The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong -- December 21, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • Nineteen Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death Confirmed in November

  • Musician Liu Zhifang Tortured to Death in Gansu Province Brainwashing Center

  • Thirty-Four-Year-Old Ms. Sun Guifeng Tortured to Death at the Wancun Brainwashing Center in Shandong Province

  • My Experiences of Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

  • Police in Heilongjiang Province Repeatedly Arrest and Persecute Mr. Yan Shubin

  • Jilin Industrial University Student Subjected to Relentless Torture and Brainwashing

  • Nearly 100-year-old Man Longs for His Son and Granddaughter to Return

  • Brief News from China - December 1, 2005

  • Nineteen Cases of Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death Confirmed in November

    Independent channels have confirmed another 19 deaths of Falun Gong practitioners. The latest findings came in November 2005. Since former president Jiang Zemin and his followers ordered the persecution, the regime is to blame for at least 2,790 death from savage acts under this persecution.

    Statistics for these 19 deaths are as follows: 11 were female practitioners, 55% of the total; seven practitioners were above 55 years of age, 37% of the total. Fourteen practitioners died in 2005, six of those in November 2005 alone. According to statistics on the Minghui/Clearwisdom website, 380 Falun Gong practitioners are known to have died between January 2005 and November 2005 as a result of the persecution.

    Among the six deaths reported in November, four practitioners were over 70 years old.

    The youngest victim is Ms. Li Hongpeng, 27 years old. Ms. Li was an employee of the Feige Bicycle Factory in Tianjin. She went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong in September 2000. The police illegally arrested and beat her until she suffered a brain injury. The beating resulted in a buildup of fluid inside her skull, a swollen head, a deformed face, bruised eyes and loss of eyesight. Ms. Li could no longer take care of herself. She died at the end of December 2000.

    The 19 cases are distributed across ten provinces. Four deaths took place in Jilin Province, three deaths in Heilongjiang Province, two deaths each in Hebei Province, Shandong Province, Henan Province, Sichuan Province, and one death each in Hunan Province, Jiangxi Province, Shaanxi Province and Tianjin Municipality.

    Ms. Wang Shouhui and Her Son Liu Boyang in Changchun, Jilin Province Tortured to Death Within Two Weeks of Each Other

    Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Wang Shouhui and her son Mr. Liu Boyang were from Changchun City, Jilin Province. Officers from the Kuancheng District Police Department arrested them on October 28, 2005. Mr. Liu Boyang was tortured to death that same night. In less than two weeks, his mother, Ms. Wang Shouhui, was also tortured to death. According to a report, Ms. Wang was unaware that her son had been tortured to death when she died.

    Ms. Wang Shouhui was 57 years old and an employee of the Songjia Neighborhood Administration in Changchun City. Her only son, Liu Boyang, 28 years old, was a doctor employed by the Qianwei Hospital in Changchun City. Mr. Liu Boyang was a very kind young man. He won a merit award every year at his workplace. His colleagues are all very sad about his death.

    Ms. Wang Shouhui's family of three (her husband, her son, and herself) started practicing Falun Gong in 1995. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, personnel from the Zhengyang Police Station and the Zhengyang Neighborhood Administration in the Luyuan District, Changchun City constantly harassed them. Ms. Wang was detained and sent to forced labor in October 1999 and again in February 2000, because she went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. She was tortured with electric shock batons eight times at the Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp. She was not allowed to sleep while doing heavy labor for five consecutive days. Ms. Wang had been tied on the death bed several times. Once she was tied on a bed and shocked with electric batons for more than an hour. Her face and body were severely burned. The guards finally had to release her because she was dying.

    On April 11, 2002, while Wang Shouhui was walking along the street, police from the Zhengyang Station in the Luyuan District, and police from the First Department of Changchun City's Police Station arrested her. They blindfolded her and took her to the Changchun City Jingyuetan's Jingyue Mountain to be tortured in their restricted interrogation room. During this period Ms. Wang suffered cruel torture, including being shocked on her breasts with two electric batons at the same time. Three men punched her face and upper body, and pulverized her left cheekbone, making her vomit large amounts of blood. Later, one of her lungs became infected and she was sent to the Police Hospital. While there, Ms. Wang was forced to take infusions while her arms and legs were tied to a bed. She was not allowed to go to the bathroom. They forced a catheter into her bladder but did not take care of it properly. As a result, urine flowed onto the entire bed, soaking her whole body for two days and nights. The catheter was left in for five days and nights, and later caused urinary incontinence.

    (see /emh/articles/2003/3/15/33329.html)

    On June 27, 2002, Ms. Wang Shouhui was again arrested. In the Zhengyang Police Substation they tied her up tightly for a whole night. Later, they detained her in the Changchun City Third Detention Center where they chained her handcuffs and shackles together for 18 days and brutally force-fed her for a month. Ms. Wang was later sent to the Jilin Province Police Hospital where they tied her arms and legs to a bed and forcibly gave her infusions and force-fed her for more than 30 days. Only when she was very close to death did they release her.

    Officers in the Zhengyang Local Police Station tortured her son, Liu Boyang cruelly. They punched and kicked him, slapped his face with shoes, tied him with ropes, covered his head with a plastic bag, tortured him with the "Big Hang Up," handcuffed his arms behind his back, hung him up in the air and swung his body or pulled his feet downwards. Yuan Dachuan, a male guard, then announced, "I have already tortured a few Falun Gong practitioners to death! I do not need to bear any responsibility if I kill you!"

    On October 29, 2002, Liu Boyang was sent to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp in Changchun City for two years of forced labor. In December, the guards made him sit on the icy-cold concrete floor for an entire day, deprived him of sleep and tried to brainwash him. He was supposed to be released in June 2004, but the forced labor camp refused to release Mr. Liu. They extended his term by 47 days under a false pretext.

    At 8:00 p.m. on December 9, 2003, police officers Jiang Wei and others from the Luyuan District Department and Zhengyang Station ransacked Ms. Wang Shouhui's home when she was not there. They did not find anything they wanted, but they still terrified her husband saying, "Wang Shouhui is a focus person! We must arrest her!" They also went to her workplace to harass her colleagues.

    On August 17, 2004, staff from the Zhengyang Residential Committee, the Luyuan District 610 Office and two policemen from the Zhengyang Local Police Station took Liu Boyang to the Zhengyang police station and tried to make him write a guarantee statement. Mr. Liu refused. As a result, they tried to send him to the Xinglongshan Brainwashing Center for further persecution and extorted a monthly 700-yuan fee from Liu Boyang's family.

    At 4:20 p.m. on October 28, 2005, Liu Boyang and his mother Wang Shouhui were followed when they were delivering informational materials to a practitioner's home. They were arrested at the practitioner's home and detained at the Kuancheng District Public Security Sub-Bureau. The police tortured the mother and son. Liu Boyang was tortured to death that night.

    On October 31, his family received a phone call saying, "Mr. Liu committed suicide by jumping off the sixth floor." Evidence at the scene of his death and the condition of his body did not conform to that story. Mr. Liu had three wounds on the left part of his head from a heavy impact, which were not caused by falling from a building. His legs and ribs were fractured, and his lungs were filled with blood. Why didn't the police allow his family to examine his body on October 28? Why did they notify his family of his death three days later? On October 28 it was below freezing in Changchun City and all the windows would have been shut tightly. How could Liu Boyang open the window and jump out of the building with handcuffs on? According to an independent analysis, Mr. Liu died after being beaten with a heavy object, and his body was then thrown from the building.

    Ms. Wang Shouhui was transferred to the Shuangyang Detention Center after being interrogated on October 28, 2005. On November 10, 2005 her family received a phone call saying that Ms. Wang had died in the China-Japan Friendship Hospital from a heart attack. There are two suspicious points: 1) why didn't the authorities notify her family when they sent her to the hospital? 2) her body was never carefully examined and the clothing had not been removed. Her eyes were covered with purple bruises, and there was blood in her left ear.

    Ms. Wang Shouhui and her son Liu Boyang's bodies are in cryonic storage and await autopsies. After that they will be cremated.

    Mr. Dong Hongqiang from Henan Province Dies after Being Injected with Unknown Drugs

    Mr. Dong Hongqiang, 40 years old, lived in Xicang Village, Chengguan Town, Yichuan County, Henan Province. He firmly practiced Falun Gong. Officials from the County's 610 Office and the Political and Security Office arrested and detained him several times. Mr. Dong was later living under close surveillance. Dong Hongqiang was forced to become homeless to avoid being illegally arrested at home. The police were constantly after him and harassing his family. Between March and April 2002, the persecution escalated. Mr. Dong Hongqiang was arrested again, detained, sentenced to three and a half years of forced labor and incarcerated in the Xinmi Forced Labor Camp in Henan Province.

    Mr. Dong was brutally beaten in the camp and was injected with unknown drugs while four or five people held him down. Ever since the dubious injection, Dong Hongqiang became very weak, his belly became extremely bloated, and he suffered a mental collapse. He was severely emaciated and had difficulty breathing.

    In the middle of August 2005, the police notified Mr. Dong's family to pick him up from the labor camp. His family sent him to a hospital, but the doctors said he was beyond treatment. Mr. Dong Hongqiang died on November 9, 2005.

    Seventy-one-year-old Ms. Sun Guozhen Died Due to Persecution

    Ms. Sun Guozhen, 71, was from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. Ms. Sun Guozhen went to Beijing to clarify the truth of Falun Gong in April 2000. She was arrested and detained in the Shuangcheng City Second Detention Center for more than a month. She was transferred to a brainwashing center for a month because she firmly held on to her belief in Falun Gong. On January 17, 2001, Ms. Sun was arrested from her home and taken to another brainwashing center for several months. She was tortured severely there, including being forced to sleep on a wet, cold concrete floor. As a result of the abuse, she displayed stroke symptoms. Ms. Sun Guozhen never wrote the three statements as the perpetrators ordered. They tortured her by tying her to a chair, slapping her face and kicking her legs. Ms. Sun Guozhen's heart disease recurred due to the inhuman torture she received in the brainwashing center and she almost died.

    In May 2001, the authorities tried to arrest Ms. Sun and take her to the local Chinese Communist Party School. She fainted soon after leaving her home. Her family condemned the evildoers and she was released after her family paid an extortion demand of four hundred "yuan".

    In the spring of 2003, Ms. Sun Guozhen was reported while posting some Falun Gong banners. The local police extorted three hundred yuan again. Her physical condition started getting worse and worse due to the constant harassment and mistreatment. She died on November 2, 2005.

    Ms. Yu Zhenghong's Family Exposes How She Died as a Result of the Persecution

    Ms. Yu Zhenghong, 43, lived in Siqian Village, Songcun Town, Wendeng City, Shandong Province. Ms. Yu was steadfast in practicing Falun Gong and died as a result of the persecution on the night of November 17, 2005. Her husband, Zhou Chengsha, exposed how her death came about:

    "Yu Zhenghong used to suffer from all kinds of illnesses. She could not cook or work in the fields. I had to stay home to take care of her, cook and take care of our child. We spent all of our savings on various medical treatments and our life was very difficult.

    "After beginning practicing Falun Gong in the summer of 1997, my wife became healthier each day. In time, all of her previous illnesses disappeared. She could do any amount of work she wanted and could work at a factory. Life at home also improved. We conducted ourselves according to the principles taught by Master Li - Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance. This helped to greatly improve our moral character.

    "From July 20, 1999 onward, Falun Gong suffered a terrible wrong. One day in October 1999, around 10:00 p.m., Xing Shuwu and Yu Jincheng led a group of people from the Songcun Town Police Station to Wendeng. These people broke into our home and forcibly took away Master's picture and all of our Falun Gong materials. In addition, they arrested my wife. They handcuffed her to a chair in the freezing winter cold for 24 hours. I went to ask for her release. They ordered me to write a guarantee statement to promise that she would never practice Falun Gong again or appeal for Falun Gong. I wrote it against my better judgment, and I never saw my wife smile again.

    "In June 2000 my wife decided to go to Beijing to speak some words of justice for Master and Falun Gong. Li Yinglin and some other evildoers at the Wendeng Liaison Office in Beijing arrested her and brought her back to the Wendeng Custody Center. The guards there beat and insulted her. She was detained there for 15 days and was then sent to the Songcun Police Station in Wendeng. After dark, the village Party secretary wrote the three statements in her name and the police station released her. The next day, Xiang Hongping and other officials tried to make my wife go to a brainwashing class held at the Songcun Movie Theatre. My wife firmly refused.

    "Later that same year, during the fall harvest, Xiang Hongping and Yu Jincheng again came to my home and arrested my wife. They held her at the Wendeng Custody Center for over two weeks. Several days after she returned home, they arrested her again. She was held for over ten days at the Songcun Movie Theatre. The authorities demanded an extortion amount of 3,000 yuan from me before they would release her. I borrowed 2,000 yuan and gave it to them. Then I took my wife home.

    "At noon on June 1, 2001, more than ten 610 Office agents arrested my wife on her way home from work. My wife was taken to a brainwashing class held by Xiang Hongping, Bi Jianwei, Sang Hongbo and others. My wife was tortured until she had a relapse of her old illnesses. After I learned about this I went to the brainwashing class and demanded that they release her. Their response was, 'We are only in charge of detaining people; not releasing people. If anything happens to her, you can take your complaint to the government.'

    "The Wendeng Orthopedic Hospital has been taking part in the persecution over the past six years. The head doctor told the evil people that my wife was at risk and would die soon if she was kept at the hospital. They then released her.

    "When I carried my wife out of the hospital on my back, she was on her last breath, but was revived through practicing Falun Gong. Before the October 1 Holiday she was just able to go to work again when over a dozen agents from the Wendeng 610 Office" and the police department again ransacked our house and took all of our Falun Gong books. My wife had to leave home and lived in exile to avoid another arrest.

    "In September 2003 they found her in Weihai City and ransacked her temporary residence. They took her back to the Wendeng Custody Center. She held a hunger strike [in protest]. On the fourth day they took her to the Wendeng Orthopedic Hospital to force-feed her. On the eighth day they sentenced her to two years of forced labor. She was sent to Jinan City, but since she was too weak, the labor camp refused to accept her. The labor camp in Zibo City also refused to take her. They had no choice but to let her go home. Still, they constantly harassed us at our home.

    "Around 6:30 a.m. on September 27, 2005, a dozen agents from the Wendeng 610 Office including Liu, Xiang Hongping and Sun Guohai ransacked our home and took my wife away. They sent her to the Wendeng Detention Center. They used despicable means to attempt to force her to give up Falun Gong practice. She held a hunger strike. She was taken to that same hospital again on the 12th day to be force-fed. On the 14th day she was tortured to the brink of death and then transferred to the Wendeng Central Hospital. The hospital staff asked to locate her family, but the 610 Office agents denied their request.

    "After a medical exam, my wife was diagnosed with high blood pressure and severe heart disease. On the 15th day they were afraid she would die, so they released her. My wife never recovered. She passed away around 10:00 p.m. on November 17, 2005 at the age of 43.

    "Jiang Daimin, the secretary of Wendeng City CCP Committee, Wendeng City Police Department's 610 Office (currently called Wendeng City National Security Group), and police officers Xiang Hongping and Sun Guohai are undeniably responsible for the death of Yu Zhenghong. We, the family of Yu Zhenghong, will seek justice by holding the related persons legally responsible for their actions. "

    Musician Liu Zhifang Tortured to Death in Gansu Province Brainwashing Center

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Zhifang was a Pipe (Chinese lute) musician employed by the Gansu Province Yu-Opera Institute. She died at the end of July 2005, due to being tortured for a long time hanging by handcuffs backward. The details are yet to be investigated. The administration of the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) "Legal Education School" follows Jiang and his regime's secret order that "Killing Falun Gong practitioners counts as suicide;" they spread around that Ms. Liu Zhifang's case was suicide, and strictly sealed off any information.

    The Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center is located in an old storage building that has a sign outside the gate that says "Lanzhou City Legal Education School." It is a dark den that specifically detains Falun Gong practitioners, where all sorts of brutal means are used to torture the practitioners in attempts to force them to give up their faith in "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance. The guards lock up Falun Gong practitioners in solitary confinement for 24 hours, and deprive them of their right to sleep. Ms. Zhang Juxiu (in her 70s) was hung for one week with her hands tied together. More than one hundred Falun Gong practitioners have been arrested and placed in the brainwashing sessions here, from teenagers to senior citizens that are over 70 years old.

    Ms. Liu Zhifang was 48 years old. On July 31, 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for the justice for Falun Gong, and was arrested by police, and detained in the Tianjin City and Lanzhou City (capitol of Gansu Province) detention centers. She was forced to perform heavy labor. She was arrested and taken to this Gongjiawan Brainwashing Class in 2001, but walked out using strong righteous thoughts. She walked from Tianshui City (Gansu Province) to her home town in Anhui Province in three and a half months, and clarified the truth to her friends and family.

    Ms. Liu Zhifang went back to Lanzhou City in 2002, and never stopped clarifying the truth to people. In July 2005, she was once again arrested and taken to the "Lanzhou City Legal Education School" (Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center) by policemen. She was locked in solitary confinement, tortured for a long period of time hanging backwards by handcuffs, and died at the end of July 2005.

    The administration of Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center (including the document sent out on July 29, 2005) states that Ms. Liu Zhifang committed suicide. They threatened the witnesses, and strictly sealed off all information from leaking out.

    Persecution Facts of Other Falun Gong Practitioners in Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center

    At the beginning of March 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Luo Qingshu, who is over 70 years old, and retired from Gansu Province Mining Bureau, was locked in solitary confinement because she refused to write the three statements. She has been forced to sleep on the cement floor for three months, and tortured by being hung backwards by handcuffs. The Mining Bureau paid the brainwashing center ten thousand yuan from April to May, and another twelve thousand yuan from July to August, and they are withdrawing this money from Ms. Luo's retirement salary. Ms. Luo was dying at the beginning of October 2005, and she was sent to 515 Hospital for rescue. Her information is also strictly blocked right now.

    Ms. Han Zhongcui, 47, was an employee of Donggang Neighborhood Administration. Because she firmly practiced Falun Gong, she has been detained many times. In the middle of September 2003, she was arrested for the second time and sent to this brainwashing center. She had been directly locked in solitary confinement, and hung backwards by her handcuffs for more than one month. She was dying when she was carried out, could not move a bit, and her pants were badly soiled. The torture was continued after her condition improved. The guards locked her in the basement and solitary confinement many times, and tortured her by hanging her backwards by her handcuffs, which disabled her arms. On December 10, 2004, she was locked in solitary confinement again, repeatedly tortured by hanging her backwards by her handcuffs, and forced to sleep on the cement floor without heat for nine months, including the entire winter. She is currently still detained in this brainwashing center.

    Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Niu Wanjiang and Mr. Hua Jingchuan were both secretly sent to this brainwashing center after their terms ended.

    The above is only the tip of the iceberg of the crimes happening in Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center with Falun Gong practitioners.

    Those responsible in the Gongjaiwan Brainwashing Center (Lanzhou City Legal Education School):
    Gansu Province CCP 610 Office Head Han Jianfei (male)
    Lanzhou City CCP Political and Judiciary Committee Secretary Jiao Wei (male)
    Gongjiawan Brainwashing Center Heads Yun Yucheng (male), 86-931-332786, Shan Yongsheng (male), 86-13893292608 (Cell)
    Focus Group Head Zhang Zhigang (male), 86-13519409083 (Cell)
    Focus Group members Zhao Jian (male), Chang Bingke (male), 86-13150014153 (Cell), Yang Yulin (male), 86-931-3961010, Liu Xiaofeng (male), 86-931-2669682, Qirui Jinku, 86-931-331560

    Thirty-Four-Year-Old Ms. Sun Guifeng Tortured to Death at the Wancun Brainwashing Center in Shandong Province

    Ms. Sun Guifeng was a Falun Gong practitioner in Xinglong Village, Yanzhou City, Shandong Province. After she and her husband were arrested together, she was brutally tortured at the "Judicial Training Center" in Shandong Province (a.k.a. Wangcun Brainwashing Center). She was tortured to death in mid April 2005. Her husband is still detained in a forced labor camp. Their young child is left at home alone.

    Thirty four year-old Ms. Sun Guifeng lived in the residential area of Yanzhou Mining Bureau in Shandong Province. In December 2004, she went out to clarify the truth to the people. Mining Bureau security section personnel and police from the Jidong Police Department searched her home illegally and confiscated her property. They took her and her husband to a detention center. Even though Ms. Sun had difficulty walking as a result of the torture, she was forced to work by crawling on the ground. Two weeks later, she was sent to the "Judicial Training Center" in Shandong Province for continuous persecution.

    The "Judicial Training Center" of Shandong Province is the notorious Wangcun Brainwashing Center in Zibo City. The center exerts intense pressure on Falun Gong practitioners' minds, deceives and entices practitioners' affections, twists thoughts, and brainwashes them. Officials there take turns physically torturing practitioners. They use soft and hard tactics when trying to transform practitioners. When practitioners hold hunger strikes to protest the persecution, the center force feeds them. If they are still steadfast in their belief, the center detains and tortures them for a long term. Luo Guangrong who is in charge of "transformation" is very cruel and ruthless.

    Because Ms. Sun Guifeng experienced continuous inhuman torture she was both physically and psychologically injured. One month after she was sent to the Judicial Training Center, her family took her home. She was already in critical condition. She passed away in mid April 2005.

    The primary persons in charge of this brainwashing center:
    Bi Hua, former superintendent of the Wangcun Brainwashing Center and present deputy director general of Shandong Province Forced Labor Department
    Meng, director of the Education and Transformation Office: 86-533-6681442 (Office)
    Wangcun Women's Forced Labor Camp in Zibo City: 86-533-6689414

    My Experiences of Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labor Camp

    My name is Tian Shaoyan. I am a female practitioner from Cuizhong County, Huludao City, Liaoning Province. I started practicing Falun Gong in 1997 because at that time I had all kinds of diseases and could not even take care of myself. My health improved greatly soon after my practice began, and I was elated.

    In August 1999, I went to Beijing to clarify the truth of Falun Gong to the authorities. I was illegally detained and then sentenced to a forced labor camp for eighteen months.

    I was held in the Detention Center of Cuizhong County from September 1999 to June 2000. The warden shocked me with an electric baton. During the cold winter months, policeman Zhang Wenzhong poured cold water over practitioners and then opened the window to freeze us.

    Sometime later, I was sent to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp. In September 2000, policewoman Huang Haiyan in Masanjia slapped my mouth until it bled. She shocked me with two electric batons on my hands, feet, neck, and breasts until the skin blistered. The red blisters became yellow and then black before beginning to heal. She frequently beat me, kicked me and pulled out my hair. She also forced me to squat and stand for long periods of time, trying to "reform" me.

    In July 2002, I was arrested by policemen from Suizhong County because I practiced the exercises at home. I was sentenced to Masanjia Forced Labor Camp for three years. In December 2002, Policewoman Huang Haiyan commanded other people to confine me in the restroom and did not allow me to sleep.

    In April 2003, I became very weak because of a heavy workload of digging holes for planting trees at Masanjia. I suffered from terrible pain in my legs, chest, and abdomen and I could barely walk. My heart beat so fast that I could hardly breathe or sleep.

    During the 16th Party Congress, the persecution became crueler. In December, Masanjia used a "collaborator" team to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. They attempted to "reform" practitioners through various tortures, including not allowing them to sleep. I was extremely weak at that time and not able to escape from the torture. Huang only allowed me to sleep for a few hours each night. My heart beat so fast because of the torture, my lips became purple, my limbs felt numb and cold and I could not stop trembling. I was finally sent to the hospital. The hospital diagnosed me with synovitis due to fluid accumulation and swelling in the synovial membrane of my knee joint. I spent 700 yuan for medical treatments on two occasions without experiencing improvement, and I continue to suffer from pain even now.

    The heavy workload caused severe arm pain, and my fingers became deformed. In February 2004, I was poisoned as a result of working with some kind of rubber material and experienced many symptoms including headache, dizziness, ear problems, vertigo, nose bleeds, mouth numbness, coughing, stomachache, vomiting blood, swelling and weakness. Sometimes I was so weak that I could not even move my hands. I had itchy blisters on my head, face and all over my body. My hair fell out, and I was nearly bald until recently when hair regrowth started There is a large lump on my head which still bothers me today.

    There were more than one hundred people poisoned after participating in this work assignment, and it had to be terminated prior to its completion. However, the damage had been done and I lost the ability to work. I became sensitive to many chemicals, such as laundry powder and perfume. The stronger the smell was, the more serious the symptoms were. Following this exposure to the rubber material, I had to stay in bed for almost the entire year. In July 2005, after I finished the forced labor, I was still so weak that I required two people to help me get into bed.

    Although I can now walk alone, I cannot endure chemical smells and I am too weak to do the laundry, let alone work. I went to my former workplace to ask for the back salary (6,000 yuan) owed me over the past several years. Zhang, the head of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) branch of the Forestry Bureau, refused me by saying, "I don't have any money to give you. Do not come here again."

    The Masanjia Forced Labor Camp, which persecutes Falun Gong practitioners so cruelly, should not exist any longer. The Forestry Bureau of my county should pay me back the salary they owe me.

    Police in Heilongjiang Province Repeatedly Arrest and Persecute Mr. Yan Shubin

    On August 1, 2005, four policemen from the Beixing Police Department in Qitaihe City, Heilongjiang Province, pried open the door to the home of Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yan Shubin and seized him. The police then took him to Suihua Forced Labor Camp. At the time of the "illegal arrest," Mr. Yan had just been released from a detention center and was incapacitated. We do not know Mr. Yan's current situation.

    Because Mr. Yan practices Falun Gong, he has been arrested and persecuted many times. He and his wife, Qi Xiuchun, have a small business, the Xiaoqi Shoe Store. Mr. Yan used to have severe colitis. After his wife began practicing Falun Gong, she became very healthy. Witnessing this, he started practicing with his wife in August 2003.

    On May 14, 2004, Mr. Yan went to Beixing Detention Center to pick up his wife, who was on a hunger strike to protest being detained beyond the expiration of her prison term. When he saw his wife's poor condition, a result of the persecution, Mr. Yan accused the police of knowingly violating the law. In response, the police detained him also. Mr. Yan went on a hunger strike, and after three days, the police let him go home. After that, the police often went to their store and caused disturbances.

    On December 6, 2004, guards from the Beixing Forced Labor Camp burst into the store, using the excuse of searching for practitioner Lu Jun, who had previously stayed at their house. They did not find Lu Jun, but they still confiscated Falun Gong books and materials and a computer, which the Yans had brought home only four days earlier. The husband and wife were forced to leave their business, and the store then had to be managed by their relatives.

    On May 18, 2005, Mr. Yan was arrested again while he was traveling out of town. The police found him carrying Falun Gong truth-clarification materials. He was then sent to Guanju Detention Center on June 6. There the guards beat him so that both his cheeks swelled and festered. Later they beat him with electric batons. They kept him at the detention center for 25 days. Because the authorities did not have enough evidence to send him to a forced labor camp, they sent him back to Beixing.

    The chief of the Beixing Sub-Security Bureau, Lu Ziting, and the head of the security division, Liu Chunshan, and others publicly beat Mr. Yan at the gate of the sub-bureau and dragged him into a police car. Next, they drove him to a detention center. There, Mr. Yan did not eat for six consecutive days. On the seventh day, the guards saw that Mr. Yan was extremely weak and thin as a rail and that he could not walk steadily. Because they feared being held responsible, they let him go home.

    Lu Ziting, assistant chief Zhu Fengying, and Liu Chunshan ordered 110 police patrols to monitor Mr. Yan 24 hours per day. They also sent two policemen to stay at his home and take turns closely monitoring him. Because Mr. Yan's apartment was above some commercial businesses, whenever the police went downstairs, they would pass these businesses, which seriously disturbed the merchants' normal operations. After the merchants protested, the police moved their squad cars a short distance away but continued to monitor Mr. Yan around the clock. Once, Mr. Yan was invited to a student-teacher reunion, but police from the detention center went with him to the event, which was in a hotel restaurant. This disgusted the other guests.

    While Mr. Yan was still recovering his health, the police arrested him again. On the morning of the fourth day of his hunger strike, Mr. Yan did not get up. Police were afraid that he would die, so they again released him.

    However, on the very next day, August 1, 2004, police officers Liu Chunshan and Liu Liying, Liu Yazhou, Wang Shijie and others pried open the lock on Mr. Yan's house. Four of them then lifted Mr. Yan, who was very debilitated, into a police vehicle and took him to the Suihua Forced Labor Camp.

    Jilin Industrial University Student Subjected to Relentless Torture and Brainwashing

    Mr. Gao Hongfei, a student from Jilin Industrial University and also a dedicated Falun Gong practitioner, was one of the victims of the communist government's persecution. While being detained at the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp, he was forced to go through brainwashing and torture sessions, resulting in severe injury to his lungs. Fearing that his death would create problems for the management, the camp released him. Mr. Gao's father, unable to withstand the duress and constant threats from the authorities, passed away. His aged mother was forced to return to the workforce and make a living to pay off her son's huge medical expenses.


    Practitioner Mr. Gao Hongfei, 29, came from Fanshi County, Shanxi Province. He went to Beijing several times to clarify the truth. In October 2000, he was arrested by the local police from Changchun City, Jilin Province, and secretly detained in Tiehua Detention Center for 37 days. He was then sentenced to Fenjin Forced Labor Camp in Jilin Province. While serving his sentence, Mr. Gao was subjected to very inhumane treatment.

    Fenjin Forced Labor Camp officers tried hard to work on Falun Gong practitioners. Because it was winter and no field labor could be done, the practitioners were locked up in cages and forced to sit on sharp, corrugated boards. After a few days, their buttocks would start to bleed. Anyone found closing his eyes while sitting was reported and soundly beaten. The guards' brutal behavior was beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

    It has been the camp's policy to "re-educate" detainees sent in for practicing Falun Gong, first by brainwashing, and later through torture until the practitioners totally give up their faith. During the brainwashing sessions, the practitioners are constantly fed with distorted and slanderous materials in both audio-visual and written format. Unyielding practitioners will then be subjected to physical abuse until they break down physically or mentally. The more durable ones will have their sentences extended, meetings with visitors refused, and even the basic toiletry supplies from home cut off.

    For three months, Mr. Gao suffered under these conditions in Fenjin Forced Labor Camp. In March 2003, he was transferred to Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp, Jilin Province, which proved to be even harsher. Rather fragile physically, Mr. Gao was not allowed to practice Falun Gong, and the long hours of forced labor wore him down quickly. By the end of 2001, he fell very sick. He was diagnosed with severe lung problems and his days were numbered. To avoid taking responsibility for his death, Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp released him to go home.

    After he was released, Mr. Gao was sent to a hospital for treatment and was told he was not going to live long. After returning home, however, his strong faith and constant Fa study slowly brought him back on the road to recovery. After eight months in bed, he returned to normal.

    Mr. Gao was still under constant surveillance, and the local police officers again came and threatened his parents. Mr. Gao's father, unable to take the harassment, died under duress. They also confiscated his Falun Gong books and other related materials.

    In March 2003, on his way to Taiyuan, Mr. Gao was arrested by the Yangqu County police and locked up in the Xinghualing Police Station to await sentencing. At that time, the whole country was facing the SARS emergency. Since Mr. Gao's case did not meeting the requirements for imprisonment, he was sent back to his home district police station, where the local police officers confiscated his motorcycle and his computer and extorted 3,000 yuan from him as "bail" for his release.

    The frequent threats and extortions drove Mr. Gao's family to its financial limit and forced his aged mother to continue working to make ends meet and pay off the debts incurred by his medical expenses.

    Nearly 100-year-old Man Longs for His Son and Granddaughter to Return

    Mr. Tian Fujin is a Falun Gong practitioner in Tongliao City, Neimenggu Province. His 97-year-old father is seriously ill and bed ridden. The elderly man has been longing to see his son and granddaughter, but both of them are in prison. He looked forward with high hopes, but has not been able to see his relatives. As a result, he has suffered tremendously.

    Mr. Tian Fujin , 55-years-old, used to be the deputy director of the Tongliao City Leather Product Factory. He has been detained for a total of 5 years for practicing Falun Gong. In 2000, he was illegally sentenced to 3 years of forced labor, which he served in the Tongliao City Forced Labor Camp, the Tumuji Forced Labor Camp, and the Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp one after the other. In the Tumuji Forced Labor Camp, the guards brutally beat him. As a result, his appearance changed beyond all recognition. He was also wounded by electric shocks over his entire body, and his white shirt was covered with bloodstains.

    Mr. Tian Fujin was released at the end of 2002. In July 2003, when he visited his youngest daughter Ms. Tian Miao, who was serving a prison term for practicing Falun Gong, the guards detained him and sent him to the Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp for brainwashing.

    Since Tian Fujin has been detained and sent to forced labor camps repeatedly, his family members have resisted this persecution by appealing to the Neimenggu Court. The case is still pending.

    His family members were persecuted again and again for practicing Falun Gong. His wife, Ms. Liu Xiurong, has been arrested and detained many times, as has his elder daughter, Ms. Tian Fang, who is being held in the Hexi Detention Center in Tongliao City. His second daughter, Ms. Tian Xin, was detained twice, and is living with her parents together with an 8-year-old son. His third daughter, Ms. Tian Miao, was arrested many times, sentenced to prison for 6 years and is detained in the Huhehaote City Women's Prison. While in prison, Ms. Tian Miao has been tortured by many means, including being tied with ropes, shocked with an electric baton, force-fed, and hung up in the air. His youngest son, Mr. Tian Shuangjiang, was detained twice and sentenced to prison for 3 years. Mr. Tian Shuangjiang was tortured severely until he confessed, although he did not do anything wrong. The torture methods used included: being put on the Death Bed, and being handcuffed and stretched on an iron rack. (More details on the persecution of Tian Fujin's family were published on the Clearwisdom website on March 2004: -- Chinese, /emh/articles/2004/3/27/46460.html -- English)

    Tian Fujin's 97-year-old father and mother have been eagerly awaiting the return of their son and granddaughters day after day.

    The phone number of the Wuyuan Forced Labor Camp is 86-478-5558241.

    Brief News from China - December 1, 2005

    1. [Yakeshi City, Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region] Falun Gong Practitioners Ms. Sun Yan and Ms. Guo Xiuzhi Arrested

    Practitioner Ms. Sun Yan from Yakeshi City in Inner-Mongolia Region is fifty years old and had been living with her elderly father. On November 29, 2005, the police officers from the Yekeshi City Railroad Police Station suddenly broke in, and arrested her at her work place. Now her elderly father, already in his eighties, is left alone at home with nobody to take care of him. Another Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Guo Xiuzhi, went to Ms. Sun's home to look after Ms. Sun's father. She too was forcibly arrested by the police officers after they broke into Ms. Sun's house a second time.

    Relevant phone numbers

    The Railroad Police Station: 86-470-7354800

    Wang Chengzhi, male, deputy director of the Railroad Police Station: 86-470-2261712 (Office), 86-470-7280928 (Xiaolintong)

    Zhang, male, police officer from the Railroad Police Station: 86-470-2261618 (Office)

    2. [Tongliao City, Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region] Additional Information on the Arrest of Ms. Li Guizhi and Other Practitioners

    On the morning of November 5, 2005, a police officer from the Baokang Town Police Station of the Kezuozhong Prefecture in the Inner-Mongolia Autonomous Region entered practitioner Ms. Li Guizhi's home and illegally searched her house. Later, several police officers from the Tongliao City Police Department went to Ms. Li Guizhi's house to illegally arrest Ms. Li and confiscate a large quantity of truth-clarification materials. When they were finished with their illegal acts, the police officers turned around and went to search practitioners Ms. Zhang Shujie and Ms. Qu Yuling's homes. They confiscated a laptop, a laser printer, an ink printer, a disc burner and more truth-clarification materials. The police officers arrested both Ms. Zhang Shujie and Ms. Qu Yuling.

    All three practitioners are being held in the Baokang Town Detention Center of Tongliao City. The three practitioners have been on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Ms. Li Guizhi went on a hunger strike for eight days before the police officers started to torture her with force-feeding.

    Relevant phone numbers

    The office of the director of the Baokang Town Police Station: 86-475-3212510

    The on duty office of the Baokang Town Police Station: 86-475-3212541

    The Baokang Town Detention Center: 86-475-3216751

    The on duty office of the Baokang Town Detention Center: 86-475-3212308

    3. [Neihuang County, Henan Province] Ms. Guo Lingjuan and Others

    Illegally Sentenced

    The Neihuang County Court in Henan Province illegally sentenced three practitioners in March 2005. They are: Ms. Guo Lingjuan (from Nanye Village, Bocheng Township in Neihuang County), Ms. Zhao Yulian (from Zhengzhou Agriculture College) and Mr. Teng Ligong. Ms. Guo Lingjuan was illegally sentenced to twelve years of imprisonment.

    4. [Yunnan Province] Ms. Kuang Deying Illegally Arrested Again

    Practitioner Ms. Kuang Deying was illegally arrested and held in the No. 1 Women's Detention Center in Yunnan Province for two years and eight months after she was reported to the police by someone because she was clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and distributing truth-clarification materials in 2001. Shortly after she was released, she was again arrested in October 2004. At the end of May this year, she was transferred to Kunmingwangdaqiao Detoxification Center.

    The relevant phone numbers for the one in charge of this case

    Chen Shuqin (female): 86-871-7168022 (Home), 86-13987645018 (Cell)

    5. [Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province] Additional Information on the Arrest of Ms. Zhou Yingqi and Others

    Around 7:00 a.m. on the morning of November 22, 2005, the Zhanqian Street Police Station of Shuangcheng City colluded with the Shuangcheng City 610 Office, the Shuangcheng City Police Department, and the Shuangcheng City Television Station to mobilize police officers to initiate a secret and illegal house search of the homes of practitioners Ms. Zhou Yingqi and Ms. Yang Shuqin. The police officers also forcibly arrested another practitioner, Mr. Zhang Chuansheng, who happened to be there. They also confiscated equipment such as computers and printers valuing of over ten thousand yuan.

    6. [Anshan City, Liaoning Province] Elementary School Teacher Ms. Zong Xiuhua Arrested by the Local 610 Office; Her Current Whereabouts Unknown

    Practitioner Ms. Zong Xiuhua, a teacher in the Xichangdian Elementary School of Tiedong District in Anshan City, was reported to the police by the principal of the Xichangdian Elementary School on November 24, 2005. She was arrested by police officers from the local 610 Office, and her whereabouts is currently unknown.

    7. [Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province] Ms. Wang Jinyun Taken to the Chang'an County Brainwashing Center and Tortured

    Practitioner Ms. Wang Jinyun, from Xi'an City, worked as a staff member in the Provincial Architecture Engineering Materials Factory. Around 7:30 p.m. on the evening of November 17, 2005, she was arrested at home by a few police officers from the Yanta District Police Department. She was taken to the Chang'an County Brainwashing Center, and her family members have been prohibited from visiting her.

    8. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Chen Lianzhu from the Liaozhong County Arrested

    On November 28, 2005, practitioner Mr. Chen Liangzhu, from the Huangxituo District, Liaozhong County in Liaoning Province, was arrested by about twenty police officers from the Liaozhong County 610 Office and the Liaozhong County Police Department, and taken to the Zhangshi Brainwashing Center in Shenyang City.

    9. [Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province] Mr. Zheng Li from the Mulan County Arrested

    Around 10:00 a.m. on the morning of November 29, 2005, practitioner Mr. Zheng Li, from Mulan County, Harbin City, was arrested at home by police officers from the Mulan County Police Department.

    10. [Jining City, Shandong Province] Ms. Hou Jianying and Ms. Wu Xianglan Arrested

    Practitioners Ms. Hou Jianying and Ms. Wu Xianglan from Jining City in Shandong Province are both about sixty to seventy years old. On the evening of November 23, 2005, they were illegally arrested by police officers when they were distributing truth-clarification materials. They are being held in the Wulitun Detention Center.

    11. [Yining City, Xinjiang Province] Supplementary Information on the Arrest of Mr. Shi Hongjun

    Practitioner Mr. Shi Hongjun was followed by police officers to his home because he was distributing the "Nine Commentaries" at the marketplace. On October 1, 2005, he was illegally arrested and was held in the Yining City Detention Center. Recently, because the Special Rapporteur on Torture from the United Nation was visiting China, Mr. Shi Hongjun was transferred secretly to the Yining County Detention Center where he is currently being held and tortured.

    12. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Mr. Ren Changqing Taken to the Luotaishan Brainwashing Center

    In October 2005, practitioner Mr. Ren Changqing was arrested by police officers from the Gebu District Police Station in Fushun City, who colluded with staff members from the CCP Residential District Office. He is being detained and tortured in the Luotaishan Brainwashing Center.

    13. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] Falun Gong practitioner Cao Yurong Arrested

    Falun Gong practitioner Cao Yurong from Dalian City was arrested on November 28. He is being held in the Huanbao Hotel Brainwashing Center.