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Taichung, Taiwan: Dignitaries Praise Falun Gong During Events to Commemorate Peaceful Appeal 25 Years Ago

April 30, 2024 |   By a Minghui correspondent in Taichung

(Minghui.org) About 1,000 Falun Dafa practitioners gathered at Huilai Park on April 27 for a rally to commemorate the peaceful appeal in Beijing on April 25, 1999. With banners, posters, and a march, practitioners explained what Falun Dafa is and how the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted practitioners for their faith. A number of elected officials gave speeches, calling to end the brutality.

About 1,000 practitioners and numerous speakers participated in the rally and march in Taichung on April 27, 2024.

A Moral Example

Professor Hsiao Songshan, chairman of the Falun Dafa Association in Taiwan

After 45 Falun Gong practitioners were illegally arrested in Tianjin, about 10,000 practitioners went to the State Council’s Appeals Center on April 25, 1999, requesting their release. This peaceful appeal was resolved at the time and is often referred to as the largest, most peaceful appeal in Chinese history. But the CCP launched a nationwide persecution against the practitioners three months later in July 1999.

“The peaceful appeal set an example for ordinary citizens to voice their opinions to the CCP government,” said professor Hsiao. “This is because Falun Gong practitioners are following the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. They thus set up a moral standard on how to peacefully resist a persecution based on faith,” he explained.

In the past 25 years, Falun Gong practitioners have worked tirelessly to tell people the facts about Falun Gong and to expose the CCP’s brutality. “We sincerely invite more people from all walks of life, in both Taiwan and elsewhere, to support the upright and condemn the CCP’s atrocities,” he said.

Legislator: Upholding Universal Values

Ho Hsin-chun, member of the Legislative Yuan

Legislative Yuan member Ho Hsin-chun came to the rally to support the practitioners. She said that she was pained because Falun Gong practitioners appealed to the Chinese government peacefully and rationally for twenty-five years for their legal rights, but they were brutally suppressed. “We hope the Chinese government responds to the people’s request,” she said. “Human rights and freedom are universal values; freedom of belief and doing the exercises are basic rights. We hope people can practice in a safe environment of freedom.”

Falun Gong is known to benefit mind and body leading to a better life, said Ho. There are many practitioners in Taiwan who are able to freely practice their belief. “Let’s work together and urge the Chinese government to end all sorts of suppression against Falun Gong. Such severe persecution cannot be tolerated by any country with democracy and freedom,” she explained. She hopes more people will join the effort to end the CCP’s threats and expansion efforts.

Councilor Thanks Falun Gong Practitioners

Hsinchu councilor Zeng Zhicheng

Zeng Zhicheng, councilor from Hsinchu, came to Taichung for this event. “I would like to thank Falun Gong practitioners for their persistent efforts over these years, such as activities like this and forums that allow us to recognize the ruthless nature of the CCP,” he said. He said that for people who grow up in democratic societies, it’s hard to understand why a brutal persecution could follow the practitioners’ appeal in April 1999.

When Chen Yunlin, chairman of the Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Strait, visited Taiwan in 2012, Zeng attended the protest and was impressed by the peaceful protest by Falun Gong practitioners across the street. “I was curious and wondered what kind of organization Falun Gong is. There were so many practitioners, and they remained orderly and disciplined throughout the activity,” he recalled.

Through a friend who is a practitioner, Zeng learned more about Falun Gong and how the CCP mistreated practitioners over the years. That’s why he is thankful to practitioners for their consistent efforts and holding activities that allow people to see through the CCP's deception. “I hope more people will get informed and avoid becoming pawns of the CCP’s United Front alliance, or accomplices to the brutal persecution by the CCP,” he said.

Legislator: Safeguarding Basic Rights

Chung Chia-pin, member of the Legislative Yuan (photo source: NTD)

During an interview before the activities, Legislative Yuan member Chung Chia-pin said legislators support Falun Gong practitioners. He called for more people to oppose a totalitarian regime like the CCP. That is, we need to safeguard basic rights of everyone, including Falun Gong practitioners.

In a totalitarian society, citizens don’t have freedom of belief and their actions are often restricted or suppressed. He said it is unfortunate that the CCP has been persecuting dissidents and Falun Gong practitioners in these years by depriving them of their basic rights.

People Are Waking Up

Liu Kuo-lung, chairman of Taiwan’s National Architects Association

Falun Gong practitioners are gentle and nice people, said Liu Kuo-lung, chairman of Taiwan’s National Architects Association. “I admire them because they promote the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance around the world and bring us a better society,” he said.

Peaceful appeals are common and well received in democratic nations, Liu added. But in mainland China, Falun Gong practitioners were severely suppressed just months after their peaceful appeal in April 1999. He said this is because a totalitarian regime is against humanity and, “It's afraid that people will think independently,” he explained. Fortunately, through continued efforts of Falun Gong practitioners throughout the years, many people have awakened.

Li, who lives in Taichung, took many pictures of the march. “Falun Gong practitioners are great, have good spirits and positive energy,” he said. “There are also the Tian Guo Marching Band and waist drum performances. Everything is excellent and I can feel the hard work behind them.”