21. A Retired Doctor Is Relieved From The Suffering
Of Kidney Stones And Digestive Problems
I am a retired doctor. I fortunately came across Falun Dafa in August of 1994. Through practicing Falun Dafa, I excreted stones from both kidneys and my liver function became normal. These facts were well known by those around me.
Why did I, a physician trained in Western medicine, choose to take the path of Falun Dafa cultivation? Let me tell you my personal experience:
In 1990, I began to develop symptoms of abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, and weight loss. The pain and bloating sometimes woke me up at night. My body was very weak. I went through numerous tests including CT scans, ultrasound, x-rays, endoscopy, and liver function tests etc. I was found to have stones in my kidneys and high transaminase (a marker for liver function). I consulted many specialists in hospitals in Beijing and even had blood samples sent abroad to be tested, but failed to confirm any diagnosis. I took many different kinds of medicine and herbs, and received many injections. I spent lots of money on nutritional supplements and tried many other remedies. Yet my transaminase level continued to be very high. The torture of illness and pain made my body weaker every day and directly affected my ability to work. I finally had to retire in order to receive treatments for several years. The specialists said they could not make a definite diagnosis and that they did not have an effective way of treating my condition, and could only treat some of my symptoms, and suggest rest and nutritional adjustment. I was very disillusioned with medicine. Having no alternative, I tried to learn some qigong but failed to experience any effect. I was burned out both physically and mentally and lost my will to live.
In 1994, I overheard an elderly man say that he had practiced Falun Gong for 3 months and that it not only could cure diseases and improve health, but could lead people to higher levels. His face glowed with health. I became very interested and wanted to practice Falun Gong. In August 1994, I started to practice after reading Falun Gong (Introductory book of Falun Gong principles and exercise instruction).
One day, I suddenly developed an excruciating pain in the right kidney area. I had severe vomiting and became dehydrated. My family sent me to Beijing Hospital's Urology Department for an emergency visit. An ultrasound showed edema in my right kidney with stone obstruction and I was admitted to the hospital. Urologists told me that the stone (1.2 cm) was too big to be excreted by conventional methods such as taking medicine and might only be treated with lithotriasy (crushing the stone using ultrasound treatment) or open surgery. Lithotriasy often has serious side effects such as loss of kidney function, bleeding, and infection. They recommended open surgery as the best strategy, but because of my poor health from digestive system disorders and chronic illness, I did not feel this was a safe option. I requested to be discharged from the hospital.
I persisted in practicing Falun Gong while I was in the hospital and after I
was discharged. I listened to
Teacher Li's lecture on audiotapes
and read Zhuan
Falun [the main book of Falun Dafa principles] again and again. Teacher Li asks us to consider ourselves as practitioners, to upgrade our character, to discard attachments to fame and self-interest, and eventually assimilate to the characteristics of the universe -- Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance. I gained a whole new understanding about the human body and life as well as the universe. My mind was elevated and I was no longer anxious about my sickness. Along with the elevation of my mind, my health miraculously improved. About two months after my discharge, I passed a big yellow oval-shaped kidney stone while I was doing the sitting meditation at home. I went to the hospital for a follow-up. I was told that the right kidney had no stones or edema, and the size of the kidney was within the normal range. There were three small stones at the bottom part of my left kidney. A month later, my urine was cloudy with milky-white sediment. Not surprisingly, when I went for a check-up in the hospital, the x-ray showed that there was only a 6mm, small irregular-shaped stone left at the bottom of my left kidney. The doctor said that it would be very difficult for it to pass and could be left alone. I continued to practice Falun Gong. Soon after, this stone also passed by itself while I was doing the sitting meditation.
Through practicing Falun Gong, I excreted kidney stones that otherwise would have had to be taken out by surgery or with ultrasound therapy. This was indeed a medical miracle. In early 1996, a routine annual examination revealed that my transaminase level had gone down to normal levels. My digestive system function also became normal, as symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, and bloating disappeared. I can now enjoy a normal diet, whereas before I was unable to eat fruits or cold food, even during the summer. In the past, I was thin and pale, and had no strength. Now I have a healthy, ruddy complexion, can walk swiftly and feel like I'm being pushed while riding a bike. My spirit has also greatly improved. My acquaintances tell me that I became a different person after practicing Falun Gong.