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[Celebrating World Falun Dafa Day] Thank You Compassionate Master

May 7, 2024 |   By Mingda

(Minghui.org) Greetings, revered Master! Greetings, fellow practitioners!

I’ve never written an experience sharing article because of my limited education. But when I heard about the notice from Minghui calling for experience sharing articles from practitioners in China, my heart was moved and I wanted to write. I knew the deadline for submitting articles already passed, but I decided to write anyway. I thought it was because the recent articles Master published inspired me to catch up with the Fa-rectification process.

I became disease free after I began practicing Falun Dafa. I study and memorize the Fa, practice the exercises and send forth righteous thoughts every day. I talk to Master every time I go out to clarify the truth and save people: “I want only righteous thoughts, I don’t want any human attachments. Please Master strengthen me so I can clarify the truth to people.” On my way home, I tell Master, “Thank you Master for your protection. Thank you Master for offering salvation. I deeply know that Master is saving people. I only do things on the surface.”

I went to a construction site to distribute informational materials about Falun Dafa and clarify the truth face to face. I offered materials to whomever I met and I explained the information. The workers listened and understood the facts. Some quit the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its affiliated organizations and others cursed Jiang [the former CCP head] who launched the persecution of Falun Dafa.

After I handed out materials to everyone there, I went to another place and saw people paving the road with bricks. I hurried over and greeted them, distributed materials and explain the facts about Falun Dafa and the persecution. Some didn’t accept the materials, and some quit the CCP and its affiliated organizations. One man said, “I enjoy reading materials about Falun Dafa” and he encouraged his coworker to read the materials.

After I gave materials to everyone there, I looked at the entrance and saw a man making phone call. I offered him a flyer. He accepted it and continue talking on the phone. I waited and wanted to advice him to quit the CCP after he finished his phone call. To my surprise, he looked at the flyer, and said, “You distribute such a thing.” He handed the flyer back to me. But he grabbed it again and my wrist and said, “This is proof.” My heart panicked. This was so sudden!

He began to dial the phone. I thought I couldn’t let him create karma for himself and lose the chance of salvation. So I quickly said, “This is not good for you or your family.” I said it again. But he didn’t listen and continued dialing. I said to Master in my heart, “Master, please save this person!” I couldn’t help it and I said it out loud. I told him, “It’s useless to call. The police won’t care.”

The phone call connected. The other side seemed to be asking where he was and told him to take a photo. I blocked my face with my arm and would not cooperate with him. He pointed his cell phone at me but did not take a photo. The person on the phone stopped talking, and he let me go after a while.

I quickly left. While I walked I thought, “Which of my attachments caused this trouble?” Fortunately he and the police who answered his call did not persecute me and create karma for themselves. Otherwise I would have harmed them instead of saving them. Was it because I developed an attachment of zealotry as I felt I was doing well and clarified the truth to many people so the evil took advantage of my loophole? I must eliminate this attachment. When I thought about this, I said, “Thank you Master for your protection.” I shouted in my heart, “Magnificent Master, Magnificent Fa.”

I went to a big construction site. There were few people there. I walked around and handed out informational materials. I only had two flyers. I heard someone yelling from a distance. I couldn’t hear clearly as it was too far. I raised my head and saw a person running towards me. I immediately distributed the last two flyers and walked towards the exit. My heart was calm and I walked quickly with steady steps. In a little while, I heard footsteps coming behind me. I didn’t turn my head and continued walking. When I reached four or five meters from the exit, some one said, “Who let you in?” I turned my head. It was the person who was yelling. I said, “I gave them some truthful information to read.” My voice was peaceful. The man didn’t say a word.

We walked to the gate. The man shouted to the janitor, “Who let her in?” I already walked through the gate. I turned back and told the people at the gate, “It has nothing to do with him. Don’t blame him.” No one said anything, so I left. I felt scared when I walked to the side of street and my heart beat quickened. I said, “Master, please save this person.” I calmed down.

Once while I was distributing informational materials along a road, a person passed by me from behind on his bicycle. He said, “You’ve persevered to present, and I support you. I’ve quit the CCP.” Then he headed into a residential quarter. My eyes filled with tears. I told Master in my heart, “Master, people have awakened.” My eyes are filled with tears as I write this.

Thank you compassionate Master!

(Selected submission to celebrate World Falun Dafa Day on Minghui.org)