The physical and mental sufferings that a patient has to bear are often beyond description. Being able to walk away from painful and debilitating illnesses can be most joyful. It is the sincere wish of this book's 40 original authors, as well as its group of editors, that many more people will benefit from the practice of Falun Dafa. It should be reiterated here, however, that the focus of Falun Dafa is not health benefits at all. While the focus of this volume has narrowly targeted this aspect of Dafa cultivation, Falun Dafa encompasses a much broader and more profound scope.
Falun Dafa is easy to learn and is suitable for most people. It is open to people of all backgrounds, regardless of race, nationality, culture, religion, or age. It should be noted, however, that successful cultivation of Falun Dafa requires strong mental discipline--a practitioner will learn to be in control of him or herself with a free will. While this discipline can be learned, improved, and strengthened, those with mental disorders unable to exert ordinary self-control are unable to meet this requirement and are thus considered unsuitable for cultivation in Falun Dafa.
Furthermore, this book is full of accounts of people who, upon encountering the teachings of Falun Dafa, discovered a natural affinity and familiarity with the principles they found there. While this has happened to a great number and variety of other people, it is not unreasonable to expect that this may not necessarily be the case for each and every individual who encounters Falun Dafa. A patient with critically severe diseases or someone who considers him or herself "ill" after being introduced to Falun Dafa, either by reading the books, attending video workshops, or attending group practice at a practice site, is strongly encouraged to seek treatment at normal medical facilities. It is true that the authors of the factual accounts contained in this volume have experienced genuine improvements; however, they did not arise from the expectation of having their illnesses treated. Indeed, while some might have had such a mentality before learning the principles of Falun Dafa, it was only after they started to genuinely cultivate the higher principles of Falun Dafa teachings that the question of disease and health fell by the wayside.
Finally, the editors would like to point out that the scope of this book and its contents, whether their own contributions or those of the 40 contributing authors, do not represent the scope of Falun Dafa. It should not be considered that, having read this volume, the reader will gain an understanding of the nature of Falun Dafa, or that this is "what Falun Dafa is." One can only understand the depth, breadth, and scope of Falun Dafa by studying the original teachings of Mr. Li Hongzhi.