Falun Dafa Associations of Canada
Oct. 29, 1999

The persecution on Falun Dafa from the Chinese government has again been escalated. They are now attempting to label Falun Gong as an "evil religion" through legislation and are drawing up new laws to suppress it more severely. All these are done in continuous to their already months long intensive defamation campaign using fabricated stories and distorted facts, as well as their brutal ill-treatment towards innocent Falun Dafa practitioners.

By declaring Falun Dafa as an "evil religion", China has in fact extended their persecution internationally to all Falun Dafa practitioners in over 30 countries, including Canada, who follow the same teaching. As Falun Dafa practitioners, we call for your help in letting the truth about Falun Dafa known to the world and in rectifying the situation peacefully and with justice.

For Public Awareness