), 86-719-8673253 (office), 86-719-8663586 (home), 86-13807281100 (cell)
    Chief of the Shiyan City Public Security Bureau: 86-719-8667015
    Chen Shunguo, Deputy Chief of Shiyan City Public Security Bureau, in-charge of persecuting Falun Gong: 86-719-8666300 ext. 2767 (home), 86-719-8666300 ext. 2038 (office), 86-13807289255 (cell)
    Lu Jinchang (a very vicious man), Head of the Shiyan City's "610" Office: 86-719-8652916 (home), 86-13971921188 (cell), 86-1387281588 (Cell)
    Zhu, Associate Director of the Shiyan City's "610" Office: 86-13872835588 (Cell)
    Yang Gang, deputy head of the Maojian Police Station, in charge of persecuting Falun Gong
    Zhang Shumeng, deputy captain of the National Security Team at the Maojian Police Station
    The Court Address: 3 Youdian Street, Shiyan City, Hubei Province, zip code: 442000
    Zhang Wanfeng (you may clarify the truth to him), Head of Shiyan City Intermediate Court, 86-719-8652702
    Vice-head of Shiyan City Intermediate Court: 86-719-8665364, 86-719-8653070
    Liu Rong, Principal of Shiyan City Experimental High School: 86-719-8666489 ext. 8028 or 8018 (Office), 86-13907284557 (Cell)
    Zhao Ensi, Vice Principal of Shiyan City Experimental High School
    Ma Xiangdong, Vice Principal of Shiyan City Experimental High School

    Summary of Other Articles and News - July 23, 2005

    Facts of the Persecution

    1. Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Wenhua from Daqing City, Liaoning Province is illegally detained

    On the evening of May 3, 2005, some policemen from the Tieren Police Department forcibly entered Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Wenhua's home and stole 30,000 yuan, which Ms. Zhang had saved for her son's college admission test. Since Ms. Zhang Wenhua was not at home, the police arrested her husband, Mr. Jin Chengxiu, as a hostage. On the second day, after the police deceived Ms. Zhang into going out, they abducted her and detained her in the Daqing City Detention Center, where she remains to date.

    Translated on July 26, 2005 from an edited version of

    2. The Police Department of Mulan County in Heilongjiang Province detained Falun Gong practitioners and extorted money from them

    On June 6, 2005, policemen from the Police Department of Mulan County in Heilongjiang Province unlawfully broke into several practitioners' homes, arrested them, extorted money from them, and illegally detained these practitioners. Ding Yanhong was abducted. Zheng Li was over 60 and policemen forcibly extorted 1,200 yuan from her. Practitioner Wang Xiumei and Zhang Jinlan's homes were unlawfully broken into and their lives were disrupted.

    Translated on July 26, 2005 from an edited version of