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34-Year-Old Physician Beaten to Death Within Hours of Arrest in 2002, Emergency Dispatch Center Log Shows Police Did Not Call Until After His Death

May 4, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Jilin Province, China


Name: Liu HaiboChinese Name: 刘海波Gender: MaleAge: 34City: ChangchunProvince: JilinOccupation: PhysicianDate of Death: March 12, 2002Date of Most Recent Arrest: March 12, 2002Most Recent Place of Detention: Kuancheng District Police Department in Changchun City

Dr. Liu Haibo, a physician of Lyuyuan District Hospital in Changchun City, Jilin Province, was seized from home on the night of March 11, 2002 for his faith in Falun Gong, a mind-body practice that has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party since July 1999.

The 34-year-old man was then brutally beaten and shocked with 12 electric batons simultaneously at the Kuancheng District Police Department for hours on end. One officer even inserted an electric baton into his anus.

The police did not stop until a bit past 1 a.m. on March 12, 2002, when they noticed that his heart had stopped beating. They then called 120 (China’s emergency number equivalent to 911 in the U.S.) at 2:26 a.m. in an attempt to show they had “tried to resuscitate” him and to cover up their crimes.

According to a worker at the Changchun 120 Center, the Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) dispatched to the scene revealed that Dr. Liu had already died by the time they arrived. He was covered in bruises and had ecchymosis (blood pooled underneath the skin). The police later cremated his body without his family’s knowledge. It took his loved ones over a year to find out from an insider about his torture death within hours of arrest.

The 120 worker, who happened to be a friend of Dr. Liu’s, risked being arrested and saved the 120 dispatch center’s log that day (March 12, 2002). He later managed to give Dr. Liu’s relative a copy of the log (see image below). Not everything is clearly legible, but below is information gleaned from the log. Note the row with a checkmark was the entry of Dr. Liu’s case.

Changchun City 120 Center’s Log on March 12, 2002

The log had the following columns with the information pertaining to Dr. Liu’s recorded as below:

Call time: 2:26 a.m. on March 12, 2002Caller Name: 刘海波 (Liu Haibo) [Note: the police should have put their names here as the callers, yet they listed Dr. Liu’s name when he had already passed away.]Caller Phone Number: [86+11-] 2198336 (or 2798336) (cannot be read clearly from the carbon-copied log)Emergency Address: Kuangcheng District Police DepartmentNature of Emergency: unknownEMT Return Time: 3:30 a.m.Fee Charged: 300 [yuan]Case ID: 29173Destination of Patient: outpatient [if a patient was sent to a hospital, then the hospital name would be listed in this column; if a patient required no trips to the hospital, then “outpatient” would be listed here. Dr. Liu never made it to the hospital as the police did not call ambulance until after his heart had stopped beating.]Dispatcher: 屈志伟 (Qu Zhiwei)EMT Doctor Name: 闫丽影 (Yan Liying)EMT Nurse Name: 迟荣华 (Chi Ronghua)EMT Driver Name: 滕永海 (Teng Yonghai)Seal of Person Who Reviewed Case: 王丽秋 (Wang Liqiu)

Part of Mass Arrest

Dr. Liu was among thousands of Falun Gong practitioners in Changchun City arrested in March 2002 after a TV interception incident.

Eighteen Falun Gong practitioners tapped into the state cable television broadcast network around 8:00 p.m. on March 5, 2002, in Changchun. The programs “Self-immolation or Hoax?” and “Falun Dafa Spreads Worldwide” were broadcast on eight channels simultaneously for about 45 minutes.

The entire city of Changchun was stunned, and many people learned the facts about Falun Gong. Some thought that the ban on Falun Gong had been lifted.

Jiang Zemin, the former head of the Chinese communist regime, gave a secret order to “kill all Falun Gong practitioners involved.” Within days, more than 5,000 practitioners in the Changchun area were arrested, and seven were beaten to death, including Dr. Liu.

Dr. Liu Haibo

Dr. Liu attending an art exhibition held at the Nanling Stadium in May 1997 to celebrate the fifth anniversary of Falun Dafa’s introduction to the public

Related Reports:

A Quarter Century of Persecution, Over 5,000 Confirmed Deaths of Falun Gong Practitioners

Eyewitness Exposes "Killing with No Mercy" Policy Following TV Interception to Expose Self-immolation Hoax

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Eyewitness Account from a Former Police Officer: Dr. Liu Haibo's Last Two Days