The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- June 25, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net

  • Practitioner Ms. Jiang Shufang of Changchun Died after Her Younger Brother Was Persecuted to Death

  • Mr. Li Heng from Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province Was Tortured, Developed Cerebral Thrombosis in the Labor Camp, and Has Not Yet Recovered

  • Inner Mongolia: Falun Gong Practitioner Forced into Exile and Died; Husband and Daughter Detained

  • Zhang Jia Kou City Practitioner Mrs. Geng Yumei Paralyzed

  • Supplementary Information on the Case of Mr. Guo Huailing Who Was Persecuted to Death in 2003

  • Brief News from China - June 13, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - May 30, 2005

  • Practitioner Ms. Jiang Shufang of Changchun Died after Her Younger Brother Was Persecuted to Death

    After having suffered endless persecution, practitioner Ms. Jiang Shufang from Changchun City, Jilin Province, died on March 2, 2005. Her death was a result of injuries she received from electric shocks administered by police and exhaustion. Her younger brother Jiang Yong was persecuted to death on July 2, 2004. His body has yet to be cremated.

    Ms. Jiang, who was 59 years old, began to practice Falun Gong in 1996. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) instituted its persecution of Falun Gong, she twice went to Beijing to appeal in 2000 and was detained both times. In 2003, while clarifying the truth, she was reported to the authorities and kidnapped. The police beat her with electric batons, and she was seriously injured. The detention center refused to accept her. After she returned home, police from the local Nanhu Station often went to her home to harass and threaten her.

    Ms. Jiang Shufang's younger brother Jiang Yong, who lived in Guangming Village, Xinfu Town, Nanguan District, Changchun City, persisted in practicing Falun Gong. He was kidnapped, detained, sent to labor camps many times, and had his personal property from his house confiscated. His wife couldn't escape persecution, either. She was implicated and sent to a labor camp for one year. At the end of October 2002, Mr. Jiang Yong was arrested by officers from the Luuyuan Police Station in Changchun, where he was subjected to hanging, the Tiger Bench, beatings with electric batons, and forced feedings with high concentration salt water. After conducting a hunger strike for 22 days at the Tiebei Detention Center, he got out. On April 13, 2004, the National Security Group of the Changchun Municipal Public Security Bureau took him away. After being subjected to eight days of continuous torture, his life was in danger. He was sent to the Provincial Public Security Hospital, where they continued to persecute him. He was again arrested and taken to the Tiebei Detention Center on May 26. Just over 30 days later, on July 2, he was tortured to death.

    On July 4, officials at the Tiebei Detention Center sent a death notice to Mr. Jiang Yong's family, informing them that he was "dying of a suddenly occurring illness." They fabricated a so-called "death explanation note," saying they had processed Jiang Yong's body. His neck, however, had ligature marks; and there were numerous blue and purple spots on his chest and back; both of his eyes were wide open; when his body was turned over, blood flowed from his mouth; his anus was padded with toilet paper. When his family tried to take photos of the body, the police began to brutally beat them and shove them out of the room.

    Ms. Jiang Shufang was the elder sibling. She also had an elderly blind mother. In order to identify the culprits who persecuted her younger brother to death, she frequently went to the detention center and the police station and spoke to several attorneys. She was mentally and physically devastated. Due to electric shock injuries and extreme fatigue, she had a heart attack and died on March 2, 2005.

    June 3, 2005

    Mr. Li Heng from Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province Was Tortured, Developed Cerebral Thrombosis in the Labor Camp, and Has Not Yet Recovered

    Practitioner Mr. Li Heng from Zhuozhou City practices Falun Gong together with his wife Zhang Chunfang. They were persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party and became homeless to avoid further harassment. Later on, they were illegally arrested and sentenced to a forced labor camp for three years and one year respectively. Mr. Li Heng was tortured and consequently developed cerebral thrombosis in the labor camp. He was sent to see doctors outside the prison, and he has still not recovered.

    Mr. Li Heng, 49 years old, is from Yongle Village in the Shuangtai District of Zhuozhou City. He and his wife Zhang Chunfang started practicing Falun Gong in 1996. After they started their practice, they became both physically and mentally healthy, and his family lived in harmony.

    After July 20, 1999, the persecution of Falun Gong began all over China. On the night of April 17, 2001, the local authorities burst into Mr. Li Heng's home and searched the house. The couple was not home, and only their two children (sister and younger brother) were there. After they searched the house, they asked the kids where their parents were. The kids said they did not know, so the police proceeded to beat the two kids. They struck their faces with books and kicked them. After beating them, they took away the kids in order to lure the couple home. After that, the couple became destitute and homeless in order to avoid being arrested at home.

    Mr. Li Heng and his wife Zhang Chunfang then rented a room in Beijing, but they were caught when somebody investigated their IDs. The policemen found their book Zhuan Falun and brought them to the police station. First, the policemen handcuffed them to a chair for a day and a night without offering them food. Later, they interrogated Li Heng and asked where he was from. In order not to bring trouble to his local government, he did not say anything. The policemen beat his feet and toes with a stick until they became black and bruised. Later, the couple was transferred to the detention center in Beijing.

    In the detention center, Zhang Chunfang went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. On the eighth day of her hunger strike, they started to force-feed her. A couple of people held her down on the ground, restraining her hands and feet and pulling her hair, while they inserted a rubber tube into her stomach. When the force-feeding would not work for some reason, they inserted the tube into her nose. After this, they grabbed her arm and her hair, dragged her to a small cell, and threw her on the ground. Because Zhang Chunfang was so weak, they were afraid of inserting the tube again, so they started to transfuse the fluid. In order avoid responsibility, they transferred the couple to Zhuozhou Detention Center.

    In Zhuozhou Detention Center, the guards demanded 20,000 yuan from their family members, even though they did not have the money. So they were detained there for three months. As a result, Mr. Li Heng was sentenced to three years in a forced labor camp, and Zhang Chunfang was sentenced to one year in a forced labor camp.

    They encountered all kinds of physical punishments in the labor camp. They were forced to half squat, with their hands behind their heads, for days and were prohibited from sleeping for couple of days and nights. They were also forced to squat in the corridor to be bitten by mosquitoes. Ms. Zhang Chunfang was sent back home after a year. Mr. Li Heng was tortured and as a consequence developed cerebral thrombosis.

    Inner Mongolia: Falun Gong Practitioner Forced into Exile and Died; Husband and Daughter Detained

    Forty-three-year old Ms. Wang Shuyan was a Falun Gong practitioner from Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia. In March 2004 she was arrested for practicing Falun Gong. Fortunately, she escaped later. After that, the Tongliao police raided her home, took her husband and daughter away and posted a reward for her capture and arrest. Ms. Wang was compelled to go into exile. She died on March 1, 2005, due to the trauma from long-term persecution and having to live in exile.

    Ms. Wang Shuyan's family used to be called an "illness family." Her husband, Mr. Li Yinjie, was a prison police officer at the Tongliao Prison. Starting when he was in his early 20's, he suffered from Hepatitis B for many years. Expensive medical treatment temporarily suppressed the symptoms twice, but they only recurred later. When the deadly disease returned for the third time, the director of the local contagious disease hospital told him, "Please find some other hospital; we've given up on you." The desperate Mr. Li went to Beijing and consulted with Hepatitis B experts from the Beijing Hepatitis B Research Institute. They told him, "Our treatment will cost you tens of thousands of Yuan to be paid all at once; even you pay this amount, the chance of your surviving is only about one percent."

    Mr. Li, a 1.83-meter (6') tall man, weighed only 65 kg (143 lb) by then. Faced with crushing psychological and economic pressure, Ms. Wang developed serious physical problems including anemia and gynecological and circulatory diseases. She felt cold during all four seasons, and her hands and feet felt like ice. In March 1998 their entire family began to practice Falun Gong. Soon all of them became healthy. Mr. Li's weight increased from 65 kg to 98.5 kg (217 lb). Seeing that he now could walk with confidence and energy, everyone around him said that Falun Gong had changed him.

    After the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, Ms. Wang refused to give up her belief and her practice. She also began to clarify the facts to the public. In 2000 the police arrested her and sentenced her to three years of forced labor. After her release, she continued her efforts to end the persecution of Falun Gong. On March 15, 2004, while passing out Falun Gong flyers, the police arrested her and sent her to the Tongliao City Police Headquarters. Later, she escaped while still in handcuffs.

    On the evening of March 16, 2004, city police officers Shao Jun, Wang Bo and others came to Ms. Wang's house and accused the family of having Falun Gong flyers. Ms. Wang's husband, Mr. Li, said, "I was at work and have no idea what you are talking about. Please go and ask my wife." Not satisfied with his answer, the police started a destructive search of their home. They also made loud noises in the building. At last, they handcuffed Mr. Li and his daughter, Ms Li Chaojun, and took them to police headquarters. During the arrest Miss Li's hand was injured, and the scar is still visible today.

    Mr. Li was incarcerated in the Hexi Prison in Tongliao City. At the strong request of a Tongliao Prison official (Li's boss), the police released his daughter. Mr. Li himself was the former head of the No. 5 Ward in the Tongliao Prison. Before he practiced Falun Gong, he was short tempered and rude, and the prisoners were afraid of him. After he began the Falun Gong practice, he changed into a very kind person. He never beat or cursed the prisoners again. Instead, he always persuaded the inmates with reasoning and examples. The criminal inmates respected him. Many inmates, after completing their terms, expressed their feelings, "If I become a repeat offender I will be letting Mr. Li down."

    Later the police offered a reward for Ms. Wang's capture. In July 2004 personnel from the Tongliao Police Department posted over 140 "Wanted" notices. Ms. Wang's husband, Mr. Li, was sentenced to three years in prison and moved to the Erzhuan Prison in Tongliao.

    After Ms. Wang went into exile, she experienced many difficulties in her daily life; she also experienced a major deterioration of her physical and mental health. She began to feel numbness and other symptoms. On March 1, 2005, Ms. Wang passed away. She left behind her daughter and husband. Out of safety concerns, her young daughter had to move out of her hometown.

    Zhangjiakou City Practitioner Mrs. Geng Yumei Paralyzed

    On October 2, 2004, in Zhangjiakou City, Zhoulu County, practitioner Mrs. Geng Yumei attempted to use balloons to appeal for Falun Gong.

    She bought the balloons at the Eastern Hall of the local market. On her way she met two more practitioners, who also wanted to appeal on behalf of Falun Gong using balloons, so they all went to the Eastern Hall to put air in the balloons. Meanwhile, the local police and 610 Office authorities and another four or five cohorts arrested them. The policemen pulled them to the local police station and detained them. City police officer Dong Fei singled out Mrs. Geng Yumei to be persecuted even more severely.

    Officer Dong Fei jumped on her, tore her pants, and stole a key from her. Along with close to eight or nine people, they broke into Mrs. Geng's house, where they confiscated more than ten Falun Gong books, weekly news publications and other items. They even took her husband's cigarette box. The whole house was turned upside down.

    At 8 p.m., a policeman sent Mrs. Geng to the city detention center, where she was detained for fifteen days. Even after her sentence was up, they didn't release her and lied to her, saying that her son was coming to pick her up. The police attempted to send her to the Zhangjiakou City Brainwashing Class to continue to persecute her. Mrs. Geng suddenly fainted and fell on the ground, so the policeman called the 610 Office, saying that she was of no use anymore. Ms. Geng remained unconscious for over three hours. The police took her to the Zhangjiabao Health Center to revive her. Afterwards, they took her to an empty house, where two of the 610 Office policemen grabbed her by the hands and feet and threw her into the building. Her head slammed into the wall with a loud thud. Afterwards, they took her into a leather and hide factory, where she remained for the night. On the second day, they saw that she had still not regained consciousness and that she was incontinent. In order to escape their responsibility, the 610 Office contacted her husband to come and take her home.

    A hospital examination found that Mrs. Geng's spine was dislocated, and the nerves in her arms were damaged along with pulled muscles. Just like that, Mrs. Geng Yumei went from being a healthy person to a disabled paralytic. Although four months have passed since then, Mrs. Geng still cannot sit up or raise her arms. She now has to depend on her husband's care for eating, drinking, and using the bathroom. After watching her lying on the bed day and night, daily screaming from the pain, and nightly crying and unable to sleep, her husband was very distraught. He went to the 610 Office a few days ago, but they denied everything and refused to take responsibility.

    In October 2000, Mrs. Geng thought about appealing for Falun Gong by clarifying the facts to the government leaders about the benefits she experienced after practicing Falun Gong. After she set out, however, someone reported her, so she did not reach Beijing. After she came back to Zhoulu County, Cheng'guan Township, several people broke into her house, arrested her, and violently interrogated her. They refused her food and sleep, and forced her to stand perfectly still day and night. In addition, they also stole five hundred yuan from her. After that, the Cheng'guan Township County Police and 610 Officers Zhang Jun, Run Xuejun, Li Zhiming and Dong Fei, frequently broke into her house and constantly harassed her. Her husband was also terrorized.

    At the end of 2003, the 610 officer Dong Fei, along with seven or eight others, broke into her house at night. Once again, they kidnapped her and took her to the County Detention Center, where they detained her for fifteen days. The police forced her relatives to pay 3000 yuan. Because of a lack of money, her family went everywhere to borrow bills and spare change to pay the fine. However, they were only able to come up with 500 yuan, which Dong Fei promptly pocketed.

    Supplementary Information on the Case of Mr. Guo Huailing Who Was Persecuted to Death in 2003

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Huailin, 60 years of age, from Taiyuan Village, Fengle Township, Jixian County, Heilongjiang Province, was forcibly taken away from his home by local police officers in March 2002 and illegally detained in the Jixian County Detention Center. There, the prison guards tortured him with the "Big Hang Up" (1) for eighteen days. The guards also damaged Mr. Guo's teeth with a tool. Guo Huailing was sent to the Suihua Forced Labor Camp in Heilongjiang Province in June 2002, where he suffered appalling persecution.

    While Mr. Guo was detained in Team Two, Division Two of the detention center, prison guard Diao Xuesong (later promoted to Deputy Division Head) viciously beat him. Later, Guo Huailing was sent to Team Three of Division Two for strict control and forced to do heavy labor. The "personal cangues" (2) often beat and cursed at him. During dinnertime one evening in April or May 2003, Mr. Gao suddenly fell on the floor and lost consciousness. The personal cangues kicked him and said that he was pretending.

    It is said that doctors attempted to rescue Mr. Guo for three days after he was sent to the hospital. Guo Huailing died in Suihua City Hospital on July 18, 2003.

    (1) "Big Hang Up": There are two forms of this torture method. In one variation, with both hands cuffed behind the back and only the toes touching the ground, one is hung up by the arms by a rope; in the second variation, one hand of a practitioner is handcuffed to one bunk bed and the other hand to another bed, and the two beds are pulled in the opposite directions. It is extremely painful as the body is pulled in this way.

    (2) Cangue, the name of an instrument of torture, is now used to indicate the person designated to supervise practitioners around the clock.

    Brief News from China - June 13, 2005

    1. [Beijing] Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Gong Xiurong Arrested for Distributing Truth Clarification Materials

    On June 9, 2005, the Shijingshan Police Department arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gong Xiurong from Bajiao, the Shijingshan District, Beijing because she was distributing truth clarification materials. She may be held at the Shijingshan Police Department Detention Center.

    Ms. Gong Xiurong: 86-10-68847393 (home)

    Related government departments:

    The Shijingshan Police Department: 86-10-68872992, 86-10-68873814
    The National Security Division of the Shijingshan Police Department: 86-10-68873698
    The Bajiao Police Station: 86-10-68873077

    2. [Qi County, Henan Province] Practitioner Li Xiuqin Sentenced to One-and-a-Half Years of Forced Labor

    On May 9, 2005, police officers Liu Hongtao, Li Yuanting and others arrested Falun Gong practitioners Li Xiuqin and Hou Yanling from Qi County, Henan Province and held them at the Qi County Detention Center. In order to protest their arrest, Li Xiuqin and Hou Yanling have been holding a hunger strike at the detention center for over ten days. Their family demanded their release, but officer Liu Hongtao repeatedly applied for a forced labor sentence. After detaining the practitioners three days past their original term, he sentenced Li Xiuqin to one-and-a-half years of forced labor.

    3. [Beipiao City, Liaoning Province] Practitioner Ms. Wang Yanhua Arrested and Sent to the Xidayingzi Forced Labor Camp

    On April 26, 2005, Ren Shuli, head of Beipiao City Police Station and officers Liu Bingrui and Cai Zhongfu from the same police station went to the West Group of Daifuyingzi Village, Batuyingzi County. They broke into Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Yanhua's home and ransacked it. They took Ms. Wang to the Beipiao Detention Center and held her there for over half a month. Then they sent her to the Xidayingzi Forced Labor Camp without any legal procedure.

    4. [Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province] Since May 2005, Five Male Practitioners Sentenced to Forced Labor

    Since May 2005, five male practitioners have been sentenced to forced labor; they are:

    Mr. Huang Jinru, in his 60s, lived in Hekanzi, Lingyuan City
    Mr. Lu Naicong, in his 50s, lived in Baoguolao Town, Beipiao City
    Mr. Tian Shaochun, in his 30s, lived in Shangyuan, Beipiao City
    Mr. Sun Zhongyang, in his 50s, lived in Xidayingzi Town, Chaoyang City

    5. [Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Ms. Sun Yumei Brutally Tortured at the Daqing Detention Center

    Practitioner Ms. Sun Yumei was arrested when hanging Falun Gong banners; she was held at the Daqing Detention Center and was brutally tortured.

    Dai Jinsheng tied Ms. Sun's hands and feet and tried to force her to give the names of other practitioners. The rope cut into her flesh and her hands swelled to the size of grapefruits. They wrapped her head in a plastic bag and almost suffocated her. The guards also forced her to sit on a metal stool for four days in a row. They used smoke and cold water to torture her, which caused severe kidney damage. As a result, she often urinated blood. Her hands are so severely injured that she cannot even tie her pants.

    Those who took part in the persecution: Yang Jijun, Liu Yanfei, Liu Yong, Hu Xiao and others

    6. [Beijing] Ms. Shan Xiuying Currently Being Held at the Haidian District Detention Center

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Shan Xiuying, around 50 years of age, lived at the Xiangshan Agricultural Cadre's Institute in the Haidian District, Beijing. She was arrested after July 20, 1999, and was sentenced to two years of forced labor. In April 2005 the police arrested her at home. She is currently being held at the Haidian District Custody Center.

    7. [Xinjiang Autonomous Region] Mr. Cao Hongqi Again Sentenced to Prison

    Practitioner Mr. Cao Hongqi, 69 years old, used to be a volunteer assistant at the Xinjiang Province practice site. He was a senior engineer at the Wulumuqi Engineering & Research Institute for Nonferrous Metallurgy in the Xinjiang Autonomous Region. After July 20, 1999, the police ransacked his home and took many Falun Gong books and materials. He was sentenced to four years in prison.

    On December 3, 2004, Cao Hongqi was arrested when clarifying the truth and distributing Falun Gong materials including VCDs. He was sentenced to one year of forced labor and was brutally tortured at the Changji Forced Labor Camp in the Xinjiang AR. He wrote a letter of appeal. We have not heard anything from him for a long time. The government has forbidden his daughter to visit him.

    Departments involved in the persecution:

    The Changji Forced Labor Camp in the Xinjiang AR

    The Wulumuqi City Police Department in the Xinjiang AR

    The Sha District Police Department in Wulumuqi City, the Xinjiang AR

    The Wulumuqi Engineering & Research Institute for Nonferrous Metallurgy in Xinjiang AR:

    Address: No. 4 North Youhao Road
    Zip code: 830000

    Summary of Other Articles and News - May 30, 2005

    Facts of the Persecution

    Persecution by the 610 Office of Inner Mongolia

    At the end of November 2004, Meng Gen, the Assistant Party Secretary of the Daxinganling City Forestry Management Bureau, along with Lin Haiqing, the head of the local 610 Office, led police, members of the No. 2 Office of the Forestry Management Bureau and the Wuerqihan's Forestry Bureau and abducted five Falun Gong practitioners.

    One of the abductions: Around 3 p.m. on November 29, 2004, Han Lihua and Xi Shubo from the No.2 Office of the Forestry Management Bureau, hid in a car to monitor Huang Chunxiang, a practitioner. Shortly after she went home after work, Lin Haiqing broke into her home along with more than 20 people. They did not have any reason or evidence to arrest her. Despite protests from her husband and children, four thugs dragged her from her home, brutally threw her into the car and took her to the Political and Judiciary Education Center. Trying to force her abandon her belief in Falun Gong, they persecuted and detained her there for more than 40 days. They twice ransacked her home, causing damage and loss of more than 1,000 yuan.

    The persecution continues in Longjing City, Jilin Province

    During the afternoon of April 23, police broke into Liang Xiuzhen's home. They ransacked her house and abducted her husband, Zhang Jingshou, a visitor and her son, Liang Sheng, who had just returned from the Jiutai Forced Labor Camp. All of them are Falun Gong practitioners. The next morning, the police forcibly took Liu Xiuzhen away. After they tortured her all night, her legs were severely swollen, and she could not walk. She had to find somebody to carry her home.

    Around 10 a.m. on the third morning, the persecutors abducted practitioner Sun Lihong from her workplace and ransacked her home. The Longjing City police have severely escalated their persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, including those mentioned above. They spied on practitioner Cai Fuchen's son, and tried to abduct Cai's wife. His wife was forced to leave home to avoid persecution.

    Chen Wenai has been illegally jailed several times in Leshan City, Sichuan Province

    Chen Wenai, female, fifty-eight years old, is a practitioner from Leshan City, Sichuan Province. On August 5, 2001, The police from the Leshan City National Security Division and the director of Leshan City Paper Mill Security Department broke into her home, ransacked it, and then abducted her to the Zhanggongqiao Police Station of Leshan City.

    The next day, Ms. Chen walked out of the police station, but was forced to stay away from home for eight months. On April 3, 2002, while Chen Wenai was waiting for a bus, she was abducted to the Shizhushan Police Station of Leshan City. After she was released, she was monitored and followed. In April 2003, her supervisor tried to trick her into going to a brainwashing center.

    On March 30, 2004, Ms. Chen and two of her friends went to her uncle's home. Suddenly, someone appeared and took them to the Leshan City Qingshen Detention Center. The next day, they were transferred to Shizhushan Detention Center. Chen Wenai went on a hunger strike for nine days. During this time, she was force-fed, and she suffered bleeding in her mouth and nose. She was later released.

    Around 3 p.m. on April 4, 2005, when she was walking on Lushan Street, two strong men abducted her to the Shuzhushan Detention Center. After she went on a hunger strike for a whole week, while her feet were shackled, they forcibly injected her with drugs and force-fed her ten times. They pried her teeth apart, and she bled from her mouth and nose. Because of the injections, her body became swollen, painful, itchy, and numb. She was not allowed to sleep at night. After 19 days of groundless imprisonment, she was not even able to take care of herself when she went to washroom. After she was released, the persecutors continued to harass her, and she forced to leave home.

    An older man who believes in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" suffers persecution for six years

    An Hongquan, male, seventy-one years old, a former employee of Noble Metal Plant, No. 2 Smelt Factory, owned by the Gansu Jinchuan Corporation Group, has suffered relentless persecution. In February 2000, when he was preparing go to Beijing to appeal to the government on behalf of Falun Gong, members of the company's security department went to his sister's home and abducted him back to Jinchang. On March 30, 2000, he was sent to a brainwashing center. He was illegally held at the Jinchang City Detention Center for 15 days. In April 2002, he was again arrested and sentenced to two years of forced labor. He was held at the Jinchang City Detention Center for 100 days and then sent to the Jinchuan Corporation Drug Rehabilitation Center. One month after he returned home, he still was unable to maintain his balance while walking, he rambled when speaking, and suffered incontinence. The persecutors still harassed him even then.

    The Crimes of the Police in Laisi City, Shandong Province

    On May 15, 2005, the police from the Niusi Police Station and Laisi City Kuhe Street Office broke into and the home of practitioner Zhao Cuimei and ransacked it.

    On May 19, 2005, the police from the Chaocunzhuang Police Station (Now called the Meihuashan Police Station) illegally broke into practitioner Zhao Meifang's home. They ransacked the house and interrogated her family members.

    On May 2, 2005, when practitioners Zhang Yulan and Zhan Guiqin hung banners on the street, four police officers seized them. The next morning, the police broke into and ransacked their home. On May 13, the two were taken to the Laixi City Detention Center. They are still held there.