Rejecting The Old Force Arrangement And Actively Clarifying The Truth in Australia -- The Wang Case


Oftentimes when we clarify the truth to the public, especially in Western society, we are asked what happens if one practices Falun Gong privately at home in China. Most of the time we stressed the fact that practitioners are persecuted even if they do only practice Falun Gong privately at home.

My understanding of the asylum case of Australian practitioners Mr. & Mrs. Wang is that such a question itself is motivated by degenerated notions and apparently is a result from the arrangement by the old forces. We should actively clarify the truth in this regard and thus reject the arrangement by the old forces. Below is a letter I sent to the Australian Minister of Immigration.

Dear Mr. Philip Ruddock, MP

My name is [omitted], a research associate at Purdue University, United States. I am writing you regarding the case of deportation of Mr. Wang Juntao & Mr. Wang Liluan (Immigration file number CLF2001/40662).

In DIMIA's Refusal letter, it was stated that "I do not consider that he would be any interest to the authorities if he practices his Falun Gong exercises in private. Even if unable to perform Falun Gong exercises in public places, it appears unlikely that there would be any serious affront to their essential beliefs." This is untrue.

I have been a Falun Gong practitioner for four years. This letter is to let you know that as a practitioner of Falun Gong, a spiritual practice based on the principles of "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance", one cannot simply do the meditation at home and close his eyes to hundreds of thousands of his innocent fellow practitioners who suffer torture daily in jails, labor camps, and detention centers for the very same belief he shares. Neither can one keep silent to the statewide propaganda staged by Jiang's totalitarian regime, whose sole purpose is to incite hatred among Chinese people against Falun Gong practitioners and to justify the regime's murdering of more than 600 innocent practitioners during the crack down. Albert Einstein once said, "In long intervals I have expressed an opinion on public issues whenever they appeared to be so bad an unfortunate that silence would have made me feel guilty of complicity."

It is against one's very own conscience to keep silence in the face of such brutal persecution, which is actually "State terrorism" against its own people as described by International Education Development (IED) in the Agenda item 6 of United Nations Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights Fifty-Third Session. Practitioners in China courageously stand up and speak out for justice, and for their constitutionally granted rights. They have been distributing flyers and VCDs to Chinese people and other peaceful means to call for justice and to ignite the consciences of everyone to help stop the persecution. They have been clarifying the truth about Falun Gong and about the persecution to Chinese people in order to dissolve the hatred incited by the lies in the propaganda, even though they fully understand the possible risks they may be taking: being jailed, tortured or even been killed.

[Falun Gong practitioners, practitioners of "Truth-Compassion-Tolerance" believe that one should live with human dignity, and that one cannot lie to his own conscience. Facing injustice, facing crimes, facing torture and murder, everyone is placing his own position before his own conscience. Silence is not neutral. No one can escape the trial by his own conscience. For me, and for my fellow practitioners, living as a man with dignity and speaking out for truth and justice, is as important as eating and drinking. The spirit with which Patrick Henry proclaimed "Give me liberty, or give me death," a spirit that an American felt was worth dying for over 200 years ago, is still worth dying for today, around the world.

In addition, the family already suffered torture, death over last 3 Years. Sending the elderly back to China is equivalent as killing them. Therefore, Minister Ruddock, I hope that you can save their lives by reconsider their application. Thank you for your time. Please feel free to let me know if you have any further questions regarding Falun Gong practice.


[name omitted]

Posting date: 3/14/2003
Original article date: 3/13/2003
Category: Falun Dafa Worldwide