The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- November 30, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Urgent Appeal on Behalf of Practitioners Being Illegally Detained in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp

  • Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by Officers from the Gongye Street Police Station and the Nanzhan Police Department in Zhangjiakou City

  • The Persecution in the Daxing'anling Area, Heilongjiang Province

  • Brief News from China -November 18, 2005

  • Urgent Appeal on Behalf of Practitioners Being Illegally Detained in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp

    Li Cuiping, a Falun Gong practitioner who has been detained in Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp, was beaten into a coma by An Xiping, a camp staff member on duty.

    Practitioners Ms. Zhao Shuying and Chen Aihong wrote the camp director a letter to expose many camp team leaders' crimes. On July 22, 2005, the letter was found in Chen Aihong's bed by the police when they searched the cells. In retaliation, on September 14, Li Xuejun came to Class 4, where Chen Aihong was detained, and suddenly struck Chen's head. It led Chen's heart disease to recur. In protest, Chen Aihong went on a hunger strike and requested a meeting with the camp director. Ms. Zhao Shuying also joined the hunger strike, but Li Xuejun did not allow them to see the director. Instead, he handcuffed them on September 16 and sent them to Gaoyang County Hospital for force-feeding.

    After the force-feeding, Li Xuejun detained Ms. Zhao Shuying alone in a cell with no windows or cell bars and threatened her by saying that there were many ways to torture and beat her. At Moon Festival time, Ms. Zhao Shuying and Chen Aihong agreed to eat because they didn't want to affect the other practitioners, but they still requested a meeting with the camp director.

    On September 22, Chen Aihong wrote the director another letter, which Ms. Zhao Shuying also signed. The letter was passed to the director by Wu Jidong, the team leader in Class 4, but the director never showed up to the meeting. On September 28, Ms. Zhao and Chen went on a hunger strike again to request a meeting with the director. All of the Falun Gong practitioners in Division 1 supported this hunger strike on September 29. The police dragged and beat practitioner Ms. Li Guizhi, and sent her to a confinement room. Ms. Zhao Shuying, Chen Aihong, and Li Cuiping went out to shout, "Don't hit her!" "Falun Dafa is good!" Their voices alarmed the male practitioners in Building 4, and they all started a hunger strike to give support.

    As a result, the director of the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp mobilized many guards to drag the male practitioners out to torture them. As of October 9, the male practitioners still couldn't go downstairs to eat meals.

    Chen Aihong, Ms. Zhao Shuying, and Ms. Liu Yuanzhen in Division 2 were dragged to a confinement room on the first floor on September 30. Their hands were handcuffed to a wooden plank. After being dragged around and forcefully fed, Ms. Zhao Shuying had uncontrollable urination. Nobody looked after her, and she lay in the soaking bed for two days and nights. Both Chen Aihong and Ms. Liu Yuanzhen were tortured by electric baton and "swinging the telephone."

    In the morning of September 17, when Ms. Liu Yuanzhen was only sitting up, Yan Yurong, who was on duty in the night shift, reported to the team leader that Ms. Liu was practicing Falun Gong. Ms. Liu Yuanzhen's mouth was then sealed with tape by Shi Jinxia, Li Xuejun, Mao Li, and Wang Guoyou on the first floor. Ms. Liu was also tortured by electric baton and 'swinging the telephone,' and she lost consciousness.

    An older practitioner from Beijing was newly detained at Division 2 of the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp. (The camp "bought" practitioners twice, at a cost of 800 yuan each. They bought 19 people the first time and 20 the second.) Because this senior practitioner refused to wear a prison uniform, his (or her, no information about this practitioner's gender) legs were beaten so severely that he couldn't walk, and he was not allowed to get help.

    Chen Aihong appears to have the symptoms of heart disease. Ms. Zhao Shuying twitches frequently, and Ms. Liu Yuanzhen is currently very weak physically.

    Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by Officers from the Gongye Street Police Station and the Nanzhan Police Department in Zhangjiakou City

    Sun Xiaoping and other officers from the Gongye Street Police Station in Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province, along with Zhang Yu, former head of the Nanzhan Police Department, and Wang Yun, secretary of the Administrative Division as well as Li Tongyu, head of the Administrative Division have callously persecuted Falun Gong practitioners.

    I. Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by Sun Xiaoping and Others from Gongye Street Police Station

    Practitioner Miao Chuanzeng was sent to forced labor. Later he left home [to avoid further persecution] and has been living in exile ever since.

    Practitioner Miao Chuanzeng, an employee of the Zhangjiakou Coal Mining Machinery Factory, used to be addicted to alcohol and gambling. After he started Falun Gong practice in June 1999, his heart and mind were purified and he deeply felt that Master Li Hongzhi gave him a new life. He felt the profound preciousness of Falun Gong.

    After July 20, 1999, the evildoing Jiang faction fanatically persecuted Falun Gong. Mr. Miao Chuanzeng and other practitioners went to Beijing to appeal. The police arrested them and sent them to the Fengtai Stadium. They were later transferred to Langfang, where they were forced to give their names and addresses. After they stood outside in sweltering heat for two days, they were transferred to the Shalingzi in Zhangjiakou City, where they were forced to watch Falun Gong-slandering videos. They were then transferred to Jianguolu Elementary School the next day and detained there. Officers from the Qiaodong Police Department coerced the practitioners to write a guarantee statement to renounce Falun Gong. After they picked up the practitioners, the authorities from the Coal Mining Machinery Factory also coerced the practitioners to write guarantee statements and banned them from work. They sent people to monitor the practitioners and subjected them to brainwashing.

    On July 19, 2000, Miao Chuanzeng and other practitioners went to Beijing to distribute truth clarification materials. Officers from Nanzhan Police Department in Beijing arrested them. After Mr. Miao's superiors from the factory picked him up, authorities from the Zhangjiakou Police Department made an extortion demand in the amount of 3,000 yuan. The factory deducted 1,000 yuan from Miao Chuanzeng's salary, which the factory gave to the police. Miao Chuanzeng was under house arrest in a single dorm room and was fired from his job. On October 6, 2000, Miao Chuanzeng and fellow practitioners again went to Beijing to appeal for the justice for  Falun Gong. On October 7 along with his wife Li Hong and practitioner Jiang Chunmei, he unfurled a four meter-long banner, 50 cm wide, that read, "Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa" in Tiananmen Square. They were savagely beaten by three plainclothes police officers in Beijing, taken to the Tiananmen Police Department, and later transferred to the Zhangjiakou City Liaison Office in Beijing. After their return to Zhangjiakou City, they were held at the Gongye Street Police Station and sent to the Xuanhua Detention Center two days later, where they were held for one month.

    On November 13, 2000, officer Xu and others from the Qiaodong Police Department and from the Gongye Street Police Station sent Miao Chuanzeng and four other Falun Gong practitioners to the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp in Tangshan City. The next day, authorities from the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp traded 27 practitioners including Miao Chuanzeng to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City at a price of 800 yuan per person. Miao Chuanzeng was savagely tortured at the labor camp.

    In 2002, Miao Chuanzeng was severely injured during work at the camp and lost the ability to function at work. He was released from the labor camp on February 24. After he returned home, personnel from the Gongye Street Police Department and the Administrative Office constantly harassed him at home and coerced him to renounce his belief. He was compelled to leave home to escape further persecution.

    On June 8, 2003, Miao Chuanzeng went to Hanqiao Street Construction Bank in Zhangjiakou City. Right after he entered the bank, about six officers from the Gongye Street Police Station, including Wang Jian and Da Qu, pinned him to the ground and kicked and beat him. They subsequently took him to the police station. Liu Lijun, deputy head of the Qiaodong Police Department, personally talked with Miao Chuanzeng. He ordered him to spy on other Falun Gong practitioners and promised him large monetary rewards in return. He also promised to invest in Miao Chuanzeng's plan to open a restaurant if he agreed to work for the police.

    The police invited him out to dinner three times and gave him 1,200 yuan. They told Miao Chuanzeng to go to a custody center and pretend to go on a hunger strike to gain the trust of other practitioners, to obtain information about other practitioners and about truth clarification material production sites so the police could destroy the sites and arrest the practitioners. Miao Chuanzeng said he had lost contact with other practitioners. The police gave him truth clarification materials and a copy of Zhuan Falun, and ordered him to deliver them to other practitioners to gain their trust. Miao Chuanzeng refused to cooperate with them and didn't provide the police with any information. Liu Lijun then pursued him and tried to persecute him, and Mr. Miao was once again forced to go into exile.

    Practitioner Zhang Yonghui Tortured at Labor Camp for Three Years

    Practitioner Zhang Yonghui went to Beijing numerous times to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Yan Zhiyou, head of the Qiaodong Police Department, Ma Fuwei, deputy head and Sun Xiaoping, head of the Gongye Street Police Station detained her and sent her to the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp in Tangshan City. They later transferred her to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp in Baoding City, where she was tortured for three years.

    On November 27, 1999, Zhang Yonghui, her brother and some other practitioners appealed for Falun Gong in Tiananmen Square and the police arrested them. They were taken to the Tiananmen Police Department, where they were tortured with "carrying a sword in the back" (1). Later they were transferred to the Zhangjiakou City Liaison Office in Beijing. The police took 500 yuan from Zhang Yonghui's brother. The next day, Zhang Baoxiang from the 5.1 Road Administration Office in Zhangjiakou City and Cheng Heli, a police officer, handcuffed Zhang Yonghui's brother and took him to the 5.1 Road Administration Office. They released him after Wang Shutian, the former secretary of the 5.1 Road Administrative Office, Chang Xiaoqing, the deputy secretary and head Zhang Baoxiang extorted 600 yuan from her. Officers from Gongye Street Police Station took Zhang Yonghui to the Shisanli Custody Center. In mid December 1999, Zhang Yonghui was released after officers from the same police station extorted money from her again.

    In mid February 2000, officers from the Gongye Street Police Station once again arrested Zhang Yonghui. Sun Xiaoping, head of the police station, detained her at the Xuanhua Detention Center. Because she refused to memorize detention center regulations, Sun, deputy head of the detention center, savagely beat her and handcuffed and shackled her. Zhang Yonghui held a hunger strike and was released after 30 days.

    Members of the Gongye Street Administrative Office and the Gongye Street Police Station constantly monitored and harassed her at home and arrested her numerous times. On July 30, 2000, Zhang Yonghui again went to Beijing to appeal for the justice for Falun Gong, and Yan Zhiyou, head of the Qiaodong Police Department in Zhangjiakou City, deputy head Ma Fuwei, Sun Xiaoping, head of the Gongye Street Police Station and others sent her to the Kaiping Forced Labor Camp, where she was subjected to long-term physical torture and mental torment, including brainwashing. She was not released until she renounced Falun Gong under coercion.

    Persecution of Practitioners Liu Jingbo, Zhao Yuemei and Feng Shouzheng

    Between late August and early September 1999, practitioner Liu Jingbo was held at the Qiaodong Party School for about one week. Authorities from the Qiaodong Police Department and from the Hongqilou Police Department extorted 1,100 yuan from her. In July 2000, Liu Jingbo did the Falun Gong exercises in a park and was arrested by officers from the Gongye Street Police Station. They took her to a custody center and extorted 300 yuan in cash from her. In October 2000, Liu Jingbo traveled to Beijing and was again arrested by officers from Gongye Street Police Station. She was held at a custody center once more and forced to do slave labor. She was also extorted out of another 150 yuan. Authorities from the Gongye Street Police Station extorted an additional 3,000 yuan and authorities from the Administrative Office extorted yet another 1,000 yuan from her before they released her. In November 2000, officers from the Gongye Street Administration Office, from the police and judicial and legal officials from the Qiaodong District arrested Liu Jingbo from home and took her to the Gongye Street Administration Office, where they held her for about eight days and coerced her to give up her belief. Liu Jingbo was held at the Gongye Street Administration Office between December 2000 and January 2001, and was deprived of all personal freedoms.

    In late August 2001, authorities from the Gongye Street Police Station sent Liu Jingbo to a so-called "legal school" that is in fact a brainwashing class. They ordered her employer to send people to monitor her. These people followed her even when she went to the restroom. Outside her room were police and officers from the Procuratorate and the legal system. Several metal gates blocked the entrance to prevent her escape. During the day they forced her to watch Falun Gong-slandering TV programs until midnight, followed by verbal attacks from the police, judicial and legal officials who tried to instill lies in the practitioners' minds and to thereby force them to give up Falun Gong practice.

    On May 23, 2000, practitioners including Zhao Yuemei and Feng Shouzhen did the Falun Gong exercises inside Dongheyan Park. Gongye Street Police Station officers arrested them and charged them with "disrupting the social order" and then sent them to a custody center. Zhao Yuemei and Feng Shouzheng showed symptoms of illness during a hunger strike and they released after each being extorted out of 300 yuan.

    II. Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners by Personnel from the Nanzhan Police Department and from the Nanzhan Administration Office

    Practitioner Ms. Chen Aihong Arrested Numerous Times and Twice Sent to a Labor Camp. On March 9, 2000 Zhang Yu, the former head of the Nanzhan Police Department in the Qiaodong District, Zhangjiakou City sent police officers to bring back Ms. Chen Aihong, who went to Beijing to appeal for the justice for Falun Gong and was arrested by Beijing police. She was directly sent to Shisanli Detention Center and held for 15 days. On April 25, Chen Aihong was sent to the Nanzhan Police Department. Although she was extremely weak, Zhang Yu, head of the police department, and Wang Yun, secretary of the Nanzhan Administration Office, along with head Li Tongyu made an extortion demand of 2,300 yuan from her family. They threatened to continue detaining her if they did not receive this money.

    In late November 2000, Zhang Yu, head of the police department, and officer Lu Hongbo, (current deputy head of police department), arrested Chen Aihong from her workplace and took her to the Nanzhan Administrative Office. They coerced her to write a guarantee statement renouncing Falun Gong. They struck her face and forced her to remove her coat and sweater. Then they forced her to stand in the yard clad only in a shirt and pants until midnight. She was subjected to brainwashing the next day.

    On the afternoon of April 24, 2001, Wang Yun phoned Chen Aihong's place of employment. Less than five minutes later the police surrounded her work place, blocked the front and back entrances, and prevented people from coming or going. Liu Hongbo led four officers from the Gongye Street Police Station, barged inside and arrested Chen Aihong. They sent her directly to the Shisanli Detention Center and held her there for 15 days.

    In early June 2001, He Yuhui, political head from the Nanzhan Police Department, as well as Liu Hongbo and the Party secretary broke into Chen Aihong's home and tried to arrest her. Chen Aihong firmly refused to cooperate with them. Liu Hongbo ordered other officers to carry practitioner Chen Aihong into the police car and they sent her directly to the Shisanli Detention Center, where she was held for 15 days. Liu Hongbo ransacked Chen Aihong's home on his own. He took Falun Gong books, a phonebook, haircutting tools and a set of keys. Liu Hongbo even asked Chen Aihong's neighbors to sign a document, but the neighbors refused.

    On the tenth day of Chen Aihong's hunger strike, He Yuhui led about five police officers to carry her into a police car and drove her to the Railroad Hospital. He Yuhui and five police officers pinned her in a bed. One person held her head down and four officers held her arms and legs. A nurse inserted a plastic tube into her nose with brutal force, making the practitioner feel nauseous and she almost suffocated. They tortured her until she almost died, and then they released her.

    Zhang Yu and other police officers arrested Falun Gong practitioner Chen Aihong prior to January 1, 2002 and took her to the police department. Chen Aihong clarified the truth about the persecution to them. Zhang Yu refused to listen and shocked her mouth, face, neck, hands and feet with an electric baton. He also hit Chen Aihong's face, which did great harm to Chen Aihong's body and psyche. Two days later they transferred Chen Aihong to the Nanzhan Administration Office. Party secretary Wang Yun and deputy head Li Tongyu continued to persecute her. They didn't give her food, and forbid her to sleep. They sent people to monitor her around the clock and again sent her to a custody center.

    Chen Aihong held another hunger strike to protest the persecution. Zhang Yu, political head He Yuhui and others sent her to Railroad Hospital again to force-feed her. She told the doctor and nurses that force-feeding Falun Gong practitioners means helping these henchmen to persecute good people, and will meet with karmic retribution. The kind-hearted doctor firmly opposed force-feeding. He told these officials that force-feeding could kill Chen Aihong. They discontinued the force-feeding and returned her to the police department, and coerced her to write a guarantee statement. They detained her for two days and again sent her to the custody center. Three days later she was released because she was at the brink of death.

    In November 2002, Zhang Yu and other police officers again arrested Ms. Chen while she worked at the Qingyuanlou Restaurant. They put her in a police car and took her to the police department, where they coerced her to renounce Falun Gong and write a guarantee statement. They verbally abused and insulted Chen Aihong and another woman practitioner and slapped the practitioners' faces. On that evening in late winter, Zhang Yu forced the practitioners to take off their coats and sweaters and stand outside with only a shirt and pants on. Zhang Yu said, "If you were men, I would have you wear only a sweatshirt."

    Chen Aihong was compelled to stay away from home after her release to avoid further persecution. During this time police officers Zhang Yu, Wang Yun and Li Tongyu from the Administration Office looked everywhere for her. They hired a person to capture her, and threatened this individual that if they did not arrest Chen Aihong within three months they would fire this person. The police waited outside Chen Aihong's home and constantly threatened and intimidated her parents, who were in their late 70s. They interrogated her parents about her whereabouts. Her father passed away due to tremendous pressure and persecution, and her mother lives in anguish.

    On October 8, 2002, as Zhang Yu tells it, Liu Hongbo secretly followed Chen Aihong's husband on his way to take clothes to Chen Aihong at her temporary residence. Later that same day he arrested Chen Aihong and her husband. He ransacked her residence and took all of their Falun Gong books, audio tapes and videotapes. Falun Gong practitioner Chen Aihong and her husband were held at the Nanzhan Police Department for four days. Then Chen Aihong was sent to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp to be held for two years. Zhang Yu accused Chen Aihong's husband of being an "accomplice" and illegally sentenced him to two years of forced labor. His employer bailed him out and he was released after paying an extortion of 10,000 yuan.

    From then on the persecutors often asserted pressure on Chen Aihong's husband's place of employment and pressured his superiors to fire him. During the Two Party Meetings in 2005, personnel from the police department and the Administration Office constantly harassed her family with numerous phone calls. They sent people to Chen Aihong's husband's work place and pressured his superiors to curtail his normal work routine. They caused Chen Aihong's family tremendous anguish.

    On February 23, 2005, Chen Aihong was reported while clarifying the truth on a bus. Persons from the Emergency Response 110 team and officers from the Nanzhan Police Department arrested her and took her to the Shisanli Detention Center. They ransacked her home. Chen Aihong held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Then the perpetrators sent her to the Gaoyang Forced Labor Camp where she is currently held, despite her weak condition.

    Hu Jianli's Home Ransacked Six Times and Extorted More than 30,000 Yuan

    Practitioner Ms. Hu Jianli benefited physically and mentally from Falun Gong practice. In April 2000 she went to petition at the Appeals Office in Beijing and was arrested and detained for 15 days. She was also extorted out of 500 yuan. Her husband also practices Falun Gong and was arrested at a fellow practitioner's home. He was sentenced to three years of forced labor. Hu Jianli went to the police department and asked for her husband's release. The police coerced her to write a guarantee statement renouncing Falun Gong. She went to Beijing to appeal such injustice and to tell people, "Falun Dafa is great! Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa!" She was again arrested.

    The police in Beijing forced Hu Jianli to tell her name and address. They removed their uniforms and hit her legs with police batons until she lost consciousness. They then poured cold water on her and started beating her again when she came to. They stopped only after she told them her name and address.

    Officers at the Zhangjiakou City Liaison Office in Beijing extorted 5,000 yuan from her. They took her back to Zhangjiakou City and handcuffed her to a metal chair right after she got off the bus. Wang Yun, secretary of the Nanzhan Administrative Office stuffed a cigarette into her mouth and screamed, "Eat it!" He verbally abused her and slapped her face a dozen times. Hu Jianli was disoriented from the beating and lost hearing in her right ear. She could not hear anything when the police interrogated her. In the afternoon, court officials illegally imposed a 30,000 yuan fine on her family and threatened to ransack her home and evict her family if they didn't pay it. Her mother-in-law borrowed 10,000 yuan and gave it to the officials. In the evening, Hu Jianli was sent to the Xuanhua Detention Center and was subsequently sentenced to three years of forced labor.

    While she was held at the Xuanhua Detention Center, Hu Jianli's legs became so swollen that she could not take off her slacks. She could not sleep for days because of the excruciating pain. Two days later she could no longer walk. She was sent to a hospital. Her thighs had turned black. The blood vessels had burst and the muscles were damaged. Her right eardrum was pierced. After she was released on medical parole, members of the Administrative Office extorted another 5,000 yuan from her.

    Three years later, one of Hu Jianli's thigh muscles is still not functioning. Her husband was detained for three months and was extorted out of 10,000 yuan after his release. During the past six years of persecution, Hu Jianli's home was ransacked six times and she was extorted out of over 30,000 yuan.

    Persecution of Practitioners Liu Yuxiang and Zou Guilan

    Sixty-year-old practitioner Ms. Liu Yuxiang distributed truth clarification material at the South Station. Someone reported her on May 11, 2003 and she was taken to the Nanzhan Police Department. While she was detained at the police department, her home was ransacked. Two days later she was sent to the Shisanli Detention Center. She held a hunger strike for 25 days to protest the detention and was extremely weak. On July 1, authorities from the Nanzhan Police Department sent her directly to the Piandi Brainwashing Center, but the center refused to accept her because she was too weak. Zhang Yu, head of the Nanzhan Police Department, exhausted various methods trying to make the brainwashing center keep her, but she failed because of Liu Yuxiang's precarious health.

    Officers from the Nanzhan Police Department then went to Liu Yuxiang's home and told her daughter, "Your mother has been on a hunger strike for over 15 days. If you pay 3,000 yuan, you can come pick her up at the detention center." Liu Yuxiang's daughter was worried about her mother and hastily borrowed enough to scrape together 3,000 yuan. She gave the money to the police and didn't get a receipt. After Liu Yuxiang came home, Li Cuiying, secretary of the No. 2 Hospital Party Committee, and Ding Shunde, head of the hospital, coerced her to write guarantee statements. From July to the present, they cut off her pension insurance.


    Practitioner Ms. Zou Guilan started practicing Falun Gong in 1996 and benefited tremendously. She firmly believed in the greatness of Falun Gong. On July 20, 1999 she went to Beijing to appeal and was detained. Personnel from the Nanzhan Police Department summoned and interrogated her many times. They detained her three times and ransacked her home twice. Zhang Yu, the former head of the Nanzhan Police Department, police officers Liu Zhisheng and Liu Hongbo, Wang Yun, secretary of the Nanzhan Administrative Office, Li Tongyu, head of the Nanzhan Administrative Office, secretaries Li Genming, Wang Gang, Sui Wei and Hou Fenglong are responsible for Zou Guilan's persecution.


    (1) Carrying a sword in the back - The practitioner's hands are tied behind his back with one hand over the shoulder and the other hand against the lower back. The police then apply a great deal of force to pull the two hands toward one another and handcuff both hands together

    The Persecution in the Daxing'anling Area, Heilongjiang Province

    Tuqiang Forest Bureau in the Daxing'anling Area, Heilongjiang Province is situated in the northernmost part of China, within the boundary of Mohe County and two hours' drive from the North Pole Village.

    Although Tuqiang Forest Bureau is in such a remote area, its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners is quite severe.

    It is quite difficult for the locals to learn the facts about Falun Gong, as the local police often confiscate all the truth-clarifying materials. Recently, Tuqiang Forest Bureau assembled key directors of each local company for an urgent meeting on how to toughen up their persecution of Falun Gong. It asked each company to find out the exact number of practitioners in their companies and do everything possible to "transform" them. The responsibility of a leadership position is directly tied to the effectiveness of doing this "transformation" job. Each local company was also informed of the meeting's assignment. No action has been carried out yet; it is still in the stage of finding out more information on the numbers of practitioners.

    To let more people know the facts, Falun Gong practitioners have collected some information on the key leaders of relevant companies. Local practitioners have also intensified their efforts to do more truth-clarifying work to the locals, letting them know the facts about Falun Gong in the world today and letting them know that it is only China that persecutes Falun Gong practitioners. This way, local people would have some opportunities to come to know Falun Gong and wake up from the lies of CCP so that they can choose a better future for themselves.

    Brief News from China -November 18, 2005

    1. [Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province] The Jinshantun Police Arrested Ms. Zhao Guoxia

    At around six o'clock in the morning on November 13, 2005, police officer Wang (surname) and another police officer (name unknown) from the Criminal Police Operative Group at the Jinshantun Police Department arrested Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Zhao Guoxia of Jinshantun, Yichun City, Heilongjiang Province at her home. She was taken to the police station, and then sent to the Jinshantun Detention Center that afternoon; they also ransacked her home. Officials at the police department restricted all information concerning her situation, and refused to allow family visits.

    Since September 23, three Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested, and two previously arrested practitioners, Wang Zhiqian and Mr. Chen Guiqiu, were sent to a forced labor camp. When he was sent to the Haerbing Forced Labor Camp, a physical examination of Mr. Chen Guiqiu revealed an illness, so the labor camp refused to accept him. On his way back, he escaped with his righteous thoughts. The Jinshantun Police Department has deployed substantial manpower in their effort to recapture Mr. Chen. Officers in the department have been instructed to: "Beat him to death when you catch him; if he dies we'll say he committed suicide."

    Government units involved in persecuting Ms. Zhao:

    The Police Department telephone number: 86-458-3738535, 86-458-3738506
    The Police Department Chairman Cui Yuzhong: 86-458-3738191, 86-13904589398 (Cell)
    The Criminal Police Operative Group telephone number: 86-458-3738530

    2. [Qingdao City, Shandong Province] The Chengyang Branch Police Department in Qingdao City Arrested Mr. Jiang Fengyi and Detained Him for Several Months

    At noon on April 29, 2005, Jiang Xun, the Qiji Village Clerk, led officers from the Chengyang Branch of the Qingdao City Police Department in forcing their way into Mr. Jiang Fengyi's home and ransacked it. They took Falun Gong books and Master Li's lecture tapes, and forced Mr. Jiang's cousin, Mr. Jiang Fengxi, to put his fingerprints on the arrest warrant. Mr. Jiang Fengyi is being detained at the Chengyang Detention Center.

    After his arrest, Mr. Jiang's mother and sisters (all Falun Gong practitioners) went to the Chengyang Branch Police Department to request his release, but the gate guard wouldn't let them in. His family went to the Chengyang Detention Center to request his release, but officers there wouldn't even let them visit Mr. Jiang. His family then returned to Chengyang Police Department Branch and urgently requested an audience with the chairman. They tried to clarify the truth about the persecution and requested Mr. Jiang's unconditional release. The chairman refused to listen and said he would arrest them as well. The chairman drove the family away, but they went to the Chengyang Police Department Branch twice more to ask for Mr. Jiang's release, to no avail; they weren't even allowed to see him.

    Recently, an eyewitness revealed that Mr. Jiang Fengyi is being brutally tortured at the Chengyang Detention Center. They tried to force him to give up the practice and abandon "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." They also forced him to perform manual labor. Mr. Jiang refused to cooperate, so the police instructed prison officials to torture him. The prisoners, at the guard's instigation, brutally beat him and forced him to wear handcuffs and ankle chains day and night. Sometimes they suspended him midair on his chains from a hook.

    Telephone numbers of the responsible departments:

    The Chengyang Branch Police Department, Qingdao City: 86-532-87868018
    The Chengyang District Detention Center, Qingdao City: 86-532-87894941

    3. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Four Falun Gong Practitioners Secretly Sentenced

    It's been reported that on October, 13, 2005 plainclothes police officers, led by Chen Xin, head of division #1, Dalian City Police Department arrested Falun Gong practitioners Zhang Wei, Lu Kaili, Yang Benliang and Yang Chunling, and then secretly tried them and sentenced them to prison. On October 22, 2005, they were being held at the Liaoyang City Detention Center. Zhang Wei went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. He repeatedly lost consciousness and required emergency medical treatment; his fellow practitioners' situations are unknown.

    Individuals responsible for the persecution:

    The Dalian City Police Department, Division #1, Chen Xin: 86-13009497373 Cell), 86-411-84331218

    4. [Jinan, Shandong Province] Ms. Meng Lijun is on a Hunger Strike at the Jinan City Detention Center to Protest the Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Meng Lijun from Zhangqiu City, Jinan, is 44 years old, and lives at Xifanliu Village, Guanzhuang Township. She was arrested with four or five other practitioners in Qihe County, Shandong Province on September 27, 2005. She was sent to the Jinan City Detention Center. She is currently on a hunger strike to protest the persecution.

    5. [Beijing] Ms. Wu Guilan and Her Husband Mr. Cui Rensheng Arrested

    A reliable source has reported that Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wu Guilan of the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital in Beijing and her husband Mr. Cui Rensheng, who is a soldier on active duty, were both arrested on October 20, 2005. They are being held at the Military Detention Center, #10 Garden, Fengti Street, Beijing.

    6. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Huang Xuqiong and Mr. Xiang Youwei Sentenced to Forced Labor

    Yubei District Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Huang Xuqiong, who was arrested and became homeless after her release in order to avoid recapture, and Mr. Xiang Youwei, another homeless Falun Gong practitioner, were arrested on September 28, 2005. Ms. Huang was sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp; Mr. Xiang Youwei was sentenced to four years.

    7. [Jiaohe City, Jilin City] Three Falun Gong Practitioners, including Shao Lihong, Arrested

    Falun Gong practitioners Shao Lihong, Liu Guimei and Zhang Chuanrong from Jiaohe City, Jilin City, were arrested on November 11, 2005. Currently Liu Guimei is being held at the Jiaohe City Jail, and Shao Lihong and Zhang Chuanrong are at the Jiaohe City Detention Center.

    It was reported that Shao Lihong is on a hunger strike to resist the persecution.

    8. [Mian County, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Du Shuming Held at a Detention Center

    On November 2, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Du Shuming of Mian County, Shaanxi Province was reported while clarifying the truth about the persecution. Her home was ransacked, and she is being held at a detention center.

    9. [Chongqing City, Sichuan Province] Plainclothes Policemen Arrested Ms. Ji Huihua While She was Giving Out Truth Clarifying Materials

    64-year-old Ms. Ji Huihua is a Falun Gong practitioner from Jiangbei District, Chongqing City; she is a retiree of the Chongqing Wireless Electronics Factory #3. At 2:30 in the afternoon on November 9, 2005, two plainclothes policemen arrested her while she was giving out truth clarifying materials. She was taken to a car parked on the street next to the Jiangbei Natural Gas Corporation. Her current whereabouts are unknown, and her relatives are extremely worried.

    10. [Neijiang City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Qiu Yonglin Arrested While Giving Out Truth Clarifying Materials

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Qiu Yonglin from Dongxing District, Neijiang City went to a unit dormitory to give out truth clarifying materials on the evening of November 8, 2005. The gate watchman reported him. Officers from the Xilin Police Station in the Dongxing District, the Dongxing District Branch Police Department, the Xilin Neighborhood Administrative Office in Dongxing District, and other units were involved in the arrest. Currently Mr. Qiu is being held at the Dongxing District Detention Center, and it's been reported that a criminal detention document was signed. Mr. Qiu's family has already been to Dongxing District Branch Police Department and the Xilin Police Station to request his release.

    11. [Tianjin] Tianjin Technical University Graduate Student Mr. Yao Qiufeng is Facing a Forced Labor Camp Sentence

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yao Qiufeng is a graduate student at the Tianjin Technical University. Accused of copying DVDs and spreading truth-clarifying materials, he's been detained since the middle of October 2005. His belongings were confiscated, and there's been no news about him for more than a month. His family received a phone call yesterday, and they were told to pick him up. The real reason for the phone call was that since Mr. Yao refused to be "reformed," the policemen wanted his family to persuade him. The officers are threatening that if Mr. Yao Qiugeng still refuses to "reform," he'll spend a year and half at a forced labor camp.

    12. [Tangshan City, Hebei Province] Ms. Wang Xiuhua and Ms. Zhang Guilan Arrested While Clarifying the Truth

    Nursery school teacher Wang Xiuhua, a Falun Gong practitioner from Xingcheng Town, Qianxi County, told the children in her school the truth about the persecution, and gave each child an amulet. A parent or parents who didn't know the truth about the persecution reported her. Ms. Wang was arrested, and Ms. Zhang Guilan was also involved. On the afternoon of November 14, 2005, State Security policemen arrested Ms. Zhang and ransacked her home. Currently Ms. Zhang Guilan is being held at the Qianxi County Detention Center.