The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 23, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Sentenced to Prison Terms: Mr. Xiao Zhixiang and Mr. Lin Jia from Xiangtan City, Hunan Province

  • The Persecution of Mr. Wang Wei in the First People's Hospital in Nanyang City, Henan Province

  • Persecution Methods Used in Some Prisons and Forced Labor Camps in Shandong Province

  • Arrested and Tortured: Practitioners Mr. Zeng Zhaoxin and Mr. Qiao Mingxi from Nanyang, Henan Province

  • Tortured to Deformity by Local Police and Forced Labor Camp Workers, Xinjiang Practitioner Ms. Gu Ping Dies Untimely Death
  • Brief News From China - June 26, 2005

  • Brief News from China - July 11, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - June 19, 2005

  • Sentenced to Prison Terms: Mr. Xiao Zhixiang and Mr. Lin Jia from Xiangtan City, Hunan Province

    Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Xiao Zhixiang and Mr. Lin Jia, both 65 years old and from Xiangtan City, Hunan Province, were sentenced to three and half years in prison by the Yuhu District Court of Xiangtan City. They are being held in Xiangtan City Detention Center together with three other practitioners.

    Practitioner Mr. Lin Jia has been unyielding in his practice of . He has been held in the detention center since the end of last year because he was clarifying the truth among the students.

    Practitioner Mr. Xiao Zhixiang was abducted by officials from the Xiangtan City 610 Office and the Yuhu Police Department State Security Division on January 18, 2005, when he was grocery shopping. On May 31, 2005, Yuhu District Court sentenced Mr. Xiao Zhixiang to three and half years in prison based on the following:

    "From August 12-27, 2003, Mr. Xiao Zhixiang gave VCDs entitled Persecution of Falun Gong on Tiananmen Square, Witnesses, and Truth to Mr. Lu Jinlian and Mr. Huang Jingxin. After his release from the Chishan Prison when his three-year term ended, Mr. Xiao Zhixiang wrote letters appealing on behalf of Falun Gong from February to June 2004. He posted the letters to his employer and to the City Management Bureau. This must be viewed as 'attacking the government.' At his March 2004 school reunion, when his old classmates asked him how he kept himself so young and healthy, he told them the truth, that he practices Falun Gong. Again, he is guilty of spreading words about Falun Gong."

    Mr. Xiao Zhixiang has appealed to the Middle Court and is seeking a lawyer to represent him.

    The Persecution of Mr. Wang Wei in the First People's Hospital in Nanyang City, Henan Province

    Mr. Wang Wei, 36 years old, is a dentist at the First People's Hospital in Nanyang City, Henan Province. In 2001, as a result of appealing for Falun Gong, he was illegally detained for one week.

    In the past few years, the Nanyang City 610 Office and the hospital's director have often harassed Mr. Wang. Wang Wei clarified the truth to them, and told them of Falun Gong's ability to heal illnesses and maintain fitness. He also told them how a patient forced one thousand yuan that should have been paid to the hospital into his hands, and then walked off. Mr. Wang immediately gave the one thousand yuan to the hospital. If he was not a practitioner of  and did not follow the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" he certainly would have pocketed the money.

    Even so, on June 15, 2005, Nanyang City First People's Hospital Party secretary Liu Kai tried to force Mr. Wang to write a "guarantee statement" saying he would never practice Falun Gong again. If he did not write it, he would be sent to a brainwashing class. Liu said that this was a directive from higher authorities. Mr. Wang stood firm and would not write it. At the time, Mr. Wang was on the job, but Liu Kai, in front of the patients, called in hospital security officers to take Mr. Wang away to a brainwashing class. When he arrived there, Mr. Wang realized that he was the only person in the brainwashing class. This persecution against a Falun Gong practitioner was done by the hospital just to placate higher authorities.

    He Limin, Nanyang City First People's Hospital Chief: 86-377-63310088 (Office), 86-377-63310098 (Home)

    Liu Kai, Nanyang City First People's Hospital Assistant Party Secretary: 86-377-63310068 (Office), 86-377-63177169 (Home), 86-13783779666 (Cell)

    Zhang Peiyou, Nanyang City First People's Hospital Assistant Party Secretary: 86-377-63310066 (Office), 86-377-63137688 (Home)

    Shan Mingming, Nanyang City First People's Hospital Assistant Chief: 86-377-63310069 (Office), 86-377-63154338 (Home)

    Department of Health Services, Nanyang City First People's Hospital:

    86-377-63310089 (Office)

    Persecution Methods Used in Some Prisons and Forced Labor Camps in Shandong Province

    The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is worse in Shandong Province than in almost any other province in China. I have personally witnessed and experienced the brutal persecution of practitioners at detention centers, prisons and forced labor camps in Shandong Province. The following are brief descriptions of the persecution methods I know of and experienced.

    Methods Used to Extort Money from Practitioners and Their Families

    Since July 20, 1999, the officials in Shandong Province have been frantically arresting Falun Gong practitioners, especially on and near sensitive dates. For example, more than several hundred police officers were dispatched at once time in a small city of Jining to arrest practitioners. With an order from the local Political and Judiciary Committee, the police from the 610 Office, city public security bureau, district police departments, surrounding township police departments, various sub-bureaus and police stations were all involved. They set up traps, used surveillance, or simply went to practitioners' workplaces or homes to arrest them. With every arrest, the police officers involved received both recognition and financial rewards.

    First, it was announced that an officer would get a bonus of 1,000 yuan for every practitioner he or she arrested.

    Second, once the practitioner is arrested, the police have an excuse to search the victim's home. The purpose of the search is financial gain. Sometimes, several police officers search a home without a warrant. They take money as well as anything with monetary value. Usually they close the door so no one can see what they are doing. Items they normally confiscate include radios, cell phones, stereos, computers, etc. They also take the bankbooks of every member of the family.

    Third, the police can also fine the practitioner's employee. Each time a practitioner is arrested, the fine is usually 10,000 yuan. When the practitioner returns to work, the workplace deducts the fine from his or her salary. Some practitioners cannot pay back the workplace even after returning to work for two years. Some practitioners are fired or laid off after their workplace is fined. If a practitioner's workplace has good revenue, the police intentionally arrest the practitioner many times to get more money.

    Finally, the police notify the practitioner's family to bring money for that practitioner's release. According to each family's financial situation, the police demand from 5,000 up to 20,000 yuan. They do not issue any receipts, and the money is privately divided among the police. Although the director of the police department knows this is going on, he quietly approves of it so that more practitioners can be arrested. The police lie to illegally send practitioners to labor camps. They intentionally don't tell the family members so that they will be worried. The Political and Security Unit of the Middle District of Jining City has received many awards for its sinister and vicious persecution of Falun Gong.

    Slave Labor at the Labor Camps

    1. Concealment of Actual Working Conditions

    The average workday in the labor camps is around 10 hours a day. Inmates, however, often work until midnight, so one may work as long as 15 to 16 hours a day. The prison guards fear being exposed, so they force inmates to work in the basements instead of the workshops above ground. Working hours are long, the lights are dim, and the air quality is terrible. The products made in prisons and labor camps are not taxed. No outsider is allowed to investigate the real situation. Whenever there are visitors, the police conceal the illegal workstations and set up large, open workshops above ground. This way, visitors don't see the real working conditions.

    2. Poor Work Environment

    The work environments in the labor camps are horrible. The labor camps do not care about the safety or health of practitioners. When I was detained at Jinan Women's Forced Labor Camp, I saw one building house 800 inmates even though it only had the capacity to house 200. It was a five-story building with a total living space less than 500 square meters. There were over a dozen detainees to each 10-square-meter room. When all the bunk beds were taken, some had to sleep on the floor under the beds. Usually, newly arrived practitioners had to sleep under the bed. The filthy air made it difficult to breathe. During the day, we worked in the basement under the police offices. There is no ventilation system in the basement, and it is packed with cardboard boxes and all types of pencils. The total area is less than 300 square meters. With hundreds of detainees working in the basement, there is not enough space for everyone and no one can move around. No one is allowed to talk. Everyone is allowed to use the restroom only twice a day, once in the morning and once in the afternoon. Even then, people still need to take a number and wait to use the restroom. If someone had to use the restroom again, someone else would miss her turn. Consequently, practitioners did not dare to drink a lot of water even with their meals and no matter how hot the weather was.

    3. Working with Toxic Materials without Any Protection

    The products made in prisons usually take a lot of time and effort to make. For example, at Jinan Women's Forced Labor Camp, inmates package pencils and apply gold powder to decorative vases. At Jining Detention Center, female detainees work on handmade flowers and male inmates make military products such as rubber washers. Some of the flowers made there are so small that they cannot be seen clearly with the naked eye, and some of the reflective pieces put on the flowers are bright enough to cause injury to the eyes. Because there is not enough lighting or air circulation in the workshop, eyesight damage can occur. Most of the products made in prisons, such as the pencils packaged at Jinan Women's Forced Labor Camp with international labels, are sold overseas.

    Also, many of the materials we work with are health hazards. For example, the prison guards care only about their own profit and don't provide any work uniforms or gloves for inmates working with pencil lead. Everyone is given only an apron to wear. The guards claimed that wearing gloves slowed down the work, so everyone used bare hands to touch the pencil lead everyday. Workers frequently passed out from lead poisoning. Only then would the guards take the person outside to get fresh air. The gold powder we applied to vases is poisonous as well. One time, several hundred inmates all passed out. The prison guards thought they were pretending and dragged several inmates outside to beat them. Only when no one responded to their beatings did they stop. The prison doctor verified that it was indeed a case of poisoning. The guards finally had to give everyone injections. Working in such an environment, many practitioners are being slowly poisoned. They have symptoms of chest fullness, lung and respiratory infection, low-grade fever, dizziness and poor vision. Some practitioners have difficulty urinating or having a bowl movement.

    4. The Pay in the Labor Camps

    Practitioners who are "officially" sentenced to forced labor camps receive 60 yuan a month for their work, but they are only given money tickets that can be used at the stores inside the labor camps. The prices of materials sold at these stores are usually several times higher than stores outside the labor camps. Practitioners who are sent to the forced labor camp for several months of brainwashing do not receive any money tickets. As long as they refuse to be "transformed" and sign a repentance statement, their families do not even know where they are. They are not allowed to send letters, use the telephone or have visitors. Some practitioners do not even have money to buy undergarments, because the police confiscated all their money. For several months in the labor camp, they do not have an extra change of clothes. They usually end up wearing clothes that no one wants. Of course, there is no personal hygiene. I later found out all the prisons and forced labor camps in China operate the same way.

    The Psychological and Physical Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners

    At Jinan Women's Forced Labor Camp, practitioners are put into five groupss, each with around 10 prison guards. Under special circumstances, the organization is different. One time, all the practitioners went on a hunger strike. Within half an hour, two hundred fully armed solders arrived. They lined up in the hallways, courtyards and dormitories. The prison guards take shifts; however, they are all present during the evening shift. That is when they force practitioners to watch videos that slander Falun Gong and listen to their propaganda. By doing so, they try to control practitioners' minds.

    A 72-year-old professor from a university in Jinan City was shocked with electric batons because she refused to renounce Falun Gong. I saw that her body was covered with burn marks. For over six months, she had a high fever. She was hung to the heating pipe so that only her toes touched the ground. Her legs and feet were black and purple. Still, the guards kicked her feet and asked her if that hurt and if she would still practice Falun Gong.

    Some practitioners were dragged to the restroom and splashed with urine. Another practitioner's buttocks festered and rotted from being beaten with a whip made of wires. After that, she still had to sit down for over ten hours a day to work. As a result, she could not sleep on her back. She had a fever of 104 F. Finally, the police notified her family and claimed that she got sick because she practiced Falun Gong. The family sent 8,000 yuan for her medical treatment. According to the practitioner, the doctor extracted two large jars of puss from her buttocks. She was told that she would not have survived if the treatment had been delayed any longer.

    Male prison guards also beat practitioners. They usually beat them in a separate room to cover up their acts. Only when practitioners are brought back can people find out what had happened.

    When we were working, the prison guards were afraid of being poisoned and only came to the basement once in a while to exam the products. Some inmates were appointed by the police to take turns monitoring practitioners. As an incentive for being strict with practitioners, they can get their sentences reduced.

    In addition, practitioners can be transferred between different labor camps. For example, when a practitioner refuses to be transformed or to write guarantee statements after being persecuted with every torture method, the prison guards would transfer the practitioner to a different labor camp to be persecuted all over again. They sent practitioners from Jinan Women's Forced Labor Camp to Wangcun Women's Forced Labor Camp, and vice versa.

    I have been imprisoned in labor camps and detention centers many times. I was physically and mentally humiliated and viciously beaten. I spent three Chinese New Years in detention centers. I was not able to have a family dinner with my husband and child. My elderly parents and my child have suffered tremendously. In China, many families are being persecuted. The entire country is under the red terror. One of my fellow practitioner's children became an orphan at less than two years old. Many practitioners cannot go back to their homes because of the persecution.

    Arrested and Tortured: Practitioners Mr. Zeng Zhaoxin and Mr. Qiao Mingxi from Nanyang, Henan Province

    Mr. Zeng Zhaoxin, in his 30s, lived in the family residential quarters of an alcohol factory in Nanyang City. On May 8, 2005, when he was at an interview at Yalan Company in Nanyang City, he was arrested and sent to the Shangzhuang Detention Center in Nanyang City. While being arrested, police violence caused him to suffer a serious fracture. Mr. Zeng went on a hunger strike. He has now been on hunger strike for more than a month. His body is extremely weak. More of his story follows:

    Since Mr. Zeng went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, he was fired by his company. He was therefore destitute and homeless. After he heard that Yalan Company was recruiting workers, he went there for an interview on the afternoon of May 8, 2005. He was arrested by the police from Nanyang municipal public security bureau. Right now, he is imprisoned in Shangzhuang Detention Center in Nanyang City and is suffering from persecution. There were another two people who were arrested at the same time: Bi Wenxiang, the boss of Yalan Company. (He has been released after his relatives and friends spent several thousand yuan to bribe relevant authorities). The other is Mr. Qiao Mingxi, who was the new security guard of Yalan Company who was hired only a few days prior to the arrest. As a matter of fact, Mr. Qiao was released only 20 days before the arrest after he had been imprisoned for three years and ten months by Wancheng District Police Department,Nanyang City.

    Mr. Zeng did not cooperate with his captors as he had been wrongly arrested. During his arrest, his foot was fractured, so he was not able to run away. So far, he has been illegally imprisoned for almost two months. Mr. Zeng continuously fasted in protest. Instructed by the detention center police, the criminals in the detention center dragged him by his injured leg on the ground and used a homemade metal hook to open his mouth to barbarically force-feed him. At the beginning of his imprisonment, in order to persuade him to eat meals, the police allowed his family members to visit him. Later on, seeing that this did not have any effect, the police then did not allow his family members to visit him and threatened, "If Zeng Zhaoxin starves to death, the police will not bear any responsibility."

    On June 4, Mr. Zeng was sent to the Nanyang Municipal Central Hospital for a medical examination. The doctor ordered that he must be hospitalized and treated. His family members asked the police to release him for treatment, but the police not only did not release him, but they still force-fed him every day. In addition, they shirked the responsibility and said, "This is all caused by him. All consequences will be borne by him."

    Around July 2, in the hallway of Shangzhuang Detention Center, Mr. Zeng Zhaoxin, who was emaciated and had his foot wrapped in gauze, was pushed down on the ground by three policemen. His mouth was forcefully put into an iron brace. In front of many people, they barbarically force-fed him.

    Du Siwei, (who seems to be a squadron commander), the police from National Security Group in Wancheng District, Nanyang City, and people under his leadership, beat Mr. Zeng's family members and a neighbor who went there with his family and threatened his family members not to say anything about this matter.

    Now Mr. Zeng is on the verge of death and his life is in danger. We hope that all  practitioners around the world and other kindhearted people extend their helping hands to help rescue him. Let us together stop the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Urgently rescue Mr. Zeng and Mr. Qiao and other Falun Gong practitioners.

    Contact information of the persecutors:

    National Security Group, Wancheng District, Nanyang city:

    Duan Xiancheng 86-13607639159 (Cell)

    Du Siwei 86-13937766368 (Cell)

    Police at the first Discipline, Shangzhuang Detention Center: 86-13949369998 (Cell)

    The director of Wancheng District 610 Office: Li Xia (female) 86-13937700499 (Cell)

    Nanyang Municipal 610 Office: Wang Tengyong 86-13837796906 (Cell)

    Gaoxin District, Nanyang City: Zhang Shusheng 86-13937753582 (Cell)

    Tortured to Deformity by Local Police and Forced Labor Camp Workers, Xinjiang Practitioner Ms. Gu Ping Dies Untimely Death

    Ms. Gu Ping came from Kashi City, Xinjiang Province. She was harassed, detained and severely beaten because she practiced . The brutal torture and abuse she suffered while she was in Wulapo Forced Labor Camp caused her emaciated appearance. She also developed symptoms of liver cancer. She was released in June 2003 but still suffered persecution at the hands of the local police. Her body became extremely deformed by torture. She jumped out of a building and died on December 2, 2003. (Note: This behavior is against 's requirements that suicide is forbidden. We hope that all practitioners in times of tribulation are able to follow 's requirements that under no circumstances should anyone take their own life. Practitioners should cherish their human bodies and the opportunity to practice Falun Gong. Ms. Gu Ping committed suicide under circumstances of extreme suffering brought on by the evil persecution. All the responsible parties will ultimately meet with justice, since the universe has a law that good deeds will meet with good returns, and evildoings will meet with due retribution.)

    Ms. Gu Ping was 28 years old and had graduated from college. She lived in The Spinning and Weaving Factory in Xinjiang Kashi City. She started to practice Falun Gong in 1997. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and was detained, but she escaped later. When she went to Beijing again in June 2000, she was held by Kashi Public Security at the Kashi Detention Center and was later released to her father. At the end of 2001, Zhao Yingjie, Wang Jian and others from the Kashi Political Security Department broke into Ms. Gu Ping's house. They confiscated all her Falun Gong materials and took her to the Kashi Detention Center. They severely beat and tortured her for five days and nights and left her with cuts and bruises all over her body.

    In April 2001, Ms. Gu Ping was sentenced to three and half years in forced labor camp and was held at the Urumqi Women's Forced Labor Camp (Wulapo). In October 2001, the police intensified the brainwashing. They "transformed" her and later released her. She was secretly detained again near New Year's Eve 2002 and held in the Wulapo Forced Labor Camp. In June 2003, after being abused and tortured for a long time, she became emaciated and developed symptoms of liver cancer. Refusing to take responsibility for their actions, the Labor Camp workers released her in June 2003.

    She was divorced in June 2003 and began to teach in a private school in Kuerle. The local police detained her in August 2003. She started a hunger strike in order to resist the evil violence. Seven days later, the police injected her with unknown drugs. In August 2003, the Kashi Political Security department took her to seek medical attention. They told her family that the local Public Security was responsible for all the expenses. They went to the local private clinic for treatment.

    Ms. Gu Ping's father was a retired worker and severely limited financially. Her medical bill was already over several thousand yuan, and the local Public Security officials delayed paying the fee. Ms. Gu's father brought her for treatment anyway, both of them miserable. When her illness deteriorated, she went to the Kashi No. 2 Oncology Hospital for treatment in November 2003. The liver cancer devastated her already weakened body. Due to the long-standing torture and persecution, she jumped out of a building and died on December 2, 2003.

    Brief News From China - June 26, 2005

    1. [Zibo, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Yuxiang, Qilu Oil Chemistry Alkene Factory Employee, Is Tortured Again

    Ms. Zhang Yuxiang is an employee of the Qilu Oil Chemistry Alkene Factory and a practitioner of Falun Gong. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, the leaders of the factory have sent Ms. Zhang to brainwashing centers against her will. Later, police from the 610 Office transferred her to a mental hospital, where the doctor injected her with unknown drugs. After three months of torture in the hospital, she was sent to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Changchun for one and half years of forced labor. On June 21, 2005, the Public Security Section of the Alkene Factory once again sent Ms. Zhang to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City.

    Public Security Section of Qilu Oil Chemistry Alkene Factory: 86-533-7522918

    Person in charge: Wang Junguo

    Ms. Zhang's office phone number: 86-533-753221

    2. [Jinxi, Liaoning Province] Ms. Zhu Yun, from Huludao City, Is Brutally Tortured at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

    Since the day she entered Masanjia Forced Labor Camp in September 2004, Ms. Zhu Yun from Huludao City has been on a hunger strike. The police force fed her and left the feeding tube in her body. As a result, the feeding tube is stuck to her internal organs. Ms. Zhu is at death's door and currently being held in solitary confinement.

    Ms. Wang Jinfeng has been detained in Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for over a month beyond her sentencing. She is currently on a hunger strike in protest.

    Ms. Yang Baoying has been transferred to the "Harsh Control Team," and her term has been illegally extended two to three months.

    Ms. Sun Ping and Ms. Liu Baoyun are detained at the Second Division.

    3. [Jiutai City, Jilin Province] Ms. Liu Shuqin Suffers from Brutal Torture

    On January 27, 2005, Ms. Liu Shuqin was attending a wedding ceremony when the police from Long Town of Jiutai City came and took her away to Jiutai Detention Center.

    On the way, she was brutally beaten, kicked and forcefully dragged by the policemen. When Ms. Liu arrived at the detention center, her whole body twitching. The detention center refused to accept her, so the police then took her to the county hospital. Because Ms. Liu's body was rigid from the spasms, the hospital staff gave her an injection. The police took Ms. Liu to the detention center while she was unconscious. Ms. Liu was unable to walk on the second day.

    After two days, the police informed Ms. Liu's family that she was seriously ill. They told the family to bring money for her medical treatment. At the public security bureau, the family was told they would be allowed to take Ms. Liu home. On the second day, the family was told that Ms. Liu was sentenced to one year of forced labor. The sentence was given without any witnesses or evidence. Ms. Liu was sent to Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp. The labor camp refused to accept, her because Ms. Liu had already been tortured to the verge of death.

    Xinlong Town Police Station of Jiutai City: 86-431-2597458

    4. [Shanghai City] Practitioners Mr. Tang Renya and Ms. Cui Baokun from the Songnan Area of Baoshan District Arrested

    Mr. Tang Renya lived in the Songnan Area of the Baoshan District in Shanghai City. In 2001, he was illegally arrested for distributing materials to expose the facts of Falun Gong and the persecution. He was imprisoned for three years in Tilanqiao Prison. There he suffered both physical and mental inhuman torture. He was released in 2004. On May 19, 2005, the police tricked him into coming to the police station, where he was illegally detained. The police then ransacked his home. They took  books and truth clarification materials about Falun Gong that they found there.

    Ms. Cui Baokun, from Gaojinmiao in the Baoshan District, was shopping at the grocery market on the day before the mid-autumn festival when she was taken away by the police. Her family has not seen her since and they do not know where she is detained. The police ransacked her home after her arrest, taking away  books and some other items.

    5. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Mr. Jiang Huancai from Zhuangjia Village, Tangtu Town, Arrested

    On the afternoon of June 15, 2005, Mr. Jiang Huancai was illegally arrested. He was from Zhuangjia Village in Tangtu Town, Fushun City. Han Huilin, the secretary of the Politics and Law Committee in Tangtu Town, and five to six other people in the town government were responsible for this arrest. Mr. Jiang was working at Zhanbei Village when they came to look for him. They lied to get him into their car and then drove him directly to the Luotaishanzhuang Brainwashing Center in Fushun City.

    Phone numbers:

    The government of Tangtu Town, Fushun City, Liaoning Province: 86-413-113100

    Han Huilin, Secretary of Political and Law Committee: 86-413-4268219 (Home), 86-413-4268001 (Office)

    Mayor's office, Tangtu Town: 86-413-4268002

    Tangtu government general office: 86-413-4268003

    Guard Office, Tangtu Town: 86-413-4268005

    6. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Ms. Guo Caixia from the Weicheng District Is Sentenced to Forced Labor

    On May 12, 2005, Ms. Guo Caixia from the Weicheng District of Weifang City and Ms. Xin Jinya were arrested when they hung up a pro Falun Gong banner. Ms. Guo was detained at the Weicheng District Detention Center and went on a hunger strike in protest. Seven days later, she was diagnosed with high blood pressure and heart disease, so the detention center released her. On the afternoon of June 2, shortly after she arrived home, the police from Weicheng District took her away. Along with Ms. Xin Jinyan, she was sent to Wangcun Forced Labor Camp in Shandong Province.

    7. [Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province] The Persecution Facts Regarding Practitioner Mr. Liu Zhihong and Others

    On the evening of March 2, 2005, police from the Zhoujia Town Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Liu Zhihong of Dongguan Town in Shuangcheng City. Mr. Liu was distributing truth clarification flyers about Falun Gong. He was sent to Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp for a three-year term.

    Practitioner Mr. He Yaoduo lived in Minqing Village of Niujia Town in Wuchang County. Around 11 a.m. on March 18, 2005, Mr. He was illegally arrested and sent to Changlinzi Forced Labor Camp for a one-year term. Those responsible for Mr. He's arrest are Zhan Zhigang with the National Security Group of Wuchang County; Mo Zhenshan with the Wuchang County 610 Office; Wang Changjiang, a cadre of the Niujia Town Government; and Liang Chunxu with the Niujia Town Police Station.

    At the end of October 2001, practitioners Mr. Wang Wenlong, who lives in Changsheng Village, Shuangcheng Town, Shuangcheng City; Ms. Zhang Yanhua; and Ms. Wang Yuxian were arrested at Room 401, Building 11 in the southern area of the Tiefeng District in Qiqihaer City. They are being detained at the second sub-division of the first ward in the Tailai County Vehicle Manufacturing Company prison. Mr. Wang Wenlong's sentence is for nine years.

    8. [Conghua City, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Ms. Huang Yuzhen Was Arrested, and Money Was Extorted from Her Family

    In May 2005, practitioner Ms. Huang Yuzhen from Conghua City, located in the urban area of Guangzhou City in Guangdong Province, was illegally arrested and detained at the local detention center. The police extorted 5,000 yuan from her family before releasing her.

    9. [Xuanwei City, Yunnan Province] Ms. Yang Chun and Ms. Xu Yanjing, Teachers at Xuanwei City Normal College, Arrested

    On May 19, 2005, Ms. Yang Chun and Ms. Xu Yanjing, teachers at Xuanwei City Normal College, were arrested by the local police and 610 Office. The teachers told the students the truth about the persecution of Falun Gong and introduced The Nine Commentaries of the Communist Party to them. The arrest warrant was issued on June 14, 2005.

    Principal Cui Maogang: 86-874-7126972 (Home), 86-13987468158 (Cell)

    President of the Union Li Yunfang: 86-874-7133379, 86-874-7133790 (Home)

    10. [Chaozhou City, Guangdong Province] Practitioners Sent to Forced Labor Camps

    On May 5, 2005, practitioners Mr. Fang Zhengyang, Fang Huan and Lin Saijin were arrested by officers of the Xiangqiao District Police Department in Chaozhou City and were sent to Sanshui Forced Labor Camp. The police deceived Mr. Fang Zhengyang's family by saying money could be exchanged for Mr. Fang's release. After the family paid 20,000 yuan, the police brazenly told them that the city police department refused to release him.

    Li Zhenfa, Chief of Chaozhou City Police Department: 86-768-2354498 (Office)

    Zhuang Hoahua, section head of Xiangqiao District Police Department and most responsible for the persecution: 86-13902791413 (Cell)

    11. [Jingshan County, Hubei Province] Teacher Mr. Zhou Qing from The First Advanced Middle School in Jingshan County Suffers From Persecution

    Mr. Zhou Qing, 35-years-old, is an esteemed physics teacher in the First Advanced Middle School of Jingshan County in Hubei Province. He has been detained many times for practicing Falun Gong. On February 21, 2003, the school and the county 610 Office attempted to take him to the provincial brainwashing center. Mr. Zhou was forced to leave his school and home to avoid the persecution. In July 2004, Xiaogan National Security personnel caught Mr. Zhou and detained him in Xiaogan Detention Center. The brutal torture at the detention center has left him with both legs paralyzed and withered muscles. He has also lost the ability to speak. In spite of Mr. Zhou's severe condition, the police sent him to the provincial brainwashing center for further persecution until he was at death's door. Mr. Zhou was injected with unknown drugs while he was at the brainwashing center. The drugs clouded his mind so he that would accept "transformation." Then his family bailed him out. Mr Zhou was still not fully recovered by June 22, 2005, but he was again taken away by the Xiaogan National Security officials.

    12. [Gongan County, Hubei Province] Practitioner Ms. Wang Xianzhen Arrested

    Ms. Wang Xianzhen's two sons are Han Shaoyong and Han Shaoqiang, and they all live in Gongan County. On June 4, 2005, her sons helped the county's 610 Office secretly abduct her and send her to a brainwashing center in Huhan.

    Han Shaoqiang's cell phone: 86-13872355918

    13. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Practitioner Ms. Liu Hailan Arrested

    Ms. Liu Hailan, 56, is from Zibo City. The persecution caused her divorce and forced her to lead an unstable life. On the evening of May 22, 2005, police from the Hushan Police Station located in the Linzi District of Zibo City, arrested her. Her whereabouts are unknown.

    Phone numbers:

    Hushan Police Station: 86-533-7571467

    Director of Public Security Office: 86-533-7573914

    The secretary: 86-533-7572156, 86-533-7181792

    Head of the Public Security Section: 86-533-7587443

    14. [Inner Mongolia] Mr. Practitioner Chen Zhanguo Sentenced to Seven Years in 2003

    Mr. Chen Zhanguo, a 5'11" tall, 32-year-old from Chifeng of Mongolia, graduated from Chengdu Technical University with a Bachelor's degree. He worked for the 106 Geological Team of Tuyou Qi in Baotou City of Inner Mongolia. He was detained at Tuyou Qi Detention Center in both 1999 and 2000, because he practices Falun Gong. After being released, he was forced to leave home to avoid further persecution. He went to Lianyungang to do truth clarification work and was unfortunately arrested. Mr. Chen was sentenced to seven years in Suzhou Prison in 2003.

    June 25, 2005

    Brief News from China - July 11, 2005

    1. [Nantong City, Jiangsu Province] Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Li Suffers Mental Collapse from Torture

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Li lives at Building 18, Room 201, Xuetianxin Community in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province. On February 10, 2004, personnel from the city police department arrested her for distributing truth-clarifying CDs and interrogated her under torture. They hung her up for three days and beat her. Later they sentenced her to a year and a half of imprisonment. Around May 1, 2005, Wang Li was released. Rumor has it that Wang Li has been tortured to the point of suffering a mental breakdown and she has become physically disabled. Her family has to take care of her.

    2. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Yao Yanping Stages a Hunger Strike at the Etouwan Brainwashing Class

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yao Yanping from Wuhan City was arrested and put into the notorious Etouwan Brainwashing Class. At present she is on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention.

    Etouwan Brainwashing Class: 86-27-83253549

    3. [Xuchang City, Henan Province] Three Practitioners Sent to Xinxiang for Further Detention

    During the early morning on July 6, 2005, personnel from Xuchang City Detention Center transferred Falun Gong practitioners Zhang Peisheng, Chen Xuping, and Wang Feiyuan to Xinxiang City for further detention. Chen Xuping was force-fed for staging a hunger strike and is therefore extremely weak.

    4. [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Wang Yunlong Arrested for Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Yunlong is a teacher at the Experimental Elementary School in Fuyu County, Songyuan City, Jilin Province. On July 6, 2005 police arrested him from the school when he distributed truth-clarifying materials and detained him on the fifth floor of the police department. Currently he is being held at the Fuyu County Detention Center. Police found a copy of the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party at Wang's home.

    Lin Wuzun, Fuyu County Detention Center head, Songyuan City, Jilin Province, 86-438-5855569 (office), 86-438-5869568 (home)

    5. [Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province] Practitioners Xie Shuxia and Wang Shuhua Arrested While Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials

    On June 30, 2005, personnel from Donggang Town Police Department arrested practitioners Xie Shuxia and Wang Shuhua from the Haigang District Suit Shop in Qinhuangdao City when the practitioners were distributing truth-clarifying materials. Currently the practitioners are being held at the city's Second Detention Center.

    Donggang Town Police Department: 86-335-3011811

    6. [Heilongjiang Province] Persecution of Practitioner Gong Yuzhuo

    In 2001, practitioner Mr. Gong Yuzhuo from Heilongjiang Province was on a nationwide wanted list by the Harbin City Police Department for tapping into a cable TV network with truth-clarifying materials in Harbin City. Thereafter, Gong Yuzhuo went into exile to avoid persecution.

    In September 2002, personnel from the No.1 Section from the Harbin City Police Department and from the Xi'an City Police Department arrested practitioner Gong Yuzhuo in Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. Personnel from the No.1 Section of the Harbin City Police Department tortured him and secretly sentenced him to 13 years of imprisonment. We have heard that after this arrest Gong Yuzhuo was first held at the Harbin City Detention Center. Later he was incarcerated in the Fenghuangshan Prison in Wuchang City, Heilongjiang Province. Gong Yuzhuo's mother is also a practitioner. The mother and son have not seen each other for years.

    After Gong Yuzhuo was arrested, more than 20 practitioners who had provided him financial support and kept contact with him were also arrested. According to an internal source at the Harbin City Police Department, police obtained his cell phone number and monitored his cell phone for over half a year. Thus, those over 20 practitioners who contacted with him were arrested.

    7. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Personnel from the Mashang Police Station Arrest Practitioner Jia Shiqiang and His Mother

    On June 25, 2005, personnel from the Mashang Police Station arrested practitioner Mr. Jia Shiqiang from Zibo City, Shandong Province at the Yiwu Market and ransacked his home. Around July 6, four policemen broke into the home of Ms. Ju, Jia Shiqiang's mother and arrested her.

    8. [Nanpi County, Hebei Province] A Few  Practitioners Held at the Nanpi County Detention Center

    At 11:00 a.m. on July 7, 2005, two person from the Wangsi Police Station and four persons from the Nanpi County Police Department arrested practitioner Gao Jianwen from Wenwubu Village in Wangsi Town, Nanpi County, Hebei Province. He is currently being held at the Nanpi County Detention Center.

    On June 28, 2005, practitioner Pan Xingzhong from Cizhuang Village in Nanpi County, Hebei Province was followed and arrested. On June 30, Li Jinxia was arrested at Pan Xingzhong's home. Later police ransacked Pan's home. At present, Pan is being held at the Nanpi County Detention Center. Li Jinxia was sent to the Bo Town Detention Center and no family visits are allowed.

    Nanpi County Detention Center head Zhu Haiting,

    Person in charge of persecuting Falun Gong Wang Yuliang.

    9. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Liu Jinzhi Transferred from the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp to the Luotai Brainwashing Class

    After the detention term of practitioner Ms. Liu Jinzhi from Shenyang City in the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp expired, police still didn't release her. They transferred her to the LuotaiBrainwashing Class in Fushun City. Officers in the brainwashing class demanded 360 yuan each month for accommodation fees from her family and workplace.

    Practitioners who have refused to renounce  by the end of their terms are usually transferred to the brainwashing class for further persecution.

    10. [Beijing] Du Shuying Abducted

    In early July 2005, a group of people from the Ganjiakou Police Station, from Ms. Du Shuying's work unit, from the street committee and two other units abducted practitioner Du Shuying from Haidian District, Beijing. On July 6, Ms. Du was sent to the Wanquanhe Automobile Repair Factory guesthouse in the Haidian District for brainwashing. The authorities planned to force her to give up Falun Gong within ten days.

    11. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Meng Meixiang Held at a Brainwashing Class

    Practitioner Meng Meixiang, 57 years old, was from the Dongjinma Village Developing District, Weifang City, Shandong Province. On July 1, 2005, when Meng was clarifying the truth in Baozhuang Town, the Fangzi District, she was abducted and taken to the Weifang City Qingchi Town Police Station. Police shocked Meng with electric batons and then transferred her into the city's 610 Office Brainwashing Class.

    12. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Li Brutally Tortured at the Hehuakeng Forced Labor Camp

    Practitioners Zhang Wenliang and Zhang Li who were held in the Hehuakeng Forced Labor Camp in Tangshan City were brutally tortured for over a month. They were deprived of sleep and were forced to stand still in one position every day. If they moved a little or dozed off they were beaten. The two practitioners fell and injured their faces several times from being sleepy. They are now extremely weak.

    13. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Tian Chao on Hunger Strike for Over Two Months

    It was reported that Mr. Tian Chao, 26 years old, from Wuhan City, has been held in the Hewan Forced Labor Camp since May 4, 2005 without any legal basis. Tian has been on a hunger strike over two months since May 10.

    14. [Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province] Torture Death of An Senbiao

    Daqing Prison authorities tortured practitioner Xu Jishan, an employee of the Daqing Petro-Chemical Corporation, to death and tried to cover up their crime.

    Practitioner An Senbiao, an employee from the No.2 Oil Extraction Plant was tortured until he was extremely emaciated at the Suihua Forced Labor Camp. He is now suffering renal (kidney system) failure and may die at any moment.

    15. [Weifang City, Shandong Province] Liu Huifang Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor

    Practitioner Ms. Liu Huifang, 40 years old, is from Xiaonanmeng Village, Beimeng Town, Changyi County, Weifang City, Shandong Province. On May 28, 2005 Liu and fellow practitioner Ms. Chen Meiying from the same village went together to visit Chen Meiying's nephew Gao Xiuhua who was held in the Changyi Detention Center. Chen Xiaodong from the "610 Office" entrapped Liu and detained her at the detention center. On June 14, Liu and another seven practitioners were sentenced to three years of forced labor.

    16. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] Please Rescue 22 Practitioners Held in the Huludao Forced Labor Camp

    Twenty-two practitioners are still being held in the Huludao City Forced Labor Camp:

    (Country code: 86, area code: 429. Do not dial area code before cell phone numbers)

    Practitioners held in Group 1on the first floor are: Xing Guoshu (from Suizhong), Guo Chunzhan (from Xingcheng), Yang Jiangwei (from Suizhong)

    Group Head: Meng Qinghua 3124991(Home), 13998998689 (Cell)
    Political Head: Wang Shengli 3960760 (Home), 13309894445 (Cell)

    Practitioners held in Group 6 on the second floor are: Gao Kaifeng (from Yangjiazhangzi), Pei Changqing (from Lianshan), Hu Shaowei (from Liaojian), Shi Chunde (from Longgang), Zhao Enfa (from Gaoqiao), Tao Shan (from Longgang), Cheng Hanxiang (from Jianchang), Gao Yanjing (from Longgang), Yan Song (from Anshan)

    Group Head: Liu Guohua 3960996 (Home), 13352399697 (Cell)

    Political Head: Song Yunbin 2132658 (Home), 13352394866/13352390539 (Cell)

    Practitioners held in Group 5 on the east side of the third floor are: Li Kai (from Gangtun), Pei Guangxin (from Nuanchitang Town), Xu Baotian (from Taiji Village), Ren Jiuqi (from Qiuzigou, Suizhong), Ren Baohe (from Lianshan Street)

    Group Head: Cui Xiaodong (member of a sinister gang) 13898955009 (Cell)
    Deputy Head: Kong Lingwen 13514295530 (Cell)

    Practitioners held in Group 4 on the west side of the third floor were: Liu Wei (from Suizhong), Chen Zhiguo (from Longgang), Wang Fengjun (from Lianshan), Zhang Wenyou (from Xingcheng), Liu Zhigang (from Longgang Qi Village)

    Group Head: Yang Yanguo
    Political Head: Chen Jiuyi

    Summary of Other Articles and News - June 19, 2005

    Practitioners are Persecuted by Police and Staff Members at a Psychiatric Hospital in Shandong Province

    Practitioner Ms. Liu Dayuan of Shandong Province went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Upon arriving at the Appeals Bureau, she was body-searched, beaten, and kicked by policemen. Then they transferred her back to Shandong Province's Jining Psychiatric Hospital for further persecution. By force, the medical doctors and nurses there injected nerve-damaging drugs into her body. Later they released her for fear she would die in the hospital.

    Tieta Police Station of Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Persecutes a Senior Practitioner

    Ms. Tao Wenhua is more than 60 years old. After practicing Falun Gong she got rid of many illnesses. On December 1, 2000, Ms. Tao went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. For that, officers from the Tieta Police Station persecuted Ms. Tao and her family members several times. The first time they illegally detained her for 35 days and 30 days the second time. The police station also extorted money totaling 8,700 yuan from her family and her plant. They also illegally searched her house four or five times. On September 16, 2002, police officer Wei Hualin took Ms. Tao from her house to the police station. On September 25, 2004, they confiscated her books and illegally detained her for 14 days. In addition to this, the Tieta Police Station three times forced Ms. Tao to attend brainwashing classes totaling up to ten months. While being detained at the brainwashing class, she was not allowed to go outdoors. Thus, Ms. Tao has been severely damaged both mentally and physically. Her children have also been implicated. Police officers keep threatening her three sons, causing much stress in their lives. The neighborhood committee chairman Zhu Tianxiang is also frequently harassing Ms. Tao's family, disturbing their peace.

    Practitioners Are Persecuted at Tilanqiao Prison in Shanghai City

    (1) To prevent news leaking out, the police officers at Tilanqiao Prison have frequently transferred persecuted practitioners from one place to another; (2) The transferred practitioners are in terrible situations. All unlawfully detained practitioners are forced into slave labor, and are overworked; (3) Practitioner Mr. Jiang Yexiang was illegally sentenced to 4 years and 6 months. He is almost due for release. Since October 2004, Mr. Jiang has gone on hunger strikes lasting as long as 8 months. He used to be hefty, but now he is extremely thin. It is said that recently Mr. Jiang has been hospitalized.