The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong  -- November 28, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Ms. Wang Shouhui and Her Son Liu Boyang Tortured to Death Within Two Weeks of Each Other

  • Practitioners Ms. Wang Xiuqing and Mr. Jin Zhe from Longjing City, Jilin Province Recently Passed Away Due to the Persecution

  • Family in Mainland China Persecuted, Hong Kong Resident Calls on Hong Kong Legislative Members for Help

  • Hubei Province's Shayang Fanjiatai Prison Brutally Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

  • Update on the Status of Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Xiamen in December 2004

  • Criminal Acts Committed by the Ranghu Road Police Substation of Daqing City

  • Brief News from China - October 31, 2005

  • Brief News from China - November 11, 2005

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - November 14, 2005

  • Ms. Wang Shouhui and Her Son Liu Boyang Tortured to Death Within Two Weeks of Each Other

    Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Shouhui and her son, Mr. Liu Boyang, were from Changchun City, Jilin Province. On October 28, 2005, they were arrested by policemen from the Kuancheng District Police Department. Mr. Liu Boyang was tortured to death that same night, and his mother, Wang Shouhui, was transferred to Shuangyang Detention Center after being interrogated. On November 10, 2005, her family received a phone call saying that Ms. Wang Shouhui had died in the China-Japan Friendship Hospital from a heart attack. Witnesses said that Ms. Wang Shouhui's body had not been checked, but people saw that her face and eyes were very badly bruised, and her left ear had blood in it.

    Ms. Wang Shouhui and her son Liu Boyang's bodies are both frozen and waiting for autopsies. After that they will be cremated.

    Ms. Wang Shouhui was 57 years old and an employee of the Songjia Neighborhood Administration in Changchun City. Her only son, Liu Boyang, 28 years old, was a doctor employed by the Qianwei Hospital in Changchun City. On October 28, 2005, around noon, they were followed and illegally arrested by policemen from the Kuancheng District Department, and sent to the Luyuan District Police Department to be interrogated. Mr. Liu Boyang was tortured to death that night. On October 31, his family received a phone call saying that Mr. Liu committed suicide by jumping off the sixth floor. The scene of his death and the condition of his body did not conform to that story. Mr. Liu had three wounds on the left part of his head from a heavy impact; they were not caused by falling from a building. His legs and ribs were all fractured, and his lungs were filled with blood. Why didn't the police allow his family to examine his body on October 28? Why did they notify his family of his death a full three days later? Why aren't there any photos of the scene, but only a puddle of blood on the ground? On October 28, it was below freezing in Changchun City, and all the windows would have been shut tightly. How could Liu Boyang open the window and jump out of the building with handcuffs on?

    Ms. Wang Shouhui was transferred to the Shuangyang Detention Center after being interrogated on October 28, 2005. On November 10, 2005, her family suddenly received a phone call saying that Ms. Wang had died in the China-Japan Friendship Hospital from a heart attack. There are two suspicious points: one, why didn't the authorities notify her family when they sent her to the hospital? Two, her body was never checked carefully by removing her clothing. Her eyes were covered with purple bruises, and there was blood in her left ear.

    Ms. Wang Shouhui's family of three (her husband, her son, and herself) all started practicing Falun Gong in 1995. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, they were constantly harassed by personnel from the Zhengyang Police Station and the Zhengyang Neighborhood Administration in Luyuan District, Changchun City. Ms. Wang was detained and sent to forced labor in October 1999, and again in February 2000, because she went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. She was tortured with electric baton shocks eight times at the Heizuizi Labor Camp, and she was not allowed to sleep while doing heavy labor for five consecutive days. Ms. Wang had been tied on the death bed several times. Once she was tied on a bed and shocked with electric batons for more than a hour. Her face and body were all burned severely, and the guards had to release her because she was dying.

    On April 11, 2002, while Wang Shouhui was walking along the street, she was arrested by police from the Zhengyang Station in Luyuan District and police from the First Department of Changchun City Police Station. They blindfolded her and took her to the Changchun City Jingyuetan's Jingyue Mountain to be tortured in their restricted interrogation room. During this period Ms. Wang suffered cruel torture, including being shocked on her breasts with two electric batons at the same time. Three men punched her face and upper body, and pulverized her left cheekbone, causing her to vomit large amounts of blood. Later, her lung became infected and she was sent to the Police Hospital. During this period, Wang Shouhui was forced to take infusions while both her arms and legs were tied to a bed. She was not allowed to go to the bathroom. They forced a catheter into her but did not take care of it properly. As a result, urine flowed onto the entire bed, soaking her whole body for two days and nights. The catheter was left in her for five days and nights, and later caused urinary incontinence. (see /emh/articles/2003/3/15/33329.html)

    On June 27, 2002, Wang Shouhui was again taken away from home. In the Zhengyang Police Substation they tied her up tightly for a whole night. Later, she was illegally detained in the Changchun City Third Detention Center, where they chained her handcuffs and ankle shackles together for 18 days, and brutally force-fed her for a month. Ms. Wang was later sent to the Police Hospital of Jilin Province again, where they tied her arms and legs to the bed and forcibly gave her infusions and force-fed her for more than 30 days. Only when she was very close to death did they release her.

    In the Zhengyang Local Police Station, police officers brutally tortured Liu Boyang, punched and kicked him, slapped his face with shoes, tied him with ropes, covered his head with a plastic bag, tortured him with the "Big Hang Up" (1), handcuffed his arms behind his back, hung him up in the air and swung his body or pulled his feet downwards. At that time, Yuan Dachuan, a male guard, announced: "I have already tortured a few Falun Gong practitioners to death, I do not need to bear any responsibility if I kill you!"

    On October 29, 2002, Liu Boyang was sent to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City for two years of forced labor. In December, the guards made him sit on the icy-cold cement floor for an entire day, depriving him of sleep, and they tried to brainwash him. He was supposed to be released in June 2004, but the forced labor camp refused to release Mr. Liu. They extended his term for 47 more days under a false pretext.

    At 8 p.m. on December 9, 2003, police officers Jiang Wei and others from the Luyuan District Department and Zhengyang Station ransacked Ms. Wang Shouhui's home when she was not there. They did not find anything they wanted, but they still threatened her husband, "Wang Shouhui is a focus person, we must arrest her." They also went to her workplace to harass her colleagues.

    On August 17, 2004, staff from the Zhengyang residents' committee, the Luyuan District 610 Office and two policemen from the Zhengyang Local Police Station took Liu Boyang to the Zhengyang police station, and tried to make him write a guarantee statement. Mr. Liu refused. As a result, they tried to send him to the Xinglongshan Brainwashing Center for further persecution, and extorted a monthly 700-yuan fee from Liu Boyang's family.

    At 4:20 p.m. on October 28, 2005, Liu Boyang and his mother Wang Shouhui were followed when they were delivering informational materials to a practitioner's home. They were arrested at the practitioner's home and detained at the Kuancheng District Public Security Sub-Bureau. The police tortured both the mother and son, and Liu Boyang died at 8 p.m. that same night. In less than two weeks, Ms. Wang Shouhui was also tortured to death. She did not know that her son had been tortured to death when she died.

    Mr. Liu Boyang was a very kind young man. He won a merit award every year at his workplace. His colleagues are all very sad about his death.

    Chinese version available at

    Practitioners Ms. Wang Xiuqing and Mr. Jin Zhe from Longjing City, Jilin Province Recently Passed Away Due to the Persecution

    Practitioners Ms. Wang Xiuqing and Mr. Jin Zhe from Longjing City, Jilin Province, were persecuted so intensely by the Chinese Communist Party that they were forced to become homeless. Having suffered severely both physically and mentally, they passed away, one in September and the other in November 2005.

    Ms. Wang Xiuqing was 55 years old. Before started practicing Falun Gong she suffered from so many different diseases that she had lost the will to live. She began practicing Falun Gong in 1996. She became very healthy both in mind and body, and all her ailments disappeared. In 2001, just for clarifying the truth about Falun Gong to other people, authorities from the Laotaogau Police Department illegally detained Ms. Wang and sent her to a forced labor camp for one year. While she was in the labor camp, Wang Xiuqing remained steadfast in her belief in Falun Gong. Therefore, no matter how the police persecuted her, whether by force-feeding, electric baton shocks, or sleep deprivation, nothing could change her belief. A year after she was released, the police still did not stop harassing her. Soon they illegally arrested Ms. Wang from home and sent her to a brainwashing center. Ms. Wang did not cooperate with the perpetrators' illegal demands and began a hunger strike to protest. They then transferred her to the Longjing Police Department and illegally detained her. In the detention center, Ms. Wang continued her hunger strike until her life was in danger, at which point she was sent to the hospital. She managed to escape while the police were sleeping.

    After that, Wang Xiuqing became a homeless person. She could not go home even though she had one. While she was homeless and moved from place to place, the police still searched for her constantly. They intended to search her house to arrest her. This long-term persecution by the Chinese Communist Party devastated Ms. Wang Xiuqing both physically and mentally. She eventually became seriously ill, and she passed away on November 3, 2005.

    Practitioner Mr. Jin Zhe, in his 30s, was from Longyan Village, Dexing County, Yanbian Longjing City, Jilin Province. He was very kind and righteous. He benefited from practicing and being steadfast in Falun Gong since 1998. After the persecution began in 1999, he was persecuted by personnel from the 610 Office from the village, county, city, and state levels. He was detained and persecuted for about two weeks. Because of the persecution, Mr. Jin was forced to become homeless and move from place to place for a very long time. However, no matter how tough the situation was, he still did his best to clarify the truth about Falun Gong to others. Due to the long-term persecution, Jin Zhe became very ill, and passed away in September 2005.

    Chinese version available at

    Family in Mainland China Persecuted, Hong Kong Resident Calls on Hong Kong Legislative Members for Help

     Hong Kong resident Ms. Dong Ming's family lives in Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Since many of her family members started practicing Falun Gong they have benefited mentally and physically. However, since the beginning of the persecution of Falun Gong, her family was often harassed, their home was ransacked and the family members were arrested. These frequent incidents traumatized her aged father. He became paralyzed and passed away on March 19, 2005. This sad turn of affairs caused the over 70-year-old mother to become ill. She finally came to Hong Kong and gradually recovered, but her visiting time is almost up.

    Cousin Hua Guoxiang was illegally arrested by personnel from the Fuyang City Police Station from her home in Fuyang City, Zhejiang Province in August 2004. She is detained in Moganshan Women's Forced Labor Camp; she has been tortured and she is emaciated. Dong Ming is calling for intervention, aid and support from members of the Hong Kong government.

    The following is an open letter to the Hong Kong Legislative members from Dong Ming regarding the persecution of her family members who practice Falun Gong in Mainland China.

    Greetings, Hong Kong Legislative Council members, District members:

    I am a permanent resident of Hong Kong. I'm asking for your support and help to rescue my family and relatives who are persecuted by certain CCP [Chinese Communist Party] members in Mainland China merely because they persist in their spiritual beliefs, and to help my family so they won't be harassed and implicated, and so my deceased father can finally rest. By luck I came to live in Hong Kong in 2003. But even now, when I recall the Falun Gong persecution that is happening in Mainland China, I tremble in fear. For the sake of brevity and time, I will only simply explain the persecution experiences of my family and friends here.

    My hometown is Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province. Before we started practicing Falun Gong in 1997, my parents, brothers and I had different illnesses. We took turns to go to hospitals and take medicines. Our illnesses and their treatments put a huge debt on my family and we worried about it all the time. In order to help the family, I dropped out of school and started working when I was fourteen. Due to the long-term fatigue and lack of nutrition, I developed several illnesses.

    On July 17, 1997 we were fortunate to begin the practice of Falun Gong. Falun Gong's gentle exercises, the profound principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance," and the kind and helpful Falun Gong practitioners were instrumental to help solve our family's crisis. My mother and I began the practice the same day; our illnesses vanished without us even being aware of it. We were so joyful. Three months after beginning the practice, I became pregnant after being married for over a year. Experts had told me earlier in the July of the same year that I couldn't get pregnant because I was too weak and had too many illnesses. My husband and the family were so happy about the pregnancy. Witnessing my huge physical and mental changes, many of my relatives and friends started practicing Falun Gong. More than ten people from three generations of my family started practicing Falun Gong. We followed the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance." Everyone was so nice and kind; everything was going smoothly. I gave birth to twin sons. The whole family was excited and busy with the new babies.

    In July of 1999, Jiang's regime started the persecution of Falun Gong and practitioners. The police frequently harassed my family as did the residential committee. They tried to force us to hand in Falun Gong books and tapes, and they tried to pressure us to break from Falun Gong. They dragged me into the brutal darkness. I have experienced the wonders of Falun Gong and the benevolence of Teacher Li! Teacher Li purified my body and Falun Gong benifited my whole family without even asking for one penny. But the evil people has been slandering Teacher Li and Falun Gong, and arresting and persecuitng Falun Gong practitioners; this made me sad and sleepless.

    In 2000, when my sons had just started walking, my cousin Hua Guoxiang and I went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong with my two sons. Although Beijing is so big, but there was still no place for us to tell the truth. We then went to the Jinshui Bridge, Tiananmen Square and shout out, "Falun Dafa is great"! Within seconds, police and plainclothes officers rushed to us and took us to a deserted place; they kicked and beat us and then dragged us into a van and took us to the Qianmen Police Station.

    In the police station detained many Falun Gong practitioners including old and young, male and female. Some were bleeding because they had been beaten. One practitioner's hands and feet were tied together from his back. His arms and legs were black. Footprints and blood covered his body. Even his stomach fluid were pressured out from the beating. We strongly urged the police to untie him and finally he was untied. But the practitioner had already lost the feeling of his arms and legs. A group of policemen then came to interrogate us. My cousin and I continuously clarified truth of Falun Gong to them. My twin sons did not cry and they called the police "uncles." The police could not say anything elase and they told us their true thought, "We know Falun Gong practitioners are all good people, but we are just following commands from above." At last they let us go.

    After we returned home, my family and my cousin's family were constantly harassed and persecuted. We experienced arrests, detention, home ransacking, monitoring and intimidation, and forced brainwashing! I was arrested and then released, and then arrested again and so on. The first time I was detsined for ten days. The second, fifteen days. The third time, I was bailed out for one year waiting for sentence. Every time I was arrested, the twins chased after me and cried for Mommy! Their throats were hoarse from crying until midnight. Everybody felt sad for the children. My neighbors said, "What kind of a world is this. Bad people are being left alone untroubled. But the good people are being detained!"

    During the detention period I went on a hunger strike to protest against the illegal detention. My family was worried about me. Every phone call and every ring of the door bell made them nervous. My husband had to take days off and flew back from Hong Kong. Once he had to come back to Hangzhou only two weeks after he had returned to Hong Kong. Red Tyranny shrouded my family. My mother's hair turned gray within two years.

    Because I followed the Falun Gong principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" I won universal praise. One year after my paperwork for Hong Kong residency was settled [they had been blocking my moving to Hon Kong], they had to let me go in 2003. But the unlawful personnel kept persecuting my cousin and my 70-year-old father. My cousin Hua Guoxiang is my uncle's oldest daughter. During the Cultural Revolution, my only uncle was a government employee in the village. Because he was honest and outspoken, he was cruelly persecuted as a rightist. His children were not allowed to go to school. His wife had to raise seven children on her own. My mother suggested the two families live together in order to help each other. We went through good and bad times together and lived like one family. Our fate was similar, too.

    My cousin is 50 years old. She is very kind, believes in gods and has won widespread praise. Prior to practicing Falun Gong she had several illnesses. She even went through several operations and nothing helped. In 1997, after witnessing my changes from Falun Gong, she also started to practice. Although she was not highly educated, she read Falun Gong books and did the exercise very diligently. Without realizing it, her illnesses disappeared. But because she persisted in her belief in Falun Gong and followed the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance" to be a good person, she was persecuted! After she returned from appealing for Falun Gong in Beijing, she was detained for three days. She was often harassed, followed and arrested. In April of 2003 she was arrested and taken to the Hangzhou Dongmingshan Brainwashing Center for one and a half months. She had been tortured to the point of skin and bones when she was released.

    On August 5, 2004, she was again arrested and taken to a forced labor camp for over forty days because she had clarified the truth about Falun Gong. Without any official paperwork and procedures, they sentenced her to two years in prison. On September 22, she was sent to the Deqing Forced Labor Camp and was tortured so brutally she became skin and bones. Her husband was involved in a car accident during her detention and broke his foot. He had to go through several bone surgeries and wasn't able to take care of himself. After several months, he and their son called me and cried after they visited my cousin. They didn't want me to worry and didn't tell me all the details. They also suffered financially. For every monthly visit, they had to spend over a thousand yuan.

    Other relatives were implicated as well. In 2004, one of my nephews passed the exams for the Public Security University, but he was not enrolled because of the family practicing Falun Gong. In 2002, another nephew had trouble for the same reason when he tried to join the army. After my cousin was arrested, certain Hong Kong practitioners and I tried to call the people who handled the case. They didn't even want to listen to our calls. Only the director picked up the phone and cursed us. Later, when we called the forced labor camp and asked for my cousin, they at first said no such person there. Then they said that they wouldn't persecute her. After several days when we called the same number, the person answered phone said that they were a bank, a store, a Tofu store, etc.; or they simply cursed us as soon as they picked up the phone and then hung up right away. The Moganshan Women's Forced Labor Camp is an infamous evil dark den for persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. I'm worried so much about my cousin!

    My father worked diligently for a village enterprise for 23 years. He suffered side effects from a work injury and lost his ability to work. He was let go from his job without any compensation and support. My father appealed several times to different government departments, but nobody paid attention to him because he had no money or power. He had to borrow money for his medical treatments. In 1985 he suffered from medicine poisoning but was able to recover. He then became a vegetarian and kept praying to Buddha, but his feet still rankled and he couldn't move around easily. He was pale, skinny and weak. In August 1999, my father started learning and practicing Falun Gong. After two months he became a totally different person. His complexion was nice and glowing. He walked fast. Everybody who had known my father was surprised about his changes; Falun Gong is so amazing; just in two months he is rejuvenated! My father kept telling people about his mental and physical changes brought about by Falun Gong, but because of the persecution he was arrested; his home was ransacked and he was threatened. Because of the harassment and pressure, my father was mentally and physically traumatized. In September 2004 he became paralyzed and he passed away on March 19, 2005.

    When my father was dying, as his loving and only daughter, I wasn't able to see him for the last time and accompany him for the last moment and "send him off." My father died with regret, which hurts my heart forever! The family and friends hope to see me return to our hometown, but they are afraid of the persecution and have told me not to go back. I have my own country and my own home that I'm not able to return to and visit. I'm in deep grief over my father's death. I had to lie in bed, held on to my telephone, and looked at the clock: at what time my father was placed in a coffin, cremated, buried... I could only use the phone "to send my father off" and to release my sadness and grief!

    My over 70-year-old mother went through these six years of brutal persecution. She endured many tribulations and was almost mentally destroyed. After my father's funeral, she became sick. I had just lost my father. I didn't want to lose my mother also. After some rough experiences I was able to get my mother to Hong Kong. She recovered gradually here after she started Falun Gong practice and study again. But her visitor's visa is about to expire. I don't want my mother to suffer the persecution again. I'm calling for your support and help for my family and friends. All Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China need your concern and help!

    I call for help and rescue from anyone. I'm asking the Chinese government to immediately release my cousin Hua Guoxiang who is illegally incarcerated for her belief.

    Dong Ming

    Chinese version available at

    Hubei Province's Shayang Fanjiatai Prison Brutally Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners

     Since Hubei Province's Shayang Fanjiatai Prison started illegally imprisoning Falun Gong practitioners, nearly 80 Falun Gong practitioners have been imprisoned, subjected to brainwashing, and tortured both mentally and physically.

    After Falun Gong practitioner Liao Yuanhua was released in 2004, he exposed the persecution he suffered in Fanjiatai Prison through the Internet. In December 2004, a CCTV news broadcast gave false reports on this matter, denying all the facts of the persecution. Meanwhile, Mr. Liao and several other practitioners who exposed the persecution were once again illegally arrested.

    Falun Gong practitioner Cheng Xiaobao is from the Xiangfan area. On June 20, 2001, he was arrested and sent to Fanjiatai Prison in July 2002. Because he suffered persecution for a long time, his health was not good. On the morning of August 11, 2004, while Mr. Cheng was sitting on the bed, the person who monitored him thought he was doing the exercises and reported him to the guards. The guards incited four people to forcibly bring Mr. Cheng to a brick factory and attempted to force him to do prison labor. Mr. Cheng refused, and the police had four thugs beat him brutally. Mr. Cheng was beaten to the point of having cuts and bruises all over his body, and his legs were purple and black. Later he was lifted into the kiln to be exposed to the high temperature. In addition, they rolled a cart loaded with more than 500 kilograms of bricks over Mr. Cheng's ankle, creating a bleeding cut four centimeters long and one centimeter deep.

    Falun Gong practitioner Xing Guangjun is from the Xiangfan area. He was sentenced to 5 years in prison for practicing Falun Gong. He was arrested in 2001 and sent to Fanjiatai Prison in July 2002. Because he was infected with a skin disease at the detention center, his health deteriorated. In 2003 Mr. Xing was strictly monitored for several months. The lengthy persecution caused Mr. Xing's legs to start to atrophy, and later he could no longer walk. In spite of this, the guards still subjected him to the same brutal treatment. Mr. Xing went on a hunger strike to resist the persecution during the 2004 Chinese New Year period. Five days later, Xing Guangjun was sent to the hospital, but during the hospitalization period Mr. Xing's condition became more serious, and his life was in danger. Fanjiatai Prison finally released Mr. Xing on bail for medical treatment in March 2005.

    Chinese version available at

    Update on the Status of Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested in Xiamen in December 2004

    On December 27, 2004, after 9 p.m., under the direction of the Xiamen 610 Office, police department chiefs of the Huli area, Siming area, Xiang'an area and other districts led several hundred policemen in groups of seven to carry out a frenetic raid of several dozen Falun Gong practitioners' homes all over the city. They illegally confiscated computers, printers, CD burners, Falun Gong books and truth-clarification materials and illegally arrested the practitioners. Some practitioners suffered injuries during the arrests. Ms. Chen Xiuchong, who was in her 60's, died at her home that very evening as a result of the police action. The raid lasted three days. These illegal arrests were the most severe in the city since Jiang Zemin's regime started to persecute Falun Gong in 1999.

    Imprisoned Falun Gong practitioners included Ms. Ye Mi (about 40 years old, Xiamen University Fine Arts Department lecturer), Mr. Wu Shengxian (in his 20's, a graduate from the Xiamen University Automation Department), Mr. Chen Ronghui (in his 30's), Ms. Yu Aihua (about 50 years old), and Ms. Chen Caizhi (in her 40's).

    The court illegally sentenced Yu Aihua to four years in prison earlier this year without informing her family members. Ms. Yu appealed, and later her sentence was changed to three and a half years. Recently it was learned that she was transferred to the Fuzhou Women's Prison from the detention center. The entire process was carried out illegally and secretly. Ms. Yu's family members were told all of this only after they called the detention center.

    Ye Mi was put on an illegal trial in mid-June, and her family members told some of her colleagues from the university about this news. The teachers from the university broke through obstruction from the authorities to attend the hearing to support her. The defense attorney put in an innocent plea for Ms. Ye. The court could not produce any effective evidence and had to close the trial hastily. The Xiamen University teachers who attended the hearing jointly wrote a letter to the Provincial Education Committee to appeal on behalf of Ms. Ye and requested her release. However, the court falsely charged Ms. Ye with accepting economic aid from overseas, when in fact those were legitimate earnings from the sale of her paintings there. The court declared the nature of her case to be serious and not suitable for reaching a verdict, and said they may need to hand it over to a higher level.

    Wu Shengxian and Chen Ronghui are still being secretly imprisoned; details await further investigation.

    Chen Caizhi was released on bail while awaiting trial at the beginning of this year.

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    Criminal Acts Committed by the Ranghu Road Police Substation of Daqing City

     The Ranghu Road Police Substation was established in March of 2005. Currently, there are about 103 policemen working at the station, making it the city's substation with the most police officers. In its short period of existence, the substation has already acted outside the law in arresting and harassing Falun Gong practitioners.

    On the afternoon of June 3, 2005, two police cars blocked the entrance to Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Zibiao's home. After Mr. Wang refused to open the door, the police told a woman from the community to deceive him into opening the door. The policemen then forced their way into his home, ransacked it and detained Mr. Wang. An hour later, the police used the same trick to break into Ms. Wang Shuzhen's home, ransacked it and seized her personal belongings. At that time, Ms. Wang was not at home and escaped arrest. Her husband, however, was illegally arrested and sent to the Longfeng Detention Center.

    Also on June 3, practitioners Ms. Wang Yuhua, Ms. Yuan Lixue, and Ms. Mou Yongxia were arrested when they went to visit Shi Fu. Ms. Mou Yongxia's handbag, other personal belongings and cash were confiscated by the police.

    At around 2 a.m. on June 4, Ms. Mou was sent to the Daqing Detention Center and tortured. As a result of the torture, she had black and blue marks all over her body and had difficulty turning over in bed due to the pain, especially the severe pain in the chest. The prison guards incited a group of inmates to drag her down from bed and put her into an "iron cage." Ms. Mou was locked in the cage for two days and one night. During this period of time, she lost consciousness for nearly ten hours and was on the verge of death. Ms. Mou Yongxia now suffers from bouts of dizziness and heart palpitations. She constantly needs help from friends and relatives. The policemen refused to return her belongings, including the money they confiscated. They claimed, "Her handbag, money and other personal belongings were confiscated as evidence of a crime."

    The Ranghu Road Police Substation also repeatedly harassed Ms. Xing Yuzhen because she practices Falun Gong. The police frequently went to Ms. Xing's home, harassed her family and tried to arrest her. To avoid further persecution and arrest, Ms. Xing was forced to leave home and live somewhere else. Her husband, Mr. Jiang Nianxiang, was imprisoned for his belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance." Her mother-in-law, not able to bear the enormous pressure from the constant harassment, passed away. Ms. Xing's young child was forced to leave home and move from place to place. The cruel persecution of Falun Gong by Jiang Zemin and the CCP has once again torn a happy family apart.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Gao Shuqin was tortured to death in 2004 by the former Ranghu Road Police Sub-bureau. Her husband, Mr. Li Ling, was imprisoned for being a practitioner and was released at the end of March 2005. Soon after his release, the police went to his home to harass him. His daughter, however, refused to open the door.

    The Ranghu Road Police Substation directed other police forces, including the criminal police department, and employed more than 70 people in the community to keep surveillance on Falun Gong practitioners. On September 23, the Ranghu Road Police Substation mobilized the community, the national security police, and the criminal police force to arrest Ms. Cao Shuxia. They also confiscated all the valuables they could find, including a computer that belonged to Ms. Cao's child, her husband's video camera, printer and telephone, cash, and bank deposit certificates. Ms. Cao was then detained in a detention center where the guards tortured her at will.

    Since its establishment six months ago, the Ranghu Road Police Substation has not stopped its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Their acts of ransacking homes, arresting practitioners and raiding their property have seriously violated the citizens' rights of residence and property, and Article 13 of the Chinese Constitution, which stipulates that the country protects the ownership of legitimate property. They have also violated the following articles of China's criminal law: illegal search in Article 245, maltreating detainees in Article 248, illegally depriving the citizens' right of belief in Article 251, misuse of authority in Article 397, bending the law to practice favoritism in Article 399, willful injury in Article 234 and illegal detention in Article 238. The Ranghu Road Police Sub-department has also violated the Administrative Punishment Law and the People's Police Law.

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    Brief News from China - October 31, 2005

    1. [Chongqing] Mr. Chen Changjun Endures Cruel Torture Methods at the Xishanping Forced Labor Camp

    On March 15, 2005, practitioner Mr. Chen Changjun from the Jiangbei District of Chongqing was arrested for making Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. He was later sentenced to two years of forced labor. After Mr. Chen was put into the forced labor camp he refused to write the so-called Three Statements and as a result was tortured even more severely. Personnel from the forced labor camp attempted to destroy him financially, psychologically, and physically. His family members have not been permitted to visit him since May 2005. Payment of his salary has also been stopped. Right now the weather has turned cold, but his family members are not allowed to send him appropriate clothing. Mr. Chen is subjected to cruel torture. He has a severe stomach problem, is unable to eat anything, and is extremely skinny right now. The guards, however, still shock him with electric batons and burn his hands with cigarette lighters even though his health is in such a perilous condition.

    2. [Panjin City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Yang Lixin's Life Is in Peril Due to Torture

    We have recently heard that Xu Hao and other personnel from the Xinglongtai District National Security Team in Panjin City illegally arrested practitioner Mr. Yang Lixin on August 3, 2005. On August 4 they sent him to the No. 3 Ward of Shenyang City Prison (formerly Dabei Prison). Mr. Yang has been staging a hunger strike and has had to endure excruciating forced-feeding. He was force-fed with a highly concentrated saline solution and other unknown things numerous times. His health has been destroyed and he is now so weak that his life is in peril. Mr. Yang's family members went to visit him recently but he couldn't recognize them. The situation is very serious.

    3. [Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province] Personnel from Tashan Township Police Station Arrest Liu Deqing and Jiao Wanhui

    During the morning on October 29, 2005, personnel from the Tashan Township Police Station in Huludao City arrested practitioners Liu Deqing and Jiao Wanhui from Jinzhou City. The two practitioners were clarifying the truth of Falun Gong to people. The police sent them to the Huludao City Detention Center that same night. At around 11:30 p.m. on October 29, several officers from the Taihe District Police Department and the Nu'erhe Township Police Station ransacked the practitioners' homes. On the morning of October 30, 2005, a group of practitioners accompanied the families of the incarcerated members to Tashan Township Police Station to inquire about Liu Deqing and Jiao Wanhui. Five of these practitioners were held and taken to Huludao City Detention Center.

    Relevant telephone numbers:

    (Country code: 86, area code: 429. Do not dial area code before a cell phone number.)

    Tashan Township Police Station: 4016007 and 4016000
    Wang Ying, Tashan Township Police Station chief: 13019990005(Cell), 3881777 (Home), and 4016000 (Office)

    Telephone numbers of the policemen from Tashan Township Police Station:

    Policeman Sun Liqiang: 13842965757 (Cell) and 3114688 (Home)
    Policeman Jin Tielin: 13052652981 (Cell)
    Policeman Wang Jiuru: 13942912352 (Cell) and 2160869 (Home)
    Policeman Jin Chengyou: 13019983913 (Cell) and 2160642 (Home)
    Policeman Zhu Decheng: 13591969568 (Cell) and 8813028 (Home)
    Policeman Jin Dongxin: 13942918585 (Cell) and 3119777 (Home)
    Policeman Liu Jia: 13998939199 (Cell) and 4015266 (Home)
    Policeman Xu Zhongguang: 13998920009 (Cell) and 4067688 (Home)

    Duty room of the Huludao City Detention Center: 3171916
    Nu'erhe Township Police Station, Jinzhou City: 5139243
    Political & Security Section, Taihe District Police Department, Jinzhou City: 5179530

    4. [Jilin Province] Mr. Wu Yueping Lowered in Rank and Eventually Expelled from Professorship

    Practitioner Mr. Wu Yueping, 48 years old, used to be a professor of the School of Philosophy and Sociology, Jilin University. He had been sent to a forced labor camp for distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. Early this year, the university authorities lowered his rank from full professor to associate professor, which was announced to the whole university. On October 24, the university authorities even removed his name from the list of professors, only because he persisted in Falun Gong practice.

    Those chiefly responsible for the persecution at Jilin University (Country code: 86, area code: 431):

    Zhang Wenxian, CCP Secretary: 5166355 (Office), 5361188 (Home)
    Zhou Qifeng, President: 5168118 (Office)
    Bing Guangyi, 610 Office: 5166238 (Office), 5180083 (Home)
    Hu Tianhou, 610 Office member: 5166238 (Office)

    5. [Antu County, Jilin Province] Ms. Zhang Hongfeng Arrested by Personnel From the Wanbao Police Station When Distributing Falun Gong Truth-Clarifying Materials

    On October 28, 2005, personnel from the Wanbao Police Station in the Antu County Police Department arrested Ms. Zhang Hongfeng, a teacher from Yongqing Township in Antu County, when she was distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials in adjacent Wanbao Town. Police confiscated a lot of truth-clarifying materials she had with her. At present, Ms. Zhang is being held at the Antu County Detention Center. She was sentenced to two years of forced labor, but she is serving the sentence outside of the forced labor camp.

    6. [Beijing] Mr. Li Dekui Sentenced to Two Years of Forced Labor

    Practitioner Mr. Li Dekui from the Haidian District of Beijing was followed and monitored by the police authorities after he publicly renounced his membership in the Chinese Communist Party at his workplace. On August 19, 2005, personnel from the 610 Office arrested him when he was distributing truth-clarifying materials. Even though Mr. Li was found to have high blood pressure and heart disease, he was still sent to the Qinghe Detention Center. Now it is known that he has been sentenced to two years of forced labor after his home was ransacked.

    7. [Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province] Mr. Huang Yutian Brutally Tortured, Is Now Emaciated

    At 3:00 p.m. on August 11, 2005, a group of people claiming to be from the National Security Department broke into the executive office of the Bo'ao Household Chemical Co. Ltd. in the Baiyun District of Guangzhou City. They beat Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Huang Yutian, director of the Foreign Trade Department, and then took him away. They covered his head with a black hood and took him to a secret room, where they handcuffed, beat, and kicked him. They deprived him of sleep for 24 hours. They also denied all visits from Mr. Huang's family. Mr. Huang was covered with bruises from all the different tortures. He has been tortured so severely that he is deformed. It has been heard that he's been put into the Guangdong Province Brainwashing Center, close to the Sanshui Forced Labor Camp.

    8. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Ms. Li Xiaojun Arrested for Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong and Spreading the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party

    Practitioner Ms. Li Xiaojun lived in the dormitory building of the Sichun Province Communist Party Committee. Someone reported her because she clarified the truth of Falun Gong and talked about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party to an official. Around October 25, 2005, more than ten policemen broke into and ransacked her home.

    Before the recent arrest, 51-year-old Ms. Li had been taken to the Xinjin Brainwashing Center and tortured with force-feeding. Her mouth and teeth were pried apart and severely injured. Her younger brother, Li Xiaobo, was arrested in March 2004 and sentenced to eight years of imprisonment after one year of detention. Mr. Li Xiaobo's wife has been persecuted in the Xinjin Brainwashing Center until she is now mentally disordered. Ms. Li Xiaojun's husband is an officer in the Propaganda Department and is under heavy political pressure.

    9. [Guanghan City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Yang Jing Arrested and His Home Ransacked

    At 9:00 p.m. on October 16, 2005, personnel from the Guanghan City Police Department, from the 610 Office, the Chengxi Police Station, and from the Liuzhou Road Residential Community arrested practitioner Mr. Yang Jing from his home on the fifth floor of Building 105, Guilin Road, Guanghan City, Sichuan Province. They ransacked his home and confiscated some Falun Gong books, exercise music tapes and truth-clarifying CDs.

    10. [Changsha City, Hunan Province] Ms. Yin Shukun Arrested When Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials

    During the afternoon of October 27, 2005, practitioner Ms. Yin Shukun from Yinpenling, Changsha City, was arrested when distributing Falun Gong truth-clarifying materials. She is currently being held at the Zuojiatang Detention Center.

    Chinese version available at

    Brief News from China - November 11, 2005

    1. [Ningxia Province] Mr. Wang Jiaming, a Disabled Falun Gong Practitioner in Prison, Goes on a Hunger Strike Again to Protest the Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Jiaming's legs are disabled. Since he was arrested in January 2005, he had already been on two hunger strikes to protest the persecution. He is serving a five-year prison term in Huinong Prison. In prison, the guards force him to read materials that slander Falun Gong. Mr. Wang started another hunger strike on October 24 in protest. He was transferred to the Shizuishan Prison (formerly Pingluo Prison) Hospital on October 27. His family has already requested his release from the hospital.

    The Pingluo Prison, office telephone: 86-952-6681762

    The Ningxia Province Prison Management Bureau, operator: 86-951- 6193017

    The Bureau chair: Wang Chengdong, Assistant bureau chair: Jing Zhiguo

    2. [Beijing] Ms. Yuan Shaoling Arrested and Her Home Ransacked

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yuan Shaoling, in her 60's, lives in Fenzhongsi, in the Fengtai district. At around 10 a.m. on November 10, 2005, the Fengtai Bureau Branch and local policemen led eight people to break into Ms. Yuan's home. They confiscated her Falun Gong materials and illegally arrested her.

    3. [Kaifeng City, Henan Province] Ms. Feng Guirong Arrested and Sent to the Beijiao Brainwashing Center in Weishi County

    On the afternoon of November 7, 2005, in the Yuwangtai District, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Feng Guirong was arrested and sent to the Beijiao Brainwashing Center in Weishi County. She had gone to the relevant agencies to ask for the release of jailed Falun Gong practitioner Wu Guangcheng in October and for this she was harassed at home many times and finally sent for forced brainwashing.

    Individuals who are directly involved in the persecution:

    The Yuwangtai District Political and Judiciary Committee and 610 Office head: Lang Huailiang: 86-13938603889 (Cell)

    The National Security Bureau Branch: Zheng Bingyong, Yao Jianjun

    4. [Rongcheng City, Shandong Province] Mr. Zhou Dianwu Sentenced to Two Years in Prison

    On October 25, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Zhou Dianwu from Rongcheng City was arrested and detained at the Rongcheng City Detention Center. At 6 p.m. on November 10, officials from the detention center notified his family to send bedding because he had been sentenced to two years in a forced labor camp and was scheduled to be sent out at 5 a.m.

    The Rongcheng City Detention Center: 86-631-755531
    The Rongcheng City 610 Office: 86-631-7567610

    5. [Jinan City, Shandong Province] Ms. Li Guangqin Held at the Jiangshuiquan Women's Forced Labor Camp Beyond Her Term

    The Jiangshuiquan Women Labor Camp in Jinan City is keeping Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Li Guangqin beyond her term. November 7, 2005, should have been the end of her term. However, when her family went to the labor camp to bring her home, labor camp policemen said that Ms. Li had not worked enough hours and would be kept until the end of November. Her family went to the Jinan 610 Office, the Political and Judiciary Committee and the police department to argue for fair treatment. However, officials contrived to protect themselves claiming the labor camp has the right to extend terms. Ms. Li's employer is the Jinan Chemical Factory No. 2.

    6. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Practitioner Mr. Liu Jiaqi Arrested

    Nangang District, Harbin City Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Jiaqi was arrested at home at around 3 p.m. on November 8, 2005. A group of people went to his child's school, and asked him, "Does your dad still practice Falun Gong?" The child answered, "Yes." They then asked the child to take them to his home. When the boy knocked on the door, Mr. Li, seeing his child, opened the door and was then arrested.

    7. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] Mr. Li Xiaojun Arrested for Distributing Truth Clarifying Materials

    On October 27, 2005, Mr. Li Xiaojun was distributing truth clarifying materials at a Retired Government Officials' Activity Center in Chengdu City. The monitor discovered him, reported him and followed him home. Policemen from the Xiyuhe Police Station broke into his home, ransacked it, and arrested him. Mr. Li is currently being detained (criminal detainment) at the Chengdu City Detention Center in Pi County, Chengdu City.

    8. [Zibo City, Shandong Province] Mr. Chu Qinghua Treated at the Shandong Zibo No. 148 Hospital Emergency Room

    Mr. Chu Qinghua, 24 years old, is from Weifang, Shandong Province. Early in 2005, Mr. Chu went to visit his father, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chu Liwen, in Weibei Prison and asked for his father's release. The prison notified the police. The police then arrested him and sent him to a forced labor camp. At around 5 a.m. on August 18, 2005, at Group 7 of the 2nd Forced Labor Camp, Shandong Province, Mr. Chu jumped from the second floor window of a school building. Details of what happened at that time are not clear. It is known that Mr. Chu appeared to be unconscious and was treated at the Zhoucun District 148 Hospital emergency room in Zibo City.

    Note: Group 7 and 8 are appointed groups that specialize in persecuting Falun Gong practitioners.

    Chinese version available at

    Summary of Other Articles and News - November 14, 2005

    1. Yichang, Hubei Province Procuratorate Attempts to Try Practitioners Zhang Yonghong and He Jingyan

    Practitioners Zhang Yonghong and He Jingyan were arrested at the end of September 2005, and have been detained for more than 50 days. The local police department has issued their arrest warrants. The Procuratorate is actively searching for "evidence" and trying to put these two practitioners on trial.

    2. The Party "Maintains Advancement" and Persecutes Good People

    Ms. Li Chunguang, 58, was a retired teacher. Her workplace asked her to attend a continuing education meeting for all the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) members. In the meeting, Ms. Li read her letter of resignation from the CCP. She was stopped when she had only finished half of her letter. After the meeting, the Party secretary gave her resignation letter to the director of the National Security Department. A few days later, the director arrested her at home and illegally detained her for 15 days. The unreasonable persecution caused tremendous financial loss for Ms. Li's family and great emotional strain on her family members.