C.13 An Open Letter to Mr. Annan by Practitioners in Beijing

November 15, 1999

Dear Mr. Annan,

We are FALUN DAFA practitioners in Beijing. As you may have already known, most of FALUN DAFA practitioners are suffering persecution of various degrees from the Chinese government simply because they are practicing FALUN DAFA. Many kindhearted people have been thrown into prison just because they are faithful to their beliefs and are determined to practice FALUN DAFA to become better people. Right now some are enduring cruel torture, some have been tortured to death, and many have been sent to labor camps without trial.

FALUN DAFA has brought health and morality to all practitioners, and this fact has been widely recognized. However, since July 20th, the Chinese government has been viciously slandering FALUN DAFA and brutally persecuting FALUN DAFA practitioners. By doing this, it has violated the Chinese Constitution and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights that China has signed.

We have learned that you are going to visit China between November 14th and 17th. We appeal to you to urge the Chinese government to

1. Rescind the arrest warrant for Mr. Li Hongzhi.

2. Release all arrested and detained FALUN DAFA practitioners.

3. Stop persecutions against FALUN DAFA practitioners.

Thank you for your kind help.

Sincerely yours,

FALUN DAFA practitioners in Beijing, China