The Facts of the Persecution of Falun Gong --October 2, 2005

Issued by Clearwisdom Net


  • "Destroy Them Physically:" The Jiamusi Labor Camp Follows the CCP's Genocidal Policy

  • Police Brutality Suspected in Death of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Lu Tianyun of Hubei Province

  • Daqing Prison Tortures Threaten Zou Guoyan's Life

  • Six Falun Gong Practitioners from Chongqing City, Shandong, Hebei, and Anhui Provinces Persecuted to Death

  • Women's Labor Camp of Fujian Province Made Huge Profits Selling Practitioners' Blood

  • Summary of Other Articles and News - September 22, 2005

  • "Destroy Them Physically:" The Jiamusi Labor Camp Follows the CCP's Genocidal Policy

    On April 30, 2005, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wu Chunlong was sent home from Jiamusi Labor Camp when he was unconscious and dying. After returning home, he was continually monitored by officer Yin Xiaodong from the local police station. He died on August 20, 2005 after enduring another four months of misery and pain at the young age of 29.

    We investigated cases of Falun Gong practitioner tortured to death by Jiamusi Labor Camp, and found the officials of Jiamusi Labor Camp guilty of following the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP's) genocidal policy toward Falun Gong practitioners: "destroy them physically." The labor camp would release Falun Gong practitioners only when they were dying, either to die at home or else suffer major disability.

    Why does the labor camp wait until practitioners are almost dead before releasing them? Some of them died several hours after returning home, some died several days later. The longest anyone has survived is several months. The goal of the camp administration is to carry out the CCP's policy to "destroy them physically," while hoping to avoid being held legally responsible for practitioner's deaths..

    According to Mr. Wu Chunlong's father, in November 2003, Wu Chunlong was sentenced to forced labor for the second time. Two months later, the camp called Wu Chunlong's father, saying that his son was very sick, and that he needed to send money so he could see a doctor. Mr. Wu rushed to the labor camp the next day with two hundred yuan. Prison Guard Guo Gang (male) received the money, and told him, "You go home and wait for our phone calls!" However, Mr. Wu never received any phone calls from them.

    On March 17, 2005, several prison guards tortured Mr. Wu Chunlong with electric shock batons and by punching and kicking him, and then locked him in a small cell. Mr. Wu Chunlong was tortured until he could not use the toilet by himself. He went on a hunger strike to protest the brutality. The prison guards force-fed him unknown drugs. Just several days later, Mr. Wu's muscles quickly atrophied, and he passed out. The labor camp administration still would not send him home, even under such circumstances, but kept encouraging prisoners to torture him, beat him, pinch his collar bone, hose him with cold water on the bathroom floor, and even stuff his mouth with towels touched by feces. It was only when Mr. Wu almost died, that the camp administration sent him home on April 30, 2005. Before sending him home, the labor camp also cheated Mr. Wu's father out of money, and forced him to write a guarantee statement stating that the Jiamusi Labor Camp would not be responsible for his son's death.

    When Mr. Wu Chunlong's father saw his son, he had a swollen face, was as thin as a skeleton, had staring eyes and didn't respond to any people talking to him. Later, when Wu Chunlong regained some consciousness, he often told his father one phrase: "I have died many times in the camp."

    Mr. Wu Chunlong was sent home when he was dying, but he was still monitored closely by the authorities.

    Several Falun Gong practitioners before Mr. Wu have also been tortured to death by Jiamusi Labor Camp. The following is information about seven practitioners who died after being released from the labor camp.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yin Ling was 34 years old and lived at Baoqing County 597th Farm in Heilongjiang Province. She was arrested on the evening of December 28, 2001, and was later incarcerated in Jiamusi Labor Camp. Ms. Yin went on a hunger strike without water on October 28, 2002 to protest the illegal persecution. Her whole body was swollen, her lower belly was very bloated, and she passed out twice. Under such conditions, the prison guards still handcuffed her to the bed 24 hours a day. She was extremely weak after going through so much torture, to the extent that she could not urinate on her own. It was only when Ms. Yin was dying that the labor camp administration notified her family to pick her up on November 13, 2002. Yin Ling died 9 days after she returned home.

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jia Yongfa was 35 years old and an employee of Hebei Forestry Botanical Garden in Heilongjiang Province. At the end of 1999, he was sent to labor camp for one year, followed by another extended term of almost one more year. He went on a hunger strike in protest for 12 days and became very weak. When Mr. Jia was dying on October 3, 2001, the Jiamusi Labor Camp administration notified his family to pick him up from the hospital. After he was home for only twelve days, the Hebei Police Department arrested him again before he was fully recovered. Mr. Jia was inhumanly tortured again, and he went on hunger strike for five more days. When the police department notified his family to come pick him up, Mr. Jia was dying. He passed away on November 29, 2001.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Jia Dongmei (Mr. Jia Yingfa's younger sister) was 33 years old and lived in Lianying Farm of Hebei Forestry in Heilongjiang Province. On August 1, 2001, she was arrested, taken to Jiamusi Labor Camp, and subjected to numerous tortures. On July 31, 2001, Ms. Jia's extended term ended, but she was transferred to the custody of the Hebei Police Department because she refused to give in and renounce Falun Gong. She was tortured until she was severely sick, and was finally released home. Due to being detained for a long time, Ms. Jia was extremely weak. She died 12 days after returning home on May 19, 2003.

    Mr. Bi Jiaxin was 58 years old, and was a Falun Gong practitioner in Jiamusi City, Heilongjiang Province. He was arrested on April 19, 2002 by police from Lianjiangkou Station, and was sentenced to forced labor. He went on a hunger strike to protest the brutal treatment in Jiamusi Labor Camp. Under the pretext of "taking care of him," the prison guards forced-fed Mr. Bi with drugs and flushed out his intestines, causing him to have loose bowel movements for more than three months. Mr. Bi became emaciated, could not eat, and was released on medical parole in October 2002. Two months later, his home was ransacked by the police. He was tortured by police and detained. Due to extreme weakness, Bi Jiaxin was sent back home on January 16, 2003, but died ten days later at home.

    Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Changming was in his 50s and was a miner at Xinjian Coal Mine in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province. He was sentenced to three years of forced labor in December 1999, and was incarcerated in Jiamusi Labor Camp. Mr. Zhang endured numerous tortures inside the camp. On February 15, 2003, his family received notice to visit him and bring in 1,000 yuan. Because his family was poor, they only could submit 200 yuan. The camp administration did not allow them to see Mr. Zhang. On March 2003, the camp administration notified Mr. Zhang's family to quickly pick him up, and said that he was sick. The fact was that prisoners Yang Chunming and Yang Wenbing (both male, in prison for murder) had covered Mr. Zhang Changming's head and stabbed his head violently with screwdrivers and other objects. When they stopped, Mr. Zhang's head was deformed, he could not stop vomiting blood, and his head bled internally severely. He was rushed to the hospital for emergency rescue, but the doctors refused to accept him since he was almost dead. At 3:30 p.m. on March 2, 2003, the labor camp sent Zhang Changming home in a special vehicle, and requested 500 yuan. His family had no money to give. Mr. Zhang vomited blood and passed blood in large quantities upon returning home; he could not talk, could not eat, and died at 7:30 p.m. on the same day. His whole back was a purple-black color, both legs were atrophied, and on his chest, chin, and right hand there were large bruises. His mouth was still bleeding the second day after he died. The police guarded Mr. Zhang's home to prevent information about his abuse and death from leaking out.

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Dongxia was 41 years old and lived in Jiamusi City. She had been detained three times, and sent to labor camps twice. She had been tortured for a long time by being forced to sit on a wire spool (a very sharp edged plastic reel), and other tortures. She became very weak, thin as a skeleton, and contracted severe tuberculosis. In September 2004, the labor camp allowed her family to pick her up, fearing responsibility for her death. Mr. Wang could not walk and had to be carried by a family member. She had a fever upon returning home, and was sent to the hospital for emergency rescue, at a cost of one thousand yuan per day. Ms. Wang died on February 15, 2005.

    Other Falun Gong practitioners tortured to death at Jiamusi Labor Camp include Ms. Wu Lingxia, Ms. Tang Hong, Ms. Fang Cuifang, Ms. Zhao Fulan, Ms. Wang Shujun. These kind practitioners were all very healthy before they were incarcerated in Jiamusi Labor Camp, but died only because they would not renounce their belief. There are still several dozens of practitioners detained in this living hell, many of them very sick and severely disabled. The women's ward established a special area for old, weak, sick or disabled practitioners. They should have been released long ago due to their physical condition, but they are still being held and lack medical treatment or rest. These practitioners are being cursed and beaten by prison guards constantly. Former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin and the CCP apply the genocidal policy of "ruin their reputations, bankrupt them financially, destroy them physically" to Falun Gong practitioners. Because Jiang gave the decree that "Falun Gong practitioners killed would be accounted for as suicide cases," the prison guards at Jiamusi Labor Camp dare to cruelly torture Falun Gong practitioners.

    Police Brutality Suspected in Death of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Lu Tianyun of Hubei Province

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Lu Tianyun from Xiangyang County, Hubei Province went missing from a square in Xiangyang County on November 18, 2003. A day later, a witness said that he'd seen the police arrest an elderly lady who was practicing Falun Gong in the square the day before. Later, police claimed that they'd found the body of a woman in the pool of the square on November 19, and it was immediately cremated as an unidentified body.

    Among the articles the police admitted to finding on Lu Tianyun were some Falun Gong truth clarification materials, indicating that the police were aware that Lu Tianyuan was a Falun Gong practitioner. On the basis of this evidence, it's impossible that the police had nothing to do with Lu Tianyun's death.

    Ms. Lu Tianyun, a sixty-five-year-old Falun Gong practitioner was a retired employee of the Industrial Commercial Bank of Xiangyang County, Xiangfan City, Hubei Province. She was a veteran practitioner; she'd been "illegally arrested" and the local police had ransacked her home in May 2001.

    After 3 p.m. on November 18, 2003, Lu Tianyun called a fellow practitioner and made an appointment to meet her at 7 o'clock in Dayuan Square. They both promised they wouldn't leave the square until they saw each other. At seven o'clock that evening, the practitioner arrived and kept the appointment, but she didn't see Lu Tianyun. After waiting for quite some time she started walking in the direction of Ms. Lu's home, hoping to meet her. She went some distance without meeting Ms. Lu, so she returned to the square and continued to wait for her. She waited until just before 8 o'clock before she decided Ms. Lu probably wasn't coming, and went home.

    Ten days later Lu Tianyun's husband called the practitioner and told her that Lu Tianyun left home just after 6 p.m. on November 18, 2003. She didn't return, so her family had searched everywhere for her. They learned that Lu Tianyun had called the other Falun Gong practitioner from the post office, so they asked her about it. The practitioner told them that she had waited for Ms. Lu that day but had given up, and suggested they check with the police station.

    According to Lu Tianyun's husband, although he was worried, he didn't report his wife missing to the police immediately, thinking she would show up at home. When he finally did report his wife missing to the police, their computer records confirmed that a woman's body was found in the pool of the square on November 19, 2003. Since no one had claimed the body, the police sent it directly for cremation. The officers at the police substation showed Lu Tianyun's husband the personal effects found on the body, including the house keys, Falun Gong materials and money, and he recognized that they were his wife's.

    The day after Lu Tianyun went missing, a man told another Falun Gong practitioner that he'd seen the police apprehend a woman who practiced Falun Gong on November 18, 2003 in front of the Fangzi supermarket. They dragged her to a police car and took her away. As the Falun Gong practitioner didn't know Lu Tianyun, although he asked around, he wasn't able to learn the identity of the practitioner who was arrested. After the Spring Festival of 2004, this Falun Gong practitioner inadvertently happened upon a funeral in the courtyard of the Industrial Commercial Bank of Xiangyang County. After asking a few questions he realized that the time, location, and age matched, and that Lu Tianyun was the woman he'd been told about. As such the local policemen can no longer deny their involvement in Lu Tianyun's death.

    Daqing Prison Tortures Threaten Zou Guoyan's Life

    Mr. Zou Guoyan is 50 years old. He lives in Chungguang Village, Tuanjie Town, Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province. On May 15, 2001, he was illegally arrested because he practices Falun Gong. Without any hearing, he was sentenced to 9 years in prison. In mid-March of 2002, Mr. Zou was sent to Harbin Prison. On July 1, 2004, he was transferred to Daqing Prison. In detention, Mr. Zou went through prolonged torture and now has symptoms of dangerously high blood pressure.

    Zou Guoyan

    Over the last few years, Mr. Zou has been brutally tortured, both mentally and physically. Some of the torture methods used against him include having his arms and legs clamped to wooden sticks and being shackled to a metal chair for 14 days. During interrogations at night, they handcuffed him in the "carrying a sword over the back" position (the practitioner's hands are pulled behind his back with one hand over the shoulder and the other hand against the lower back. The police then apply a great deal of force to pull the two hands toward one another and handcuff them together). They made him carry a metal tub around his neck and put alcohol and burning cigarettes in the tub. Then they beat him with wood batons for half the night. They put two wooden toothbrushes in between his fingers and then twisted and turned the toothbrushes to cause his fingers excruciating pain. They whipped the soles of his feet with leather belts, stabbed his soles with needles, and tied a rope around his genitals and pulled with great force. The officers also beat him continuously for 40 days. He was only given two portions of corn bread a day, or only two bowls of corn porridge. They shackled him to the ground for over 10 days and deprived him of sleep. He wasn't allowed to use the restroom, making him urinate in his pants many times. They beat and cursed at him countless times. There were also other forms of torture. Mr. Zou's body was greatly damaged and he was sent to the hospital for 7 months. Because information is tightly concealed, we have limited information about Zou Guoyan's current situation.

    Daqing Prison phone numbers (area code 0459) -

    Address: Hong Weixing Daqing Prison, Ranghulu District, Daqing City, zip code: 163159

    Tang Yongfu, former prison camp warden (now Daqing City political committee vice secretary): 5056688, 105087, 13303690588

    Wang Yongxiang, the current prison camp warden: 509987 (previous office number) 5964388, 13904867068

    Chen Qingfa, political committee: 058588, 4686358, 13329491288

    Wang Jiaren, deputy prison camp warden: 5050616, 4687616, 13303691339

    Zhang Yajun, deputy prison camp warden: 059122, 6388889, 13359825633

    Jiang Shuchen, deputy prison camp warden: 5059808, 6783122, 13936711131

    Wang Yingjie, deputy prison camp warden: 5059919, 6363870, 13329393777

    Gao Qing, the hospital chief: 5059828, 6852986, 13804696394

    Huang Zhiwei, the hospital deputy chief: 5059828, 1309168508

    Six Falun Gong Practitioners from Chongqing City, Shandong, Hebei, and Anhui Provinces Persecuted to Death

    Mr. Gong Biming, 56, was from Qijiang County, Chongqing City. He learned Falun Gong in 1997. In September 2002, he was arrested because he clarified the truth to people and was detained in the Xishanping Forced Labor Camp. After he was released in August 2003, Mr. Gong declared that the three statements he wrote during detention were invalid. In April 2004, he was arrested again because of clarifying the truth to people and was detained at the detention center of the Qijiang County Police Department. The police did not consider the situation that he continuously had blood in his stool, which was diagnosed as terminal rectal cancer, and they detained him. Later, the police sent Gong Biming to a forced labor camp in October 2004, and hid the information of the rectal cancer from the labor camp. When the receiving camp verified that Mr. Gong suffered from rectal cancer, they had to release him. After he went home, Mr. Gong passed away on August 25, 2005.

    Ms. Chen Jianhua, 50, was an employee of the Yantai Fishery Company of Shandong Province. After she started practicing Falun Gong in 1997, she recovered from her previous diabetes. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong three times between 2000 and 2001. She was taken back to the Yantai Detention Center and was fined over ten thousand yuan many times. Her home was repeatedly illegally searched, her property was confiscated, and she was harassed. In 2005, Ms. Chen was arrested and sent to a brainwashing center. She had a relapse of her former illness and was released. Several days later, on March 29, 2005, Ms. Chen passed away. Ms. Chen Jianxiu, Chen Jianhua's elder sister, was sentenced to two years of forced labor on May 31, 2005, because she distributed Falun Gong materials. She is currently detained at the Wang Village Forced Labor Camp.

    Ms. Guo Ruiying, 63, was a farmer in Zhangjia Village, Laiyuan Town, Laiyuan County, Hebei Province. Since she started practicing Falun Gong in 1996, she recovered from many previous illnesses, including hypertension, heart disease, and arthritis. On July 20, 1999, Ms. Guo went to Beijing to clarify the truth and was arrested and detained by the authorities. After she went home, she kept practicing and spreading Falun Gong. The police monitored, harassed and threatened her, confiscated all her Falun Gong books, and limited her personal freedom. On December 15, 2000, Ms. Guo was arrested when she went shopping. She passed away the next day after she was released.

    Ms. Wang Shufang, 68, lived in Nanbao Development District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province. After she started practicing Falun Gong, she recovered from more than ten illnesses. In October 2000, Ms. Wang went to Beijing for appeal for justice for Falun Gong, but she was stopped by police in Tianjing City and was illegally detained in a brainwashing center for 20 days. She was released on bail after her family paid the money. Due to the long-term mental pressure, Ms. Wang had a cerebral hemorrhage and passed away on August 25, 2005.

    Mr. Xu Zhaohong, around 70, lived in Xiamayu Village, Dangyu Town, Zunhua City, Hebei Province. He learned Falun Gong in 1998. After the evil party started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20, 1999, he and his wife suffered from the authorities' intimidation, threats, ransacking of their home and the confiscating of their property. Mr. Xu was taken to the local police station several times. Under the evil persecution, he passed away.

    Ms. Gao Xiuying, 63, was an employee of the Hefei Electrical Wire and Cable Factory in Anhui Province. She learned Falun Gong in 1996. Through practicing Falun Gong, she recovered from her heart disease. After the persecution began in 1999, Ms. Gao was arrested because she practiced Falun Gong in Huachong Park. Later, she was arrested twice. The police searched her home, confiscated her property and did not allow her to practice, which caused her to have a relapse of her previous illnesses. Gao Xiuying passed away on February 29, 2005.

    Women's Labor Camp of Fujian Province Made Huge Profits Selling Practitioners' Blood

    I have been constantly harassed and threatened by the local police for many years just because I am determined to cultivate Falun Gong. One day in 2004, I was arrested in my home for no reason and I was sentenced to one year in a labor camp. I was sent to the Women's Labor Camp of Fujian Province. There, I witnessed various brutal tortures that are used by guards to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. Electric shocking, standing for a long time facing a wall, sleep deprivation, being tied up with rope or wrapped up in cloth, and brutal forced-feeding are among the torture methods commonly used.

    Every now and then, the guards in the Women's Labor Camp of Fujian Province would draw a large volume of blood from the Falun Gong practitioners, who had already become very frail from the brutal tortures. The loss of blood further sabotaged the practitioners' health, and meanwhile, the labor camp would make huge profits selling the blood.

    For the practitioners who did not cooperate, inmates would forcefully draw blood from them. One time, Ms. Cuan Saizhu's mouth and nose were sealed with sealing tape by group leaders Wu Pinyu and Huang Xiaoyan. The skin on her cheek came off with the tape when the sealing tape was pulled off. It was too brutal to watch. Cuan Saizhu, a practitioner from Minhou County, was unlawfully sentenced to a three-year term. She still suffers persecution in the camp.

    Summary of Other Articles and News - September 22, 2005

    1. Persecution Facts in Wendeng City, Shandong Province

    During the past six years, the Wendeng City 610 Office officials have arrested, detained, and tortured Falun Gong practitioners. They have conducted brainwashing sessions, ransacked practitioners' homes, and extorted money from their families. In April 2005, the police ransacked the homes of practitioners Ms. Shi Chunni and Ms. Shao Xixiang, arrested the two practitioners, and sentenced them each to three years of forced labor. They are being tortured in Wangcun Forced Labor Camp. In July 2005, police ransacked the home of 70-year-old practitioner Mr. Du Kesong and arrested him. They handcuffed him and beat him brutally when interrogating him. On July 26, 2005, villains stormed into the home of practitioners Mr. Sun Wenping and Ms. Bi Jinfeng, ransacked the place, and abducted both of them. On August 5, 2005, they each were sentenced to three years of forced labor and are now in Wangcun Forced Labor Camp.

    2. Chaoyang County, Liaoning Province, 610 Officials Organize Performance to Slander

    On July 7, 2005, the Chaoyang County Chinese Communist Party Political and Judiciary Committee and the County 610 Office invited the Xinshiji Performance Group from Tieling City to slander  and further poison people's minds by performing shows on July 7 and 8 in the Chaoyang City Xinhua Theater. Police were stationed inside and outside the theater, and armed police and plainclothes police were even called in. The 610 system forced more than 70 county work units to buy tickets and caused a huge annoyance. The performance was very distasteful, and the audience was offended.