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Harsh CCP Secretary Becomes Gentle

May 7, 2024 |   By Dafa disciple Jing Lian in Shandong Province

(Minghui.org) I started Dafa cultivation in 1996. During my 20-plus years of cultivation, I deeply felt that every step I took on my cultivation path was accompanied by Master’s compassionate protection and blessing. I would like to share two short stories on my cultivation journey.

“You must leave quickly, I called the police.”

One morning in the late fall of 2016, four of us female practitioners drove to a remote rural area to distribute the “Minghui Special Edition: Suing Jiang Zemin.” Once we arrived, Ting, the driver sent righteous thoughts in the car, and three of us went into different alleys to distribute the truth-clarifying booklets.

When I had about a dozen copies left, a young man riding a three-wheeled motorbike suddenly stopped in front of me. He said to me loudly in a fierce tone, “Don’t even think about leaving today. I have already called the police. What are you distributing? I spotted you when you first entered the village. What’s in your bag? Take them out!”

I couldn’t really get away. In my heart, I begged Master to help me, and said to the young man with a smile, “Brother, do you know what we are here to do? We are distributing big news for free to the folks in your village.” He didn’t believe me, and asked fiercely, “What’s the big news? Don’t try this with me.” By that time he had jumped off of his motorbike. I walked up to him, took out a copy, and handed it to him, “Brother, former dictator Jiang Zemin launched the persecution against Falun Dafa, and more than 200,000 people in China have filed lawsuits against him to the Supreme Procuratorate and the Supreme Court. Don’t you think this is big news for the entire world? It is great news, and we are sharing it. Who wouldn’t want to see this exciting news?”

He snatched it away and looked at the cover. His fierce expression suddenly disappeared. He lowered his head, thought for an instant, and said, “Big sister, you must leave quickly, I have called the police.” I said, “I can see that you are such a kind person. Falun Dafa is a virtuous practice that teaches people to be good. It is practiced in more than 100 countries around the world. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has been doing the worst thing by persecuting Falun Gong, and it will be punished by heaven. Have you heard of quitting the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to stay safe? Anyone who has joined the CCP or its youth organizations will be implicated when heaven eliminates it. You should quit it from your heart.”

Before I could finish speaking, he looked even more anxious and said hurriedly, “I know! You must go quickly! The police car will be here soon. You can take this copy with you, and I won’t be able to explain it if they see it in my hands.” I agreed. As I walked away, I turned around and said, “You must remember that Falun Dafa is good, Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance is good!” He nodded and made gestures with his hands for me to leave quickly.

I walked toward the car while distributing the remaining booklets. When I got to the car, the driver Ting and another practitioner Wen were inside. I told them what just happened and we went to look for the fourth practitioner Dong, who had not come back yet. We drove the car for about 20 minutes in the village, but could not find her. When we drove to a main street, we saw a group of people pointing at something. We felt something had happened, so we turned around and drove back. On our way out of the village, we saw a police car going into the village.

We couldn’t go back to the village at that time, so we sent righteous thoughts while parking the car on the side of the highway. We waited for a while, but Dong still hadn’t come back. We figured that something had happened to her, so we drove back home and went to her place, but no one was there. We then drove to her daughter’s workplace, explained the situation to her, and asked her to be prepared. We then headed home to continue to send righteous thoughts for Dong. I decided to go back to Dong’s place, and when I entered her home she was there. I was so relieved that she had arrived home safely.

Dong told me what happened, “I saw the young man stop you and he was so fierce, and I heard him saying that he had called the police, I thought you were going to be arrested. So I went to send righteous thoughts in a hidden spot. Before I could leave, I saw that a police car had entered the village, and I encountered some suspicious people. I had to pretend to be pulling weeds on the roadside. Eventually, I met a kind man who let me use his phone to call my son to pick me up.” After hearing this, I put my hands together (in heshi) and thanked Master for his compassionate protection.

Afterward, I looked inside myself to see why the problem occurred. I found that I didn’t send righteous thoughts ahead of time, and I didn’t pay attention to safety precautions after entering the village. I was in a hurry that day and ended up wearing slippers. Saving people is very sacred, and treating it casually like this would give the evil factors a gap to take advantage of and persecute me. I thanked Master for resolving the potential tribulation for me.

A Letter Changed the “Iron-Fisted CCP Secretary”

The former Political and Legal Affairs Committee (PLAC) head of our city was very well known before he took that position. He was previously a notorious local street committee’s CCP secretary who would use any means to complete the tasks assigned by his superiors. As a result, he earned the nickname “iron-fisted secretary.” Many residents in the region were really afraid of him.

In the past few years, the border of our city and the rural areas have been undergoing demolition and renovation. The local villagers were not cooperative, and the situation was not easy to deal with. After a few years, the task still wasn’t completed in several villages. This is when the “iron-fisted secretary” took office as the head of the street committee. Within a few months, all the villages were demolished. His subordinates all knew he was ruthless and would not give up until he completed the tasks assigned to him, so no one would dare to neglect his orders.

We practitioners were concerned about our local cultivation environment when we learned that such a person was transferred to our city as head of the PLAC. Not long after he took office, there was news that he was arranging a meeting to discuss how to deal with Dafa practitioners. We all felt anxious.

At that time, I had a great sense of mission and responsibility, and I had a discussion with practitioner Peng about writing a letter to this secretary, asking him not to participate in the persecution. I wrote five pages, telling him that Falun Dafa is a virtuous practice that teaches people to be good in accordance with Truthfulness, Compassion, and Forbearance, and has spread to more than 100 countries around the world. I also talked about the CCP’s previous political movements that killed countless people, the staged “Tiananmen Self-Immolation Incident,” the organ harvesting from live Dafa practitioners for huge profits, and so on. I warned him that many people who participated in the persecution have suffered retribution, and many people from our city who participated in the persecution are on the “evildoers list” overseas. Finally, I wrote, “Treat Dafa kindly, and heaven will grant you happiness and peacefulness!”

Peng reviewed my letter and felt it was well written. We sent righteous thoughts, and mailed it to him.

After mailing the letter, I thought it was still possible for him to not get the letter. I then went to look for where his wife worked, and found that she was a director in a local hospital. So I wrote another letter to his wife, and I explained at the beginning of the letter, “I have already written a letter to your husband, but I was afraid that he would not receive it, so I wrote this letter to you.” I also put a truth-clarification USB flash drive in the envelope and asked her to pass it on to her husband. In the end, I wrote, “Please tell your husband not to participate in the persecution of Falun Gong. I’m sincerely doing this for the happiness and safety of your family.”

I put the letter in a plastic tote bag to hang on the handle of her office door. I had gone to the hospital in advance to check the specific location of her office, and saw there was a surveillance camera facing her office door. On the day I was to deliver the letter, I happened to meet practitioner Qing, and so I asked her to help me. When I hung the letter on the door handle, Qing blocked the view with her body behind me, and we did so very quickly. The door was not completely closed at the time, and I heard people talking inside. After coming out of the hospital, we took several detours before going home. I felt like I had completed a major task and was very relieved.

My intuition told me that his wife must have received this letter and read it carefully. According to inside information, since then, he has not mentioned the persecution of Falun Gong in his meetings, and the local practitioners have not been harassed or arrested by the police. I said to Peng, “It seems that the letters were effective and the iron-fisted secretary really softened this time.” She said, “This is the power of compassion and truth!”

Later, I heard that the “iron-fisted secretary” had been promoted to the head of a large county. The once “iron-fisted secretary” received blessings for himself and his family for his wise choice to not persecute Falun Gong.

After a very long time, practitioner Qing who covered me hanging the letter to the hospital office told me that after returning home that day, she felt very nervous and became seriously ill from fear. I felt very bad and that it was totally my fault and I felt ashamed that after more than 20 years of cultivation, I was not considerate of others, and I was still afraid of being monitored. I just wanted to rely on fellow practitioners, which led to tribulation and illness karma for a fellow practitioner.