The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 22, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Mr. Fa Zhengping is in Critical Condition at the Qingpu Labor Camp Hospital

  • Ms. Wang Huilian, a Young University Lecturer from Changchun City, Suffered Brutal Persecution in Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianying from Beijing Arrested Again

  • Follow up Report on Ms. Zhang Lianxiu, Who Was Beaten to Death by Police in Henan Province

  • Practitioner Mr. Liang Xiujun from Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, Died of Persecution

  • Brief News from China - July 7, 2005

  • Mr. Fa Zhengping is in Critical Condition at the Qingpu Labor Camp Hospital

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Fa Zhengping is a physics teacher hired by the Yangjing High School in Pudong District, Shanghai City. He was arrested recently and severely tortured. His life is in danger.

    On April 6, 2005, he was arrested by a group of officers sent by the 610 Office. The officers were hiding in unmarked police cars.

    A female practitioner, Chen, in her 70s, was also arrested in the building shortly afterward. The officers broke into the home of the practitioner around noon, and arrested all seven practitioners that were studying there.

    Mr. Fa Zhengping suffered two years of forced labor in 2001-2003. He went through many mental and physical tortures. He was beaten until he vomited blood. He did not fully recover and was still very weak when they arrested him again. He was suddenly arrested and tortured, his life is in danger now. His blood pressure is 220 mm high, and he has fever of 103 oF. He was sent to Tilanqiao Prison Hospital for emergency treatment. He is now at Qingpu Labor Camp Hospital. The 610 Office still refuses to release him.

    Ms. Wang Huilian, a Young University Lecturer from Changchun City, Suffered Brutal Persecution in Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp

    Ms. Wang Huilian is a young faculty member of Northeast Normal University in Changchun City, Jilin Province. In March 2004, she was illegally arrested and sentenced to one and a half years of forced labor. She was detained in the No. 4 Division of Heizuizi Women's Forced Labor Camp in Jilin Province, where Ms. Wang has resisted the persecution and refused to do forced labor. Many times she was not allowed to see her friends who had come to visit her. Time and again the labor camp brought her elderly parents from far away in an attempt to use their love to "transform" her and force her to give up her belief in Falun Gong. Now Ms. Wang is on the verge of death because of the persecution.

    When she was arrested, Ms. Wang was 32 years old. She has a Masters degree and was a lecturer at the College of Urban and Environmental Science in Northeast Normal University. She worked hard in her teaching and research. Before her arrest, she had been preparing to study toward a Ph.D. In people's eyes, Ms. Wang is smart and kind, loves life, and works very hard.

    On March 7, 2004, the Chaoyang District Police Department, which is under the jurisdiction of the Changchun City Police Department; the Jianshe Square Police Station; and the Northeast Normal University Security Division worked together to arrest Ms. Wang with the excuse that she had kept in touch with other Falun Gong practitioners. After two days of interrogation, the police got nothing they wanted, so they put her in criminal custody on fabricated charges.

    On March 9, 2004, Ms. Wang was taken to the Changchun City No. 3 Detention Center, which is located in Sheling. In response to Ms. Wang's unjust arrest, her friends condemned the police and also exposed her arrest on the Minghui website, the Chinese version of Clearwisdom. Since then, people from all over the world keep calling the police department, asking for her release.

    Nevertheless, a month later, the police sentenced Ms. Wang to forced labor. When her family members questioned the police, the person who handled her case even said, "It would be better had her story not been put on the Minghui website. But now, since her case is on Minghui, the whole world knows about it and calls us. If we had released her, would that be out of our own willingness to release her or due to the pressure from around the world?"

    In early April 2004, the Chaoyang District Police Department sentenced Ms. Wang to 18 months of forced labor. She is now incarcerated in the Jilin Province's women's forced labor camp, the Changchun City Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp.

    Facing the verbal abuse, violent beatings, intimidation, and torture, Ms. Wang and other practitioners still use their compassionate hearts to peacefully and repeatedly tell the guards that Falun Gong teaches people to be good, that those who persecute kind people will receive karmic retribution, and that they, in the interest of their own future, should not persecute practitioners. At the end of December 2004, Wang Zhufeng, a guard from the No. 4 Division of the labor camp, beat Ms. Wang for laughing, because the guard thought that Ms. Wang was laughing at her. The beating turned Ms. Wang's face black and blue.

    On April 22, 2005, Ms. Wang started a hunger strike in protest of her illegal arrest. Since that day, the No.4 Division of the labor camp has force-fed her twice a day. On April 28, Ms. Wang was sent to Changchun City Police Hospital, where the persecution continues. When people with a sense of justice call from around the world, the authorities still try to hide the facts and deceive people by denying that Ms. Wang is on a hunger strike and that she is being force-fed. After more than 30 days of cruel force-feeding, Ms. Wang's health has severely deteriorated, and her life is now in great danger.

    Ms. Wang's home is in Yingkou City, and the phone number is 86-417-2819966.

    The government branches and individuals involved in the persecution:

    Changchun Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp:

    Guan Wei and Zhang Guimei: 86-431-5384312, ext. 5104 or 6104

    Northeast Normal University:

    Sheng Lianxi, CCP Committee Secretary of the University, who is in charge of the 610 Office: 86-431-5099309 (office), 86-431-5099158 (home), 86-431-5643532 (office), or

    Dai Jitian, CCP Committee Secretary of the College of Urban and Environmental Science in the University: 86-431-5099561 (office)

    Officials of the College of Urban and Environmental Science:
    Meng Xianmin: 86-431-5098172 (office)
    Wu Zhengfang: 86-431-5098452 (office)
    Li Chengguo: 86-431-5098563 (office)
    Shang Jincheng: 86-431-5098552 (office)
    Liu Jisheng: 86-431-5098132 (office)

    Shi Ningzhong, University President: 86-431-5099322 (office), 86-431-5099289 (home)

    Liu Haimin, Deputy CCP Committee Secretary, in charge of the 610 Office: 86-431-5099645 (office), 86-431-5662862 (home)

    The 610 Office and its Director Ye: 86-431-5099610 (office)
    Yang Xiaohui, Deputy CCP Committee Secretary: 86-431-5098932 (office), 86-431-5099838 (home)
    Zhao Ying, Deputy CCP Committee Secretary: 86-431-5697956 or 86-431-5099445 (home)
    Zhang Zhiguo, Vice President: 86-431-5099109 (office), 86-431-5099588 (home)
    Yang Zhong, Vice President: 86-431-5099403 (office), 86-431-5098556 (home)
    Xue Kang, Vice President: 86-431-5690069 (office), 86-431-5098535 (home)
    Ma Shang, Vice President: 86-431-5098798 (office), 86-431-5662413 (home)
    Liu Yichun, Vice President: 86-431-5099168 or 86-431-5099789 (office), 86-431-5603523 (home)
    Gao Weixing, University Security Section Head: 86-431-5099000 (office), 86-431-5709657 (home)
    Zhang Tiemin, Associate University Section Head: 86-431-5099940 (office), 86-431-5689599 (home)

    Chaoyang District Police Department:

    Li Hongchen, Tang Kewei

    Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianying from Beijing Arrested Again

    On June 14, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianying from Beijing was arrested from home by Xiangheyuan Police Substation Head Wang Qing and ten policemen, leaving her one year old child behind, who she was nursing. Ms. Zhang Lianying is now detained in the Chaoyang District Detention Center.

    Ms. Zhang Lianying lives in Seventh Building-2-203, Liufangnanli, Xiangheyuan, Chaoyang District. On the morning of June 14, 2005, at around 8:00 a.m., police broke open the door to her home and dragged her into a police vehicle violently. The police ransacked her home, taking two copies of the book Zhuan Falun but seemed not to find anything they were looking for.

    Since July 20, 1999, Ms. Zhang Lianying has been arrested seven or eight times, but was released each time with the help of her righteous thoughts. The worst time was when she was arrested by police in Heilongjiang Province and suffered long-term detention there. She went on hunger strike for 80 days, nearly dying, and was then sent back home by police from Heilongjiang province to Xiangheyuan Substation. The local police refused to accept her since she was in critical condition, so she was left on the street. The police and 610 Office workers have been watching her closely undercover. They bugged her home phone in order to find any excuse to further harass her. Even though they arrested her on June 14, 2005 and ransacked her home, they did not find anything they wanted.

    Phone number of Xiangheyuan Police Substation Head Wang Qing, 86-10-64660050

    Follow up Report on Ms. Zhang Lianxiu, Who Was Beaten to Death by Police in Henan Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhang Lianxiu was 67 years old and lived in Wangtangge, Bozhou City, Anhui Province. On May 31, 2005, she was arrested by policemen in Henan Province along with two other Falun Gong practitioners, and was beaten to death on June 2, 2005 in Shangqiu County, Henan Province. Police from Shangqiu County, Henan Province and Bozhou City, Anhui Province went to her home together on June 6, 2005, asking her son, "Does your mother have heart disease?" Her son answered, "No."

    Police then asked again, "If you say your mother has heart disease, we will let her come back home." Her son answered, "Yes" after thinking about their offer for awhile. Police quickly had him sign his name on a form. After he signed his name, the police told him, "Your mother has died."

    In order to cover up their crimes, police would not allow her family to see her body. When they bid farewell to her before her body was cremated, her daughter saw that her body was covered with wounds. She asked loudly, "Just because my mother practiced Falun Gong, you beat her to death?" No one dared to answer her question. Ms. Zhang Lianxiu's lips had many bloody blisters as the result of electric baton shocks. Her lower back and legs had many purple bruises. Her neck was twisted to the right at about 80 degrees, with obvious signs of injury. The Shangqiu County Police Department paid for her funeral expenses.

    The condition of the other two Falun Gong practitioners who were arrested together with her is unknown.

    Related article, /emh/articles/2005/6/21/62089.html

    Practitioner Mr. Liang Xiujun from Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, Died of Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liang Xiujun from Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province, died under both mental and financial persecution on June 17, 2005.

    Mr. Liang Xiujun, 55 years old, lived on Fifth Street in the Shuangta District of Zhuozhou City. He was unyielding in his practice of Falun Gong and clarified the truth to the people he met. He was arrested and detained multiple times and went through brainwashing between 2001 and 2003. At the Nanma Brainwashing Center, he was forced to do heavy labor and had money extorted from him. Due to the brutal torture, he was paralyzed when he returned home.

    In 2003, Mr. Liang's wife, Wang Shumin, was detained for 15 days in Zhuozhou City Detention Center for clarifying the truth to people. She was held in Nanma Brainwashing Center for more than 40 days. She was forced to undergo brainwashing sessions and do heavy labor. She also had three thousand yuan extorted from her.

    Under such heavy mental and financial pressure, Mr. Liang's conditions quickly worsened. He died on June 17, 2005.

    Another Falun Gong practitioner, Mr. Li Heng from Yongle Village in Zhuozhou City, was tortured in Baoding City Labor Camp. He had a stroke as a result of the persecution. Mr. Li Heng died on June 12, 2005, after being paralyzed for three years.

    Brief News from China - July 7, 2005

    1. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Sun Liwen and Ms. Pan Qi Arrested

    Mr. Sun Liwen, 31, is a college graduate. In 2000, he was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor camp, where he was tortured. In 2002, he was sent to the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City to be abused. Around 5:00 p.m. on July 1, 2005, officers from the Heishijiao Police Station led Dalian City state security officers to arrest him again at his home. Mr. Sun is being held in the Yaojia Detention Center.

    Ms. Pan Qi, 31, graduated from Dalian Medical University. In October 1999, she exercised her legal rights and went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong. As a result, she was sent to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, where she was beaten, shocked with electric batons, and forced to work around the clock. On one occasion she passed out on the workbench. She was not released until six months after her term ended and she was extorted 5,000 yuan. At around 5:00 p.m. on July 1, Ms. Pan was missing after she got off work. Her family looked for her everywhere. Three days later, they learned that she was held in the Yaojia Detention Center, but they were denied visitation. Ms. Pan has been carrying out a hunger strike to protest against the illegal custody.

    Relevant telephone numbers:

    Dong, of the state security division in charge of this case: 86-411-83792176
    Chen Xin, deputy head of the Dalian City State Security Division: 86-13009497373 (cell)
    Liu and Chang, Party secretaries of the Ganjingzi District 610 Office: 86-411-86649757

    2. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Ms. Jia Naizhi's Life in Imminent Danger As a Result of Torture

    It was learned on the evening of July 5, 2005 that Ms. Jia Naizhi, who has been held for over three years in the Fushun No. 2 Detention Center after she was denied admission to the Liaoning Provincial Women's Prison because of severe illness, is in critical condition. Ms. Jia has been on hunger strike for many days. She has suffered from drastically deteriorating complications, and her life is in imminent danger.

    Director's office of the No. 2 Detention Center: 86-413-6534826

    3. [Yushu City, Jilin Province] Wang Yarong and Three Others from Chengfa Township Arrested

    Wang Yarong, Ms. Mu Guichun, Hao Zhanguo, and Ms. Hu Jingqin from Chengfa Township in Yushu City, Jilin Province were forcibly taken into custody by officers from the Chengfa Township Police Station between July 3 and July 4, 2005.

    4. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Ms. Qian Youyun Being Tortured in Hewan Forced Labor

    Ms. Qian Youyun, about 40 years old, is a former employee of Jiangxia District Fodder Company who lives in the Jiangxi District of Wuhan City, Hubei Province. She went to Beijing to appeal in 1999 and 2000 and was later sentenced to three years in prison. She was held in the Baofeng Road Women's Prison in Wuhan City.

    In December 2003, Ms. Qian was arrested for distributing truth-clarifying materials, and subsequently sentenced to eighteen months of forced labor. She was held in the First Team of the Sixth Division in Hewan Forced Labor Camp. She has been long deprived of sleep and confined to a solitary compartment, as she refused to be brainwashed. Other inmates have been assigned to monitor her all the time. When Ms. Qian's elder sister went to the labor camp to visit her, the labor camp authorities refused to let them meet. Ms. Qian Youyun's term ends on July 17, 2005.

    Telephone number of Division No. 6 of the Hewan Forced Labor Camp: 86-27-85601054

    5. [Liaoning Province] Ms. Xia Hongxia and Ms. Dong Xiuyuan Arrested by Police

    Ms. Xia Hongxia and Ms. Dong Xiuyuan from Liaoning Province were arrested by two police officers near a supermarket in Xishan at 8:00 p.m. on May 7, 2005.

    Telephone number of the Political Security Section of the Fuxin City Police Department in Liaoning Province: 86-418-5532238 (ask for Liu Siwei)

    6. [Fengcheng City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Jiao Lin Endures Severe Persecution

    Mr. Jiao Lin from Fengcheng City has been held in the Weiningying Forced Labor Camp for nearly eight months for brainwashing. Despite the severe persecution, Mr. Jiao has held firm his belief and refused to be "transformed."

    7. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Mr. Zhang Xiaotian from Tanghai County Arrested; His Whereabouts Unknown

    Around June 17, 2005, Mr. Zhang Xiaotian was arrested by the police while he was taking a walk. His whereabouts are unknown.

    Relevant telephone numbers:

    Country code: 86, area code: 315
    Yu Dongqing, Party secretary of Tanghai County: 8711432, 8718922, 8720199 (office), 8719207 (home), 86-13903259488 (cell)
    Kong Weizhong, deputy police chief: 8720071 (office), 8712729 (home), 86-13832983993 (cell)
    Li Taizhong, head of the Political Security Section: 8717618 (office), 8721595 (home), 86-13832986416 (cell)

    8. [Beijing] Ms. Yang Fengwen from Chaoyang District Arrested by the Police

    On June 9, Ms. Yang Fengwen from the Chaoyang District of Beijing was arrested by the police while distributing truth-clarifying materials in Huairou District of Beijing. She is being held at the Huairou Detention Center.

    9. [Yantai City, Shandong Province] Ms. Yang Guoshan and another Practitioner Arrested by Police

    On June 30, 2005, Ms. Yang Guoshan and another practitioner from Yantai City were arrested by the police for distributing truth-clarifying materials in Yantai University.

    Around 11:00 p.m. the same night, five officers from the Yantai Police Department searched, without a warrant, the home of Ms. Yang's parents. The officers confiscated some copies of Teacher's articles and forced Ms. Yang's father to sign his name on the list of confiscated items.

    Telephone number of Zhang Shaorong, head of the 610 Office: 86-13361391236 (cell)

    10. [Laixi City, Shandong Province] Ms. Zhang Yumei from Wangcheng Arrested

    Ms. Zhang Meiyu of Lida Group (formerly the Linen Textile Plant) in Wangcheng, Laixi City was turned in to the authorities for clarifying the truth to Lin Lixiang, head of the company's security section. At 3:00 p.m. on June 27, 2005, she was arrested by the Laixi City Police Department. Lin Lixiang led officers to break into her home. The officers also searched her home. Ms. Zhang is being held in the Laixi City Detention Center.

    Individuals and organizations that participated in the persecution:

    Country code: 86, area code: 532
    Jiang Xiuren, chairman of the board of Lida Group in Laixi City: 88480918 (office), 88497288 (home), 86-13606482318 (cell)
    Wang Baoshan, director of the Wangcheng Police Station in Laixi City: 88411160 ext. 8716 (office), 88467369 (home), 86-13806396628 (cell)
    Wang Jianzhi, deputy chief of the Laixi City Police Department, director of 610 Office: 88478816 (office), 86-13954287766 (cell)
    Sun Xiaomei, deputy director of the Laixi City 610 Office: 88405610 (office), 86-13791973266 (cell)

    11. [Jilin Province] Ms. Jiao Jingfen Arrested by Police; Her Whereabouts Unknown

    Ms. Jiao Jingfen, in her fifties, is a retired employee of the railroad system in Jilin City. She lives on Minzhu Street in the Cangyi District of Jilin City.

    Around 11:30 p.m. on June 29, 2005, several police officers who did not identify themselves forcibly arrested her at her home. They also confiscated Falun Gong books and truth-clarifying materials. According to eye-witnesses, two police vehicles were parked in front of the building where she lives.

    Relevant telephone numbers:

    Country code: 86, area code: 432
    Office of the chief of Changyi Police Department in Jilin City: 2485301
    Political Security Section: 2485537
    Changyi Police Department: 2552473, 2563286
    Jilin City Police Department: 2409221
    Public phone lines of chief of Jilin City Police Department: 2409110, 2488110, 2455848

    12. [Huazhou City, Guangdong Province] Ms. Wu Yumei and Her Husband Arrested

    Ms. Wu Yumei and her husband are teachers at Poshi Elementary School in Huazhou. Informants turned them in to the police while they were clarifying the truth to the students. On June 20, 2005, Huazhou City police searched Ms. Wu's home and confiscated Falun Gong books and materials. They forcibly took the couple away. The couple's whereabouts are unknown.

    Zhang Sheng of the Huazhou City 610 Office: 86-668-7361610, 86-13809782629 (cell)
    Dong Kunsheng: 86-668-7361610, 86-13071623288 (cell)