The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- June 29, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Family Members Continue Appealing for Justice for Murdered Falun Gong Practitioner Zuo Zhigang from Shijiazhuang City

  • Two Hundred Falun Gong Practitioners Still Illegally Imprisoned in Shandong No. 2 Forced Labor Camp

  • Is It "Healthy Influence of Education" or Bloody Rule?

  • Junior High Student from Laiwu City Shandong Province Is Expelled from School for Reading the Nine Commentaries

  • The Party's Evil Nature is Displayed in the Brutal Persecution of Zhang Xiumei

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Jin Xingbo Tortured to Death in 2001

  • Seven Falun Gong Practitioners from Xinjiang, Beijing, Sichuan, and Liaoning Provinces Die Due to Persecution

  • Brief News from China - June 14, 2005

  • Brief News from China - June 15, 2005

  • Family Members Continue Appealing for Justice for Murdered Falun Gong Practitioner Zuo Zhigang from Shijiazhuang City

    On May 30, 2001, one day before his wedding date, police suddenly arrested Mr. Zuo Zhigang from Shijiazhuang City. Within 24 hours, Mr. Zuo was beaten to death. The police then framed him, saying he committed suicide by hanging himself. The crime perpetrated by the police was so evil and the methods they resorted to so brutal that the public was indignant. Due to his family's strong protest, Mr. Zuo's remains were preserved and he has not yet been cremated. Because of Jiang's orders, "If Falun Gong practitioners are beaten to death, it is nothing and shall be counted as suicide," Mr. Zuo's case has been held for four years. To this day, he has still not been exonerated.

    Over a time span of four years, Mr. Zuo's parents, who are over 70 years old, have made exhaustive efforts appealing to all the provincial and municipal governmental departments at each level in order to redress the wrongful death of their son. They suffered huge mental torment, even though they still needed to take care of their second oldest daughter, who is sick. During the past four years, each time the 90-year-old grandma asked about her most beloved grandson Gang she was always told, "Gang went abroad."

    Zuo's parents constantly sent out appeal documents, yet they received no replies. They could not find a lawyer to register the case and appeal for them. They themselves were also informed by some persons in the Procuratorate that cases involving Falun Gong were not allowed to be accepted by the authorities. Their son was a victim of abuse under the persecution resulting in death, and yet, after four years of appeals, the parents couldn't even get the case filed for an investigation. Nonetheless, no matter how difficult it was, Zuo's parents didn't give up and said: "The police must admit that Zuo Zhigang was beaten to death rather than committed suicide." We appeal for support and help from all righteous people around the world.

    Mr. Zuo Zhigang was an excellent service engineer for the Phillips Co. in China and worked at the Ruiguang Computer Company at Zhongshan Road. At about 3:00 p.m. on May 30, 2001, Mr. Zuo was taken away by police officers Lin Zhensheng and Hou Wenhua from the Political Security Team of the Qiaoxi Police Department and the police from Xinghua Street Police Station (it has now been renamed as Weiming Street Police Station). At about 7:00 p.m. the same day they also illegally ransacked Mr. Zuo's home. They searched all over the house without getting anything they wanted.

    The police beat Zuo Zhigang, only 33 years old, to death in only one day. His body was coved with injuries everywhere. One of his ears was severely bruised. There were two rectangular indentations on his back. Each side of his neck showed an obvious wound made with fine rope, with bloodstains around the wounds. There were two obvious wounds one inch apart in the back. A large area on his back was bruised. The head was wounded. The left side of the face and cheek were swollen, as having been hit by a blunt object, and the right ear was completely bruised. However, facing such obvious facts, attesting to violence that resulted in death, these police officers still lied and claimed that Zuo Zhigang died from hanging himself with his own shirt in about six or seven minutes when the guard left him. (Note: Zuo Zhigang was 1.72 meters tall (5 ft. 8 in.), yet the cell door was only 1.60 meters (5 ft. 3 in.) high.)

    By July 11, 2003, two years and forty-one days after Mr. Zuo's death, with Zuo family's constant requests and appeals, officers Jian Yugui and Liu Hui and others from the Qiaoxi Police Department gave Zuo's family a copy of a fact-finding document that said, "died by hanging." The family didn't accept this and raised many questions. To these questions, Qiaoxi Police Department authorities shifted responsibility onto one another and refused to reply. They even refused the family's request to see the autopsy report. Policeman Bai Yuanji from the Xinghua Street Police Station claimed that he was in charge of Mr. Zuo's case.

    Now, it's been four years since Zuo Zhigang's murder. As today the voices raised against the persecution of Falun Gong have grown increasingly stronger, the authorities from the Qiaoxi Police Department, under pressure, began to return things left behind by Mr. Zuo Zhigang: the salary card, cash, keys and other personal belongings. They started to contact his family who had asked to see Zuo Zhigang's body. They attempted to persuade Zuo Zhigang's family members to give up their appeal and to cremate Mr. Zuo's body as soon as possible, intending to destroy any evidence of their crime of beating him to death. But none of those involved in the case, such as the police department chief, the head or the police officers will take responsibility. The murderers are still getting away with murder.

    Offices and personnel responsible for Mr. Zuo's death:

    Qiaoxi District Police Department in Shijiazhuang City; mailing address: 7 Xinghua Street, Zip code: 050000, Tel exchange: 86-311-87039977
    Police Department Depute Chief, Zhao Xingjian, was in charge of persecution of Falun Gong and did his utmost to conceal Zuo Zhigang's case. His attitude was extremely rude. Tel exchange: 86-311-87039977, or 86-311-87024882
    Head of the Political & Security Team, Li Zhensheng and policeman Hou Wenhua (two main criminals in the arrest), Tel exchange: 86-311-87039977
    Policemen Jiang Yugui and Liu Hui, 86-311-85188895 or Tel exchange: 86-311-87039977
    Police Department Head Liu Zhongming, 86-311-87026381 (Office), Tel exchange: 86-311-87039977 transfer 7770, cell phone: 86-311-96777-777
    Instructor surnamed Yin, Tel exchange: 86-311-87039977, 86-311-87024882
    Li Rongqi from the Political Security Group, 86-311-87027447 (Office) or Tel exchange 86-311-87039977 transfer 7702, cell phone: 86-311-96777-2058

    Xinghua Street Police Station (now renamed as Weiming Street Police Station, dreading punishment for their crime), 86-311-87888193
    Policeman Bai Yuanji (claimed he is in charge of Zuo Zhigang's case), 86-311-87888193
    Head Wang Jianhua, 86-13933028533 (Cell), 86-311-83016048 (Home), 86-311-96777-2023 (Pager)
    Policeman Meng Lihai, 86-13933090378 (Cell)

    Offices and legal medical examiner that provided the false autopsy report:
    The People's Procuratorate in Shijiazhuang City; mailing address: 88 Minzu Road, Shijiazhuang City. Tel: 86-311-87899456, 86-311-87017615
    Legal medical examiner, Gu Jianping

    Shijiazhuang City Police Department; mailing address: 83 Minzu Road, Shijiazhuang City. Tei exchange: 86-311-87019777
    Legal medical examiners, Li Genming and Zhaoqi
    Qiaoxi Police Department, Legal medical examiner, Wang Jianbing

    Attachment: Lawsuit by Zuo Zhigang's father, written on August 12, 2003


    Plaintiff: Zuo Yaoxin, father of victim

    Defendant: Qiaoxi District Police Department of Shijiazhuang City Police Department


    That a most honest coroner with great professional expertise in the judicial, procuratorate or police system above the provincial level be dispatched to conduct an autopsy.

    Investigate the crimes and prosecute persons at Qiaoxi Police Department responsible for illegal detention and torture death of Zuo Zhigang.

    Compensate the victim's family for financial and emotional loss.

    Plaintiff's statement:

    My name is Zuo Yaoxin. I am male and was born on January 13, 1934. I live in the No. 4-3-104 Dormitory of the No. 3302 Factory. I retired from my post as a doctor at the factory clinic. Hereby I request that you file a case about my son's death at the Xinghua Street Police Station, after he was illegally detained and tortured at the same police station.

    My son Zuo Zhigang was born on July 19, 1968. He lived with us and was very healthy. He worked at the Ruiguang Computer Company in Hebei Province and was planning to get married on May 31, 2001. As our family was preparing for his wedding, several officers from the Qiaoxi Police Department went to Zuo Zhigang's work unit around 3:30 p.m. on May 30, 2001 and took Zuo Zhigang to the Xinghua Street Police Station without following any legal procedures. They searched our home at around 7:30 later that evening. At about 5:00 p.m. the next day, someone from the Qiaoxi Police Department told me to go to the Security Section at the No. 3302 Factory. After two hours of questioning they told me, "Zuo Zhigang has committed suicide with a short-sleeve shirt in the detention room at the police station today at around 6:30 a.m."

    At about 10:30 a.m. on June 1, officers from the Qiaoxi Police Department explained Zuo Zhigang's death to us, "In the afternoon of May 30, Zuo Zhigang was taken to the Xinghua Street Police Station, where the officers interrogated him. He was calm during the process. The interrogation ended at 9:30 p.m. Between 7:20 a.m. and 7:40 a.m. the next day, members from the Security Team who were in charge of watching him brought breakfast to him. They saw he was going to eat so they went out to clean the hallway. About seven minutes later they found that Zuo Zhigang had hung himself on the iron-barred door with his short-sleeve shirt. He died after resuscitation efforts failed." There was no autopsy report.

    Our family went to the Xinghua Street Police Station and looked at the spot where they claimed Zuo Zhigang had died. We had many questions but were not given any answers. We then went to the crematory to look at Zuo Zhigang's body. We saw two narrow scars with blood around them on both sides of his neck, and on his back were two holes about one inch apart, and a large area of skin on his back was purple. His head was also injured. There were bumps on his left cheek and chin, apparently the result of being struck by a blunt object, and his right ear was completely dark blue. There was no blood on his clothes. We asked the Qiaoxi Police Department many times to show us an autopsy report, but they refused and pressured us to go through with the cremation. On July 11, 2003, more than two years after Zuo Zhigang's death and after numerous appeals and pleas from our family, they gave us a copy of the coroner's report, but no picture.

    We are convinced of the following:

    First, there was no motive for suicide. Zuo Zhigang is our youngest child and the only son. Our whole family was preparing for his wedding. The officials from his former work unit, the TV factory, said when Zuo Zhigang went to the factory to fill out some paperwork required for marriage one week before his arrest his former colleagues joked with him and said they would attend his wedding at his home. His current company planned to send him on an errand in the afternoon on the day of his arrest, and his supervisor assigned it to someone else after Zuo Zhigang explained that he had plans that evening. In fact, he was going to meet with his fiancée at 7:00 p.m. and they were going to take a wedding picture the following day.

    Zuo Zhigang has two sisters. The older sister lives away from us and the younger sister is laid off for health reasons. The evening before his arrest my wife said to him, "Your father and I will take care of your younger sister." He immediately said, "So will my wife and I."

    A few days before his death, Zuo Zhigang's former colleagues at No. 54 Institute who are now working in Shenzhen City introduced him to work there with a higher pay, but he declined the offer as he wanted to stay close to home so he could take care of his parents.

    Although he was laid off, he earned more than 1,000 yuan a month with his skills. His supervisor respected him and his colleagues liked him. A survey showed that his satisfactory work rating with his customers was 100 0n two consecutive years. (He fixes monitors) How could a person with a good career who is the breadwinner of a family, who is about to get married, suddenly commit suicide? It's impossible!

    He often fixed electric appliances for people free of charge, and some appliances waiting to be fixed were found in his company drawer. If he wanted to die, he would have taken care of these things first.

    Qiaoxi Police Department claimed the two-hour interrogation on the evening of May 30 was conducted in a peaceful atmosphere and no torture was employed. Zuo Zhigang's behavior was normal. Without suffering any physical torture or mental torment, there is no reason for a dramatic change in Zuo Zhigang's mental state after only a short conversation. At what point does a person commit suicide? What does he do before he kills himself? He would be desperate and go through inner turmoil, and his mood would be abnormal. How much courage does it take to take this step, and how much time does it take to make the decision to end one's own life? How could Zuo Zhigang have committed suicide without having shown any of these basic behaviors?

    Second, the physical conditions for suicide did not exist. The Qiaoxi Police Department first claimed that Zuo Zhigang was held in the detention room at the Xinghua Street Police Station and was watched around the clock. How did he get the opportunity to commit suicide? At first, Qiaoxi Police Department personnel claimed, "The people in charge of watching Zuo Zhigang were cleaning an area of about 2 square meters outside the detention room at the time of Zuo Zhigang's death. They were separated from him by only an iron-barred door and could both hear and see Zuo Zhigang. How could they have let him commit suicide? The police later changed their story and said, "These people went to dump the garbage and saw that Zuo Zhigang had hung himself when they returned." The detention room is only a few meters from the garbage collection site and it takes only a few minutes round-trip. How did Zuo Zhigang get enough time to commit suicide? Qiaoxi Police Department personnel claimed his suicide process took only six or seven minutes. Zuo Zhigang is 1.72 meters tall (about 5 ft. 8 in.) and the iron-barred is 1.6 meters high (about 5 ft. 3 in.). He would have to have hung himself with bent legs. As a healthy person, instinct would have him kick out and his feet would have touched the ground, so it would have been very difficult for him to kill himself with a short-sleeve shirt in such a short period of time.

    Third, the crime scene was destroyed. The main physical evidence, including the body, the shirt, the knife, the scissors, his shoes and underwear were absent. Why did the police remove the body before his family could look at it?

    Fourth, the death notice to his family was intentionally delayed. Qiaoxi Police Department officials claimed he died at 6:30 a.m. on May 31. So, why didn't they notify us until 13 hours later at 7:30 p.m.? It was more than 24 hours past the time of his arrest. The time at which we saw his body was 35 hours past his death, at 5:30 p.m. on June 1. It is unknown what had transpired during the intervening hours. The police also refused to issue the family an autopsy report.

    Fifth, Zhao, the deputy head of the Qiaoxi Police Department, and Yin, the political head went back on their word. On the morning of June 1 they said that the family could take pictures of the body if they had suspicions, yet when we went to see the body in the afternoon they refused to let us take pictures. Why?

    Sixth, the Qiaoxi Police Department officials changed the critical times and facts several times during the process. They gave several different versions of the time of death, time of detention, the food he ate, among other things. Once, the police claimed his short-sleeve shirt was torn into long strips, and later they said it wasn't torn.

    Seventh, the police were very rude to the victim's family and threatened them. When the family pointed out that Zhao, the deputy head of the police department was lying, he flew into a rage and threatened, "You'll be sorry if you say that again!"

    Eighth, a short-sleeve shirt cannot account for the scars on the body, and they are different from the coroner's explanation and the picture he provided.

    (1) From what we saw on the body, there was a narrow scar on each side of his neck. The skin was gone and there was blood around the scars. There was no scar around his Adam's apple that would otherwise indicate a thin strip of cloth had been tied around it, as the skin is intact. There were also wide tightening marks underneath his ears.

    My questions are: A man's clothing in the summer time is usually soft and smooth. Zuo Zhigang's shirt was made of man-made fiber, not a coarse rope. How could it rub off the skin within a few minutes? According to statements from Qiaoxi Police Department officials, he killed himself while leaning forward. Therefore the front of his body stood the most weight. So why are there are no obvious scars around his adam's apple? If he hung himself with a shirt, he could have tied the ends of his shirt to make it into a loop, so the part of his shirt that came in contact with his neck could be the lower part of the shirt. He also could have twisted the shirt into a rope. If the first scenario is true, the scars should be thin. If the latter one is true, the scars should be wide. In any case, the scars should be even in width, which contradicts the fact that the scars on the body are of different widths.

    (2) There were bumps on his left cheek and also under his ear, which apparently were caused by a blunt object. His whole right ear is dark blue. Why did the coroner miss these details in his report?

    (3) The picture provided by the coroner shows the mark of abrasions on the back. The Qiaoxi Police Department officials claimed it was caused by the nails on the iron-barred door. However, when we went to investigate the detention room, we saw the nails on the aforementioned door are spaced wide apart and could not have caused the wounds shown in the picture. When we proposed this question, Qiaoxi Police Department officials refused to answer us. When we looked at the body, we saw two deep holes beside the spine on the lower back. They are about one inch apart and are the size of chopsticks. They look suspiciously similar to the burn scar caused by an electric baton, and not at all like an abrasion wound. If he hung himself, the nails would have scratched his body vertically, yet the actual holes are the result of force asserted perpendicular to the body. The coroner could not explain these two holes.

    We cannot help but ask:

    How did Zuo Zhigang die? Why do the scars and wounds on his body, obviously caused by instruments, not fit the police report that he hung himself with a shirt? Why did the coroner fail to report truthfully? If he wanted to commit suicide, why would he kill himself at the police station not anywhere else?

    If someone strangled him, who would it be? Maybe someone killed him by accident during torture and then hung his body on the door to make it appear as suicide to cover the facts.

    Why did the police fail to notify the family after the death? Why was the body sent directly to the crematory without the family's consent? In addition, the family was not given the opportunity to see the body at the police station.

    Why was there such long delay before a coroner's report or technical report was sent to us? A total of two years and 41 days elapsed before the report was delivered to the family on July 11, 2003. The death occurred on May 31, 2001.

    Why did the authorities at the Qiaoxi Police Department repeatedly change their story? Why are there so many discrepancies in their story? The official(s) at the city police department said the head of the Qiaoxi Police Department is not well qualified. Isn't there a possibility that a person like him would arbitrarily arrest people, conduct torture to obtain a confession, and that this would lead to death?

    How many people were watching our son? Was it their responsibility to do the cleaning as well? Even if only one person was watching Zuo Zhigang, why didn't someone else take the monitor's place when the first person left the room? They are guilty of misconduct because they abandoned their post by leaving Zuo Zhigang all by himself.

    The Qiaoxi Police Department personnel have refused to answer our questions and denied us access to the original death report. We do not understand. We appealed to the procuratorate, the Politics and Law Committee and the city police department many times, both verbally and in written statements, but still did not receive the technical report until two years later, and there are many doubtful claims. The report claims "a large amount of" "Falun Gong" materials were found on Zuo Zhigang, which is untrue. There were two empty VCDs, one C drive disk, one Happy Family software, which is confirmed by Zuo Zhigang's work unit. He also had an empty backpack. Where does the "large amount" come from? Another false claim made by the technical report is the time of arrest, which according to the report is 8:00 p.m., but in fact the police went to Zuo Zhigang's work unit at around 3:00 p.m. on May 30, when they deprived him of his personal freedom. This has also been confirmed by Zuo Zhigang's work unit. According to existing laws, after no incriminating evidence was found, Zuo Zhigang should have been released at 3:00 a.m. the next day, yet persons from the Qiaoxi Police Department illegally detained him and personally caused his death. The shirt did not make these scars, and there were numerous wounds on the body. The Qiaoxi Police Department officials said Zuo Zhigang was "very stubborn," which makes extortion of confession through torture a highly viable option.

    This case involves murder, and some individuals in the political and judicial departments are suspects. We sincerely ask that the judicial departments above the provincial level file this case and invite a most honest coroner with great professional expertise to conduct a just autopsy. We further ask that representatives and the victim's family be notified of and be present at the autopsy. The current technical report is a product of the city procuratorate, the city police department and the Qiaoxi Police Department. The family was not present. This case happened in the Qiaoxi Police Department, yet the people from the police department were present. It is against the principles of fairness, and people from the Qiaoxi Police Department should not be involved in the autopsy.

    Since losing Zuo Zhigang, who was the main source of income for our family, our lives have been very difficult. In addition to tremendous grief, both my wife and I retired early for health reasons. My mother, who is in her late 80s, is living with us, and we also support our younger daughter who stays home without a job. We spent lots of money in seeking justice, and we earnestly request that related government departments compensate us, financially and emotionally. Life is most precious and cannot be measured with money, yet those who are still alive have to continue to live, however arduous it may be.

    We especially ask related government departments to make sure that the Qiaoxi Police Department keeps Zuo Zhigang's body. Because he died from unnatural cause(s) and our family has many questions, we have the right to the facts and to obtain answers. We also have the right to ask higher governmental department to conduct another autopsy. We reserve the right to appeal and file lawsuits. Therefore, please do not cremate the body without the family's consent and before all legal procedures are finished!

    In the process of upholding our legal rights we will find out the truth and restore justice for the deceased, restore dignity for the law, and restore security for society. The long arm of the law will not miss a single culprit! Any and all perpetrators who violate the law as administrators of the law will be punished by the law!

    Zuo Yaoxin, August 12, 2003

    Two Hundred Falun Gong Practitioners Still Illegally Imprisoned in Shandong No. 2 Forced Labor Camp

    Two hundred male Falun Gong practitioners are still imprisoned in Shandong No. 2 Forced Labor Camp located in Wangcun Town, west of Zibo City, Shandong Province. The torture methods used there are ruthless. The practitioners who dare to say "Falun Dafa is great!" are tortured with electric batons, deprived of sleep, hung up by their handcuffs, beaten with iron and wooden tools, stripped and exposed to the cold, or scratched, imprisoned in solitary confinement, forced to stand for extended periods, denied use of the toilet, given extensions to their prison terms, etc. Young and old, practitioners are ruthlessly persecuted mentally, physically, and financially.

    In the fall of 2003, around ten imprisoned practitioners persisted in doing the Falun Gong exercises. The labor camp officials would not tolerate this. The Department of Justice ordered the formation of a so-called "assaulting fortitude group" and deployed "spring thunder action." They imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners in a room on the first floor where they cruelly persecuted them for two months.

    Just a few days after his father passed away, Falun Gong practitioner Yang Shaofan was illegally sentenced and imprisoned in Shandong No. 2 Labor Camp. His mother, an older woman who had never traveled far from home, missed her son and went to a lot of effort traveling a great distance to go to the labor camp with some of his clothes. Her health was not good, and since she had just lost her husband, the pain of her son's absence was very hard on her. She was so anxious to see her son, but when she arrived at the labor camp, they shut her out, claiming, "Your son has not been "transformed." You may not visit each other! This is an order from our supervisors." She fell to the ground with a broken heart and wept . Nobody could walk by without sympathizing with her. More and more people gathered to watch. Knowing that they were in the wrong, the labor camp had no choice but to let her visit her son.

    This incident was not forgotten by the labor camp and brought shame to the labor camp officials. Seeking revenge, director Han (who still serves in this position) went into the arena himself and tortured Yang Shaofan continuously. Initially he deprived Yang of sleep for one month, allowing him no more than an hour's sleep per day. At the same time, he constantly cursed at Mr. Yang and beat him every day. Mr. Yang was so sleepy that he could barely walk. Director Han and guard Wang used two electric batons to shock Yang Shaofan on his head and the souls of his feet. Finally, they stripped off Yang's pants and shocked his penis. Yang cried out in great pain, dripping with sweat and tears during this horrific torture.

    Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Kegui is fifty years old this year. Because he wrote "Falun Dafa is great," the guards handcuffed him between the upper and lower bunk. They handcuffed one of his hands on the upper bunk and the other hand on the lower bunk so that he could neither stand nor sit. He was tortured for the whole night like this and his legs became so painful and numb that he could barely stand. The next day, guard Sun Fengjun, who lives in Zhangqiu City, violently pounded on Zhao's head with a one-foot board. A big cluster of Zhao's hair fell out. The skin on his head was broken and the flesh was exposed. Blood ran down his face. When his family was informed, his daughter in college was frightened for her father, and cried helplessly.

    The labor camp guards also tortured practitioners by scratching them violently. They hung the practitioner on iron bars with their hands pulled out in opposite directions and feet pulled down diagonally. They stripped the practitioner to expose his chest and lower body. Then four or five guards began simultaneously using both hands to wantonly scratch the practitioner on the legs, under the arm, in the crotch area, between the legs, on the lower abdomen, and on the bottom of the feet. They scratched fiercely, back and forth, again and again. The practitioner's chest and abdomen twitched uncontrollably. The practitioner would become out of breath and be covered in sweat. His arms handcuffed to the iron bar were pulled with so much force that the handcuff cut into the flesh, causing excruciating pain. This torture would go on for several hours. Some victims became incontinent and it took a long time for them to recover both mentally and physically. Guard Captain Jing Jisheng and his several attendants often use this torture method. Falun Gong practitioners who suffered from this abuse include Zhang Lianbin, Shi Qingjin, Wang Chunsheng, Man Jun, Zhao Youqiang, Xu Hengkui, Zhuang Qi, Wang Chengfu, and Ji Xizheng.

    One 62-year-old practitioner suffered from high blood pressure. The guards made him stand with his face against the wall for over three months. The old man was steadfast and refused to be "transformed." Eventually his calves and ankles suffered severe edema. The skin was shiny where it bulged out, and it would break with the slightest hit. Even though they persecuted practitioners like this, the guards still could not force them to renounce their belief.

    All the practitioners suffered ruthless persecution. Guards forced them to work overtime from 5:00 a.m. until after midnight, sometimes even until 2:00 a.m. Though they worked more than eighteen hours a day, the workload was increased rather than reduced.

    Guard Sun Junfeng yelled barbarically in the conference, "Jiang Zemin stepped off the stage, so what? Hu Jintao is even crueler." Vice president Xin Xiuzhong said in a conference attended by hundreds of people: "Listen to me, and I won't attack you. Don't listen to me, and I will attack you." They also used criminal prisoners and drug offenders to monitor and torture Falun Gong practitioners. In 2004, the officials invited guards from other prisons to visit their labor camp in order to teach them their methods of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

    Is It "Healthy Influence of Education" or Bloody Rule?

    I am a woman from the countryside in my fifties, and I am fortunate to know Teacher's great law. Through my genuine practice of Falun Gong, level by level I have come to understand and experience many of the Fa principles that Teacher told us about in Zhuan Falun, such as purification of the spirit, the return of morality, family harmony, the wonderful effect of the dispelling of diseases, the main spirit leaving the physical human body, various supernormal abilities, the Celestial Eye, and so on. When Jiang's regime began to persecute Falun Gong, even after thinking about it a lot, I could not understand it. Didn't the government loudspeakers and television and radio programs often say that practice is the only standard by which to examine the truth? All through our practice, practitioners of Falun Gong have drawn the conclusion that Falun Dafa is the great and righteous law.

    Jiang's regime implemented the policy of "Ruining their (the practitioners') reputations, bankrupting them financially and destroying them physically" on one hundred million Falun Gong practitioners who don't fight back when they are beaten or sworn at, and has turned all of China into a living hell. No matter who you are, where you live, or what position you hold, as long as you believe in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," you are not spared. Practitioners are suffering the most brutal tortures in history.

    "Education Is a Healthy Influence" is written everywhere in the forced labor camps and brainwashing centers in China, and is repeated on television and by the lecture groups. The goal is to surround those "obsessed people" with warmth like a spring breeze and make them "transform." Is it the result of the "healthy influence of education" or bloody rule? One hundred million Falun Gong practitioners, their families, and hundreds of millions of the general populace who know the truth can bear witness! Didn't those so-called "transformed" people even say that they wrote the five statements (similar to the three statements) against their wills due to unbearable physical and mental torture? After they went home, some of them cried their eyes out, distressed and regretful, and then wrote solemn declarations to retract their five statements.

    In order to explain the true situation to the government, I once went alone to Beijing to appeal. Unexpectedly I was arrested, abused, cruelly beaten, locked up, and detained in a detention center by police. Our freedom of appeal is actually feigned. They forced me to perform heavy labor. I escaped using righteous thoughts when I was working. Afterwards I went to appeal at the highest People's Court in Beijing. I thought that the highest court would redress these wrongs, but, unexpectedly, they arrested me again and sent me back to the local police department. The director general was chided by his superior, became angry out of shame, put shackles on my angles that weighed more than forty pounds, handcuffed me, and said, "You are wearing one of the biggest pairs of shackles in the northeast."

    More than ten police officers took turns beating a pathetically weak woman like me. They not only ceaselessly punched and kicked me, they also tortured me with high voltage electrical batons until I fainted. When I woke up that night, a policeman surnamed Sun tortured me after drinking alcohol. When his hands were tired from hitting me, he kicked me with his feet. When his feet hurt, he tortured me with the soles of his shoes. I again lost consciousness. After I woke up in the daytime, they buckled my hands and feet together and forced me to walk in the courtyard. Very soon, the skin on my ankles tore from the rubbing and would not stop bleeding. They deprived me of sleep at night, did not remove the handcuffs or foot shackles, and fixed my arms in-line on an iron stand. At that time, I thought, "I have been a farmer and suffered my whole life, and sometimes I did not even have enough food to eat, but I have never criticized the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). What did I do wrong in practicing 'Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance?' What law have I broken? Why cruelly torture me like this?" Only then did I realize the true meaning of "the heaven is big, the earth is big, but not as big as the benevolence of the party!"

    Later, I picked up a very small nail from the floor, poked it into the foot shackles and made them open. In this way, I opened them up at night and locked them in the daytime, enabling me to get through these hardships. I knew that Teacher was helping me. Actually I was not the only one that suffered brutal persecution. I witnessed a young girl surnamed Wang, about 10 or 11 years old, who had bruises all over her body from torture. In the chilly cold of November 1999, she was forced to stand in the snow for several hours while wearing only thin cotton clothes. In this place, I have seen several hundred practitioners encountering persecution.

    A few days later, I was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor and sent to Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp. Unavoidably I was beaten mercilessly by the guards, tortured with electronic batons, slapped with a bamboo rods, deprived of sleep, forced to work from 4:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. and so on. Later, because I was steadfast in the practice of Falun Gong, I was transferred from Group 4 to the most barbarous Group 2. The leader was surnamed Zhang, the guard was surnamed Hao, and there was also an unmarried female guard. Beatings, verbal abuse and torture with electric batons were normal. The cruelest torture was to tie me on the death bed. I could not move, and I had to eat, drink and excrete on the bed. During this time, I witnessed a female practitioner tied to a tiger bench for seven days and nights. Upstairs and downstairs, the sounds of beatings, verbal abuse, and painful groans could be heard faintly. The miserable situation was indescribable. I was persecuted until I had lost the ability to take care of myself. I was set free after serving an extra three months.

    In 2002, I was abducted by the 610 Office officials from the local police station and brought to a brainwashing center. I conducted a hunger strike to protest the unreasonable persecution, so they barbarically force-fed me. They first used a thin tube and then a thick tube. They could not insert the tube, so they tried with all their strength to jam it in. After every force-feeding, I vomited blood for a while. I became extremely emaciated from the torment. Afraid of being held responsible, they quickly transferred me to the Changchun Brainwashing Center. They carried me into the room and quickly left. On the second day, I became comatose and was only kept alive by being given oxygen. Only when the police saw that my situation was really bad did they let my family take me home.

    Because of the Changchun cable TV tapping incident on March 5, 2002, I was again arrested and persecuted. Three policemen and two medical personnel force-fed me. I could not breathe and fainted. My husband saw that my eyes had stopped moving. They left in a hurry, leaving me alone in the clinic. At that moment, I felt a big hand wiping me from head to foot. I immediately awoke and sat up. I saw I was alone in the room and realized that Teacher was saving me. I walked out of the hospital with bare feet and again escaped. A good-hearted person who was selling ice cream gave me a pair of slippers, and a kind taxi driver took me to my daughter's home without asking for payment.

    I was arrested and detained several times. I did not sign anything that the authorities ordered me to, and I always walked out in an open and honorable way. Of course I feel delighted, but the cruel beatings by my family make me extremely sad.

    Due to the lies and deceit, the poison of the party culture, and the fear created by the Chinese Communist Party in the successive political movements, my family became cold, negative and selfish. They blame me for the mental pain and material loss brought to Falun Gong practitioners by Jiang Zemin and the CCP, and take out all their anger on me. My husband frequently yells at, scolds, and hits me. Once he hit my head with a cooking pot, he really hit me with all his strength. Another time he punched my eyes with his fists. I almost went blind, and they bled a lot.

    I always bear the burden of responsibility, taking care of the elderly, looking after my children well and showing consideration for my husband. However, because of my belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" and striving to be a good person, I am not only persecuted by the Communist regime, but also beaten by my family. Is this society normal? I often shout in my heart, "Kind-hearted people! My family! Please wake up and recognize the deceitful, cheating, violent, terrorist, evil and scoundrel nature of the CCP's evil spirit! Open your conscience, make a clear distinction between right and wrong, promote justice. Let us suffocate the evil and move towards a glorious future together!"

    I recall my experiences of going in and out of detention several times. Every time I escaped with the thought, "Let go of death." How can I still be alive today without the protection of Teacher? Letting go of death does not mean you want to die. The aim of Falun Gong practitioners living nobly is to follow Teacher until the completion of the Fa-rectification.

    Junior High Student from Laiwu City Shandong Province Is Expelled from School for Reading the Nine Commentaries

    Duan Xirong is a female junior high school (grade 9) student from the No. 2 Middle School of Zhangjiawa Neighborhood Office in Laiwu City, Shandong Province. Her teacher slapped her face for possessing a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. Not only did she physically assault her, but the principal Lu Jin and the local 610 Office expelled her from school. Miss Duan Xirong's parents have been sent to a forced labor camp for refusing to renounce Falun Gong, and her mother is currently jailed at the Jinan Forced Labor Camp.

    Miss Duan Xirong is 15 years old and lives in Shanzihou Village of Zhangjiawa Township. Since the start of the persecution of Falun Gong by the former leader of the Chinese Communist Party, Jiang Zemin, her family was broken up. Her parents were abducted, beaten and fined several times for appealing on behalf of Falun Gong. In the end, they were both sentenced to terms in a forced labor camp. Xirong is just a teenager and yet she now has to shoulder all of the family responsibilities. She has to go to school, do the housework and look after both her sister and her grandmother, who is in her eighties.

    Young Xirong could not understand what her parents had done wrong. Facing the daily trauma of her sister's crying for her parents and the stress of looking after her elderly grandmother places tremendous pressure upon her. Other children of her age have their parents around to support them, so why can't she? Through this, she has learned to be strong and to think independently. She knows that her parents are good people and that Falun Dafa is been wrongfully persecuted. She weeps whenever she thinks about her mother, who is still jailed and subjected to daily persecution in the Jinan Forced Labor Camp. Why aren't they allowed to be good people? They are persecuted simply for following Falun Gong's principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance. One day, on her way to school, a woman gave her a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party. She brought it to school and it was discovered by her teacher.

    On the afternoon of April 8, 2005, her teacher Shang Xianqin called her to the office and intimidated her saying, "Do you want me to lose my job so that your classmates won't be able to pass the high school entrance exam?" She forced Xirong to hand over the book to her, but Xirong refused because she wanted to read the book so as to find out what the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) true nature is. Why did they persecute her parents? Why did they sentence them to forced labor when she and her sister needed them so much?

    The teacher angrily stormed into the classroom to get her book and asked one of her classmates to burn it. The teacher also tore apart Xirong's two history books and a geometry book and threw them to the floor. Xirong was in tears, but she said to her teacher "The CCP is evil and bad." For that, the teacher slapped her face. The teacher even said that she was applying to become a party member.

    Later on, the principal, in conjunction with the local 610 Office personnel continued to persecute Xirong. They forced her to sign all kinds of documents, but she refused. As a result, they expelled her from school after all else failed to persuade her.

    It has been four weeks since Xirong was expelled and the mid-term exams are approaching. Xirong misses her classmates and would really like to have the chance to return to school.

    Please offer your help to stop the persecution of Falun Gong and human rights abuses in China and let Xirong return to school.

    Related phone numbers

    No.2 Middle School, Zhangjiawa Neighborhood Office
    Lu Jin, principal: 86-634-6581030 (Office)
    Shang Xianqin, teacher: 86-634-6680540 (Home)

    The Party's Evil Nature is Displayed in the Brutal Persecution of Zhang Xiumei

    Ms. Zhang Xiumei suffered for many years from more than ten different diseases. Not long after she started to practice Falun Gong, all of her illnesses disappeared. She personally experienced the greatness and sacredness of Falun Gong and Teacher. She really could not understand why the government began persecuting Falun Gong, so she went to Beijing alone three times to appeal, with the hope that she could tell her true story to the people in power. She went there with this very simple and compassionate thought; however, what she received was torture. From Ms. Zhang's experience, we can see that the Chinese Communist Party has reached the extreme of evilness. Justice is now demanding that the CCP perish.

    Ms. Zhang Xiumei is a 58 year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Chengguan Town, Zhuolu County, Zhangjiakou City.

    Before she became a practitioner, Ms. Zhang had serious arthritis. Due to a fall, the pain in her legs increased significantly, and she could not squat down at all. She had suffered from severe sinus problems for about 18 years. She had stomach illness which made it difficult to eat. She also had illness in her intestines, including tapeworms, disease in her reproductive system, skin disease and so on. The area between her calf and abdomen was often unbearably itchy, and bled from scratching. She also suffered inflammation of the gall bladder, bile duct ache, numb and aching arms, and so on. It can be said that she had chronic pain all over her body.

    In early 1997, Zhang Xiumei saw her previous ward mate from the hospital, who lived on the same street as her. This lady had suffered seriously from heart disease, inflammation of the heart muscle, rheumatoid arthritis, and stomach diseases in the past. She had resigned herself to die because of the illnesses. However, it was not very warm outside yet, and she was only wearing a skirt, and her face was flushed. To Zhang Xiumei it was beyond belief. Zhang Xiumei asked her, "Have you recovered through practicing Falun Gong?" She told Zhang Xiumei that after she practiced Falun Gong, she gained huge benefits physically and mentally. She lent Zhang Xiumei the book, Zhuan Falun and asked her to have a good look.

    It was not easy for Ms. Zhang to learn. In the beginning, as soon as Zhang Xiumei picked up the book, she became sleepy. She read it once on and off, but did not understand much. She only realized that it teaches people to uplift their moral standards, pay attention to virtue, and strive to be a good person. At that time, she thought, "I still can't stand right now. I will practice after my legs are cured." She went to the hospital three times in a row, and the doctor was not in to see her each time, so after the third time, she went home and decided, "I won't go to see the doctor any more, I will practice Falun Gong!" As soon as this thought came out, unexpectedly on the following day she could stand, and was able to practice the exercises. In three days, Teacher started to clean up her body. She had diarrhea and vomiting, and a big blood clot flowed out from her nose. A few days later, the pain in her legs from which she had suffered for many years, and all the other diseases she suffered from for half of her life, went away. From deep in her heart, she appreciated Falun Gong and Teacher. She realized from her heart that the only hope and way out for a human being is to practice and follow the path of returning to one's true self. Zhuan Falun is a complete teaching which guides people to practice towards high levels.

    After Jiang's scoundrel regime began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, Zhang Xiumei felt very sad. On March 4, 2000, she and more than twenty fellow practitioners got together at their previous practice site to practice . As a result, they were arrested by authorities from the County Public Security Bureau and the local police station, and taken to the county detention center where they were illegally held for fifteen days. Zhang Xiumei lost 2200 yuan through extortion, including 1700 yuan in cash and 500 yuan from other sources. The people directly responsible for her persecution include Liu Guizhen, the deputy director general of the County Public Security Bureau and Wang Jianming from Chengguan Town Police Station.

    On March 27, 2000, Zhang Xiumei went to State Appeals Office in Beijing, planning to tell the government about the benefits she received from practicing Falun Gong. Unexpectedly, the Appeals Office had turned into an arrest office. As soon as the staff knew she was a Falun Gong practitioner, they arrested her without a word. She was taken to the office of Zhangjiakou City in Beijing, who confiscated 250 yuan from her. Afterwards, Zhao Lailiang, the deputy head of Chengguan Town, and Wang Jianming brought her back. The office in Beijing extorted 1500 yuan from her. Zhao Lailiang and some other policemen also charged her for their meals, traveling expenses and gas. Her family was extorted 2000 yuan in total.

    On April 25, 2000, Zhang Xiumei again went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and speak just words for Teacher and Falun Gong. However, as soon as she arrived in Beijing, she was arrested by police officers there, and she was again locked up in the office of Zhangjiakou City in Beijing. The policemen there kicked her, even fiercely kicking her face with leather shoes, causing bruises to appear all over her body. Zhao Lailiang and Wang Jianming escorted her back home and extorted 5000 yuan from her family.

    By October 2000, Zhang Xiumei had been extorted many times and did not have a single cent left, so she set out for Beijing by bike. At around 3:00 a.m. on the 12th, when she had just arrived on the outskirts of Beijing, she was arrested by plainclothes policemen and taken to their office in Beijing. After she was escorted back, she was directly sent to the county detention center and illegally detained for more than a month. Afterwards, she was sentenced to three years of forced labor, and forcibly sent to Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding.

    In Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp, Zhang Xiumei had righteous thoughts and actions. She did not cooperate with any requests, orders or instigations from the guards there, and she insisted on rectifying all the rules and regulations in the forced labor camp. As a result, she was tortured and brutally persecuted. She refused to eat their food or wear the prison uniform. She did not answer any questions during the interrogation. She was tortured with an electric baton more than ten times. Her hands were cuffed to a loop fastened to the ground so that she could not sit or stand. She could only squat. She was tortured in this position more than twenty times. She was also forced to stand facing the wall continuously for over two weeks without sleep. As part of the torture, they pulled off her clothes and rolled up her underwear, exposing her to mosquito bites. Her face was whipped repeatedly with the sole of a shoe during sessions lasting thirty minutes each. She was slapped, punched and kicked with shoes. In order to support their aim of brainwashing Ms. Zhang, the evildoers read articles that slander Falun Gong to her every day. To resist the evil, Zhang Xiumei and other practitioners loudly recited Teacher's articles. The guards actually stuffed their mouths with dirty mud from the sewer. Afterwards, Zhang Xiumei and other practitioners started a hunger strike to resist the evil persecution. After 52 days of hunger strike, Zhang Xiumei had become very skinny and emaciated. Her weight dropped from 65 kg (143 lbs.) to 30 kg (66 lbs.). The forced labor camp feared being held responsible should she die, so they released her on October 26, 2001. This time the evildoers extorted 800 yuan in cash from her family.

    At around 10:00 a.m. on October 16, 2002, about five guards from Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp suddenly rushed into Ms. Zhang's home and forcibly took her away. Ms. Zhang's 84-year-old mother-in-law tried to stop the police, but was beaten down on the stone steps of the courtyard. Just like that, a piece of flesh from her face was torn off, blood gushed out, and her arm was broken. They arrested Zhang Xiumei and swaggered off, and even lied to Ms. Zhang, saying that her mother-in-law was all right. Ms. Zhang's mother-in-law was frightened and suffered mental trauma. Her bones were broken and were slow to heal. She had pain for the entire night and could not sleep. She died not long afterwards.

    Zhang Xiumei was forcibly taken to Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. For more than three months, to resist the detention and persecution she refused to eat the food at the labor camp. During this period, she was barbarically force-fed twice a day. A thick rubber tube was forced down through her nose. She was disfigured and suffered extreme pain from the torment. Her life was in danger many times. Eventually, the evildoers feared being held responsible for her death, so they took her home at night and forced her family to pay for all of their fares and meals etc.

    On October 1, 2004, Zhang Xiumei arrived at Tiananmen Square by herself. She stood there, raised her hand to the front of her chest and sent forth the righteous thoughts. She was arrested by the armed police at Tiananmen Square. The police dragged her to the police car, kicked her, beat her, and slapped her head and face with large leather shoes. Her face immediately became blue and purple, she felt faint and her head was swollen. She could not stand up. On the same night, she was sent to the Dongcheng Detention Center in Beijing. Ms. Zhang still conducted a hunger strike to resist the evil persecution. On the seventh day, they began to force-feed her. She did not cooperate, so they forcibly pried her mouth open with a toothbrush and comb, and then the police inserted the rubber tube into her nose. After three continuous force-feedings, she had the symptom of kidney failure. Her whole body twitched and her life was in danger. She was later sent to Beijing Police Hospital for emergency treatment. Zhang Xiumei refused to have a transfusion. The persecutors then cuffed both her hands and legs for more than 20 days, causing a permanent disability in her arms. She cannot put her arms up even today. After she was released from the hospital, officials from the Dongcheng Detention Center illegally sentenced her for two and a half years of forced labor, and sent her to the Tuanhe dispatching station in Beijing. Because Zhang Xiumei continued to protest by conducting a hunger strike, the police again cuffed her hands and feet for over two weeks. On February 10, the police sent her, exhausted from the ongoing physical and mental torture, to Tangshan Forced Labor Camp for further persecution. In Tangshan Forced Labor Camp, Zhang Xiumei conducted a hunger strike for five and a half months.

    From February 24, 2005, onward, Zhang Xiumei was faced with intensified persecution. In order to  restrain the evil, she began to shout "Falun Dafa is great!" and "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!" She ceaselessly shouted until the 27th. Her righteous thoughts and actions strongly frightened the evil. They cuffed her onto a wooden chair and tied up her arms and legs tightly for five days. Zhang Xiumei did not stop shouting "Falun Dafa is great!" and "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!" After she was untied, she still kept shouting "Falun Dafa is great!" and "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!" The guards gagged her with socks and dirty clothes, tied her mouth tight with clothes bands, and wrapped her mouth with several rounds of wide sticky tape. Ms. Zhang could not breathe, her chest was expanded, and her face became blue and purple. The guards actually hit her in the mouth with their fists one after another. Zhang Xiumei endured exquisite pain and tears flew down her face. Guards Li Lina, Guo Lichun and Yan took turns hitting her mouth continuously. Zhang Xiumei was aware of flesh being ripped on her cheek, one piece after another, but because her mouth was shut with sticky tape, she could not spit it out, so she had to swallow the flesh with the blood. In the end, the flesh above her gum fell off completely. It was seriously damaged and could not be restored.

    No matter whether she was tied or untied, with her mouth covered tight or not, day or night, Zhang Xiumei ceaselessly shouted, "Falun Dafa is great! Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance is good!" She never stopped shouting, although her body was extremely emaciated from the persecution. The evildoers had to untie her and take away the cuffs. Zhang Xiumei's stern righteousness frightened the evil. When the police sent her to Tangshan Kaiping Hospital for emergency rescue, she shouted throughout the forced labor camp during transport. The police covered her head with a quilt, but she still shouted. No matter where she was taken by car, she did not stop shouting. After she arrived at the hospital, she explained the truth and exposed the evil to the doctor. The guards were very shocked and scared. She was found to have many types of highly dangerous illnesses, such as diabetes, kidney failure, serious lack of potassium, heart disease and so on. She also had symptoms of entering into a coma and losing control of her urine and bowels.

    On April 9, 2004, the guards ordered her family to pick her up. The police feared her family might not come, so they called her daughter and said, "Your mother is seriously ill, come quickly." Her daughter answered with strong righteous thoughts, "I have no money to go. All our money has been extorted by you." The evildoers then asked her daughter to go to the local police station and get a proof letter. The daughter still refused to go, so the police had to beg her to come immediately and take her mother home.

    When the daughter and son-in-law saw their mom, they were frightened by her appearance. Their mom's condition was horrible. Her face was black and dirty, her disheveled hair was stuck together, her face was dripping with bloody water, her clothes were wet with urine, her eyes were shut tightly, and she was unconscious and near death. The daughter and son-in-law were extremely distressed. They had to carry their mother home with tears in their eyes. Ms. Zhang's elderly spouse burst into tears when he saw Zhang Xiumei's near-death condition, and said to her daughter, "This time your mom really can't recover."

    However, because of Teacher's mercy and Falun Gong's supernatural power, Zhang Xiumei was mysteriously brought back to life after the repeated huge tribulations. Zhang Xiumei currently cannot eat normally, and she cannot walk or raise her arms. A deep scar on the back of her neck caused by the tight tying of ropes has formed a thick bloody scab. Her whole body has edema, she looks pale, and she cannot take care of herself. She is now looked after by her spouse and family members.

    Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Jin Xingbo Tortured to Death in 2001

    Mr. Jin Xingbo was born on October 24, 1948, and lived in Zhangtai Township, Wencheng County, Zhejiang Province. He and his wife Zhao Meilu were both Falun Gong practitioners. They went to Beijing separately to appeal after the persecution started.

    On November 27, 2000, Mr. Jin Xingbo was arrested at his home and jailed in the Hangzhou City First Prison. Mr. Jin went on a hunger strike to protest and was brutally force-fed. On July 3, 2001, Mr. Jin Xingbo was suddenly sent home by the local police, who said he had a lung infection and was dying of lung cancer. Mr. Jin could not take care of himself and was dying. On July 21, 2001, Mr. Jin left this world.

    Mr. Jin's family asked the police how was it possible that a strong man could suddenly be sickened with lung cancer while in police custody? The family requested an autopsy to properly determine the true cause of death. Local police and government officials, however, ignored his family's requests, and forced them to take his body on the afternoon of July 23, 2001, and have it cremated.

    Mr. Jin's family went to Hangzhou City to file an appeal but received no satisfaction after more than two months wait. Mr. Jin's son (not a Falun Gong practitioner) was working outside his hometown when he was overcome by rage and anger at the news of his father's death. On October 6, 2001, he set two local police vehicles on fire as a way of protest for his dead father. He has had to escape the police by traveling to a town far from his home. The local police arrested Mrs. Zhao Meilu for her son's actions and sentenced her to three years in prison. She was first jailed in the Hangzhou City First Prison, and now is likely being held in Henan Province.

    Seven Falun Gong Practitioners from Xinjiang, Beijing, Sichuan, and Liaoning Provinces Die Due to Persecution

    Ms. Bai Wanxiu, a sixty-year-old Falun Gong practitioner and retired City Food Supply Bureau employee from Fukang City, Jizhou, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, went to Beijing many times to appeal. She was subjected to persecution and extortion by Mu Hengwang, Zhang Junhua, Feng Jun and others from the City Food Supply Bureau and police officers from the local police station. On September 17, 2004, she passed away as a result of the persecution she suffered.

    Married couple Mr. Bai Yinshang and Mrs. Li Qingfang were Falun Gong practitioners in their seventies from Xibayun Village, Jiuyunjie Town, Fukang City, Jizhou, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region. They and most of their children practice Falun Gong, and their children went to Beijing many times to appeal. Officials from the city's 610 Office, the police station and the town government singled them out for persecution. Authorities coerced them into allowing them to search their home many times, and harassed and persecuted them regularly. Having suffered these threats and harassment, the couple fell sick and didn't recover. Li Qingfang passed away in September 2001 and Bai Yinshan in October 2002.

    Mr. Li Zhenlu, a Falun Gong practitioner from Sandaogou Village, Cuijiayu Unit, Xinchengzi Town, Miyun County, Beijing, was detained and imprisoned in a labor camp for two years after he appealed for Falun Gong in July 1999. After his release, local police and 610 Office officials went to his home and harassed him many times, which caused him to suffer a relapse of an old illness. He passed away in May 2005.

    Mr. Li Xingquan, 65, was a Falun Gong practitioner from the Candy Manufacturing Factory in Yanjiang District, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province. His wife, Zhao Surong, was repeatedly persecuted because she clarified the truth. She was released from the Zizhong Nanmu Temple Women's Labor Camp in 2002. On May 10, 2003, she was again sentenced to four years because she distributed truth-clarifying materials, and was severely persecuted at the Chunxi Prison for Women. She was incarcerated in solitary confinement for a long time, and her family members were not allowed to visit her. Mr. Li Xingquan persisted in cultivating Falun Gong and continued to clarify the truth, but because he bore such extreme psychological pressure for so long, he suffered from sudden apoplexy and passed away on June 16, 2005.

    Ms. Liu Fengzhen, 65, from Xiaolianggou Village, Xian Town, Dawa County, Panjin City, Liaoning Province had suffered her whole life from multiple diseases, including diabetes, stroke, and tuberculosis of the lacteal gland. Her diabetes was so severe that she had to take medicine every day to control the symptoms. She started to practice Falun Gong with her family members in 1996. Her physical health was gradually restored and she recovered from the diabetes, and no longer needed medical treatment. She was energetic and also recovering from the sequelae of cerebral thrombosis. Because her husband Ning Bo persisted in Falun Gong cultivation, the head of Xian Police Station, Zhang Mingjiang, often went to their home with other police officers and harassed them, searched their home, and detained Ning Bo many times. Threatened by police and placed under great psychological pressure, Liu Fengzhen's diseases relapsed, and she passed away on September 23, 2003. Her husband was sentenced to a three-year term and imprisoned in the Jinzhou Jail after being arrested by policeman Zhang Mingjiang on May 19, 2004.

    <>Ms. Zeng Fengji, 60, of Xinhe Village, Buyunqiao Town, Qidong County, Hunan Province previously suffered from asthma and heart disease. She gradually recovered from these diseases after she started practicing Falun Gong. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, officials from the local 610 Office and the village government broke into her home and confiscated Master's picture. Because they prohibited her from practicing Falun Gong, Zeng Fengji passed away in 2000.

    Brief News from China - June 14, 2005

    1. [Shandong Province] Practitioner Ms. An Yuzhi From Shenli Oil Field, Shenzhong Community, Illegally Arrested

    Ms. An Yuzhi from Shenzhong Community of Shenli Oil Field was recently arrested by the police. The police also ransacked her home. Distributing truth-clarifying materials was the supposed reason for the arrest. She has been forced into brainwashing classes and tortured at the jail. Her family is not allowed to visit her.

    The relevant phone numbers:
    The 610 Office of the Shenli Oil Field: 86-546-8703610; 86-546-8710427; 86-546-8710428; 86-546-8710613 (Fax)

    Responsible authorities:
    Xu Xiangye, the Secretary General: 86-546-8558077 (O), 86-546-8788566 (H)
    Director of the Communist Party's Office: 86-546-8556088 (O)
    Deputy Director: 86-546-8713556 (O)
    Director of the Security Office: 86-546-8551468 (O)
    Deputy Director: 86-546-8556419 (O)

    2. [Mancheng, Hebei Province] Practitioner Mr. Fan Guotian Illegally Arrested

    On the afternoon of June 7, 2005, Mr. Fan Guotian was illegally arrested by police from the National Security Team of Mancheng. The police were trying to find out the source of truth-clarifying materials, which led to the arrest. At around 4:00 p.m., Zhang Hui, head of the Chengguan Police Substation, led several police officers to the residence of Mr. Guotian's son in the county's Yongleyuan District to conduct an illegal search. They confiscated Falun Gong books, truth-clarifying materials and Master's photos.

    3. [Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province] Several Practitioners, Including Ms. Yang Xiaoguan, Illegally Arrested

    Around April 25, 2002, Ms. Yang Xiaoguan and Ms. Yang Hailing (who has since been tortured to death), along with ten other practitioners, were arrested by the police. At noon on April 25, a practitioner witnessed the arrest of three female practitioners as they were picking up truth-clarifying materials from a material center close to Jixi University. On the evening of April 27, two practitioners witnessed Mr. Wei Xiaodong (who has since been tortured to death) being beaten by police in the basement of the Materials Center. Mr. Dai Jun (from Mishan City) was also arrested at the Jixi materials center. It was later discovered that Mr. Dai Jun and Ms. Yang Xiaoguan are being jailed at Mudanjiang Jail.

    4. [Shanghai] The Xuhui District Court Intends to Try Practitioner Ms. Wang Yiyi

    Xuhui District Court of Shanghai ordered the trial of Mr. Wang Yiyi at 9:30 a.m. on June 17, 2005, in the Sixth Court.

    5. [Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province] A Group of Practitioners, Including Ms. Wang Lizhen, Illegally Arrested, Put in a Brainwashing Class and Persecuted

    Zhaoqing City, Guandong Province, set up a brainwashing center at Beiling Party School on June 6, 2005. Five practitioners, including Ms. Wang Lizhen, were arrested and persecuted there.

    6. [Langfang, Hebei Province] Practitioners Ms. Wang Jinyun and Ms. Wang Xiujuan Illegally Arrested

    Police recently arrested Ms. Wang Jinyun and Ms. Wang Xiujuan for giving out truth-clarifying materials. They are currently being jailed at the brainwashing class being held at the Jiaotong Hotel.

    7. [Fushun, Liaoning Province] The Facts of Practitioners Mr. Chen Jirong and Ms. Xu Junying's Persecution

    Mr. Chen Jirong was released to his home after a beating so severe that it incapacitated the entire lower part of his body. He has since recovered. He was arrested a second time on June 11, 2005, by the police from the Qingyuan County, Fushun City, Liaoning Province. Ms. Xu Junying is being jailed at Dashagou Detention Center in Qingyuan County, and she is in very poor condition. Although the County Public Security Bureau wanted to send Ms. Xu to another facility, the others would not accept her because of her poor physical condition.

    The responsible units and persons involved in persecuting Ms.Xu include:
    Guan Huiting, the Secretary General of the County Party Committee: 86-413-3024199 (O), 86-413-3024053 (H), 86-13941373968 (C)
    Huang Baohua, the Deputy Secretary General of the County Party Committee: 86-413-3022065 (O), 86-413-3021622 (H), 86-13941373908 (C)
    Li Yongzhi, the Deputy Secretary General of the Political and Judicial Committee: 86-413-3029367 (O), 86-413-3024137 (H)
    Yao Hongsheng, the director of the County 610 Office: 86-413-3023640 (O), 86-413-3024708 (H), 86-13604137081 (C)
    Song Yi, the Commissioner of the Public Security Bureau; 86-413-3031333 (O), 86-413-3024600 (H), 86-13904139303 (C)
    Xiao Long, the Deputy Commissioner of the Public Security Bureau: 86-413-3021576 (O), 86-413-3021658 (H), 86-13904230780 (C)

    8. [Hunan Province] Practitioner Mr. Peng Zongwen Illegally Arrested By Police in An'ren County

    Mr. Peng Zongwen, 55, is a steadfast Falun Gong practitioner. At around 1:00 p.m. on May 24, 2005, he was arrested by Chen Yunqing and taken to the An'ren Detention Center, where he is being persecuted.

    The phone number for the Commissioner of the An'ren Public Security Bureau, Chen Yunqing: 86-13017357356 (C)
    An'ren Detention Center: 86-735-5230112

    9. [Guangzhou City, Guandong Province] Mr. Tan Bingxin from Haizhu District Illegally Detained Without Explanation

    At around 10:00 a.m. on June 2, 2005, Mr. Tan Bingxin was taken away by the police from Haizhu District, Guangzhou City, at No. 9 Guoxin Building, Huangsha Road, Guangzhou City. When his wife went to the workplace and inquired, she was told he would be detained for 15 days, but she was not given any reason for the detention.

    Responsible persons include:
    He Zhixiong, a policeman from Baoxianshe, Haichuang Police Substation, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City: 86-13710542408
    Chen Faxiong (Section Chief of the Security Section), at Guangzhou Guoxin Investment Inc.: 86-20-83560216, 86-13807770542 (C)
    Wei Runqiang, the Director: 86-20-81257955 (O), 86-20-84416303 (H)

    10. [Handan City, Hebei Province] Exposing the Persecution Perpetrated by the Cheng'an County Public Security Bureau

    The director of the Daodongbao Village Police Substation, Cheng'an County Public Security of Handan City, Hebei Province, led about nine police officers to the homes of Ms. Ding Qiaofengin in Beisanhu Village and Ms. Zuo Xiuchen in Shahe Village on June 6, 2005, and arrested them. In the afternoon of June 2, 2005, five police officers, including Lian Rihong and Yang Hongbin from the Political and Security Section of Cheng'an County Public Security Bureau, arrived at Mr. Fu Dehai's home, ransacked the home and handcuffed him.

    Phone numbers for the responsible persons:
    Zhao Zhenshan, the Deputy Secretary General of the Chenan County Party Committee: 86-310-7219566 (H)
    Zhang Zhenlin, head of the 610 Office: 86-310-7212822 (H)
    Switchboard of the Cheng'an County Public Security Bureau: 86-310-7211245
    Lian Rihong, the Team Leader of the National Security Team: 86-310-7212511 (H)

    Yang Hongbin, the Deputy Leader: 86-310-7217033 (H)
    Yao Zhaolin, policeman: 86-310-7219562 (H)
    Liu Yongxin, director of the Daodongbao Village Police Substation of Cheng'an County Public Security Bureau: 86-13013202598 (C), 86-310-7217059 (H)
    Liu Jidong, the Instructor: 86-13315066660 (C), 86-310-7262127 (H)

    11. [Shanghai] Practitioner Ms. Guan Longmei's Current Situation Unknown After Being Followed by Police

    Ms. Guan Longmei, 54, resides at Hongzhen North Street of Hongkou District. In 2001, she was sentenced to a labor camp for two years. On the evening of May 20, 2005, she was followed by unidentified persons and her current situation is unknown.

    12. [Shunde City, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Xiao Liao, from Shunde City Construction Project Team, Illegally Arrested In Guangzhou

    Mr. Xiao Liao (from Yulin District of Guangxi Province), was at a job site with the Guangdong Shunde City Construction Project Team when he was arrested by the police. He was reported to the police for giving out truth-clarifying VCDs in a residential area before the Chinese Spring Festival in 2005. His current situation is unknown.

    13. [Chongqing City] Practitioner Qin Zhongchun from Bishan Illegally Arrested by Police

    On or around March 20, 2005, Qin Zhongchun was arrested by the police from Yongchuan City. No details are known.

    14. [Shanghai] Pudong Practitioner Mr. Shi Jun's Family Broken Due to Persecution

    Mr. Shi Jun, 42, resides at Pudong Dezhou New Village. He was arrested on the day after the Chinese New Year by the Shanghai Steel Factory Police Substation. There has been no news about him since. Left at home are his 70-year-old parents and 12-year-old son. His wife has divorced him.

    15. [Shandong Province] Practitioner Liang Yu from Shenli Oil Field Tortured For Cultivating Falun Gong

    Liang Yu from Shenli Oil Field was sentenced to three years in a labor camp for believing in "Truthfulness, Compassion, and Tolerance." He has suffered inhumane tortures by the police at the labor camp. On June 2, 2005, when Mr. Yu was working at Shenli Oil Field, he was abducted by about 8 people from the Dongying Gudao Community and taken for brainwashing at the Gudao Community Brainwashing Class. Liang Yu was forced to go on a hunger strike to protest the torture. As a result, he was tortured, causing him to become extremely weak. When Mr. Yu was sent to the Shenli Oil Field hospital, he could hardly speak. The doctor's diagnosis indicated that he suffered from several serious illnesses. On June 11, Liang Yu was rescued from the persecutors and was transferred to a hospital in Shanghai.

    16. [Inner Mongolia] Practitioner Ms. Zhang Yuheng from Zhalaite Qi of Xin'anmen Illegally Arrested

    Ms. Zhang Yuheng, 57, is a retired employee of the Zhalaite Grain Bureau of Xin'anmen, Inner Mongolia. She was arrested by the Zhalaite Qi Public Security Bureau on May 17, 2000. Her current situation is unknown.

    17. [Huai'an, Jiangsu Province] Husband and Wife Practitioners Mr. Zhao Minghui and Mrs. Yuan Aifang Illegally Arrested, Leaving a 10-Year-Old Child at Home Without Care

    Mr. Zhao Minghui and Mrs. Yuan Aifang were arrested several times this year. Mr. Zhao has been jailed at the Chuzhou District Detention Center from the 2005 Chinese New Year's day until today. Ms. Yuan was also jailed at Chuzhou District Detention Center of Huai'an City. She later left the detention center using her righteous thoughts. In May, Ms. Yuan Aifang was again arrested and taken to Chuzhou District Detention Center of Huai'an City, where she went on a hunger strike to deny the evil's persecution. Two weeks later, she left again using her righteous thoughts. Three days after Ms. Yuan Aifang came back home, she was taken to the brainwashing class. Currently they have a 10-year-old son at home with no one to care for him.

    18. [Shandong Province] Practitioner Zhang Yujie Illegally Arrested At Dezhou

    Zhang Yujie was arrested by the local police on April 24, 2005, after being reported on by some one from Xiajin County, Dezhou District, Shandong Province. Zhang was punished with sleep deprivation for 24 hours. Zhang was tortured both mentally and physically. On June 13, Zhang was taken back to Weifang District. Zhang's current jail situation is unknown.

    19. [Hengshui, Hebei Province] Ms. Zhang Xinqiao Jailed at a Brainwashing Class

    Ms. Zhang Xinqiao, from Hengshui City, Hebei Province, is over 60 years old. At 10:00 a.m. on either May 25 or 26, 2005, a dozen policemen forced their way into her home, ransacked it and arrested her. Currently she is jailed at the Hengshui City Brainwashing Class.

    The relevant phone numbers are:
    Liu Zhipeng, the Party Secretary General, and the Head of the Public Security Bureau: 86-13383388001 (C)
    Du Yali, the Deputy Party Secretary General and the Deputy Head of the Public Security Bureau: 86-13383388002 (C)
    Zuo Tiehan, the Deputy Team Leader of the National Security Team of the Hengshui City, Hebei Province: 86-13383388305 (C)
    Lu Songyin, the Director of the Hengshui City 610 Office: 86-318-2026026 (O), 86-318-2029198 (H), 86-13903289198 (C)
    Ji Lijiang, the Deputy Director of the Hengshui City 610 Office: 86-318-2065766 (O), 86-318-2022518 (H), 86-13091189809 (C)

    20. [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Che Ping from Jilin Physical Institute Released Back Home to Changchun City

    To protest his detention, Mr. Che Ping from Jilin Physical Institute had been on a hunger strike since his arrest on May 24, 2005. On June 12, the Security Section of Jilin Physical Institute returned him home to his school.

    21. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Ms. Liu Yujuan Illegally Arrested

    On June 10, 2005, Ms. Liu Yujuan was anonymously reported for posting truth-clarifying materials and was arrested by the Zhanshan Police Substation. She is currently jailed at the Qingdao Dashan Detention Center.

    Brief News from China - June 15, 2005

    1. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Police Savagely Torture Practitioners Ms. Ma Xijun and Mr. Zhou Shuyou

    In mid-April 2005, personnel from the No. 1 Section of the National Security Team of the Fushun City Police Department arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Ma Xijun, who lives at Nankouqian Town, Qingyuan County. During Ms. Ma's interrogation at the station, police officer Guan Yong got drunk. He beat and electrically shocked Ms. Ma until she lost consciousness. Within ten days of the brutal torture Ms. Ma Xijun was in a coma. Since Ms. Ma was in critical condition, the police notified her family. The authorities extorted 10,000 yuan from them before releasing her.

    In late-March 2005, personnel from the No. 1 Section of the National Security Team of the Fushun City Police Department arrested practitioner Mr. Zhou Shuyou, who lives in Beisanjia Township, Qingyuan County. Policemen Guan Yong and Zhang Tao beat Mr. Zhou and shocked him with electric batons. Guan Yong and others even spread Mr. Zhou's legs apart and kicked his private parts, severely injuring him. Even now Mr. Zhou cannot straighten up because of the abdominal pain. Later Mr. Zhou was sentenced to three years of forced labor at the Wujiapu Forced Labor Camp.

    2. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Atrocities at the Weiningying Forced Labor Camp

    Here are some facts about Political Head Chen Zhongwei and Drug Abuse Rehab Center head Liu Shaoshi, at the Weiningying Forced Labor Camp in Benxi City, regarding torturing Falun Gong practitioners:

    Practitioner Qiu Zhiyan was tortured to death. Wang Jicai was tortured so severely he sustained a vertebrae fracture and became disabled. Song Yuegang's wrists were severely injured from being abused with handcuffs. The eroded skin healed with black circles. Song Yuegang, Wu Junyang and others went on hunger strikes but were put into small cells and force-fed. They were also subjected to other tortures, such as the "stretching bed" and the "dead person's stool." Wu Junyang has been tortured to death. Zhao Chenglin's head became distorted from being severely beaten by police and shocked with several electric batons.

    3. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Call for the Emergency Rescue of Mr. Yu Xinhui

    Practitioner Mr. Yu Xinhui, 38, is from the Tianhe District in Guangzhou City. In early June 2005, personnel from the Haizhu District 610 Office in Guangzhou City arrested him and locked him up in the No. 1 Detention Center on Huanghua Road in Guangzhou City. In October he was secretly transferred to the Baiyun District Chatouer Detention Center in Guangzhou City. In 2003 he was sentenced to six years of imprisonment and held at the Guangdong Province Sihui Prison. (Practitioners Lin Gang, Fan Bingyu, and Yaochaoyuan were also sentenced to imprisonment at the same time).

    After four years of torture and abuse, Mr. Yu Xinhui was emaciated, and looked extremely pale. In early 2003, Mr. Yu was tortured to the point of suffering from a malignant stomach disease, and he could not sleep. The prison authorities, nevertheless, tortured him in the prison hospital. They injected him with an overdose of a painkiller and anesthetic "2546." Afterwards Mr. Yu could not control his bowels or bladder. His eyesight also deteriorated.

    In December 2004, to aggravate the persecution, the Guangdong Province Judiciary Bureau and the Hunan Province 610 Office tempted police officers with promotions, which made them inhumanely torture Mr. Yu and other practitioners. Mr. Yu is still suffering ruthless torture.

    4. [Xianning City, Hubei Province] Ms. Zhang Hongping Has Been on Hunger Strike for 14 Days in a Provincial Brainwashing Class

    Following the arrest of practitioner Ms. Zhang Hongping on June 1, 2005, she has been held at the Xianning City No. 1 Detention Center. Ms. Zhang has been on a hunger strike since then to protest the illegal arrest. On June 3, Song Ruisheng, deputy chief at the Wenquan Developing District Police Department, sent Ms. Zhang to a provincial brainwashing class. She has been on a hunger strike there for over 14 days to protest. Her situation is critical. Xianning City authorities have blocked this information. Even Ms. Zhang's parents and brothers aren't allowed to see her.

    Phone numbers of related units and individuals:

    610 Office in Xianning City: 86-715-8126026

    Song Ruisheng, Deputy Chief of the Wenquan Developing District Police Station in Xianning City: 86-715-8254253 (home), 86-13907249566 (cell)

    5. [Yongzhou City, Hunan Province] Ms. Jiang Meilan Holds Hunger Strike to Protest Illegal Detention at the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp

    Practitioner Ms. Jiang Meilan, who is in her 60s, lives in the Yongzhou Area of Xintian County. On March 24, 2005 she was arrested at Chenzhou Zixing and sentenced to one year of forced labor at the Baimalong Forced Labor Camp in Zhuzhou City, Hunan Province. Ms. Jiang has been on a hunger strike since her arrest to protest. Guards in the forced labor camp force-fed her and gave her an injection every day. Ms. Jiang is so weak that she cannot walk. On June 8, Ms. Jiang's family went to the forced labor camp to ask for her release, but the authorities refused to grant their request.

    6. [Daxing'anling City, Heilongjiang Province] Four Practitioners Sentenced to Imprisonment or Forced Labor for Distributing Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Materials

    On January 19, 2005, practitioners Bai Shijun, Wang Wei, Cheng Fengying and Wang Guirong from the Songling District in Daxinganling City were arrested when they distributed Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials at Linhai Town. They were held at the Songling District Detention Center. On February 3 Cheng Fengying and Wang Guirong were released, but Bai Shijun and Wang Wei were still held. On the evening of June 3, personnel from the National Security Team and the Songling District Police Department arrested Cheng Fengying and Wang Guirong again from their homes. The officers lied to the practitioners' families, saying they "just wanted to confirm something." But on the second day they sent documents to the families stating that the practitioners had each been sentenced to two years of forced labor. According to reliable sources, Bai Shijun and Wang Wei have been sentenced to four years of imprisonment, but they are appealing. It was reported that the Provincial Political and Judiciary Committee specifically assigned someone to the district to conduct the persecution.

    Persons directly responsible:
    Wang Jingkai, Songling District National Security Team chief: 86-457-3323451 (home), 86-13945702250 (cell)
    Li Desheng, Songling District National Security Team deputy chief
    Qi Shun: 86-13945702129 (cell)

    7. [Laiwu City, Shandong Province] Mr. Wang Zideng and Pang Jihai Sentenced

    Practitioners Wang Zideng and Pang Jihai were sentenced to seven and six years of imprisonment, respectively. Now they are being held at the Beipu Detention Center in Laiwu City.

    Wang Zideng has appealed. During the detention period, Wang sustained a rib cage injury during his detention and lost some teeth because he refused to give up Falun Gong practice.

    8. [Fuyuan County, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Sun Yanhui's Life is in Peril

    Practitioner Mr. Sun Yanhui from Yanan Township, Fuyuan County, is in his 50s. On May 12, 2005, Zhang Sidong and several other officers from the Political & Security Section of the Fuyuan County Police Department arrested him. He has been held at a detention center ever since and is showing signs of serious illness. The police attempted to extort 70,000 yuan from his family. His family, however, firmly resisted their attempt. Policeman Zhang Sidong then lowered the amount to 40,000 yuan. Mr. Sun is still being held at the Fuyuan County Detention Center.

    Person responsible:
    Zhang Sidong, chief of Political & Security Section, Fuyuan County Police Department: 86-454-2135110 ext 5972 (office), and 2131008 (home).

    9. [Qishan County, Shaanxi Province] Liu Gaixian Repeatedly Persecuted

    On December 27, 2000, practitioner Liu Gaixian was sentenced to eighteen months of forced labor merely for going to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. The practitioner was released in June 2002. On April 29, 2004, personnel from the Fengming Police Station in Qishan County arrested Liu Gaixian for distributing truth-clarifying materials. The practitioner was put into the Qishan County Detention Center and was not released until s/he held a hunger strike for 12 days. Later, personnel from the Fengming Township government constantly harassed Liu. On April 20, 2005, Chen Shanglin, Fengming Township Police Station chief, led six people to arrest Liu Gaixian, but failed, as Liu was not at home. At around 8:00 p.m. on May 11, Liu Huanmin, secretary of Beitai Village, Fengming Township, together with Chen Shanglin and more than a dozen plainclothes policemen, broke into Liu Gaixian's home. At around 11:00 p.m., Liu Gaixian was again arrested. S/He is now being held at the Qishan County Detention Center and is holding a hunger strike.

    10. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Sheng Lianying Locked up at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

    On September 8, 2004, personnel from the Xinggong Street Police Station arrested practitioner Ms. Sheng Lianying for distributing some truth-clarifying VCDs. Ms. Sheng is now being held at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. She was in the No. 4 Team, No. 2 Division, but has been transferred to the No. 1 Division. On June 1, 2005, her son went to visit her, but since she refused to wear the prison uniform, the police didn't allow her son to see her.

    11. [Chongqing] Mr. Tang Yi is Released After a Thirty-Six Day Hunger Strike

    On April 24, 2005, practitioner Mr. Tang Yi went to the Kunming City Railway Station, where he was searched and arrested. His notebook computer and discs were confiscated. He is being held at the Kunming City Railway Detention Center, and has been on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Police sentenced him to two years of forced labor. He fainted after being sent to the Yunnan Province No. 2 Forced Labor Camp. The labor camp refused to accept him due to his poor physical exam results. On June 1, one of Mr. Tang's family members took him back home from the detention center.

    12. [Zaozhuang City, Shandong Province] Mr. Liu Zhikuo is Taken to Zibo City's Brainwashing Class for Surfing the Internet

    On June 3, 2005, personnel from the National Security Bureau arrested practitioner Mr. Liu Zhikuo from the Xuecheng District in Zaozhuang City while he was in training at the Anpei Center of the Zaozhuang City Mineral Bureau. He was sent to Zibo City's Brainwashing Class.

    13. [Lanzhou City, Gansu Province] Mr. Zhang Ping is Again Arrested and Detained

    Mr. Zhang Ping, a practitioner from Lanzhou City, is about 30 years old. At one time he was sentenced to over one year of forced labor. While in detention he went on a hunger strike and later escaped from a hospital with the power of righteous thoughts. Afterwards he had to lead a homeless life to avoid harassment. On about June 10, 2005, he was arrested again and has been sent to the Lanzhou City No. 2 Detention Center.

    Persons participating in the persecution: Zhang Xinchang, Zhang Xigang and Yang Yaling

    14. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Information on Several Practitioners Detained at the Hebei Province Brainwashing Center

    On April 4, 2005, 610 Office authorities arrested practitioner Ms. Chen Zenghui from Shijiazhuang City. She is currently being detained at the Hebei Province Brainwashing Center. Practitioners Mi Xiaozheng and Ms. Li Huiyun are also detained there.

    It was reported that practitioner Ms. Hao Qiuyan has been detained at the brainwashing center ever since she was arrested for trying to rescue her husband Mr. Huang Wei. She has been on a hunger strike for over three months, is very weak, and cannot walk unaided.

    15. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Persecution Prevents Ms. Jiang Jie and Her Family from Returning Home

    Because she practices Falun Gong, Ms. Jiang Jie was detained at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for two years and 50 days, 50 days beyond her stated term of detention. She was released on December 20, 2001. But personnel from the Fushun City 610 Office didn't stop harassing her. She was compelled to leave her home to avoid further persecution. Because the police could not find Ms. Jiang, they arrested her husband twice, once for twelve days and another time for two days.

    On May 25, 2005, less then one hour after Ms. Jiang Jie returned home, dozens of officers from the No. 1 Section of the Fushun City Police Department besieged her house, knocking on her door and prying it open. No one in her family can return home, and there is no one to care for their child, who cannot attend school.

    16. [Benxi City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhang Zhongmei and Ms. Zhu Shumei Arrested

    Practitioners Ms. Zhang Zhongmei and Ms. Zhu Shumei live on Shuini Street in the the Xihu District of Benxi City. On May 27, 2005, when they were at home, personnel from the Caitun Police Station arrested them. They are currently being detained at the Ajialing Detention Center in Benxi City.

    Phone number for the Caitun Police Station: 86-414-5893553