The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- July 20, 2005


  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Tian Huiying from Maoming City, Guangdong Province Tortured to Death in Sanshui Women's Labor Camp

  • In Critical Condition in Detention, Practitioner Mr. Lei Lichun Exposes the Persecution: Wife Forced to Leave Home, Elderly Parents and Two Babies Left Unattended

  • A Falun Gong Practitioner in Liaoning Province Reveals Her Suffering at the Hands of the CCP

  • The Repeated Persecution of Mo Yimei from Yangchun City, Guangdong Province

  • Practitioner Yang Jiangwei of Suizhong, Liaoning Province Arrested Again

  • Recent Persecution of Practitioners in Yanqing County,  Beijing

  • Brief News from China - June 17, 2005

  • Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Tian Huiying from Maoming City, Guangdong Province Tortured to Death in Sanshui Women's Labor Camp

    On February 15, 2004, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Tian Huiying from Maoming City, Guangdong Province was arrested again. She was tortured in Sanshui Women Labor Camp until she was emaciated, and died on July 6, 2005. The officials at the labor camp lied to her family, saying that she had been hit by a vehicle inside the labor camp, and that that this was the cause of her death. They compensated her family 30,000 yuan and cremated her body.

    Ms. Tian Huiying was in her 40s, and was a Falun Gong practitioner who lived in Shanliao Managing Region, Poxin Town, Maogang District, Maoming City, Guangdong Province. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong in December 2000 and was arrested by officers Wen Ruhui (male) and Li Jinkuang (male) from Poxin Town Substation. She was detained in Dianbai Detention Center for ten months and forced to attend a brainwashing class in Maoming City three years long. She escaped the brainwashing center in December 2003.

    On February 15, 2004, she was arrested again while passing out truth clarifying materials on a bus. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor and served in Guangdong Province Sanshui Women Labor Camp. The prison guards there tortured her mentally and physically to force her to "transform." While under great pressure, she wrote the Four Statements against her will but soon declared it as null and void after she regained her senses. She was brutally tortured, as all the prisoners could see her body was covered with bruises. Later, she was tortured until she suffered a mental collapse and could not sleep. She became very weak. The camp officials were afraid of her case being exposed. They isolated her with other Falun Gong practitioners and did not let anyone contact or speak to her.

    Ms. Tian Huiying was just skin and bones due to the torture. She died on July 6, 2005. In order to hide their crimes, the camp administrators told her family that she died within an hour after being hit by a vehicle inside the labor camp. They compensated her family 30,000 yuan and quickly cremated her body.

    After Ms. Tian Huiying was arrested, her husband left home to be with another woman. He did not return home for a long time. Their three children are left at home without care. They have lost their mother forever. Kind-hearted people, please help them!

    In Critical Condition in Detention, Practitioner Mr. Lei Lichun Exposes the Persecution: Wife Forced to Leave Home, Elderly Parents and Two Babies Left Unattended

    ( Mr. Lei Lichun, from Guan'an, Sichuan Province, was arrested in June 2004 and sentenced to four years of imprisonment because of his belief in Falun Gong. During his imprisonment, Lei Lichun has been mentally and physically tortured so severely that he is currently on the brink of death. His family asked the prison many times to release Lei Lichun. The hospital already issued a notice stating Lei Lichun's critical condition; the prison didn't want to receive him because of his critical condition, and the local detention center informed the concerned units handling the case from Guan'an to come and take Lei Lichun back. But the concerned units refused the release of Lei Lichun. Presently, Lei Lichun is in a critical situation; his wife has been forced to abandon her home, leaving behind two one-year-olds and their helpless, elderly parents. In addition, all their money was confiscated by the police. The following is Lei Lichun's appeal. He strongly requests that the concerned decision-makers respect the laws and release him, because he is innocent.

    To the Leaders of Concerned Units:

    I am a Falun Gong practitioner. I was unlawfully sentenced to four years' imprisonment because of my belief in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. On June 19, 2004, I visited a friend in Chongqing. Upon my arrival at my friend's home, a group of plainclothes policemen from the Division of State Security arrested me and confiscated all my money and belongings. In the meantime, my non-practitioner wife was also arrested at her workplace. That evening they wanted to detain me at the detention center of Pipashan, Chongqing City. However, because of my illnesses, the detention center rejected me. Then I was sent to the Police Station of Guang'an Police Station, and later on to the Division of State Security. At the Division of State Security, policemen Luo Cheng, He Shibing, and others locked me in heavy handcuffs and shackles, and forced me to stay awake day and night for several days. They would beat me or swear at me even for blinking. They took turns torturing me physically and mentally all day long. I had not done anything illegal, yet they charged me with conspiring with a [slanderous term omitted], to violate the laws. But they did not have any evidence or witness to explain when, where, and what law I had broken.

    I have never joined any religion or evil [slanderous term omitted], and neither did I use them for any purpose. I only believe in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance because I want to be a good person with high moral standards, and not fight back when others mistreat me. What is the problem with believing in Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance? Is it evil to teach people to be good?

    On the other hand, who are those setting themselves above the law and ignoring the Chinese Constitution, the Criminal Laws, the International Human Right Pact, Anti-torture Pact, and other laws, and brutally persecuting innocent people? We who follow Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance are sent to brainwashing centers, fined, sentenced to forced labor camps, sent to labor reeducation camps, or even tortured to death only because we do not want to give up our beliefs. Many families are broken apart, and relatives die because of the persecution. Policemen and officials from township governments often forcefully search our homes, without showing any warrants or IDs, or sneak into our homes and take away our belongings, including cash, bank books, appliances, furniture, art works, IDs, property papers, food, farming livestock, and poultry.

    I am now detained in Huaying; my wife has been forced to leave our home; the money I left for my family was all confiscated by the police. At present, two babies, both only one year old, and two elderly parents in poor health, are left home by themselves without care and resources.

    I used to suffer from tuberculosis and heart problems; these diseases have been under control since I have started practicing Falun Gong. I am currently unlawfully detained and the diseases have become critical again because I am not allowed to practice the Falun Gong exercises. The Chinese Medical Hospital of Huayin already issued a notice of my critical condition so that Deyang Prison refused to receive me. The detention center also required the concerned units from Guang'an to take me back and my family also requested my release. Yet the concerned units from Guang'an still refuse to release me. Even the leaders of the detention center think this is crossing the line. I do not know how much longer I can hold out under such unjust treatment.

    I hope that the concerned people respect laws and life, and release me, as I am innocent!

    This is my appeal.

    Appellant: Lei Lichun

    A Falun Gong Practitioner in Liaoning Province Reveals Her Suffering at the Hands of the CCP

    I am a Falun Gong practitioner in Liaoning Province. I am 56 years old. In August 2004, I was reported to the authorities while I was distributing truth clarification VCD's and materials and was illegally abducted to the Dalian Women's Forced Labor Camp. I was later transferred to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. On May 29, 2005, because my life was in danger due to the persecution, I was then released from that den of evildoers. In those more than 9 months, I suffered the CCP's most obscene, shameless and most brutal persecution.

    On that day back in August 2004, three or four police forced me into their car and took me away. All the while I was shouting loudly, "Falun Dafa is good." They detained me in the interrogation room on the 2nd floor of the Rixin Police Station, locking me with handcuffs to a metal chair for an entire day and night. The next afternoon I was sent to the city detention center. The division head Jia Ling was on duty. I continued to shout, "Falun Dafa is good," so Jia sent me into the room where already-sentenced prisoners were, and I was put in handcuffs and shackles, and stretched out on a metal bed frame. I went on a hunger strike to protest. I shouted, "Falun Dafa is good" every day, recited Hong Yin and "clarified the truth" loudly. The detention center head Jiang Ming was unable to bear it, and ordered Jia Ling and policewoman Wang Ying to keep me locked up on the bed frame. Jiang Ming said, "Last time you escaped. This time we will not let you get out."

    Policewoman Su Ying force fed me. She stepped on my face, my hands, and my chest. She ordered the other prisoners to curse Master Li, trying to intimidate me and make me eat. Yet, those prisoners, about a dozen of them, didn't follow her orders. Su Ying called in another prisoner who had a serious venereal disease and ordered her to berate our Master. After Su Ying was finished with force- feeding me, she left and the prisoner said to me, "I know that it is wrong to curse your Master, but she forced me to do it." During the force-feeding, Su Ying also put some drugs into the food.

    When Su Ying was not on duty, the policewoman Wang Ying would take over the force-feeding. I continued to resist. Wang Ying ordered the other prisoners to grab my hair and drag me upstairs. She ordered the prisoners to grab my ears with force. My ears were almost torn off. Wang Ying took off her belt several times to beat my face.

    The detention center head Jiang Ming colluded with the people at the Dalian Forced Labor Camp, and without any investigation or evidence, sent me and another local female Falun Gong practitioner to the Dalian Forced Labor Camp. On that day, Jiang Ming was excited and said to me, "This time you will not be able to get out."

    On the way to the Dalian Forced Labor Camp and in the custody of Rixin Police Station, we loudly shouted, "Falun Dafa is good," "The Fa rectifies the Cosmos; the Evil is completely eliminated." I was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor. The other practitioner who came with me was sentenced to two years in the labor camp.

    After getting to the forced labor camp, I tore apart the prison regulation booklet they gave me. After they instigated the other prisoners to beat me, the police put the two of us in an isolated cell. At that time, under the instruction of policewoman Wan Yalin, division head Han Jianmin, division deputy head Yuan Lingyue, prisoner Wang Chong (about 25 years old) and Zhang Xiujuan brutally tortured the two of us. They forced us to stand with bare feet in the steel cage and taped our hands together so that we could not move. After having stood for three whole days and nights, the other practitioner could no longer withstand it and was "transformed". I was forced to stand there for five entire days and nights, and then was put on the "stretching bed" for further torture.

    There were only three wooden boards on the "stretching bed." They locked me into a position with all four limbs stretched out. Not only that, they also entangled my whole body with plastic wrap, put a cotton cap on my head, and wrapped my face with adhesive tape. They punched two nose holes in the tape with chopsticks, then poured in ethyl alcohol, garlic water, highly concentrated salt water, dirty water, and even urine. During this force-feeding, they pushed a steel bowl that was flattened into my mouth. My mouth was full of blood and my lips swelled up. They also put several dozen hard-shelled insects on my body. They scurried about everywhere all over my body. They caught a big live spider and put it into my mouth. They ruthlessly poured dirty water on my body. By then, my whole body was covered with wounds.

    When they saw that none of this could change me, they kept my whole body sealed up with the plastic wrap, tied my feet up on the steel parapet (steel cage), then pushed an about one inch thick board between my feet, which had been tightly bound together; I nearly lost consciousness due to the extreme pain. Within one night, my anklebone was revealed; my leg swelled up to the size of my waist; both arms were tied behind my back; the skull bone was also revealed. The next day, police Zhang Xiumei, Wan Yalin, Han Jianmin, Yuan Lingyue put me on the "stretching bed" again in order to continue the torture.

    When the police people got tired, the prisoners took turns to torture me. The police used three prisoners: Wang Chong, Lu Jing, Zhang Xiujuan, who pierced my toes and fingertips with toothpicks and pins. Lu Jing frequently beat me cruelly with a shoe. Zhang Xiujuan stood aside of Lu Jing and told her how to make it even more painful for me.

    They continued to torture me the entire month of September and then I was released from the isolation cell. I had been put on the "stretching bed," in the steel cage and was tortured by the so-called "People's Police" for 20 days. During that period, policewoman Zhang Xiumei purposely put a strong prisoner, Yu Yehong, in the isolation unit with me. They locked my arm together with Yu Yehong's arm in handcuffs. When she went to sleep, I could only bend my back standing up. In order to encourage Yu Yehong, Zhang Xiujuan and Lu Jing gave her meat to eat. After eating the meat, she continued to torture me. She pinched my bones, my breast, my private parts, and stuffed underwear into my mouth. Yu Yehong also sat on my neck to press me down into the position of an "airplane."

    They took away all of my clothes, and ripped off my trousers and put them into my mouth. I was tortured to the point that I lost consciousness several times. Because I refused to recite the prison regulations, starting from October 1, they found a new way to persecute me. During the daytime they forced me to sort beans. In the evening they punished me by standing until midnight around 1 o'clock. I had been tortured this way till the women's division of the Dalian Forced Labor Camp was dispersed.

    In the very early morning of October 28, 2004, prisoners in each jail room were informed not to walk around. A number of policemen rushed into the room where I was and called me out, then they put me in a small police car. It already had seven Falun Gong practitioners in it. These seven practitioners were all very steadfast. The police wanted to send us to the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. While driving, we continuously sent forth righteous thoughts and loudly recited a poem from Hong Yin II and shouted, "Falun Dafa is good." A policewoman brought an electric baton and turned on the electric sparks to threaten me.

    After arriving in Masanjia, I noticed that all my clothes were missing. As soon as we got in the room, they asked us to "study" and to listen to slanderous broadcasts, etc. I didn't cooperate with them at all. I refused to put on the prisoner's uniform, to do stretching exercises, and shouted loudly "Falun Dafa is good." I didn't want to cooperate with anything the evil wanted me to do. They had no idea how to deal with me and in the end they put me in the restroom. I was forced to get up at 4 o'clock in the morning and stayed in the restroom till after 10 o'clock at night. I was put in the restroom for as long as18 hours a day for three and a half months.

    In Masanjia, I was locked in the isolation cell three times for a total of 35 days. The first time, both my hands and feet were handcuffed and locked on a steel chair for 16 days. The second time, it lasted 10 days and I was tortured to the point of vomiting blood. Yet the prison doctor still performed the force-feeding. I was dragged to the hospital for an examination. The hospital personnel were afraid that my life was in danger and wouldn't let them do the force-feeding, yet the police didn't want to listen and still conducted the force-feeding. The third time, it lasted for 9 days, policewoman Huang Xiaoyan forced me to put on a prisoner's uniform; I tore it up. They took my money without me knowing it and bought three sets of prisoner's uniforms for me, however, they failed to make me wear them.

    On March 31, 2005, the 2nd women's sub-camp re-organized the divisions. Steadfast practitioners were put in the Division No.1 where I also was. They arranged for us to be in the northern side, which was a wet and cold room. Even though my body was very weak due to the previous torture, they still forced me to sit for a long time on the backless stool. I protested once again. On April 1, division head Li xx, Jiang xx, and labor camp deputy director Zhao Laixi and others force fed the practitioners. It was really miserable beyond description. They stepped on our faces laughing, and also sat on my legs.

    By April 1, I was emaciated, and vomiting blood and bile. Without water and food my body became skinny within a few days. They wanted to send me to the hospital, but I refused to go. I told them that as long as they would let me do the Falun Gong exercises, I would recover. They still sent me to the hospital, and I was said to be in an extremely critical condition. They put handcuffs on me and gave me an injection. In that half month afterwards, I was unable to speak clearly, my tongue was swollen and I vomited whatever I ate. In the hospital, a nurse couldn't even extract a single drop of blood from me for a test. They even attempted to extract blood from my an artery on my neck. After my strong protests it didn't happen. Through the magnetic resonance, they diagnosed me as having brain infarction and possibly having a tumor. By then, they were afraid and had to tell my family members to take me home.

    Under the support of Master, on May 29, I finally broke away.

    The Repeated Persecution of Mo Yimei from Yangchun City, Guangdong Province

    Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Mo Yimei is a resident of Heshui Town, Yangchun City, Guangdong Province. In June 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong and was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor in the Sanshui Women's Correctional Institute. There, she continued to practice Falun Gong. They extended her detention an additional two months, and she was released in August 2002. After she returned home, Heshui Town police officers confiscated her identification card and said that they would return it only if needed it to register to marry. They also did not allow Yimei to leave Yangchun City. In November 2003, when the Yangjiang City government opened a brainwashing center, the authorities seized Yimei and her sister and took them there, where they remained for over a month. Yimei refused to sign any "guarantee statement" in the brainwashing center.

    In June 2004, several officers drove to Yimei's fruit shop and tried to force her into their car. Yimei cried out: "Police seize good people!" She sat on the floor and many bystanders gathered. Some said, "It is not right to seize people blindly!" "She is a good person, why do they arrest her?" The officers saw that many people were against them, so they fled with their car, leaving Yimei behind.

    On May 27, 2005 around 9 a.m., about 10 officers arrived and dragged Yimei away; her sister Mo Yilian was also arrested. Their family members said that both sisters were taken to the Sanshui County Guangdong Province Brainwashing Center. This brainwashing center is actually a forced labor camp in disguise. Usually, the first term is three months. If Falun Gong practitioner does not renounce Falun Gong within three months, the practitioner is given another three months. Some practitioners have been persecuted there for several years.

    The following are practitioners who have been illegally held in either the Yangjiang or Yangchun forced labor camps:

    Zhao Tianhua, three years; Zhao Tianrong, three years; Chen Guanbo, three years; Huang Xiuxi, three years; Mo Yimei, two years; Li Enjin, two years,; Lin Kaihuan, two years; Ye Lanjiao, two years; Yang Song, two years; Lan Fuyuan, three years; Yao Liangguang, one year; Ao Daoshi, first detention two years, second detention two years

    Practitioner Yang Jiangwei of Suizhong, Liaoning Province Arrested Again

    On the morning of July 4, 2005, the police in Suizhong County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province forced their way into the Electricity Installation Company and arrested Falun Gong practitioner Yang Jiangwei, who was working there. They then ransacked his home.

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yang Jiangwei, 36, was an employee of Suizhong Electricity Installation Company. Because he believed in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance," Yang was persecuted by the authorities of Huludao City and Suizhong County. Over the past 6 years, he has been arrested several times and sentenced to forced labor twice. He has spent at least four and a half years in labor camps.

    On May 22, 2002, Yang, who was with his work unit, was forced into a brainwashing class. On the second day, the authorities sent him to Huludao Labor Camp as punishment for his hunger strike. He was sentenced to 3 years there. During his detention, he was once tortured until he was on the verge of death.

    In May 2003, Yang Jiangwei was on the verge of death in Huludao Labor Camp. Yang's father, sister and his friend Yao Yanhui went there to request to bail him out for medical treatment, but they were themselves arrested and sentenced to labor camp.

    On March 25, 2004, National Security Team leader Li Changhua arrested practitioner Yang Xiaojun by seizing his hair and pulling him into a vehicle in full view of the public. The action was described by a witness as a "gangster kidnapping." The second day, Yang Xiaojun was released. Li Changhua, fearing that his illegal deeds would be exposed, apologized to Yang's family and suggested reconciliation.

    A list of those who participated in the persecution:

    General Secretary of Suizhong Politics and Law Committee: Shi Minxin,

    86-429-6123475 (Office), 86-429-3160826 (Home), 86-13909897826(Cell)

    Deputy General Secretary of the above department, head of the 610 Office: Shang Ergui, 86-429-6131710 (Office), 86-429-6125589 (Home), 86-13130960038(Cell)

    Head of Suizhong Police Dept: Wang Limin, 86-429-6127518 (Office), 86-429-6128682 (Home), 86-13842917169(Cell)

    National Security Team leader: Li Changhua 86-13700196626(Cell), 86-429-6122876(Office)

    Recent Persecution of Practitioners in Yanqing County, Beijing

    1. Officials at Yanqing Detention Center Continue to Illegally Hold Falun Gong Practitioners

    Mr. Shi Jianlin was on the staff at Yanqing County Food Bureau. He was seized one evening by police while he was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong in public. He was sentenced to a three year prison term which is currently under appeal.

    Mr. Zhao Dongwei, a computer teacher from Zhang Shanying Elementary School, was sentenced because he clarified the facts about Falun Gong to his students and was reported to the authorities by one of the parents. (His prison term is unclear, if someone knows, please verify it.)

    Mr. Li Zhenge was from Liubinbao Village, Liubinbao Town, Yanqing County. On March 17, 2005, he was deceived by police officer Zhang Zhengang from the Preliminary Hearing Office at Yanqing Detention Center and went with him to an undisclosed location. On March 28, police officer Chen Yumin from Yongning Town Local Police Station in Yanqing County brought an arrest warrant to his family. He was first held at Department Seven in Beijing Police Station and later, was transferred to Yanqing Detention Center. (Li Maoyong from Yanqing Procuratorate is in charge of his case)

    2. The Recent Situation of Practitioners from Yanqing County Being Seized and "Reeducated through Forced Labor"

    On May 18, 2005, Ms. Li Chunxiang from Mengzhuang Village, Chengguan Town, Yanqing County, was forcefully taken away from her home by Yanqing County police. The next day, she was sentenced to two years of "reeducation through forced labor" in Daxing Forced Labor Camp.

    Ms. Wang Fengqin and her husband Mr. Li Lianzhu were from Gujiaying, Chengguan Town, Yanqing County. In May, when they were working in their fields, they were suddenly taken by police to a labor camp.

    On June 1, 2005, practitioner Ms. Zhao Xiumin, from Sijiaying, Chengguan Town, Yanqing County, was abducted from her workplace by Yanqing County police. In the afternoon, the police informed her family that Ms. Zhao had been taken to Daxing Forced labor Camp for "reeducation through forced labor".

    On June 1, 2005, Mr. Huang Chunji from Wuliying Village, Chengguan Town, Yanqing County, was forcefully taken to a police vehicle by seven plainclothes policemen and the Security Director of Wuliying Village Wu Guangfa. On June 2, he was sentenced to two years at "reeducation through forced labor". Before the kidnapping, the police had come to his home to harass him many times. On March 12, 2005, his home had been searched and he had been taken to Yanqing Detention Center and unconditionally released that afternoon under his just resistance.

    Ms. Lu Xiuzhi and her husband Mr. Liu Zhengyu were from Xiguan, Chengguan Town, Yanqing County. On June 4, 2005, when they were preparing to go visit their 87 year-old father, they were abducted by the police from their home and taken to a detention center. The elderly man still doesn't know that Ms. Lu and Mr. Liu were arrested, although presently Ms. Lu has returned home. Her husband remains in prison at Yanqing Detention Center.

    On June 17, Ms. Lu Fengqin, from Xiangying Village, Xiangying Town, Yanqing County, was abducted by police from Jiu County and her husband walked away with righteous thoughts. Now he is wandering around and can't go home.

    Meanwhile, it has been confirmed that three practitioners who were arrested at a Falun Gong materials site in 2004 have been secretly sentenced to terms in Daxing Jail. Practitioner Mr. Zou Xiong was sentenced for four years, practitioner Ms. Xing Geli was sentenced for five years and practitioner Mr. Cheng Chunma was sentenced for six years.

    Information about the authorities and police who are responsible:

    The 610 Office from Yanqing County:

    Liu Lianshan, Liu Herong and policeman Lu (last name, he has done many bad deeds and is afraid that someone may take revenge on him. He once said to practitioners, "For as long as I live, if someone bullies my wife and my child, I will shoot him dead.")

    Yanqing County Police Station:

    Once at a meeting Ye Guoqing said that "We must severe with Falun Gong practitioners". His telephone number is: 86-10-69142837;

    Li Mingyi is the deputy chief in charge of persecuting Falun Gong and his telephone number is: 86-10-69101877 (office)

    The National Security Section in Yanqing County Police Station:

    Section head Yu Shenxiu is very wicked; a family member once practiced Falun Gong, and his mother-in-law also helped him to persecute practitioners. His home telephone number is: 86-10-69101626; his mother-in-law's home telephone is: 86-10-69142338 and his brother's home telephone is: 86-10-60181714

    The policemen from the section are Li Jinhe, Gushiliang, Li Aimin and Jiang Shuliang whose wife works for Yanqing County Detention Center and also beat practitioners many times. Jiang Shuliang's home telephone is: 86-10-69142709; the phone number of the Preliminary Hearing Office in Yanqing Detention Center is: 86-10-60158680

    The political instructor at Yaqing Local Police Station Zheng Aimin; his cell phone number is: 86-13506427644

    Brief News from China - June 17, 2005

    1. [Shandong Province] Practitioner Wang Chenglin Tortured Close to Death in Jinan Forced Labor Camp

    Practitioner Mr. Wang Chenglin was arrested many times during the past five years for practicing Falun Gong. In 2002, he was sentenced to 11 years in prison. Recently, sources exposed that Mr. Wang is close to death, because of the torture. He is locked up in a confinement cell for going on a hunger strike. For over a half year, no family visitation has been allowed.

    2. [Taiyuan City, Shaanxi Province] Practitioner Zhao Chunhu Became Disabled Due to Torture

    Mr. Zhao Chunhu is a 40-year-old practitioner from Xiaofan Village, Xiaofan Town of Taiyuan City. In 2002, the police arrested and detained him for one year. Because of the torture during detainment, Mr. Zhao's legs became paralyzed and he is now fully disabled. He has to use a wheelchair and lost the ability to work.

    3. [Pingdu City, Shandong Province] Zhao Ronghui Detained in a Brainwashing Center

    On June 11, 2005, Mr. Zhang Huirong from Pingdu City, Shandong learned that his father passed away. The police arrested him after he returned home to mourn his father.

    Mr. Zhang is being held in a brainwashing center suffering daily torture. He has been on a hunger strike since the day the police arrested him.

    4. [Shouguang City, Shandong Province] A Married Couple, Teachers at a Middle School Are Arrested

    Around 8 a.m. on June 13, 2005, Yang Yufeng and Yang Shifang, husband and wife practitioners, were arrested. Their home was ransacked and their personal property, including a computer and printer were confiscated by the police.

    5. [Huadian City, Jilin Province] Practitioner Gong Maoqiang Illegally Arrested

    On June 6, 2005, Police from Shenli Police Station in Huadian City broke into practitioner Gong Maoqiang's home. The police arrested him and ransacked him home without a warrant. Mr. Gong is currently detained at Huadian City Detention Center.

    Phone numbers of the Shengli Police Station:

    Qu Yimin (head): 86-13904443284 (Cell), 86-432-6223758 (Home)

    6. [Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province] Practitioner Liang Chunhua Arrested for Distributing Pro Falun Gong Materials

    Shijiazhuang City practitioner Liang Chunhua was arrested for distributing Falun Gong truth clarifying materials. He is currently detained at the Hebei Provincial Brainwashing Center.

    7. [Huludao City, Liaoning Province] A Group of Police Abduct Practitioner Ms. Na Heqin

    On the morning of June 14, 2005, when practitioner Ms. Na Heqin, a 43 year old resident at Fengle Community, Bohai Street, Lianshan District, had to take care of some business at the market. A group of police and community staff suddenly surrounded her, forcefully body searched her and arrested her. These people then broke into her home and ransacked it. The police found a CD series of Nine Commentaries on Communist Party. Ms. Na is detained at Huludao City Detention Center.

    Related phone numbers:

    Bohai Street Police Station in Lianshan District of Huludao City:

    Head, Han Guorui: 86-429-2161144 (Office), 86-429-2130893 (Home), 86-13942918808 (Cell)

    Education Director Li Shenhong: 86-429-2161041 (Office), 86-429-2600329 (Home), 86-13942983912 (Cell)

    Deputy head Liu Jiudong: 86-429-2161041 (Office), 86-429-2160195 (Home), 86-13942927333 (Cell)

    Deputy head Liu Chunyang: 86-429-2161041 (Office), 86-429-2155499 (Home), 86-13709899495 (Cell)

    Huludao City Detention Center:

    Head Gao Yanhe: 86-429-3112423 (Office), 86-429-3119129 (Home)

    Education Director Gao Hui: 86-429-3114350 (Home)

    8. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Two Practitioners from Xinbing County Abducted

    On June 15, 2005, around 9 a.m., two practitioners from Xinbing County, Fushun City of Liaoning Province, Ms. Chi Xiuhua and Ms. Ma Enzhi were arrested by police. Ms. Shi Xiuhua was arrested at work, in the Xinbing Baihuo Building (a shopping center). Police arrested Ms. Ma Enzhi at home. Both practitioners' homes were ransacked.

    9. [Hefei City, Anhui Province] 610 Office and Police Arrested More than Ten Practitioners

    Between June 4th and June 10th, the 610 Office and police arrested over ten practitioners, including Mei Ting, Xu Xiaoqing, Zhang Yulian, Wang Jian, Ji Guangkui, Ji Guangxiong and Zhang Lanping. They are detained at a brainwashing center located at the Police Training Center of Anhui Province Prison, which belongs to the Anhui Police School. Source said that these detained practitioners are on hunger strike.

    Related phone numbers:

    610 Office of Hefei City, Anhui Province: 86-551-2928550

    Political and Law Committee: 86-551-2606578

    10. [Shandong Province] Practitioner Wang Fengyu Sentenced to Nine years in Prison

    On May 7, 2005, Ji'nan City Tianqiao District Court sentenced practitioner Wang Fengyu to nine years in prison. The presiding judge Wang Yong did not inform Wang Fengyu's family members about the trial.

    Wang Fengyu is from Fangxia Town, Laicheng District of Laiwu City, Shandong Province. On December 24, 2004, he was abducted in Ji'nan City, and has been detained at Liuchangshan Detention Center in Ji'nan City. Police did not allow family visits, no matter how they tried several times.

    11. [Huizhou City, Guangdong Province] Police Arrested Zhong Jiawen

    Practitioner Zhong Jiawen is an engineer in Sanmao Train Rail Company. On June 9, 2005, the Huizhou City Public Security Bureau arrested him when he was working at a construction place. Mr. Zhong is currently detained at Huizhou Public Security Bureau.

    12. [Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province] Two Practitioners are Arrested

    On the afternoon of June 14, 2005, the team head of Lingyuan National Security Group Fu Yanling and Mohudian Police Station broke into the store a practitioner managed. The store is at the office of the transportation team, across from the Liulu Gas Station. They also arrested practitioners Liu Shiwei and Liu Jinrui. The practitioners were sent to Mohudian Police Station, and then transferred to a detention center during the night. The police also confiscated 80,000 yuan cash, the accounting book, two laser printers and a box of staples.